
command module
v0.5.3 Latest Latest

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Published: Oct 21, 2024 License: AGPL-3.0 Imports: 22 Imported by: 0



Your own personal shop right into tinfoil!

Why A Next Generation

This is a take on the original Tinshop repo originally by DblK. Current solutions have some issues:

  • Language like python will have some issues when handling massive influx of data.
  • Can't handle large libraries
  • lack of concurrent processing.
  • require certain naming schemes and no fallback to alternatives.
  • will need a separate tool for renaming\identifying contents.
  • support only nsp and nsz with no xci.
  • slow as shit.

this will try to solve many of these issues.

What is New Here?

Some of the new features implemented so far:

  • XCI extention support has been added.
  • Content identification using your own Keys for content that does not meet the naming schemes. this is optional as instead of skipping unindentified content tinshop will now try to decrypt the data in the files.
  • Tinshop-ng uses fastwalk instead of filepath.walk. Traversing directories uses multiple goroutines which work concurrently leading to faster processing of your data.
  • Updated titlesdb now using Tinfoil's own data.
  • You can now rename unidentified content to one that meet the naming scheme's requiremnets for faster next time processing.
  • Implemented some features and functions from the popular Switch-library-manager
  • Tested on rclone mount with more than 10K titles. processing with titles matching the name schemes in almost 10 sec.

โš ๏ธ Disclaimer

This program DOES NOT encourage piracy at all!
It was designed to reduce the time to download/install a game from the Nintendo eShop.
In case you have a ADSL connection, to install latest Zelda (14.4Gb) it can take ages!

On top of that, if you have bought a game on eShop like Jump Force, once it is not anymore on the shop how can you install it again?
Using your personal NSP dump, with tinfoil and tinshop everything should be fine and fast!

๐ŸŽฎ Use

To proper use this software, here is the checklist:

  • Optional: A proper configured config.yaml
    • Copy/Paste config.example.yaml to config.yaml
    • Comment/Uncomment parts in the config according to your needs
  • Optional: Games should have in their name [ID][v0] to be recognized.
  • Optional: You can supply your own keys for content identification.
  • Games extension should be nsp or nsz or xci

Now simply run it and add a shop inside tinfoil with the address setup in config (or http://localIp:3000 if not specified).

๐ŸŽ‰ Features

Here is the list of all main features so far:

  • Automatically download titles.US.en.json if missing at startup
  • Basic protection from forged queries (should allow only tinfoil to use the shop)
  • Serve from several mounted directories
  • Serve from several network directories (Using NFS)
  • Display a webpage for forbidden devices
  • Auto-refresh configuration on file change
  • Add the possibility to whitelist or blacklist a switch
  • Add the possibility to ban theme
  • You can specify custom titledb to be merged with official one
  • Auto-watch for mounted directories
  • Add filters path for shop
  • Simple ticket check in NSP/NSZ (based on titledb file)
  • Collect basic statistics
  • An API to query information about your shop
  • Handle Basic Auth from Tinfoil through Forward Auth Endpoint
  • Content identification as fallback if naming schemes requirement are not fillfilled . It will try to identify the content and add it to your library.
  • Optional renaming of the identified content to an acceptable naming scheme so next time you start the server it will identify it faster

๐Ÿณ๏ธ Filtering

When you setup your shop inside tinfoil you can now add the following path:

  • multi : Filter only multiplayer games
  • fr, en, ... : Filter by languages
  • world : All games without any filter (equivalent without path)


This is an example of the config.yaml file

# Name of the host [optional]
host: tinshop.example.com

# Protocol (Can be http or https) [optional]
# If you use "https" then you should set up a reverse-proxy in front to handle tls
# And forward the port 443 to "yourIp:3000"
protocol: https

# keys [optional]
# This is a fallback in case parsing failed due to bad rename pattern. slower than parsing but more accurate in captureing content information.
# a full path to the key should be provided. [use /data as the path if you are using docker]
#keys: prod.keys

# renameFiles [optional] [keys must be present if true otherwise will do nothing]
# this will rename files that is misrenamed somehow by appending the title id and version to the end of the file. this may result in duplicate ids in the file name
# as it does not check for already present data.
# enabling this option will make processing much faster after the initial rename as there will be no need to decrypt the files any longer
renameFiles: false

# Port [optional]
# This affect the url to download games & the web server will run on that port (default: 3000).
# port: 3000

# Shop name [optional]
# This is used as title when trying to visit the shop with a non switch device
name: TinShop

# Tells if we are using a reverse proxy if front of tinshop [optional]
# This is used to rewrite correct url to download games when reverse proxy used
reverseProxy: false

# Welcome message on Switch [optional]
# The default message will be "Welcome to your own TinShop!"
welcomeMessage: "Welcome to your own TinShop!"
# If you want to disable the welcome message, set it to true [optional]
noWelcomeMessage: false

# All debug flags will be stored here
  # Display more information when connecting to nfs share
  nfs: false
  # Remove middleware security for retrieving index
  # DO NOT use in production (only for dev purpose)
  noSecurity: false
  # Display more information about ticket's verification
  ticket: false

# All actions related to NSP file will be stored here
  # Tells if tinshop should verify the ticket inside NSP to ensure no issue with install
  # This will make processing really slow as every file will be opened for verification 
  checkVerified: false

# All sources where we should look for games
# If this section is commented out, then the directory "games" will be looked at
  # Local mounted path [optional]
    - /my/full/path/to/games
    - ./games

  # NFS Shares [optional]
    - host:sharePath/to/game/files

# All security information will be stored here
  # List of theme to be banned with security
  # Be aware that this should be string (do not forget quotes)
  # You can find the theme of a switch in the log upon access
    - "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
  # List of switch uid to whitelist
  # If enabled then only switch in this area will be listed
  # You can find the uid of a switch in the log upon access
  # List of switch uid to blacklist
  # Block access to all switch present in this list
  # You can find the uid of a switch in the log upon access
  # Endpoint to which a query will be sent to verify user/password/uid to
  # Headers sent :
  # - Authorization: same as sent by switch
  # - Device-Id: Switch fingerprint
  # Response with status code other than 200 will be treated as failure
  forwardAuth: https://auth.tinshop.com/switch
  # Hauth code you obtain from tinfoil. This is unique to your domain and help protect against forged requests
  # HttpAuth. basic http authentication. This is a username:password list. password is hashed using bcrypt. 
    - admin:$2a$12$kWcAoawo7z7A1X3DaL4thOBWmbSpjgNULfndNOXflyctGw/BO0yrG # admin:admin
    - test:$2a$12$lpZ8JX1a34opuMbKmr96POm8hckLh8MTRZ2ZECkiIviNM4V07N.42  # test:test

# This section describe all custom title db to show up properly in tinfoil
  # Id of the entry
    id: "050000BADDAD0000"
    name: "Tinfoil"
    region: "US"
    releaseDate: 20180801
    description: "Nintendo Switch Title Manager"
    size: 14000000
    iconUrl: ""

๐Ÿ‹ Docker

To run with Docker, you can use this as a starting cli example:

docker run -d --restart=always -e TINSHOP_SOURCES_DIRECTORIES=/games -e TINSHOP_WELCOMEMESSAGE="Welcome to my Tinshop!" -v /local/game/backups:/games -p 3000:3000 ghcr.io/ajmandourah/tinshop-ng:latest

This will run Tinshop on http://localhost:3000 and persist across reboots!

If docker compose is your thing, then start with this example:

version: '3.9'
    container_name: tinshop
    image: ghcr.io/ajmandourah/tinshop-ng:latest
    restart: always
      - 3000:3000
      - TINSHOP_WELCOMEMESSAGE=Welcome to my Tinshop!
      - /media/switch:/games
      - /path/to/config:/data  #this is where config.yaml and titles json file will live. added keys here should also be modifed in config.yaml file as /data/prod.keys 

All of the settings in the config.yaml file are valid Environment Variables. They must be UPPERCASE and prefixed by TINSHOP_. Nested properties should be prefixed by _. Here are a few examples:

ENV_VAR config.yaml entry Default Value Example Value
TINSHOP_HOST host <empty> tinshop.example.com
TINSHOP_PROTOCOL protocol http https
TINSHOP_NAME name TinShop MyShop
TINSHOP_REVERSEPROXY reverseProxy false true
TINSHOP_WELCOMEMESSAGE welcomeMessage Welcome to your own TinShop! Welcome to my shop!
TINSHOP_NOWELCOMEMESSAGE noWelcomeMessage false true
TINSHOP_DEBUG_NFS debug.nfs false true
TINSHOP_DEBUG_NOSECURITY debug.nosecurity false true
TINSHOP_DEBUG_TICKET debug.ticket false true
TINSHOP_NSP_CHECKVERIFIED nsp.checkVerified false true
TINSHOP_SOURCES_DIRECTORIES sources.directories ./games /games /path/two /path/three
TINSHOP_SOURCES_NSF sources.nfs null
TINSHOP_SECURITY_FORWARDAUTH sources.forwardAuth null https://auth.tinshop.com/switch

Using HAUTH for your site

Hauth is signature of the request Url scheme and hostname is sent via "HAUTH: XXXXXXXXXXXXXX" header. This value is unique to your domain, and helps prevent forged requests. To use it with Tinshop-ng do the following:

  • Run tinshop-ng as usual and add it to tinfoil
  • When adding to tinfoil , add a path /hauth to your server information in the path section.
  • close and reopen tinfoil then Navigate to file browser and click on your server name you added.
  • observer your tinshop-ng logs. you should be getting a log message with the hauth code in it. make sure the host matches your sites domain.
  • edit your config.yaml with hauth: YOUR_HAURH_CODE under the security section. Make sure its under the security section and indented as in the example.
  • All done. any requests from any client other than tinfoil will need to have this secret code inside otherwise it won't accept connections. you can test it out by inputting a false code.
  • To cancel hauth verification comment its part in the config.yaml file.

Basic Http Auth

Basic Http authentication is supported by one of 2 ways. If you are using one please disable the other one :

  • ForwardAuth, where you delegate the authentication to another path/subdomain. You need to know what you are doing.
  • The implemented Http auth method.


This is an example that you can follow in caddy. Other reverse proxy services may differ but the concept is the same

 tinshop-ng.example.com {
         reverse_proxy tinshop-ng:3000 {
         handle /auth* {
                basic_auth {
                      test $2a$12$lpZ8JX1a34opuMbKmr96POm8hckLh8MTRZ2ZECkiIviNM4V07N.42

                 respond 200

You should issue a 200 response as tinfoil won't accept otherwise. Lastly you should enable the forwardAuth option in the config file.

Implemented Http Auth

This is by far easier than forwardAuth. you just need to uncomment the option in your config file Notice that the entries under httpauth are preceeded by - indicating its a list, that means you can add multiple users to your interface.

Password should be hashed with bcrypt. Please don't put passwords in cleartext as they won't work . Use any bcrypt generator to generat the hash from your password.

Some notes about basic auth

Basic auth is umm 'basic' and it has its limitation. some characthers like @ and $ cannot be used as it will mess up the url. stick to alphanumerical long passwords for the time being.

Tips for faster processing especially when using cloud shares ie Rclone

If you are going to use rclone or similar cloud storage solutions as your source of content here are some tips:

  • make sure all your contents are in one folder without them being in subfolders. As for every subfolder rclone will need to fetch a list of every file in it. this can take long time especially with large number of folders.
  • either make sure your content matches the naming format. you can also run switch-library-manager on the folder with renaming option enabled to insure these matches. Tinshop-ng with decryption enabled will need to read every file for decryption which will take more time processing .
  • enabling cache will give some boost to processing.

๐Ÿ‘‚๐Ÿป Q & A

Why use this instead of X (NUT or others software)?


It's dead simple, and no dependencies! It's just a single small executable.
Easier to install games without connecting switch or by updating SD card (Nightmare if you are on macOS).

The upcoming features will also be a huge advantage against others software.

Where do I put my games?


By default, TinShop will look into the games directory relative to tinshop executable.

However in the config.yaml file, you can change this.
In the sources section, you can have the following:

  • directories: List of directories where you put your games
  • nfs: List of NFS shares that contains your games

Can I set up a https endpoint?


Yes, you can!
Use a reverse proxy (like traefik, caddy, nginx...) to do tls termination and forward to your instance on port 3000.

Example for caddy

To work with caddy, you need to put in your Caddyfile something similar to this:

tinshop.example.com:80 {

and your config.yaml as follow:

host: tinshop.example.com
protocol: http
port: 3000
reverseProxy: true

If you want to have HTTPS, ensure caddy handle it (it will with Let's Encrypt) and change https in the config and remove :80 in the Caddyfile example.

Example for traefik

To work with traefik, you need to put in your Dynamic Configuration something similar to this:

    service: tinshop
    rule: Host(`tinshop.example.com`)
    entryPoints: websecure # Could be web if not using https

          - url:

and your config.yaml as follow:

host: tinshop.example.com
protocol: http
port: 3000
reverseProxy: true

If you want to have HTTPS, ensure traefik can handle it (it will with Let's Encrypt) and use protocol https in the config.

For more details on Traefik + Let's Encrypt, click here.

How can I add a basic auth to protect my shop?


TinShop does handle basic auth but not by itself.
You should look for forwardAuth in the config.yaml to set the endpoint that will handle the authentication in behalf of TinShop.

In the future, a proper user management will be incorporated into TinShop to handle it.

In addition, for other type of protection, you can whitelist/blacklist your own switch and this will do the trick.

I have tons of missing title displayed in tinfoil, what should I do?


First, download and replace the latest titles.US.en.json available (or delete it, it will be automatically downloaded at startup).
If this does not solve your issue, then you should use custom titledb entry to describe those which are missing.

Why I still get NCA signature verification failed error in tinfoil and nothing in tinshop?


The current implementation to verify the NSP/NSZ are basic and based on the Ticket information.
So you might still get some error about signature failed even with checkVerified enabled.

Maybe later, this feature will be enhanced to add additional checks on game files (PR Welcome!).

tinfoil does not display the name of the game but the file name, what should I do?


You must follow the naming convention for the games as follow:

gameId should be a 16 characters long string.

For example, those are invalid:

  • 0000000000000000 [v0].nsp
  • [0000000000000000].nsp
  • [0000000000000000][v0].xxx

Those are valid:

  • [0000000000000000] [v0].nsp
  • [0000000000000000][v131072].nsz
  • My Saved Game [0000000000000000] [v0].nsp
  • Awesome title [0000000000000000][v0] (15Gb).nsz

๐Ÿ™ Credits


  • A new container with ability to edit config.yaml
  • workflow edit

Documentation ยถ

Overview ยถ


Directories ยถ

Path Synopsis
Package config provides everything related to configuration
Package config provides everything related to configuration
Package gameid provides a way to store individual game information
Package gameid provides a way to store individual game information
Package gamescollection provides and stores all information about collection
Package gamescollection provides and stores all information about collection
Package mock_repository is a generated GoMock package.
Package mock_repository is a generated GoMock package.
Package repository holds all interfaces and shared struct
Package repository holds all interfaces and shared struct
Package sources provides management of various sources
Package sources provides management of various sources
Package xts implements the XTS cipher mode as specified in IEEE P1619/D16.
Package xts implements the XTS cipher mode as specified in IEEE P1619/D16.
Package utils provides some cross used information
Package utils provides some cross used information

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Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL