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Published: Feb 7, 2025 License: GPL-3.0



The Akave SDK CLI (akavesdk) is a command-line tool designed to streamline interactions with Akave's decentralized storage platform. With this SDK, developers can efficiently manage buckets, upload and download files, and interact with metadata across Akave nodes. It supports both standard API operations and an advanced streaming API for high-performance file management, as well as an IPC API for blockchain-based data operations.

Whether you're building a new integration or managing data across nodes, this SDK provides robust capabilities to help you achieve seamless, scalable storage solutions.

Base commit: 46c8fb62337e92d5c344e8abf4ce6dfa8c6d8afd

Build and test instructions

Requirements: Go 1.23+

make build - outputs a cli binary into bin/akavecli.
make test - runs tests.
Look at Makefile for details.

Akave Node API

The Akave Node API provides a set of gRPC services for interacting with the Akave node. Below is a description of the model and available functions.

Metadata model
Bucket model
  • unique identifier for a bucket
    type ID [32]byte
  • bucket metadata
    type Bucket struct {
      ID        ID
      Name      string
      CreatedAt time.Time
File model
  • content identifier for files, chunks and blocks
    type CID string
  • unique key to identify a file in the store
    type FileID struct {
      BucketID buckets.ID
      Name     string
  • file metadata of a streaming file
    type FileMeta struct {
      StreamID    uuid.UUID
      RootCID     CID
      Size        int64
      CreatedAt   time.Time
      CommittedAt time.Time
  • streaming file model: metadata + chunks it is made of
    type FileV2 struct {
      Chunks []ChunkMeta
  • chunk metadata
    type ChunkMeta struct {
      CID  CID
      Size int64
  • chunk metadata with blocks
    type Chunk struct {
      Blocks []Block
  • block metadata
    type Block struct {
      CID  CID
      Size int64
Bucket API
Endpoint Description
BucketCreate Creates a new bucket. The request sent on a node creates a bucket on this node and shares the fact of creation with all other nodes in the network.
BucketView Retrieves details of a specific bucket.
BucketList Lists all buckets in the network.
BucketDelete Deletes a specific bucket. Fact of deletion is shared among all nodes in network. For now, only soft delete is implemented.
Streaming File API

In the streaming API, data is split into chunks, each with a maximum size of 32 MB. Every chunk is made up of blocks, with each block's size capped at 1 MB.

When reading a file, the SDK attempts to read up to 32 MB in a single operation from the source, then constructs a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) for each chunk, where the root Content Identifier (CID) of the DAG serves as the chunk CID. Next, the SDK generates an upload receipt for the chunk using the FileUploadChunkCreate API endpoint. This receipt specifies where each block should be uploaded, as blocks are uploaded concurrently across multiple Akave nodes.

Once a chunk is fully uploaded, the process repeats for the remaining chunks until the entire file is read. After all chunks are uploaded, the SDK performs a "commit" operation by calling the FileUploadCommit endpoint. This signals to the Akave nodes that the file upload is complete and provides the file's root CID, which is calculated incrementally from the individual chunk CIDs.

Endpoint Description
FileUploadCreate Initiates a file upload. Creates a unique stream-id for the file and stores it together with file data (e.g. fileName, bucket, creation_date). Shares the fact of such storing among all nodes in the network. This unique stream-id is used by the client in further requests.
FileUploadChunkCreate Stores the given chunk (cid, size and blocks metadata) and returns the receipt where each block should be uploaded to. Also shares the fact of storing the chunk among all nodes in the network.
FileUploadBlock Uploads the given block (block's data) via grpc streaming to the node address returned in response to FileUploadChunkCreate. If the replication is enabled on a node, the node also replicates this block to some other nodes selected randomly (replication_factor defines to how many nodes a block should be replicated to). Also node stores information about peer ID of a node which now has this block (current node and replicated nodes) and shares this information with all other nodes in the network.
FileUploadCommit Signals that upload operation is completed providing akave node with file's root_cid. Before this operation the file is "invisible": you can't get info about it or download it. After this operation you can't upload more blocks or chunks to this file.
FileDownloadCreate Initiates file download. Fetches the file's metadata and its breakdown on chunks: list of chunks this file is made of.
FileDownloadChunkCreate Creates the "download receipt" for a chunk: list of blocks this chunk is made of and from where each block can be downloaded from.
FileDownloadBlock Downloads the block via grpc streaming from a node which address is taken from the response to FileDownloadChunkCreate.
FileList Lists all the files in the given bucket. Only file metadata is returned.
FileView Fetches the metadata of one particular file.
FileDelete "Soft" deletes the file in a block. The node also shares the information about this operation among all nodes in a network.

NOTE: Sharing among nodes functionality uses libp2p pubsub. "Soft" deletes means marking an object with delete flag in db table.

Akave Node IPC API

The Akave Node IPC API provides access to gRPC service that interacts with Akave node, and IPC deployed smart-contract that operates with metadata. Uses same File, Bucket, Block and Chunk models as regular Akave Node API

Endpoint Description
ConnectionParams Retrieves dial URI and deployed smart contract address to interract with.
BucketCreate Unimplemented. Functionality calls from SDK side.
BucketView Retrieves single bucket metadata by bucket name and creator address. Calls smart contract method GetBucketByName, transforms response into API bucket model.
BucketList Retrieves all buckets metadata (ID, name, created at). For now doesn't sort by creator address.
BucketDelete Unimplemented. Functionality calls from SDK side.
FileView Retrieves single file metadata by file name, bucket name, creator address. Calls smart contract GetBucketByName, to receive it's ID, then GetFileByName and transforms response into API file model.
FileList Retrieves all files of bucket (by name and creator address) metadata. Calls smart contract GetBucketByName, then GetFileByName through all bucket's file id's list.
FileDelete Unimplemented. Functionality calls from SDK side.
FileUploadCreate Initiates a file upload. Selects node for each file block to upload.
FileUploadBlock Uploads the given block (block's data) via grpc streaming to the node address. If the replication is enabled on a node, the node also replicates this block to some other nodes selected randomly (replication_factor defines to how many nodes a block should be replicated to). Also node stores information about peer ID of a node which now has this block (current node and replicated nodes) and stores it on smart contract.
FileDownloadCreate Fetches the file's metadata and its breakdown on blocks: list of blocks this file is made of from smart contract by calling GetBucketByName, GetFileByName, GetFileBlockById respectively. Assigns peer to each block.
FileDownloadBlock Downloads the block by cid via grpc streaming from a node which address picked in FileDownloadCreate.

IPC Storage smart contract

The Storage smart contract contains collection of methods that provides access to bucket, files, chunks and peerblocks metadata.

Bucket model
  • bucket metadata
    type StorageBucket struct {
        Id        [32]byte
        Name      string
        CreatedAt *big.Int
        Owner     common.Address
        Files     [][32]byte
File model
  • file metadata
    type StorageFile struct {
        Id        [32]byte
        Cid       []byte
        BucketId  [32]byte
        Name      string
        Size      *big.Int
        CreatedAt *big.Int
        Blocks    [][32]byte
Block model
  • block metadata
    type StorageFileBlock struct {
        Id     [32]byte
        Cid    []byte
        FileId [32]byte
        Size   *big.Int
  • CreateBucket(opts *bind.TransactOpts, name string) (*types.Transaction, error) {...}
    creates bucket, requires keyed transactor, string name. Used in IPC SDK CreateBucket.
  • DeleteBucket(opts *bind.TransactOpts, id [32]byte, name string) (*types.Transaction, error) {...}
    deletes bucket, requires same keyed transactor as creator of this bucket, bucket id 32byte array, string name. Used in IPC SDK DeleteBucket.
  • GetBucketByName(opts *bind.CallOpts, name string) (StorageBucket, error) {...}
    retrieves bucket metadata, requires From(address of creator) to be filled in request (f.e. &bind.CallOpts{From: client.Auth.From}), and bucket name. Used to get bucket's ID in IPC SDK CreateBucket, FileDelete, CreateFileUpload, and in IPC endpoint BucketView, FileView, FileList, FileDownloadCreate.
  • AddFile(opts *bind.TransactOpts, cid []byte, bucketId [32]byte, name string, size *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error) {...}
    adds file metadata, requires keyed transactor, content identifier (bytes), bucket id, name and size of *big.Int format, returns transaction. Used in IPC SDK CreateFileUpload.
  • DeleteFile(opts *bind.TransactOpts, id [32]byte, bucketId [32]byte, name string, force bool) (*types.Transaction, error) {...}
    deletes file metadata, and if force flag set to true all file blocks. required same keyed transactor as while file add func call, file id, bucket id, name. Used in IPC SDK FileDelete.
  • GetFileByName(opts *bind.CallOpts, bucketId [32]byte, name string) (StorageFile, error) {...}
    retrieves file metadata by bucket id, file name. Used in FileDelete, CreateFileUpload, and IPC endpoint FileDownloadCreate, FileView.
  • AddFileBlock(opts *bind.TransactOpts, fileId [32]byte, cid []byte, size *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error) {...}
    adds file block metadata, requires keyed transactor, file id 32byte array, content identifier bytes, size *big.int. Used in IPC SDK CreateFileUpload.
  • GetFileBlockById(opts *bind.CallOpts, id [32]byte) (StorageFileBlock, error) {...}
    retrieves file block by id, requires block id as 32byte array. Used in IPC endpoint FileDownloadCreate and IPC SDK CreateFileDownload.
  • AddPeerBlock(opts *bind.TransactOpts, peerId []byte, cid []byte, isReplica bool) (*types.Transaction, error) {...}
    adds peer block, requires keyed transactor, peerId (node id) bytes, content identifier bytes, is block replicated bool. Used in IPC endpoint FileUploadBlock.
  • GetPeersByPeerBlockCid(opts *bind.CallOpts, cid []byte) ([][]byte, error) {...}
    returns all peerIds that has peer block with given content identifier, requires cid bytes. Used in IPC endpoint FileDownloadCreate.


Function Name Description
New Creates a new instance of the SDK client
CreateBucket Creates a new bucket with the specified name
ViewBucket Retrieves details of a specific bucket by its name
ListBuckets Lists all buckets available in the network
DeleteBucket "Soft" Deletes a specific bucket by its name
StreamingAPI Returns sdk instance that works with streaming file api
ListFiles Lists all streamed files in a specified bucket.
FileInfo Retrieves metadata of a specific streamed file by its name and bucket
CreateFileUpload Initiates a file upload to a specified bucket by creating file's stream-id
Upload Uploads file's data to a file identified by stream-id. Splits file on chunks and performs chunk upload to different nodes
CreateFileDownload Initiates a file download from a specified bucket. Gets a receipt that describes which chunks the file consists of
Download Using the receipt returned from CreateFileDownload endpoint downloads the file sequentially by chunks. Fetches peer block addresses of blocks of each chunk
FileDelete Soft deletes a specific file by its name and bucket id
SDK DAG utilities
  • ChunkDAG a struct that contains node's(in context of a DAG) metainformation: CID, sizes, block metadata
  • DAGRoot helps to build file's root CID. On each file chunk you have to add a link to chunk(specifiying chunk's CID and its node sizes)
Function Name Description
CreateBucket Creates a new bucket with the specified name calling IPC contract CreateBucket, checks if it exists, returns bucket id.
ViewBucket Retrieves details of a specific bucket by its name.
ListBuckets Lists all buckets stored in IPC contract.
DeleteBucket Soft deletes a specific bucket by its name.
IPC Returns ipc sdk instance that works ipc contract.
ListFiles Lists all files from a specific bucket.
FileInfo Retrieves metadata of a specific file by its name and bucket's name.
CreateFileUpload Initiates a file upload to a specified bucket, adding file's metadata and it's blocks metadata to IPC smart contract. Then Assigns each file blocks to different nodes calling ipc endpoint.
Upload Splits file on blocks and performs chunk upload to different nodes. Add peer-block to smart contract, that stores info about where each file block stored node-wise.
CreateFileDownload Initiates a file download from a specified bucket. Gets a receipt that describes which chunks the file consists of.
Download Using the receipt returned from CreateFileDownload endpoint downloads the file by blocks, previously fetches peer block addresses of blocks
FileDelete Hard delete (with all blocks) a specific file by its name and bucket's name.

Akave CLI

Key Features

  • Bucket Management: Create, view, list, and delete buckets.
  • File Management: Upload, download, view, list, and delete files.
  • Streaming API: Interact with the streaming file API for efficient file operations.
  • IPC API: Interact with the blockchain API for bucket and file operations.


Bucket Commands
  • Create Bucket: Creates a new bucket.
    akavecli bucket create <bucket-name> --node-address=localhost:5000
  • View Bucket: Retrieves details of a specific bucket.
    akavecli bucket view <bucket-name> --node-address=localhost:5000
  • List Buckets: List all available buckets.
    akavecli bucket list --node-address=localhost:5000
  • Delete Bucket: Soft deletes a specific bucket.
    akavecli bucket delete <bucket-name> --node-address=localhost:5000
Streaming API
  • List Files: Lists all files in a specified bucket.

    akavecli files-streaming list <bucket-name> --node-address=localhost:5000
  • File Info: Retrieves metadata of a specific file.

    akavecli files-streaming info <bucket-name> <file-name> --node-address=localhost:5000
  • Upload File: Uploads a file to a specified bucket from the local file system.

    akavecli files-streaming upload <bucket-name> <file-path> --node-address=localhost:5000
  • Download File: Downloads a file from a specified bucket to destination folder.

    akavecli files-streaming download <bucket-name> <file-name> <destination-folder> --node-address=localhost:5000

    <file-name> here is the last segment in <file-path> of Upload command

  • Delete File: Deletes a specific file.

    akavecli files-streaming delete <bucket-name> <file-name> --node-address=localhost:5000

    <file-name> here is the last segment in <file-path> of Upload command

Akave IPC CLI (Using normal API, not streaming)


Bucket Commands
  • Create Bucket: Creates a new bucket.
    akavecli ipc bucket create <bucket-name> --node-address=localhost:5000 --private-key="some-private-key"
  • Delete Bucket: Soft deletes a specific bucket.
    akavecli ipc bucket delete <bucket-name> --node-address=localhost:5000 --private-key="some-private-key"
  • View Bucket: Retrieves details of a specific bucket.
    akavecli ipc bucket view <bucket-name> --node-address=localhost:5000 --private-key="some-private-key"
  • List Buckets: List all available buckets.
    akavecli ipc bucket list --node-address=localhost:5000 --private-key="some-private-key"
File Commands
  • List Files: List all files in a bucket.
    akavecli ipc file list <bucket-name> --node-address=localhost:5000 --private-key="some-private-key"
  • File Info: Retrieves file information.
    akavecli ipc file info <bucket-name> <file-name> --node-address=localhost:5000 --private-key="some-private-key"
  • Upload File: Uploads a file to a bucket.
    akavecli ipc file upload <bucket-name> <file-path> --node-address=localhost:5000 --private-key="some-private-key"
  • Download File: Downloads a file from a bucket.
    akavecli ipc file dowload <bucket-name> <file-name> <destination-path> \
    --node-address=localhost:5000 \


Path Synopsis
Package main provides a command-line interface for managing Akave SDK resources such as buckets and files.
Package main provides a command-line interface for managing Akave SDK resources such as buckets and files.
Package cryptoutils provides a math/rand.Source that uses crypto/rand to generate random numbers.
Package cryptoutils provides a math/rand.Source that uses crypto/rand to generate random numbers.
Package encryption provides functions for encrypting and decrypting data using AES-GCM.
Package encryption provides functions for encrypting and decrypting data using AES-GCM.
Package ipc provides an ipc client model and access to deployed smart contract calls.
Package ipc provides an ipc client model and access to deployed smart contract calls.
Package memory provides a type for memory size.
Package memory provides a type for memory size.
Package spclient provides a client for communication with Filecoin SP.
Package spclient provides a client for communication with Filecoin SP.
Package testrand provides utilities for generating random data in tests.
Package testrand provides utilities for generating random data in tests.
Package version contains versioning.
Package version contains versioning.
Package sdk is the Akave SDK.
Package sdk is the Akave SDK.

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