Priority discipline
Used to distributes data among handlers according to priority
Also may be used to equaling distribution of data with different processing times
Principle of operation


Comparison with unmanaged distribution
If different times are spent processing data of different priorities, then we will get different processing speeds in the case of using the priority discipline and without it.
For example, suppose that data from channel of priority 3 is processed in time T, data from channel of priority 2 is processed in time 5*T, and data from channel of priority 1 is processed in time 10*T, then we will get the following results:
It can be seen that with unmanaged distribution, the processing speed of data with priority 3 is limited by the slowest processed data (with priority 1 and 2), but at with equaling by priority discipline the processing speed of data with priority 3 is no limited by others priorities
package main
import (
func main() {
handlersQuantity := 100
// Preferably input channels should be buffered
inputCapacity := 10
itemsQuantity := 100
inputs := map[uint]chan string{
3: make(chan string, inputCapacity),
2: make(chan string, inputCapacity),
1: make(chan string, inputCapacity),
inputsOpts := map[uint]<-chan string{
3: inputs[3],
2: inputs[2],
1: inputs[1],
defer func() {
for _, input := range inputs {
// Data from input channels passed to handlers by output channel
output := make(chan types.Prioritized[string])
// Handlers must write priority of processed data to feedback channel
feedback := make(chan uint)
defer close(feedback)
// Used only in this example for detect that all written data are processed
measurements := make(chan bool)
defer close(measurements)
// For "Equaling" use "Fair" divider, for "Prioritization" use "Rate" divider
disciplineOpts := priority.Opts[string]{
Divider: divider.Rate,
Feedback: feedback,
HandlersQuantity: uint(handlersQuantity),
Inputs: inputsOpts,
Output: output,
discipline, err := priority.New(disciplineOpts)
if err != nil {
defer discipline.Stop()
wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
defer wg.Wait()
// Run "handlers", that process data
for handler := 0; handler < handlersQuantity; handler++ {
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
for prioritized := range output {
// "Data processing"
measurements <- true
feedback <- prioritized.Priority
// Run "writers", that write data to input channels
for priority, input := range inputs {
go func(precedency uint, channel chan string) {
defer wg.Done()
base := strconv.Itoa(int(precedency))
for id := 0; id < itemsQuantity; id++ {
item := base + ":" + strconv.Itoa(id)
channel <- item
}(priority, input)
defer close(output)
received := 0
// Wait for process all written data
for range measurements {
if received == itemsQuantity*len(inputs) {