Fargate CLI
Deploy serverless containers to the cloud from your command line

fargate is a command-line interface to deploy containers to AWS Fargate. Using fargate, developers can easily operate fargate services including things like: deploying applications (images and environment variables), monitoring deployments, viewing container logs, restarting and scaling.
You can install the CLI with a curl utility script or by downloading the binary from the releases page. Once installed you'll get the fargate
curl -s get-fargate.turnerlabs.io | sh
By default, fargate uses us-east-1 as this is the single region where AWS
Fargate is available. The CLI accepts a --region parameter for future use and
will honor AWS_REGION and AWS_DEFAULT_REGION environment settings. Note that
specifying a region where all required services aren't available will return an
See the Region Table for a breakdown of what services are
available in which regions.
fargate is built using the AWS SDK for Go which looks for credentials
in the following locations:
Environment Variables
Shared Credentials File
EC2 Instance Profile
For more information see Specifying Credentials in
the AWS SDK for Go documentation.
There are several ways to specify parameters. Each item takes precedence over the item below it:
CLI arguments (e.g., --cluster my-cluster
Environment Variables (e.g., FARGATE_CLUSTER=my-cluster
(e.g., below)
cluster: my-cluster
service: my-service
verbose: false
nocolor: true
Global Flags
Flag |
Short |
Default |
Description |
--cluster |
-c |
ECS cluster name |
--region |
us-east-1 |
AWS region |
--no-color |
false |
Disable color output |
--verbose |
-v |
false |
Verbose output |
Services manage long-lived instances of your containers that are run on AWS
Fargate. If your container exits for any reason, the service scheduler will
restart your containers and ensure your service has the desired number of
tasks running. Services can be used in concert with a load balancer to
distribute traffic amongst the tasks in your service.
Flag |
Short |
Default |
Description |
--service |
-s |
ECS service name |
fargate service list
fargate service list
List services
fargate service deploy
fargate service deploy [--image <docker-image>]
Deploy new image to service
The Docker container image to use in the service can be specified
via the --image flag.
fargate service deploy [--file docker-compose.yml]
Deploy image and environment variables defined in a docker compose file to service
Deploy a docker image and environment variables defined in a docker compose file together as a single unit. This allows you to run docker-compose up
locally to run your app the same way it will run in AWS. Note that while the docker-compose yaml configuration supports numerous options, only the image and environment variables are deployed to fargate. If the docker compose file defines more than one container, you can use the label aws.ecs.fargate.deploy: 1
to indicate which container you would like to deploy. For example:
version: '3'
build: .
image: 1234567890.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/my-service:0.1.0
- 80:5000
FOO: bar
BAZ: bam
- hidden.env
aws.ecs.fargate.deploy: 1
image: redis
fargate service info
fargate service info
Inspect service
Show extended information for a service including load balancer configuration,
active deployments, and environment variables.
Deployments show active versions of your service that are running. Multiple
deployments are shown if a service is transitioning due to a deployment or
update to configuration such a CPU, memory, or environment variables.
fargate service logs
fargate service logs [--follow] [--start <time-expression>] [--end <time-expression>]
[--filter <filter-expression>] [--task <task-id>]
Show logs from tasks in a service
Return either a specific segment of service logs or tail logs in real-time
using the --follow option. Logs are prefixed by their log stream name which is
in the format of "fargate/<service-name>/<task-id>."
Follow will continue to run and return logs until interrupted by Control-C. If
--follow is passed --end cannot be specified.
Logs can be returned for specific tasks within a service by passing a task ID
via the --task flag. Pass --task with a task ID multiple times in order to
retrieve logs from multiple specific tasks.
A specific window of logs can be requested by passing --start and --end options
with a time expression. The time expression can be either a duration or a
- Duration (e.g. -1h [one hour ago], -1h10m30s [one hour, ten minutes, and
thirty seconds ago], 2h [two hours from now])
- Timestamp with optional timezone in the format of YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS [TZ];
timezone will default to UTC if omitted (e.g. 2017-12-22 15:10:03 EST)
You can filter logs for specific term by passing a filter expression via the
--filter flag. Pass a single term to search for that term, pass multiple terms
to search for log messages that include all terms. See the CloudWatch Logs
documentation for more details.
fargate service ps
fargate service ps
List running tasks for a service
fargate service scale
fargate service scale <scale-expression>
Scale number of tasks in a service
Changes the number of desired tasks to be run in a service by the given scale
expression. A scale expression can either be an absolute number or a delta
specified with a sign such as +5 or -2.
fargate service env set
fargate service env set --env <key=value>
Set environment variables
At least one environment variable must be specified via the --env flag. Specify
--env with a key=value parameter multiple times to add multiple variables.
fargate service env unset
fargate service env unset --key <key-name>
Unset environment variables
Unsets the environment variable specified via the --key flag. Specify --key with
a key name multiple times to unset multiple variables.
fargate service env list
fargate service env list
Show environment variables
fargate service update
Flag |
Short |
Default |
Description |
--cpu |
Amount of cpu units to allocate for each task |
--memory |
-m |
Amount of MiB to allocate for each task |
fargate service update [--cpu <cpu-units>] [--memory <MiB>]
Update service configuration
CPU and memory settings are specified as CPU units and mebibytes respectively
using the --cpu and --memory flags. Every 1024 CPU units is equivilent to a
single vCPU. AWS Fargate only supports certain combinations of CPU and memory
CPU (CPU Units) |
Memory (MiB) |
256 |
512, 1024, or 2048 |
512 |
1024 through 4096 in 1GiB increments |
1024 |
2048 through 8192 in 1GiB increments |
2048 |
4096 through 16384 in 1GiB increments |
4096 |
8192 through 30720 in 1GiB increments |
At least one of --cpu or --memory must be specified.
fargate service restart
fargate service restart
Restart service
Creates a new set of tasks for the service and stops the previous tasks. This
is useful if your service needs to reload data cached from an external source,
for example.