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Published: Nov 12, 2024 License: MIT Imports: 14 Imported by: 0


Akeyless External Secrets Updater

This application enables a push-based model for updating ExternalSecrets in a Kubernetes cluster. It listens for webhooks triggered by secret updates in the Secret Store Provider (which can be Akeyless or any other supported ESO Secret Store Provider) and propagates these changes to the corresponding ExternalSecret resources, initiating the secret update process.

In short, this application makes it so that you can update a secret in the Secret Store Provider and have it automatically updated in the corresponding ExternalSecret resource in Kubernetes almost immediately without the need to set a frequent refreshInterval on the ExternalSecret resource to be sure to pick up the most recent.


  • Webhook listener for SecretStore secret update events
  • Automatic ExternalSecret annotation updates to trigger secret refresh
  • Support for multiple ExternalSecrets in a Kubernetes namespace
  • Basic authentication for webhook endpoint security
  • Configurable through environment variables
  • Kubernetes in-cluster configuration with fallback to local kubeconfig


  • A Kubernetes cluster
  • External Secrets Operator installed
  • External Secrets object manifests configured with a non-zero refreshInterval (recommended: 24h)
  • Ability to update a secret in the Secret Store Provider then trigger the this application's webhook
  • Akeyless Users: Use the Event Center to forward events to this application's webhook endpoint (event center is free for Akeyless users)

Environment Variables

The application can be configured using the following environment variables:

Variable Description Default Required
BASIC_AUTH_USER Username for basic authentication on the webhook endpoint - Yes
BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD Password for basic authentication on the webhook endpoint - Yes
ENABLE_CACHE_BUSTER Enable the cache buster feature to perform a second update on ExternalSecrets false No
CACHE_BUSTER_WAIT_INTERVAL Wait interval between the first and second update when cache buster is enabled 2s No
  • BASIC_AUTH_USER and BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD: These credentials are used to secure the webhook endpoint. They must be set for the application to start.

  • ENABLE_CACHE_BUSTER: When set to "true", the application will perform a second update on the ExternalSecret after a short delay. This can help ensure that the changes are propagated in systems with aggressive caching.

  • CACHE_BUSTER_WAIT_INTERVAL: Specifies the duration to wait between the first and second update when the cache buster is enabled. The value should be a valid Go duration string (e.g., "2s" for 2 seconds, "100ms" for 100 milliseconds). If not set or invalid, it defaults to 2 seconds.

Environment Variables as Kubernetes Secrets

The environment variables are created as a Kubernetes Secret using Kustomize. In the kustomization.yaml file, you'll find:

- envs:
  - configs/.env
  name: externalsecret-updater-user-secret

This generates a Secret named externalsecret-updater-user-secret using the environment variables defined in the configs/.env file. Make sure to create this file with the required environment variables before deploying the application.


The application can be deployed using the provided Taskfile. Here are the main commands and their descriptions:

Required CLIs

Before using the Taskfile commands, ensure you have the following CLIs installed:

Taskfile Commands
Command Alias Description
task build task b Build the Docker image
task push task p Build and push the Docker image to the registry
task test task t Run tests
task get-version task gv Get the current version of the application
task increment-patch-version task ipatch Increment the patch version
task increment-minor-version task iminor Increment the minor version
task increment-major-version task imajor Increment the major version
task update-all-versions task uav Update versions in all relevant files
task deploy task d Deploy the application to the cluster
task build-push-deploy task bpd Build, push, and deploy the application
task increment-build-push-deploy task ibpd Increment version, build, push, and deploy
task undeploy task ud Undeploy the application from the cluster
Deployment Process
  1. Set up your environment variables in configs/.env.

  2. Update the default variables in Taskfile.yaml:

    • Set KUBECTL_CONTEXT to your desired Kubernetes context.
    • Set KUBECTL_NAMESPACE to your target namespace.

    You can find these variables at the top of the Taskfile:

      KUBECTL_CONTEXT: cs-gke-sandbox
      KUBECTL_NAMESPACE: cgruel-sra

    Alternatively, you can override these variables when running tasks:

    task d KUBECTL_CONTEXT=my-context KUBECTL_NAMESPACE=my-namespace
  3. Build and push the Docker image:

    task p

    (Full command: task push)

  4. Deploy the application:

    task d

    (Full command: task deploy)

For a complete build, push, and deploy process, you can use:

task bpd

(Full command: task build-push-deploy)

To increment the version, build, push, and deploy in one command, use:

task ibpd

(Full command: task increment-build-push-deploy)

These commands will use the context and namespace specified in the Taskfile or the ones you've overridden via command-line arguments.

Remember to review and update other configuration files as needed, such as kustomization.yaml, to ensure they align with your deployment environment.

Application Sequence

The following sequence diagram illustrates the application's workflow:

    participant User as User
    participant SecretProvider as Secret Store Provider
    participant EsoUpdater as Akeyless External Secrets Updater
    participant KubeAPI as Kubernetes API
    participant ExternalSecret as ExternalSecret Resource
    participant SecretStore as SecretStore
    participant K8sSecret as Kubernetes Secret

    User ->> SecretProvider: Update Secret
    User ->> EsoUpdater: POST /webhook (Event Payload)
    EsoUpdater ->> EsoUpdater: WebhookHandler(ctx)
    EsoUpdater ->> EsoUpdater: Decode JSON event into []Event
    alt Event processing
        EsoUpdater ->> EsoUpdater: Log event details
        EsoUpdater ->> KubeAPI: List ExternalSecrets in namespace
        KubeAPI -->> EsoUpdater: ExternalSecrets list response
        loop Check each ExternalSecret
            EsoUpdater ->> ExternalSecret: Access spec.data[].remoteRef.key or spec.dataFrom[].extract.key
            alt Matching key found
                EsoUpdater ->> ExternalSecret: Update annotations (updated-by, updated-at)
                EsoUpdater ->> KubeAPI: PATCH ExternalSecret with new annotations
                KubeAPI -->> EsoUpdater: PATCH response (success/failure)
                ExternalSecret ->> SecretStore: Authenticate using SecretStore reference
                SecretStore ->> SecretProvider: Request updated secret
                SecretProvider -->> SecretStore: Return updated secret data
                SecretStore ->> ExternalSecret: Provide secret data
                ExternalSecret ->> KubeAPI: Update corresponding Kubernetes Secret
                KubeAPI -->> ExternalSecret: Secret update response (success/failure)
            else No matching key
                EsoUpdater ->> EsoUpdater: Log no match found
    EsoUpdater -->> User: 200 OK (Success/Failure)


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


  • Add support for Nix Shell and/or devcontainers


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