This controller watches the Kubernetes nodes and attaches a label to the Kubernetes
Node object when the node uses a specific operating system based on a command line argument
that should decide which operating system is targeted to be labeled.
On Local Environment
Setup a kind cluster
build the binary
go build
Execute the binary
./node-label-controller "linux"
On Kind Cluster
Build the controller image and push to docker registry
docker build -t akankshakumari393/node-label-controller:0.0.1 .
docker push akankshakumari393/node-label-controller:0.0.1
create a namespace in which controller would run
kubectl create namespace controller
Create ClusterRole to give permission for nodes
kubectl create clusterrole cluster-role --verb=list,watch,update --resource=nodes
# kubectl create -f k8s-resources/clusterrole.yaml
Create ClusterRoleBindings give access to default
Service account in controller
kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-role-binding --clusterrole=cluster-role --user=system:serviceaccount:controller:default
# kubectl create -f k8s-resources/clusterrolebinding.yaml
Create node label os controller as deployment
kubectl create -f k8s-resources/deployment.yaml -n controller
This would update the Node resource and add label
in above example if the OS matches the arg provided in the deployment, in our case linux