Index ¶
- type AlternativeSpeedLimitsStatus
- type ApplicationPreferences
- type BittorrentProtocol
- type BuildInfo
- type Category
- type Client
- func (c *Client) AddNewCategory(name, savePath string) (err error)
- func (c *Client) AddNewTorrent(formData map[string]string) (err error)
- func (c *Client) AddPeers(hashes, peers []string) (err error)
- func (c *Client) AddRSSFeed(feedUrl, path string) (err error)
- func (c *Client) AddRSSFolder(path string) (err error)
- func (c *Client) AddTorrentTags(hashes, tags []string) (err error)
- func (c *Client) AddTrackersToTorrent(hash string, trackers []string) (err error)
- func (c *Client) BanPeers(peers []string) (err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateTags(tags []string) (err error)
- func (c *Client) DecreaseTorrentPriority(hashes []string) (err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteSearch(id int) (err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteTags(tags []string) (err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteTorrents(hashes []string, deleteFiles bool) (err error)
- func (c *Client) EditCategory(name, savePath string) (err error)
- func (c *Client) EditTrackers(hash, origUrl, newUrl string) (err error)
- func (c *Client) EnableSearchPlugin(names []string, enable bool) (err error)
- func (c *Client) GetAPIVersion() (version string, err error)
- func (c *Client) GetAllCategories() (results map[string]Category, err error)
- func (c *Client) GetAllRSSArticlesMatchingRule(ruleName string) (results map[string][]string, err error)
- func (c *Client) GetAllRSSDownloadingRules() (results map[string]RSSDownloadingRule, err error)
- func (c *Client) GetAllRSSItems(withData bool) (results map[string]interface{}, err error)
- func (c *Client) GetAllTags() (results []string, err error)
- func (c *Client) GetAlternativeSpeedLimitsState() (results AlternativeSpeedLimitsStatus, err error)
- func (c *Client) GetApplicationPreferences() (results ApplicationPreferences, err error)
- func (c *Client) GetApplicationVersion() (version string, err error)
- func (c *Client) GetBuildInfo() (info BuildInfo, err error)
- func (c *Client) GetDefaultSavePath() (path string, err error)
- func (c *Client) GetGlobalDownloadLimit() (results int, err error)
- func (c *Client) GetGlobalTransferInfo() (results TransferInfoResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) GetGlobalUploadLimit() (results int, err error)
- func (c *Client) GetLog(params *GetLogParams) (results []GetLogResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) GetPeerLog(lastKnownId int) (results []GetPeerLogResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) GetSearchPlugins() (results []SearchPluginsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) GetSearchResults(id int, limit, offset *int) (results SearchResultsResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) GetSearchStatus(id *int) (results []SearchStatusResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) GetSyncMainData(rid int) (results SyncMainDataResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) GetSyncTorrentPeersData(hash string, rid int) (results map[string]interface{}, err error)
- func (c *Client) GetTorrentContents(hash string, indexes (results []TorrentFile, err error)
- func (c *Client) GetTorrentDownloadLimit(hashes []string) (results map[string]int, err error)
- func (c *Client) GetTorrentGenericProperties(hash string) (results TorrentGenericProperties, err error)
- func (c *Client) GetTorrentList(opts *GetTorrentListOptions) (results []TorrentListResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) GetTorrentPiecesHashes(hash string) (results []string, err error)
- func (c *Client) GetTorrentPiecesStates(hash string) (results []TorrentPiecesState, err error)
- func (c *Client) GetTorrentTrackers(hash string) (results []TorrentTracker, err error)
- func (c *Client) GetTorrentUploadLimit(hashes []string) (results map[string]int, err error)
- func (c *Client) GetTorrentWebSeeds(hash string) (results []TorrentSeed, err error)
- func (c *Client) IncreaseTorrentPriority(hashes []string) (err error)
- func (c *Client) InstallSearchPlugin(sources []string) (err error)
- func (c *Client) Login(username, password string) (err error)
- func (c *Client) Logout() (err error)
- func (c *Client) MarkRSSAsRead(itemPath, articleId string) (err error)
- func (c *Client) MaximalTorrentPriority(hashes []string) (err error)
- func (c *Client) MinimalTorrentPriority(hashes []string) (err error)
- func (c *Client) MoveRSSItem(itemPath, destPath string) (err error)
- func (c *Client) PauseTorrents(hashes []string) (err error)
- func (c *Client) ReannounceTorrents(hashes []string) (err error)
- func (c *Client) RecheckTorrents(hashes []string) (err error)
- func (c *Client) RefreshRSSItem(itemPath string) (err error)
- func (c *Client) RemoveCategories(categories []string) (err error)
- func (c *Client) RemoveRSSAutoDownloadingRule(ruleName string) (err error)
- func (c *Client) RemoveRSSItem(path string) (err error)
- func (c *Client) RemoveTorrentTags(hashes, tags []string) (err error)
- func (c *Client) RemoveTrackers(hash string, urls []string) (err error)
- func (c *Client) RenameFile(hash, oldPath, newPath string) (err error)
- func (c *Client) RenameFolder(hash, oldPath, newPath string) (err error)
- func (c *Client) RenameRSSAutoDownloadingRule(ruleName, newRuleName string) (err error)
- func (c *Client) ResumeTorrents(hashes []string) (err error)
- func (c *Client) SetApplicationPreferences(prefs map[string]interface{}) (err error)
- func (c *Client) SetAutomaticTorrentManagement(hashes []string, enable bool) (err error)
- func (c *Client) SetFilePriority(hash string, ids []int, priority FilePriority) (err error)
- func (c *Client) SetForceStart(hashes []string, enable bool) (err error)
- func (c *Client) SetGlobalDownloadLimit(limit int) (err error)
- func (c *Client) SetGlobalUploadLimit(limit int) (err error)
- func (c *Client) SetRSSAutoDownloadingRule(ruleName string, ruleDef map[string]interface{}) (err error)
- func (c *Client) SetSuperSeeding(hashes []string, enable bool) (err error)
- func (c *Client) SetTorrentCategory(hashes []string, category string) (err error)
- func (c *Client) SetTorrentDownloadLimit(hashes []string, limit int) (err error)
- func (c *Client) SetTorrentLocation(hashes []string, location string) (err error)
- func (c *Client) SetTorrentName(hash, name string) (err error)
- func (c *Client) SetTorrentShareLimit(hashes []string, ratioLimit float64, ...) (err error)
- func (c *Client) SetTorrentUploadLimit(hashes []string, limit int) (err error)
- func (c *Client) ShutdownApplication() (err error)
- func (c *Client) StartSearch(pattern string, plugins []string, category []string) (results int, err error)
- func (c *Client) StopSearch(id int) (err error)
- func (c *Client) ToggleAlternativeSpeedLimits() (err error)
- func (c *Client) ToggleFirstLastPiecePriority(hashes []string) (err error)
- func (c *Client) ToggleSequentialDownload(hashes []string) (err error)
- func (c *Client) UninstallSearchPlugin(names []string) (err error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateSearchPlugins() (err error)
- type ConnectionStatus
- type DeleteOptions
- type DyndnsService
- type Encryption
- type FilePriority
- type Filters
- type GetLogParams
- type GetLogResponse
- type GetPeerLogResponse
- type GetTorrentListOptions
- type LogMessageType
- type MaxRatioAct
- type NewTorrentOptions
- func (o *NewTorrentOptions) AddFromFile(filePath string) *NewTorrentOptions
- func (o *NewTorrentOptions) AddUrl(uri string) *NewTorrentOptions
- func (o *NewTorrentOptions) AutoTMM(v bool) *NewTorrentOptions
- func (o *NewTorrentOptions) Category(cat string) *NewTorrentOptions
- func (o *NewTorrentOptions) Cookie(v string) *NewTorrentOptions
- func (o *NewTorrentOptions) DlLimit(v int) *NewTorrentOptions
- func (o *NewTorrentOptions) FirstLastPiecePrio(v string) *NewTorrentOptions
- func (o *NewTorrentOptions) Paused(v bool) *NewTorrentOptions
- func (o *NewTorrentOptions) RatioLimit(v float64) *NewTorrentOptions
- func (o *NewTorrentOptions) Rename(v string) *NewTorrentOptions
- func (o *NewTorrentOptions) RootFolder(v bool) *NewTorrentOptions
- func (o *NewTorrentOptions) SavePath(path string) *NewTorrentOptions
- func (o *NewTorrentOptions) SeedingTimeLimit(v int) *NewTorrentOptions
- func (o *NewTorrentOptions) SequentialDownload(v string) *NewTorrentOptions
- func (o *NewTorrentOptions) SkipChecking(v bool) *NewTorrentOptions
- func (o *NewTorrentOptions) Tags(v []string) *NewTorrentOptions
- func (o *NewTorrentOptions) UpLimit(v int) *NewTorrentOptions
- type Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) AddTrackers(v string) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) AddTrackersEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) AltDlLimit(v int) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) AltUpLimit(v int) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) AlternativeWebuiEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) AlternativeWebuiPath(v string) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) AnnounceIp(v string) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) AnnounceToAllTiers(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) AnnounceToAllTrackers(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) AnonymousMode(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) AsyncIoThreads(v int) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) AutoDeleteMode(v int) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) AutoTmmEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) AutorunEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) AutorunProgram(v string) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) BannedIPs(v string) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) BittorrentProtocol(v BittorrentProtocol) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) BypassAuthSubnetWhitelist(v string) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) BypassAuthSubnetWhitelistEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) BypassLocalAuth(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) CategoryChangedTmmEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) CheckingMemoryUse(v int) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) CreateSubfolderEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) CurrentInterfaceAddress(v string) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) CurrentNetworkInterface(v string) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) Dht(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) DiskCache(v int) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) DiskCacheTtl(v int) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) DlLimit(v int) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) DontCountSlowTorrents(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) DyndnsDomain(v string) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) DyndnsEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) DyndnsPassword(v string) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) DyndnsService(v DyndnsService) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) DyndnsUsername(v string) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) EmbeddedTrackerPort(v int) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) EnableCoalesceReadWrite(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) EnableEmbeddedTracker(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) EnableMultiConnectionsFromSameIP(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) EnableOsCache(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) EnablePieceExtentAffinity(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) EnableUploadSuggestions(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) Encryption(v Encryption) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) ExportDir(v string) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) ExportDirFin(v string) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) FilePoolSize(v int) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) IncompleteFilesExt(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) IpFilterEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) IpFilterPath(v string) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) IpFilterTrackers(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) LimitLanPeers(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) LimitTcpOverhead(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) LimitUtpRate(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) ListenPort(v int) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) Locale(v string) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) Lsd(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) MailNotificationAuthEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) MailNotificationEmail(v string) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) MailNotificationEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) MailNotificationPassword(v string) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) MailNotificationSender(v string) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) MailNotificationSmtp(v string) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) MailNotificationSslEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) MailNotificationUsername(v string) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) MaxActiveDownloads(v int) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) MaxActiveTorrents(v int) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) MaxActiveUploads(v int) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) MaxConnec(v int) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) MaxConnecPerTorrent(v int) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) MaxRatio(v float64) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) MaxRatioAct(v DyndnsService) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) MaxRatioEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) MaxSeedingTime(v int) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) MaxSeedingTimeEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) MaxUploads(v int) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) MaxUploadsPerTorrent(v int) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) OutgoingPortsMax(v int) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) OutgoingPortsMin(v int) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) Pex(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) PreallocateAll(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) ProxyAuthEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) ProxyIp(v string) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) ProxyPassword(v string) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) ProxyPeerConnections(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) ProxyPort(v int) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) ProxyTorrentsOnly(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) ProxyType(v int) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) ProxyUsername(v string) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) QueueingEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) RandomPort(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) RecheckCompletedTorrents(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) ResolvePeerCountries(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) RssAutoDownloadingEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) RssDownloadRepackProperEpisodes(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) RssMaxArticlesPerFeed(v int) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) RssProcessingEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) RssRefreshInterval(v int) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) RssSmartEpisodeFilters(v string) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) SavePath(v string) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) SavePathChangedTmmEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) SaveResumeDataInterval(v int) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) ScanDirs(v map[string]interface{}) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) ScheduleFromHour(v int) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) ScheduleFromMin(v int) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) ScheduleToHour(v int) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) ScheduleToMin(v int) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) SchedulerDays(v SchedulerDays) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) SchedulerEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) SendBufferLowWatermark(v int) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) SendBufferWatermark(v int) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) SlowTorrentDlRateThreshold(v int) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) SlowTorrentInactiveTimer(v int) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) SlowTorrentUlRateThreshold(v int) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) SocketBacklogSize(v int) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) SslCert(v string) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) SslKey(v string) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) StartPausedEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) StopTrackerTimeout(v int) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) TempPath(v string) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) TempPathEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) TorrentChangedTmmEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) UpLimit(v int) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) UploadChokingAlgorithm(v UploadChokingAlgorithm) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) UploadSlotsBehavior(v UploadSlotsBehavior) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) Upnp(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) UpnpLeaseDuration(v int) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) UseHttps(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) UtpTcpMixedMode(v UtpTcpMixedMode) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) WebUiAddress(v string) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) WebUiBanDuration(v int) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) WebUiClickjackingProtectionEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) WebUiCsrfProtectionEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) WebUiCustomHttpHeaders(v string) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) WebUiDomainList(v string) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) WebUiHostHeaderValidationEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) WebUiHttpsCertPath(v string) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) WebUiHttpsKeyPath(v string) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) WebUiMaxAuthFailCount(v int) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) WebUiPassword(v string) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) WebUiPort(v int) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) WebUiSecureCookieEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) WebUiSessionTimeout(v int) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) WebUiUpnp(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) WebUiUseCustomHttpHeadersEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
- func (p *Preferences) WebUiUsername(v string) *Preferences
- type ProxyType
- type RSSDownloadingRule
- type RssRule
- func (r *RssRule) AddPaused(v bool) *RssRule
- func (r *RssRule) AffectedFeeds(v []string) *RssRule
- func (r *RssRule) AssignedCategory(v string) *RssRule
- func (r *RssRule) Enabled(v bool) *RssRule
- func (r *RssRule) EpisodeFilter(v string) *RssRule
- func (r *RssRule) IgnoreDays(v int) *RssRule
- func (r *RssRule) LastMatch(v string) *RssRule
- func (r *RssRule) MustContain(v string) *RssRule
- func (r *RssRule) MustNotContain(v string) *RssRule
- func (r *RssRule) PreviouslyMatchedEpisodes(v []int) *RssRule
- func (r *RssRule) SavePath(v string) *RssRule
- func (r *RssRule) SmartFilter(v bool) *RssRule
- func (r *RssRule) UseRegex(v bool) *RssRule
- type SchedulerDays
- type SearchCategory
- type SearchId
- type SearchPluginsResponse
- type SearchResult
- type SearchResultsResponse
- type SearchStatus
- type SearchStatusResponse
- type ServerState
- type SyncMainDataResponse
- type TorrentFile
- type TorrentGenericProperties
- type TorrentListResponse
- type TorrentPiecesState
- type TorrentSeed
- type TorrentState
- type TorrentTracker
- type TrackerStatus
- type TransferInfoResponse
- type UploadChokingAlgorithm
- type UploadSlotsBehavior
- type UtpTcpMixedMode
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AlternativeSpeedLimitsStatus ¶
type AlternativeSpeedLimitsStatus int
const ( AlternativeSpeedLimitsDisabled AlternativeSpeedLimitsStatus = 0 AlternativeSpeedLimitsEnabled AlternativeSpeedLimitsStatus = 1 )
type ApplicationPreferences ¶
type ApplicationPreferences struct { Locale string `json:"locale"` // Currently selected language (e.g. en_GB for English) CreateSubfolderEnabled bool `json:"create_subfolder_enabled"` // True if a subfolder should be created when adding a torrent StartPausedEnabled bool `json:"start_paused_enabled"` // True if torrents should be added in a Paused state AutoDeleteMode int `json:"auto_delete_mode"` // TODO PreallocateAll bool `json:"preallocate_all"` // True if disk space should be pre-allocated for all files IncompleteFilesExt bool `json:"incomplete_files_ext"` // True if ".!qB" should be appended to incomplete files AutoTmmEnabled bool `json:"auto_tmm_enabled"` // True if Automatic Torrent Management is enabled by default TorrentChangedTmmEnabled bool `json:"torrent_changed_tmm_enabled"` // True if torrent should be relocated when its Category changes SavePathChangedTmmEnabled bool `json:"save_path_changed_tmm_enabled"` // True if torrent should be relocated when the default save path changes CategoryChangedTmmEnabled bool `json:"category_changed_tmm_enabled"` // True if torrent should be relocated when its Category's save path changes SavePath string `json:"save_path"` // Default save path for torrents, separated by slashes TempPathEnabled bool `json:"temp_path_enabled"` // True if folder for incomplete torrents is enabled TempPath string `json:"temp_path"` // Path for incomplete torrents, separated by slashes ScanDirs map[string]interface{} `json:"scan_dirs"` // Property: directory to watch for torrent files, value: where torrents loaded from this directory should be downloaded to. Slashes are used as path separators; multiple key/value pairs can be specified Possible values of scan_dirs - `0` Download to the monitored folder - `1` Download to the default save path - "/path/to/download/to" Download to this path ExportDir string `json:"export_dir"` // Path to directory to copy .torrent files to. Slashes are used as path separators ExportDirFin string `json:"export_dir_fin"` // Path to directory to copy .torrent files of completed downloads to. Slashes are used as path separators MailNotificationEnabled bool `json:"mail_notification_enabled"` // True if e-mail notification should be enabled MailNotificationSender string `json:"mail_notification_sender"` // e-mail where notifications should originate from MailNotificationEmail string `json:"mail_notification_email"` // e-mail to send notifications to MailNotificationSmtp string `json:"mail_notification_smtp"` // smtp server for e-mail notifications MailNotificationSslEnabled bool `json:"mail_notification_ssl_enabled"` // True if smtp server requires SSL connection MailNotificationAuthEnabled bool `json:"mail_notification_auth_enabled"` // True if smtp server requires authentication MailNotificationUsername string `json:"mail_notification_username"` // Username for smtp authentication MailNotificationPassword string `json:"mail_notification_password"` // Password for smtp authentication AutorunEnabled bool `json:"autorun_enabled"` // True if external program should be run after torrent has finished downloading AutorunProgram string `json:"autorun_program"` // Program path/name/arguments to run if autorun_enabled is enabled; path is separated by slashes; you can use %f and %n arguments, which will be expanded by qBittorent as path_to_torrent_file and torrent_name (from the GUI; not the .torrent file name) respectively QueueingEnabled bool `json:"queueing_enabled"` // True if torrent queuing is enabled MaxActiveDownloads int `json:"max_active_downloads"` // Maximum number of active simultaneous downloads MaxActiveTorrents int `json:"max_active_torrents"` // Maximum number of active simultaneous downloads and uploads MaxActiveUploads int `json:"max_active_uploads"` // Maximum number of active simultaneous uploads DontCountSlowTorrents bool `json:"dont_count_slow_torrents"` // If true torrents w/o any activity (stalled ones) will not be counted towards max_active_* limits; see dont_count_slow_torrents for more information SlowTorrentDlRateThreshold int `json:"slow_torrent_dl_rate_threshold"` // Download rate in KiB/s for a torrent to be considered "slow" SlowTorrentUlRateThreshold int `json:"slow_torrent_ul_rate_threshold"` // Upload rate in KiB/s for a torrent to be considered "slow" SlowTorrentInactiveTimer int `json:"slow_torrent_inactive_timer"` // Seconds a torrent should be inactive before considered "slow" MaxRatioEnabled bool `json:"max_ratio_enabled"` // True if share ratio limit is enabled MaxRatio float64 `json:"max_ratio"` // Get the global share ratio limit MaxRatioAct DyndnsService `json:"max_ratio_act"` // Action performed when a torrent reaches the maximum share ratio. See list of possible values here below. ListenPort int `json:"listen_port"` // Port for incoming connections Upnp bool `json:"upnp"` // True if UPnP/NAT-PMP is enabled RandomPort bool `json:"random_port"` // True if the port is randomly selected DlLimit int `json:"dl_limit"` // Global download speed limit in KiB/s; -1 means no limit is applied UpLimit int `json:"up_limit"` // Global upload speed limit in KiB/s; -1 means no limit is applied MaxConnec int `json:"max_connec"` // Maximum global number of simultaneous connections MaxConnecPerTorrent int `json:"max_connec_per_torrent"` // Maximum number of simultaneous connections per torrent MaxUploads int `json:"max_uploads"` // Maximum number of upload slots MaxUploadsPerTorrent int `json:"max_uploads_per_torrent"` // Maximum number of upload slots per torrent StopTrackerTimeout int `json:"stop_tracker_timeout"` // Timeout in seconds for a stopped announce request to trackers EnablePieceExtentAffinity bool `json:"enable_piece_extent_affinity"` // True if the advanced libtorrent option piece_extent_affinity is enabled BittorrentProtocol BittorrentProtocol `json:"bittorrent_protocol"` // Bittorrent Protocol to use LimitUtpRate bool `json:"limit_utp_rate"` // True if [du]l_limit should be applied to uTP connections; this option is only available in qBittorent built against libtorrent version 0.16.X and higher LimitTcpOverhead bool `json:"limit_tcp_overhead"` // True if [du]l_limit should be applied to estimated TCP overhead (service data: e.g. packet headers) LimitLanPeers bool `json:"limit_lan_peers"` // True if [du]l_limit should be applied to peers on the LAN AltDlLimit int `json:"alt_dl_limit"` // Alternative global download speed limit in KiB/s AltUpLimit int `json:"alt_up_limit"` // Alternative global upload speed limit in KiB/s SchedulerEnabled bool `json:"scheduler_enabled"` // True if alternative limits should be applied according to schedule ScheduleFromHour int `json:"schedule_from_hour"` // Scheduler starting hour ScheduleFromMin int `json:"schedule_from_min"` // Scheduler starting minute ScheduleToHour int `json:"schedule_to_hour"` // Scheduler ending hour ScheduleToMin int `json:"schedule_to_min"` // Scheduler ending minute SchedulerDays SchedulerDays `json:"scheduler_days"` // Scheduler days. See possible values here below Dht bool `json:"dht"` // True if DHT is enabled Pex bool `json:"pex"` // True if PeX is enabled Lsd bool `json:"lsd"` // True if LSD is enabled Encryption Encryption `json:"encryption"` // See list of possible values here below AnonymousMode bool `json:"anonymous_mode"` // If true anonymous mode will be enabled; read more here; this option is only available in qBittorent built against libtorrent version 0.16.X and higher ProxyType int `json:"proxy_type"` // See list of possible values here below ProxyIp string `json:"proxy_ip"` // Proxy IP address or domain name ProxyPort int `json:"proxy_port"` // Proxy port ProxyPeerConnections bool `json:"proxy_peer_connections"` // True if peer and web seed connections should be proxified; this option will have any effect only in qBittorent built against libtorrent version 0.16.X and higher ProxyAuthEnabled bool `json:"proxy_auth_enabled"` // True proxy requires authentication; doesn't apply to SOCKS4 proxies ProxyUsername string `json:"proxy_username"` // Username for proxy authentication ProxyPassword string `json:"proxy_password"` // Password for proxy authentication ProxyTorrentsOnly bool `json:"proxy_torrents_only"` // True if proxy is only used for torrents IpFilterEnabled bool `json:"ip_filter_enabled"` // True if external IP filter should be enabled IpFilterPath string `json:"ip_filter_path"` // Path to IP filter file (.dat, .p2p, .p2b files are supported); path is separated by slashes IpFilterTrackers bool `json:"ip_filter_trackers"` // True if IP filters are applied to trackers WebUiDomainList string `json:"web_ui_domain_list"` // Semicolon-separated list of domains to accept when performing Host header validation WebUiAddress string `json:"web_ui_address"` // IP address to use for the WebUI WebUiPort int `json:"web_ui_port"` // WebUI port WebUiUpnp bool `json:"web_ui_upnp"` // True if UPnP is used for the WebUI port WebUiUsername string `json:"web_ui_username"` // WebUI username WebUiPassword string `json:"web_ui_password"` // For API ≥ v2.3.0: Plaintext WebUI password, not readable, write-only. For API < v2.3.0: MD5 hash of WebUI password, hash is generated from the following string: username:Web UI Access:plain_text_web_ui_password WebUiCsrfProtectionEnabled bool `json:"web_ui_csrf_protection_enabled"` // True if WebUI CSRF protection is enabled WebUiClickjackingProtectionEnabled bool `json:"web_ui_clickjacking_protection_enabled"` // True if WebUI clickjacking protection is enabled WebUiSecureCookieEnabled bool `json:"web_ui_secure_cookie_enabled"` // True if WebUI cookie Secure flag is enabled WebUiMaxAuthFailCount int `json:"web_ui_max_auth_fail_count"` // Maximum number of authentication failures before WebUI access ban WebUiBanDuration int `json:"web_ui_ban_duration"` // WebUI access ban duration in seconds WebUiSessionTimeout int `json:"web_ui_session_timeout"` // Seconds until WebUI is automatically signed off WebUiHostHeaderValidationEnabled bool `json:"web_ui_host_header_validation_enabled"` // True if WebUI host header validation is enabled BypassLocalAuth bool `json:"bypass_local_auth"` // True if authentication challenge for loopback address ( should be disabled BypassAuthSubnetWhitelistEnabled bool `json:"bypass_auth_subnet_whitelist_enabled"` // True if webui authentication should be bypassed for clients whose ip resides within (at least) one of the subnets on the whitelist BypassAuthSubnetWhitelist string `json:"bypass_auth_subnet_whitelist"` // (White)list of ipv4/ipv6 subnets for which webui authentication should be bypassed; list entries are separated by commas AlternativeWebuiEnabled bool `json:"alternative_webui_enabled"` // True if an alternative WebUI should be used AlternativeWebuiPath string `json:"alternative_webui_path"` // File path to the alternative WebUI UseHttps bool `json:"use_https"` // True if WebUI HTTPS access is enabled SslKey string `json:"ssl_key"` // For API < v2.0.1: SSL keyfile contents (this is a not a path) SslCert string `json:"ssl_cert"` // For API < v2.0.1: SSL certificate contents (this is a not a path) WebUiHttpsKeyPath string `json:"web_ui_https_key_path"` // For API ≥ v2.0.1: Path to SSL keyfile WebUiHttpsCertPath string `json:"web_ui_https_cert_path"` // For API ≥ v2.0.1: Path to SSL certificate DyndnsEnabled bool `json:"dyndns_enabled"` // True if server DNS should be updated dynamically DyndnsService DyndnsService `json:"dyndns_service"` // See list of possible values here below DyndnsUsername string `json:"dyndns_username"` // Username for DDNS service DyndnsPassword string `json:"dyndns_password"` // Password for DDNS service DyndnsDomain string `json:"dyndns_domain"` // Your DDNS domain name RssRefreshInterval int `json:"rss_refresh_interval"` // RSS refresh interval RssMaxArticlesPerFeed int `json:"rss_max_articles_per_feed"` // Max stored articles per RSS feed RssProcessingEnabled bool `json:"rss_processing_enabled"` // Enable processing of RSS feeds RssAutoDownloadingEnabled bool `json:"rss_auto_downloading_enabled"` // Enable auto-downloading of torrents from the RSS feeds RssDownloadRepackProperEpisodes bool `json:"rss_download_repack_proper_episodes"` // For API ≥ v2.5.1: Enable downloading of repack/proper Episodes RssSmartEpisodeFilters string `json:"rss_smart_episode_filters"` // For API ≥ v2.5.1: List of RSS Smart Episode Filters AddTrackersEnabled bool `json:"add_trackers_enabled"` // Enable automatic adding of trackers to new torrents AddTrackers string `json:"add_trackers"` // List of trackers to add to new torrent WebUiUseCustomHttpHeadersEnabled bool `json:"web_ui_use_custom_http_headers_enabled"` // For API ≥ v2.5.1: Enable custom http headers WebUiCustomHttpHeaders string `json:"web_ui_custom_http_headers"` // For API ≥ v2.5.1: List of custom http headers MaxSeedingTimeEnabled bool `json:"max_seeding_time_enabled"` // True enables max seeding time MaxSeedingTime int `json:"max_seeding_time"` // Number of minutes to seed a torrent AnnounceIp string `json:"announce_ip"` // TODO AnnounceToAllTiers bool `json:"announce_to_all_tiers"` // True always announce to all tiers AnnounceToAllTrackers bool `json:"announce_to_all_trackers"` // True always announce to all trackers in a tier AsyncIoThreads int `json:"async_io_threads"` // Number of asynchronous I/O threads BannedIPs string `json:"banned_IPs"` // List of banned IPs CheckingMemoryUse int `json:"checking_memory_use"` // Outstanding memory when checking torrents in MiB CurrentInterfaceAddress string `json:"current_interface_address"` // IP Address to bind to. Empty String means All addresses CurrentNetworkInterface string `json:"current_network_interface"` // Network Interface used DiskCache int `json:"disk_cache"` // Disk cache used in MiB DiskCacheTtl int `json:"disk_cache_ttl"` // Disk cache expiry interval in seconds EmbeddedTrackerPort int `json:"embedded_tracker_port"` // Port used for embedded tracker EnableCoalesceReadWrite bool `json:"enable_coalesce_read_write"` // True enables coalesce reads & writes EnableEmbeddedTracker bool `json:"enable_embedded_tracker"` // True enables embedded tracker EnableMultiConnectionsFromSameIP bool `json:"enable_multi_connections_from_same_ip"` // True allows multiple connections from the same IP address EnableOsCache bool `json:"enable_os_cache"` // True enables os cache EnableUploadSuggestions bool `json:"enable_upload_suggestions"` // True enables sending of upload piece suggestions FilePoolSize int `json:"file_pool_size"` // File pool size OutgoingPortsMax int `json:"outgoing_ports_max"` // Maximal outgoing port (0: Disabled) OutgoingPortsMin int `json:"outgoing_ports_min"` // Minimal outgoing port (0: Disabled) RecheckCompletedTorrents bool `json:"recheck_completed_torrents"` // True rechecks torrents on completion ResolvePeerCountries bool `json:"resolve_peer_countries"` // True resolves peer countries SaveResumeDataInterval int `json:"save_resume_data_interval"` // Save resume data interval in min SendBufferLowWatermark int `json:"send_buffer_low_watermark"` // Send buffer low watermark in KiB SendBufferWatermark int `json:"send_buffer_watermark"` // Send buffer watermark in KiB SendBufferWatermarkFactor int `json:"send_buffer_watermark_factor"` // Send buffer watermark factor in percent SocketBacklogSize int `json:"socket_backlog_size"` // Socket backlog size UploadChokingAlgorithm UploadChokingAlgorithm `json:"upload_choking_algorithm"` // Upload choking algorithm used UploadSlotsBehavior UploadSlotsBehavior `json:"upload_slots_behavior"` // Upload slots behavior used UpnpLeaseDuration int `json:"upnp_lease_duration"` // UPnP lease duration (0: Permanent lease) UtpTcpMixedMode UtpTcpMixedMode `json:"utp_tcp_mixed_mode"` // μTP-TCP mixed mode algorithm }
type BittorrentProtocol ¶
type BittorrentProtocol int
const ( BittorrentProtocolBoth BittorrentProtocol = 0 // TCP and μTP BittorrentProtocolTCP BittorrentProtocol = 1 // Only TCP BittorrentProtocolUTP BittorrentProtocol = 2 // Only μTP )
type Client ¶
type Client struct { ServerURL string Jar http.CookieJar // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Client) AddNewCategory ¶
Adds a new category to the client
Params ¶
- "name" The name of the new category
- "savePath" The path of the new category
Http Error Codes ¶
- 400 Category name is empty
- 409 Category name is invalid
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) AddNewTorrent ¶
This method can add torrents from a local file or from URLs. http://, https://, magnet: and bc://bt/ links are supported.
Params ¶
- "formData" a map of key value pairs, where the key is the name of the form field and the value is the value of the form field
Example ¶
torrent := qbittorrent.NewTorrent(). AddUrl("URL: http://, https://, magnet: and bc://bt/ links are supported"). AddUrl("Additional URL"). AddFromFile("pathToTorrentFile.torrent"). AddFromFile("AdditionalPathToTorrentFile.torrent"). Category("Movies"). AutoTMM(true) err = client.AddNewTorrent(torrent.Data) if err != nil { panic(err) }
Http Error Codes ¶
- 415 Torrent file is not valid
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) AddPeers ¶
Requires knowing the torrent hash. You can get it from GetTorrentList
Params ¶
- "hashes" The hashes of the torrents you want to add peers to
- "peers" The peers to add, Each peer is a colon-separated host:port
Http Error Codes ¶
- 400 None of the supplied peers are valid
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) AddRSSFeed ¶
Params ¶
- "url" URL of RSS feed (e.g. "")
- "path" Full path of added folder (e.g. "The Pirate Bay\Top100\Video")
Http Error Codes ¶
- 409 Failure to add feed
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) AddRSSFolder ¶
Params ¶
- "path" Full path of added folder (e.g. "The Pirate Bay\Top100")
Http Error Codes ¶
- 409 Failure to add folder
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) AddTorrentTags ¶
Adds tags to torrents
Requires knowing the torrent hash. You can get it from GetTorrentList
Params ¶
- "hashes" The hashes of the torrents for which you want to add tags. or set to []string{"all"}, to add tags to all torrents.
- "tags" The tags to add
Http Error Codes ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) AddTrackersToTorrent ¶
Requires knowing the torrent hash. You can get it from GetTorrentList
Params ¶
- "hash" The hash of the torrent you want to add trackers to.
- "urls" The URLs of the trackers you want to add.
Http Error Codes ¶
- 404 Not Found, if the torrent hash is invalid
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) BanPeers ¶
Params ¶
- "peers" The list of peers to ban
Http Error Codes: ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) CreateTags ¶
Creates new tags in the client
Params ¶
- "tags" The tags to create
Http Error Codes ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) DecreaseTorrentPriority ¶
Requires knowing the torrent hash. You can get it from GetTorrentList
Params ¶
- "hashes" The hashes of the torrents you want to decrease the priority of. or set to []string{"all"}, to decrease the priority of all torrents.
Http Error Codes ¶
- 409 Torrent queueing is not enabled
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) DeleteSearch ¶
Params ¶
- "id" ID of the search job
Http Error Codes ¶
- 404 Search job was not found
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) DeleteTags ¶
Deletes tags from the client
Params ¶
- "tags" The tags to delete
Http Error Codes ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) DeleteTorrents ¶
Requires knowing the torrent hash. You can get it from GetTorrentList
Params ¶
- "hashes" The hashes of the torrents you want to delete. or set to []string{"all"}, to resume all torrents.
- "deleteFiles" If set to true, the downloaded data will also be deleted, otherwise has no effect.
Http Error Codes ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) EditCategory ¶
Edits an existing category in the client
Params ¶
- "name" The name of the category to edit
- "savePath" The new path of the category
Http Error Codes ¶
- 400 Category name is empty
- 409 Category editing failed
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) EditTrackers ¶
Requires knowing the torrent hash. You can get it from GetTorrentList
Params ¶
- "hash" The hash of the torrent you want to edit trackers for.
- "origUrl" The tracker URL you want to edit.
- "newUrl" The new tracker URL to replace the "origUrl"
Http Error Codes ¶
- 400 newUrl is not a valid URL
- 404 Torrent hash was not found
- 409 newUrl already exists for the torrent
- 409 origUrl was not found
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) EnableSearchPlugin ¶
Params ¶
- "names" Name of the plugin to enable/disable (e.g. "legittorrents").
- "enable" Whether the plugins should be enabled
Http Error Codes ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) GetAPIVersion ¶
The response is a string with the WebAPI version, e.g. 2.0
Http Error Codes: ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) GetAllCategories ¶
Returns all categories in the client
map["Movies":{"Movies" "/media/Plex/Movies"} "TV Shows":{"TV Shows" "/media/Plex/TV Shows"}]
Http Error Codes ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) GetAllRSSArticlesMatchingRule ¶
func (c *Client) GetAllRSSArticlesMatchingRule(ruleName string) (results map[string][]string, err error)
Returns all articles that match a rule by feed name
Params ¶
- "ruleName" Name of rule
Http Error Codes ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) GetAllRSSDownloadingRules ¶
func (c *Client) GetAllRSSDownloadingRules() (results map[string]RSSDownloadingRule, err error)
Returns all auto-downloading rules
Http Error Codes ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) GetAllRSSItems ¶
Params ¶
- "withData" True if you need current feed articles
Http Error Codes ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) GetAllTags ¶
Returns all tags
Http Error Codes ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) GetAlternativeSpeedLimitsState ¶
func (c *Client) GetAlternativeSpeedLimitsState() (results AlternativeSpeedLimitsStatus, err error)
Returns ¶
- The response is `1` if alternative speed limits are enabled, `0` otherwise.
Http Error Codes: ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) GetApplicationPreferences ¶
func (c *Client) GetApplicationPreferences() (results ApplicationPreferences, err error)
Returns the application's settings. The contents may vary depending on which settings are present in qBittorrent.ini.
# Http Error Codes: - 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) GetApplicationVersion ¶
The response is a string with the application version, e.g. v4.1.3
Http Error Codes: ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) GetBuildInfo ¶
The response is a BuildInfo struct
Http Error Codes: ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) GetDefaultSavePath ¶
The response is a string with the default save path, e.g. C:/Users/Dayman/Downloads
Http Error Codes: ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) GetGlobalDownloadLimit ¶
Returns ¶
- the value of current global download speed limit in bytes/second; this value will be zero if no limit is applied.
Http Error Codes: ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) GetGlobalTransferInfo ¶
func (c *Client) GetGlobalTransferInfo() (results TransferInfoResponse, err error)
This method returns info you usually see in qBt status bar.
Http Error Codes: ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) GetGlobalUploadLimit ¶
Returns ¶
- the value of current global upload speed limit in bytes/second; this value will be zero if no limit is applied.
Http Error Codes: ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) GetLog ¶
func (c *Client) GetLog(params *GetLogParams) (results []GetLogResponse, err error)
Params [GetLogParams] struct ¶
- "Normal" Include normal messages (default: true)
- "Info" Include info messages (default: true)
- "Warning" Include warning messages (default: true)
- "Critical" Include critical messages (default: true)
- "LastKnownId" integer Exclude messages with "message id" <= last_known_id (default: -1)
Http Error Codes: ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) GetPeerLog ¶
func (c *Client) GetPeerLog(lastKnownId int) (results []GetPeerLogResponse, err error)
Params ¶
- "lastKnownId" Exclude messages with "message id" <= last_known_id (default: -1)
Http Error Codes: ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) GetSearchPlugins ¶
func (c *Client) GetSearchPlugins() (results []SearchPluginsResponse, err error)
Http Error Codes ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) GetSearchResults ¶
func (c *Client) GetSearchResults(id int, limit, offset *int) (results SearchResultsResponse, err error)
Params ¶
- "id" ID of the search job
- "limit" (optional) max number of results to return. 0 or negative means no limit
- "offset" (optional) result to start at. A negative number means count backwards (e.g. -2 returns the 2 most recent results)
Http Error Codes ¶
- 404 Search job was not found
- 409 Offset is too large, or too small (e.g. absolute value of negative number is greater than # results)
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) GetSearchStatus ¶
func (c *Client) GetSearchStatus(id *int) (results []SearchStatusResponse, err error)
Params ¶
- "id" (optional) ID of the search job. If not specified, all search jobs are returned
Http Error Codes ¶
- 404 Search job was not found
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) GetSyncMainData ¶
func (c *Client) GetSyncMainData(rid int) (results SyncMainDataResponse, err error)
Params ¶
- "rid" Response ID. If not provided, rid=0 will be assumed. If the given rid is different from the one of last server reply, full_update will be true (see the server reply details for more info)
Http Error Codes: ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) GetSyncTorrentPeersData ¶
func (c *Client) GetSyncTorrentPeersData(hash string, rid int) (results map[string]interface{}, err error)
Params ¶
- "hash" Torrent hash
- "rid" Response ID. If not provided, rid=0 will be assumed. If the given rid is different from the one of last server reply, full_update will be true (see the server reply details for more info)
Http Error Codes: ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) GetTorrentContents ¶
func (c *Client) GetTorrentContents(hash string, indexes (results []TorrentFile, err error)
Get a list of the files of a torrent
Requires knowing the torrent hash. You can get it from GetTorrentList
Params ¶
- "hash" The hash of the torrent you want to get the contents of
- "indexes" (optional) The indexes of the files you want to retrieve.
Http Error Codes ¶
- 404 Not Found, if the torrent hash is invalid
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) GetTorrentDownloadLimit ¶
Requires knowing the torrent hash. You can get it from GetTorrentList
Params ¶
- "hashes" The hashes of the torrents you want to get the download limit of. or set to []string{"all"}, to get the download limit of all torrents.
- map[string]int where key is the torrent hash and value is the download speed limit in bytes per second; this value will be zero if no limit is applied.
Http Error Codes: ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) GetTorrentGenericProperties ¶
func (c *Client) GetTorrentGenericProperties(hash string) (results TorrentGenericProperties, err error)
Requires knowing the torrent hash. You can get it from GetTorrentList
Params ¶
- "hash" The hash of the torrent you want to get the generic properties of
Http Error Codes ¶
- 404 Not Found, if the torrent hash is invalid
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
NB ¶
- `-1` is returned if the type of the property is integer but its value is not known.
func (*Client) GetTorrentList ¶
func (c *Client) GetTorrentList(opts *GetTorrentListOptions) (results []TorrentListResponse, err error)
GetTorrentList - get list of torrents in the client
Params ¶
- "options" (optional) GetTorrentListOptions
Http Error Codes ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) GetTorrentPiecesHashes ¶
Requires knowing the torrent hash. You can get it from GetTorrentList
Params ¶
- "hash" The hash of the torrent you want to get the pieces' hashes of
Http Error Codes ¶
- 404 Not Found, if the torrent hash is invalid
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) GetTorrentPiecesStates ¶
func (c *Client) GetTorrentPiecesStates(hash string) (results []TorrentPiecesState, err error)
Requires knowing the torrent hash. You can get it from GetTorrentList
Params ¶
- "hash" The hash of the torrent you want to get the pieces' states of
Http Error Codes ¶
- 404 Not Found, if the torrent hash is invalid
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) GetTorrentTrackers ¶
func (c *Client) GetTorrentTrackers(hash string) (results []TorrentTracker, err error)
Requires knowing the torrent hash. You can get it from GetTorrentList
Params ¶
- "hash" The hash of the torrent you want to get the generic properties of
Http Error Codes ¶
- 404 Not Found, if the torrent hash is invalid
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) GetTorrentUploadLimit ¶
Requires knowing the torrent hash. You can get it from GetTorrentList
Params ¶
- "hashes" The hashes of the torrents you want to get the upload limit of. or set to []string{"all"}, to get the upload limit of all torrents.
Returns ¶
- map[string]int where key is the torrent hash and value is the upload speed limit in bytes per second; this value will be zero if no limit is applied.
Http Error Codes ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) GetTorrentWebSeeds ¶
func (c *Client) GetTorrentWebSeeds(hash string) (results []TorrentSeed, err error)
Requires knowing the torrent hash. You can get it from GetTorrentList
Params ¶
- "hash" The hash of the torrent you want to get the webseeds of
Http Error Codes ¶
- 404 Not Found, if the torrent hash is invalid
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) IncreaseTorrentPriority ¶
Requires knowing the torrent hash. You can get it from GetTorrentList
Params ¶
- "hashes" The hashes of the torrents you want to increase the priority of. or set to []string{"all"}, to increase the priority of all torrents.
Http Error Codes ¶
- 409 Torrent queueing is not enabled
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) InstallSearchPlugin ¶
Params ¶
- "sources" Url or file path of the plugin to install (e.g. "")
Http Error Codes ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) Login ¶
Params ¶
- "username" Username used to access the WebUI
- "password" Password used to access the WebUI
Http Error Codes ¶
- 403 User's IP is banned for too many failed login attempts
func (*Client) Logout ¶
func (*Client) MarkRSSAsRead ¶
Params ¶
- "itemPath" Current full path of item (e.g. "The Pirate Bay\Top100")
- "articleId" ID of article
Http Error Codes ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) MaximalTorrentPriority ¶
Requires knowing the torrent hash. You can get it from GetTorrentList
Params ¶
- "hashes" The hashes of the torrents you want to set to the maximum priority of. or set to []string{"all"}, to set all torrents to the maximum priority.
Http Error Codes ¶
- 409 Torrent queueing is not enabled
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) MinimalTorrentPriority ¶
Requires knowing the torrent hash. You can get it from GetTorrentList
Params ¶
- "hashes" The hashes of the torrents you want to set to the minimum priority of. or set to []string{"all"}, to set all torrents to the minimum priority.
Http Error Codes ¶
- 409 Torrent queueing is not enabled
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) MoveRSSItem ¶
Params ¶
- "itemPath" Current full path of item (e.g. "The Pirate Bay\Top100")
- "destPath" New full path of item (e.g. "The Pirate Bay")
Http Error Codes ¶
- 409 Failure to move item
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) PauseTorrents ¶
Requires knowing the torrent hash. You can get it from GetTorrentList
Params ¶
- "hashes" The hashes of the torrents you want to pause. or set to []string{"all"}, to pause all torrents.
Http Error Codes ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) ReannounceTorrents ¶
Requires knowing the torrent hash. You can get it from GetTorrentList
Params ¶
- "hashes" The hashes of the torrents you want to reannounce. or set to []string{"all"}, to reannounce all torrents.
Http Error Codes ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) RecheckTorrents ¶
Requires knowing the torrent hash. You can get it from GetTorrentList
Params ¶
- "hashes" The hashes of the torrents you want to recheck. or set to []string{"all"}, to recheck all torrents.
Http Error Codes ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) RefreshRSSItem ¶
Params ¶
- "itemPath" Current full path of item (e.g. "The Pirate Bay\Top100")
Http Error Codes ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) RemoveCategories ¶
Removes categories from the client
Params ¶
- "categories" The names of the categories to remove
Http Error Codes ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) RemoveRSSAutoDownloadingRule ¶
Params ¶
- "ruleName" Name of rule
Http Error Codes ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) RemoveRSSItem ¶
Params ¶
- "path" Full path of removed item (e.g. "The Pirate Bay\Top100")
Http Error Codes ¶
- 409 Failure to remove item
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) RemoveTorrentTags ¶
Removes tags from torrents
Requires knowing the torrent hash. You can get it from GetTorrentList
Params ¶
- "hashes" The hashes of the torrents for which you want to remove tags. or set to []string{"all"}, to remove tags from all torrents.
- "tags" The tags to remove
Http Error Codes ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) RemoveTrackers ¶
Requires knowing the torrent hash. You can get it from GetTorrentList
- "hash" The hash of the torrent you want to remove trackers from.
- "urls" The URLs of the trackers you want to remove.
Http Error Codes ¶
- 404 Torrent hash was not found
- 409 All urls were not found
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) RenameFile ¶
Requires knowing the torrent hash. You can get it from GetTorrentList
It can move files too.
Params ¶
- "hash" The hash of the torrent
- "oldPath" (relative to the torrent) The old path
- "newPath" (relative to the torrent) The new path
Http Error Codes ¶
- 400 Missing newPath parameter
- 409 Invalid newPath or oldPath, or newPath already in use
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) RenameFolder ¶
Renames the folder of a torrent (where its stored)
Requires knowing the torrent hash. You can get it from GetTorrentList
Params ¶
- "hash" The hash of the torrent
- "oldPath" (relative to the torrent) The old path
- "newPath" (relative to the torrent) The new path
Http Error Codes ¶
- 400 Missing newPath parameter
- 409 Invalid newPath or oldPath, or newPath already in use
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) RenameRSSAutoDownloadingRule ¶
Params ¶
- "ruleName" Name of rule
- "newRuleName" New name of rule
Http Error Codes ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) ResumeTorrents ¶
Requires knowing the torrent hash. You can get it from GetTorrentList
- "hashes" The hashes of the torrents you want to resume. or set to []string{"all"}, to resume all torrents.
Http Error Codes ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) SetApplicationPreferences ¶
Tip ¶
- Use NewPreferences to build the form then pass its `data` field
Example ¶
params := qbittorrent.NewPreferences(). Locale("en"). SavePath("/home/user/Downloads") err = client.SetApplicationPreferences(params.Data) if err != nil { panic(err) }
Http Error Codes: ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) SetAutomaticTorrentManagement ¶
Enable/disable auto-management for a list of torrents
Requires knowing the torrent hash. You can get it from GetTorrentList
Params ¶
- "hashes" The hashes of the torrents for which you want to set the auto-management. or set to []string{"all"}, to set auto-management for all torrents.
- "enable" Enable or disable auto-management
Http Error Codes ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) SetFilePriority ¶
func (c *Client) SetFilePriority(hash string, ids []int, priority FilePriority) (err error)
Requires knowing the torrent hash. You can get it from GetTorrentList
Params ¶
- "hash" The hash of the torrent you want to set the priority of
- "ids" values correspond to file position inside the array returned by GetTorrentContents e.g. id=0 for first file, id=1 for second file, etc.
- "priority" The priority you want to set
Http Error Codes ¶
- 400 Priority is invalid
- 400 At least one file id is not a valid integer
- 404 Torrent hash was not found
- 409 Torrent metadata hasn't downloaded yet
- 409 At least one file id was not found
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) SetForceStart ¶
Requires knowing the torrent hash. You can get it from GetTorrentList
Params ¶
- "hashes" The hashes of the torrents for which you want to set the force start. or set to []string{"all"}, to set force start for all torrents.
- "forceStart" Enable or disable force start
Http Error Codes ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) SetGlobalDownloadLimit ¶
Params ¶
- "limit" The global download speed limit to set in bytes/second
Http Error Codes: ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) SetGlobalUploadLimit ¶
Params ¶
- "limit" The global upload speed limit to set in bytes/second
Http Error Codes: ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) SetRSSAutoDownloadingRule ¶
func (c *Client) SetRSSAutoDownloadingRule(ruleName string, ruleDef map[string]interface{}) (err error)
Params ¶
- "ruleName" Name of rule
- "ruleDef" Definition of rule. Use NewRSSRule to build it then pass its `data` field
Http Error Codes ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) SetSuperSeeding ¶
Requires knowing the torrent hash. You can get it from GetTorrentList
Params ¶
- "hashes" The hashes of the torrents for which you want to set the super seeding. or set to []string{"all"}, to set super seeding for all torrents.
- "enable" Enable or disable super seeding
Http Error Codes ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) SetTorrentCategory ¶
Requires knowing the torrent hash. You can get it from GetTorrentList
Params ¶
- "hashes" The hashes of the torrents you want to set the category of. or set to []string{"all"}, to set the category of all torrents.
- "category" The new category of the torrent
Http Error Codes ¶
- 409 Category name does not exist
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) SetTorrentDownloadLimit ¶
Requires knowing the torrent hash. You can get it from GetTorrentList
Params ¶
- "hashes" The hashes of the torrents you want to set the download limit of
- "limit" The download speed limit in bytes per second
Http Error Codes: ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) SetTorrentLocation ¶
Requires knowing the torrent hash. You can get it from GetTorrentList
Params ¶
- "hashes" The hashes of the torrents you want to set the location of. or set to []string{"all"}, to set the location of all torrents.
- "location" The new location of the torrent
Http Error Codes ¶
- 400 Save path is empty
- 403 User does not have write access to directory
- 409 Unable to create save path directory
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) SetTorrentName ¶
Changes the name of the torrent (Not the folder name)
Requires knowing the torrent hash. You can get it from GetTorrentList
Params ¶
- "hash" The hash of the torrent for which you want to set the name
- "name" The new name of the torrent
Http Error Codes ¶
- 404 Torrent hash is invalid
- 409 Torrent name is empty
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) SetTorrentShareLimit ¶
func (c *Client) SetTorrentShareLimit(hashes []string, ratioLimit float64, seedingTimeLimit, inactiveSeedingTimeLimit int) (err error)
Requires knowing the torrent hash. You can get it from GetTorrentList
Params: ¶
- "hashes" The hashes of the torrents for which you want to set the share limits. or set to []string{"all"}, to set all torrents share limits.
- "ratioLimit" The maximum seeding ratio for the torrent. -2 means the global limit should be used, -1 means no limit.
- "seedingTimeLimit" The maximum seeding time (minutes) for the torrent. -2 means the global limit should be used, -1 means no limit.
- "inactiveSeedingTimeLimit" The maximum amount of time (minutes) the torrent is allowed to seed while being inactive. -2 means the global limit should be used, -1 means no limit.
Http Error Codes: ¶
- 400 Bad Request
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) SetTorrentUploadLimit ¶
Requires knowing the torrent hash. You can get it from GetTorrentList
Params ¶
- "hashes" The hashes of the torrents you want to set the upload limit of. or set to []string{"all"}, to set the upload limit of all torrents.
- "limit" The upload speed limit in bytes per second
Http Error Codes ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) ShutdownApplication ¶
Http Error Codes: ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) StartSearch ¶
func (c *Client) StartSearch(pattern string, plugins []string, category []string) (results int, err error)
Params ¶
- "pattern" Pattern to search for (e.g. "Ubuntu 18.04")
- "plugins" Plugins to use for searching (e.g. "legittorrents"). Also supports `all` and `enabled`
- "category" Categories to limit your search to (e.g. "legittorrents"). Available categories depend on the specified plugins. Also supports `all`
Returns ¶
- "id" ID of the search job
Http Error Codes ¶
- 409 User has reached the limit of max Running searches (currently set to 5)
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) StopSearch ¶
Params ¶
- "id" ID of the search job
Http Error Codes ¶
- 404 Forbidden, Search job was not found
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) ToggleAlternativeSpeedLimits ¶
Http Error Codes: ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) ToggleFirstLastPiecePriority ¶
Requires knowing the torrent hash. You can get it from GetTorrentList
Params ¶
- "hashes" The hashes of the torrents for which you want to toggle first last piece priority. or set to []string{"all"}, to toggle first last piece priority for all torrents.
Http Error Codes ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) ToggleSequentialDownload ¶
Requires knowing the torrent hash. You can get it from GetTorrentList
Params ¶
- "hashes" The hashes of the torrents for which you want to toggle sequential download. or set to []string{"all"}, to toggle sequential download for all torrents.
Http Error Codes ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) UninstallSearchPlugin ¶
Params ¶
- "names" Name of the plugin to uninstall (e.g. "legittorrents").
Http Error Codes ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
func (*Client) UpdateSearchPlugins ¶
Http Error Codes ¶
- 403 Forbidden, if the client is not authorized
type ConnectionStatus ¶
type ConnectionStatus string
const ( Connected ConnectionStatus = "connected" // Connected to the torrent FireWalled ConnectionStatus = "firewalled" // firewalled Disconnected ConnectionStatus = "disconnected" // Disconnected )
type DeleteOptions ¶
type DeleteOptions struct { Hashes []string // The hashes of the torrents you want to delete. hashes can contain multiple hashes, to delete multiple torrents, or set to []{"all"}, to delete all torrents. DeleteFiles bool // If set to true, the downloaded data will also be deleted, otherwise has no effect. }
type DyndnsService ¶
type DyndnsService int
const ( DyndnsServiceUseDyDNS DyndnsService = 0 // Use DyDNS DyndnsServiceUseNOIP DyndnsService = 1 // Use NOIP )
type Encryption ¶
type Encryption int
const ( EncryptionPrefer Encryption = 0 // Prefer encryption EncryptionForceOn Encryption = 1 // Force encryption EncryptionForceOff Encryption = 2 // Force no encryption )
type FilePriority ¶
type FilePriority int
const ( FilePriorityDoNotDownload FilePriority = 0 // Do not download FilePriorityNormal FilePriority = 1 // Normal priority FilePriorityHigh FilePriority = 6 // High priority FilePriorityMaximal FilePriority = 7 // Maximal priority )
type Filters ¶
type Filters string
const ( FilterAll Filters = "all" FilterDownloading Filters = "downloading" FilterSeeding Filters = "seeding" FilterCompleted Filters = "completed" FilterPaused Filters = "paused" FilterActive Filters = "active" FilterInactive Filters = "inactive" FilterResumed Filters = "resumed" FilterStalled Filters = "stalled" FilterStalledUploading Filters = "stalled_uploading" FilterStalledDownloading Filters = "stalled_downloading" FilterErrored Filters = "errored" )
type GetLogParams ¶
type GetLogParams struct { Normal *bool // Include normal messages (default: true) Info *bool // Include info messages (default: true) Warning *bool // Include warning messages (default: true) Critical *bool // Include critical messages (default: true) LastKnownId *int // integer Exclude messages with "message id" <= last_known_id (default: -1) }
type GetLogResponse ¶
type GetLogResponse struct { Id int `json:"id"` // ID of the message Message string `json:"message"` // Text of the message Timestamp int `json:"timestamp"` // Seconds since epoch (Note: switched from milliseconds to seconds in v4.5.0) Type LogMessageType `json:"type"` // Type of the message: Log::NORMAL: 1, Log::INFO: 2, Log::WARNING: 4, Log::CRITICAL: 8 }
type GetPeerLogResponse ¶
type GetTorrentListOptions ¶
type GetTorrentListOptions struct { Filter Filters // Filter torrent list by state. Allowed state filters see [qbittorrent.Filters] Category *string // Get torrents with the given category. - Pass an empty string for "without category" torrents. - Leave it or pass nil for "any category" torrents. Tag *string // Get torrents with the given tag. - Pass an empty string for "without tag" torrents. - Leave it or pass nil for "any tag" torrents. Sort string // Sort torrents by given key. They can be sorted using any field of the response's array as the sort key. Reverse bool // Enable reverse sorting. Defaults to false Limit int // Limit the number of torrents returned Offset int // Set offset (if less than 0, offset from end) Hashes []string // Filter by hashes. }
type LogMessageType ¶
type LogMessageType int
const ( LogNormal LogMessageType = 1 LogInfo LogMessageType = 2 LogWarn LogMessageType = 4 LogCritical LogMessageType = 8 )
type MaxRatioAct ¶
type MaxRatioAct int
const ( MaxRatioActPause MaxRatioAct = 0 // Pause torrent MaxRatioActRemove MaxRatioAct = 1 // Remove torrent )
type NewTorrentOptions ¶
func NewTorrent ¶
func NewTorrent() *NewTorrentOptions
func (*NewTorrentOptions) AddFromFile ¶
func (o *NewTorrentOptions) AddFromFile(filePath string) *NewTorrentOptions
func (*NewTorrentOptions) AddUrl ¶
func (o *NewTorrentOptions) AddUrl(uri string) *NewTorrentOptions
Add a torrent from a URL: http://, https://, magnet: and bc://bt/ links are supported.
func (*NewTorrentOptions) AutoTMM ¶
func (o *NewTorrentOptions) AutoTMM(v bool) *NewTorrentOptions
Whether Automatic Torrent Management should be used
func (*NewTorrentOptions) Category ¶
func (o *NewTorrentOptions) Category(cat string) *NewTorrentOptions
Category for the torrent
func (*NewTorrentOptions) Cookie ¶
func (o *NewTorrentOptions) Cookie(v string) *NewTorrentOptions
Cookie sent to download the .torrent file
func (*NewTorrentOptions) DlLimit ¶
func (o *NewTorrentOptions) DlLimit(v int) *NewTorrentOptions
Set torrent download speed limit. Unit in bytes/second
func (*NewTorrentOptions) FirstLastPiecePrio ¶
func (o *NewTorrentOptions) FirstLastPiecePrio(v string) *NewTorrentOptions
Prioritize download first last piece
func (*NewTorrentOptions) Paused ¶
func (o *NewTorrentOptions) Paused(v bool) *NewTorrentOptions
Add torrents in the paused state.
func (*NewTorrentOptions) RatioLimit ¶
func (o *NewTorrentOptions) RatioLimit(v float64) *NewTorrentOptions
Set torrent share ratio limit
func (*NewTorrentOptions) Rename ¶
func (o *NewTorrentOptions) Rename(v string) *NewTorrentOptions
Rename torrent
func (*NewTorrentOptions) RootFolder ¶
func (o *NewTorrentOptions) RootFolder(v bool) *NewTorrentOptions
Create the root folder.
func (*NewTorrentOptions) SavePath ¶
func (o *NewTorrentOptions) SavePath(path string) *NewTorrentOptions
Download folder
func (*NewTorrentOptions) SeedingTimeLimit ¶
func (o *NewTorrentOptions) SeedingTimeLimit(v int) *NewTorrentOptions
Set torrent seeding time limit. Unit in minutes
func (*NewTorrentOptions) SequentialDownload ¶
func (o *NewTorrentOptions) SequentialDownload(v string) *NewTorrentOptions
Enable sequential download.
func (*NewTorrentOptions) SkipChecking ¶
func (o *NewTorrentOptions) SkipChecking(v bool) *NewTorrentOptions
Skip hash checking
func (*NewTorrentOptions) Tags ¶
func (o *NewTorrentOptions) Tags(v []string) *NewTorrentOptions
Tags for the torrent
func (*NewTorrentOptions) UpLimit ¶
func (o *NewTorrentOptions) UpLimit(v int) *NewTorrentOptions
Set torrent upload speed limit. Unit in bytes/second
type Preferences ¶
type Preferences struct {
Data map[string]interface{}
func NewPreferences ¶
func NewPreferences() *Preferences
func (*Preferences) AddTrackers ¶
func (p *Preferences) AddTrackers(v string) *Preferences
List of trackers to add to new torrent
func (*Preferences) AddTrackersEnabled ¶
func (p *Preferences) AddTrackersEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
Enable automatic adding of trackers to new torrents
func (*Preferences) AltDlLimit ¶
func (p *Preferences) AltDlLimit(v int) *Preferences
Alternative global download speed limit in KiB/s
func (*Preferences) AltUpLimit ¶
func (p *Preferences) AltUpLimit(v int) *Preferences
Alternative global upload speed limit in KiB/s
func (*Preferences) AlternativeWebuiEnabled ¶
func (p *Preferences) AlternativeWebuiEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
True if an alternative WebUI should be used
func (*Preferences) AlternativeWebuiPath ¶
func (p *Preferences) AlternativeWebuiPath(v string) *Preferences
File path to the alternative WebUI
func (*Preferences) AnnounceIp ¶
func (p *Preferences) AnnounceIp(v string) *Preferences
TODO - add description
func (*Preferences) AnnounceToAllTiers ¶
func (p *Preferences) AnnounceToAllTiers(v bool) *Preferences
True always announce to all tiers
func (*Preferences) AnnounceToAllTrackers ¶
func (p *Preferences) AnnounceToAllTrackers(v bool) *Preferences
True always announce to all trackers in a tier
func (*Preferences) AnonymousMode ¶
func (p *Preferences) AnonymousMode(v bool) *Preferences
If true anonymous mode will be enabled; read more here; this option is only available in qBittorent built against libtorrent version 0.16.X and higher
func (*Preferences) AsyncIoThreads ¶
func (p *Preferences) AsyncIoThreads(v int) *Preferences
Number of asynchronous I/O threads
func (*Preferences) AutoDeleteMode ¶
func (p *Preferences) AutoDeleteMode(v int) *Preferences
TODO - documentation missing
func (*Preferences) AutoTmmEnabled ¶
func (p *Preferences) AutoTmmEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
True if Automatic Torrent Management is enabled by default
func (*Preferences) AutorunEnabled ¶
func (p *Preferences) AutorunEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
True if external program should be run after torrent has finished downloading
func (*Preferences) AutorunProgram ¶
func (p *Preferences) AutorunProgram(v string) *Preferences
Program path/name/arguments to run if autorun_enabled is enabled; path is separated by slashes; you can use %f and %n arguments, which will be expanded by qBittorent as path_to_torrent_file and torrent_name (from the GUI; not the .torrent file name) respectively
func (*Preferences) BannedIPs ¶
func (p *Preferences) BannedIPs(v string) *Preferences
List of banned IPs
func (*Preferences) BittorrentProtocol ¶
func (p *Preferences) BittorrentProtocol(v BittorrentProtocol) *Preferences
Bittorrent Protocol to use
func (*Preferences) BypassAuthSubnetWhitelist ¶
func (p *Preferences) BypassAuthSubnetWhitelist(v string) *Preferences
(White)list of ipv4/ipv6 subnets for which webui authentication should be bypassed; list entries are separated by commas
func (*Preferences) BypassAuthSubnetWhitelistEnabled ¶
func (p *Preferences) BypassAuthSubnetWhitelistEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
True if webui authentication should be bypassed for clients whose ip resides within (at least) one of the subnets on the whitelist
func (*Preferences) BypassLocalAuth ¶
func (p *Preferences) BypassLocalAuth(v bool) *Preferences
True if authentication challenge for loopback address ( should be disabled
func (*Preferences) CategoryChangedTmmEnabled ¶
func (p *Preferences) CategoryChangedTmmEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
True if torrent should be relocated when its Category's save path changes
func (*Preferences) CheckingMemoryUse ¶
func (p *Preferences) CheckingMemoryUse(v int) *Preferences
Outstanding memory when checking torrents in MiB
func (*Preferences) CreateSubfolderEnabled ¶
func (p *Preferences) CreateSubfolderEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
True if a subfolder should be created when adding a torrent
func (*Preferences) CurrentInterfaceAddress ¶
func (p *Preferences) CurrentInterfaceAddress(v string) *Preferences
IP Address to bind to. Empty String means All addresses
func (*Preferences) CurrentNetworkInterface ¶
func (p *Preferences) CurrentNetworkInterface(v string) *Preferences
Network Interface used
func (*Preferences) DiskCache ¶
func (p *Preferences) DiskCache(v int) *Preferences
Disk cache used in MiB
func (*Preferences) DiskCacheTtl ¶
func (p *Preferences) DiskCacheTtl(v int) *Preferences
Disk cache expiry interval in seconds
func (*Preferences) DlLimit ¶
func (p *Preferences) DlLimit(v int) *Preferences
Global download speed limit in KiB/s; -1 means no limit is applied
func (*Preferences) DontCountSlowTorrents ¶
func (p *Preferences) DontCountSlowTorrents(v bool) *Preferences
If true torrents w/o any activity (stalled ones) will not be counted towards max_active_* limits; see dont_count_slow_torrents for more information
func (*Preferences) DyndnsDomain ¶
func (p *Preferences) DyndnsDomain(v string) *Preferences
Your DDNS domain name
func (*Preferences) DyndnsEnabled ¶
func (p *Preferences) DyndnsEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
True if server DNS should be updated dynamically
func (*Preferences) DyndnsPassword ¶
func (p *Preferences) DyndnsPassword(v string) *Preferences
Password for DDNS service
func (*Preferences) DyndnsService ¶
func (p *Preferences) DyndnsService(v DyndnsService) *Preferences
See list of possible values here below
func (*Preferences) DyndnsUsername ¶
func (p *Preferences) DyndnsUsername(v string) *Preferences
Username for DDNS service
func (*Preferences) EmbeddedTrackerPort ¶
func (p *Preferences) EmbeddedTrackerPort(v int) *Preferences
Port used for embedded tracker
func (*Preferences) EnableCoalesceReadWrite ¶
func (p *Preferences) EnableCoalesceReadWrite(v bool) *Preferences
True enables coalesce reads & writes
func (*Preferences) EnableEmbeddedTracker ¶
func (p *Preferences) EnableEmbeddedTracker(v bool) *Preferences
True enables embedded tracker
func (*Preferences) EnableMultiConnectionsFromSameIP ¶
func (p *Preferences) EnableMultiConnectionsFromSameIP(v bool) *Preferences
True allows multiple connections from the same IP address
func (*Preferences) EnableOsCache ¶
func (p *Preferences) EnableOsCache(v bool) *Preferences
True enables os cache
func (*Preferences) EnablePieceExtentAffinity ¶
func (p *Preferences) EnablePieceExtentAffinity(v bool) *Preferences
True if the advanced libtorrent option piece_extent_affinity is enabled
func (*Preferences) EnableUploadSuggestions ¶
func (p *Preferences) EnableUploadSuggestions(v bool) *Preferences
True enables sending of upload piece suggestions
func (*Preferences) Encryption ¶
func (p *Preferences) Encryption(v Encryption) *Preferences
See list of possible values here below
func (*Preferences) ExportDir ¶
func (p *Preferences) ExportDir(v string) *Preferences
Path to directory to copy .torrent files to. Slashes are used as path separators
func (*Preferences) ExportDirFin ¶
func (p *Preferences) ExportDirFin(v string) *Preferences
Path to directory to copy .torrent files of completed downloads to. Slashes are used as path separators
func (*Preferences) FilePoolSize ¶
func (p *Preferences) FilePoolSize(v int) *Preferences
File pool size
func (*Preferences) IncompleteFilesExt ¶
func (p *Preferences) IncompleteFilesExt(v bool) *Preferences
True if ".!qB" should be appended to incomplete files
func (*Preferences) IpFilterEnabled ¶
func (p *Preferences) IpFilterEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
True if external IP filter should be enabled
func (*Preferences) IpFilterPath ¶
func (p *Preferences) IpFilterPath(v string) *Preferences
Path to IP filter file (.dat, .p2p, .p2b files are supported); path is separated by slashes
func (*Preferences) IpFilterTrackers ¶
func (p *Preferences) IpFilterTrackers(v bool) *Preferences
True if IP filters are applied to trackers
func (*Preferences) LimitLanPeers ¶
func (p *Preferences) LimitLanPeers(v bool) *Preferences
True if [du]l_limit should be applied to peers on the LAN
func (*Preferences) LimitTcpOverhead ¶
func (p *Preferences) LimitTcpOverhead(v bool) *Preferences
True if [du]l_limit should be applied to estimated TCP overhead (service data: e.g. packet headers)
func (*Preferences) LimitUtpRate ¶
func (p *Preferences) LimitUtpRate(v bool) *Preferences
True if [du]l_limit should be applied to uTP connections; this option is only available in qBittorent built against libtorrent version 0.16.X and higher
func (*Preferences) ListenPort ¶
func (p *Preferences) ListenPort(v int) *Preferences
Port for incoming connections
func (*Preferences) Locale ¶
func (p *Preferences) Locale(v string) *Preferences
Currently selected language (e.g. en_GB for English)
func (*Preferences) MailNotificationAuthEnabled ¶
func (p *Preferences) MailNotificationAuthEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
True if smtp server requires authentication
func (*Preferences) MailNotificationEmail ¶
func (p *Preferences) MailNotificationEmail(v string) *Preferences
e-mail to send notifications to
func (*Preferences) MailNotificationEnabled ¶
func (p *Preferences) MailNotificationEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
True if e-mail notification should be enabled
func (*Preferences) MailNotificationPassword ¶
func (p *Preferences) MailNotificationPassword(v string) *Preferences
Password for smtp authentication
func (*Preferences) MailNotificationSender ¶
func (p *Preferences) MailNotificationSender(v string) *Preferences
e-mail where notifications should originate from
func (*Preferences) MailNotificationSmtp ¶
func (p *Preferences) MailNotificationSmtp(v string) *Preferences
smtp server for e-mail notifications
func (*Preferences) MailNotificationSslEnabled ¶
func (p *Preferences) MailNotificationSslEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
True if smtp server requires SSL connection
func (*Preferences) MailNotificationUsername ¶
func (p *Preferences) MailNotificationUsername(v string) *Preferences
Username for smtp authentication
func (*Preferences) MaxActiveDownloads ¶
func (p *Preferences) MaxActiveDownloads(v int) *Preferences
Maximum number of active simultaneous downloads
func (*Preferences) MaxActiveTorrents ¶
func (p *Preferences) MaxActiveTorrents(v int) *Preferences
Maximum number of active simultaneous downloads and uploads
func (*Preferences) MaxActiveUploads ¶
func (p *Preferences) MaxActiveUploads(v int) *Preferences
Maximum number of active simultaneous uploads
func (*Preferences) MaxConnec ¶
func (p *Preferences) MaxConnec(v int) *Preferences
Maximum global number of simultaneous connections
func (*Preferences) MaxConnecPerTorrent ¶
func (p *Preferences) MaxConnecPerTorrent(v int) *Preferences
Maximum number of simultaneous connections per torrent
func (*Preferences) MaxRatio ¶
func (p *Preferences) MaxRatio(v float64) *Preferences
Get the global share ratio limit
func (*Preferences) MaxRatioAct ¶
func (p *Preferences) MaxRatioAct(v DyndnsService) *Preferences
Action performed when a torrent reaches the maximum share ratio. See list of possible values here below.
func (*Preferences) MaxRatioEnabled ¶
func (p *Preferences) MaxRatioEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
True if share ratio limit is enabled
func (*Preferences) MaxSeedingTime ¶
func (p *Preferences) MaxSeedingTime(v int) *Preferences
Number of minutes to seed a torrent
func (*Preferences) MaxSeedingTimeEnabled ¶
func (p *Preferences) MaxSeedingTimeEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
True enables max seeding time
func (*Preferences) MaxUploads ¶
func (p *Preferences) MaxUploads(v int) *Preferences
Maximum number of upload slots
func (*Preferences) MaxUploadsPerTorrent ¶
func (p *Preferences) MaxUploadsPerTorrent(v int) *Preferences
Maximum number of upload slots per torrent
func (*Preferences) OutgoingPortsMax ¶
func (p *Preferences) OutgoingPortsMax(v int) *Preferences
Maximal outgoing port (0: Disabled)
func (*Preferences) OutgoingPortsMin ¶
func (p *Preferences) OutgoingPortsMin(v int) *Preferences
Minimal outgoing port (0: Disabled)
func (*Preferences) PreallocateAll ¶
func (p *Preferences) PreallocateAll(v bool) *Preferences
True if disk space should be pre-allocated for all files
func (*Preferences) ProxyAuthEnabled ¶
func (p *Preferences) ProxyAuthEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
True proxy requires authentication; doesn't apply to SOCKS4 proxies
func (*Preferences) ProxyIp ¶
func (p *Preferences) ProxyIp(v string) *Preferences
Proxy IP address or domain name
func (*Preferences) ProxyPassword ¶
func (p *Preferences) ProxyPassword(v string) *Preferences
Password for proxy authentication
func (*Preferences) ProxyPeerConnections ¶
func (p *Preferences) ProxyPeerConnections(v bool) *Preferences
True if peer and web seed connections should be proxified; this option will have any effect only in qBittorent built against libtorrent version 0.16.X and higher
func (*Preferences) ProxyTorrentsOnly ¶
func (p *Preferences) ProxyTorrentsOnly(v bool) *Preferences
True if proxy is only used for torrents
func (*Preferences) ProxyType ¶
func (p *Preferences) ProxyType(v int) *Preferences
See list of possible values here below
func (*Preferences) ProxyUsername ¶
func (p *Preferences) ProxyUsername(v string) *Preferences
Username for proxy authentication
func (*Preferences) QueueingEnabled ¶
func (p *Preferences) QueueingEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
True if torrent queuing is enabled
func (*Preferences) RandomPort ¶
func (p *Preferences) RandomPort(v bool) *Preferences
True if the port is randomly selected
func (*Preferences) RecheckCompletedTorrents ¶
func (p *Preferences) RecheckCompletedTorrents(v bool) *Preferences
True rechecks torrents on completion
func (*Preferences) ResolvePeerCountries ¶
func (p *Preferences) ResolvePeerCountries(v bool) *Preferences
True resolves peer countries
func (*Preferences) RssAutoDownloadingEnabled ¶
func (p *Preferences) RssAutoDownloadingEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
Enable auto-downloading of torrents from the RSS feeds
func (*Preferences) RssDownloadRepackProperEpisodes ¶
func (p *Preferences) RssDownloadRepackProperEpisodes(v bool) *Preferences
For API ≥ v2.5.1: Enable downloading of repack/proper Episodes
func (*Preferences) RssMaxArticlesPerFeed ¶
func (p *Preferences) RssMaxArticlesPerFeed(v int) *Preferences
Max stored articles per RSS feed
func (*Preferences) RssProcessingEnabled ¶
func (p *Preferences) RssProcessingEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
Enable processing of RSS feeds
func (*Preferences) RssRefreshInterval ¶
func (p *Preferences) RssRefreshInterval(v int) *Preferences
RSS refresh interval
func (*Preferences) RssSmartEpisodeFilters ¶
func (p *Preferences) RssSmartEpisodeFilters(v string) *Preferences
For API ≥ v2.5.1: List of RSS Smart Episode Filters
func (*Preferences) SavePath ¶
func (p *Preferences) SavePath(v string) *Preferences
Default save path for torrents, separated by slashes
func (*Preferences) SavePathChangedTmmEnabled ¶
func (p *Preferences) SavePathChangedTmmEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
True if torrent should be relocated when the default save path changes
func (*Preferences) SaveResumeDataInterval ¶
func (p *Preferences) SaveResumeDataInterval(v int) *Preferences
Save resume data interval in min
func (*Preferences) ScanDirs ¶
func (p *Preferences) ScanDirs(v map[string]interface{}) *Preferences
Property: directory to watch for torrent files, value: where torrents loaded from this directory should be downloaded to. Slashes are used as path separators; multiple key/value pairs can be specified
Possible values of scan_dirs
- `0` Download to the monitored folder
- `1` Download to the default save path
- "/path/to/download/to" Download to this path
func (*Preferences) ScheduleFromHour ¶
func (p *Preferences) ScheduleFromHour(v int) *Preferences
Scheduler starting hour
func (*Preferences) ScheduleFromMin ¶
func (p *Preferences) ScheduleFromMin(v int) *Preferences
Scheduler starting minute
func (*Preferences) ScheduleToHour ¶
func (p *Preferences) ScheduleToHour(v int) *Preferences
Scheduler ending hour
func (*Preferences) ScheduleToMin ¶
func (p *Preferences) ScheduleToMin(v int) *Preferences
Scheduler ending minute
func (*Preferences) SchedulerDays ¶
func (p *Preferences) SchedulerDays(v SchedulerDays) *Preferences
Scheduler days. See possible values here below
func (*Preferences) SchedulerEnabled ¶
func (p *Preferences) SchedulerEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
True if alternative limits should be applied according to schedule
func (*Preferences) SendBufferLowWatermark ¶
func (p *Preferences) SendBufferLowWatermark(v int) *Preferences
Send buffer low watermark in KiB
func (*Preferences) SendBufferWatermark ¶
func (p *Preferences) SendBufferWatermark(v int) *Preferences
Send buffer watermark in KiB
func (*Preferences) SlowTorrentDlRateThreshold ¶
func (p *Preferences) SlowTorrentDlRateThreshold(v int) *Preferences
Download rate in KiB/s for a torrent to be considered "slow"
func (*Preferences) SlowTorrentInactiveTimer ¶
func (p *Preferences) SlowTorrentInactiveTimer(v int) *Preferences
Seconds a torrent should be inactive before considered "slow"
func (*Preferences) SlowTorrentUlRateThreshold ¶
func (p *Preferences) SlowTorrentUlRateThreshold(v int) *Preferences
Upload rate in KiB/s for a torrent to be considered "slow"
func (*Preferences) SocketBacklogSize ¶
func (p *Preferences) SocketBacklogSize(v int) *Preferences
Send buffer watermark factor in percent
func (*Preferences) SslCert ¶
func (p *Preferences) SslCert(v string) *Preferences
For API < v2.0.1: SSL certificate contents (this is a not a path)
func (*Preferences) SslKey ¶
func (p *Preferences) SslKey(v string) *Preferences
For API < v2.0.1: SSL keyfile contents (this is a not a path)
func (*Preferences) StartPausedEnabled ¶
func (p *Preferences) StartPausedEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
True if torrents should be added in a Paused state
func (*Preferences) StopTrackerTimeout ¶
func (p *Preferences) StopTrackerTimeout(v int) *Preferences
Timeout in seconds for a stopped announce request to trackers
func (*Preferences) TempPath ¶
func (p *Preferences) TempPath(v string) *Preferences
Path for incomplete torrents, separated by slashes
func (*Preferences) TempPathEnabled ¶
func (p *Preferences) TempPathEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
True if folder for incomplete torrents is enabled
func (*Preferences) TorrentChangedTmmEnabled ¶
func (p *Preferences) TorrentChangedTmmEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
True if torrent should be relocated when its Category changes
func (*Preferences) UpLimit ¶
func (p *Preferences) UpLimit(v int) *Preferences
Global upload speed limit in KiB/s; -1 means no limit is applied
func (*Preferences) UploadChokingAlgorithm ¶
func (p *Preferences) UploadChokingAlgorithm(v UploadChokingAlgorithm) *Preferences
Upload choking algorithm used
func (*Preferences) UploadSlotsBehavior ¶
func (p *Preferences) UploadSlotsBehavior(v UploadSlotsBehavior) *Preferences
Upload slots behavior used
func (*Preferences) Upnp ¶
func (p *Preferences) Upnp(v bool) *Preferences
True if UPnP/NAT-PMP is enabled
func (*Preferences) UpnpLeaseDuration ¶
func (p *Preferences) UpnpLeaseDuration(v int) *Preferences
UPnP lease duration (0: Permanent lease)
func (*Preferences) UseHttps ¶
func (p *Preferences) UseHttps(v bool) *Preferences
True if WebUI HTTPS access is enabled
func (*Preferences) UtpTcpMixedMode ¶
func (p *Preferences) UtpTcpMixedMode(v UtpTcpMixedMode) *Preferences
μTP-TCP mixed mode algorithm
func (*Preferences) WebUiAddress ¶
func (p *Preferences) WebUiAddress(v string) *Preferences
IP address to use for the WebUI
func (*Preferences) WebUiBanDuration ¶
func (p *Preferences) WebUiBanDuration(v int) *Preferences
WebUI access ban duration in seconds
func (*Preferences) WebUiClickjackingProtectionEnabled ¶
func (p *Preferences) WebUiClickjackingProtectionEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
True if WebUI clickjacking protection is enabled
func (*Preferences) WebUiCsrfProtectionEnabled ¶
func (p *Preferences) WebUiCsrfProtectionEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
True if WebUI CSRF protection is enabled
func (*Preferences) WebUiCustomHttpHeaders ¶
func (p *Preferences) WebUiCustomHttpHeaders(v string) *Preferences
For API ≥ v2.5.1: List of custom http headers
func (*Preferences) WebUiDomainList ¶
func (p *Preferences) WebUiDomainList(v string) *Preferences
Semicolon-separated list of domains to accept when performing Host header validation
func (*Preferences) WebUiHostHeaderValidationEnabled ¶
func (p *Preferences) WebUiHostHeaderValidationEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
True if WebUI host header validation is enabled
func (*Preferences) WebUiHttpsCertPath ¶
func (p *Preferences) WebUiHttpsCertPath(v string) *Preferences
For API ≥ v2.0.1: Path to SSL certificate
func (*Preferences) WebUiHttpsKeyPath ¶
func (p *Preferences) WebUiHttpsKeyPath(v string) *Preferences
For API ≥ v2.0.1: Path to SSL keyfile
func (*Preferences) WebUiMaxAuthFailCount ¶
func (p *Preferences) WebUiMaxAuthFailCount(v int) *Preferences
Maximum number of authentication failures before WebUI access ban
func (*Preferences) WebUiPassword ¶
func (p *Preferences) WebUiPassword(v string) *Preferences
For API ≥ v2.3.0: Plaintext WebUI password, not readable, write-only. For API < v2.3.0: MD5 hash of WebUI password, hash is generated from the following string: usernameUI Access
func (*Preferences) WebUiSecureCookieEnabled ¶
func (p *Preferences) WebUiSecureCookieEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
True if WebUI cookie Secure flag is enabled
func (*Preferences) WebUiSessionTimeout ¶
func (p *Preferences) WebUiSessionTimeout(v int) *Preferences
Seconds until WebUI is automatically signed off
func (*Preferences) WebUiUpnp ¶
func (p *Preferences) WebUiUpnp(v bool) *Preferences
True if UPnP is used for the WebUI port
func (*Preferences) WebUiUseCustomHttpHeadersEnabled ¶
func (p *Preferences) WebUiUseCustomHttpHeadersEnabled(v bool) *Preferences
For API ≥ v2.5.1: Enable custom http headers
func (*Preferences) WebUiUsername ¶
func (p *Preferences) WebUiUsername(v string) *Preferences
WebUI username
type ProxyType ¶
type ProxyType int
const ( ProxyIsDisabled ProxyType = -1 // Proxy is disabled ProxyHTTPWithoutAuthentication ProxyType = 1 // HTTP proxy without authentication ProxySOCKS5WithoutAuthentication ProxyType = 2 // SOCKS5 proxy without authentication ProxyHTTPWithAuthentication ProxyType = 3 // HTTP proxy with authentication ProxySOCKS5WithAuthentication ProxyType = 4 // SOCKS5 proxy with authentication ProxySOCKS4WithoutAuthentication ProxyType = 5 // SOCKS4 proxy without authentication )
type RSSDownloadingRule ¶
type RSSDownloadingRule struct { Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` // Whether the rule is enabled MustContain string `json:"mustContain"` // The substring that the torrent name must contain MustNotContain string `json:"mustNotContain"` // The substring that the torrent name must not contain UseRegex bool `json:"useRegex"` // Enable regex mode in "mustContain" and "mustNotContain" EpisodeFilter string `json:"episodeFilter"` // Episode filter definition SmartFilter bool `json:"smartFilter"` // Enable smart episode filter PreviouslyMatchedEpisodes []int `json:"previouslyMatchedEpisodes"` // The list of episode IDs already matched by smart filter AffectedFeeds []string `json:"affectedFeeds"` // The feed URLs the rule applied to IgnoreDays int `json:"ignoreDays"` // Ignore subsequent rule matches for these days LastMatch string `json:"lastMatch"` // The rule's last match time AddPaused bool `json:"addPaused"` // Add matched torrent in paused mode AssignedCategory string `json:"assignedCategory"` // Assign category to the torrent SavePath string `json:"savePath"` // Save torrent to the given directory }
type RssRule ¶
type RssRule struct {
Data map[string]interface{}
func NewRSSRule ¶
func NewRSSRule() *RssRule
func (*RssRule) AffectedFeeds ¶
The feed URLs the rule applied to
func (*RssRule) AssignedCategory ¶
Assign category to the torrent
func (*RssRule) EpisodeFilter ¶
Episode filter definition
func (*RssRule) IgnoreDays ¶
Ignore sunsequent rule matches
func (*RssRule) MustContain ¶
The substring that the torrent name must contain
func (*RssRule) MustNotContain ¶
The substring that the torrent name must not contain
func (*RssRule) PreviouslyMatchedEpisodes ¶
The list of episode IDs already matched by smart filter
func (*RssRule) SmartFilter ¶
Enable smart episode filter
type SchedulerDays ¶
type SchedulerDays int
const ( SchedulerEveryDay SchedulerDays = 0 // Every day SchedulerEveryWeekday SchedulerDays = 1 // Every weekday SchedulerEveryWeekend SchedulerDays = 2 // Every weekend SchedulerEveryMonday SchedulerDays = 3 // Every Monday SchedulerEveryTuesday SchedulerDays = 4 // Every Tuesday SchedulerEveryWednesday SchedulerDays = 5 // Every Wednesday SchedulerEveryThursday SchedulerDays = 6 // Every Thursday SchedulerEveryFriday SchedulerDays = 7 // Every Friday SchedulerEverySaturday SchedulerDays = 8 // Every Saturday SchedulerEverySunday SchedulerDays = 9 // Every Sunday )
type SearchCategory ¶
type SearchPluginsResponse ¶
type SearchPluginsResponse struct { Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` // Whether the plugin is enabled FullName string `json:"fullName"` // Full name of the plugin Name string `json:"name"` // Short name of the plugin SupportedCategories []SearchCategory `json:"supportedCategories"` // List of category objects Url string `json:"url"` // URL of the torrent site Version string `json:"version"` // Installed version of the plugin }
type SearchResult ¶
type SearchResult struct { DescrLink string `json:"descrLink"` // URL of the torrent's description page FileName string `json:"fileName"` // Name of the file FileSize int `json:"fileSize"` // Size of the file in Bytes FileUrl string `json:"fileUrl"` // Torrent download link (usually either .torrent file or magnet link) NbLeechers int `json:"nbLeechers"` // Number of leechers NbSeeders int `json:"nbSeeders"` // Number of seeders SiteUrl string `json:"siteUrl"` // URL of the torrent site }
type SearchResultsResponse ¶
type SearchResultsResponse struct { Results []SearchResult `json:"results"` Status SearchStatus // Current status of the search job (either Running or Stopped) Total int // Total number of results. If the status is Running this number may continue to increase }
type SearchStatus ¶
type SearchStatus string
const ( SearchStatusRunning SearchStatus = "Running" SearchStatusStopped SearchStatus = "Stopped" )
type SearchStatusResponse ¶
type SearchStatusResponse struct { Id int `json:"id"` // ID of the search job Status SearchStatus `json:"status"` // Current status of the search job (either Running or Stopped) Total int `json:"total"` // Total number of results. If the status is Running this number may contineu to increase }
type ServerState ¶
type ServerState struct { AllTimeDL int64 `json:"alltime_dl"` AllTimeUL int64 `json:"alltime_ul"` AverageTimeQueue int `json:"average_time_queue"` ConnectionStatus ConnectionStatus `json:"connection_status"` DHTNodes int `json:"dht_nodes"` DLInfoData int64 `json:"dl_info_data"` DLInfoSpeed int64 `json:"dl_info_speed"` DLRateLimit int64 `json:"dl_rate_limit"` FreeSpaceOnDisk int64 `json:"free_space_on_disk"` GlobalRatio string `json:"global_ratio"` QueuedIOJobs int `json:"queued_io_jobs"` Queueing bool `json:"queueing"` ReadCacheHits string `json:"read_cache_hits"` ReadCacheOverload string `json:"read_cache_overload"` RefreshInterval int `json:"refresh_interval"` TotalBuffersSize int64 `json:"total_buffers_size"` TotalPeerConnections int `json:"total_peer_connections"` TotalQueuedSize int64 `json:"total_queued_size"` TotalWastedSession int64 `json:"total_wasted_session"` UPInfoData int64 `json:"up_info_data"` UPInfoSpeed int64 `json:"up_info_speed"` UPRateLimit int64 `json:"up_rate_limit"` UseAltSpeedLimits bool `json:"use_alt_speed_limits"` WriteCacheOverload string `json:"write_cache_overload"` }
type SyncMainDataResponse ¶
type SyncMainDataResponse struct { Rid int `json:"rid"` // Response ID FullUpdate bool `json:"full_update"` // Whether the response contains all the data or partial data Torrents TorrentListResponse `json:"torrents"` // Property: torrent hash, value: same as torrent list TorrentsRemoved []string `json:"torrents_removed"` // List of hashes of torrents removed since last request Categories map[string]Category `json:"categories"` // Info for categories added since last request CategoriesRemoved []map[string]Category `json:"categories_removed"` // List of categories removed since last request Tags []string `json:"tags"` // List of tags added since last request TagsRemoved []string `json:"tags_removed"` // array List of tags removed since last request ServerState ServerState `json:"server_state"` // object Global transfer info }
type TorrentFile ¶
type TorrentFile struct { Index int `json:"index"` // File index Name string `json:"name"` // File name (including relative path) Size int64 `json:"size"` // File size in bytes Progress float64 `json:"progress"` // File progress as a fraction (percentage/100) Priority FilePriority `json:"priority"` // File priority (see FilePriority enum for possible values) IsSeed bool `json:"is_seed"` // True if file is seeding/complete PieceRange []int `json:"piece_range"` // Array with the first number as the starting piece index and the second as the ending piece index (inclusive) Availability float64 `json:"availability"` // Percentage of file pieces currently available (percentage/100) }
type TorrentGenericProperties ¶
type TorrentGenericProperties struct { SavePath string `json:"save_path"` // Torrent save path CreationDate int64 `json:"creation_date"` // Torrent creation date (Unix timestamp) PieceSize int64 `json:"piece_size"` // Torrent piece size (bytes) Comment string `json:"comment"` // Torrent comment TotalWasted int64 `json:"total_wasted"` // Total data wasted for torrent (bytes) TotalUploaded int64 `json:"total_uploaded"` // Total data uploaded for torrent (bytes) TotalUploadedSession int64 `json:"total_uploaded_session"` // Total data uploaded this session (bytes) TotalDownloaded int64 `json:"total_downloaded"` // Total data downloaded for torrent (bytes) TotalDownloadedSession int64 `json:"total_downloaded_session"` // Total data downloaded this session (bytes) UpLimit int64 `json:"up_limit"` // Torrent upload limit (bytes/s) DlLimit int64 `json:"dl_limit"` // Torrent download limit (bytes/s) TimeElapsed int64 `json:"time_elapsed"` // Torrent elapsed time (seconds) SeedingTime int64 `json:"seeding_time"` // Torrent elapsed time while complete (seconds) NbConnections int `json:"nb_connections"` // Torrent connection count NbConnectionsLimit int `json:"nb_connections_limit"` // Torrent connection count limit AdditionDate int64 `json:"addition_date"` // When this torrent was added (unix timestamp) CompletionDate int64 `json:"completion_date"` // Torrent completion date (unix timestamp) CreatedBy string `json:"created_by"` // Torrent creator DlSpeedAvg int64 `json:"dl_speed_avg"` // Torrent average download speed (bytes/second) DlSpeed int64 `json:"dl_speed"` // Torrent download speed (bytes/second) ETA int64 `json:"eta"` // Torrent ETA (seconds) LastSeen int64 `json:"last_seen"` // Last seen complete date (unix timestamp) Peers int `json:"peers"` // Number of peers connected to PeersTotal int `json:"peers_total"` // Number of peers in the swarm PiecesHave int `json:"pieces_have"` // Number of pieces owned PiecesNum int `json:"pieces_num"` // Number of pieces of the torrent Reannounce int64 `json:"reannounce"` // Number of seconds until the next announce Seeds int `json:"seeds"` // Number of seeds connected to SeedsTotal int `json:"seeds_total"` // Number of seeds in the swarm TotalSize int64 `json:"total_size"` // Torrent total size (bytes) UpSpeedAvg int64 `json:"up_speed_avg"` // Torrent average upload speed (bytes/second) UpSpeed int64 `json:"up_speed"` // Torrent upload speed (bytes/second) IsPrivate bool `json:"isPrivate"` // True if torrent is from a private tracker }
type TorrentListResponse ¶
type TorrentListResponse struct { AddedOn int `json:"added_on"` // Time (Unix Epoch) when the torrent was added to the client AmountLeft int `json:"amount_left"` // Amount of data left to download (bytes) AutoTmm bool `json:"auto_tmm"` // Whether this torrent is managed by Automatic Torrent Management Availability float64 `json:"availability"` // Percentage of file pieces currently available Category string `json:"category"` // Category of the torrent Completed int `json:"completed"` // Amount of transfer data completed (bytes) CompletionOn int `json:"completion_on"` // Time (Unix Epoch) when the torrent completed ContentPath string `json:"content_path"` // Absolute path of torrent content (root path for multifile torrents, absolute file path for singlefile torrents) DlLimit float64 `json:"dl_limit"` // Torrent download speed limit (bytes/s). -1 if unlimited. DlSpeed float64 `json:"dlspeed"` // Torrent download speed (bytes/s) Downloaded float64 `json:"downloaded"` // Amount of data downloaded DownloadedSession float64 `json:"downloaded_session"` // Amount of data downloaded this session ETA int `json:"eta"` // Torrent ETA (seconds) FLPiecePrio bool `json:"f_l_piece_prio"` // True if first last piece are prioritized ForceStart bool `json:"force_start"` // True if force start is enabled for this torrent Hash string `json:"hash"` // Torrent hash IsPrivate bool `json:"is_private"` // True if torrent is from a private tracker (added in 5.0.0) LastActivity int `json:"last_activity"` // Last time (Unix Epoch) when a chunk was downloaded/uploaded MagnetURI string `json:"magnet_uri"` // Magnet URI corresponding to this torrent MaxRatio float64 `json:"max_ratio"` // Maximum share ratio until torrent is stopped from seeding/uploading MaxSeedingTime int `json:"max_seeding_time"` // Maximum seeding time (seconds) until torrent is stopped from seeding Name string `json:"name"` // Torrent name NumComplete int `json:"num_complete"` // Number of seeds in the swarm NumIncomplete int `json:"num_incomplete"` // Number of leechers in the swarm NumLeechs int `json:"num_leechs"` // Number of leechers connected to NumSeeds int `json:"num_seeds"` // Number of seeds connected to Priority int `json:"priority"` // Torrent priority. Returns -1 if queuing is disabled or torrent is in seed mode Progress float64 `json:"progress"` // Torrent progress (percentage/100) Ratio float64 `json:"ratio"` // Torrent share ratio. Max ratio value: 9999. RatioLimit float64 `json:"ratio_limit"` // TODO (what is different from max_ratio?) SavePath string `json:"save_path"` // Path where this torrent's data is stored SeedingTime int `json:"seeding_time"` // Torrent elapsed time while complete (seconds) SeedingTimeLimit int `json:"seeding_time_limit"` // TODO (what is different from max_seeding_time?) SeenComplete int `json:"seen_complete"` // Time (Unix Epoch) when this torrent was last seen complete SeqDL bool `json:"seq_dl"` // True if sequential download is enabled Size int `json:"size"` // Total size (bytes) of files selected for download State TorrentState `json:"state"` // Torrent state. See [TorrentState] possible values SuperSeeding bool `json:"super_seeding"` // True if super seeding is enabled Tags string `json:"tags"` // Comma-concatenated tag list of the torrent TimeActive int `json:"time_active"` // Total active time (seconds) TotalSize int `json:"total_size"` // Total size (bytes) of all file in this torrent (including unselected ones) Tracker string `json:"tracker"` // The first tracker with working status. Returns empty string if no tracker is working. UpLimit int `json:"up_limit"` // Torrent upload speed limit (bytes/s). -1 if unlimited. Uploaded int `json:"uploaded"` // Amount of data uploaded UploadedSession int `json:"uploaded_session"` // Amount of data uploaded this session UpSpeed int `json:"upspeed"` // Torrent upload speed (bytes/s) }
type TorrentPiecesState ¶
type TorrentPiecesState int
const ( TorrentPiecesNotDownloaded TorrentPiecesState = 0 // Not downloaded yet TorrentPiecesStateDownloading TorrentPiecesState = 1 // Downloading TorrentPiecesStateDone TorrentPiecesState = 2 // Already downloaded )
type TorrentSeed ¶
type TorrentSeed struct {
Url string `json:"url"` // URL of the web seed
type TorrentState ¶
type TorrentState string
const ( TorrentStateError TorrentState = "error" // Some error occurred, applies to paused torrents TorrentStateMissingFiles TorrentState = "missingFiles" // Torrent data files is missing TorrentStateUploading TorrentState = "uploading" // Torrent is being seeded and data is being transferred TorrentStatePausedUP TorrentState = "pausedUP" // Torrent is paused and has finished downloading TorrentStateQueuedUP TorrentState = "queuedUP" // Queuing is enabled and torrent is queued for upload TorrentStateStalledUP TorrentState = "stalledUP" // Torrent is being seeded, but no connection were made TorrentStateCheckingUP TorrentState = "checkingUP" // Torrent has finished downloading and is being checked TorrentStateForcedUP TorrentState = "forcedUP" // Torrent is forced to uploading and ignore queue limit TorrentStateAllocating TorrentState = "allocating" // Torrent is allocating disk space for download TorrentStateDownloading TorrentState = "downloading" // Torrent is being downloaded and data is being transferred TorrentStateMetaDL TorrentState = "metaDL" // Torrent has just started downloading and is fetching metadata TorrentStatePausedDL TorrentState = "pausedDL" // Torrent is paused and has NOT finished downloading TorrentStateQueuedDL TorrentState = "queuedDL" // Queuing is enabled and torrent is queued for download TorrentStateStalledDL TorrentState = "stalledDL" // Torrent is being downloaded, but no connection were made TorrentStateCheckingDL TorrentState = "checkingDL" // Same as checkingUP, but torrent has NOT finished downloading TorrentStateForcedDL TorrentState = "forcedDL" // Torrent is forced to downloading to ignore queue limit TorrentStateCheckingResumeData TorrentState = "checkingResumeData" // Checking resume data on qBt startup TorrentStateMoving TorrentState = "moving" // Torrent is moving to another location TorrentStateUnknown TorrentState = "unknown" // Unknown status )
type TorrentTracker ¶
type TorrentTracker struct { URL string `json:"url"` // Tracker URL Status TrackerStatus `json:"status"` // Tracker status (see TrackerStatus enum for possible values) Tier int `json:"tier"` // Tracker priority tier; lower tiers are tried before higher tiers NumPeers int `json:"num_peers"` // Number of peers for the current torrent, as reported by the tracker NumSeeds int `json:"num_seeds"` // Number of seeds for the current torrent, as reported by the tracker NumLeeches int `json:"num_leeches"` // Number of leeches for the current torrent, as reported by the tracker NumDownloaded int `json:"num_downloaded"` // Number of completed downloads for the current torrent, as reported by the tracker Msg string `json:"msg"` // Tracker message; content depends on the tracker admins }
type TrackerStatus ¶
type TrackerStatus int
const ( TrackerDisabled TrackerStatus = 0 // Tracker is disabled (used for DHT, PeX, and LSD) TrackerNotContacted TrackerStatus = 1 // Tracker has not been contacted yet TrackerWorking TrackerStatus = 2 // Tracker has been contacted and is working TrackerUpdating TrackerStatus = 3 // Tracker is updating TrackerNotWorking TrackerStatus = 4 // Tracker has been contacted, but it is not working (or doesn't send proper replies) )
type TransferInfoResponse ¶
type TransferInfoResponse struct { DLInfoSpeed int64 `json:"dl_info_speed"` // Global download rate in bytes per second (bytes/s) DLInfoData int64 `json:"dl_info_data"` // Data downloaded this session in bytes UPInfoSpeed int64 `json:"up_info_speed"` // Global upload rate in bytes per second (bytes/s) UPInfoData int64 `json:"up_info_data"` // Data uploaded this session in bytes DLRateLimit int64 `json:"dl_rate_limit"` // Download rate limit in bytes per second (bytes/s) UPRateLimit int64 `json:"up_rate_limit"` // Upload rate limit in bytes per second (bytes/s) DHTNodes int `json:"dht_nodes"` // Number of DHT nodes connected to ConnectionStatus ConnectionStatus `json:"connection_status"` // Connection status (e.g., "connected", "disconnected") Queueing bool `json:"queueing"` // True if torrent queueing is enabled UseAltSpeedLimits bool `json:"use_alt_speed_limits"` // True if alternative speed limits are enabled RefreshInterval int `json:"refresh_interval"` // Transfer list refresh interval (milliseconds) }
type UploadChokingAlgorithm ¶
type UploadChokingAlgorithm int
const ( UploadChokingAlgorithmRoundRobin UploadChokingAlgorithm = 0 // Round-robin UploadChokingAlgorithmFastestUpload UploadChokingAlgorithm = 1 // Fastest upload UploadChokingAlgorithmAntiLeech UploadChokingAlgorithm = 2 // Anti-leech )
type UploadSlotsBehavior ¶
type UploadSlotsBehavior int
const ( UploadSlotsBehaviorFixedSlots UploadSlotsBehavior = 0 // Fixed slots UploadSlotsBehaviorUploadRateBased UploadSlotsBehavior = 1 // Peer proportional )
type UtpTcpMixedMode ¶
type UtpTcpMixedMode int
const ( UtpTcpMixedModePreferTCP UtpTcpMixedMode = 0 UtpTcpMixedModePeerProportional UtpTcpMixedMode = 1 )