PlanetScale Migrator
This is a command-line interface tool designed to facilitate the migration of databases from PlanetScale to other MySQL-compatible database services.
Go 1.22.0
Ensure that you have Go installed on your system. Always use the latest version of Go for optimal performance and compatibility.
Exporting Data from PlanetScale
To export data from PlanetScale, refer to the instructions provided in this article: Hobby tier deprecation - FAQ
How to run
- Begin by cloning this repository
git clone
- Create a .env file by copying the provided .env.example file and fill in all the required environment variables
cp .env.example .env
- Build the Go binary
go build -o pscale-migrator main.go
- Execute the binary and specify either a .sql file or a directory containing .sql files
# Execute a single file, such as sample.sql
./pscale-migrator -file sample.sql
# Execute all SQL files within the migrations directory
./pscale-migrator -dir migrations/