roadmap reads a XML description and outputs an SVG rendition of a roadmap.
The XML description specifies a roadmap that contain categories, which in turn contain an arbitratry number of items. Items may contains dependencies to other items.
<category ...>
<item ...>Item 1<dep dest="i3"/></item>
<item ...>Item 2</item>
<item id="i3">Item 3</item>
Roadmap attributes
- title -- title of the roadmap
- begin -- begining year of the roadmap
- end -- ending year of the roadmap (for example to specfiy a span of 2023-2025, begin="2023", end="2026")
- scale -- the number of items per period, for example 12 for 12 months of the year
- catpercent -- the canvas percentage from the left where catagory labels are placed
- vspace -- the default amount of vertical space between items within a category
- itemheight -- the default height of an item
- fontname -- font used for the text
- shape -- default shape of an item: 'r': rectangle (default), 'rr': rounded rectangle, 'c': circle, 'e': ellipse, 'a': arrow, 'l': line
Category attributes
- name -- the name of the category
- color -- the category color
- vspace -- vertical space between items
- itemheight -- the height of items
- shape -- shape of items in this category
- bline -- if "on" draw a boundary line on top of the category
- catdesc -- category description
Item attributes
- id -- item unique id used to connect items
- begin -- beginning of the item in them
for example 2023/01 for January 2023 - duration -- duration of the item in scale units, for example if the scale is set to 12, duration of 6 is six months
- color -- item color, overriding the category color
- shape -- item shape, overriding the category shape
- align -- text alignment of the item (middle (default), end, start)
- vspace -- vertical space between items
- bline -- if set to "on" draw a boundary line
- dep -- dependencies between items
- desc -- item description
Dependency attributes
- dest -- the item id to point to
- desc -- dependency description
For example, given:
<roadmap title="PLANNING TO PLAN" begin="2010" end="2011" scale="12" catpercent="12"
vspace="45" itemheight="40" fontname="Calibri" shape="r">
<category name="" vspace="0" shape="r" color="#666666">
<item begin="2010/01" duration="1" >Jan</item>
<item begin="2010/02" duration="1" >Feb</item>
<item begin="2010/03" duration="1" >Mar</item>
<item begin="2010/04" duration="1" >Apr</item>
<item begin="2010/05" duration="1" >May</item>
<item begin="2010/06" duration="1" >Jun</item>
<item begin="2010/07" duration="1" >Jul</item>
<item begin="2010/08" duration="1" >Aug</item>
<item begin="2010/09" duration="1" >Sep</item>
<item begin="2010/10" duration="1" >Oct</item>
<item begin="2010/11" duration="1" >Nov</item>
<item begin="2010/12" duration="1" >Dec</item>
<category name="Facilities" shape="a">
<item begin="2010/3" duration="2">Phase 1</item>
<item begin="2010/6" duration="2">Phase 2</item>
<item begin="2010/9" duration="1">Patch</item>
<category name="Network">
<item begin="2010/2" duration="6">Install</item>
<item begin="2010/9" duration="2">Decomission</item>
<category name="Servers">
<item begin="2010/5" duration="3">Install</item>
<item begin="2010/9" duration="2">Decomission<dep dest="gl"/></item>
<category name="Applications" vspace="45">
<item begin="2010/1" duration="8">Develop</item>
<item begin="2010/5" duration="4">Test</item>
<item id="dm" begin="2010/9" duration="1">Data Migration<dep dest="gl"/></item>
<category name="Data" vspace="0">
<item begin="2010/1" duration="5">Migration planning</item>
<category name="Support">
<item begin="2010/1" duration="10">Transition<dep dest="gl"/></item>
<category name="EVENTS" shape="r">
<item begin="2010/6" duration="3" color="#729BBC" shape="a">Freeze</item>
<item id="gl" begin="2010/12" duration="1" color="#aa0000">Go Live</item>
where the above file is p2p.xml
, the command roadmap p2p.xml > p2p.svg
Command line options
Usage of roadmap:
-align string
label alignment (default "end")
-b bold categories
bottom border
-bg string
background color (default "white")
category border
-cc string
connection color (default "red")
-cfs float
category font size (px) (default 14)
-csv string
write CSV to specified file
-curves string
curve line connections (default "0,0")
-dc string
description color (default "red")
description at the end of the item (default true)
-h float
height (default 768)
-ifs float
item fontsize (px) (default 12)
left border (default true)
-margin float
margin (default 10)
right border
top border
-tfs float
title font size (px) (default 24)
-w float
width (default 1024)
-wrap float
text wrap (default 20)
Click to show internal directories.
Click to hide internal directories.