Display US Presidential election results on a state-based grid, with encoded populations.

elections [options] file...
Specify at least one data file (format below). Use the forward and back arrows to navigate.
To see election results from 1920 to 2020 (included in this repository):
elections 1920.d 1924.d 1928.d 1932.d 1936.d 1940.d 1944.d 1948.d 1952.d 1956.d 1960.d 1964.d 1968.d 1972.d 1976.d 1980.d 1984.d 1988.d 1992.d 1996.d 2000.d 2004.d 2008.d 2012.d 2016.d 2020.d
To see the years FDR was president:
elections 1932.d 1936.d 1940.d 1944.d
Notable landslides:
elections 1936.d 1964.d 1972.d 1984.d
Close elections
elections 1960.d 1968.d 2000.d
-bgcolor string
background color (default "black")
-colsize float
column size (canvas %) (default 7)
-height int
canvas height (default 900)
-left float
map left value (canvas %) (default 7)
-rowsize float
rowsize (canvas %) (default 9)
-textcolor string
text color (default "white")
-top float
map top value (canvas %) (default 75)
-width int
canvas width (default 1200)
The input files have five tab-separated fields
- State,
- Grid Column,
- Grid Row,
- Party (r=Republican, d=Democrat, i=Independent),
- State population.
The line beginning with '#' specifies the election year, Democratic candidate, Republican Candidate, and optional third-party candidate.
For example:
# 2020 Biden Trump
AL 5 7 r 4903185
AK 1 0 r 731545
AZ 5 2 d 7278717
AR 5 5 r 3017804
CA 5 1 d 39512223
WA 2 1 d 7614893
WV 4 8 r 1792147
WI 2 6 d 5822434
WY 3 3 r 578759