Index ¶
- Variables
- type AutotuneResults
- func (*AutotuneResults) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *AutotuneResults) GetConvs() []*AutotuneResults_Entry
- func (x *AutotuneResults) GetDots() []*AutotuneResults_Entry
- func (x *AutotuneResults) GetVersion() int32
- func (*AutotuneResults) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *AutotuneResults) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *AutotuneResults) Reset()
- func (x *AutotuneResults) String() string
- type AutotuneResults_Entry
- func (*AutotuneResults_Entry) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *AutotuneResults_Entry) GetDevice() string
- func (x *AutotuneResults_Entry) GetHlo() string
- func (x *AutotuneResults_Entry) GetResult() *protobuf.AutotuneResult
- func (*AutotuneResults_Entry) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *AutotuneResults_Entry) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *AutotuneResults_Entry) Reset()
- func (x *AutotuneResults_Entry) String() string
- type CompilationEnvironmentsProto
- func (*CompilationEnvironmentsProto) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *CompilationEnvironmentsProto) GetEnvironments() []*anypb.Any
- func (*CompilationEnvironmentsProto) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *CompilationEnvironmentsProto) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *CompilationEnvironmentsProto) Reset()
- func (x *CompilationEnvironmentsProto) String() string
- type CompileRequest
- func (*CompileRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *CompileRequest) GetComputation() *service.HloModuleProto
- func (x *CompileRequest) GetExecutionOptions() *ExecutionOptions
- func (x *CompileRequest) GetInputShapeWithLayout() []*data.ShapeProto
- func (*CompileRequest) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *CompileRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *CompileRequest) Reset()
- func (x *CompileRequest) String() string
- type CompileResponse
- type ComputationGraphStatsRequest
- func (*ComputationGraphStatsRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *ComputationGraphStatsRequest) GetComputation() *service.HloModuleProto
- func (x *ComputationGraphStatsRequest) GetDebugOptions() *DebugOptions
- func (*ComputationGraphStatsRequest) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *ComputationGraphStatsRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *ComputationGraphStatsRequest) Reset()
- func (x *ComputationGraphStatsRequest) String() string
- type ComputationStatsResponse
- func (*ComputationStatsResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *ComputationStatsResponse) GetStats() *data.ComputationStats
- func (*ComputationStatsResponse) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *ComputationStatsResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *ComputationStatsResponse) Reset()
- func (x *ComputationStatsResponse) String() string
- type ComputeConstantGraphRequest
- func (*ComputeConstantGraphRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *ComputeConstantGraphRequest) GetComputation() *service.HloModuleProto
- func (x *ComputeConstantGraphRequest) GetOutputLayout() *data.LayoutProto
- func (*ComputeConstantGraphRequest) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *ComputeConstantGraphRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *ComputeConstantGraphRequest) Reset()
- func (x *ComputeConstantGraphRequest) String() string
- type ComputeConstantResponse
- func (*ComputeConstantResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *ComputeConstantResponse) GetLiteral() *data.LiteralProto
- func (*ComputeConstantResponse) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *ComputeConstantResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *ComputeConstantResponse) Reset()
- func (x *ComputeConstantResponse) String() string
- type CreateChannelHandleRequest
- func (*CreateChannelHandleRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *CreateChannelHandleRequest) GetChannelType() data.ChannelHandle_ChannelType
- func (*CreateChannelHandleRequest) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *CreateChannelHandleRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *CreateChannelHandleRequest) Reset()
- func (x *CreateChannelHandleRequest) String() string
- type CreateChannelHandleResponse
- func (*CreateChannelHandleResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *CreateChannelHandleResponse) GetChannel() *data.ChannelHandle
- func (*CreateChannelHandleResponse) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *CreateChannelHandleResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *CreateChannelHandleResponse) Reset()
- func (x *CreateChannelHandleResponse) String() string
- type DebugOptions
- func (*DebugOptions) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaAllowExcessPrecision() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaAllowScalarIndexDynamicOps() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaBackendExtraOptions() map[string]string
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaBackendOptimizationLevel() int32
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaCpuEnableFastMath() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaCpuEnableFastMinMax() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaCpuEnableMlirTilingAndFusion() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaCpuEnableXprofTraceme() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaCpuFastMathHonorDivision() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaCpuFastMathHonorFunctions() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaCpuFastMathHonorInfs() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaCpuFastMathHonorNans() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaCpuMultiThreadEigen() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaCpuStrictDotConvMath() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaCpuUseAcl() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaCpuUseMklDnn() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaCpuUseXlaRuntime() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaDetailedLoggingAndDumping() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaDisableAllHloPasses() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaDisableHloPasses() []string
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpCompressProtos() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpDisableMetadata() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpEnableMlirPrettyForm() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpFusionVisualization() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpHloAsDot() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpHloAsHtml() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpHloAsLongText() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpHloAsProto() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpHloAsText() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpHloAsUrl() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpHloModuleRe() string
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpHloPassRe() string
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpHloPipelineRe() string
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpHloSnapshots() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpIncludeTimestamp() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpLatencyHidingSchedule() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpMaxHloModules() int32
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpModuleMetadata() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpTo() string
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaEliminateHloImplicitBroadcast() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaEmbedIrInExecutable() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaEnableHloPassesOnly() []string
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaForceHostPlatformDeviceCount() int32
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuAlgorithmDenylistPath() string
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuAllReduceBlueconnectNumDevicesPerHost() int32
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuAllReduceCombineThresholdBytes() int64
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuAllReduceContiguous() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuAsmExtraFlags() string
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuAutotuneLevel() int32
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuCrashOnVerificationFailures() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuCudaDataDir() string
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuDeterministicOps() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuDisableGpuasmOptimizations() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuDumpLlvmir() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuEnableAsyncAllReduce() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuEnableAsyncCollectivePermute() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuEnableCublaslt() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuEnableCudaGraphs() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuEnableCudnnFrontend() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuEnableFastMinMax() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuEnableLatencyHidingScheduler() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuEnableMlirLowering() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuEnableSharedConstants() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuEnableSoftmaxFusion() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuEnableXlaRuntimeExecutable() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuForceCompilationParallelism() int32
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuForceConvNchw() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuForceConvNhwc() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuFtz() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuLlvmIrFile() []string
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuNcclTerminationTimeoutSeconds() int64
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuNormalizeLayouts() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuPtxFile() []string
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuRedzoneScratchMaxMegabytes() int64
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuShapeChecks() DebugOptions_ShapeChecks
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuSimplifyAllFpConversions() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuStrictConvAlgorithmPicker() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuUnsafeFallbackToDriverOnPtxasNotFound() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuUseRuntimeFusion() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaHloEvaluatorUseFastPath() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaHloGraphAddresses() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaHloGraphShardingColor() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaHloProfile() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaLlvmDisableExpensivePasses() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaLlvmEnableAliasScopeMetadata() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaLlvmEnableInvariantLoadMetadata() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaLlvmEnableNoaliasMetadata() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaMultiheapSizeConstraintPerHeap() int32
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaPartitioningAlgorithm() DebugOptions_PartitioningAlgorithm
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaStepMarkerLocation() DebugOptions_StepMarkerLocation
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaTestAllInputLayouts() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaTestAllOutputLayouts() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaTpuDetectInf() bool
- func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaTpuDetectNan() bool
- func (*DebugOptions) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *DebugOptions) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *DebugOptions) Reset()
- func (x *DebugOptions) String() string
- type DebugOptions_PartitioningAlgorithm
- func (DebugOptions_PartitioningAlgorithm) Descriptor() protoreflect.EnumDescriptor
- func (x DebugOptions_PartitioningAlgorithm) Enum() *DebugOptions_PartitioningAlgorithm
- func (DebugOptions_PartitioningAlgorithm) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x DebugOptions_PartitioningAlgorithm) Number() protoreflect.EnumNumber
- func (x DebugOptions_PartitioningAlgorithm) String() string
- func (DebugOptions_PartitioningAlgorithm) Type() protoreflect.EnumType
- type DebugOptions_ShapeChecks
- func (DebugOptions_ShapeChecks) Descriptor() protoreflect.EnumDescriptor
- func (x DebugOptions_ShapeChecks) Enum() *DebugOptions_ShapeChecks
- func (DebugOptions_ShapeChecks) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x DebugOptions_ShapeChecks) Number() protoreflect.EnumNumber
- func (x DebugOptions_ShapeChecks) String() string
- func (DebugOptions_ShapeChecks) Type() protoreflect.EnumType
- type DebugOptions_StepMarkerLocation
- func (DebugOptions_StepMarkerLocation) Descriptor() protoreflect.EnumDescriptor
- func (x DebugOptions_StepMarkerLocation) Enum() *DebugOptions_StepMarkerLocation
- func (DebugOptions_StepMarkerLocation) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x DebugOptions_StepMarkerLocation) Number() protoreflect.EnumNumber
- func (x DebugOptions_StepMarkerLocation) String() string
- func (DebugOptions_StepMarkerLocation) Type() protoreflect.EnumType
- type DeconstructTupleRequest
- func (*DeconstructTupleRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *DeconstructTupleRequest) GetTupleHandle() *data.GlobalDataHandle
- func (*DeconstructTupleRequest) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *DeconstructTupleRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *DeconstructTupleRequest) Reset()
- func (x *DeconstructTupleRequest) String() string
- type DeconstructTupleResponse
- func (*DeconstructTupleResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *DeconstructTupleResponse) GetElementHandles() []*data.GlobalDataHandle
- func (*DeconstructTupleResponse) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *DeconstructTupleResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *DeconstructTupleResponse) Reset()
- func (x *DeconstructTupleResponse) String() string
- type ExecuteGraphParallelRequest
- func (*ExecuteGraphParallelRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *ExecuteGraphParallelRequest) GetRequests() []*ExecuteGraphRequest
- func (*ExecuteGraphParallelRequest) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *ExecuteGraphParallelRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *ExecuteGraphParallelRequest) Reset()
- func (x *ExecuteGraphParallelRequest) String() string
- type ExecuteGraphRequest
- func (*ExecuteGraphRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *ExecuteGraphRequest) GetArguments() []*data.GlobalDataHandle
- func (x *ExecuteGraphRequest) GetComputation() *service.HloModuleProto
- func (x *ExecuteGraphRequest) GetExecutionOptions() *ExecutionOptions
- func (*ExecuteGraphRequest) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *ExecuteGraphRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *ExecuteGraphRequest) Reset()
- func (x *ExecuteGraphRequest) String() string
- type ExecuteParallelResponse
- func (*ExecuteParallelResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *ExecuteParallelResponse) GetResponses() []*ExecuteResponse
- func (*ExecuteParallelResponse) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *ExecuteParallelResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *ExecuteParallelResponse) Reset()
- func (x *ExecuteParallelResponse) String() string
- type ExecuteRequest
- func (*ExecuteRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *ExecuteRequest) GetArguments() []*data.GlobalDataHandle
- func (x *ExecuteRequest) GetHandle() *data.ExecutionHandle
- func (*ExecuteRequest) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *ExecuteRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *ExecuteRequest) Reset()
- func (x *ExecuteRequest) String() string
- type ExecuteResponse
- func (*ExecuteResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *ExecuteResponse) GetOutput() *data.GlobalDataHandle
- func (x *ExecuteResponse) GetProfile() *data.ExecutionProfile
- func (*ExecuteResponse) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *ExecuteResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *ExecuteResponse) Reset()
- func (x *ExecuteResponse) String() string
- type ExecutionOptions
- func (*ExecutionOptions) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *ExecutionOptions) GetAliasPassthroughParams() bool
- func (x *ExecutionOptions) GetAllowSeparateShardingPrograms() bool
- func (x *ExecutionOptions) GetAllowSpmdShardingPropagationToOutput() bool
- func (x *ExecutionOptions) GetAutoSpmdPartitioningMeshIds() []int64
- func (x *ExecutionOptions) GetAutoSpmdPartitioningMeshShape() []int64
- func (x *ExecutionOptions) GetDebugOptions() *DebugOptions
- func (x *ExecutionOptions) GetDeduplicateHlo() bool
- func (x *ExecutionOptions) GetDeviceAssignment() *data.DeviceAssignmentProto
- func (x *ExecutionOptions) GetDeviceHandles() []*data.DeviceHandle
- func (x *ExecutionOptions) GetLaunchId() int32
- func (x *ExecutionOptions) GetNumPartitions() int32
- func (x *ExecutionOptions) GetNumReplicas() int32
- func (x *ExecutionOptions) GetParamRequiresBroadcastViaCollectives() []bool
- func (x *ExecutionOptions) GetSeed() uint64
- func (x *ExecutionOptions) GetShapeWithOutputLayout() *data.ShapeProto
- func (x *ExecutionOptions) GetShardableValueUpdatePairs() []*ShardableValueUpdatePairProto
- func (x *ExecutionOptions) GetUseAutoSpmdPartitioning() bool
- func (x *ExecutionOptions) GetUseSpmdPartitioning() bool
- func (*ExecutionOptions) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *ExecutionOptions) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *ExecutionOptions) Reset()
- func (x *ExecutionOptions) String() string
- type GetDeviceHandlesRequest
- func (*GetDeviceHandlesRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *GetDeviceHandlesRequest) GetDeviceCount() int64
- func (*GetDeviceHandlesRequest) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *GetDeviceHandlesRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *GetDeviceHandlesRequest) Reset()
- func (x *GetDeviceHandlesRequest) String() string
- type GetDeviceHandlesResponse
- func (*GetDeviceHandlesResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *GetDeviceHandlesResponse) GetDeviceHandles() []*data.DeviceHandle
- func (*GetDeviceHandlesResponse) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *GetDeviceHandlesResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *GetDeviceHandlesResponse) Reset()
- func (x *GetDeviceHandlesResponse) String() string
- type GetShapeRequest
- type GetShapeResponse
- type HloModuleConfigProto
- func (*HloModuleConfigProto) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetAliasPassthroughParams() bool
- func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetAllowSeparateShardingPrograms() bool
- func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetAllowSpmdShardingPropagationToOutput() bool
- func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetAnalysisAllowanceMap() map[string]int64
- func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetAutoSpmdPartitioningMeshIds() []int64
- func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetAutoSpmdPartitioningMeshShape() []int64
- func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetContentAwareComputationSorting() bool
- func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetDebugOptions() *DebugOptions
- func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetDeduplicateHlo() bool
- func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetDeviceType() string
- func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetDotConfig() map[string]*HloModuleConfigProto_Int64List
- func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetEntryComputationLayout() *data.ProgramShapeProto
- func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetFusionConfig() []*HloModuleConfigProto_BoolList
- func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetFusionConfigCollection() HloModuleConfigProto_FusionConfigCollection
- func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetIntraOpParallelismThreads() int64
- func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetLaunchId() int32
- func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetLayoutConfig() []*HloModuleConfigProto_Int64ListList
- func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetMatrixUnitOperandPrecision() data.PrecisionConfig_Precision
- func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetMemorySpaceAssignmentConfig() []uint64
- func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetNumPartitions() int64
- func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetParamRequiresBroadcastViaCollectives() []bool
- func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetPhaseIndex() int32
- func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetPhaseOrderingConfig() []*HloModuleConfigProto_BoolList
- func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetReplicaCount() int64
- func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetSeed() uint64
- func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetShardableValueUpdatePairs() []*ShardableValueUpdatePairProto
- func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetStaticDeviceAssignment() *data.DeviceAssignmentProto
- func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetUseAutoSpmdPartitioning() bool
- func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetUseSpmdPartitioning() bool
- func (*HloModuleConfigProto) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) Reset()
- func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) String() string
- type HloModuleConfigProto_BoolList
- func (*HloModuleConfigProto_BoolList) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *HloModuleConfigProto_BoolList) GetVals() []bool
- func (*HloModuleConfigProto_BoolList) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *HloModuleConfigProto_BoolList) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *HloModuleConfigProto_BoolList) Reset()
- func (x *HloModuleConfigProto_BoolList) String() string
- type HloModuleConfigProto_FusionConfigCollection
- func (HloModuleConfigProto_FusionConfigCollection) Descriptor() protoreflect.EnumDescriptor
- func (x HloModuleConfigProto_FusionConfigCollection) Enum() *HloModuleConfigProto_FusionConfigCollection
- func (HloModuleConfigProto_FusionConfigCollection) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x HloModuleConfigProto_FusionConfigCollection) Number() protoreflect.EnumNumber
- func (x HloModuleConfigProto_FusionConfigCollection) String() string
- func (HloModuleConfigProto_FusionConfigCollection) Type() protoreflect.EnumType
- type HloModuleConfigProto_Int64List
- func (*HloModuleConfigProto_Int64List) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *HloModuleConfigProto_Int64List) GetVals() []int64
- func (*HloModuleConfigProto_Int64List) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *HloModuleConfigProto_Int64List) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *HloModuleConfigProto_Int64List) Reset()
- func (x *HloModuleConfigProto_Int64List) String() string
- type HloModuleConfigProto_Int64ListList
- func (*HloModuleConfigProto_Int64ListList) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *HloModuleConfigProto_Int64ListList) GetLists() []*HloModuleConfigProto_Int64List
- func (*HloModuleConfigProto_Int64ListList) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *HloModuleConfigProto_Int64ListList) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *HloModuleConfigProto_Int64ListList) Reset()
- func (x *HloModuleConfigProto_Int64ListList) String() string
- type HloModuleProtoWithConfig
- func (*HloModuleProtoWithConfig) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *HloModuleProtoWithConfig) GetConfig() *HloModuleConfigProto
- func (x *HloModuleProtoWithConfig) GetHloModule() *service.HloModuleProto
- func (*HloModuleProtoWithConfig) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *HloModuleProtoWithConfig) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *HloModuleProtoWithConfig) Reset()
- func (x *HloModuleProtoWithConfig) String() string
- type LoadDataRequest
- func (*LoadDataRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *LoadDataRequest) GetColumnioField() string
- func (x *LoadDataRequest) GetColumnioTabletPath() string
- func (x *LoadDataRequest) GetElementShape() *data.ShapeProto
- func (x *LoadDataRequest) GetLimit() int64
- func (x *LoadDataRequest) GetOffset() int64
- func (x *LoadDataRequest) GetZip() bool
- func (*LoadDataRequest) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *LoadDataRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *LoadDataRequest) Reset()
- func (x *LoadDataRequest) String() string
- type LoadDataResponse
- func (*LoadDataResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *LoadDataResponse) GetAvailableRows() int64
- func (x *LoadDataResponse) GetData() *data.GlobalDataHandle
- func (x *LoadDataResponse) GetDataShape() *data.ShapeProto
- func (x *LoadDataResponse) GetNanoseconds() int64
- func (x *LoadDataResponse) GetRowsLoaded() int64
- func (*LoadDataResponse) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *LoadDataResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *LoadDataResponse) Reset()
- func (x *LoadDataResponse) String() string
- type ResetDeviceRequest
- func (*ResetDeviceRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *ResetDeviceRequest) GetDeviceHandle() *data.DeviceHandle
- func (*ResetDeviceRequest) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *ResetDeviceRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *ResetDeviceRequest) Reset()
- func (x *ResetDeviceRequest) String() string
- type ResetDeviceResponse
- type ScheduleProto
- func (*ScheduleProto) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *ScheduleProto) GetComputationId() int64
- func (x *ScheduleProto) GetCyclesPerMicrosecond() int64
- func (x *ScheduleProto) GetHloModule() *service.HloModuleProto
- func (x *ScheduleProto) GetInstructions() []*ScheduleProto_Instruction
- func (*ScheduleProto) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *ScheduleProto) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *ScheduleProto) Reset()
- func (x *ScheduleProto) String() string
- type ScheduleProto_Instruction
- func (*ScheduleProto_Instruction) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *ScheduleProto_Instruction) GetEndTimestampCycles() float64
- func (x *ScheduleProto_Instruction) GetId() int64
- func (x *ScheduleProto_Instruction) GetStartTimestampCycles() float64
- func (*ScheduleProto_Instruction) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *ScheduleProto_Instruction) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *ScheduleProto_Instruction) Reset()
- func (x *ScheduleProto_Instruction) String() string
- type ShardableValueUpdatePairProto
- func (*ShardableValueUpdatePairProto) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *ShardableValueUpdatePairProto) GetInputParameterNumber() int64
- func (x *ShardableValueUpdatePairProto) GetOutputShapeIndex() []int64
- func (x *ShardableValueUpdatePairProto) GetParameterShapeIndex() []int64
- func (*ShardableValueUpdatePairProto) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *ShardableValueUpdatePairProto) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *ShardableValueUpdatePairProto) Reset()
- func (x *ShardableValueUpdatePairProto) String() string
- type TransferFromOutfeedRequest
- func (*TransferFromOutfeedRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *TransferFromOutfeedRequest) GetDeviceHandle() *data.DeviceHandle
- func (x *TransferFromOutfeedRequest) GetReplicaId() int64
- func (x *TransferFromOutfeedRequest) GetShapeWithLayout() *data.ShapeProto
- func (*TransferFromOutfeedRequest) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *TransferFromOutfeedRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *TransferFromOutfeedRequest) Reset()
- func (x *TransferFromOutfeedRequest) String() string
- type TransferFromOutfeedResponse
- func (*TransferFromOutfeedResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *TransferFromOutfeedResponse) GetLiteral() *data.LiteralProto
- func (*TransferFromOutfeedResponse) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *TransferFromOutfeedResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *TransferFromOutfeedResponse) Reset()
- func (x *TransferFromOutfeedResponse) String() string
- type TransferToClientRequest
- func (*TransferToClientRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *TransferToClientRequest) GetData() *data.GlobalDataHandle
- func (x *TransferToClientRequest) GetShapeWithLayout() *data.ShapeProto
- func (*TransferToClientRequest) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *TransferToClientRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *TransferToClientRequest) Reset()
- func (x *TransferToClientRequest) String() string
- type TransferToClientResponse
- func (*TransferToClientResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *TransferToClientResponse) GetLiteral() *data.LiteralProto
- func (*TransferToClientResponse) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *TransferToClientResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *TransferToClientResponse) Reset()
- func (x *TransferToClientResponse) String() string
- type TransferToInfeedRequest
- func (*TransferToInfeedRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *TransferToInfeedRequest) GetDeviceHandle() *data.DeviceHandle
- func (x *TransferToInfeedRequest) GetLiteral() *data.LiteralProto
- func (x *TransferToInfeedRequest) GetReplicaId() int64
- func (*TransferToInfeedRequest) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *TransferToInfeedRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *TransferToInfeedRequest) Reset()
- func (x *TransferToInfeedRequest) String() string
- type TransferToInfeedResponse
- type TransferToServerRequest
- func (*TransferToServerRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *TransferToServerRequest) GetDeviceHandle() *data.DeviceHandle
- func (x *TransferToServerRequest) GetLiteral() *data.LiteralProto
- func (*TransferToServerRequest) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *TransferToServerRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *TransferToServerRequest) Reset()
- func (x *TransferToServerRequest) String() string
- type TransferToServerResponse
- func (*TransferToServerResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *TransferToServerResponse) GetData() *data.GlobalDataHandle
- func (*TransferToServerResponse) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *TransferToServerResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *TransferToServerResponse) Reset()
- func (x *TransferToServerResponse) String() string
- type UnpackRequest
- type UnpackResponse
- type UnregisterRequest
- func (*UnregisterRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *UnregisterRequest) GetData() []*data.GlobalDataHandle
- func (*UnregisterRequest) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *UnregisterRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *UnregisterRequest) Reset()
- func (x *UnregisterRequest) String() string
- type UnregisterResponse
- type WaitForExecutionRequest
- func (*WaitForExecutionRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *WaitForExecutionRequest) GetExecution() *data.ExecutionHandle
- func (*WaitForExecutionRequest) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *WaitForExecutionRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *WaitForExecutionRequest) Reset()
- func (x *WaitForExecutionRequest) String() string
- type WaitForExecutionResponse
- func (*WaitForExecutionResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)deprecated
- func (x *WaitForExecutionResponse) GetOutput() *data.GlobalDataHandle
- func (x *WaitForExecutionResponse) GetProfile() *data.ExecutionProfile
- func (*WaitForExecutionResponse) ProtoMessage()
- func (x *WaitForExecutionResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
- func (x *WaitForExecutionResponse) Reset()
- func (x *WaitForExecutionResponse) String() string
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
var ( DebugOptions_ShapeChecks_name = map[int32]string{ 0: "IGNORE", 1: "RUNTIME", 2: "COMPILE_TIME", } DebugOptions_ShapeChecks_value = map[string]int32{ "IGNORE": 0, "RUNTIME": 1, "COMPILE_TIME": 2, } )
Enum value maps for DebugOptions_ShapeChecks.
var ( DebugOptions_StepMarkerLocation_name = map[int32]string{ 0: "STEP_MARK_AT_ENTRY", 1: "STEP_MARK_AT_TOP_LEVEL_WHILE_LOOP", 3: "STEP_MARK_AT_SECOND_LEVEL_WHILE_LOOP", 2: "STEP_MARK_NONE", } DebugOptions_StepMarkerLocation_value = map[string]int32{ "STEP_MARK_AT_ENTRY": 0, "STEP_MARK_AT_TOP_LEVEL_WHILE_LOOP": 1, "STEP_MARK_AT_SECOND_LEVEL_WHILE_LOOP": 3, "STEP_MARK_NONE": 2, } )
Enum value maps for DebugOptions_StepMarkerLocation.
var ( DebugOptions_PartitioningAlgorithm_name = map[int32]string{ 0: "PARTITIONING_ALGORITHM_NOOP", } DebugOptions_PartitioningAlgorithm_value = map[string]int32{ "PARTITIONING_ALGORITHM_NOOP": 0, } )
Enum value maps for DebugOptions_PartitioningAlgorithm.
var ( HloModuleConfigProto_FusionConfigCollection_name = map[int32]string{ 0: "OFF", 1: "PER_EDGE", 2: "PER_NODE", } HloModuleConfigProto_FusionConfigCollection_value = map[string]int32{ "OFF": 0, "PER_EDGE": 1, "PER_NODE": 2, } )
Enum value maps for HloModuleConfigProto_FusionConfigCollection.
var File_tensorflow_compiler_xla_autotune_results_proto protoreflect.FileDescriptor
var File_tensorflow_compiler_xla_xla_proto protoreflect.FileDescriptor
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AutotuneResults ¶ added in v2.12.0
type AutotuneResults struct { Version int32 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=version,proto3" json:"version,omitempty"` Dots []*AutotuneResults_Entry `protobuf:"bytes,2,rep,name=dots,proto3" json:"dots,omitempty"` Convs []*AutotuneResults_Entry `protobuf:"bytes,3,rep,name=convs,proto3" json:"convs,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A collection of algorithms for particular dot/convs. Usually this is "the best" algorithm for the particular dot/conv, although that's not strictly required.
Users don't interact with this proto directly. It's used internally to facilitate ahead-of-time autotuning -- The string used by xla::{Serialize,Load}AutotuneResults is, internally, a serialization of this proto.
func (*AutotuneResults) Descriptor
added in
func (*AutotuneResults) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use AutotuneResults.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*AutotuneResults) GetConvs ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *AutotuneResults) GetConvs() []*AutotuneResults_Entry
func (*AutotuneResults) GetDots ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *AutotuneResults) GetDots() []*AutotuneResults_Entry
func (*AutotuneResults) GetVersion ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *AutotuneResults) GetVersion() int32
func (*AutotuneResults) ProtoMessage ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (*AutotuneResults) ProtoMessage()
func (*AutotuneResults) ProtoReflect ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *AutotuneResults) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*AutotuneResults) Reset ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *AutotuneResults) Reset()
func (*AutotuneResults) String ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *AutotuneResults) String() string
type AutotuneResults_Entry ¶ added in v2.12.0
type AutotuneResults_Entry struct { Device string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=device,proto3" json:"device,omitempty"` Hlo string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=hlo,proto3" json:"hlo,omitempty"` // nb: These results are always tied to a particular version of // cublas/cudnn, but this is *especially* true for cublasLt results. For // cublasLt gemms, the result is an index into the list of candidate // algorithms returned by cublasLt. Different version of cublasLt -> // different list of algos -> different interpretation of results! Result *protobuf.AutotuneResult `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=result,proto3" json:"result,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*AutotuneResults_Entry) Descriptor
added in
func (*AutotuneResults_Entry) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use AutotuneResults_Entry.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*AutotuneResults_Entry) GetDevice ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *AutotuneResults_Entry) GetDevice() string
func (*AutotuneResults_Entry) GetHlo ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *AutotuneResults_Entry) GetHlo() string
func (*AutotuneResults_Entry) GetResult ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *AutotuneResults_Entry) GetResult() *protobuf.AutotuneResult
func (*AutotuneResults_Entry) ProtoMessage ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (*AutotuneResults_Entry) ProtoMessage()
func (*AutotuneResults_Entry) ProtoReflect ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *AutotuneResults_Entry) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*AutotuneResults_Entry) Reset ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *AutotuneResults_Entry) Reset()
func (*AutotuneResults_Entry) String ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *AutotuneResults_Entry) String() string
type CompilationEnvironmentsProto ¶ added in v2.12.0
type CompilationEnvironmentsProto struct { Environments []*anypb.Any `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=environments,proto3" json:"environments,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Proto version of `xla::CompilationEnvironments`.
func (*CompilationEnvironmentsProto) Descriptor
added in
func (*CompilationEnvironmentsProto) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use CompilationEnvironmentsProto.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*CompilationEnvironmentsProto) GetEnvironments ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *CompilationEnvironmentsProto) GetEnvironments() []*anypb.Any
func (*CompilationEnvironmentsProto) ProtoMessage ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (*CompilationEnvironmentsProto) ProtoMessage()
func (*CompilationEnvironmentsProto) ProtoReflect ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *CompilationEnvironmentsProto) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*CompilationEnvironmentsProto) Reset ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *CompilationEnvironmentsProto) Reset()
func (*CompilationEnvironmentsProto) String ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *CompilationEnvironmentsProto) String() string
type CompileRequest ¶
type CompileRequest struct { // The graph to be compiled. Computation *service.HloModuleProto `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=computation,proto3" json:"computation,omitempty"` // Options that affect how XLA compiles code to service this request. ExecutionOptions *ExecutionOptions `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=execution_options,json=executionOptions,proto3" json:"execution_options,omitempty"` // The layouts of the input arguments. If not set, the default layout will be // used. Although the real arguments are not needed in compilation, the // layouts of the arguments can affect the compilation. InputShapeWithLayout []*data.ShapeProto `protobuf:"bytes,3,rep,name=input_shape_with_layout,json=inputShapeWithLayout,proto3" json:"input_shape_with_layout,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*CompileRequest) Descriptor
func (*CompileRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use CompileRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*CompileRequest) GetComputation ¶
func (x *CompileRequest) GetComputation() *service.HloModuleProto
func (*CompileRequest) GetExecutionOptions ¶
func (x *CompileRequest) GetExecutionOptions() *ExecutionOptions
func (*CompileRequest) GetInputShapeWithLayout ¶
func (x *CompileRequest) GetInputShapeWithLayout() []*data.ShapeProto
func (*CompileRequest) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*CompileRequest) ProtoMessage()
func (*CompileRequest) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *CompileRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*CompileRequest) Reset ¶
func (x *CompileRequest) Reset()
func (*CompileRequest) String ¶
func (x *CompileRequest) String() string
type CompileResponse ¶
type CompileResponse struct { // The handle to the executable. Handle *data.ExecutionHandle `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=handle,proto3" json:"handle,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*CompileResponse) Descriptor
func (*CompileResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use CompileResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*CompileResponse) GetHandle ¶
func (x *CompileResponse) GetHandle() *data.ExecutionHandle
func (*CompileResponse) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*CompileResponse) ProtoMessage()
func (*CompileResponse) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *CompileResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*CompileResponse) Reset ¶
func (x *CompileResponse) Reset()
func (*CompileResponse) String ¶
func (x *CompileResponse) String() string
type ComputationGraphStatsRequest ¶
type ComputationGraphStatsRequest struct { Computation *service.HloModuleProto `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=computation,proto3" json:"computation,omitempty"` DebugOptions *DebugOptions `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=debug_options,json=debugOptions,proto3" json:"debug_options,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ComputationGraphStatsRequest) Descriptor
func (*ComputationGraphStatsRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use ComputationGraphStatsRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*ComputationGraphStatsRequest) GetComputation ¶
func (x *ComputationGraphStatsRequest) GetComputation() *service.HloModuleProto
func (*ComputationGraphStatsRequest) GetDebugOptions ¶
func (x *ComputationGraphStatsRequest) GetDebugOptions() *DebugOptions
func (*ComputationGraphStatsRequest) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*ComputationGraphStatsRequest) ProtoMessage()
func (*ComputationGraphStatsRequest) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *ComputationGraphStatsRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*ComputationGraphStatsRequest) Reset ¶
func (x *ComputationGraphStatsRequest) Reset()
func (*ComputationGraphStatsRequest) String ¶
func (x *ComputationGraphStatsRequest) String() string
type ComputationStatsResponse ¶
type ComputationStatsResponse struct { Stats *data.ComputationStats `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=stats,proto3" json:"stats,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ComputationStatsResponse) Descriptor
func (*ComputationStatsResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use ComputationStatsResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*ComputationStatsResponse) GetStats ¶
func (x *ComputationStatsResponse) GetStats() *data.ComputationStats
func (*ComputationStatsResponse) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*ComputationStatsResponse) ProtoMessage()
func (*ComputationStatsResponse) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *ComputationStatsResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*ComputationStatsResponse) Reset ¶
func (x *ComputationStatsResponse) Reset()
func (*ComputationStatsResponse) String ¶
func (x *ComputationStatsResponse) String() string
type ComputeConstantGraphRequest ¶
type ComputeConstantGraphRequest struct { Computation *service.HloModuleProto `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=computation,proto3" json:"computation,omitempty"` OutputLayout *data.LayoutProto `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=output_layout,json=outputLayout,proto3" json:"output_layout,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ComputeConstantGraphRequest) Descriptor
func (*ComputeConstantGraphRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use ComputeConstantGraphRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*ComputeConstantGraphRequest) GetComputation ¶
func (x *ComputeConstantGraphRequest) GetComputation() *service.HloModuleProto
func (*ComputeConstantGraphRequest) GetOutputLayout ¶
func (x *ComputeConstantGraphRequest) GetOutputLayout() *data.LayoutProto
func (*ComputeConstantGraphRequest) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*ComputeConstantGraphRequest) ProtoMessage()
func (*ComputeConstantGraphRequest) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *ComputeConstantGraphRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*ComputeConstantGraphRequest) Reset ¶
func (x *ComputeConstantGraphRequest) Reset()
func (*ComputeConstantGraphRequest) String ¶
func (x *ComputeConstantGraphRequest) String() string
type ComputeConstantResponse ¶
type ComputeConstantResponse struct { // A LiteralProto is returned directly for this request. Literal *data.LiteralProto `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=literal,proto3" json:"literal,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ComputeConstantResponse) Descriptor
func (*ComputeConstantResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use ComputeConstantResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*ComputeConstantResponse) GetLiteral ¶
func (x *ComputeConstantResponse) GetLiteral() *data.LiteralProto
func (*ComputeConstantResponse) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*ComputeConstantResponse) ProtoMessage()
func (*ComputeConstantResponse) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *ComputeConstantResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*ComputeConstantResponse) Reset ¶
func (x *ComputeConstantResponse) Reset()
func (*ComputeConstantResponse) String ¶
func (x *ComputeConstantResponse) String() string
type CreateChannelHandleRequest ¶
type CreateChannelHandleRequest struct { ChannelType data.ChannelHandle_ChannelType `` /* 130-byte string literal not displayed */ // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*CreateChannelHandleRequest) Descriptor
func (*CreateChannelHandleRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use CreateChannelHandleRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*CreateChannelHandleRequest) GetChannelType ¶
func (x *CreateChannelHandleRequest) GetChannelType() data.ChannelHandle_ChannelType
func (*CreateChannelHandleRequest) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*CreateChannelHandleRequest) ProtoMessage()
func (*CreateChannelHandleRequest) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *CreateChannelHandleRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*CreateChannelHandleRequest) Reset ¶
func (x *CreateChannelHandleRequest) Reset()
func (*CreateChannelHandleRequest) String ¶
func (x *CreateChannelHandleRequest) String() string
type CreateChannelHandleResponse ¶
type CreateChannelHandleResponse struct { Channel *data.ChannelHandle `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=channel,proto3" json:"channel,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*CreateChannelHandleResponse) Descriptor
func (*CreateChannelHandleResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use CreateChannelHandleResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*CreateChannelHandleResponse) GetChannel ¶
func (x *CreateChannelHandleResponse) GetChannel() *data.ChannelHandle
func (*CreateChannelHandleResponse) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*CreateChannelHandleResponse) ProtoMessage()
func (*CreateChannelHandleResponse) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *CreateChannelHandleResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*CreateChannelHandleResponse) Reset ¶
func (x *CreateChannelHandleResponse) Reset()
func (*CreateChannelHandleResponse) String ¶
func (x *CreateChannelHandleResponse) String() string
type DebugOptions ¶
type DebugOptions struct { // Show addresses of HLO ops in graph dump. XlaHloGraphAddresses bool `` /* 126-byte string literal not displayed */ // Instrument the computation to collect per-HLO cycle counts. XlaHloProfile bool `protobuf:"varint,9,opt,name=xla_hlo_profile,json=xlaHloProfile,proto3" json:"xla_hlo_profile,omitempty"` // List of HLO passes to disable/enable. These names must exactly match the // pass names as specified by the HloPassInterface::name() method. // // At least one of xla_disable_hlo_passes and xla_enable_hlo_passes_only must // be empty. XlaDisableHloPasses []string `protobuf:"bytes,30,rep,name=xla_disable_hlo_passes,json=xlaDisableHloPasses,proto3" json:"xla_disable_hlo_passes,omitempty"` XlaEnableHloPassesOnly []string `` /* 135-byte string literal not displayed */ // Disables all HLO passes. Notes that some passes are necessary for // correctness and the invariants that must be satisfied by "fully optimized" // HLO are different for different devices and may change over time. The only // "guarantee", such as it is, is that if you compile XLA and dump the // optimized HLO for some graph, you should be able to run it again on the // same device with the same build of XLA. XlaDisableAllHloPasses bool `` /* 136-byte string literal not displayed */ // Numerical optimization level for the XLA compiler backend; the specific // interpretation of this value is left to the backends. XlaBackendOptimizationLevel int32 `` /* 148-byte string literal not displayed */ // Embed the compiler IR as a string in the executable. XlaEmbedIrInExecutable bool `` /* 135-byte string literal not displayed */ // Eliminate implicit broadcasts when lowering user computations to HLO // instructions; use explicit broadcast instead. XlaEliminateHloImplicitBroadcast bool `` /* 165-byte string literal not displayed */ // When generating calls to Eigen in the CPU backend, use multi-threaded Eigen // mode. XlaCpuMultiThreadEigen bool `` /* 135-byte string literal not displayed */ // Path to directory with cuda/ptx tools and libraries. XlaGpuCudaDataDir string `protobuf:"bytes,61,opt,name=xla_gpu_cuda_data_dir,json=xlaGpuCudaDataDir,proto3" json:"xla_gpu_cuda_data_dir,omitempty"` // Enable flush-to-zero semantics in the GPU backend. XlaGpuFtz bool `protobuf:"varint,62,opt,name=xla_gpu_ftz,json=xlaGpuFtz,proto3" json:"xla_gpu_ftz,omitempty"` // If true, in LLVM-based backends, emit !alias.scope metadata in // generated IR. XlaLlvmEnableAliasScopeMetadata bool `` /* 164-byte string literal not displayed */ // If true, in LLVM-based backends, emit !noalias metadata in the // generated IR. XlaLlvmEnableNoaliasMetadata bool `` /* 153-byte string literal not displayed */ // If true, in LLVM-based backends, emit !invariant.load metadata in // the generated IR. XlaLlvmEnableInvariantLoadMetadata bool `` /* 173-byte string literal not displayed */ // If true, a set of expensive LLVM optimization passes will not be run. XlaLlvmDisableExpensivePasses bool `` /* 156-byte string literal not displayed */ // This is used by ClientLibraryTestBase::ComputeAndCompare*. If true, the // computation will run n! times with all permunations of layouts for the // output shape in rank n. For example, with a 3D shape, all permutations of // the set {0, 1, 2} are tried. XlaTestAllOutputLayouts bool `` /* 138-byte string literal not displayed */ // This is used by ClientLibraryTestBase::ComputeAndCompare*. If true, the // computation will run for all permunations of layouts of all input // arguments. For example, with 2 input arguments in 2D and 4D shapes, the // computation will run 2! * 4! times. XlaTestAllInputLayouts bool `` /* 135-byte string literal not displayed */ // Assign colors based on sharding information when generating the Graphviz // HLO graph. XlaHloGraphShardingColor bool `` /* 141-byte string literal not displayed */ // Generate calls to MKL-DNN in the CPU backend. XlaCpuUseMklDnn bool `protobuf:"varint,97,opt,name=xla_cpu_use_mkl_dnn,json=xlaCpuUseMklDnn,proto3" json:"xla_cpu_use_mkl_dnn,omitempty"` // Enable XLA Runtime in the CPU backend. XlaCpuUseXlaRuntime bool `` /* 127-byte string literal not displayed */ // When true, "unsafe" mathematical optimizations are enabled. These // transformations include but are not limited to: // // - Reducing the precision of operations (e.g. using an approximate sin // function, or transforming x/y into x * (1/y)). // - Assuming that operations never produce or consume NaN or +/- Inf (this // behavior can be adjusted using xla_cpu_fast_math_allow_{nans|infs}). // - Assuming that +0 and -0 are indistinguishable. XlaCpuEnableFastMath bool `` /* 129-byte string literal not displayed */ // When xla_cpu_enable_fast_math is true then this controls whether we allow // operations to produce NaNs. Ignored when xla_cpu_enable_fast_math is // false. XlaCpuFastMathHonorNans bool `` /* 141-byte string literal not displayed */ // When xla_cpu_enable_fast_math is true then this controls whether we allow // operations to produce infinites. Ignored when xla_cpu_enable_fast_math is // false. XlaCpuFastMathHonorInfs bool `` /* 141-byte string literal not displayed */ // When xla_cpu_enable_fast_math is true then this controls whether we forbid // to use the reciprocal of an argument instead of division. Ignored when // xla_cpu_enable_fast_math is false. XlaCpuFastMathHonorDivision bool `` /* 153-byte string literal not displayed */ // When xla_cpu_enable_fast_math is true then this controls whether we forbid // to approximate calculations for functions. Ignored when // xla_cpu_enable_fast_math is false. XlaCpuFastMathHonorFunctions bool `` /* 156-byte string literal not displayed */ // When false we lower the Minimum and Maximum hlos in the CPU backend such // that Min(NotNaN, NaN) = Min(NaN, NotNaN) = NaN. In other words, if flag // this is false we always propagate NaNs through Min and Max. // // Note, this does not correspond to the exact same behavior as the gpu flag // below! XlaCpuEnableFastMinMax bool `` /* 138-byte string literal not displayed */ // When true we lower the Minimum and Maximum hlos in the GPU backend such // that Min(NotNaN, NaN) = Min(NaN, NotNaN) = NotNaN. In other words, if flag // this is true we don't propagate NaNs through Min and Max. // // Note, this does not correspond to the exact same behavior as the cpu flag // above! XlaGpuEnableFastMinMax bool `` /* 138-byte string literal not displayed */ // Allows xla to increase the output precision of floating point operations. XlaAllowExcessPrecision bool `` /* 137-byte string literal not displayed */ // Crashes the program when any kind of verification fails, instead of just // logging the failures. One example is cross checking of convolution results // among different algorithms. XlaGpuCrashOnVerificationFailures bool `` /* 171-byte string literal not displayed */ // 0: Disable gemm and convolution autotuning. // 1: Enable autotuning, but disable correctness checking. // 2: Also set output buffers to random numbers during autotuning. // 3: Also reset output buffers to random numbers after autotuning each // // algorithm. // // 4+: Also check for correct outputs and for out-of-bounds reads/writes. // // Default: 4. XlaGpuAutotuneLevel int32 `protobuf:"varint,123,opt,name=xla_gpu_autotune_level,json=xlaGpuAutotuneLevel,proto3" json:"xla_gpu_autotune_level,omitempty"` // Force the host platform to pretend that there are these many host // "devices". All these devices are backed by the same threadpool. Defaults // to 1. // // Setting this to anything other than 1 can increase overhead from context // switching but we let the user override this behavior to help run tests on // the host that run models in parallel across multiple devices. XlaForceHostPlatformDeviceCount int32 `` /* 165-byte string literal not displayed */ // If set to true XLA:GPU invokes `ptxas` with -O0 (default is -O3). XlaGpuDisableGpuasmOptimizations bool `` /* 166-byte string literal not displayed */ XlaGpuShapeChecks DebugOptions_ShapeChecks `` /* 153-byte string literal not displayed */ // If true, use MLIR instead of IR emitter to generate device code for // supported lmhlo.fusion ops. See xla::gpu::RewriteFusionOps() for details. XlaGpuEnableMlirLowering bool `` /* 142-byte string literal not displayed */ // If true, generate softmax fusion nodes which are used in the MLIR lowering // to generate device code for softmax. XlaGpuEnableSoftmaxFusion bool `` /* 145-byte string literal not displayed */ // Enable fast math with eigen in the HLO evaluator. XlaHloEvaluatorUseFastPath bool `` /* 150-byte string literal not displayed */ // Temporary option to allow support for both the R1 and the scalar index // versions of DynamicSlice and DynamicUpdateSlice. Only used for testing. XlaAllowScalarIndexDynamicOps bool `` /* 159-byte string literal not displayed */ // Option to emit a target-specific marker to indicate the start of a training // step. The location of the marker (if any) is determined by the option // value. XlaStepMarkerLocation DebugOptions_StepMarkerLocation `` /* 172-byte string literal not displayed */ // Directory to dump into. XlaDumpTo string `protobuf:"bytes,109,opt,name=xla_dump_to,json=xlaDumpTo,proto3" json:"xla_dump_to,omitempty"` // If specified, will only dump modules which match this regexp. XlaDumpHloModuleRe string `protobuf:"bytes,110,opt,name=xla_dump_hlo_module_re,json=xlaDumpHloModuleRe,proto3" json:"xla_dump_hlo_module_re,omitempty"` // If this flag is specified, will also dump HLO before and after passes that // match this regular expression. Set to .* to dump before/after all passes. XlaDumpHloPassRe string `protobuf:"bytes,111,opt,name=xla_dump_hlo_pass_re,json=xlaDumpHloPassRe,proto3" json:"xla_dump_hlo_pass_re,omitempty"` // Specifies the format that HLO is dumped in. Multiple of these may be // specified. XlaDumpHloAsText bool `protobuf:"varint,112,opt,name=xla_dump_hlo_as_text,json=xlaDumpHloAsText,proto3" json:"xla_dump_hlo_as_text,omitempty"` XlaDumpHloAsProto bool `protobuf:"varint,113,opt,name=xla_dump_hlo_as_proto,json=xlaDumpHloAsProto,proto3" json:"xla_dump_hlo_as_proto,omitempty"` XlaDumpHloAsDot bool `protobuf:"varint,114,opt,name=xla_dump_hlo_as_dot,json=xlaDumpHloAsDot,proto3" json:"xla_dump_hlo_as_dot,omitempty"` XlaDumpHloAsUrl bool `protobuf:"varint,115,opt,name=xla_dump_hlo_as_url,json=xlaDumpHloAsUrl,proto3" json:"xla_dump_hlo_as_url,omitempty"` // Dump HLO graphs as an HTML (DOT -> SVG inlined in HTML) XlaDumpHloAsHtml bool `protobuf:"varint,116,opt,name=xla_dump_hlo_as_html,json=xlaDumpHloAsHtml,proto3" json:"xla_dump_hlo_as_html,omitempty"` // Dump the visualization of the fusion progress. XlaDumpFusionVisualization bool `` /* 146-byte string literal not displayed */ // If true, every time an HLO module is run, we will dump an HloSnapshot // (essentially, a serialized module plus its inputs) to the --xla_dump_to // directory. XlaDumpHloSnapshots bool `protobuf:"varint,118,opt,name=xla_dump_hlo_snapshots,json=xlaDumpHloSnapshots,proto3" json:"xla_dump_hlo_snapshots,omitempty"` // Include a timestamp in the dumped filenames. XlaDumpIncludeTimestamp bool `` /* 137-byte string literal not displayed */ // Max number of hlo module dumps in a directory. Set to < 0 for unbounded. XlaDumpMaxHloModules int32 `` /* 130-byte string literal not displayed */ // Dump HloModuleMetadata as a text proto for each HLO module. XlaDumpModuleMetadata bool `` /* 131-byte string literal not displayed */ // GZip-compress protos dumped via --xla_dump_hlo_as_proto. XlaDumpCompressProtos bool `` /* 131-byte string literal not displayed */ // Dump HLO in long text format. Ignored unless xla_dump_hlo_as_text is true. XlaDumpHloAsLongText bool `` /* 132-byte string literal not displayed */ // Overrides for XLA GPU's convolution layout heuristic. XlaGpuForceConvNchw bool `` /* 127-byte string literal not displayed */ XlaGpuForceConvNhwc bool `` /* 127-byte string literal not displayed */ // Paths to files with ptx code. XlaGpuPtxFile []string `protobuf:"bytes,127,rep,name=xla_gpu_ptx_file,json=xlaGpuPtxFile,proto3" json:"xla_gpu_ptx_file,omitempty"` // Whether to dump llvm ir when compiling to ptx. XlaGpuDumpLlvmir bool `protobuf:"varint,155,opt,name=xla_gpu_dump_llvmir,json=xlaGpuDumpLlvmir,proto3" json:"xla_gpu_dump_llvmir,omitempty"` // Whether to dump mlir using pretty print form. XlaDumpEnableMlirPrettyForm bool `` /* 153-byte string literal not displayed */ // Denylist for cuDNN convolutions. XlaGpuAlgorithmDenylistPath string `` /* 150-byte string literal not displayed */ // Debug options that trigger execution errors when NaN or Inf are detected. XlaTpuDetectNan bool `protobuf:"varint,135,opt,name=xla_tpu_detect_nan,json=xlaTpuDetectNan,proto3" json:"xla_tpu_detect_nan,omitempty"` XlaTpuDetectInf bool `protobuf:"varint,136,opt,name=xla_tpu_detect_inf,json=xlaTpuDetectInf,proto3" json:"xla_tpu_detect_inf,omitempty"` // True if TraceMe annotations are enabled for XLA:CPU. XlaCpuEnableXprofTraceme bool `` /* 142-byte string literal not displayed */ // It is usually preferable to not fallback to the driver; it can consume more // memory, or have bugs. XlaGpuUnsafeFallbackToDriverOnPtxasNotFound bool `` /* 209-byte string literal not displayed */ // Extra parameters to pass the GPU assembler. XlaGpuAsmExtraFlags string `` /* 126-byte string literal not displayed */ // Per-heap size constraint. New heaps will be created if per-heap max size is // reached. XlaMultiheapSizeConstraintPerHeap int32 `` /* 171-byte string literal not displayed */ // Enable detailed logging into vlog and xla dumping. If this is disabled, no // compilation summary will be printed in the end of computation and no hlo // modules will be dumped. XlaDetailedLoggingAndDumping bool `` /* 154-byte string literal not displayed */ // Overrides normal multi-threaded compilation setting to use this many // threads. Setting to 0 (the default value) means no enforcement. XlaGpuForceCompilationParallelism int32 `` /* 169-byte string literal not displayed */ // Guarantees run-to-run determinism. At present, the HLO ops Scatter and // SelectAndScatter do not have deterministic XLA:GPU implementations. // Compilation errors out if these ops are encountered. XlaGpuDeterministicOps bool `` /* 134-byte string literal not displayed */ // Paths to files with LLVM code. XlaGpuLlvmIrFile []string `protobuf:"bytes,150,rep,name=xla_gpu_llvm_ir_file,json=xlaGpuLlvmIrFile,proto3" json:"xla_gpu_llvm_ir_file,omitempty"` // Convert synchronous all-reduces ops into asynchronous. XlaGpuEnableAsyncAllReduce bool `` /* 150-byte string literal not displayed */ // Convert synchronous collective-permute ops into asynchronous. XlaGpuEnableAsyncCollectivePermute bool `` /* 174-byte string literal not displayed */ // Size threshold (in bytes) for the GPU all-reduce combiner. XlaGpuAllReduceCombineThresholdBytes int64 `` /* 182-byte string literal not displayed */ // Combine GPU all-reduces into a single operation over a contiguous buffer. XlaGpuAllReduceContiguous bool `` /* 145-byte string literal not displayed */ // Number of devices per host for first stage of BlueConnect decomposition // pass. The pass will attempt to decompose all-reduces ops into a // ReduceScatter-AllReduce-AllGather sequence, with the initial ReduceScatter // being performed over all of the devices in the same host. Set to < 1 to // disable all-reduce decomposition. XlaGpuAllReduceBlueconnectNumDevicesPerHost int32 `` /* 207-byte string literal not displayed */ // Whether to use the cuDNN frontend API for convolutions when possible. XlaGpuEnableCudnnFrontend bool `` /* 145-byte string literal not displayed */ // Disable dumping metadata in HLO dumps. XlaDumpDisableMetadata bool `` /* 134-byte string literal not displayed */ // If this flag is specified, will only dump HLO before and after passes in // the pass pipeline that matches this regular expression. Default empty value // enables dumping in all pipelines. XlaDumpHloPipelineRe string `` /* 129-byte string literal not displayed */ // If true, abort immediately when conv algorithm picker fails, rather than // logging a warning and proceeding with fallback. XlaGpuStrictConvAlgorithmPicker bool `` /* 165-byte string literal not displayed */ // If true, use XLA runtime for XLA:GPU backend. XlaGpuEnableXlaRuntimeExecutable bool `` /* 168-byte string literal not displayed */ // Timeout in seconds before terminating jobs that are stuck in a NCCL // Rendezvous. Negative value disables the timeout and will not terminate. XlaGpuNcclTerminationTimeoutSeconds int64 `` /* 177-byte string literal not displayed */ // shared among multiple GPU executables. XlaGpuEnableSharedConstants bool `` /* 151-byte string literal not displayed */ // Whether to use cuBLASLt for GEMMs on GPUs. XlaGpuEnableCublaslt bool `` /* 128-byte string literal not displayed */ // Whether XLA is allowed to use CUDA Graphs. XlaGpuEnableCudaGraphs bool `` /* 136-byte string literal not displayed */ // Size threshold (in megabytes) for the GPU redzone scratch allocator. XlaGpuRedzoneScratchMaxMegabytes int64 `` /* 168-byte string literal not displayed */ // Allows all floating-point conversions to be simplified, including those // that affect the numerics. The `BFloat16Normalization` pass inserts many // `f32 -> bf16 -> f32` conversion pairs. These are not removed by the // `AlgebraicSimplifier`, as that will only simplify conversions that are // no-ops, e.g. `bf16 -> f32 -> bf16`. Removing these improves accuracy. XlaGpuSimplifyAllFpConversions bool `` /* 162-byte string literal not displayed */ // An experimental option to force all layouts present in the // after-optimizations HLO to be descending, e.g. // ShapeUtil::MakeShapeWithDescendingLayout is an identity on all // instructions. XlaGpuNormalizeLayouts bool `` /* 134-byte string literal not displayed */ // Generate calls to Arm Compute Library in the CPU backend. XlaCpuUseAcl bool `protobuf:"varint,174,opt,name=xla_cpu_use_acl,json=xlaCpuUseAcl,proto3" json:"xla_cpu_use_acl,omitempty"` // By default, XLA:CPU will run fp16 dot/conv as fp32, as this is generally // (much) faster on our hardware. Set this flag to disable this behavior. XlaCpuStrictDotConvMath bool `` /* 141-byte string literal not displayed */ // An option to enable using cuDNN runtime compiled fusion kernels which is // available and recommended for Ampere+ GPUs. XlaGpuUseRuntimeFusion bool `` /* 136-byte string literal not displayed */ XlaDumpLatencyHidingSchedule bool `` /* 154-byte string literal not displayed */ // By default, MLIR lowering will use Linalg elementwise fusion. If this flag // is enabled, the pipeline will use tiling, fusion, peeling, vectorization // instead. XlaCpuEnableMlirTilingAndFusion bool `` /* 167-byte string literal not displayed */ XlaGpuEnableLatencyHidingScheduler bool `` /* 174-byte string literal not displayed */ // The partitioning algorithm to be used in the PartitionAssignment pass. XlaPartitioningAlgorithm DebugOptions_PartitioningAlgorithm `` /* 182-byte string literal not displayed */ // Extra options to pass to the compilation backend (e.g. LLVM); specific // interpretation of these values is left to the backend. XlaBackendExtraOptions map[string]string `` /* 221-byte string literal not displayed */ // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Debugging options for XLA. These options may change at any time - there are no guarantees about backward or forward compatibility for these fields.
func (*DebugOptions) Descriptor
func (*DebugOptions) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use DebugOptions.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaAllowExcessPrecision ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaAllowExcessPrecision() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaAllowScalarIndexDynamicOps ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaAllowScalarIndexDynamicOps() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaBackendExtraOptions ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaBackendExtraOptions() map[string]string
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaBackendOptimizationLevel ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaBackendOptimizationLevel() int32
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaCpuEnableFastMath ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaCpuEnableFastMath() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaCpuEnableFastMinMax ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaCpuEnableFastMinMax() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaCpuEnableMlirTilingAndFusion ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaCpuEnableMlirTilingAndFusion() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaCpuEnableXprofTraceme ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaCpuEnableXprofTraceme() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaCpuFastMathHonorDivision ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaCpuFastMathHonorDivision() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaCpuFastMathHonorFunctions ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaCpuFastMathHonorFunctions() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaCpuFastMathHonorInfs ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaCpuFastMathHonorInfs() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaCpuFastMathHonorNans ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaCpuFastMathHonorNans() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaCpuMultiThreadEigen ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaCpuMultiThreadEigen() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaCpuStrictDotConvMath ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaCpuStrictDotConvMath() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaCpuUseAcl ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaCpuUseAcl() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaCpuUseMklDnn ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaCpuUseMklDnn() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaCpuUseXlaRuntime ¶ added in v2.11.0
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaCpuUseXlaRuntime() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaDetailedLoggingAndDumping ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaDetailedLoggingAndDumping() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaDisableAllHloPasses ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaDisableAllHloPasses() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaDisableHloPasses ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaDisableHloPasses() []string
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpCompressProtos ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpCompressProtos() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpDisableMetadata ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpDisableMetadata() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpEnableMlirPrettyForm ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpEnableMlirPrettyForm() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpFusionVisualization ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpFusionVisualization() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpHloAsDot ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpHloAsDot() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpHloAsHtml ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpHloAsHtml() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpHloAsLongText ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpHloAsLongText() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpHloAsProto ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpHloAsProto() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpHloAsText ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpHloAsText() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpHloAsUrl ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpHloAsUrl() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpHloModuleRe ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpHloModuleRe() string
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpHloPassRe ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpHloPassRe() string
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpHloPipelineRe ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpHloPipelineRe() string
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpHloSnapshots ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpHloSnapshots() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpIncludeTimestamp ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpIncludeTimestamp() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpLatencyHidingSchedule ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpLatencyHidingSchedule() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpMaxHloModules ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpMaxHloModules() int32
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpModuleMetadata ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpModuleMetadata() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpTo ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaDumpTo() string
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaEliminateHloImplicitBroadcast ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaEliminateHloImplicitBroadcast() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaEmbedIrInExecutable ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaEmbedIrInExecutable() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaEnableHloPassesOnly ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaEnableHloPassesOnly() []string
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaForceHostPlatformDeviceCount ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaForceHostPlatformDeviceCount() int32
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuAlgorithmDenylistPath ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuAlgorithmDenylistPath() string
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuAllReduceBlueconnectNumDevicesPerHost ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuAllReduceBlueconnectNumDevicesPerHost() int32
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuAllReduceCombineThresholdBytes ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuAllReduceCombineThresholdBytes() int64
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuAllReduceContiguous ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuAllReduceContiguous() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuAsmExtraFlags ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuAsmExtraFlags() string
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuAutotuneLevel ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuAutotuneLevel() int32
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuCrashOnVerificationFailures ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuCrashOnVerificationFailures() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuCudaDataDir ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuCudaDataDir() string
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuDeterministicOps ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuDeterministicOps() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuDisableGpuasmOptimizations ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuDisableGpuasmOptimizations() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuDumpLlvmir ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuDumpLlvmir() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuEnableAsyncAllReduce ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuEnableAsyncAllReduce() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuEnableAsyncCollectivePermute ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuEnableAsyncCollectivePermute() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuEnableCublaslt ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuEnableCublaslt() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuEnableCudaGraphs ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuEnableCudaGraphs() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuEnableCudnnFrontend ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuEnableCudnnFrontend() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuEnableFastMinMax ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuEnableFastMinMax() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuEnableLatencyHidingScheduler ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuEnableLatencyHidingScheduler() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuEnableMlirLowering ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuEnableMlirLowering() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuEnableSharedConstants ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuEnableSharedConstants() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuEnableSoftmaxFusion ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuEnableSoftmaxFusion() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuEnableXlaRuntimeExecutable ¶ added in v2.11.0
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuEnableXlaRuntimeExecutable() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuForceCompilationParallelism ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuForceCompilationParallelism() int32
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuForceConvNchw ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuForceConvNchw() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuForceConvNhwc ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuForceConvNhwc() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuFtz ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuFtz() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuLlvmIrFile ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuLlvmIrFile() []string
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuNcclTerminationTimeoutSeconds ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuNcclTerminationTimeoutSeconds() int64
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuNormalizeLayouts ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuNormalizeLayouts() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuPtxFile ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuPtxFile() []string
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuRedzoneScratchMaxMegabytes ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuRedzoneScratchMaxMegabytes() int64
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuShapeChecks ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuShapeChecks() DebugOptions_ShapeChecks
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuSimplifyAllFpConversions ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuSimplifyAllFpConversions() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuStrictConvAlgorithmPicker ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuStrictConvAlgorithmPicker() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuUnsafeFallbackToDriverOnPtxasNotFound ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuUnsafeFallbackToDriverOnPtxasNotFound() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuUseRuntimeFusion ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaGpuUseRuntimeFusion() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaHloEvaluatorUseFastPath ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaHloEvaluatorUseFastPath() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaHloGraphAddresses ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaHloGraphAddresses() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaHloGraphShardingColor ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaHloGraphShardingColor() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaHloProfile ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaHloProfile() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaLlvmDisableExpensivePasses ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaLlvmDisableExpensivePasses() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaLlvmEnableAliasScopeMetadata ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaLlvmEnableAliasScopeMetadata() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaLlvmEnableInvariantLoadMetadata ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaLlvmEnableInvariantLoadMetadata() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaLlvmEnableNoaliasMetadata ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaLlvmEnableNoaliasMetadata() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaMultiheapSizeConstraintPerHeap ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaMultiheapSizeConstraintPerHeap() int32
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaPartitioningAlgorithm ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaPartitioningAlgorithm() DebugOptions_PartitioningAlgorithm
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaStepMarkerLocation ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaStepMarkerLocation() DebugOptions_StepMarkerLocation
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaTestAllInputLayouts ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaTestAllInputLayouts() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaTestAllOutputLayouts ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaTestAllOutputLayouts() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaTpuDetectInf ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaTpuDetectInf() bool
func (*DebugOptions) GetXlaTpuDetectNan ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) GetXlaTpuDetectNan() bool
func (*DebugOptions) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*DebugOptions) ProtoMessage()
func (*DebugOptions) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*DebugOptions) Reset ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) Reset()
func (*DebugOptions) String ¶
func (x *DebugOptions) String() string
type DebugOptions_PartitioningAlgorithm ¶ added in v2.12.0
type DebugOptions_PartitioningAlgorithm int32
const (
DebugOptions_PARTITIONING_ALGORITHM_NOOP DebugOptions_PartitioningAlgorithm = 0
func (DebugOptions_PartitioningAlgorithm) Descriptor ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (DebugOptions_PartitioningAlgorithm) Descriptor() protoreflect.EnumDescriptor
func (DebugOptions_PartitioningAlgorithm) Enum ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x DebugOptions_PartitioningAlgorithm) Enum() *DebugOptions_PartitioningAlgorithm
func (DebugOptions_PartitioningAlgorithm) EnumDescriptor
added in
func (DebugOptions_PartitioningAlgorithm) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use DebugOptions_PartitioningAlgorithm.Descriptor instead.
func (DebugOptions_PartitioningAlgorithm) Number ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x DebugOptions_PartitioningAlgorithm) Number() protoreflect.EnumNumber
func (DebugOptions_PartitioningAlgorithm) String ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x DebugOptions_PartitioningAlgorithm) String() string
func (DebugOptions_PartitioningAlgorithm) Type ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (DebugOptions_PartitioningAlgorithm) Type() protoreflect.EnumType
type DebugOptions_ShapeChecks ¶
type DebugOptions_ShapeChecks int32
const ( // Do not insert any shape checks for dynamically shaped operations; output // buffers might contain garbage data if shapes don't match. DebugOptions_IGNORE DebugOptions_ShapeChecks = 0 // Check shapes at runtime, will insert an extra synchronization if shapes // cannot be proven correct at compile time. DebugOptions_RUNTIME DebugOptions_ShapeChecks = 1 // Will refuse to compile any program where shape correctness can not be // established at compile time. DebugOptions_COMPILE_TIME DebugOptions_ShapeChecks = 2 )
func (DebugOptions_ShapeChecks) Descriptor ¶
func (DebugOptions_ShapeChecks) Descriptor() protoreflect.EnumDescriptor
func (DebugOptions_ShapeChecks) Enum ¶
func (x DebugOptions_ShapeChecks) Enum() *DebugOptions_ShapeChecks
func (DebugOptions_ShapeChecks) EnumDescriptor
func (DebugOptions_ShapeChecks) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use DebugOptions_ShapeChecks.Descriptor instead.
func (DebugOptions_ShapeChecks) Number ¶
func (x DebugOptions_ShapeChecks) Number() protoreflect.EnumNumber
func (DebugOptions_ShapeChecks) String ¶
func (x DebugOptions_ShapeChecks) String() string
func (DebugOptions_ShapeChecks) Type ¶
func (DebugOptions_ShapeChecks) Type() protoreflect.EnumType
type DebugOptions_StepMarkerLocation ¶
type DebugOptions_StepMarkerLocation int32
const ( // Generate a step marker at the program entry. This handles the case where // each step is done by one or multiple program execution(s). Only the first // program will be tagged for generating a step marker at the program entry. // This is the default. DebugOptions_STEP_MARK_AT_ENTRY DebugOptions_StepMarkerLocation = 0 // Generate a step marker at each iteration of the top level while loop, // which is assumed to be a training loop. DebugOptions_STEP_MARK_AT_TOP_LEVEL_WHILE_LOOP DebugOptions_StepMarkerLocation = 1 // Generate a step marker at each iteration of the second level while loops, // which is assumed to be a training or eval loop. DebugOptions_STEP_MARK_AT_SECOND_LEVEL_WHILE_LOOP DebugOptions_StepMarkerLocation = 3 // No step marker generated. DebugOptions_STEP_MARK_NONE DebugOptions_StepMarkerLocation = 2 )
func (DebugOptions_StepMarkerLocation) Descriptor ¶
func (DebugOptions_StepMarkerLocation) Descriptor() protoreflect.EnumDescriptor
func (DebugOptions_StepMarkerLocation) Enum ¶
func (x DebugOptions_StepMarkerLocation) Enum() *DebugOptions_StepMarkerLocation
func (DebugOptions_StepMarkerLocation) EnumDescriptor
func (DebugOptions_StepMarkerLocation) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use DebugOptions_StepMarkerLocation.Descriptor instead.
func (DebugOptions_StepMarkerLocation) Number ¶
func (x DebugOptions_StepMarkerLocation) Number() protoreflect.EnumNumber
func (DebugOptions_StepMarkerLocation) String ¶
func (x DebugOptions_StepMarkerLocation) String() string
func (DebugOptions_StepMarkerLocation) Type ¶
func (DebugOptions_StepMarkerLocation) Type() protoreflect.EnumType
type DeconstructTupleRequest ¶
type DeconstructTupleRequest struct { TupleHandle *data.GlobalDataHandle `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=tuple_handle,json=tupleHandle,proto3" json:"tuple_handle,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DeconstructTupleRequest) Descriptor
func (*DeconstructTupleRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use DeconstructTupleRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*DeconstructTupleRequest) GetTupleHandle ¶
func (x *DeconstructTupleRequest) GetTupleHandle() *data.GlobalDataHandle
func (*DeconstructTupleRequest) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*DeconstructTupleRequest) ProtoMessage()
func (*DeconstructTupleRequest) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *DeconstructTupleRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*DeconstructTupleRequest) Reset ¶
func (x *DeconstructTupleRequest) Reset()
func (*DeconstructTupleRequest) String ¶
func (x *DeconstructTupleRequest) String() string
type DeconstructTupleResponse ¶
type DeconstructTupleResponse struct { ElementHandles []*data.GlobalDataHandle `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=element_handles,json=elementHandles,proto3" json:"element_handles,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DeconstructTupleResponse) Descriptor
func (*DeconstructTupleResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use DeconstructTupleResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*DeconstructTupleResponse) GetElementHandles ¶
func (x *DeconstructTupleResponse) GetElementHandles() []*data.GlobalDataHandle
func (*DeconstructTupleResponse) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*DeconstructTupleResponse) ProtoMessage()
func (*DeconstructTupleResponse) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *DeconstructTupleResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*DeconstructTupleResponse) Reset ¶
func (x *DeconstructTupleResponse) Reset()
func (*DeconstructTupleResponse) String ¶
func (x *DeconstructTupleResponse) String() string
type ExecuteGraphParallelRequest ¶
type ExecuteGraphParallelRequest struct { Requests []*ExecuteGraphRequest `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=requests,proto3" json:"requests,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ExecuteGraphParallelRequest) Descriptor
func (*ExecuteGraphParallelRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use ExecuteGraphParallelRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*ExecuteGraphParallelRequest) GetRequests ¶
func (x *ExecuteGraphParallelRequest) GetRequests() []*ExecuteGraphRequest
func (*ExecuteGraphParallelRequest) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*ExecuteGraphParallelRequest) ProtoMessage()
func (*ExecuteGraphParallelRequest) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *ExecuteGraphParallelRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*ExecuteGraphParallelRequest) Reset ¶
func (x *ExecuteGraphParallelRequest) Reset()
func (*ExecuteGraphParallelRequest) String ¶
func (x *ExecuteGraphParallelRequest) String() string
type ExecuteGraphRequest ¶
type ExecuteGraphRequest struct { Computation *service.HloModuleProto `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=computation,proto3" json:"computation,omitempty"` Arguments []*data.GlobalDataHandle `protobuf:"bytes,2,rep,name=arguments,proto3" json:"arguments,omitempty"` // Options that affect how XLA compiles and runs code to service this request. ExecutionOptions *ExecutionOptions `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=execution_options,json=executionOptions,proto3" json:"execution_options,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
TODO(b/118493728): Remove this and ExecuteGraphParallelRequest and replace the uses with calls to Compile and Execute.
func (*ExecuteGraphRequest) Descriptor
func (*ExecuteGraphRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use ExecuteGraphRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*ExecuteGraphRequest) GetArguments ¶
func (x *ExecuteGraphRequest) GetArguments() []*data.GlobalDataHandle
func (*ExecuteGraphRequest) GetComputation ¶
func (x *ExecuteGraphRequest) GetComputation() *service.HloModuleProto
func (*ExecuteGraphRequest) GetExecutionOptions ¶
func (x *ExecuteGraphRequest) GetExecutionOptions() *ExecutionOptions
func (*ExecuteGraphRequest) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*ExecuteGraphRequest) ProtoMessage()
func (*ExecuteGraphRequest) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *ExecuteGraphRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*ExecuteGraphRequest) Reset ¶
func (x *ExecuteGraphRequest) Reset()
func (*ExecuteGraphRequest) String ¶
func (x *ExecuteGraphRequest) String() string
type ExecuteParallelResponse ¶
type ExecuteParallelResponse struct { Responses []*ExecuteResponse `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=responses,proto3" json:"responses,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ExecuteParallelResponse) Descriptor
func (*ExecuteParallelResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use ExecuteParallelResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*ExecuteParallelResponse) GetResponses ¶
func (x *ExecuteParallelResponse) GetResponses() []*ExecuteResponse
func (*ExecuteParallelResponse) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*ExecuteParallelResponse) ProtoMessage()
func (*ExecuteParallelResponse) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *ExecuteParallelResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*ExecuteParallelResponse) Reset ¶
func (x *ExecuteParallelResponse) Reset()
func (*ExecuteParallelResponse) String ¶
func (x *ExecuteParallelResponse) String() string
type ExecuteRequest ¶
type ExecuteRequest struct { Handle *data.ExecutionHandle `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=handle,proto3" json:"handle,omitempty"` // The shape and layout of the arguments must be the same as the those of the // executable's parameters. Arguments []*data.GlobalDataHandle `protobuf:"bytes,2,rep,name=arguments,proto3" json:"arguments,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ExecuteRequest) Descriptor
func (*ExecuteRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use ExecuteRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*ExecuteRequest) GetArguments ¶
func (x *ExecuteRequest) GetArguments() []*data.GlobalDataHandle
func (*ExecuteRequest) GetHandle ¶
func (x *ExecuteRequest) GetHandle() *data.ExecutionHandle
func (*ExecuteRequest) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*ExecuteRequest) ProtoMessage()
func (*ExecuteRequest) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *ExecuteRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*ExecuteRequest) Reset ¶
func (x *ExecuteRequest) Reset()
func (*ExecuteRequest) String ¶
func (x *ExecuteRequest) String() string
type ExecuteResponse ¶
type ExecuteResponse struct { Output *data.GlobalDataHandle `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=output,proto3" json:"output,omitempty"` Profile *data.ExecutionProfile `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=profile,proto3" json:"profile,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ExecuteResponse) Descriptor
func (*ExecuteResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use ExecuteResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*ExecuteResponse) GetOutput ¶
func (x *ExecuteResponse) GetOutput() *data.GlobalDataHandle
func (*ExecuteResponse) GetProfile ¶
func (x *ExecuteResponse) GetProfile() *data.ExecutionProfile
func (*ExecuteResponse) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*ExecuteResponse) ProtoMessage()
func (*ExecuteResponse) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *ExecuteResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*ExecuteResponse) Reset ¶
func (x *ExecuteResponse) Reset()
func (*ExecuteResponse) String ¶
func (x *ExecuteResponse) String() string
type ExecutionOptions ¶
type ExecutionOptions struct { // This optional field's layout is used as a hint when storing the output of // this computation. Subsequent transfers of this output array to the client // may be faster when using this layout. // // We use a Shape here to accommodate computations that return a tuple. ShapeWithOutputLayout *data.ShapeProto `` /* 128-byte string literal not displayed */ // Used to seed random-number generators used in this computation. If this is // 0, we generate a seed ourselves. // // TODO(b/32083678): Changing the seed unnecessarily forces a recompilation. Seed uint64 `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=seed,proto3" json:"seed,omitempty"` DebugOptions *DebugOptions `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=debug_options,json=debugOptions,proto3" json:"debug_options,omitempty"` // This optional field specifies a particular set of devices to run the // computation on. The computation will be partitioned across these devices. // If not provided, the default device will be chosen. DeviceHandles []*data.DeviceHandle `protobuf:"bytes,5,rep,name=device_handles,json=deviceHandles,proto3" json:"device_handles,omitempty"` // Number of replicas of the computation to run. If zero, uses the default // number of replicas for the XLA service. NumReplicas int32 `protobuf:"varint,6,opt,name=num_replicas,json=numReplicas,proto3" json:"num_replicas,omitempty"` // This optional field specifies the device assignment if known at compile // time. DeviceAssignment *data.DeviceAssignmentProto `protobuf:"bytes,7,opt,name=device_assignment,json=deviceAssignment,proto3" json:"device_assignment,omitempty"` // Alias input and output buffers for parameters that are passed-through XLA // modules without being changed. AliasPassthroughParams bool `` /* 130-byte string literal not displayed */ // Number of partitions of the computation to run (model parallelism). // If zero, uses the default number of partitions for the XLA service. NumPartitions int32 `protobuf:"varint,9,opt,name=num_partitions,json=numPartitions,proto3" json:"num_partitions,omitempty"` // Used to identify a set of programs that should be launch together. LaunchId int32 `protobuf:"varint,10,opt,name=launch_id,json=launchId,proto3" json:"launch_id,omitempty"` // Indicates whether to use SPMD (true) or MPMD (false) partitioning when // num_partitions > 1 and XLA is requested to partition the input program. UseSpmdPartitioning bool `protobuf:"varint,11,opt,name=use_spmd_partitioning,json=useSpmdPartitioning,proto3" json:"use_spmd_partitioning,omitempty"` // Whether to automatically generate XLA shardings for SPMD partitioner. UseAutoSpmdPartitioning bool `` /* 136-byte string literal not displayed */ // Device mesh shape used to create the sharding search space when // use_auto_spmd_partitioning=true. AutoSpmdPartitioningMeshShape []int64 `` /* 163-byte string literal not displayed */ // Device mesh ids compatible with the above mesh_shape used when // use_auto_spmd_partitioning=true. AutoSpmdPartitioningMeshIds []int64 `` /* 157-byte string literal not displayed */ // If set, deduplicate hlo into function calls to reduce binary size. Only // works on TPU. DeduplicateHlo bool `protobuf:"varint,12,opt,name=deduplicate_hlo,json=deduplicateHlo,proto3" json:"deduplicate_hlo,omitempty"` // Allows sharding propagation to propagate to the outputs. This changes the // output shape of the computation (which is undesirable), but it can be used // to allow to run partial compilation to determine what would be the output // sharding of a computation if XLA would be allowed to propagate the sharding // which can be used by higher level framework as a way to query intermediate // sharding of operations when multiple computation would be chained and // merged together. AllowSpmdShardingPropagationToOutput bool `` /* 179-byte string literal not displayed */ // Whether to broadcast args across all replicas. One entry per arg. ParamRequiresBroadcastViaCollectives []bool `` /* 184-byte string literal not displayed */ // If enabled, the compiler may generate sharding and unsharding programs as // separate HLO modules, and modify the main program's input and output to // be sharded. AllowSeparateShardingPrograms bool `` /* 154-byte string literal not displayed */ // The list of input/output pairs in the main program that could be sharded. ShardableValueUpdatePairs []*ShardableValueUpdatePairProto `` /* 141-byte string literal not displayed */ // contains filtered or unexported fields }
These settings control how XLA compiles and/or runs code. Not all settings will have an effect on every platform.
When adding new fields, keep in mind that boolean fields default to false.
func (*ExecutionOptions) Descriptor
func (*ExecutionOptions) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use ExecutionOptions.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*ExecutionOptions) GetAliasPassthroughParams ¶
func (x *ExecutionOptions) GetAliasPassthroughParams() bool
func (*ExecutionOptions) GetAllowSeparateShardingPrograms ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *ExecutionOptions) GetAllowSeparateShardingPrograms() bool
func (*ExecutionOptions) GetAllowSpmdShardingPropagationToOutput ¶
func (x *ExecutionOptions) GetAllowSpmdShardingPropagationToOutput() bool
func (*ExecutionOptions) GetAutoSpmdPartitioningMeshIds ¶
func (x *ExecutionOptions) GetAutoSpmdPartitioningMeshIds() []int64
func (*ExecutionOptions) GetAutoSpmdPartitioningMeshShape ¶
func (x *ExecutionOptions) GetAutoSpmdPartitioningMeshShape() []int64
func (*ExecutionOptions) GetDebugOptions ¶
func (x *ExecutionOptions) GetDebugOptions() *DebugOptions
func (*ExecutionOptions) GetDeduplicateHlo ¶
func (x *ExecutionOptions) GetDeduplicateHlo() bool
func (*ExecutionOptions) GetDeviceAssignment ¶
func (x *ExecutionOptions) GetDeviceAssignment() *data.DeviceAssignmentProto
func (*ExecutionOptions) GetDeviceHandles ¶
func (x *ExecutionOptions) GetDeviceHandles() []*data.DeviceHandle
func (*ExecutionOptions) GetLaunchId ¶
func (x *ExecutionOptions) GetLaunchId() int32
func (*ExecutionOptions) GetNumPartitions ¶
func (x *ExecutionOptions) GetNumPartitions() int32
func (*ExecutionOptions) GetNumReplicas ¶
func (x *ExecutionOptions) GetNumReplicas() int32
func (*ExecutionOptions) GetParamRequiresBroadcastViaCollectives ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *ExecutionOptions) GetParamRequiresBroadcastViaCollectives() []bool
func (*ExecutionOptions) GetSeed ¶
func (x *ExecutionOptions) GetSeed() uint64
func (*ExecutionOptions) GetShapeWithOutputLayout ¶
func (x *ExecutionOptions) GetShapeWithOutputLayout() *data.ShapeProto
func (*ExecutionOptions) GetShardableValueUpdatePairs ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *ExecutionOptions) GetShardableValueUpdatePairs() []*ShardableValueUpdatePairProto
func (*ExecutionOptions) GetUseAutoSpmdPartitioning ¶
func (x *ExecutionOptions) GetUseAutoSpmdPartitioning() bool
func (*ExecutionOptions) GetUseSpmdPartitioning ¶
func (x *ExecutionOptions) GetUseSpmdPartitioning() bool
func (*ExecutionOptions) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*ExecutionOptions) ProtoMessage()
func (*ExecutionOptions) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *ExecutionOptions) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*ExecutionOptions) Reset ¶
func (x *ExecutionOptions) Reset()
func (*ExecutionOptions) String ¶
func (x *ExecutionOptions) String() string
type GetDeviceHandlesRequest ¶
type GetDeviceHandlesRequest struct { DeviceCount int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=device_count,json=deviceCount,proto3" json:"device_count,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*GetDeviceHandlesRequest) Descriptor
func (*GetDeviceHandlesRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use GetDeviceHandlesRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*GetDeviceHandlesRequest) GetDeviceCount ¶
func (x *GetDeviceHandlesRequest) GetDeviceCount() int64
func (*GetDeviceHandlesRequest) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*GetDeviceHandlesRequest) ProtoMessage()
func (*GetDeviceHandlesRequest) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *GetDeviceHandlesRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*GetDeviceHandlesRequest) Reset ¶
func (x *GetDeviceHandlesRequest) Reset()
func (*GetDeviceHandlesRequest) String ¶
func (x *GetDeviceHandlesRequest) String() string
type GetDeviceHandlesResponse ¶
type GetDeviceHandlesResponse struct { DeviceHandles []*data.DeviceHandle `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=device_handles,json=deviceHandles,proto3" json:"device_handles,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*GetDeviceHandlesResponse) Descriptor
func (*GetDeviceHandlesResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use GetDeviceHandlesResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*GetDeviceHandlesResponse) GetDeviceHandles ¶
func (x *GetDeviceHandlesResponse) GetDeviceHandles() []*data.DeviceHandle
func (*GetDeviceHandlesResponse) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*GetDeviceHandlesResponse) ProtoMessage()
func (*GetDeviceHandlesResponse) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *GetDeviceHandlesResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*GetDeviceHandlesResponse) Reset ¶
func (x *GetDeviceHandlesResponse) Reset()
func (*GetDeviceHandlesResponse) String ¶
func (x *GetDeviceHandlesResponse) String() string
type GetShapeRequest ¶
type GetShapeRequest struct { Data *data.GlobalDataHandle `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=data,proto3" json:"data,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*GetShapeRequest) Descriptor
func (*GetShapeRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use GetShapeRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*GetShapeRequest) GetData ¶
func (x *GetShapeRequest) GetData() *data.GlobalDataHandle
func (*GetShapeRequest) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*GetShapeRequest) ProtoMessage()
func (*GetShapeRequest) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *GetShapeRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*GetShapeRequest) Reset ¶
func (x *GetShapeRequest) Reset()
func (*GetShapeRequest) String ¶
func (x *GetShapeRequest) String() string
type GetShapeResponse ¶
type GetShapeResponse struct { Shape *data.ShapeProto `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=shape,proto3" json:"shape,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*GetShapeResponse) Descriptor
func (*GetShapeResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use GetShapeResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*GetShapeResponse) GetShape ¶
func (x *GetShapeResponse) GetShape() *data.ShapeProto
func (*GetShapeResponse) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*GetShapeResponse) ProtoMessage()
func (*GetShapeResponse) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *GetShapeResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*GetShapeResponse) Reset ¶
func (x *GetShapeResponse) Reset()
func (*GetShapeResponse) String ¶
func (x *GetShapeResponse) String() string
type HloModuleConfigProto ¶ added in v2.12.0
type HloModuleConfigProto struct { EntryComputationLayout *data.ProgramShapeProto `` /* 129-byte string literal not displayed */ Seed uint64 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=seed,proto3" json:"seed,omitempty"` LaunchId int32 `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=launch_id,json=launchId,proto3" json:"launch_id,omitempty"` ReplicaCount int64 `protobuf:"varint,4,opt,name=replica_count,json=replicaCount,proto3" json:"replica_count,omitempty"` NumPartitions int64 `protobuf:"varint,5,opt,name=num_partitions,json=numPartitions,proto3" json:"num_partitions,omitempty"` ParamRequiresBroadcastViaCollectives []bool `` /* 183-byte string literal not displayed */ UseSpmdPartitioning bool `protobuf:"varint,7,opt,name=use_spmd_partitioning,json=useSpmdPartitioning,proto3" json:"use_spmd_partitioning,omitempty"` UseAutoSpmdPartitioning bool `` /* 135-byte string literal not displayed */ AutoSpmdPartitioningMeshShape []int64 `` /* 162-byte string literal not displayed */ AutoSpmdPartitioningMeshIds []int64 `` /* 157-byte string literal not displayed */ DeduplicateHlo bool `protobuf:"varint,11,opt,name=deduplicate_hlo,json=deduplicateHlo,proto3" json:"deduplicate_hlo,omitempty"` IntraOpParallelismThreads int64 `` /* 142-byte string literal not displayed */ DeviceType string `protobuf:"bytes,13,opt,name=device_type,json=deviceType,proto3" json:"device_type,omitempty"` DebugOptions *DebugOptions `protobuf:"bytes,14,opt,name=debug_options,json=debugOptions,proto3" json:"debug_options,omitempty"` StaticDeviceAssignment *data.DeviceAssignmentProto `` /* 130-byte string literal not displayed */ AllowSeparateShardingPrograms bool `` /* 154-byte string literal not displayed */ ShardableValueUpdatePairs []*ShardableValueUpdatePairProto `` /* 141-byte string literal not displayed */ AliasPassthroughParams bool `` /* 131-byte string literal not displayed */ ContentAwareComputationSorting bool `` /* 157-byte string literal not displayed */ FusionConfigCollection HloModuleConfigProto_FusionConfigCollection `` /* 184-byte string literal not displayed */ FusionConfig []*HloModuleConfigProto_BoolList `protobuf:"bytes,20,rep,name=fusion_config,json=fusionConfig,proto3" json:"fusion_config,omitempty"` DotConfig map[string]*HloModuleConfigProto_Int64List `` /* 177-byte string literal not displayed */ LayoutConfig []*HloModuleConfigProto_Int64ListList `protobuf:"bytes,22,rep,name=layout_config,json=layoutConfig,proto3" json:"layout_config,omitempty"` MemorySpaceAssignmentConfig []uint64 `` /* 155-byte string literal not displayed */ PhaseOrderingConfig []*HloModuleConfigProto_BoolList `protobuf:"bytes,24,rep,name=phase_ordering_config,json=phaseOrderingConfig,proto3" json:"phase_ordering_config,omitempty"` PhaseIndex int32 `protobuf:"varint,25,opt,name=phase_index,json=phaseIndex,proto3" json:"phase_index,omitempty"` AllowSpmdShardingPropagationToOutput bool `` /* 179-byte string literal not displayed */ AnalysisAllowanceMap map[string]int64 `` /* 213-byte string literal not displayed */ MatrixUnitOperandPrecision data.PrecisionConfig_Precision `` /* 180-byte string literal not displayed */ // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Serialization of HloModuleConfig. See the C++ class definition for descriptions of each field. There are no guarantees of backwards or forwards compatibility.
func (*HloModuleConfigProto) Descriptor
added in
func (*HloModuleConfigProto) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use HloModuleConfigProto.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*HloModuleConfigProto) GetAliasPassthroughParams ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetAliasPassthroughParams() bool
func (*HloModuleConfigProto) GetAllowSeparateShardingPrograms ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetAllowSeparateShardingPrograms() bool
func (*HloModuleConfigProto) GetAllowSpmdShardingPropagationToOutput ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetAllowSpmdShardingPropagationToOutput() bool
func (*HloModuleConfigProto) GetAnalysisAllowanceMap ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetAnalysisAllowanceMap() map[string]int64
func (*HloModuleConfigProto) GetAutoSpmdPartitioningMeshIds ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetAutoSpmdPartitioningMeshIds() []int64
func (*HloModuleConfigProto) GetAutoSpmdPartitioningMeshShape ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetAutoSpmdPartitioningMeshShape() []int64
func (*HloModuleConfigProto) GetContentAwareComputationSorting ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetContentAwareComputationSorting() bool
func (*HloModuleConfigProto) GetDebugOptions ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetDebugOptions() *DebugOptions
func (*HloModuleConfigProto) GetDeduplicateHlo ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetDeduplicateHlo() bool
func (*HloModuleConfigProto) GetDeviceType ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetDeviceType() string
func (*HloModuleConfigProto) GetDotConfig ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetDotConfig() map[string]*HloModuleConfigProto_Int64List
func (*HloModuleConfigProto) GetEntryComputationLayout ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetEntryComputationLayout() *data.ProgramShapeProto
func (*HloModuleConfigProto) GetFusionConfig ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetFusionConfig() []*HloModuleConfigProto_BoolList
func (*HloModuleConfigProto) GetFusionConfigCollection ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetFusionConfigCollection() HloModuleConfigProto_FusionConfigCollection
func (*HloModuleConfigProto) GetIntraOpParallelismThreads ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetIntraOpParallelismThreads() int64
func (*HloModuleConfigProto) GetLaunchId ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetLaunchId() int32
func (*HloModuleConfigProto) GetLayoutConfig ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetLayoutConfig() []*HloModuleConfigProto_Int64ListList
func (*HloModuleConfigProto) GetMatrixUnitOperandPrecision ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetMatrixUnitOperandPrecision() data.PrecisionConfig_Precision
func (*HloModuleConfigProto) GetMemorySpaceAssignmentConfig ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetMemorySpaceAssignmentConfig() []uint64
func (*HloModuleConfigProto) GetNumPartitions ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetNumPartitions() int64
func (*HloModuleConfigProto) GetParamRequiresBroadcastViaCollectives ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetParamRequiresBroadcastViaCollectives() []bool
func (*HloModuleConfigProto) GetPhaseIndex ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetPhaseIndex() int32
func (*HloModuleConfigProto) GetPhaseOrderingConfig ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetPhaseOrderingConfig() []*HloModuleConfigProto_BoolList
func (*HloModuleConfigProto) GetReplicaCount ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetReplicaCount() int64
func (*HloModuleConfigProto) GetSeed ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetSeed() uint64
func (*HloModuleConfigProto) GetShardableValueUpdatePairs ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetShardableValueUpdatePairs() []*ShardableValueUpdatePairProto
func (*HloModuleConfigProto) GetStaticDeviceAssignment ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetStaticDeviceAssignment() *data.DeviceAssignmentProto
func (*HloModuleConfigProto) GetUseAutoSpmdPartitioning ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetUseAutoSpmdPartitioning() bool
func (*HloModuleConfigProto) GetUseSpmdPartitioning ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) GetUseSpmdPartitioning() bool
func (*HloModuleConfigProto) ProtoMessage ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (*HloModuleConfigProto) ProtoMessage()
func (*HloModuleConfigProto) ProtoReflect ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*HloModuleConfigProto) Reset ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) Reset()
func (*HloModuleConfigProto) String ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *HloModuleConfigProto) String() string
type HloModuleConfigProto_BoolList ¶ added in v2.12.0
type HloModuleConfigProto_BoolList struct { Vals []bool `protobuf:"varint,1,rep,packed,name=vals,proto3" json:"vals,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*HloModuleConfigProto_BoolList) Descriptor
added in
func (*HloModuleConfigProto_BoolList) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use HloModuleConfigProto_BoolList.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*HloModuleConfigProto_BoolList) GetVals ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *HloModuleConfigProto_BoolList) GetVals() []bool
func (*HloModuleConfigProto_BoolList) ProtoMessage ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (*HloModuleConfigProto_BoolList) ProtoMessage()
func (*HloModuleConfigProto_BoolList) ProtoReflect ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *HloModuleConfigProto_BoolList) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*HloModuleConfigProto_BoolList) Reset ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *HloModuleConfigProto_BoolList) Reset()
func (*HloModuleConfigProto_BoolList) String ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *HloModuleConfigProto_BoolList) String() string
type HloModuleConfigProto_FusionConfigCollection ¶ added in v2.12.0
type HloModuleConfigProto_FusionConfigCollection int32
const ( HloModuleConfigProto_OFF HloModuleConfigProto_FusionConfigCollection = 0 // Do not collect configuration. HloModuleConfigProto_PER_EDGE HloModuleConfigProto_FusionConfigCollection = 1 // Collect per-edge configuration. HloModuleConfigProto_PER_NODE HloModuleConfigProto_FusionConfigCollection = 2 // Collect per-node configuration. )
func (HloModuleConfigProto_FusionConfigCollection) Descriptor ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (HloModuleConfigProto_FusionConfigCollection) Descriptor() protoreflect.EnumDescriptor
func (HloModuleConfigProto_FusionConfigCollection) EnumDescriptor
added in
func (HloModuleConfigProto_FusionConfigCollection) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use HloModuleConfigProto_FusionConfigCollection.Descriptor instead.
func (HloModuleConfigProto_FusionConfigCollection) Number ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x HloModuleConfigProto_FusionConfigCollection) Number() protoreflect.EnumNumber
func (HloModuleConfigProto_FusionConfigCollection) String ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x HloModuleConfigProto_FusionConfigCollection) String() string
func (HloModuleConfigProto_FusionConfigCollection) Type ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (HloModuleConfigProto_FusionConfigCollection) Type() protoreflect.EnumType
type HloModuleConfigProto_Int64List ¶ added in v2.12.0
type HloModuleConfigProto_Int64List struct { Vals []int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,rep,packed,name=vals,proto3" json:"vals,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*HloModuleConfigProto_Int64List) Descriptor
added in
func (*HloModuleConfigProto_Int64List) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use HloModuleConfigProto_Int64List.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*HloModuleConfigProto_Int64List) GetVals ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *HloModuleConfigProto_Int64List) GetVals() []int64
func (*HloModuleConfigProto_Int64List) ProtoMessage ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (*HloModuleConfigProto_Int64List) ProtoMessage()
func (*HloModuleConfigProto_Int64List) ProtoReflect ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *HloModuleConfigProto_Int64List) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*HloModuleConfigProto_Int64List) Reset ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *HloModuleConfigProto_Int64List) Reset()
func (*HloModuleConfigProto_Int64List) String ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *HloModuleConfigProto_Int64List) String() string
type HloModuleConfigProto_Int64ListList ¶ added in v2.12.0
type HloModuleConfigProto_Int64ListList struct { Lists []*HloModuleConfigProto_Int64List `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=lists,proto3" json:"lists,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*HloModuleConfigProto_Int64ListList) Descriptor
added in
func (*HloModuleConfigProto_Int64ListList) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use HloModuleConfigProto_Int64ListList.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*HloModuleConfigProto_Int64ListList) GetLists ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *HloModuleConfigProto_Int64ListList) GetLists() []*HloModuleConfigProto_Int64List
func (*HloModuleConfigProto_Int64ListList) ProtoMessage ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (*HloModuleConfigProto_Int64ListList) ProtoMessage()
func (*HloModuleConfigProto_Int64ListList) ProtoReflect ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *HloModuleConfigProto_Int64ListList) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*HloModuleConfigProto_Int64ListList) Reset ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *HloModuleConfigProto_Int64ListList) Reset()
func (*HloModuleConfigProto_Int64ListList) String ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *HloModuleConfigProto_Int64ListList) String() string
type HloModuleProtoWithConfig ¶ added in v2.12.0
type HloModuleProtoWithConfig struct { HloModule *service.HloModuleProto `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=hlo_module,json=hloModule,proto3" json:"hlo_module,omitempty"` Config *HloModuleConfigProto `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=config,proto3" json:"config,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*HloModuleProtoWithConfig) Descriptor
added in
func (*HloModuleProtoWithConfig) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use HloModuleProtoWithConfig.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*HloModuleProtoWithConfig) GetConfig ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *HloModuleProtoWithConfig) GetConfig() *HloModuleConfigProto
func (*HloModuleProtoWithConfig) GetHloModule ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *HloModuleProtoWithConfig) GetHloModule() *service.HloModuleProto
func (*HloModuleProtoWithConfig) ProtoMessage ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (*HloModuleProtoWithConfig) ProtoMessage()
func (*HloModuleProtoWithConfig) ProtoReflect ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *HloModuleProtoWithConfig) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*HloModuleProtoWithConfig) Reset ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *HloModuleProtoWithConfig) Reset()
func (*HloModuleProtoWithConfig) String ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *HloModuleProtoWithConfig) String() string
type LoadDataRequest ¶
type LoadDataRequest struct { // Describes the path of the ColumnIO tablet to load. ColumnioTabletPath string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=columnio_tablet_path,json=columnioTabletPath,proto3" json:"columnio_tablet_path,omitempty"` // Describes the field to load within the ColumnIO tablet. ColumnioField string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=columnio_field,json=columnioField,proto3" json:"columnio_field,omitempty"` // Individual element shape, excluding rows. ElementShape *data.ShapeProto `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=element_shape,json=elementShape,proto3" json:"element_shape,omitempty"` // Warning: ColumnIO does not support random-access, so use offset with // caution in performance-critical scenarios. Offset int64 `protobuf:"varint,4,opt,name=offset,proto3" json:"offset,omitempty"` // Maximum number of elements (with shape element_shape) to load. Limit int64 `protobuf:"varint,5,opt,name=limit,proto3" json:"limit,omitempty"` // If more than one item is requested (via limit > 1), then this request // attribute zips together the produced vectors. Zip bool `protobuf:"varint,6,opt,name=zip,proto3" json:"zip,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*LoadDataRequest) Descriptor
func (*LoadDataRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use LoadDataRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*LoadDataRequest) GetColumnioField ¶
func (x *LoadDataRequest) GetColumnioField() string
func (*LoadDataRequest) GetColumnioTabletPath ¶
func (x *LoadDataRequest) GetColumnioTabletPath() string
func (*LoadDataRequest) GetElementShape ¶
func (x *LoadDataRequest) GetElementShape() *data.ShapeProto
func (*LoadDataRequest) GetLimit ¶
func (x *LoadDataRequest) GetLimit() int64
func (*LoadDataRequest) GetOffset ¶
func (x *LoadDataRequest) GetOffset() int64
func (*LoadDataRequest) GetZip ¶
func (x *LoadDataRequest) GetZip() bool
func (*LoadDataRequest) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*LoadDataRequest) ProtoMessage()
func (*LoadDataRequest) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *LoadDataRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*LoadDataRequest) Reset ¶
func (x *LoadDataRequest) Reset()
func (*LoadDataRequest) String ¶
func (x *LoadDataRequest) String() string
type LoadDataResponse ¶
type LoadDataResponse struct { Data *data.GlobalDataHandle `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=data,proto3" json:"data,omitempty"` DataShape *data.ShapeProto `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=data_shape,json=dataShape,proto3" json:"data_shape,omitempty"` AvailableRows int64 `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=available_rows,json=availableRows,proto3" json:"available_rows,omitempty"` RowsLoaded int64 `protobuf:"varint,4,opt,name=rows_loaded,json=rowsLoaded,proto3" json:"rows_loaded,omitempty"` Nanoseconds int64 `protobuf:"varint,5,opt,name=nanoseconds,proto3" json:"nanoseconds,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*LoadDataResponse) Descriptor
func (*LoadDataResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use LoadDataResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*LoadDataResponse) GetAvailableRows ¶
func (x *LoadDataResponse) GetAvailableRows() int64
func (*LoadDataResponse) GetData ¶
func (x *LoadDataResponse) GetData() *data.GlobalDataHandle
func (*LoadDataResponse) GetDataShape ¶
func (x *LoadDataResponse) GetDataShape() *data.ShapeProto
func (*LoadDataResponse) GetNanoseconds ¶
func (x *LoadDataResponse) GetNanoseconds() int64
func (*LoadDataResponse) GetRowsLoaded ¶
func (x *LoadDataResponse) GetRowsLoaded() int64
func (*LoadDataResponse) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*LoadDataResponse) ProtoMessage()
func (*LoadDataResponse) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *LoadDataResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*LoadDataResponse) Reset ¶
func (x *LoadDataResponse) Reset()
func (*LoadDataResponse) String ¶
func (x *LoadDataResponse) String() string
type ResetDeviceRequest ¶
type ResetDeviceRequest struct { DeviceHandle *data.DeviceHandle `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=device_handle,json=deviceHandle,proto3" json:"device_handle,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ResetDeviceRequest) Descriptor
func (*ResetDeviceRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use ResetDeviceRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*ResetDeviceRequest) GetDeviceHandle ¶
func (x *ResetDeviceRequest) GetDeviceHandle() *data.DeviceHandle
func (*ResetDeviceRequest) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*ResetDeviceRequest) ProtoMessage()
func (*ResetDeviceRequest) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *ResetDeviceRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*ResetDeviceRequest) Reset ¶
func (x *ResetDeviceRequest) Reset()
func (*ResetDeviceRequest) String ¶
func (x *ResetDeviceRequest) String() string
type ResetDeviceResponse ¶
type ResetDeviceResponse struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ResetDeviceResponse) Descriptor
func (*ResetDeviceResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use ResetDeviceResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*ResetDeviceResponse) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*ResetDeviceResponse) ProtoMessage()
func (*ResetDeviceResponse) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *ResetDeviceResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*ResetDeviceResponse) Reset ¶
func (x *ResetDeviceResponse) Reset()
func (*ResetDeviceResponse) String ¶
func (x *ResetDeviceResponse) String() string
type ScheduleProto ¶ added in v2.12.0
type ScheduleProto struct { Instructions []*ScheduleProto_Instruction `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=instructions,proto3" json:"instructions,omitempty"` // Computation id (matches the id in HloComputationProto). ComputationId int64 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=computation_id,json=computationId,proto3" json:"computation_id,omitempty"` HloModule *service.HloModuleProto `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=hlo_module,json=hloModule,proto3" json:"hlo_module,omitempty"` CyclesPerMicrosecond int64 `protobuf:"varint,4,opt,name=cycles_per_microsecond,json=cyclesPerMicrosecond,proto3" json:"cycles_per_microsecond,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A trace estimated by the Latency Hiding Scheduler.
func (*ScheduleProto) Descriptor
added in
func (*ScheduleProto) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use ScheduleProto.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*ScheduleProto) GetComputationId ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *ScheduleProto) GetComputationId() int64
func (*ScheduleProto) GetCyclesPerMicrosecond ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *ScheduleProto) GetCyclesPerMicrosecond() int64
func (*ScheduleProto) GetHloModule ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *ScheduleProto) GetHloModule() *service.HloModuleProto
func (*ScheduleProto) GetInstructions ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *ScheduleProto) GetInstructions() []*ScheduleProto_Instruction
func (*ScheduleProto) ProtoMessage ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (*ScheduleProto) ProtoMessage()
func (*ScheduleProto) ProtoReflect ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *ScheduleProto) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*ScheduleProto) Reset ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *ScheduleProto) Reset()
func (*ScheduleProto) String ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *ScheduleProto) String() string
type ScheduleProto_Instruction ¶ added in v2.12.0
type ScheduleProto_Instruction struct { // Instruction id (matches the id in HloInstructionProto). Id int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=id,proto3" json:"id,omitempty"` // Start and end timestamps in cycles. StartTimestampCycles float64 `protobuf:"fixed64,2,opt,name=start_timestamp_cycles,json=startTimestampCycles,proto3" json:"start_timestamp_cycles,omitempty"` EndTimestampCycles float64 `protobuf:"fixed64,3,opt,name=end_timestamp_cycles,json=endTimestampCycles,proto3" json:"end_timestamp_cycles,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ScheduleProto_Instruction) Descriptor
added in
func (*ScheduleProto_Instruction) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use ScheduleProto_Instruction.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*ScheduleProto_Instruction) GetEndTimestampCycles ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *ScheduleProto_Instruction) GetEndTimestampCycles() float64
func (*ScheduleProto_Instruction) GetId ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *ScheduleProto_Instruction) GetId() int64
func (*ScheduleProto_Instruction) GetStartTimestampCycles ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *ScheduleProto_Instruction) GetStartTimestampCycles() float64
func (*ScheduleProto_Instruction) ProtoMessage ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (*ScheduleProto_Instruction) ProtoMessage()
func (*ScheduleProto_Instruction) ProtoReflect ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *ScheduleProto_Instruction) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*ScheduleProto_Instruction) Reset ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *ScheduleProto_Instruction) Reset()
func (*ScheduleProto_Instruction) String ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *ScheduleProto_Instruction) String() string
type ShardableValueUpdatePairProto ¶ added in v2.12.0
type ShardableValueUpdatePairProto struct { InputParameterNumber int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=input_parameter_number,json=inputParameterNumber,proto3" json:"input_parameter_number,omitempty"` ParameterShapeIndex []int64 `` /* 128-byte string literal not displayed */ OutputShapeIndex []int64 `protobuf:"varint,3,rep,packed,name=output_shape_index,json=outputShapeIndex,proto3" json:"output_shape_index,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ShardableValueUpdatePairProto) Descriptor
added in
func (*ShardableValueUpdatePairProto) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use ShardableValueUpdatePairProto.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*ShardableValueUpdatePairProto) GetInputParameterNumber ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *ShardableValueUpdatePairProto) GetInputParameterNumber() int64
func (*ShardableValueUpdatePairProto) GetOutputShapeIndex ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *ShardableValueUpdatePairProto) GetOutputShapeIndex() []int64
func (*ShardableValueUpdatePairProto) GetParameterShapeIndex ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *ShardableValueUpdatePairProto) GetParameterShapeIndex() []int64
func (*ShardableValueUpdatePairProto) ProtoMessage ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (*ShardableValueUpdatePairProto) ProtoMessage()
func (*ShardableValueUpdatePairProto) ProtoReflect ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *ShardableValueUpdatePairProto) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*ShardableValueUpdatePairProto) Reset ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *ShardableValueUpdatePairProto) Reset()
func (*ShardableValueUpdatePairProto) String ¶ added in v2.12.0
func (x *ShardableValueUpdatePairProto) String() string
type TransferFromOutfeedRequest ¶
type TransferFromOutfeedRequest struct { // This optional field directs the service to return the literal in this // layout. A shape is used to hold the layout to accommodate tuples. ShapeWithLayout *data.ShapeProto `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=shape_with_layout,json=shapeWithLayout,proto3" json:"shape_with_layout,omitempty"` ReplicaId int64 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=replica_id,json=replicaId,proto3" json:"replica_id,omitempty"` DeviceHandle *data.DeviceHandle `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=device_handle,json=deviceHandle,proto3" json:"device_handle,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*TransferFromOutfeedRequest) Descriptor
func (*TransferFromOutfeedRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use TransferFromOutfeedRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*TransferFromOutfeedRequest) GetDeviceHandle ¶
func (x *TransferFromOutfeedRequest) GetDeviceHandle() *data.DeviceHandle
func (*TransferFromOutfeedRequest) GetReplicaId ¶
func (x *TransferFromOutfeedRequest) GetReplicaId() int64
func (*TransferFromOutfeedRequest) GetShapeWithLayout ¶
func (x *TransferFromOutfeedRequest) GetShapeWithLayout() *data.ShapeProto
func (*TransferFromOutfeedRequest) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*TransferFromOutfeedRequest) ProtoMessage()
func (*TransferFromOutfeedRequest) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *TransferFromOutfeedRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*TransferFromOutfeedRequest) Reset ¶
func (x *TransferFromOutfeedRequest) Reset()
func (*TransferFromOutfeedRequest) String ¶
func (x *TransferFromOutfeedRequest) String() string
type TransferFromOutfeedResponse ¶
type TransferFromOutfeedResponse struct { Literal *data.LiteralProto `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=literal,proto3" json:"literal,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*TransferFromOutfeedResponse) Descriptor
func (*TransferFromOutfeedResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use TransferFromOutfeedResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*TransferFromOutfeedResponse) GetLiteral ¶
func (x *TransferFromOutfeedResponse) GetLiteral() *data.LiteralProto
func (*TransferFromOutfeedResponse) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*TransferFromOutfeedResponse) ProtoMessage()
func (*TransferFromOutfeedResponse) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *TransferFromOutfeedResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*TransferFromOutfeedResponse) Reset ¶
func (x *TransferFromOutfeedResponse) Reset()
func (*TransferFromOutfeedResponse) String ¶
func (x *TransferFromOutfeedResponse) String() string
type TransferToClientRequest ¶
type TransferToClientRequest struct { Data *data.GlobalDataHandle `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=data,proto3" json:"data,omitempty"` // This optional field directs the service to return the literal in this // layout. A shape is used to hold the layout to accommodate tuples. ShapeWithLayout *data.ShapeProto `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=shape_with_layout,json=shapeWithLayout,proto3" json:"shape_with_layout,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*TransferToClientRequest) Descriptor
func (*TransferToClientRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use TransferToClientRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*TransferToClientRequest) GetData ¶
func (x *TransferToClientRequest) GetData() *data.GlobalDataHandle
func (*TransferToClientRequest) GetShapeWithLayout ¶
func (x *TransferToClientRequest) GetShapeWithLayout() *data.ShapeProto
func (*TransferToClientRequest) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*TransferToClientRequest) ProtoMessage()
func (*TransferToClientRequest) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *TransferToClientRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*TransferToClientRequest) Reset ¶
func (x *TransferToClientRequest) Reset()
func (*TransferToClientRequest) String ¶
func (x *TransferToClientRequest) String() string
type TransferToClientResponse ¶
type TransferToClientResponse struct { Literal *data.LiteralProto `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=literal,proto3" json:"literal,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*TransferToClientResponse) Descriptor
func (*TransferToClientResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use TransferToClientResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*TransferToClientResponse) GetLiteral ¶
func (x *TransferToClientResponse) GetLiteral() *data.LiteralProto
func (*TransferToClientResponse) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*TransferToClientResponse) ProtoMessage()
func (*TransferToClientResponse) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *TransferToClientResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*TransferToClientResponse) Reset ¶
func (x *TransferToClientResponse) Reset()
func (*TransferToClientResponse) String ¶
func (x *TransferToClientResponse) String() string
type TransferToInfeedRequest ¶
type TransferToInfeedRequest struct { Literal *data.LiteralProto `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=literal,proto3" json:"literal,omitempty"` ReplicaId int64 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=replica_id,json=replicaId,proto3" json:"replica_id,omitempty"` DeviceHandle *data.DeviceHandle `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=device_handle,json=deviceHandle,proto3" json:"device_handle,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*TransferToInfeedRequest) Descriptor
func (*TransferToInfeedRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use TransferToInfeedRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*TransferToInfeedRequest) GetDeviceHandle ¶
func (x *TransferToInfeedRequest) GetDeviceHandle() *data.DeviceHandle
func (*TransferToInfeedRequest) GetLiteral ¶
func (x *TransferToInfeedRequest) GetLiteral() *data.LiteralProto
func (*TransferToInfeedRequest) GetReplicaId ¶
func (x *TransferToInfeedRequest) GetReplicaId() int64
func (*TransferToInfeedRequest) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*TransferToInfeedRequest) ProtoMessage()
func (*TransferToInfeedRequest) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *TransferToInfeedRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*TransferToInfeedRequest) Reset ¶
func (x *TransferToInfeedRequest) Reset()
func (*TransferToInfeedRequest) String ¶
func (x *TransferToInfeedRequest) String() string
type TransferToInfeedResponse ¶
type TransferToInfeedResponse struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*TransferToInfeedResponse) Descriptor
func (*TransferToInfeedResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use TransferToInfeedResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*TransferToInfeedResponse) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*TransferToInfeedResponse) ProtoMessage()
func (*TransferToInfeedResponse) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *TransferToInfeedResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*TransferToInfeedResponse) Reset ¶
func (x *TransferToInfeedResponse) Reset()
func (*TransferToInfeedResponse) String ¶
func (x *TransferToInfeedResponse) String() string
type TransferToServerRequest ¶
type TransferToServerRequest struct { Literal *data.LiteralProto `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=literal,proto3" json:"literal,omitempty"` DeviceHandle *data.DeviceHandle `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=device_handle,json=deviceHandle,proto3" json:"device_handle,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*TransferToServerRequest) Descriptor
func (*TransferToServerRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use TransferToServerRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*TransferToServerRequest) GetDeviceHandle ¶
func (x *TransferToServerRequest) GetDeviceHandle() *data.DeviceHandle
func (*TransferToServerRequest) GetLiteral ¶
func (x *TransferToServerRequest) GetLiteral() *data.LiteralProto
func (*TransferToServerRequest) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*TransferToServerRequest) ProtoMessage()
func (*TransferToServerRequest) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *TransferToServerRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*TransferToServerRequest) Reset ¶
func (x *TransferToServerRequest) Reset()
func (*TransferToServerRequest) String ¶
func (x *TransferToServerRequest) String() string
type TransferToServerResponse ¶
type TransferToServerResponse struct { Data *data.GlobalDataHandle `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=data,proto3" json:"data,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*TransferToServerResponse) Descriptor
func (*TransferToServerResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use TransferToServerResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*TransferToServerResponse) GetData ¶
func (x *TransferToServerResponse) GetData() *data.GlobalDataHandle
func (*TransferToServerResponse) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*TransferToServerResponse) ProtoMessage()
func (*TransferToServerResponse) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *TransferToServerResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*TransferToServerResponse) Reset ¶
func (x *TransferToServerResponse) Reset()
func (*TransferToServerResponse) String ¶
func (x *TransferToServerResponse) String() string
type UnpackRequest ¶
type UnpackRequest struct { Data *data.GlobalDataHandle `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=data,proto3" json:"data,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*UnpackRequest) Descriptor
func (*UnpackRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use UnpackRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*UnpackRequest) GetData ¶
func (x *UnpackRequest) GetData() *data.GlobalDataHandle
func (*UnpackRequest) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*UnpackRequest) ProtoMessage()
func (*UnpackRequest) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *UnpackRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*UnpackRequest) Reset ¶
func (x *UnpackRequest) Reset()
func (*UnpackRequest) String ¶
func (x *UnpackRequest) String() string
type UnpackResponse ¶
type UnpackResponse struct { TiedData []*data.GlobalDataHandle `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=tied_data,json=tiedData,proto3" json:"tied_data,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*UnpackResponse) Descriptor
func (*UnpackResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use UnpackResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*UnpackResponse) GetTiedData ¶
func (x *UnpackResponse) GetTiedData() []*data.GlobalDataHandle
func (*UnpackResponse) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*UnpackResponse) ProtoMessage()
func (*UnpackResponse) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *UnpackResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*UnpackResponse) Reset ¶
func (x *UnpackResponse) Reset()
func (*UnpackResponse) String ¶
func (x *UnpackResponse) String() string
type UnregisterRequest ¶
type UnregisterRequest struct { Data []*data.GlobalDataHandle `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=data,proto3" json:"data,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*UnregisterRequest) Descriptor
func (*UnregisterRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use UnregisterRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*UnregisterRequest) GetData ¶
func (x *UnregisterRequest) GetData() []*data.GlobalDataHandle
func (*UnregisterRequest) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*UnregisterRequest) ProtoMessage()
func (*UnregisterRequest) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *UnregisterRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*UnregisterRequest) Reset ¶
func (x *UnregisterRequest) Reset()
func (*UnregisterRequest) String ¶
func (x *UnregisterRequest) String() string
type UnregisterResponse ¶
type UnregisterResponse struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*UnregisterResponse) Descriptor
func (*UnregisterResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use UnregisterResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*UnregisterResponse) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*UnregisterResponse) ProtoMessage()
func (*UnregisterResponse) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *UnregisterResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*UnregisterResponse) Reset ¶
func (x *UnregisterResponse) Reset()
func (*UnregisterResponse) String ¶
func (x *UnregisterResponse) String() string
type WaitForExecutionRequest ¶
type WaitForExecutionRequest struct { Execution *data.ExecutionHandle `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=execution,proto3" json:"execution,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*WaitForExecutionRequest) Descriptor
func (*WaitForExecutionRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use WaitForExecutionRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*WaitForExecutionRequest) GetExecution ¶
func (x *WaitForExecutionRequest) GetExecution() *data.ExecutionHandle
func (*WaitForExecutionRequest) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*WaitForExecutionRequest) ProtoMessage()
func (*WaitForExecutionRequest) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *WaitForExecutionRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*WaitForExecutionRequest) Reset ¶
func (x *WaitForExecutionRequest) Reset()
func (*WaitForExecutionRequest) String ¶
func (x *WaitForExecutionRequest) String() string
type WaitForExecutionResponse ¶
type WaitForExecutionResponse struct { Output *data.GlobalDataHandle `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=output,proto3" json:"output,omitempty"` Profile *data.ExecutionProfile `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=profile,proto3" json:"profile,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*WaitForExecutionResponse) Descriptor
func (*WaitForExecutionResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
Deprecated: Use WaitForExecutionResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*WaitForExecutionResponse) GetOutput ¶
func (x *WaitForExecutionResponse) GetOutput() *data.GlobalDataHandle
func (*WaitForExecutionResponse) GetProfile ¶
func (x *WaitForExecutionResponse) GetProfile() *data.ExecutionProfile
func (*WaitForExecutionResponse) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*WaitForExecutionResponse) ProtoMessage()
func (*WaitForExecutionResponse) ProtoReflect ¶
func (x *WaitForExecutionResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message
func (*WaitForExecutionResponse) Reset ¶
func (x *WaitForExecutionResponse) Reset()
func (*WaitForExecutionResponse) String ¶
func (x *WaitForExecutionResponse) String() string