
This library provides support for sending metrics, histograms and tracing spans to Wavefront via proxy or direct ingestion using the Sender
Import the senders
package and create a proxy or direct sender as given below.
import (
wavefront "github.com/wavefronthq/wavefront-sdk-go/senders"
Proxy Sender
Depending on the data you wish to send to Wavefront (metrics, distributions and/or spans), enable the relevant ports on the proxy and initialize the proxy sender as follows:
import (
wavefront "github.com/wavefronthq/wavefront-sdk-go/senders"
func main() {
proxyCfg := &wavefront.ProxyConfiguration {
Host : "proxyHostname or proxyIPAddress",
// At least one port should be set below.
MetricsPort : 2878, // set this (typically 2878) to send metrics
DistributionPort: 2878, // set this (typically 2878) to send distributions
TracingPort : 30000, // set this to send tracing spans
FlushIntervalSeconds: 10, // flush the buffer periodically, defaults to 5 seconds.
sender, err := wavefront.NewProxySender(proxyCfg)
if err != nil {
// handle error
// send data (see below for usage)
Direct Sender
import (
wavefront "github.com/wavefronthq/wavefront-sdk-go/senders"
func main() {
directCfg := &wavefront.DirectConfiguration {
Server : "https://INSTANCE.wavefront.com", // your Wavefront instance URL
Token : "YOUR_API_TOKEN", // API token with direct ingestion permission
// Optional configuration properties. Default values should suffice for most use cases.
// override the defaults only if you wish to set higher values.
// max batch of data sent per flush interval. defaults to 10,000.
// recommended not to exceed 40,000.
BatchSize : 10000,
// size of internal buffer beyond which received data is dropped.
// helps with handling brief increases in data and buffering on errors.
// separate buffers are maintained per data type (metrics, spans and distributions)
// defaults to 50,000. higher values could use more memory.
MaxBufferSize : 50000,
// interval (in seconds) at which to flush data to Wavefront. defaults to 1 Second.
// together with batch size controls the max theoretical throughput of the sender.
FlushIntervalSeconds : 1,
sender, err := wavefront.NewDirectSender(directCfg)
if err != nil {
// handle error
// send data (see below for usage)
Sending data to Wavefront
Use the Sender
interface for sending data to Wavefront.
Metrics and Delta Counters
// Wavefront metrics data format
// <metricName> <metricValue> [<timestamp>] source=<source> [pointTags]
// Example: "new-york.power.usage 42422 1533529977 source=localhost datacenter=dc1"
sender.SendMetric("new-york.power.usage", 42422.0, 0, "go_test", map[string]string{"env" : "test"})
// Wavefront delta counter format
// <metricName> <metricValue> source=<source> [pointTags]
// Example: "lambda.thumbnail.generate 10 source=thumbnail_service image-format=jpeg"
sender.SendDeltaCounter("lambda.thumbnail.generate", 10.0, "thumbnail_service", map[string]string{"format" : "jpeg"})
import "github.com/wavefronthq/wavefront-sdk-go/histogram"
// Wavefront Histogram data format
// {!M | !H | !D} [<timestamp>] #<count> <mean> [centroids] <histogramName> source=<source> [pointTags]
// Example: You can choose to send to at most 3 bins - Minute/Hour/Day
// "!M 1533529977 #20 30.0 #10 5.1 request.latency source=appServer1 region=us-west"
// "!H 1533529977 #20 30.0 #10 5.1 request.latency source=appServer1 region=us-west"
// "!D 1533529977 #20 30.0 #10 5.1 request.latency source=appServer1 region=us-west"
centroids := []histogram.Centroid {
Value : 30.0,
Count : 20,
Value : 5.1,
Count : 10,
hgs := map[histogram.Granularity]bool {
histogram.MINUTE : true,
histogram.HOUR : true,
histogram.DAY : true,
sender.SendDistribution("request.latency", centroids, hgs, 0, "appServer1", map[string]string {"region" : "us-west"})
Tracing Spans
// Wavefront Tracing Span Data format
// <tracingSpanName> source=<source> [pointTags] <start_millis> <duration_milliseconds>
// Example:
// "getAllUsers source=localhost traceId=7b3bf470-9456-11e8-9eb6-529269fb1459
// spanId=0313bafe-9457-11e8-9eb6-529269fb1459 parent=2f64e538-9457-11e8-9eb6-529269fb1459
// application=Wavefront http.method=GET 1552949776000 343"
sender.SendSpan("getAllUsers", 1552949776000, 343, "localhost",
[]string {"2f64e538-9457-11e8-9eb6-529269fb1459"},
[]SpanTag {
{Key : "application", Value : "Wavefront"},
{Key : "http.method", Value : "GET"},
Note: The tracing and span SDK APIs are designed to serve as low-level endpoints. For most use cases, we recommend using
opentracing with the WavefrontTracer
For more information on OpenTracing, please refer the OpenTracing project: https://github.com/opentracing/opentracing-go. To use OpenTracing with Wavefront, please refer to https://github.com/wavefrontHQ/wavefront-opentracing-sdk-go.
Closing the Sender
It is recommended to flush and close the sender before shutting down your application.
// failures observed while sending metrics/histograms/spans, can be obtained as follows:
totalFailures := sender.GetFailureCount()
// on-demand buffer flush
// close the sender before shutting down your application