Login with AzureAD account and whitelist your IP against Cloud resources for 24 hours
User authenticates with AzureAD
Public IP is checked to make sure it is not part of the static ipwhitelist
Public IP is added to Redis database with ttl of 24 (configurable) hours
Check if user is in required group (only if group specified for resource)
Public IP is whitelisted against Cloud resources
Service Principal account (authentication + updating resources)
Redis database (tracking user ip ttl)
Cloud/Resource Support
Azure FrontDoor
Azure Storage Account
Azure Key Vault
Azure Postgres Server
Azure Redis Cache
Azure Cosmos DB
Group Support
It is now possible to specify a list of groups to each resource. This will mean in order to be whitelisted against the specific resource, the user will need to be part of one of the groups. If no groups are specified then all users are whitelisted against the resource.