RabbitMQ Broker for Akkeris
Create virtural hosts and users in a RabbitMQ Cluster.
Run Time Environment
- CLUSTERS: Comma seperated list of rabbitmq clusters. Ex: sandbox,live
- LIVE_RABBIT_AMQP: hostname to access queues in cluster 'live'. See below
- LIVE_RABBIT_URL: hostname to access management api in cluster 'live'.
- RABBITMQ_ADMIN_USERNAME: the admin username on the rabbitmq clusters
- RABBITMQ_ADMIN_PASSWORD: the admin password on the rabbitmq cluseters
- ENCRYPT_KEY: key used to set passwords in DB (24 characters)
- DATABASE_URL: broker db
- PORT: Port to access this api. Default is 3000 (See Go Martini)
For each cluster
- [CLUSTER_NAME]_RABBIT_URL - Api hostname (can be same as queue hostname)
- Ex: LIVE_RABBIT_URL=rabbitmq-prod.example.com
- Ex: SANDBOX_RABBIT_URL=rabbitmq-sandbox-api.example.io
- [CLUSTER_NAME]_RABBIT_AMQP - Queues hostname
- Ex: LIVE_RABBIT_AMQP=rabbitmq-prod.example.com
- Ex: SANDBOX_RABBIT_AMQP=rabbitmq-sandbox.example.io
Get list of plans
Get a list of plans that can be used. The plans correlate to the cluster
names, so each cluster needs to be configured as a plan.
The defaults are sandbox and live.
URL : /v1/rabbitmq/plans
Method : GET
Success Response
Code : 200 OK
"live":"Prod and real use. Bigger cluster. Not purged",
"sandbox":"Dev and Testing and QA and Load testing. May be purged regularly"
Create instance
Create a virtual host and user in the cluster from the plan.
URL : /v1/rabbitmq/instance
Method : POST
Data All fields required
"plan": "live",
Success Response
Condition Virtual host and user created and added to database.
Code : 201 CREATED
Error Response >>>TODO<<<
Condition : Invalid plan or plan missing
Code : 400 Bad Request
Returned Response : None
Get queue connection url for virtual host
URL : /v1/rabbitmq/url/:vhost
Method : GET
Success Response
Condition : Virtual host found
Content :
Error Response
Condition : Virtual host not found
Code : 404 Not Found
Delete user and vhost
URL : /v1/rabbitmq/instance/:vhost
URL Parameters : username=[string]
Method : DELETE
Success response
Condition : Virtual host and user deleted from database and rabbitmq cluster.
Code : 200 OK
Content : None
Error response >>>TODO<<<
Condition : Virtual host not found in DB
Code : 404 Not Found
Content : None
Add tag to user in database
URL : /v1/tag
Method : POST
Data :
- resource: virtual host name
- name: tag name
- value: tag value
"value":"Captain Janeway"
Success response
Condition : Tag was added to virtual host in database
Code : 201 Created
Content :
"response":"tag added"
Error response >>>TODO<<<
Condition : Vhost no in database
Code : 404 Not found
- Document structures and functions
- Add error handling