
command module
v0.1.6 Latest Latest

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Published: Oct 10, 2021 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 2 Imported by: 0



kubeSize is a kubernetes CLI plugin to easily aggregate sizing and capacity data for a Kubernetes cluster.

$ kubectl capacity cluster
NODES                     PODS                                      CPU (cores)                                   MEMORY (GiB)
Total Ready Unready Unsch Capacity Allocatable Total Non-Term Avail Capacity    Allocatable Requests Limits Avail Capacity     Allocatable Requests Limits Avail
3     3     0       0     330      330         13    13       317   12.0        12.0        1.1      0.3    10.8  5.8          5.8         0.4      0.5    5.4

Table of Contents




curl -L https://github.com/akrzos/kubeSize/releases/download/v0.1.5/kubeSize_0.1.5_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz | tar xvz -C /usr/local/bin kubectl-capacity


curl -L https://github.com/akrzos/kubeSize/releases/download/v0.1.5/kubeSize_0.1.5_macOS_x86_64.tar.gz | tar xvz - -C /usr/local/bin kubectl-capacity

If you have a golang environment setup, you can compile the plugin and manually install it.

$ git clone https://github.com/akrzos/kubeSize.git
Cloning into 'kubeSize'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 256, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (256/256), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (130/130), done.
remote: Total 256 (delta 130), reused 203 (delta 85), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (256/256), 110.97 KiB | 3.70 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (130/130), done.
$ cd kubeSize/
$ make bin
go fmt ./cmd/...
go vet ./cmd/...
go build -o bin/kubectl-capacity github.com/akrzos/kubeSize/
$ mv bin/kubectl-capacity /usr/local/bin/
$ kubectl capacity


kubeSize is used as a kubectl plugin and run from the kubectl CLI.

kubectl capacity

Sub-commands aggregate cluster capacity data and display it for use. All sub-commands have shortened aliases:

kubectl capacity c    # cluster
kubectl capacity nr   # node-role
kubectl capacity no   # node
kubectl capacity ns   # namespace
kubectl capacity s    # size

Aggregated cluster capacity data can easily be displayed with the cluster sub-command.

$ kubectl capacity cluster
NODES                     PODS                                      CPU (cores)                                   MEMORY (GiB)
Total Ready Unready Unsch Capacity Allocatable Total Non-Term Avail Capacity    Allocatable Requests Limits Avail Capacity     Allocatable Requests Limits Avail
3     3     0       0     330      330         13    13       317   12.0        12.0        1.1      0.3    10.9  5.8          5.8         0.3      0.5    5.5


  • -e, --ephemeral-storage flag includes ephemeral storage capacity data in table output view.

Capacity data aggregated and grouped by node-role can be displayed with the node-role sub-command. This is helpful to see the available space to deploy an application on your kubernetes cluster by looking at the worker/compute node-role available metrics (pods, cpu, memory, storage).

$ kubectl capacity node-role
ROLE   NODES                     PODS                                      CPU (cores)                                   MEMORY (GiB)
       Total Ready Unready Unsch Capacity Allocatable Total Non-Term Avail Capacity    Allocatable Requests Limits Avail Capacity     Allocatable Requests Limits Avail
<none> 2     2     0       0     220      220         7     7        213   8.0         8.0         0.4      0.2    7.6   3.9          3.9         0.2      0.4    3.6
master 1     1     0       0     110      110         6     6        104   4.0         4.0         0.7      0.1    3.4   1.9          1.9         0.0      0.0    1.9


  • -e, --ephemeral-storage flag includes ephemeral storage capacity data in table output view.
  • -u, --unassigned flag includes a row of data on non-terminated pods that have not been assigned a node. Total counts could be confusing if looking at cluster level capacity data compared to node-role data if there are unassigned pods.

Individual node capacity data can be displayed with the node sub-command.

$ kubectl capacity node
NAME                STATUS ROLES  PODS                                      CPU (cores)                                   MEMORY (GiB)
                                  Capacity Allocatable Total Non-Term Avail Capacity    Allocatable Requests Limits Avail Capacity     Allocatable Requests Limits Avail
3node-control-plane Ready  master 110      110         6     6        104   4.0         4.0         0.7      0.1    3.4   1.9          1.9         0.0      0.0    1.9
3node-worker        Ready  <none> 110      110         3     3        107   4.0         4.0         0.2      0.1    3.8   1.9          1.9         0.1      0.2    1.8
3node-worker2       Ready  <none> 110      110         4     4        106   4.0         4.0         0.2      0.1    3.8   1.9          1.9         0.1      0.2    1.8


  • -e, --ephemeral-storage flag includes ephemeral storage capacity data in table output view.
  • -r, --sort-by-role flag sorts table output by node-role rather than node name.
  • -t, --display-total flag includes a row of data displaying totals for each column.
  • -u, --unassigned flag includes a row of data on non-terminated pods that have not been assigned a node. Total counts could be confusing if looking at cluster level capacity data compared to node data if there are unassigned pods.

Individual namespace capacity usage can be viewed with the namespace sub-command.

$ kubectl capacity namespace
NAMESPACE          PODS                      CPU (cores)        MEMORY (GiB)
                   Total Non-Term Unassigned Requests    Limits Requests     Limits
kube-system        12    12       0          1.1         0.3    0.3          0.5
local-path-storage 1     1        0          0.0         0.0    0.0          0.0


  • -A, --all-namespaces flag includes namespaces with 0 pods.
  • -e, --ephemeral-storage flag includes ephemeral storage capacity data in table output view.
  • -n, --namespace string flag selects a specific namespace.
  • -t, --display-total flag includes a row of data displaying totals for each column.

Cluster "size" data to include counts of objects.

$ kubectl capacity size
Namespaces Nodes PersistentVolumes ServiceAccounts ClusterRoles ClusterRoleBindings Roles RoleBindings ResourceQuotas NetworkPolicies
5          3     0                 39              64           49                  11    11           0              0
Containers Pods ReplicaSets ReplicationControllers Deployments DaemonSets StatefulSets CronJobs Jobs
13         13   2           0                      2           2          0            0        0
Endpoints Ingresses Services
3         0         2
ConfigMaps Secrets PersistentVolumeClaims StorageClasses Volumes VolumeAttachments
12         40      0                      1              0
Events LimitRanges PodDisruptionBudgets PodSecurityPolicies
0      0           0                    0
Output formats

kubeSize supports table, yaml, and json output formats. Table data is the default format and is designed to be read by humans. With table output, CPU metrics default to cores, Memory metrics into GiB (gibibyte) and Storage metrics into GB (gigabyte)


  • -o, --output string flag allows selecting of table|json|yaml output formats.
  • -d, --default-format flag uses the default format of displaying resource quantities when in table format. (Json and Yaml already include this output format)


$ kubectl capacity c
NODES                     PODS                                      CPU (cores)                                   MEMORY (GiB)
Total Ready Unready Unsch Capacity Allocatable Total Non-Term Avail Capacity    Allocatable Requests Limits Avail Capacity     Allocatable Requests Limits Avail
1     1     0       0     110      110         11    11       99    4.0         4.0         11.4     0.1    -7.5  1.9          1.9         0.4      0.4    1.6
$ kubectl capacity c -d
NODES                     PODS                                      CPU                                         MEMORY
Total Ready Unready Unsch Capacity Allocatable Total Non-Term Avail Capacity Allocatable Requests Limits Avail  Capacity  Allocatable Requests Limits Avail
1     1     0       0     110      110         11    11       99    4        4           11450m   100m   -7450m 2036452Ki 2036452Ki   400Mi    390Mi  1626852Ki
$ kubectl capacity c -o yaml
TotalAllocatableCPU: "4"
TotalAllocatableCPUCores: 4
TotalAllocatableEphemeralStorage: 61255492Ki
TotalAllocatableEphemeralStorageGB: 62.725623807999995
TotalAllocatableMemory: 2036452Ki
TotalAllocatableMemoryGiB: 1.9421119689941406
TotalAllocatablePods: "110"
TotalAvailableCPU: -7450m
TotalAvailableCPUCores: -7.45
TotalAvailableEphemeralStorage: "59620766208"
TotalAvailableEphemeralStorageGB: 59.62076620799999
TotalAvailableMemory: 1626852Ki
TotalAvailableMemoryGiB: 1.5514869689941406
TotalAvailablePods: 99
TotalCapacityCPU: "4"
TotalCapacityCPUCores: 4
TotalCapacityEphemeralStorage: 61255492Ki
TotalCapacityEphemeralStorageGB: 62.725623807999995
TotalCapacityMemory: 2036452Ki
TotalCapacityMemoryGiB: 1.9421119689941406
TotalCapacityPods: "110"
TotalLimitsCPU: 100m
TotalLimitsCPUCores: 0.1
TotalLimitsEphemeralStorage: 3G
TotalLimitsEphemeralStorageGB: 3
TotalLimitsMemory: 390Mi
TotalLimitsMemoryGiB: 0.380859375
TotalNodeCount: 1
TotalNonTermPodCount: 11
TotalPodCount: 11
TotalReadyNodeCount: 1
TotalRequestsCPU: 11450m
TotalRequestsCPUCores: 11.45
TotalRequestsEphemeralStorage: "3104857600"
TotalRequestsEphemeralStorageGB: 3.1048576000000003
TotalRequestsMemory: 400Mi
TotalRequestsMemoryGiB: 0.390625
TotalUnreadyNodeCount: 0
TotalUnschedulableNodeCount: 0
$ kubectl capacity c -o json
  "TotalNodeCount": 1,
  "TotalReadyNodeCount": 1,
  "TotalUnreadyNodeCount": 0,
  "TotalUnschedulableNodeCount": 0,
  "TotalPodCount": 11,
  "TotalNonTermPodCount": 11,
  "TotalCapacityPods": "110",
  "TotalCapacityCPU": "4",
  "TotalCapacityCPUCores": 4,
  "TotalCapacityMemory": "2036452Ki",
  "TotalCapacityMemoryGiB": 1.9421119689941406,
  "TotalCapacityEphemeralStorage": "61255492Ki",
  "TotalCapacityEphemeralStorageGB": 62.725623807999995,
  "TotalAllocatablePods": "110",
  "TotalAllocatableCPU": "4",
  "TotalAllocatableCPUCores": 4,
  "TotalAllocatableMemory": "2036452Ki",
  "TotalAllocatableMemoryGiB": 1.9421119689941406,
  "TotalAllocatableEphemeralStorage": "61255492Ki",
  "TotalAllocatableEphemeralStorageGB": 62.725623807999995,
  "TotalAvailablePods": 99,
  "TotalRequestsCPU": "11450m",
  "TotalRequestsCPUCores": 11.45,
  "TotalLimitsCPU": "100m",
  "TotalLimitsCPUCores": 0.1,
  "TotalAvailableCPU": "-7450m",
  "TotalAvailableCPUCores": -7.45,
  "TotalRequestsMemory": "400Mi",
  "TotalRequestsMemoryGiB": 0.390625,
  "TotalLimitsMemory": "390Mi",
  "TotalLimitsMemoryGiB": 0.380859375,
  "TotalAvailableMemory": "1626852Ki",
  "TotalAvailableMemoryGiB": 1.5514869689941406,
  "TotalRequestsEphemeralStorage": "3104857600",
  "TotalRequestsEphemeralStorageGB": 3.1048576000000003,
  "TotalLimitsEphemeralStorage": "3G",
  "TotalLimitsEphemeralStorageGB": 3,
  "TotalAvailableEphemeralStorage": "59620766208",
  "TotalAvailableEphemeralStorageGB": 59.62076620799999


This project has an Apache 2.0 license.



Copyright © 2021 Alex Krzos akrzos@redhat.com

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


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