Prometheus Mesos Exporter
Exporter for Mesos master and agent metrics.
The Mesos Exporter can either expose cluster wide metrics from a master or task
metrics from an agent.
Usage of mesos_exporter:
-addr string
Address to listen on (default ":9105")
-exportedSlaveAttributes string
Comma-separated list of slave attributes to include in the corresponding metric
-exportedTaskLabels string
Comma-separated list of task labels to include in the corresponding metric
-master string
Expose metrics from master running on this URL
-slave string
Expose metrics from slave running on this URL
-timeout duration
Master polling timeout (default 10s)
-trustedCerts string
Comma-separated list of certificates (.pem files) trusted for requests to
Mesos endpoints
When using HTTP authentication, the following values are read from the environment:
Prometheus Configuration
Usually you would run one exporter with -master
for each master and one
exporter for each slave with -slave
. Monitoring each master individually
ensures that the cluster can be monitored even if the underlying Mesos cluster
is in a degraded state.
- Master:
mesos_exporter -master http://localhost:5050
- Agent:
mesos_exporter -slave http://localhost:5051
The necessary Prometheus configuration could look like this:
- job_name: mesos-master
scrape_interval: 15s
scrape_timeout: 10s
- targets:
- job_name: mesos-slave
scrape_interval: 15s
scrape_timeout: 10s
- targets:
A minimal set of alerts to ensure your cluster is operational could then be defined
as follows:
ALERT MesosDown
IF (up{job=~"mesos.*"} == 0) or (irate(mesos_collector_errors_total[5m]) > 0)
FOR 5m
LABELS { severity="warning" }
description="Either the exporter or the associated Mesos component is down.",
summary="The Mesos instance {{$labels.instance}} cannot be scraped."
ALERT MesosMasterLeader
IF sum(mesos_master_elected{job="mesos-master"}) != 1
FOR 5m
LABELS { severity="page" }
description="Agents and frameworks require a unique leading Mesos master.",
summary="Expected one leading Mesos master but there are {{ $value }}."
ALERT MesosMasterTooManyRestarts
IF resets(mesos_master_uptime_seconds{job="mesos-master"}[1h]) > 10
FOR 5m
LABELS { severity="page" }
description="The number of seconds the process has been running is resetting regularly.",
summary="The Mesos master {{$labels.instance}} has restarted {{ $value }} times in the last hour."
ALERT MesosSlaveActive
IF sum(mesos_master_slaves_state{state="active"}) < 0.9 * count(up{job="mesos-slave"})
FOR 5m
LABELS { severity="page" }
description="Mesos agents must be registered with the master in order to receive tasks.",
summary="More than 10% of all Mesos agents dropped out. Only {{ $value }} active agents remaining."
ALERT MesosSlaveTooManyRestarts
IF resets(mesos_slave_uptime_seconds{job="mesos-slave"}[1h]) > 10
FOR 5m
LABELS { severity="page" }
description="The number of seconds the process has been running is resetting regularly.",
summary="The Mesos agent {{$labels.instance}} has restarted {{ $value }} times in the last hour."