is a command line utility for emitting metrics to Veneur.
Some common use cases:
- Instrument shell scripts
- Instrumenting shell-based tools like init scripts, startup scripts and more
- Testing
can read an existing veneur config file. If that's not convenient, you can specify it's configuration options directly.
Usage of veneur-emit:
-count int
Report a 'count' metric. Value must be an integer.
Turns on debug messages.
-e_aggr_key string
Add an aggregation key to group event with others with same key.
-e_alert_type string
Alert type must be 'error', 'warning', 'info', or 'success'. (default "info")
-e_event_tags string
Tag(s) for event, comma separated. Ex: 'service:airflow,host_type:qa'
-e_hostname string
Hostname for the event.
-e_priority string
Priority of event. Must be 'low' or 'normal'. (default "normal")
-e_source_type string
Add source type to the event.
-e_text string
Text of event. Insert line breaks with an esaped slash (\\n) *
-e_time string
Add timestamp to the event. Default is the current Unix epoch timestamp.
-e_title string
Title of event. Ex: 'An exception occurred' *
-f string
The Veneur config file to read for settings.
-gauge float
Report a 'gauge' metric. Value must be float64.
-hostport string
Hostname and port of destination. Must be used if config file is not present.
-mode string
Mode for veneur-emit. Must be one of: 'metric', 'event', 'sc'. (default "metric")
-name string
Name of metric to report. Ex: 'daemontools.service.starts'
-sc_hostname string
Add hostname to the event.
-sc_msg string
Message describing state of current state of service check.
-sc_name string
Service check name. *
-sc_status string
Integer corresponding to check status. (OK = 0, WARNING = 1, CRITICAL = 2, UNKNOWN = 3)*
-sc_tags string
Tag(s) for service check, comma separated. Ex: 'service:airflow,host_type:qa'
-sc_time string
Add timestamp to check. Default is current Unix epoch timestamp.
Sends packets via SSF instead of StatsD. (
-tag string
Tag(s) for metric, comma separated. Ex: 'service:airflow'
-timing duration
Report a 'timing' metric. Value must be parseable by time.ParseDuration (