Gobot is a framework and set of libraries using the Go programming language (http://golang.org/) for robotics, physical computing, and the Internet of Things.
It provides a simple, yet powerful way to create solutions that incorporate multiple, different hardware devices at the same time.
Want to use Ruby or Javascript on robots? Check out our sister projects Artoo (http://artoo.io) and Cylon.js (http://cylonjs.com/)

Gobot on Sphero
package main
import (
func main() {
spheroAdaptor := new(gobotSphero.SpheroAdaptor)
spheroAdaptor.Name = "Sphero"
spheroAdaptor.Port = "/dev/rfcomm0"
sphero := gobotSphero.NewSphero(spheroAdaptor)
sphero.Name = "Sphero"
work := func() {
gobot.Every("2s", func() {
sphero.Roll(100, uint16(gobot.Rand(360)))
robot := gobot.Robot{
Connections: []gobot.Connection{spheroAdaptor},
Devices: []gobot.Device{sphero},
Work: work,
Gobot on Arduino
package main
import (
func main() {
firmata := new(gobotFirmata.FirmataAdaptor)
firmata.Name = "firmata"
firmata.Port = "/dev/ttyACM0"
led := gobotGPIO.NewLed(firmata)
led.Name = "led"
led.Pin = "13"
work := func() {
gobot.Every("1s", func() {
robot := gobot.Robot{
Connections: []gobot.Connection{firmata},
Devices: []gobot.Device{led},
Work: work,
Hardware Support
Gobot has a extensible system for connecting to hardware devices. The following robotics and physical computing platforms are currently supported:
Support for many devices that use General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) have
a shared set of drivers provded using the cylon-gpio module:
- GPIO <=> Drivers
- Analog Sensor
- Button
- Digital Sensor
- Motor
- Servo
Support for devices that use Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) have a shared set of
drivers provded using the gobot-i2c module:
- I2C <=> Drivers
- BlinkM
- HMC6352
- Wii Nunchuck Controller
More platforms and drivers are coming soon...
Getting Started
Install the library with: go get -u github.com/hybridgroup/gobot
Then install additional libraries for whatever hardware support you want to use from your robot. For example, go get -u github.com/hybridgroup/gobot-sphero
to use Gobot with a Sphero.
Gobot includes a RESTful API to query the status of any robot running within a group, including the connection and device status, and execute device commands.
To activate the API, use the Api
command like this:
master := gobot.GobotMaster()
You can also specify the api host and port, and turn on authentication:
master := gobot.GobotMaster()
api := gobot.Api(master)
api.Port = "4000"
api.Username = "Gort"
api.Password = "klaatu"
In order to use the robeaux AngularJS interface with Gobot you simply clone the robeaux repo and place it in the directory of your Gobot program. The robeaux assets must be in a folder called robeaux
We're busy adding documentation to our web site at http://gobot.io/ please check there as we continue to work on Gobot
Thank you!
- All active development is in the
branch. New or updated features must be added to the dev
branch. Hotfixes will be considered on the master
branch in situations where it does not alter behaviour or features, only fixes a bug.
- All patches must be provided under the Apache 2.0 License
- Please use the -s option in git to "sign off" that the commit is your work and you are providing it under the Apache 2.0 License
- Submit a Github Pull Request to the appropriate branch and ideally discuss the changes with us in IRC.
- We will look at the patch, test it out, and give you feedback.
- Avoid doing minor whitespace changes, renamings, etc. along with merged content. These will be done by the maintainers from time to time but they can complicate merges and should be done seperately.
- Take care to maintain the existing coding style.
go fmt
your code.
- Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality.
- All pull requests should be "fast forward"
- If there are commits after yours use “git rebase -i <new_head_branch>”
- If you have local changes you may need to use “git stash”
- For git help see progit which is an awesome (and free) book on git
Copyright (c) 2013-2014 The Hybrid Group. Licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.