go-chat is a golang udp server/udp client/web application
Key Features
- Handle many chatters/users at the same time
- Store up to 20 messages
- Chatter can delete his own messages as long as he is connected
- When everyone leaves the room, all data is flushed
How It Works
There are 3 essencial parts of this project:
- Web Client (front-end)
- Web Server/UDP Client (back-end)
- UDP Server (back-end)
When a user perform an action in the Web Client, the Web Client send a message to Web Server;
Web Server reads the message, translate and send it to UDP Server;
UDP Server reads the message, perform the action and sends the message to all UDP Client (users);
UDP Client reads the message, translate and send it back to Web Client;
Web Client reads the message and perform the action;
How To Use
To clone and run this application, you'll need Git and Docker installed on your computer. From your command line:
# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/albertojnk/go-chat.git
# Go into the repository
$ cd go-chat
# Install docker -- please follow the instructions in the docker website provided above
# After docker is installed
$ docker-compose up
After docker compose is up and running, go to your browser at localhost:9000, insert your username to connect.
If you want to test features, on your second+ login use a different username and a different browser, otherwise the program does not work properly.
This software uses the following open source packages:
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