Index ¶
- type Certificate
- func (_m *Certificate) CreateCertificate(ctx context.Context, namespace string, cert *v1.Certificate) error
- func (_m *Certificate) CreateIfNotExistsCertificate(ctx context.Context, namespace string, cert *v1.Certificate) error
- func (_m *Certificate) GetCertificate(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*v1.Certificate, error)
- type ClientSet
- func (_m *ClientSet) Client() client.Client
- func (_m *ClientSet) CreateCertificate(ctx context.Context, namespace string, cert *v1.Certificate) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) CreateClusterRole(ctx context.Context, role *rbacv1.ClusterRole) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) CreateClusterRoleBinding(ctx context.Context, rb *rbacv1.ClusterRoleBinding) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) CreateConfigMap(ctx context.Context, namespace string, configMap *corev1.ConfigMap) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) CreateCronJob(ctx context.Context, namespace string, cronjob *batchv1.CronJob) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) CreateDeployment(ctx context.Context, namespace string, deployment *appsv1.Deployment) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) CreateIfNotExistsCertificate(ctx context.Context, namespace string, cert *v1.Certificate) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) CreateIfNotExistsConfigMap(ctx context.Context, namespace string, configMap *corev1.ConfigMap) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) CreateIfNotExistsDeployment(ctx context.Context, namespace string, deploy *appsv1.Deployment) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) CreateIfNotExistsJob(ctx context.Context, namespace string, job *batchv1.Job) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) CreateIfNotExistsPodDisruptionBudget(ctx context.Context, namespace string, ...) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) CreateIfNotExistsRedisUser(ctx context.Context, ru *redisv1.RedisUser) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) CreateIfNotExistsSecret(ctx context.Context, namespace string, secret *corev1.Secret) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) CreateIfNotExistsService(ctx context.Context, namespace string, service *corev1.Service) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) CreateIfNotExistsStatefulSet(ctx context.Context, namespace string, statefulSet *appsv1.StatefulSet) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) CreateJob(ctx context.Context, namespace string, job *batchv1.Job) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) CreateOrUpdateClusterRole(ctx context.Context, role *rbacv1.ClusterRole) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) CreateOrUpdateClusterRoleBinding(ctx context.Context, rb *rbacv1.ClusterRoleBinding) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) CreateOrUpdateConfigMap(ctx context.Context, namespace string, np *corev1.ConfigMap) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) CreateOrUpdateCronJob(ctx context.Context, namespace string, cronjob *batchv1.CronJob) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) CreateOrUpdateDeployment(ctx context.Context, namespace string, deployment *appsv1.Deployment) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) CreateOrUpdateIfServiceChanged(ctx context.Context, namespace string, service *corev1.Service) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) CreateOrUpdateJob(ctx context.Context, namespace string, job *batchv1.Job) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) CreateOrUpdatePod(ctx context.Context, namespace string, pod *corev1.Pod) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) CreateOrUpdatePodDisruptionBudget(ctx context.Context, namespace string, ...) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) CreateOrUpdateRedisUser(ctx context.Context, ru *redisv1.RedisUser) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) CreateOrUpdateRole(ctx context.Context, namespace string, role *rbacv1.Role) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) CreateOrUpdateRoleBinding(ctx context.Context, namespace string, rb *rbacv1.RoleBinding) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) CreateOrUpdateSecret(ctx context.Context, namespace string, secret *corev1.Secret) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) CreateOrUpdateService(ctx context.Context, namespace string, service *corev1.Service) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) CreateOrUpdateServiceAccount(ctx context.Context, namespace string, sa *corev1.ServiceAccount) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) CreateOrUpdateServiceMonitor(ctx context.Context, namespace string, sm *monitoringv1.ServiceMonitor) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) CreateOrUpdateStatefulSet(ctx context.Context, namespace string, StatefulSet *appsv1.StatefulSet) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) CreatePVC(ctx context.Context, namespace string, pvc *corev1.PersistentVolumeClaim) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) CreatePod(ctx context.Context, namespace string, pod *corev1.Pod) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) CreatePodDisruptionBudget(ctx context.Context, namespace string, ...) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) CreateRedisUser(ctx context.Context, ru *redisv1.RedisUser) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) CreateRole(ctx context.Context, namespace string, role *rbacv1.Role) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) CreateRoleBinding(ctx context.Context, namespace string, rb *rbacv1.RoleBinding) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) CreateSecret(ctx context.Context, namespace string, secret *corev1.Secret) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) CreateService(ctx context.Context, namespace string, service *corev1.Service) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) CreateServiceAccount(ctx context.Context, namespace string, sa *corev1.ServiceAccount) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) CreateServiceMonitor(ctx context.Context, namespace string, sm *monitoringv1.ServiceMonitor) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) CreateStatefulSet(ctx context.Context, namespace string, statefulSet *appsv1.StatefulSet) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) DeleteConfigMap(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) DeleteCronJob(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) DeleteDeployment(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) DeleteJob(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) DeletePod(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string, ...) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) DeletePodDisruptionBudget(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) DeleteRedisBackup(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) DeleteRedisClusterBackup(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) DeleteSecret(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) DeleteService(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) DeleteStatefulSet(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string, ...) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) Exec(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string, containerName string, ...) (io.Reader, io.Reader, error)
- func (_m *ClientSet) GetCertificate(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*v1.Certificate, error)
- func (_m *ClientSet) GetClusterRole(ctx context.Context, name string) (*rbacv1.ClusterRole, error)
- func (_m *ClientSet) GetClusterRoleBinding(ctx context.Context, name string) (*rbacv1.ClusterRoleBinding, error)
- func (_m *ClientSet) GetConfigMap(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*corev1.ConfigMap, error)
- func (_m *ClientSet) GetCronJob(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*batchv1.CronJob, error)
- func (_m *ClientSet) GetDeployment(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*appsv1.Deployment, error)
- func (_m *ClientSet) GetDeploymentPods(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*corev1.PodList, error)
- func (_m *ClientSet) GetDistributedRedisCluster(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*v1alpha1.DistributedRedisCluster, error)
- func (_m *ClientSet) GetJob(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*batchv1.Job, error)
- func (_m *ClientSet) GetNamespace(ctx context.Context, namespace string) (*corev1.Namespace, error)
- func (_m *ClientSet) GetNode(ctx context.Context, name string) (*corev1.Node, error)
- func (_m *ClientSet) GetPVC(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*corev1.PersistentVolumeClaim, error)
- func (_m *ClientSet) GetPod(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*corev1.Pod, error)
- func (_m *ClientSet) GetPodDisruptionBudget(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*policyv1.PodDisruptionBudget, error)
- func (_m *ClientSet) GetRedisFailover(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*databasesv1.RedisFailover, error)
- func (_m *ClientSet) GetRedisSentinel(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*databasesv1.RedisSentinel, error)
- func (_m *ClientSet) GetRedisUser(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*redisv1.RedisUser, error)
- func (_m *ClientSet) GetRole(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*rbacv1.Role, error)
- func (_m *ClientSet) GetRoleBinding(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*rbacv1.RoleBinding, error)
- func (_m *ClientSet) GetSecret(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*corev1.Secret, error)
- func (_m *ClientSet) GetService(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*corev1.Service, error)
- func (_m *ClientSet) GetServiceAccount(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*corev1.ServiceAccount, error)
- func (_m *ClientSet) GetServiceByLabels(ctx context.Context, namespace string, labelsMap map[string]string) (*corev1.ServiceList, error)
- func (_m *ClientSet) GetServiceMonitor(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*monitoringv1.ServiceMonitor, error)
- func (_m *ClientSet) GetStatefulSet(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*appsv1.StatefulSet, error)
- func (_m *ClientSet) GetStatefulSetPods(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*corev1.PodList, error)
- func (_m *ClientSet) GetStatefulSetPodsByLabels(ctx context.Context, namespace string, labels map[string]string) (*corev1.PodList, error)
- func (_m *ClientSet) ListConfigMaps(ctx context.Context, namespace string) (*corev1.ConfigMapList, error)
- func (_m *ClientSet) ListCronJobs(ctx context.Context, namespace string, cl client.ListOptions) (*batchv1.CronJobList, error)
- func (_m *ClientSet) ListDeployments(ctx context.Context, namespace string) (*appsv1.DeploymentList, error)
- func (_m *ClientSet) ListJobs(ctx context.Context, namespace string, cl client.ListOptions) (*batchv1.JobList, error)
- func (_m *ClientSet) ListJobsByLabel(ctx context.Context, namespace string, label_map map[string]string) (*batchv1.JobList, error)
- func (_m *ClientSet) ListNodesByLabels(ctx context.Context, label_map map[string]string) (*corev1.NodeList, error)
- func (_m *ClientSet) ListPodByLabels(ctx context.Context, namespace string, label_map map[string]string) (*corev1.PodList, error)
- func (_m *ClientSet) ListPods(ctx context.Context, namespace string) (*corev1.PodList, error)
- func (_m *ClientSet) ListPvcByLabel(ctx context.Context, namespace string, label_map map[string]string) (*corev1.PersistentVolumeClaimList, error)
- func (_m *ClientSet) ListRedisFailovers(ctx context.Context, namespace string, opts client.ListOptions) (*databasesv1.RedisFailoverList, error)
- func (_m *ClientSet) ListRedisSentinels(ctx context.Context, namespace string, opts client.ListOptions) (*databasesv1.RedisSentinelList, error)
- func (_m *ClientSet) ListRedisUsers(ctx context.Context, namespace string, opts client.ListOptions) (*redisv1.RedisUserList, error)
- func (_m *ClientSet) ListSecret(ctx context.Context, namespace string) (*corev1.SecretList, error)
- func (_m *ClientSet) ListServices(ctx context.Context, namespace string) (*corev1.ServiceList, error)
- func (_m *ClientSet) ListStatefulSetByLabels(ctx context.Context, namespace string, labels map[string]string) (*appsv1.StatefulSetList, error)
- func (_m *ClientSet) ListStatefulSets(ctx context.Context, namespace string) (*appsv1.StatefulSetList, error)
- func (_m *ClientSet) PatchPodLabel(ctx context.Context, pod *corev1.Pod, labelkey string, labelValue string) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) RestartDeployment(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*appsv1.Deployment, error)
- func (_m *ClientSet) UpdateClusterRole(ctx context.Context, role *rbacv1.ClusterRole) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) UpdateClusterRoleBinding(ctx context.Context, role *rbacv1.ClusterRoleBinding) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) UpdateConfigMap(ctx context.Context, namespace string, configMap *corev1.ConfigMap) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) UpdateCronJob(ctx context.Context, namespace string, job *batchv1.CronJob) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) UpdateDeployment(ctx context.Context, namespace string, deployment *appsv1.Deployment) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) UpdateDistributedRedisCluster(ctx context.Context, inst *v1alpha1.DistributedRedisCluster) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) UpdateDistributedRedisClusterStatus(ctx context.Context, inst *v1alpha1.DistributedRedisCluster) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) UpdateIfConfigMapChanged(ctx context.Context, newConfigmap *corev1.ConfigMap) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) UpdateIfSelectorChangedService(ctx context.Context, namespace string, service *corev1.Service) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) UpdateJob(ctx context.Context, namespace string, job *batchv1.Job) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) UpdatePod(ctx context.Context, namespace string, pod *corev1.Pod) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) UpdatePodDisruptionBudget(ctx context.Context, namespace string, ...) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) UpdateRedisFailover(ctx context.Context, inst *databasesv1.RedisFailover) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) UpdateRedisFailoverStatus(ctx context.Context, inst *databasesv1.RedisFailover) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) UpdateRedisSentinel(ctx context.Context, sen *databasesv1.RedisSentinel) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) UpdateRedisSentinelStatus(ctx context.Context, inst *databasesv1.RedisSentinel) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) UpdateRedisUser(ctx context.Context, ru *redisv1.RedisUser) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) UpdateRole(ctx context.Context, namespace string, role *rbacv1.Role) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) UpdateSecret(ctx context.Context, namespace string, secret *corev1.Secret) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) UpdateService(ctx context.Context, namespace string, service *corev1.Service) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) UpdateServiceMonitor(ctx context.Context, namespace string, sm *monitoringv1.ServiceMonitor) error
- func (_m *ClientSet) UpdateStatefulSet(ctx context.Context, namespace string, statefulSet *appsv1.StatefulSet) error
- type ConfigMap
- func (_m *ConfigMap) CreateConfigMap(ctx context.Context, namespace string, configMap *v1.ConfigMap) error
- func (_m *ConfigMap) CreateIfNotExistsConfigMap(ctx context.Context, namespace string, configMap *v1.ConfigMap) error
- func (_m *ConfigMap) CreateOrUpdateConfigMap(ctx context.Context, namespace string, np *v1.ConfigMap) error
- func (_m *ConfigMap) DeleteConfigMap(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) error
- func (_m *ConfigMap) GetConfigMap(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*v1.ConfigMap, error)
- func (_m *ConfigMap) ListConfigMaps(ctx context.Context, namespace string) (*v1.ConfigMapList, error)
- func (_m *ConfigMap) UpdateConfigMap(ctx context.Context, namespace string, configMap *v1.ConfigMap) error
- func (_m *ConfigMap) UpdateIfConfigMapChanged(ctx context.Context, newConfigmap *v1.ConfigMap) error
- type CronJob
- func (_m *CronJob) CreateCronJob(ctx context.Context, namespace string, cronjob *v1.CronJob) error
- func (_m *CronJob) CreateOrUpdateCronJob(ctx context.Context, namespace string, cronjob *v1.CronJob) error
- func (_m *CronJob) DeleteCronJob(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) error
- func (_m *CronJob) GetCronJob(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*v1.CronJob, error)
- func (_m *CronJob) ListCronJobs(ctx context.Context, namespace string, cl client.ListOptions) (*v1.CronJobList, error)
- func (_m *CronJob) UpdateCronJob(ctx context.Context, namespace string, job *v1.CronJob) error
- type Deployment
- func (_m *Deployment) CreateDeployment(ctx context.Context, namespace string, deployment *v1.Deployment) error
- func (_m *Deployment) CreateIfNotExistsDeployment(ctx context.Context, namespace string, deploy *v1.Deployment) error
- func (_m *Deployment) CreateOrUpdateDeployment(ctx context.Context, namespace string, deployment *v1.Deployment) error
- func (_m *Deployment) DeleteDeployment(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) error
- func (_m *Deployment) GetDeployment(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*v1.Deployment, error)
- func (_m *Deployment) GetDeploymentPods(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*corev1.PodList, error)
- func (_m *Deployment) ListDeployments(ctx context.Context, namespace string) (*v1.DeploymentList, error)
- func (_m *Deployment) RestartDeployment(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*v1.Deployment, error)
- func (_m *Deployment) UpdateDeployment(ctx context.Context, namespace string, deployment *v1.Deployment) error
- type DistributedRedisCluster
- func (_m *DistributedRedisCluster) GetDistributedRedisCluster(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*v1alpha1.DistributedRedisCluster, error)
- func (_m *DistributedRedisCluster) UpdateDistributedRedisCluster(ctx context.Context, inst *v1alpha1.DistributedRedisCluster) error
- func (_m *DistributedRedisCluster) UpdateDistributedRedisClusterStatus(ctx context.Context, inst *v1alpha1.DistributedRedisCluster) error
- type Job
- func (_m *Job) CreateIfNotExistsJob(ctx context.Context, namespace string, job *v1.Job) error
- func (_m *Job) CreateJob(ctx context.Context, namespace string, job *v1.Job) error
- func (_m *Job) CreateOrUpdateJob(ctx context.Context, namespace string, job *v1.Job) error
- func (_m *Job) DeleteJob(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) error
- func (_m *Job) GetJob(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*v1.Job, error)
- func (_m *Job) ListJobs(ctx context.Context, namespace string, cl client.ListOptions) (*v1.JobList, error)
- func (_m *Job) ListJobsByLabel(ctx context.Context, namespace string, label_map map[string]string) (*v1.JobList, error)
- func (_m *Job) UpdateJob(ctx context.Context, namespace string, job *v1.Job) error
- type NameSpaces
- type Node
- type PVC
- func (_m *PVC) CreatePVC(ctx context.Context, namespace string, pvc *v1.PersistentVolumeClaim) error
- func (_m *PVC) GetPVC(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*v1.PersistentVolumeClaim, error)
- func (_m *PVC) ListPvcByLabel(ctx context.Context, namespace string, label_map map[string]string) (*v1.PersistentVolumeClaimList, error)
- type Pod
- func (_m *Pod) CreateOrUpdatePod(ctx context.Context, namespace string, pod *v1.Pod) error
- func (_m *Pod) CreatePod(ctx context.Context, namespace string, pod *v1.Pod) error
- func (_m *Pod) DeletePod(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string, ...) error
- func (_m *Pod) Exec(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string, containerName string, ...) (io.Reader, io.Reader, error)
- func (_m *Pod) GetPod(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*v1.Pod, error)
- func (_m *Pod) ListPodByLabels(ctx context.Context, namespace string, label_map map[string]string) (*v1.PodList, error)
- func (_m *Pod) ListPods(ctx context.Context, namespace string) (*v1.PodList, error)
- func (_m *Pod) PatchPodLabel(ctx context.Context, pod *v1.Pod, labelkey string, labelValue string) error
- func (_m *Pod) UpdatePod(ctx context.Context, namespace string, pod *v1.Pod) error
- type PodDisruptionBudget
- func (_m *PodDisruptionBudget) CreateIfNotExistsPodDisruptionBudget(ctx context.Context, namespace string, ...) error
- func (_m *PodDisruptionBudget) CreateOrUpdatePodDisruptionBudget(ctx context.Context, namespace string, ...) error
- func (_m *PodDisruptionBudget) CreatePodDisruptionBudget(ctx context.Context, namespace string, ...) error
- func (_m *PodDisruptionBudget) DeletePodDisruptionBudget(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) error
- func (_m *PodDisruptionBudget) GetPodDisruptionBudget(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*v1.PodDisruptionBudget, error)
- func (_m *PodDisruptionBudget) UpdatePodDisruptionBudget(ctx context.Context, namespace string, ...) error
- type RBAC
- func (_m *RBAC) CreateClusterRole(ctx context.Context, role *v1.ClusterRole) error
- func (_m *RBAC) CreateClusterRoleBinding(ctx context.Context, rb *v1.ClusterRoleBinding) error
- func (_m *RBAC) CreateOrUpdateClusterRole(ctx context.Context, role *v1.ClusterRole) error
- func (_m *RBAC) CreateOrUpdateClusterRoleBinding(ctx context.Context, rb *v1.ClusterRoleBinding) error
- func (_m *RBAC) CreateOrUpdateRole(ctx context.Context, namespace string, role *v1.Role) error
- func (_m *RBAC) CreateOrUpdateRoleBinding(ctx context.Context, namespace string, rb *v1.RoleBinding) error
- func (_m *RBAC) CreateRole(ctx context.Context, namespace string, role *v1.Role) error
- func (_m *RBAC) CreateRoleBinding(ctx context.Context, namespace string, rb *v1.RoleBinding) error
- func (_m *RBAC) GetClusterRole(ctx context.Context, name string) (*v1.ClusterRole, error)
- func (_m *RBAC) GetClusterRoleBinding(ctx context.Context, name string) (*v1.ClusterRoleBinding, error)
- func (_m *RBAC) GetRole(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*v1.Role, error)
- func (_m *RBAC) GetRoleBinding(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*v1.RoleBinding, error)
- func (_m *RBAC) UpdateClusterRole(ctx context.Context, role *v1.ClusterRole) error
- func (_m *RBAC) UpdateClusterRoleBinding(ctx context.Context, role *v1.ClusterRoleBinding) error
- func (_m *RBAC) UpdateRole(ctx context.Context, namespace string, role *v1.Role) error
- type RedisFailover
- func (_m *RedisFailover) GetRedisFailover(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*v1.RedisFailover, error)
- func (_m *RedisFailover) ListRedisFailovers(ctx context.Context, namespace string, opts client.ListOptions) (*v1.RedisFailoverList, error)
- func (_m *RedisFailover) UpdateRedisFailover(ctx context.Context, inst *v1.RedisFailover) error
- func (_m *RedisFailover) UpdateRedisFailoverStatus(ctx context.Context, inst *v1.RedisFailover) error
- type RedisSentinel
- func (_m *RedisSentinel) GetRedisSentinel(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*v1.RedisSentinel, error)
- func (_m *RedisSentinel) ListRedisSentinels(ctx context.Context, namespace string, opts client.ListOptions) (*v1.RedisSentinelList, error)
- func (_m *RedisSentinel) UpdateRedisSentinel(ctx context.Context, sen *v1.RedisSentinel) error
- func (_m *RedisSentinel) UpdateRedisSentinelStatus(ctx context.Context, inst *v1.RedisSentinel) error
- type RedisUser
- func (_m *RedisUser) CreateIfNotExistsRedisUser(ctx context.Context, ru *v1.RedisUser) error
- func (_m *RedisUser) CreateOrUpdateRedisUser(ctx context.Context, ru *v1.RedisUser) error
- func (_m *RedisUser) CreateRedisUser(ctx context.Context, ru *v1.RedisUser) error
- func (_m *RedisUser) GetRedisUser(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*v1.RedisUser, error)
- func (_m *RedisUser) ListRedisUsers(ctx context.Context, namespace string, opts client.ListOptions) (*v1.RedisUserList, error)
- func (_m *RedisUser) UpdateRedisUser(ctx context.Context, ru *v1.RedisUser) error
- type Secret
- func (_m *Secret) CreateIfNotExistsSecret(ctx context.Context, namespace string, secret *v1.Secret) error
- func (_m *Secret) CreateOrUpdateSecret(ctx context.Context, namespace string, secret *v1.Secret) error
- func (_m *Secret) CreateSecret(ctx context.Context, namespace string, secret *v1.Secret) error
- func (_m *Secret) DeleteSecret(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) error
- func (_m *Secret) GetSecret(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*v1.Secret, error)
- func (_m *Secret) ListSecret(ctx context.Context, namespace string) (*v1.SecretList, error)
- func (_m *Secret) UpdateSecret(ctx context.Context, namespace string, secret *v1.Secret) error
- type Service
- func (_m *Service) CreateIfNotExistsService(ctx context.Context, namespace string, service *v1.Service) error
- func (_m *Service) CreateOrUpdateIfServiceChanged(ctx context.Context, namespace string, service *v1.Service) error
- func (_m *Service) CreateOrUpdateService(ctx context.Context, namespace string, service *v1.Service) error
- func (_m *Service) CreateService(ctx context.Context, namespace string, service *v1.Service) error
- func (_m *Service) DeleteService(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) error
- func (_m *Service) GetService(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*v1.Service, error)
- func (_m *Service) GetServiceByLabels(ctx context.Context, namespace string, labelsMap map[string]string) (*v1.ServiceList, error)
- func (_m *Service) ListServices(ctx context.Context, namespace string) (*v1.ServiceList, error)
- func (_m *Service) UpdateIfSelectorChangedService(ctx context.Context, namespace string, service *v1.Service) error
- func (_m *Service) UpdateService(ctx context.Context, namespace string, service *v1.Service) error
- type ServiceAccount
- func (_m *ServiceAccount) CreateOrUpdateServiceAccount(ctx context.Context, namespace string, sa *v1.ServiceAccount) error
- func (_m *ServiceAccount) CreateServiceAccount(ctx context.Context, namespace string, sa *v1.ServiceAccount) error
- func (_m *ServiceAccount) GetServiceAccount(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*v1.ServiceAccount, error)
- type ServiceMonitor
- func (_m *ServiceMonitor) CreateOrUpdateServiceMonitor(ctx context.Context, namespace string, sm *v1.ServiceMonitor) error
- func (_m *ServiceMonitor) CreateServiceMonitor(ctx context.Context, namespace string, sm *v1.ServiceMonitor) error
- func (_m *ServiceMonitor) GetServiceMonitor(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*v1.ServiceMonitor, error)
- func (_m *ServiceMonitor) UpdateServiceMonitor(ctx context.Context, namespace string, sm *v1.ServiceMonitor) error
- type StatefulSet
- func (_m *StatefulSet) CreateIfNotExistsStatefulSet(ctx context.Context, namespace string, statefulSet *v1.StatefulSet) error
- func (_m *StatefulSet) CreateOrUpdateStatefulSet(ctx context.Context, namespace string, StatefulSet *v1.StatefulSet) error
- func (_m *StatefulSet) CreateStatefulSet(ctx context.Context, namespace string, statefulSet *v1.StatefulSet) error
- func (_m *StatefulSet) DeleteStatefulSet(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string, ...) error
- func (_m *StatefulSet) GetStatefulSet(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*v1.StatefulSet, error)
- func (_m *StatefulSet) GetStatefulSetPods(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*corev1.PodList, error)
- func (_m *StatefulSet) GetStatefulSetPodsByLabels(ctx context.Context, namespace string, labels map[string]string) (*corev1.PodList, error)
- func (_m *StatefulSet) ListStatefulSetByLabels(ctx context.Context, namespace string, labels map[string]string) (*v1.StatefulSetList, error)
- func (_m *StatefulSet) ListStatefulSets(ctx context.Context, namespace string) (*v1.StatefulSetList, error)
- func (_m *StatefulSet) UpdateStatefulSet(ctx context.Context, namespace string, statefulSet *v1.StatefulSet) error
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type Certificate ¶
Certificate is an autogenerated mock type for the Certificate type
func NewCertificate ¶
func NewCertificate(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *Certificate
NewCertificate creates a new instance of Certificate. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*Certificate) CreateCertificate ¶
func (_m *Certificate) CreateCertificate(ctx context.Context, namespace string, cert *v1.Certificate) error
CreateCertificate provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, cert
func (*Certificate) CreateIfNotExistsCertificate ¶
func (_m *Certificate) CreateIfNotExistsCertificate(ctx context.Context, namespace string, cert *v1.Certificate) error
CreateIfNotExistsCertificate provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, cert
func (*Certificate) GetCertificate ¶
func (_m *Certificate) GetCertificate(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*v1.Certificate, error)
GetCertificate provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
type ClientSet ¶
ClientSet is an autogenerated mock type for the ClientSet type
func NewClientSet ¶
NewClientSet creates a new instance of ClientSet. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*ClientSet) CreateCertificate ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) CreateCertificate(ctx context.Context, namespace string, cert *v1.Certificate) error
CreateCertificate provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, cert
func (*ClientSet) CreateClusterRole ¶
CreateClusterRole provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, role
func (*ClientSet) CreateClusterRoleBinding ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) CreateClusterRoleBinding(ctx context.Context, rb *rbacv1.ClusterRoleBinding) error
CreateClusterRoleBinding provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, rb
func (*ClientSet) CreateConfigMap ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) CreateConfigMap(ctx context.Context, namespace string, configMap *corev1.ConfigMap) error
CreateConfigMap provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, configMap
func (*ClientSet) CreateCronJob ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) CreateCronJob(ctx context.Context, namespace string, cronjob *batchv1.CronJob) error
CreateCronJob provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, cronjob
func (*ClientSet) CreateDeployment ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) CreateDeployment(ctx context.Context, namespace string, deployment *appsv1.Deployment) error
CreateDeployment provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, deployment
func (*ClientSet) CreateIfNotExistsCertificate ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) CreateIfNotExistsCertificate(ctx context.Context, namespace string, cert *v1.Certificate) error
CreateIfNotExistsCertificate provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, cert
func (*ClientSet) CreateIfNotExistsConfigMap ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) CreateIfNotExistsConfigMap(ctx context.Context, namespace string, configMap *corev1.ConfigMap) error
CreateIfNotExistsConfigMap provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, configMap
func (*ClientSet) CreateIfNotExistsDeployment ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) CreateIfNotExistsDeployment(ctx context.Context, namespace string, deploy *appsv1.Deployment) error
CreateIfNotExistsDeployment provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, deploy
func (*ClientSet) CreateIfNotExistsJob ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) CreateIfNotExistsJob(ctx context.Context, namespace string, job *batchv1.Job) error
CreateIfNotExistsJob provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, job
func (*ClientSet) CreateIfNotExistsPodDisruptionBudget ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) CreateIfNotExistsPodDisruptionBudget(ctx context.Context, namespace string, podDisruptionBudget *policyv1.PodDisruptionBudget) error
CreateIfNotExistsPodDisruptionBudget provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, podDisruptionBudget
func (*ClientSet) CreateIfNotExistsRedisUser ¶
CreateIfNotExistsRedisUser provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, ru
func (*ClientSet) CreateIfNotExistsSecret ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) CreateIfNotExistsSecret(ctx context.Context, namespace string, secret *corev1.Secret) error
CreateIfNotExistsSecret provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, secret
func (*ClientSet) CreateIfNotExistsService ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) CreateIfNotExistsService(ctx context.Context, namespace string, service *corev1.Service) error
CreateIfNotExistsService provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, service
func (*ClientSet) CreateIfNotExistsStatefulSet ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) CreateIfNotExistsStatefulSet(ctx context.Context, namespace string, statefulSet *appsv1.StatefulSet) error
CreateIfNotExistsStatefulSet provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, statefulSet
func (*ClientSet) CreateJob ¶
CreateJob provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, job
func (*ClientSet) CreateOrUpdateClusterRole ¶
CreateOrUpdateClusterRole provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, role
func (*ClientSet) CreateOrUpdateClusterRoleBinding ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) CreateOrUpdateClusterRoleBinding(ctx context.Context, rb *rbacv1.ClusterRoleBinding) error
CreateOrUpdateClusterRoleBinding provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, rb
func (*ClientSet) CreateOrUpdateConfigMap ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) CreateOrUpdateConfigMap(ctx context.Context, namespace string, np *corev1.ConfigMap) error
CreateOrUpdateConfigMap provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, np
func (*ClientSet) CreateOrUpdateCronJob ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) CreateOrUpdateCronJob(ctx context.Context, namespace string, cronjob *batchv1.CronJob) error
CreateOrUpdateCronJob provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, cronjob
func (*ClientSet) CreateOrUpdateDeployment ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) CreateOrUpdateDeployment(ctx context.Context, namespace string, deployment *appsv1.Deployment) error
CreateOrUpdateDeployment provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, deployment
func (*ClientSet) CreateOrUpdateIfServiceChanged ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) CreateOrUpdateIfServiceChanged(ctx context.Context, namespace string, service *corev1.Service) error
CreateOrUpdateIfServiceChanged provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, service
func (*ClientSet) CreateOrUpdateJob ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) CreateOrUpdateJob(ctx context.Context, namespace string, job *batchv1.Job) error
CreateOrUpdateJob provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, job
func (*ClientSet) CreateOrUpdatePod ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) CreateOrUpdatePod(ctx context.Context, namespace string, pod *corev1.Pod) error
CreateOrUpdatePod provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, pod
func (*ClientSet) CreateOrUpdatePodDisruptionBudget ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) CreateOrUpdatePodDisruptionBudget(ctx context.Context, namespace string, podDisruptionBudget *policyv1.PodDisruptionBudget) error
CreateOrUpdatePodDisruptionBudget provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, podDisruptionBudget
func (*ClientSet) CreateOrUpdateRedisUser ¶
CreateOrUpdateRedisUser provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, ru
func (*ClientSet) CreateOrUpdateRole ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) CreateOrUpdateRole(ctx context.Context, namespace string, role *rbacv1.Role) error
CreateOrUpdateRole provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, role
func (*ClientSet) CreateOrUpdateRoleBinding ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) CreateOrUpdateRoleBinding(ctx context.Context, namespace string, rb *rbacv1.RoleBinding) error
CreateOrUpdateRoleBinding provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, rb
func (*ClientSet) CreateOrUpdateSecret ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) CreateOrUpdateSecret(ctx context.Context, namespace string, secret *corev1.Secret) error
CreateOrUpdateSecret provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, secret
func (*ClientSet) CreateOrUpdateService ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) CreateOrUpdateService(ctx context.Context, namespace string, service *corev1.Service) error
CreateOrUpdateService provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, service
func (*ClientSet) CreateOrUpdateServiceAccount ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) CreateOrUpdateServiceAccount(ctx context.Context, namespace string, sa *corev1.ServiceAccount) error
CreateOrUpdateServiceAccount provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, sa
func (*ClientSet) CreateOrUpdateServiceMonitor ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) CreateOrUpdateServiceMonitor(ctx context.Context, namespace string, sm *monitoringv1.ServiceMonitor) error
CreateOrUpdateServiceMonitor provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, sm
func (*ClientSet) CreateOrUpdateStatefulSet ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) CreateOrUpdateStatefulSet(ctx context.Context, namespace string, StatefulSet *appsv1.StatefulSet) error
CreateOrUpdateStatefulSet provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, StatefulSet
func (*ClientSet) CreatePVC ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) CreatePVC(ctx context.Context, namespace string, pvc *corev1.PersistentVolumeClaim) error
CreatePVC provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, pvc
func (*ClientSet) CreatePod ¶
CreatePod provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, pod
func (*ClientSet) CreatePodDisruptionBudget ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) CreatePodDisruptionBudget(ctx context.Context, namespace string, podDisruptionBudget *policyv1.PodDisruptionBudget) error
CreatePodDisruptionBudget provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, podDisruptionBudget
func (*ClientSet) CreateRedisUser ¶
CreateRedisUser provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, ru
func (*ClientSet) CreateRole ¶
CreateRole provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, role
func (*ClientSet) CreateRoleBinding ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) CreateRoleBinding(ctx context.Context, namespace string, rb *rbacv1.RoleBinding) error
CreateRoleBinding provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, rb
func (*ClientSet) CreateSecret ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) CreateSecret(ctx context.Context, namespace string, secret *corev1.Secret) error
CreateSecret provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, secret
func (*ClientSet) CreateService ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) CreateService(ctx context.Context, namespace string, service *corev1.Service) error
CreateService provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, service
func (*ClientSet) CreateServiceAccount ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) CreateServiceAccount(ctx context.Context, namespace string, sa *corev1.ServiceAccount) error
CreateServiceAccount provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, sa
func (*ClientSet) CreateServiceMonitor ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) CreateServiceMonitor(ctx context.Context, namespace string, sm *monitoringv1.ServiceMonitor) error
CreateServiceMonitor provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, sm
func (*ClientSet) CreateStatefulSet ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) CreateStatefulSet(ctx context.Context, namespace string, statefulSet *appsv1.StatefulSet) error
CreateStatefulSet provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, statefulSet
func (*ClientSet) DeleteConfigMap ¶
DeleteConfigMap provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*ClientSet) DeleteCronJob ¶
DeleteCronJob provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*ClientSet) DeleteDeployment ¶
DeleteDeployment provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*ClientSet) DeleteJob ¶
DeleteJob provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*ClientSet) DeletePod ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) DeletePod(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string, opts ...client.DeleteOption) error
DeletePod provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name, opts
func (*ClientSet) DeletePodDisruptionBudget ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) DeletePodDisruptionBudget(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) error
DeletePodDisruptionBudget provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*ClientSet) DeleteRedisBackup ¶
DeleteRedisBackup provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*ClientSet) DeleteRedisClusterBackup ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) DeleteRedisClusterBackup(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) error
DeleteRedisClusterBackup provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*ClientSet) DeleteSecret ¶
DeleteSecret provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*ClientSet) DeleteService ¶
DeleteService provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*ClientSet) DeleteStatefulSet ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) DeleteStatefulSet(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string, opts ...client.DeleteOption) error
DeleteStatefulSet provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name, opts
func (*ClientSet) Exec ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) Exec(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string, containerName string, cmd []string) (io.Reader, io.Reader, error)
Exec provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name, containerName, cmd
func (*ClientSet) GetCertificate ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) GetCertificate(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*v1.Certificate, error)
GetCertificate provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*ClientSet) GetClusterRole ¶
GetClusterRole provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, name
func (*ClientSet) GetClusterRoleBinding ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) GetClusterRoleBinding(ctx context.Context, name string) (*rbacv1.ClusterRoleBinding, error)
GetClusterRoleBinding provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, name
func (*ClientSet) GetConfigMap ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) GetConfigMap(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*corev1.ConfigMap, error)
GetConfigMap provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*ClientSet) GetCronJob ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) GetCronJob(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*batchv1.CronJob, error)
GetCronJob provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*ClientSet) GetDeployment ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) GetDeployment(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*appsv1.Deployment, error)
GetDeployment provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*ClientSet) GetDeploymentPods ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) GetDeploymentPods(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*corev1.PodList, error)
GetDeploymentPods provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*ClientSet) GetDistributedRedisCluster ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) GetDistributedRedisCluster(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*v1alpha1.DistributedRedisCluster, error)
GetDistributedRedisCluster provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*ClientSet) GetJob ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) GetJob(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*batchv1.Job, error)
GetJob provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*ClientSet) GetNamespace ¶
GetNamespace provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace
func (*ClientSet) GetPVC ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) GetPVC(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*corev1.PersistentVolumeClaim, error)
GetPVC provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*ClientSet) GetPod ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) GetPod(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*corev1.Pod, error)
GetPod provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*ClientSet) GetPodDisruptionBudget ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) GetPodDisruptionBudget(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*policyv1.PodDisruptionBudget, error)
GetPodDisruptionBudget provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*ClientSet) GetRedisFailover ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) GetRedisFailover(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*databasesv1.RedisFailover, error)
GetRedisFailover provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*ClientSet) GetRedisSentinel ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) GetRedisSentinel(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*databasesv1.RedisSentinel, error)
GetRedisSentinel provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*ClientSet) GetRedisUser ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) GetRedisUser(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*redisv1.RedisUser, error)
GetRedisUser provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*ClientSet) GetRole ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) GetRole(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*rbacv1.Role, error)
GetRole provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*ClientSet) GetRoleBinding ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) GetRoleBinding(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*rbacv1.RoleBinding, error)
GetRoleBinding provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*ClientSet) GetSecret ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) GetSecret(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*corev1.Secret, error)
GetSecret provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*ClientSet) GetService ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) GetService(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*corev1.Service, error)
GetService provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*ClientSet) GetServiceAccount ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) GetServiceAccount(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*corev1.ServiceAccount, error)
GetServiceAccount provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*ClientSet) GetServiceByLabels ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) GetServiceByLabels(ctx context.Context, namespace string, labelsMap map[string]string) (*corev1.ServiceList, error)
GetServiceByLabels provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, labelsMap
func (*ClientSet) GetServiceMonitor ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) GetServiceMonitor(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*monitoringv1.ServiceMonitor, error)
GetServiceMonitor provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*ClientSet) GetStatefulSet ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) GetStatefulSet(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*appsv1.StatefulSet, error)
GetStatefulSet provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*ClientSet) GetStatefulSetPods ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) GetStatefulSetPods(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*corev1.PodList, error)
GetStatefulSetPods provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*ClientSet) GetStatefulSetPodsByLabels ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) GetStatefulSetPodsByLabels(ctx context.Context, namespace string, labels map[string]string) (*corev1.PodList, error)
GetStatefulSetPodsByLabels provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, labels
func (*ClientSet) ListConfigMaps ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) ListConfigMaps(ctx context.Context, namespace string) (*corev1.ConfigMapList, error)
ListConfigMaps provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace
func (*ClientSet) ListCronJobs ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) ListCronJobs(ctx context.Context, namespace string, cl client.ListOptions) (*batchv1.CronJobList, error)
ListCronJobs provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, cl
func (*ClientSet) ListDeployments ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) ListDeployments(ctx context.Context, namespace string) (*appsv1.DeploymentList, error)
ListDeployments provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace
func (*ClientSet) ListJobs ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) ListJobs(ctx context.Context, namespace string, cl client.ListOptions) (*batchv1.JobList, error)
ListJobs provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, cl
func (*ClientSet) ListJobsByLabel ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) ListJobsByLabel(ctx context.Context, namespace string, label_map map[string]string) (*batchv1.JobList, error)
ListJobsByLabel provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, label_map
func (*ClientSet) ListNodesByLabels ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) ListNodesByLabels(ctx context.Context, label_map map[string]string) (*corev1.NodeList, error)
ListNodesByLabels provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, label_map
func (*ClientSet) ListPodByLabels ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) ListPodByLabels(ctx context.Context, namespace string, label_map map[string]string) (*corev1.PodList, error)
ListPodByLabels provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, label_map
func (*ClientSet) ListPvcByLabel ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) ListPvcByLabel(ctx context.Context, namespace string, label_map map[string]string) (*corev1.PersistentVolumeClaimList, error)
ListPvcByLabel provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, label_map
func (*ClientSet) ListRedisFailovers ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) ListRedisFailovers(ctx context.Context, namespace string, opts client.ListOptions) (*databasesv1.RedisFailoverList, error)
ListRedisFailovers provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, opts
func (*ClientSet) ListRedisSentinels ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) ListRedisSentinels(ctx context.Context, namespace string, opts client.ListOptions) (*databasesv1.RedisSentinelList, error)
ListRedisSentinels provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, opts
func (*ClientSet) ListRedisUsers ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) ListRedisUsers(ctx context.Context, namespace string, opts client.ListOptions) (*redisv1.RedisUserList, error)
ListRedisUsers provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, opts
func (*ClientSet) ListSecret ¶
ListSecret provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace
func (*ClientSet) ListServices ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) ListServices(ctx context.Context, namespace string) (*corev1.ServiceList, error)
ListServices provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace
func (*ClientSet) ListStatefulSetByLabels ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) ListStatefulSetByLabels(ctx context.Context, namespace string, labels map[string]string) (*appsv1.StatefulSetList, error)
ListStatefulSetByLabels provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, labels
func (*ClientSet) ListStatefulSets ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) ListStatefulSets(ctx context.Context, namespace string) (*appsv1.StatefulSetList, error)
ListStatefulSets provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace
func (*ClientSet) PatchPodLabel ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) PatchPodLabel(ctx context.Context, pod *corev1.Pod, labelkey string, labelValue string) error
PatchPodLabel provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, pod, labelkey, labelValue
func (*ClientSet) RestartDeployment ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) RestartDeployment(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*appsv1.Deployment, error)
RestartDeployment provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*ClientSet) UpdateClusterRole ¶
UpdateClusterRole provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, role
func (*ClientSet) UpdateClusterRoleBinding ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) UpdateClusterRoleBinding(ctx context.Context, role *rbacv1.ClusterRoleBinding) error
UpdateClusterRoleBinding provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, role
func (*ClientSet) UpdateConfigMap ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) UpdateConfigMap(ctx context.Context, namespace string, configMap *corev1.ConfigMap) error
UpdateConfigMap provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, configMap
func (*ClientSet) UpdateCronJob ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) UpdateCronJob(ctx context.Context, namespace string, job *batchv1.CronJob) error
UpdateCronJob provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, job
func (*ClientSet) UpdateDeployment ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) UpdateDeployment(ctx context.Context, namespace string, deployment *appsv1.Deployment) error
UpdateDeployment provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, deployment
func (*ClientSet) UpdateDistributedRedisCluster ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) UpdateDistributedRedisCluster(ctx context.Context, inst *v1alpha1.DistributedRedisCluster) error
UpdateDistributedRedisCluster provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, inst
func (*ClientSet) UpdateDistributedRedisClusterStatus ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) UpdateDistributedRedisClusterStatus(ctx context.Context, inst *v1alpha1.DistributedRedisCluster) error
UpdateDistributedRedisClusterStatus provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, inst
func (*ClientSet) UpdateIfConfigMapChanged ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) UpdateIfConfigMapChanged(ctx context.Context, newConfigmap *corev1.ConfigMap) error
UpdateIfConfigMapChanged provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, newConfigmap
func (*ClientSet) UpdateIfSelectorChangedService ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) UpdateIfSelectorChangedService(ctx context.Context, namespace string, service *corev1.Service) error
UpdateIfSelectorChangedService provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, service
func (*ClientSet) UpdateJob ¶
UpdateJob provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, job
func (*ClientSet) UpdatePod ¶
UpdatePod provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, pod
func (*ClientSet) UpdatePodDisruptionBudget ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) UpdatePodDisruptionBudget(ctx context.Context, namespace string, podDisruptionBudget *policyv1.PodDisruptionBudget) error
UpdatePodDisruptionBudget provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, podDisruptionBudget
func (*ClientSet) UpdateRedisFailover ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) UpdateRedisFailover(ctx context.Context, inst *databasesv1.RedisFailover) error
UpdateRedisFailover provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, inst
func (*ClientSet) UpdateRedisFailoverStatus ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) UpdateRedisFailoverStatus(ctx context.Context, inst *databasesv1.RedisFailover) error
UpdateRedisFailoverStatus provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, inst
func (*ClientSet) UpdateRedisSentinel ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) UpdateRedisSentinel(ctx context.Context, sen *databasesv1.RedisSentinel) error
UpdateRedisSentinel provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, sen
func (*ClientSet) UpdateRedisSentinelStatus ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) UpdateRedisSentinelStatus(ctx context.Context, inst *databasesv1.RedisSentinel) error
UpdateRedisSentinelStatus provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, inst
func (*ClientSet) UpdateRedisUser ¶
UpdateRedisUser provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, ru
func (*ClientSet) UpdateRole ¶
UpdateRole provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, role
func (*ClientSet) UpdateSecret ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) UpdateSecret(ctx context.Context, namespace string, secret *corev1.Secret) error
UpdateSecret provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, secret
func (*ClientSet) UpdateService ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) UpdateService(ctx context.Context, namespace string, service *corev1.Service) error
UpdateService provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, service
func (*ClientSet) UpdateServiceMonitor ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) UpdateServiceMonitor(ctx context.Context, namespace string, sm *monitoringv1.ServiceMonitor) error
UpdateServiceMonitor provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, sm
func (*ClientSet) UpdateStatefulSet ¶
func (_m *ClientSet) UpdateStatefulSet(ctx context.Context, namespace string, statefulSet *appsv1.StatefulSet) error
UpdateStatefulSet provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, statefulSet
type ConfigMap ¶
ConfigMap is an autogenerated mock type for the ConfigMap type
func NewConfigMap ¶
NewConfigMap creates a new instance of ConfigMap. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*ConfigMap) CreateConfigMap ¶
func (_m *ConfigMap) CreateConfigMap(ctx context.Context, namespace string, configMap *v1.ConfigMap) error
CreateConfigMap provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, configMap
func (*ConfigMap) CreateIfNotExistsConfigMap ¶
func (_m *ConfigMap) CreateIfNotExistsConfigMap(ctx context.Context, namespace string, configMap *v1.ConfigMap) error
CreateIfNotExistsConfigMap provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, configMap
func (*ConfigMap) CreateOrUpdateConfigMap ¶
func (_m *ConfigMap) CreateOrUpdateConfigMap(ctx context.Context, namespace string, np *v1.ConfigMap) error
CreateOrUpdateConfigMap provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, np
func (*ConfigMap) DeleteConfigMap ¶
DeleteConfigMap provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*ConfigMap) GetConfigMap ¶
func (_m *ConfigMap) GetConfigMap(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*v1.ConfigMap, error)
GetConfigMap provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*ConfigMap) ListConfigMaps ¶
func (_m *ConfigMap) ListConfigMaps(ctx context.Context, namespace string) (*v1.ConfigMapList, error)
ListConfigMaps provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace
type CronJob ¶
CronJob is an autogenerated mock type for the CronJob type
func NewCronJob ¶
NewCronJob creates a new instance of CronJob. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*CronJob) CreateCronJob ¶
CreateCronJob provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, cronjob
func (*CronJob) CreateOrUpdateCronJob ¶
func (_m *CronJob) CreateOrUpdateCronJob(ctx context.Context, namespace string, cronjob *v1.CronJob) error
CreateOrUpdateCronJob provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, cronjob
func (*CronJob) DeleteCronJob ¶
DeleteCronJob provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*CronJob) GetCronJob ¶
func (_m *CronJob) GetCronJob(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*v1.CronJob, error)
GetCronJob provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*CronJob) ListCronJobs ¶
func (_m *CronJob) ListCronJobs(ctx context.Context, namespace string, cl client.ListOptions) (*v1.CronJobList, error)
ListCronJobs provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, cl
type Deployment ¶
Deployment is an autogenerated mock type for the Deployment type
func NewDeployment ¶
func NewDeployment(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *Deployment
NewDeployment creates a new instance of Deployment. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*Deployment) CreateDeployment ¶
func (_m *Deployment) CreateDeployment(ctx context.Context, namespace string, deployment *v1.Deployment) error
CreateDeployment provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, deployment
func (*Deployment) CreateIfNotExistsDeployment ¶
func (_m *Deployment) CreateIfNotExistsDeployment(ctx context.Context, namespace string, deploy *v1.Deployment) error
CreateIfNotExistsDeployment provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, deploy
func (*Deployment) CreateOrUpdateDeployment ¶
func (_m *Deployment) CreateOrUpdateDeployment(ctx context.Context, namespace string, deployment *v1.Deployment) error
CreateOrUpdateDeployment provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, deployment
func (*Deployment) DeleteDeployment ¶
DeleteDeployment provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*Deployment) GetDeployment ¶
func (_m *Deployment) GetDeployment(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*v1.Deployment, error)
GetDeployment provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*Deployment) GetDeploymentPods ¶
func (_m *Deployment) GetDeploymentPods(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*corev1.PodList, error)
GetDeploymentPods provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*Deployment) ListDeployments ¶
func (_m *Deployment) ListDeployments(ctx context.Context, namespace string) (*v1.DeploymentList, error)
ListDeployments provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace
func (*Deployment) RestartDeployment ¶
func (_m *Deployment) RestartDeployment(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*v1.Deployment, error)
RestartDeployment provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*Deployment) UpdateDeployment ¶
func (_m *Deployment) UpdateDeployment(ctx context.Context, namespace string, deployment *v1.Deployment) error
UpdateDeployment provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, deployment
type DistributedRedisCluster ¶
DistributedRedisCluster is an autogenerated mock type for the DistributedRedisCluster type
func NewDistributedRedisCluster ¶
func NewDistributedRedisCluster(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *DistributedRedisCluster
NewDistributedRedisCluster creates a new instance of DistributedRedisCluster. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*DistributedRedisCluster) GetDistributedRedisCluster ¶
func (_m *DistributedRedisCluster) GetDistributedRedisCluster(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*v1alpha1.DistributedRedisCluster, error)
GetDistributedRedisCluster provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*DistributedRedisCluster) UpdateDistributedRedisCluster ¶
func (_m *DistributedRedisCluster) UpdateDistributedRedisCluster(ctx context.Context, inst *v1alpha1.DistributedRedisCluster) error
UpdateDistributedRedisCluster provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, inst
func (*DistributedRedisCluster) UpdateDistributedRedisClusterStatus ¶
func (_m *DistributedRedisCluster) UpdateDistributedRedisClusterStatus(ctx context.Context, inst *v1alpha1.DistributedRedisCluster) error
UpdateDistributedRedisClusterStatus provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, inst
type Job ¶
Job is an autogenerated mock type for the Job type
func NewJob ¶
NewJob creates a new instance of Job. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*Job) CreateIfNotExistsJob ¶
CreateIfNotExistsJob provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, job
func (*Job) CreateOrUpdateJob ¶
CreateOrUpdateJob provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, job
func (*Job) ListJobs ¶
func (_m *Job) ListJobs(ctx context.Context, namespace string, cl client.ListOptions) (*v1.JobList, error)
ListJobs provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, cl
type NameSpaces ¶
NameSpaces is an autogenerated mock type for the NameSpaces type
func NewNameSpaces ¶
func NewNameSpaces(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *NameSpaces
NewNameSpaces creates a new instance of NameSpaces. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*NameSpaces) GetNameSpace ¶
GetNameSpace provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace
type Node ¶
Node is an autogenerated mock type for the Node type
func NewNode ¶
NewNode creates a new instance of Node. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
type PVC ¶
PVC is an autogenerated mock type for the PVC type
func NewPVC ¶
NewPVC creates a new instance of PVC. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*PVC) CreatePVC ¶
func (_m *PVC) CreatePVC(ctx context.Context, namespace string, pvc *v1.PersistentVolumeClaim) error
CreatePVC provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, pvc
type Pod ¶
Pod is an autogenerated mock type for the Pod type
func NewPod ¶
NewPod creates a new instance of Pod. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*Pod) CreateOrUpdatePod ¶
CreateOrUpdatePod provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, pod
func (*Pod) DeletePod ¶
func (_m *Pod) DeletePod(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string, opts ...client.DeleteOption) error
DeletePod provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name, opts
func (*Pod) Exec ¶
func (_m *Pod) Exec(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string, containerName string, cmd []string) (io.Reader, io.Reader, error)
Exec provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name, containerName, cmd
func (*Pod) ListPodByLabels ¶
func (_m *Pod) ListPodByLabels(ctx context.Context, namespace string, label_map map[string]string) (*v1.PodList, error)
ListPodByLabels provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, label_map
type PodDisruptionBudget ¶
PodDisruptionBudget is an autogenerated mock type for the PodDisruptionBudget type
func NewPodDisruptionBudget ¶
func NewPodDisruptionBudget(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *PodDisruptionBudget
NewPodDisruptionBudget creates a new instance of PodDisruptionBudget. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*PodDisruptionBudget) CreateIfNotExistsPodDisruptionBudget ¶
func (_m *PodDisruptionBudget) CreateIfNotExistsPodDisruptionBudget(ctx context.Context, namespace string, podDisruptionBudget *v1.PodDisruptionBudget) error
CreateIfNotExistsPodDisruptionBudget provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, podDisruptionBudget
func (*PodDisruptionBudget) CreateOrUpdatePodDisruptionBudget ¶
func (_m *PodDisruptionBudget) CreateOrUpdatePodDisruptionBudget(ctx context.Context, namespace string, podDisruptionBudget *v1.PodDisruptionBudget) error
CreateOrUpdatePodDisruptionBudget provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, podDisruptionBudget
func (*PodDisruptionBudget) CreatePodDisruptionBudget ¶
func (_m *PodDisruptionBudget) CreatePodDisruptionBudget(ctx context.Context, namespace string, podDisruptionBudget *v1.PodDisruptionBudget) error
CreatePodDisruptionBudget provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, podDisruptionBudget
func (*PodDisruptionBudget) DeletePodDisruptionBudget ¶
func (_m *PodDisruptionBudget) DeletePodDisruptionBudget(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) error
DeletePodDisruptionBudget provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*PodDisruptionBudget) GetPodDisruptionBudget ¶
func (_m *PodDisruptionBudget) GetPodDisruptionBudget(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*v1.PodDisruptionBudget, error)
GetPodDisruptionBudget provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*PodDisruptionBudget) UpdatePodDisruptionBudget ¶
func (_m *PodDisruptionBudget) UpdatePodDisruptionBudget(ctx context.Context, namespace string, podDisruptionBudget *v1.PodDisruptionBudget) error
UpdatePodDisruptionBudget provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, podDisruptionBudget
type RBAC ¶
RBAC is an autogenerated mock type for the RBAC type
func NewRBAC ¶
NewRBAC creates a new instance of RBAC. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*RBAC) CreateClusterRole ¶
CreateClusterRole provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, role
func (*RBAC) CreateClusterRoleBinding ¶
CreateClusterRoleBinding provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, rb
func (*RBAC) CreateOrUpdateClusterRole ¶
CreateOrUpdateClusterRole provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, role
func (*RBAC) CreateOrUpdateClusterRoleBinding ¶
func (_m *RBAC) CreateOrUpdateClusterRoleBinding(ctx context.Context, rb *v1.ClusterRoleBinding) error
CreateOrUpdateClusterRoleBinding provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, rb
func (*RBAC) CreateOrUpdateRole ¶
CreateOrUpdateRole provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, role
func (*RBAC) CreateOrUpdateRoleBinding ¶
func (_m *RBAC) CreateOrUpdateRoleBinding(ctx context.Context, namespace string, rb *v1.RoleBinding) error
CreateOrUpdateRoleBinding provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, rb
func (*RBAC) CreateRole ¶
CreateRole provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, role
func (*RBAC) CreateRoleBinding ¶
CreateRoleBinding provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, rb
func (*RBAC) GetClusterRole ¶
GetClusterRole provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, name
func (*RBAC) GetClusterRoleBinding ¶
func (_m *RBAC) GetClusterRoleBinding(ctx context.Context, name string) (*v1.ClusterRoleBinding, error)
GetClusterRoleBinding provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, name
func (*RBAC) GetRoleBinding ¶
func (_m *RBAC) GetRoleBinding(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*v1.RoleBinding, error)
GetRoleBinding provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*RBAC) UpdateClusterRole ¶
UpdateClusterRole provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, role
func (*RBAC) UpdateClusterRoleBinding ¶
UpdateClusterRoleBinding provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, role
type RedisFailover ¶
RedisFailover is an autogenerated mock type for the RedisFailover type
func NewRedisFailover ¶
func NewRedisFailover(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *RedisFailover
NewRedisFailover creates a new instance of RedisFailover. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*RedisFailover) GetRedisFailover ¶
func (_m *RedisFailover) GetRedisFailover(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*v1.RedisFailover, error)
GetRedisFailover provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*RedisFailover) ListRedisFailovers ¶
func (_m *RedisFailover) ListRedisFailovers(ctx context.Context, namespace string, opts client.ListOptions) (*v1.RedisFailoverList, error)
ListRedisFailovers provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, opts
func (*RedisFailover) UpdateRedisFailover ¶
func (_m *RedisFailover) UpdateRedisFailover(ctx context.Context, inst *v1.RedisFailover) error
UpdateRedisFailover provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, inst
func (*RedisFailover) UpdateRedisFailoverStatus ¶
func (_m *RedisFailover) UpdateRedisFailoverStatus(ctx context.Context, inst *v1.RedisFailover) error
UpdateRedisFailoverStatus provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, inst
type RedisSentinel ¶
RedisSentinel is an autogenerated mock type for the RedisSentinel type
func NewRedisSentinel ¶
func NewRedisSentinel(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *RedisSentinel
NewRedisSentinel creates a new instance of RedisSentinel. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*RedisSentinel) GetRedisSentinel ¶
func (_m *RedisSentinel) GetRedisSentinel(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*v1.RedisSentinel, error)
GetRedisSentinel provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*RedisSentinel) ListRedisSentinels ¶
func (_m *RedisSentinel) ListRedisSentinels(ctx context.Context, namespace string, opts client.ListOptions) (*v1.RedisSentinelList, error)
ListRedisSentinels provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, opts
func (*RedisSentinel) UpdateRedisSentinel ¶
func (_m *RedisSentinel) UpdateRedisSentinel(ctx context.Context, sen *v1.RedisSentinel) error
UpdateRedisSentinel provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, sen
func (*RedisSentinel) UpdateRedisSentinelStatus ¶
func (_m *RedisSentinel) UpdateRedisSentinelStatus(ctx context.Context, inst *v1.RedisSentinel) error
UpdateRedisSentinelStatus provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, inst
type RedisUser ¶
RedisUser is an autogenerated mock type for the RedisUser type
func NewRedisUser ¶
NewRedisUser creates a new instance of RedisUser. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*RedisUser) CreateIfNotExistsRedisUser ¶
CreateIfNotExistsRedisUser provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, ru
func (*RedisUser) CreateOrUpdateRedisUser ¶
CreateOrUpdateRedisUser provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, ru
func (*RedisUser) CreateRedisUser ¶
CreateRedisUser provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, ru
func (*RedisUser) GetRedisUser ¶
func (_m *RedisUser) GetRedisUser(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*v1.RedisUser, error)
GetRedisUser provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*RedisUser) ListRedisUsers ¶
func (_m *RedisUser) ListRedisUsers(ctx context.Context, namespace string, opts client.ListOptions) (*v1.RedisUserList, error)
ListRedisUsers provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, opts
type Secret ¶
Secret is an autogenerated mock type for the Secret type
func NewSecret ¶
NewSecret creates a new instance of Secret. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*Secret) CreateIfNotExistsSecret ¶
func (_m *Secret) CreateIfNotExistsSecret(ctx context.Context, namespace string, secret *v1.Secret) error
CreateIfNotExistsSecret provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, secret
func (*Secret) CreateOrUpdateSecret ¶
func (_m *Secret) CreateOrUpdateSecret(ctx context.Context, namespace string, secret *v1.Secret) error
CreateOrUpdateSecret provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, secret
func (*Secret) CreateSecret ¶
CreateSecret provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, secret
func (*Secret) DeleteSecret ¶
DeleteSecret provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*Secret) GetSecret ¶
GetSecret provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*Secret) ListSecret ¶
ListSecret provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace
type Service ¶
Service is an autogenerated mock type for the Service type
func NewService ¶
NewService creates a new instance of Service. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*Service) CreateIfNotExistsService ¶
func (_m *Service) CreateIfNotExistsService(ctx context.Context, namespace string, service *v1.Service) error
CreateIfNotExistsService provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, service
func (*Service) CreateOrUpdateIfServiceChanged ¶
func (_m *Service) CreateOrUpdateIfServiceChanged(ctx context.Context, namespace string, service *v1.Service) error
CreateOrUpdateIfServiceChanged provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, service
func (*Service) CreateOrUpdateService ¶
func (_m *Service) CreateOrUpdateService(ctx context.Context, namespace string, service *v1.Service) error
CreateOrUpdateService provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, service
func (*Service) CreateService ¶
CreateService provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, service
func (*Service) DeleteService ¶
DeleteService provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*Service) GetService ¶
func (_m *Service) GetService(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*v1.Service, error)
GetService provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*Service) GetServiceByLabels ¶
func (_m *Service) GetServiceByLabels(ctx context.Context, namespace string, labelsMap map[string]string) (*v1.ServiceList, error)
GetServiceByLabels provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, labelsMap
func (*Service) ListServices ¶
ListServices provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace
type ServiceAccount ¶
ServiceAccount is an autogenerated mock type for the ServiceAccount type
func NewServiceAccount ¶
func NewServiceAccount(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *ServiceAccount
NewServiceAccount creates a new instance of ServiceAccount. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*ServiceAccount) CreateOrUpdateServiceAccount ¶
func (_m *ServiceAccount) CreateOrUpdateServiceAccount(ctx context.Context, namespace string, sa *v1.ServiceAccount) error
CreateOrUpdateServiceAccount provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, sa
func (*ServiceAccount) CreateServiceAccount ¶
func (_m *ServiceAccount) CreateServiceAccount(ctx context.Context, namespace string, sa *v1.ServiceAccount) error
CreateServiceAccount provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, sa
func (*ServiceAccount) GetServiceAccount ¶
func (_m *ServiceAccount) GetServiceAccount(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*v1.ServiceAccount, error)
GetServiceAccount provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
type ServiceMonitor ¶
ServiceMonitor is an autogenerated mock type for the ServiceMonitor type
func NewServiceMonitor ¶
func NewServiceMonitor(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *ServiceMonitor
NewServiceMonitor creates a new instance of ServiceMonitor. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*ServiceMonitor) CreateOrUpdateServiceMonitor ¶
func (_m *ServiceMonitor) CreateOrUpdateServiceMonitor(ctx context.Context, namespace string, sm *v1.ServiceMonitor) error
CreateOrUpdateServiceMonitor provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, sm
func (*ServiceMonitor) CreateServiceMonitor ¶
func (_m *ServiceMonitor) CreateServiceMonitor(ctx context.Context, namespace string, sm *v1.ServiceMonitor) error
CreateServiceMonitor provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, sm
func (*ServiceMonitor) GetServiceMonitor ¶
func (_m *ServiceMonitor) GetServiceMonitor(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*v1.ServiceMonitor, error)
GetServiceMonitor provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*ServiceMonitor) UpdateServiceMonitor ¶
func (_m *ServiceMonitor) UpdateServiceMonitor(ctx context.Context, namespace string, sm *v1.ServiceMonitor) error
UpdateServiceMonitor provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, sm
type StatefulSet ¶
StatefulSet is an autogenerated mock type for the StatefulSet type
func NewStatefulSet ¶
func NewStatefulSet(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *StatefulSet
NewStatefulSet creates a new instance of StatefulSet. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*StatefulSet) CreateIfNotExistsStatefulSet ¶
func (_m *StatefulSet) CreateIfNotExistsStatefulSet(ctx context.Context, namespace string, statefulSet *v1.StatefulSet) error
CreateIfNotExistsStatefulSet provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, statefulSet
func (*StatefulSet) CreateOrUpdateStatefulSet ¶
func (_m *StatefulSet) CreateOrUpdateStatefulSet(ctx context.Context, namespace string, StatefulSet *v1.StatefulSet) error
CreateOrUpdateStatefulSet provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, StatefulSet
func (*StatefulSet) CreateStatefulSet ¶
func (_m *StatefulSet) CreateStatefulSet(ctx context.Context, namespace string, statefulSet *v1.StatefulSet) error
CreateStatefulSet provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, statefulSet
func (*StatefulSet) DeleteStatefulSet ¶
func (_m *StatefulSet) DeleteStatefulSet(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string, opts ...client.DeleteOption) error
DeleteStatefulSet provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name, opts
func (*StatefulSet) GetStatefulSet ¶
func (_m *StatefulSet) GetStatefulSet(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*v1.StatefulSet, error)
GetStatefulSet provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*StatefulSet) GetStatefulSetPods ¶
func (_m *StatefulSet) GetStatefulSetPods(ctx context.Context, namespace string, name string) (*corev1.PodList, error)
GetStatefulSetPods provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, name
func (*StatefulSet) GetStatefulSetPodsByLabels ¶
func (_m *StatefulSet) GetStatefulSetPodsByLabels(ctx context.Context, namespace string, labels map[string]string) (*corev1.PodList, error)
GetStatefulSetPodsByLabels provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, labels
func (*StatefulSet) ListStatefulSetByLabels ¶
func (_m *StatefulSet) ListStatefulSetByLabels(ctx context.Context, namespace string, labels map[string]string) (*v1.StatefulSetList, error)
ListStatefulSetByLabels provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, labels
func (*StatefulSet) ListStatefulSets ¶
func (_m *StatefulSet) ListStatefulSets(ctx context.Context, namespace string) (*v1.StatefulSetList, error)
ListStatefulSets provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace
func (*StatefulSet) UpdateStatefulSet ¶
func (_m *StatefulSet) UpdateStatefulSet(ctx context.Context, namespace string, statefulSet *v1.StatefulSet) error
UpdateStatefulSet provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, namespace, statefulSet