Akkeris MongoDB Broker
An Mongodb Broker for Akkeris.
The broker has support for the following providers
- Create a postgres database
- Create a mongodb database
- Deploy the docker image (both worker and api)
run start.sh
for the api, start-backgrouund.sh
for worker. Both should use the same settigs (env) below.
1. Settings
Note almost all of these can be set via the command line as well.
- The postgres database to store its information on what databases its provisioned, this should be in the format of postgres://user:password@host:port/database?sslmode=disable
or leave off sslmode=disable if ssl is supported. This will auto create the schema if its unavailable.
- The prefix to use for all provisioned databases this should be short and help namespace databases created by the broker vs. other databases that may exist in the broker for other purposes. This is global to all of the providers configured.
- Version of mongodb api
- This defaults to 8443, setting this changes the default port number to listen to http (or https) traffic on
- (WORKER ONLY) whether outbound notifications about provisions or create bindings should be retried if they fail. This by default is false, unless you trust or know the clients hitting this broker, leave this disabled.
2. Deployment
You can deploy the image akkeris/mongodb-broker:latest
via docker with the environment or config var settings above. If you decide you're going to build this manually and run it you'll need see the Building section below.
3. Plans
The plans table can be modified to adjust plans, at the moment only two exist, versioned and un-versioned. The default plans can be modified to make them unencrypted.
4. Setup Task Worker
You'll need to deploy one or multiple (depending on your load) task workers with the same config or settings specified in Step 1. but with a different startup command, append the -background-tasks
option to the service brokers startup command to put it into worker mode. You MUST have at least 1 worker.
As described in the setup instructions you should have two deployments for your application, the first is the API that receives requests, the other is the tasks process. See start.sh
for the API startup command, see start-background.sh
for the tasks process startup command. Both of these need the above environment variables in order to run correctly.
You can optionally pass in the startup options -logtostderr=1 -stderrthreshold 0
to enable debugging, in addition you can set GLOG_logtostderr=1
to debug via the environment. See glog for more information on enabling various levels. You can also set STACKIMPACT
as an environment variable to have profiling information sent to stack impact.
Contributing and Building
export GO111MODULE=on
./servicebroker ...
Working on it...