Overview ¶
init.go нужен для того что бы иметь один единственный инит в пакете, и при этом не заставляет его генерироваться через generate-tl-files
Index ¶
- Constants
- func GenerateStructByConstructor(constructorID uint32) (object serialize.TL, isEnum bool, err error)
- type AccessPointRule
- type AccountAcceptAuthorizationParams
- type AccountAuthorizationForm
- type AccountAuthorizations
- type AccountAutoDownloadSettings
- type AccountCancelPasswordEmailParams
- type AccountChangePhoneParams
- type AccountCheckUsernameParams
- type AccountConfirmPasswordEmailParams
- type AccountConfirmPhoneParams
- type AccountContentSettings
- type AccountCreateThemeParams
- type AccountDaysTTL
- type AccountDeleteAccountParams
- type AccountDeleteSecureValueParams
- type AccountFinishTakeoutSessionParams
- type AccountGetAccountTTLParams
- type AccountGetAllSecureValuesParams
- type AccountGetAuthorizationFormParams
- type AccountGetAuthorizationsParams
- type AccountGetAutoDownloadSettingsParams
- type AccountGetContactSignUpNotificationParams
- type AccountGetContentSettingsParams
- type AccountGetGlobalPrivacySettingsParams
- type AccountGetMultiWallPapersParams
- type AccountGetNotifyExceptionsParams
- type AccountGetNotifySettingsParams
- type AccountGetPasswordParams
- type AccountGetPasswordSettingsParams
- type AccountGetPrivacyParams
- type AccountGetSecureValueParams
- type AccountGetThemeParams
- type AccountGetThemesParams
- type AccountGetTmpPasswordParams
- type AccountGetWallPaperParams
- type AccountGetWallPapersParams
- type AccountGetWebAuthorizationsParams
- type AccountInitTakeoutSessionParams
- type AccountInstallThemeParams
- type AccountInstallWallPaperParams
- type AccountPassword
- type AccountPasswordInputSettings
- type AccountPasswordSettings
- type AccountPrivacyRules
- type AccountRegisterDeviceParams
- type AccountReportPeerParams
- type AccountResendPasswordEmailParams
- type AccountResetAuthorizationParams
- type AccountResetNotifySettingsParams
- type AccountResetWallPapersParams
- type AccountResetWebAuthorizationParams
- type AccountResetWebAuthorizationsParams
- type AccountSaveAutoDownloadSettingsParams
- type AccountSaveSecureValueParams
- type AccountSaveThemeParams
- type AccountSaveWallPaperParams
- type AccountSendChangePhoneCodeParams
- type AccountSendConfirmPhoneCodeParams
- type AccountSendVerifyEmailCodeParams
- type AccountSendVerifyPhoneCodeParams
- type AccountSentEmailCode
- type AccountSetAccountTTLParams
- type AccountSetContactSignUpNotificationParams
- type AccountSetContentSettingsParams
- type AccountSetGlobalPrivacySettingsParams
- type AccountSetPrivacyParams
- type AccountTakeout
- type AccountThemes
- type AccountThemesNotModified
- type AccountThemesObj
- type AccountTmpPassword
- type AccountUnregisterDeviceParams
- type AccountUpdateDeviceLockedParams
- type AccountUpdateNotifySettingsParams
- type AccountUpdatePasswordSettingsParams
- type AccountUpdateProfileParams
- type AccountUpdateStatusParams
- type AccountUpdateThemeParams
- type AccountUpdateUsernameParams
- type AccountUploadThemeParams
- type AccountUploadWallPaperParams
- type AccountVerifyEmailParams
- type AccountVerifyPhoneParams
- type AccountWallPapers
- type AccountWallPapersNotModified
- type AccountWallPapersObj
- type AccountWebAuthorizations
- type AuthAcceptLoginTokenParams
- type AuthAuthorization
- type AuthAuthorizationObj
- type AuthAuthorizationSignUpRequired
- type AuthBindTempAuthKeyParams
- type AuthCancelCodeParams
- type AuthCheckPasswordParams
- type AuthCodeType
- type AuthDropTempAuthKeysParams
- type AuthExportAuthorizationParams
- type AuthExportLoginTokenParams
- type AuthExportedAuthorization
- type AuthImportAuthorizationParams
- type AuthImportBotAuthorizationParams
- type AuthImportLoginTokenParams
- type AuthLogOutParams
- type AuthLoginToken
- type AuthLoginTokenMigrateTo
- type AuthLoginTokenObj
- type AuthLoginTokenSuccess
- type AuthPasswordRecovery
- type AuthRecoverPasswordParams
- type AuthRequestPasswordRecoveryParams
- type AuthResendCodeParams
- type AuthResetAuthorizationsParams
- type AuthSendCodeParams
- type AuthSentCode
- type AuthSentCodeType
- type AuthSentCodeTypeApp
- type AuthSentCodeTypeCall
- type AuthSentCodeTypeFlashCall
- type AuthSentCodeTypeSms
- type AuthSignInParams
- type AuthSignUpParams
- type Authorization
- type AutoDownloadSettings
- type BankCardOpenUrl
- type BaseTheme
- type BotCommand
- type BotInfo
- type BotInlineMediaResult
- type BotInlineMessage
- type BotInlineMessageMediaAuto
- type BotInlineMessageMediaContact
- type BotInlineMessageMediaGeo
- type BotInlineMessageMediaVenue
- type BotInlineMessageText
- type BotInlineResult
- type BotInlineResultObj
- type BotsAnswerWebhookJSONQueryParams
- type BotsSendCustomRequestParams
- type BotsSetBotCommandsParams
- type CdnConfig
- type CdnPublicKey
- type Channel
- type ChannelAdminLogEvent
- type ChannelAdminLogEventAction
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeAbout
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeLinkedChat
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeLocation
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangePhoto
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeStickerSet
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeTitle
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeUsername
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionDefaultBannedRights
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionDeleteMessage
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionEditMessage
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantInvite
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoin
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantLeave
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleAdmin
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleBan
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionStopPoll
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleInvites
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionTogglePreHistoryHidden
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleSignatures
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleSlowMode
- type ChannelAdminLogEventActionUpdatePinned
- type ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter
- type ChannelForbidden
- type ChannelFull
- type ChannelLocation
- type ChannelLocationEmpty
- type ChannelLocationObj
- type ChannelMessagesFilter
- type ChannelMessagesFilterEmpty
- type ChannelMessagesFilterObj
- type ChannelParticipant
- type ChannelParticipantAdmin
- type ChannelParticipantBanned
- type ChannelParticipantCreator
- type ChannelParticipantObj
- type ChannelParticipantSelf
- type ChannelParticipantsAdmins
- type ChannelParticipantsBanned
- type ChannelParticipantsBots
- type ChannelParticipantsContacts
- type ChannelParticipantsFilter
- type ChannelParticipantsKicked
- type ChannelParticipantsRecent
- type ChannelParticipantsSearch
- type ChannelsAdminLogResults
- type ChannelsChannelParticipant
- type ChannelsChannelParticipants
- type ChannelsChannelParticipantsNotModified
- type ChannelsChannelParticipantsObj
- type ChannelsCheckUsernameParams
- type ChannelsCreateChannelParams
- type ChannelsDeleteChannelParams
- type ChannelsDeleteHistoryParams
- type ChannelsDeleteMessagesParams
- type ChannelsDeleteUserHistoryParams
- type ChannelsEditAdminParams
- type ChannelsEditBannedParams
- type ChannelsEditCreatorParams
- type ChannelsEditLocationParams
- type ChannelsEditPhotoParams
- type ChannelsEditTitleParams
- type ChannelsExportMessageLinkParams
- type ChannelsGetAdminLogParams
- type ChannelsGetAdminedPublicChannelsParams
- type ChannelsGetChannelsParams
- type ChannelsGetFullChannelParams
- type ChannelsGetGroupsForDiscussionParams
- type ChannelsGetInactiveChannelsParams
- type ChannelsGetLeftChannelsParams
- type ChannelsGetMessagesParams
- type ChannelsGetParticipantParams
- type ChannelsGetParticipantsParams
- type ChannelsInviteToChannelParams
- type ChannelsJoinChannelParams
- type ChannelsLeaveChannelParams
- type ChannelsReadHistoryParams
- type ChannelsReadMessageContentsParams
- type ChannelsReportSpamParams
- type ChannelsSetDiscussionGroupParams
- type ChannelsSetStickersParams
- type ChannelsTogglePreHistoryHiddenParams
- type ChannelsToggleSignaturesParams
- type ChannelsToggleSlowModeParams
- type ChannelsUpdateUsernameParams
- type Chat
- type ChatAdminRights
- type ChatBannedRights
- type ChatEmpty
- type ChatForbidden
- type ChatFull
- type ChatFullObj
- type ChatInvite
- type ChatInviteAlready
- type ChatInviteEmpty
- type ChatInviteExported
- type ChatInviteObj
- type ChatInvitePeek
- type ChatObj
- type ChatOnlines
- type ChatParticipant
- type ChatParticipantAdmin
- type ChatParticipantCreator
- type ChatParticipantObj
- type ChatParticipants
- type ChatParticipantsForbidden
- type ChatParticipantsObj
- type ChatPhoto
- type ChatPhotoEmpty
- type ChatPhotoObj
- type Client
- func (c *Client) AccountAcceptAuthorization(params *AccountAcceptAuthorizationParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountCancelPasswordEmail() (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountChangePhone(params *AccountChangePhoneParams) (User, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountCheckUsername(params *AccountCheckUsernameParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountConfirmPasswordEmail(params *AccountConfirmPasswordEmailParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountConfirmPhone(params *AccountConfirmPhoneParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountCreateTheme(params *AccountCreateThemeParams) (*Theme, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountDeleteAccount(params *AccountDeleteAccountParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountDeleteSecureValue(params *AccountDeleteSecureValueParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountFinishTakeoutSession(params *AccountFinishTakeoutSessionParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountGetAccountTTL() (*AccountDaysTTL, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountGetAllSecureValues() (*SecureValue, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountGetAuthorizationForm(params *AccountGetAuthorizationFormParams) (*AccountAuthorizationForm, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountGetAuthorizations() (*AccountAuthorizations, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountGetAutoDownloadSettings() (*AccountAutoDownloadSettings, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountGetContactSignUpNotification() (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountGetContentSettings() (*AccountContentSettings, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountGetGlobalPrivacySettings() (*GlobalPrivacySettings, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountGetMultiWallPapers(params *AccountGetMultiWallPapersParams) (WallPaper, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountGetNotifyExceptions(params *AccountGetNotifyExceptionsParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountGetNotifySettings(params *AccountGetNotifySettingsParams) (*PeerNotifySettings, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountGetPassword() (*AccountPassword, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountGetPasswordSettings(params *AccountGetPasswordSettingsParams) (*AccountPasswordSettings, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountGetPrivacy(params *AccountGetPrivacyParams) (*AccountPrivacyRules, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountGetSecureValue(params *AccountGetSecureValueParams) (*SecureValue, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountGetTheme(params *AccountGetThemeParams) (*Theme, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountGetThemes(params *AccountGetThemesParams) (AccountThemes, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountGetTmpPassword(params *AccountGetTmpPasswordParams) (*AccountTmpPassword, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountGetWallPaper(params *AccountGetWallPaperParams) (WallPaper, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountGetWallPapers(params *AccountGetWallPapersParams) (AccountWallPapers, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountGetWebAuthorizations() (*AccountWebAuthorizations, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountInitTakeoutSession(params *AccountInitTakeoutSessionParams) (*AccountTakeout, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountInstallTheme(params *AccountInstallThemeParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountInstallWallPaper(params *AccountInstallWallPaperParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountRegisterDevice(params *AccountRegisterDeviceParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountReportPeer(params *AccountReportPeerParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountResendPasswordEmail() (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountResetAuthorization(params *AccountResetAuthorizationParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountResetNotifySettings() (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountResetWallPapers() (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountResetWebAuthorization(params *AccountResetWebAuthorizationParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountResetWebAuthorizations() (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountSaveAutoDownloadSettings(params *AccountSaveAutoDownloadSettingsParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountSaveSecureValue(params *AccountSaveSecureValueParams) (*SecureValue, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountSaveTheme(params *AccountSaveThemeParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountSaveWallPaper(params *AccountSaveWallPaperParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountSendChangePhoneCode(params *AccountSendChangePhoneCodeParams) (*AuthSentCode, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountSendConfirmPhoneCode(params *AccountSendConfirmPhoneCodeParams) (*AuthSentCode, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountSendVerifyEmailCode(params *AccountSendVerifyEmailCodeParams) (*AccountSentEmailCode, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountSendVerifyPhoneCode(params *AccountSendVerifyPhoneCodeParams) (*AuthSentCode, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountSetAccountTTL(params *AccountSetAccountTTLParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountSetContactSignUpNotification(params *AccountSetContactSignUpNotificationParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountSetContentSettings(params *AccountSetContentSettingsParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountSetGlobalPrivacySettings(params *AccountSetGlobalPrivacySettingsParams) (*GlobalPrivacySettings, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountSetPrivacy(params *AccountSetPrivacyParams) (*AccountPrivacyRules, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountUnregisterDevice(params *AccountUnregisterDeviceParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountUpdateDeviceLocked(params *AccountUpdateDeviceLockedParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountUpdateNotifySettings(params *AccountUpdateNotifySettingsParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountUpdatePasswordSettings(params *AccountUpdatePasswordSettingsParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountUpdateProfile(params *AccountUpdateProfileParams) (User, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountUpdateStatus(params *AccountUpdateStatusParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountUpdateTheme(params *AccountUpdateThemeParams) (*Theme, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountUpdateUsername(params *AccountUpdateUsernameParams) (User, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountUploadTheme(params *AccountUploadThemeParams) (Document, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountUploadWallPaper(params *AccountUploadWallPaperParams) (WallPaper, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountVerifyEmail(params *AccountVerifyEmailParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AccountVerifyPhone(params *AccountVerifyPhoneParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AuthAcceptLoginToken(params *AuthAcceptLoginTokenParams) (*Authorization, error)
- func (c *Client) AuthBindTempAuthKey(params *AuthBindTempAuthKeyParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AuthCancelCode(params *AuthCancelCodeParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AuthCheckPassword(params *AuthCheckPasswordParams) (AuthAuthorization, error)
- func (c *Client) AuthDropTempAuthKeys(params *AuthDropTempAuthKeysParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AuthExportAuthorization(params *AuthExportAuthorizationParams) (*AuthExportedAuthorization, error)
- func (c *Client) AuthExportLoginToken(params *AuthExportLoginTokenParams) (AuthLoginToken, error)
- func (c *Client) AuthImportAuthorization(params *AuthImportAuthorizationParams) (AuthAuthorization, error)
- func (c *Client) AuthImportBotAuthorization(params *AuthImportBotAuthorizationParams) (AuthAuthorization, error)
- func (c *Client) AuthImportLoginToken(params *AuthImportLoginTokenParams) (AuthLoginToken, error)
- func (c *Client) AuthLogOut() (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AuthRecoverPassword(params *AuthRecoverPasswordParams) (AuthAuthorization, error)
- func (c *Client) AuthRequestPasswordRecovery() (*AuthPasswordRecovery, error)
- func (c *Client) AuthResendCode(params *AuthResendCodeParams) (*AuthSentCode, error)
- func (c *Client) AuthResetAuthorizations() (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) AuthSendCode(params *AuthSendCodeParams) (*AuthSentCode, error)
- func (c *Client) AuthSignIn(params *AuthSignInParams) (AuthAuthorization, error)
- func (c *Client) AuthSignUp(params *AuthSignUpParams) (AuthAuthorization, error)
- func (c *Client) BotsAnswerWebhookJSONQuery(params *BotsAnswerWebhookJSONQueryParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) BotsSendCustomRequest(params *BotsSendCustomRequestParams) (*DataJSON, error)
- func (c *Client) BotsSetBotCommands(params *BotsSetBotCommandsParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsCheckUsername(params *ChannelsCheckUsernameParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsCreateChannel(params *ChannelsCreateChannelParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsDeleteChannel(params *ChannelsDeleteChannelParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsDeleteHistory(params *ChannelsDeleteHistoryParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsDeleteMessages(params *ChannelsDeleteMessagesParams) (*MessagesAffectedMessages, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsDeleteUserHistory(params *ChannelsDeleteUserHistoryParams) (*MessagesAffectedHistory, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsEditAdmin(params *ChannelsEditAdminParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsEditBanned(params *ChannelsEditBannedParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsEditCreator(params *ChannelsEditCreatorParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsEditLocation(params *ChannelsEditLocationParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsEditPhoto(params *ChannelsEditPhotoParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsEditTitle(params *ChannelsEditTitleParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsExportMessageLink(params *ChannelsExportMessageLinkParams) (*ExportedMessageLink, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsGetAdminLog(params *ChannelsGetAdminLogParams) (*ChannelsAdminLogResults, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsGetAdminedPublicChannels(params *ChannelsGetAdminedPublicChannelsParams) (MessagesChats, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsGetChannels(params *ChannelsGetChannelsParams) (MessagesChats, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsGetFullChannel(params *ChannelsGetFullChannelParams) (*MessagesChatFull, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsGetGroupsForDiscussion() (MessagesChats, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsGetInactiveChannels() (*MessagesInactiveChats, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsGetLeftChannels(params *ChannelsGetLeftChannelsParams) (MessagesChats, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsGetMessages(params *ChannelsGetMessagesParams) (MessagesMessages, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsGetParticipant(params *ChannelsGetParticipantParams) (*ChannelsChannelParticipant, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsGetParticipants(params *ChannelsGetParticipantsParams) (ChannelsChannelParticipants, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsInviteToChannel(params *ChannelsInviteToChannelParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsJoinChannel(params *ChannelsJoinChannelParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsLeaveChannel(params *ChannelsLeaveChannelParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsReadHistory(params *ChannelsReadHistoryParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsReadMessageContents(params *ChannelsReadMessageContentsParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsReportSpam(params *ChannelsReportSpamParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsSetDiscussionGroup(params *ChannelsSetDiscussionGroupParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsSetStickers(params *ChannelsSetStickersParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsTogglePreHistoryHidden(params *ChannelsTogglePreHistoryHiddenParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsToggleSignatures(params *ChannelsToggleSignaturesParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsToggleSlowMode(params *ChannelsToggleSlowModeParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) ChannelsUpdateUsername(params *ChannelsUpdateUsernameParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) ContactsAcceptContact(params *ContactsAcceptContactParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) ContactsAddContact(params *ContactsAddContactParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) ContactsBlock(params *ContactsBlockParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) ContactsDeleteByPhones(params *ContactsDeleteByPhonesParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) ContactsDeleteContacts(params *ContactsDeleteContactsParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) ContactsGetBlocked(params *ContactsGetBlockedParams) (ContactsBlocked, error)
- func (c *Client) ContactsGetContactIDs(params *ContactsGetContactIDsParams) (*serialize.Int, error)
- func (c *Client) ContactsGetContacts(params *ContactsGetContactsParams) (ContactsContacts, error)
- func (c *Client) ContactsGetLocated(params *ContactsGetLocatedParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) ContactsGetSaved() (*SavedContact, error)
- func (c *Client) ContactsGetStatuses() (*ContactStatus, error)
- func (c *Client) ContactsGetTopPeers(params *ContactsGetTopPeersParams) (ContactsTopPeers, error)
- func (c *Client) ContactsImportContacts(params *ContactsImportContactsParams) (*ContactsImportedContacts, error)
- func (c *Client) ContactsResetSaved() (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) ContactsResetTopPeerRating(params *ContactsResetTopPeerRatingParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) ContactsResolveUsername(params *ContactsResolveUsernameParams) (*ContactsResolvedPeer, error)
- func (c *Client) ContactsSearch(params *ContactsSearchParams) (*ContactsFound, error)
- func (c *Client) ContactsToggleTopPeers(params *ContactsToggleTopPeersParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) ContactsUnblock(params *ContactsUnblockParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) FoldersDeleteFolder(params *FoldersDeleteFolderParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) FoldersEditPeerFolders(params *FoldersEditPeerFoldersParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) GetChannelInfoByInviteLink(hashOrLink string) (*ChannelFull, error)
- func (c *Client) GetChatByID(chatID int) (Chat, error)
- func (c *Client) GetChatInfoByHashLink(hashOrLink string) (Chat, error)
- func (c *Client) GetPossibleAllParticipantsOfGroup(ch InputChannel) ([]int, error)
- func (c *Client) HelpAcceptTermsOfService(params *HelpAcceptTermsOfServiceParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) HelpDismissSuggestion(params *HelpDismissSuggestionParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) HelpEditUserInfo(params *HelpEditUserInfoParams) (HelpUserInfo, error)
- func (c *Client) HelpGetAppChangelog(params *HelpGetAppChangelogParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) HelpGetAppConfig() (JSONValue, error)
- func (c *Client) HelpGetAppUpdate(params *HelpGetAppUpdateParams) (HelpAppUpdate, error)
- func (c *Client) HelpGetCdnConfig() (*CdnConfig, error)
- func (c *Client) HelpGetConfig() (*Config, error)
- func (c *Client) HelpGetDeepLinkInfo(params *HelpGetDeepLinkInfoParams) (HelpDeepLinkInfo, error)
- func (c *Client) HelpGetInviteText() (*HelpInviteText, error)
- func (c *Client) HelpGetNearestDc() (*NearestDc, error)
- func (c *Client) HelpGetPassportConfig(params *HelpGetPassportConfigParams) (HelpPassportConfig, error)
- func (c *Client) HelpGetPromoData() (HelpPromoData, error)
- func (c *Client) HelpGetRecentMeUrls(params *HelpGetRecentMeUrlsParams) (*HelpRecentMeUrls, error)
- func (c *Client) HelpGetSupport() (*HelpSupport, error)
- func (c *Client) HelpGetSupportName() (*HelpSupportName, error)
- func (c *Client) HelpGetTermsOfServiceUpdate() (HelpTermsOfServiceUpdate, error)
- func (c *Client) HelpGetUserInfo(params *HelpGetUserInfoParams) (HelpUserInfo, error)
- func (c *Client) HelpHidePromoData(params *HelpHidePromoDataParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) HelpSaveAppLog(params *HelpSaveAppLogParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) HelpSetBotUpdatesStatus(params *HelpSetBotUpdatesStatusParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) InitConnection(params *InitConnectionParams) (serialize.TL, error)
- func (m *Client) InvokeWithLayer(layer int, query serialize.TLEncoder) (serialize.TL, error)
- func (m *Client) InvokeWithTakeout(takeoutID int, query serialize.TLEncoder) (serialize.TL, error)
- func (c *Client) LangpackGetDifference(params *LangpackGetDifferenceParams) (*LangPackDifference, error)
- func (c *Client) LangpackGetLangPack(params *LangpackGetLangPackParams) (*LangPackDifference, error)
- func (c *Client) LangpackGetLanguage(params *LangpackGetLanguageParams) (*LangPackLanguage, error)
- func (c *Client) LangpackGetLanguages(params *LangpackGetLanguagesParams) (*LangPackLanguage, error)
- func (c *Client) LangpackGetStrings(params *LangpackGetStringsParams) (LangPackString, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesAcceptEncryption(params *MessagesAcceptEncryptionParams) (EncryptedChat, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesAcceptUrlAuth(params *MessagesAcceptUrlAuthParams) (UrlAuthResult, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesAddChatUser(params *MessagesAddChatUserParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesCheckChatInvite(params *MessagesCheckChatInviteParams) (ChatInvite, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesClearAllDrafts() (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesClearRecentStickers(params *MessagesClearRecentStickersParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesCreateChat(params *MessagesCreateChatParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesDeleteChatUser(params *MessagesDeleteChatUserParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesDeleteHistory(params *MessagesDeleteHistoryParams) (*MessagesAffectedHistory, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesDeleteMessages(params *MessagesDeleteMessagesParams) (*MessagesAffectedMessages, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesDeleteScheduledMessages(params *MessagesDeleteScheduledMessagesParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesDiscardEncryption(params *MessagesDiscardEncryptionParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesEditChatAbout(params *MessagesEditChatAboutParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesEditChatAdmin(params *MessagesEditChatAdminParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesEditChatDefaultBannedRights(params *MessagesEditChatDefaultBannedRightsParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesEditChatPhoto(params *MessagesEditChatPhotoParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesEditChatTitle(params *MessagesEditChatTitleParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesEditInlineBotMessage(params *MessagesEditInlineBotMessageParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesEditMessage(params *MessagesEditMessageParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesExportChatInvite(params *MessagesExportChatInviteParams) (ExportedChatInvite, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesFaveSticker(params *MessagesFaveStickerParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesForwardMessages(params *MessagesForwardMessagesParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetAllChats(params *MessagesGetAllChatsParams) (MessagesChats, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetAllDrafts() (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetAllStickers(params *MessagesGetAllStickersParams) (MessagesAllStickers, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetArchivedStickers(params *MessagesGetArchivedStickersParams) (*MessagesArchivedStickers, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetAttachedStickers(params *MessagesGetAttachedStickersParams) (StickerSetCovered, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetBotCallbackAnswer(params *MessagesGetBotCallbackAnswerParams) (*MessagesBotCallbackAnswer, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetChats(params *MessagesGetChatsParams) (MessagesChats, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetCommonChats(params *MessagesGetCommonChatsParams) (MessagesChats, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetDhConfig(params *MessagesGetDhConfigParams) (MessagesDhConfig, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetDialogFilters() (*DialogFilter, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetDialogUnreadMarks() (DialogPeer, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetDialogs(params *MessagesGetDialogsParams) (MessagesDialogs, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetDocumentByHash(params *MessagesGetDocumentByHashParams) (Document, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetEmojiKeywords(params *MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsParams) (*EmojiKeywordsDifference, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsDifference(params *MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsDifferenceParams) (*EmojiKeywordsDifference, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsLanguages(params *MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsLanguagesParams) (*EmojiLanguage, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetEmojiURL(params *MessagesGetEmojiURLParams) (*EmojiURL, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetFavedStickers(params *MessagesGetFavedStickersParams) (MessagesFavedStickers, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetFeaturedStickers(params *MessagesGetFeaturedStickersParams) (MessagesFeaturedStickers, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetFullChat(params *MessagesGetFullChatParams) (*MessagesChatFull, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetGameHighScores(params *MessagesGetGameHighScoresParams) (*MessagesHighScores, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetHistory(params *MessagesGetHistoryParams) (MessagesMessages, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetInlineBotResults(params *MessagesGetInlineBotResultsParams) (*MessagesBotResults, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetInlineGameHighScores(params *MessagesGetInlineGameHighScoresParams) (*MessagesHighScores, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetMaskStickers(params *MessagesGetMaskStickersParams) (MessagesAllStickers, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetMessageEditData(params *MessagesGetMessageEditDataParams) (*MessagesMessageEditData, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetMessages(params *MessagesGetMessagesParams) (MessagesMessages, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetMessagesViews(params *MessagesGetMessagesViewsParams) (*serialize.Int, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetOldFeaturedStickers(params *MessagesGetOldFeaturedStickersParams) (MessagesFeaturedStickers, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetOnlines(params *MessagesGetOnlinesParams) (*ChatOnlines, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetPeerDialogs(params *MessagesGetPeerDialogsParams) (*MessagesPeerDialogs, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetPeerSettings(params *MessagesGetPeerSettingsParams) (*PeerSettings, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetPinnedDialogs(params *MessagesGetPinnedDialogsParams) (*MessagesPeerDialogs, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetPollResults(params *MessagesGetPollResultsParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetPollVotes(params *MessagesGetPollVotesParams) (*MessagesVotesList, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetRecentLocations(params *MessagesGetRecentLocationsParams) (MessagesMessages, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetRecentStickers(params *MessagesGetRecentStickersParams) (MessagesRecentStickers, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetSavedGifs(params *MessagesGetSavedGifsParams) (MessagesSavedGifs, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetScheduledHistory(params *MessagesGetScheduledHistoryParams) (MessagesMessages, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetScheduledMessages(params *MessagesGetScheduledMessagesParams) (MessagesMessages, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetSearchCounters(params *MessagesGetSearchCountersParams) (*MessagesSearchCounter, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetSplitRanges() (*MessageRange, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetStatsURL(params *MessagesGetStatsURLParams) (*StatsURL, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetStickerSet(params *MessagesGetStickerSetParams) (*MessagesStickerSet, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetStickers(params *MessagesGetStickersParams) (MessagesStickers, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetSuggestedDialogFilters() (*DialogFilterSuggested, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetUnreadMentions(params *MessagesGetUnreadMentionsParams) (MessagesMessages, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetWebPage(params *MessagesGetWebPageParams) (WebPage, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesGetWebPagePreview(params *MessagesGetWebPagePreviewParams) (MessageMedia, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesHidePeerSettingsBar(params *MessagesHidePeerSettingsBarParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesImportChatInvite(params *MessagesImportChatInviteParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesInstallStickerSet(params *MessagesInstallStickerSetParams) (MessagesStickerSetInstallResult, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesMarkDialogUnread(params *MessagesMarkDialogUnreadParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesMigrateChat(params *MessagesMigrateChatParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesReadEncryptedHistory(params *MessagesReadEncryptedHistoryParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesReadFeaturedStickers(params *MessagesReadFeaturedStickersParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesReadHistory(params *MessagesReadHistoryParams) (*MessagesAffectedMessages, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesReadMentions(params *MessagesReadMentionsParams) (*MessagesAffectedHistory, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesReadMessageContents(params *MessagesReadMessageContentsParams) (*MessagesAffectedMessages, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesReceivedMessages(params *MessagesReceivedMessagesParams) (*ReceivedNotifyMessage, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesReceivedQueue(params *MessagesReceivedQueueParams) (*serialize.Long, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesReorderPinnedDialogs(params *MessagesReorderPinnedDialogsParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesReorderStickerSets(params *MessagesReorderStickerSetsParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesReport(params *MessagesReportParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesReportEncryptedSpam(params *MessagesReportEncryptedSpamParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesReportSpam(params *MessagesReportSpamParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesRequestEncryption(params *MessagesRequestEncryptionParams) (EncryptedChat, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesRequestUrlAuth(params *MessagesRequestUrlAuthParams) (UrlAuthResult, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSaveDraft(params *MessagesSaveDraftParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSaveGif(params *MessagesSaveGifParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSaveRecentSticker(params *MessagesSaveRecentStickerParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSearch(params *MessagesSearchParams) (MessagesMessages, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSearchGlobal(params *MessagesSearchGlobalParams) (MessagesMessages, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSearchStickerSets(params *MessagesSearchStickerSetsParams) (MessagesFoundStickerSets, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSendEncrypted(params *MessagesSendEncryptedParams) (MessagesSentEncryptedMessage, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSendEncryptedFile(params *MessagesSendEncryptedFileParams) (MessagesSentEncryptedMessage, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSendEncryptedService(params *MessagesSendEncryptedServiceParams) (MessagesSentEncryptedMessage, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSendInlineBotResult(params *MessagesSendInlineBotResultParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSendMedia(params *MessagesSendMediaParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSendMessage(params *MessagesSendMessageParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSendMultiMedia(params *MessagesSendMultiMediaParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSendScheduledMessages(params *MessagesSendScheduledMessagesParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSendScreenshotNotification(params *MessagesSendScreenshotNotificationParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSendVote(params *MessagesSendVoteParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSetBotCallbackAnswer(params *MessagesSetBotCallbackAnswerParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSetBotPrecheckoutResults(params *MessagesSetBotPrecheckoutResultsParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSetBotShippingResults(params *MessagesSetBotShippingResultsParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSetEncryptedTyping(params *MessagesSetEncryptedTypingParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSetGameScore(params *MessagesSetGameScoreParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSetInlineBotResults(params *MessagesSetInlineBotResultsParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSetInlineGameScore(params *MessagesSetInlineGameScoreParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesSetTyping(params *MessagesSetTypingParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesStartBot(params *MessagesStartBotParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesToggleDialogPin(params *MessagesToggleDialogPinParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesToggleStickerSets(params *MessagesToggleStickerSetsParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesUninstallStickerSet(params *MessagesUninstallStickerSetParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesUpdateDialogFilter(params *MessagesUpdateDialogFilterParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesUpdateDialogFiltersOrder(params *MessagesUpdateDialogFiltersOrderParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesUpdatePinnedMessage(params *MessagesUpdatePinnedMessageParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesUploadEncryptedFile(params *MessagesUploadEncryptedFileParams) (EncryptedFile, error)
- func (c *Client) MessagesUploadMedia(params *MessagesUploadMediaParams) (MessageMedia, error)
- func (c *Client) PaymentsClearSavedInfo(params *PaymentsClearSavedInfoParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) PaymentsGetBankCardData(params *PaymentsGetBankCardDataParams) (*PaymentsBankCardData, error)
- func (c *Client) PaymentsGetPaymentForm(params *PaymentsGetPaymentFormParams) (*PaymentsPaymentForm, error)
- func (c *Client) PaymentsGetPaymentReceipt(params *PaymentsGetPaymentReceiptParams) (*PaymentsPaymentReceipt, error)
- func (c *Client) PaymentsGetSavedInfo() (*PaymentsSavedInfo, error)
- func (c *Client) PaymentsSendPaymentForm(params *PaymentsSendPaymentFormParams) (PaymentsPaymentResult, error)
- func (c *Client) PaymentsValidateRequestedInfo(params *PaymentsValidateRequestedInfoParams) (*PaymentsValidatedRequestedInfo, error)
- func (c *Client) PhoneAcceptCall(params *PhoneAcceptCallParams) (*PhonePhoneCall, error)
- func (c *Client) PhoneConfirmCall(params *PhoneConfirmCallParams) (*PhonePhoneCall, error)
- func (c *Client) PhoneDiscardCall(params *PhoneDiscardCallParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) PhoneGetCallConfig() (*DataJSON, error)
- func (c *Client) PhoneReceivedCall(params *PhoneReceivedCallParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) PhoneRequestCall(params *PhoneRequestCallParams) (*PhonePhoneCall, error)
- func (c *Client) PhoneSaveCallDebug(params *PhoneSaveCallDebugParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) PhoneSendSignalingData(params *PhoneSendSignalingDataParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) PhoneSetCallRating(params *PhoneSetCallRatingParams) (Updates, error)
- func (c *Client) PhotosDeletePhotos(params *PhotosDeletePhotosParams) (*serialize.Long, error)
- func (c *Client) PhotosGetUserPhotos(params *PhotosGetUserPhotosParams) (PhotosPhotos, error)
- func (c *Client) PhotosUpdateProfilePhoto(params *PhotosUpdateProfilePhotoParams) (*PhotosPhoto, error)
- func (c *Client) PhotosUploadProfilePhoto(params *PhotosUploadProfilePhotoParams) (*PhotosPhoto, error)
- func (c *Client) StatsGetBroadcastStats(params *StatsGetBroadcastStatsParams) (*StatsBroadcastStats, error)
- func (c *Client) StatsGetMegagroupStats(params *StatsGetMegagroupStatsParams) (*StatsMegagroupStats, error)
- func (c *Client) StatsLoadAsyncGraph(params *StatsLoadAsyncGraphParams) (StatsGraph, error)
- func (c *Client) StickersAddStickerToSet(params *StickersAddStickerToSetParams) (*MessagesStickerSet, error)
- func (c *Client) StickersChangeStickerPosition(params *StickersChangeStickerPositionParams) (*MessagesStickerSet, error)
- func (c *Client) StickersCreateStickerSet(params *StickersCreateStickerSetParams) (*MessagesStickerSet, error)
- func (c *Client) StickersRemoveStickerFromSet(params *StickersRemoveStickerFromSetParams) (*MessagesStickerSet, error)
- func (c *Client) StickersSetStickerSetThumb(params *StickersSetStickerSetThumbParams) (*MessagesStickerSet, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdatesGetChannelDifference(params *UpdatesGetChannelDifferenceParams) (UpdatesChannelDifference, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdatesGetDifference(params *UpdatesGetDifferenceParams) (UpdatesDifference, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdatesGetState() (*UpdatesState, error)
- func (c *Client) UploadGetCdnFile(params *UploadGetCdnFileParams) (UploadCdnFile, error)
- func (c *Client) UploadGetCdnFileHashes(params *UploadGetCdnFileHashesParams) (*FileHash, error)
- func (c *Client) UploadGetFile(params *UploadGetFileParams) (UploadFile, error)
- func (c *Client) UploadGetFileHashes(params *UploadGetFileHashesParams) (*FileHash, error)
- func (c *Client) UploadGetWebFile(params *UploadGetWebFileParams) (*UploadWebFile, error)
- func (c *Client) UploadReuploadCdnFile(params *UploadReuploadCdnFileParams) (*FileHash, error)
- func (c *Client) UploadSaveBigFilePart(params *UploadSaveBigFilePartParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) UploadSaveFilePart(params *UploadSaveFilePartParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- func (c *Client) UsersGetFullUser(params *UsersGetFullUserParams) (*UserFull, error)
- func (c *Client) UsersGetUsers(params *UsersGetUsersParams) (User, error)
- func (c *Client) UsersSetSecureValueErrors(params *UsersSetSecureValueErrorsParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
- type ClientConfig
- type CodeSettings
- type Config
- type Contact
- type ContactBlocked
- type ContactStatus
- type ContactsAcceptContactParams
- type ContactsAddContactParams
- type ContactsBlockParams
- type ContactsBlocked
- type ContactsBlockedObj
- type ContactsBlockedSlice
- type ContactsContacts
- type ContactsContactsNotModified
- type ContactsContactsObj
- type ContactsDeleteByPhonesParams
- type ContactsDeleteContactsParams
- type ContactsFound
- type ContactsGetBlockedParams
- type ContactsGetContactIDsParams
- type ContactsGetContactsParams
- type ContactsGetLocatedParams
- type ContactsGetSavedParams
- type ContactsGetStatusesParams
- type ContactsGetTopPeersParams
- type ContactsImportContactsParams
- type ContactsImportedContacts
- type ContactsResetSavedParams
- type ContactsResetTopPeerRatingParams
- type ContactsResolveUsernameParams
- type ContactsResolvedPeer
- type ContactsSearchParams
- type ContactsToggleTopPeersParams
- type ContactsTopPeers
- type ContactsTopPeersDisabled
- type ContactsTopPeersNotModified
- type ContactsTopPeersObj
- type ContactsUnblockParams
- type DataJSON
- type DcOption
- type Dialog
- type DialogFilter
- type DialogFilterSuggested
- type DialogFolder
- type DialogObj
- type DialogPeer
- type DialogPeerFolder
- type DialogPeerObj
- type Document
- type DocumentAttribute
- type DocumentAttributeAnimated
- type DocumentAttributeAudio
- type DocumentAttributeFilename
- type DocumentAttributeHasStickers
- type DocumentAttributeImageSize
- type DocumentAttributeSticker
- type DocumentAttributeVideo
- type DocumentEmpty
- type DocumentObj
- type DraftMessage
- type DraftMessageEmpty
- type DraftMessageObj
- type EmojiKeyword
- type EmojiKeywordDeleted
- type EmojiKeywordObj
- type EmojiKeywordsDifference
- type EmojiLanguage
- type EmojiURL
- type EncryptedChat
- type EncryptedChatDiscarded
- type EncryptedChatEmpty
- type EncryptedChatObj
- type EncryptedChatRequested
- type EncryptedChatWaiting
- type EncryptedFile
- type EncryptedFileEmpty
- type EncryptedFileObj
- type EncryptedMessage
- type EncryptedMessageObj
- type EncryptedMessageService
- type Error
- type ExportedChatInvite
- type ExportedMessageLink
- type FileHash
- type FileLocation
- type Folder
- type FolderPeer
- type FoldersDeleteFolderParams
- type FoldersEditPeerFoldersParams
- type Game
- type GeoPoint
- type GeoPointEmpty
- type GeoPointObj
- type GlobalPrivacySettings
- type HelpAcceptTermsOfServiceParams
- type HelpAppUpdate
- type HelpAppUpdateObj
- type HelpConfigSimple
- type HelpDeepLinkInfo
- type HelpDeepLinkInfoEmpty
- type HelpDeepLinkInfoObj
- type HelpDismissSuggestionParams
- type HelpEditUserInfoParams
- type HelpGetAppChangelogParams
- type HelpGetAppConfigParams
- type HelpGetAppUpdateParams
- type HelpGetCdnConfigParams
- type HelpGetConfigParams
- type HelpGetDeepLinkInfoParams
- type HelpGetInviteTextParams
- type HelpGetNearestDcParams
- type HelpGetPassportConfigParams
- type HelpGetPromoDataParams
- type HelpGetRecentMeUrlsParams
- type HelpGetSupportNameParams
- type HelpGetSupportParams
- type HelpGetTermsOfServiceUpdateParams
- type HelpGetUserInfoParams
- type HelpHidePromoDataParams
- type HelpInviteText
- type HelpNoAppUpdate
- type HelpPassportConfig
- type HelpPassportConfigNotModified
- type HelpPassportConfigObj
- type HelpPromoData
- type HelpPromoDataEmpty
- type HelpPromoDataObj
- type HelpRecentMeUrls
- type HelpSaveAppLogParams
- type HelpSetBotUpdatesStatusParams
- type HelpSupport
- type HelpSupportName
- type HelpTermsOfService
- type HelpTermsOfServiceUpdate
- type HelpTermsOfServiceUpdateEmpty
- type HelpTermsOfServiceUpdateObj
- type HelpUserInfo
- type HelpUserInfoEmpty
- type HelpUserInfoObj
- type HighScore
- type ImportedContact
- type InitConnectionParams
- type InlineBotSwitchPM
- type InputAppEvent
- type InputBotInlineMessage
- type InputBotInlineMessageGame
- type InputBotInlineMessageID
- type InputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto
- type InputBotInlineMessageMediaContact
- type InputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo
- type InputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue
- type InputBotInlineMessageText
- type InputBotInlineResult
- type InputBotInlineResultDocument
- type InputBotInlineResultGame
- type InputBotInlineResultObj
- type InputBotInlineResultPhoto
- type InputChannel
- type InputChannelEmpty
- type InputChannelFromMessage
- type InputChannelObj
- type InputChatPhoto
- type InputChatPhotoEmpty
- type InputChatPhotoObj
- type InputChatUploadedPhoto
- type InputCheckPasswordEmpty
- type InputCheckPasswordSRP
- type InputCheckPasswordSRPObj
- type InputClientProxy
- type InputContact
- type InputDialogPeer
- type InputDialogPeerFolder
- type InputDialogPeerObj
- type InputDocument
- type InputDocumentEmpty
- type InputDocumentFileLocation
- type InputDocumentObj
- type InputEncryptedChat
- type InputEncryptedFile
- type InputEncryptedFileBigUploaded
- type InputEncryptedFileEmpty
- type InputEncryptedFileLocation
- type InputEncryptedFileObj
- type InputEncryptedFileUploaded
- type InputFile
- type InputFileBig
- type InputFileLocation
- type InputFileLocationObj
- type InputFileObj
- type InputFolderPeer
- type InputGame
- type InputGameID
- type InputGameShortName
- type InputGeoPoint
- type InputGeoPointEmpty
- type InputGeoPointObj
- type InputKeyboardButtonUrlAuth
- type InputMedia
- type InputMediaContact
- type InputMediaDice
- type InputMediaDocument
- type InputMediaDocumentExternal
- type InputMediaEmpty
- type InputMediaGame
- type InputMediaGeoLive
- type InputMediaGeoPoint
- type InputMediaInvoice
- type InputMediaPhoto
- type InputMediaPhotoExternal
- type InputMediaPoll
- type InputMediaUploadedDocument
- type InputMediaUploadedPhoto
- type InputMediaVenue
- type InputMessage
- type InputMessageEntityMentionName
- type InputMessageID
- type InputMessagePinned
- type InputMessageReplyTo
- type InputMessagesFilterChatPhotos
- type InputMessagesFilterContacts
- type InputMessagesFilterDocument
- type InputMessagesFilterEmpty
- type InputMessagesFilterGeo
- type InputMessagesFilterGif
- type InputMessagesFilterMusic
- type InputMessagesFilterMyMentions
- type InputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls
- type InputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo
- type InputMessagesFilterPhotos
- type InputMessagesFilterRoundVideo
- type InputMessagesFilterRoundVoice
- type InputMessagesFilterUrl
- type InputMessagesFilterVideo
- type InputMessagesFilterVoice
- type InputNotifyBroadcasts
- type InputNotifyChats
- type InputNotifyPeer
- type InputNotifyPeerObj
- type InputNotifyUsers
- type InputPaymentCredentials
- type InputPaymentCredentialsAndroidPay
- type InputPaymentCredentialsApplePay
- type InputPaymentCredentialsObj
- type InputPaymentCredentialsSaved
- type InputPeer
- type InputPeerChannel
- type InputPeerChannelFromMessage
- type InputPeerChat
- type InputPeerEmpty
- type InputPeerNotifySettings
- type InputPeerPhotoFileLocation
- type InputPeerSelf
- type InputPeerUser
- type InputPeerUserFromMessage
- type InputPhoneCall
- type InputPhoto
- type InputPhotoEmpty
- type InputPhotoFileLocation
- type InputPhotoLegacyFileLocation
- type InputPhotoObj
- type InputPrivacyKey
- type InputPrivacyRule
- type InputPrivacyValueAllowAll
- type InputPrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants
- type InputPrivacyValueAllowContacts
- type InputPrivacyValueAllowUsers
- type InputPrivacyValueDisallowAll
- type InputPrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants
- type InputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts
- type InputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers
- type InputReportReasonChildAbuse
- type InputReportReasonCopyright
- type InputReportReasonGeoIrrelevant
- type InputReportReasonOther
- type InputReportReasonPornography
- type InputReportReasonSpam
- type InputReportReasonViolence
- type InputSecureFile
- type InputSecureFileLocation
- type InputSecureFileObj
- type InputSecureFileUploaded
- type InputSecureValue
- type InputSingleMedia
- type InputStickerSet
- type InputStickerSetAnimatedEmoji
- type InputStickerSetDice
- type InputStickerSetEmpty
- type InputStickerSetID
- type InputStickerSetItem
- type InputStickerSetShortName
- type InputStickerSetThumb
- type InputStickeredMedia
- type InputStickeredMediaDocument
- type InputStickeredMediaPhoto
- type InputTakeoutFileLocation
- type InputTheme
- type InputThemeObj
- type InputThemeSettings
- type InputThemeSlug
- type InputUser
- type InputUserEmpty
- type InputUserFromMessage
- type InputUserObj
- type InputUserSelf
- type InputWallPaper
- type InputWallPaperNoFile
- type InputWallPaperObj
- type InputWallPaperSlug
- type InputWebDocument
- type InputWebFileGeoPointLocation
- type InputWebFileLocation
- type InputWebFileLocationObj
- type Invoice
- type InvokeWithLayerParams
- type InvokeWithTakeoutParams
- type IpPort
- type IpPortObj
- type IpPortSecret
- type JSONObjectValue
- type JSONValue
- type JsonArray
- type JsonBool
- type JsonNull
- type JsonNumber
- type JsonObject
- type JsonString
- type KeyboardButton
- type KeyboardButtonBuy
- type KeyboardButtonCallback
- type KeyboardButtonGame
- type KeyboardButtonObj
- type KeyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation
- type KeyboardButtonRequestPhone
- type KeyboardButtonRequestPoll
- type KeyboardButtonRow
- type KeyboardButtonSwitchInline
- type KeyboardButtonUrl
- type KeyboardButtonUrlAuth
- type LabeledPrice
- type LangPackDifference
- type LangPackLanguage
- type LangPackString
- type LangPackStringDeleted
- type LangPackStringObj
- type LangPackStringPluralized
- type LangpackGetDifferenceParams
- type LangpackGetLangPackParams
- type LangpackGetLanguageParams
- type LangpackGetLanguagesParams
- type LangpackGetStringsParams
- type MaskCoords
- type Message
- type MessageAction
- type MessageActionBotAllowed
- type MessageActionChannelCreate
- type MessageActionChannelMigrateFrom
- type MessageActionChatAddUser
- type MessageActionChatCreate
- type MessageActionChatDeletePhoto
- type MessageActionChatDeleteUser
- type MessageActionChatEditPhoto
- type MessageActionChatEditTitle
- type MessageActionChatJoinedByLink
- type MessageActionChatMigrateTo
- type MessageActionContactSignUp
- type MessageActionCustomAction
- type MessageActionEmpty
- type MessageActionGameScore
- type MessageActionHistoryClear
- type MessageActionPaymentSent
- type MessageActionPaymentSentMe
- type MessageActionPhoneCall
- type MessageActionPinMessage
- type MessageActionScreenshotTaken
- type MessageActionSecureValuesSent
- type MessageActionSecureValuesSentMe
- type MessageEmpty
- type MessageEntity
- type MessageEntityBankCard
- type MessageEntityBlockquote
- type MessageEntityBold
- type MessageEntityBotCommand
- type MessageEntityCashtag
- type MessageEntityCode
- type MessageEntityEmail
- type MessageEntityHashtag
- type MessageEntityItalic
- type MessageEntityMention
- type MessageEntityMentionName
- type MessageEntityPhone
- type MessageEntityPre
- type MessageEntityStrike
- type MessageEntityTextUrl
- type MessageEntityUnderline
- type MessageEntityUnknown
- type MessageEntityUrl
- type MessageFwdHeader
- type MessageInteractionCounters
- type MessageMedia
- type MessageMediaContact
- type MessageMediaDice
- type MessageMediaDocument
- type MessageMediaEmpty
- type MessageMediaGame
- type MessageMediaGeo
- type MessageMediaGeoLive
- type MessageMediaInvoice
- type MessageMediaPhoto
- type MessageMediaPoll
- type MessageMediaUnsupported
- type MessageMediaVenue
- type MessageMediaWebPage
- type MessageObj
- type MessageRange
- type MessageService
- type MessageUserVote
- type MessageUserVoteInputOption
- type MessageUserVoteMultiple
- type MessageUserVoteObj
- type MessagesAcceptEncryptionParams
- type MessagesAcceptUrlAuthParams
- type MessagesAddChatUserParams
- type MessagesAffectedHistory
- type MessagesAffectedMessages
- type MessagesAllStickers
- type MessagesAllStickersNotModified
- type MessagesAllStickersObj
- type MessagesArchivedStickers
- type MessagesBotCallbackAnswer
- type MessagesBotResults
- type MessagesChannelMessages
- type MessagesChatFull
- type MessagesChats
- type MessagesChatsObj
- type MessagesChatsSlice
- type MessagesCheckChatInviteParams
- type MessagesClearAllDraftsParams
- type MessagesClearRecentStickersParams
- type MessagesCreateChatParams
- type MessagesDeleteChatUserParams
- type MessagesDeleteHistoryParams
- type MessagesDeleteMessagesParams
- type MessagesDeleteScheduledMessagesParams
- type MessagesDhConfig
- type MessagesDhConfigNotModified
- type MessagesDhConfigObj
- type MessagesDialogs
- type MessagesDialogsNotModified
- type MessagesDialogsObj
- type MessagesDialogsSlice
- type MessagesDiscardEncryptionParams
- type MessagesEditChatAboutParams
- type MessagesEditChatAdminParams
- type MessagesEditChatDefaultBannedRightsParams
- type MessagesEditChatPhotoParams
- type MessagesEditChatTitleParams
- type MessagesEditInlineBotMessageParams
- type MessagesEditMessageParams
- type MessagesExportChatInviteParams
- type MessagesFaveStickerParams
- type MessagesFavedStickers
- type MessagesFavedStickersNotModified
- type MessagesFavedStickersObj
- type MessagesFeaturedStickers
- type MessagesFeaturedStickersNotModified
- type MessagesFeaturedStickersObj
- type MessagesFilter
- type MessagesForwardMessagesParams
- type MessagesFoundStickerSets
- type MessagesFoundStickerSetsNotModified
- type MessagesFoundStickerSetsObj
- type MessagesGetAllChatsParams
- type MessagesGetAllDraftsParams
- type MessagesGetAllStickersParams
- type MessagesGetArchivedStickersParams
- type MessagesGetAttachedStickersParams
- type MessagesGetBotCallbackAnswerParams
- type MessagesGetChatsParams
- type MessagesGetCommonChatsParams
- type MessagesGetDhConfigParams
- type MessagesGetDialogFiltersParams
- type MessagesGetDialogUnreadMarksParams
- type MessagesGetDialogsParams
- type MessagesGetDocumentByHashParams
- type MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsDifferenceParams
- type MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsLanguagesParams
- type MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsParams
- type MessagesGetEmojiURLParams
- type MessagesGetFavedStickersParams
- type MessagesGetFeaturedStickersParams
- type MessagesGetFullChatParams
- type MessagesGetGameHighScoresParams
- type MessagesGetHistoryParams
- type MessagesGetInlineBotResultsParams
- type MessagesGetInlineGameHighScoresParams
- type MessagesGetMaskStickersParams
- type MessagesGetMessageEditDataParams
- type MessagesGetMessagesParams
- type MessagesGetMessagesViewsParams
- type MessagesGetOldFeaturedStickersParams
- type MessagesGetOnlinesParams
- type MessagesGetPeerDialogsParams
- type MessagesGetPeerSettingsParams
- type MessagesGetPinnedDialogsParams
- type MessagesGetPollResultsParams
- type MessagesGetPollVotesParams
- type MessagesGetRecentLocationsParams
- type MessagesGetRecentStickersParams
- type MessagesGetSavedGifsParams
- type MessagesGetScheduledHistoryParams
- type MessagesGetScheduledMessagesParams
- type MessagesGetSearchCountersParams
- type MessagesGetSplitRangesParams
- type MessagesGetStatsURLParams
- type MessagesGetStickerSetParams
- type MessagesGetStickersParams
- type MessagesGetSuggestedDialogFiltersParams
- type MessagesGetUnreadMentionsParams
- type MessagesGetWebPageParams
- type MessagesGetWebPagePreviewParams
- type MessagesHidePeerSettingsBarParams
- type MessagesHighScores
- type MessagesImportChatInviteParams
- type MessagesInactiveChats
- type MessagesInstallStickerSetParams
- type MessagesMarkDialogUnreadParams
- type MessagesMessageEditData
- type MessagesMessages
- type MessagesMessagesNotModified
- type MessagesMessagesObj
- type MessagesMessagesSlice
- type MessagesMigrateChatParams
- type MessagesPeerDialogs
- type MessagesReadEncryptedHistoryParams
- type MessagesReadFeaturedStickersParams
- type MessagesReadHistoryParams
- type MessagesReadMentionsParams
- type MessagesReadMessageContentsParams
- type MessagesReceivedMessagesParams
- type MessagesReceivedQueueParams
- type MessagesRecentStickers
- type MessagesRecentStickersNotModified
- type MessagesRecentStickersObj
- type MessagesReorderPinnedDialogsParams
- type MessagesReorderStickerSetsParams
- type MessagesReportEncryptedSpamParams
- type MessagesReportParams
- type MessagesReportSpamParams
- type MessagesRequestEncryptionParams
- type MessagesRequestUrlAuthParams
- type MessagesSaveDraftParams
- type MessagesSaveGifParams
- type MessagesSaveRecentStickerParams
- type MessagesSavedGifs
- type MessagesSavedGifsNotModified
- type MessagesSavedGifsObj
- type MessagesSearchCounter
- type MessagesSearchGlobalParams
- type MessagesSearchParams
- type MessagesSearchStickerSetsParams
- type MessagesSendEncryptedFileParams
- type MessagesSendEncryptedParams
- type MessagesSendEncryptedServiceParams
- type MessagesSendInlineBotResultParams
- type MessagesSendMediaParams
- type MessagesSendMessageParams
- type MessagesSendMultiMediaParams
- type MessagesSendScheduledMessagesParams
- type MessagesSendScreenshotNotificationParams
- type MessagesSendVoteParams
- type MessagesSentEncryptedFile
- type MessagesSentEncryptedMessage
- type MessagesSentEncryptedMessageObj
- type MessagesSetBotCallbackAnswerParams
- type MessagesSetBotPrecheckoutResultsParams
- type MessagesSetBotShippingResultsParams
- type MessagesSetEncryptedTypingParams
- type MessagesSetGameScoreParams
- type MessagesSetInlineBotResultsParams
- type MessagesSetInlineGameScoreParams
- type MessagesSetTypingParams
- type MessagesStartBotParams
- type MessagesStickerSet
- type MessagesStickerSetInstallResult
- type MessagesStickerSetInstallResultArchive
- type MessagesStickerSetInstallResultSuccess
- type MessagesStickers
- type MessagesStickersNotModified
- type MessagesStickersObj
- type MessagesToggleDialogPinParams
- type MessagesToggleStickerSetsParams
- type MessagesUninstallStickerSetParams
- type MessagesUpdateDialogFilterParams
- type MessagesUpdateDialogFiltersOrderParams
- type MessagesUpdatePinnedMessageParams
- type MessagesUploadEncryptedFileParams
- type MessagesUploadMediaParams
- type MessagesVotesList
- type NearestDc
- type NotifyBroadcasts
- type NotifyChats
- type NotifyPeer
- type NotifyPeerObj
- type NotifyUsers
- type Page
- type PageBlock
- type PageBlockAnchor
- type PageBlockAudio
- type PageBlockAuthorDate
- type PageBlockBlockquote
- type PageBlockChannel
- type PageBlockCollage
- type PageBlockCover
- type PageBlockDetails
- type PageBlockDivider
- type PageBlockEmbed
- type PageBlockEmbedPost
- type PageBlockFooter
- type PageBlockHeader
- type PageBlockKicker
- type PageBlockList
- type PageBlockMap
- type PageBlockOrderedList
- type PageBlockParagraph
- type PageBlockPhoto
- type PageBlockPreformatted
- type PageBlockPullquote
- type PageBlockRelatedArticles
- type PageBlockSlideshow
- type PageBlockSubheader
- type PageBlockSubtitle
- type PageBlockTable
- type PageBlockTitle
- type PageBlockUnsupported
- type PageBlockVideo
- type PageCaption
- type PageListItem
- type PageListItemBlocks
- type PageListItemText
- type PageListOrderedItem
- type PageListOrderedItemBlocks
- type PageListOrderedItemText
- type PageRelatedArticle
- type PageTableCell
- type PageTableRow
- type PasswordKdfAlgo
- type PasswordKdfAlgoSHA256SHA256PBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000SHA256ModPow
- type PasswordKdfAlgoUnknown
- type PaymentCharge
- type PaymentRequestedInfo
- type PaymentSavedCredentials
- type PaymentsBankCardData
- type PaymentsClearSavedInfoParams
- type PaymentsGetBankCardDataParams
- type PaymentsGetPaymentFormParams
- type PaymentsGetPaymentReceiptParams
- type PaymentsGetSavedInfoParams
- type PaymentsPaymentForm
- type PaymentsPaymentReceipt
- type PaymentsPaymentResult
- type PaymentsPaymentResultObj
- type PaymentsPaymentVerificationNeeded
- type PaymentsSavedInfo
- type PaymentsSendPaymentFormParams
- type PaymentsValidateRequestedInfoParams
- type PaymentsValidatedRequestedInfo
- type Peer
- type PeerChannel
- type PeerChat
- type PeerLocated
- type PeerLocatedObj
- type PeerNotifySettings
- type PeerSelfLocated
- type PeerSettings
- type PeerUser
- type PhoneAcceptCallParams
- type PhoneCall
- type PhoneCallAccepted
- type PhoneCallDiscardReason
- type PhoneCallDiscarded
- type PhoneCallEmpty
- type PhoneCallObj
- type PhoneCallProtocol
- type PhoneCallRequested
- type PhoneCallWaiting
- type PhoneConfirmCallParams
- type PhoneConnection
- type PhoneConnectionObj
- type PhoneConnectionWebrtc
- type PhoneDiscardCallParams
- type PhoneGetCallConfigParams
- type PhonePhoneCall
- type PhoneReceivedCallParams
- type PhoneRequestCallParams
- type PhoneSaveCallDebugParams
- type PhoneSendSignalingDataParams
- type PhoneSetCallRatingParams
- type Photo
- type PhotoCachedSize
- type PhotoEmpty
- type PhotoObj
- type PhotoSize
- type PhotoSizeEmpty
- type PhotoSizeObj
- type PhotoStrippedSize
- type PhotosDeletePhotosParams
- type PhotosGetUserPhotosParams
- type PhotosPhoto
- type PhotosPhotos
- type PhotosPhotosObj
- type PhotosPhotosSlice
- type PhotosUpdateProfilePhotoParams
- type PhotosUploadProfilePhotoParams
- type Poll
- type PollAnswer
- type PollAnswerVoters
- type PollResults
- type PopularContact
- type PostAddress
- type PrivacyKey
- type PrivacyRule
- type PrivacyValueAllowAll
- type PrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants
- type PrivacyValueAllowContacts
- type PrivacyValueAllowUsers
- type PrivacyValueDisallowAll
- type PrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants
- type PrivacyValueDisallowContacts
- type PrivacyValueDisallowUsers
- type ReceivedNotifyMessage
- type RecentMeUrl
- type RecentMeUrlChat
- type RecentMeUrlChatInvite
- type RecentMeUrlStickerSet
- type RecentMeUrlUnknown
- type RecentMeUrlUser
- type ReplyInlineMarkup
- type ReplyKeyboardForceReply
- type ReplyKeyboardHide
- type ReplyKeyboardMarkup
- type ReplyMarkup
- type ReportReason
- type RestrictionReason
- type RichText
- type SavedContact
- type SecureCredentialsEncrypted
- type SecureData
- type SecureFile
- type SecureFileEmpty
- type SecureFileObj
- type SecurePasswordKdfAlgo
- type SecurePasswordKdfAlgoPBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000
- type SecurePasswordKdfAlgoSHA512
- type SecurePasswordKdfAlgoUnknown
- type SecurePlainData
- type SecurePlainEmail
- type SecurePlainPhone
- type SecureRequiredType
- type SecureRequiredTypeObj
- type SecureRequiredTypeOneOf
- type SecureSecretSettings
- type SecureValue
- type SecureValueError
- type SecureValueErrorData
- type SecureValueErrorFile
- type SecureValueErrorFiles
- type SecureValueErrorFrontSide
- type SecureValueErrorObj
- type SecureValueErrorReverseSide
- type SecureValueErrorSelfie
- type SecureValueErrorTranslationFile
- type SecureValueErrorTranslationFiles
- type SecureValueHash
- type SecureValueType
- type SendMessageAction
- type SendMessageCancelAction
- type SendMessageChooseContactAction
- type SendMessageGamePlayAction
- type SendMessageGeoLocationAction
- type SendMessageRecordAudioAction
- type SendMessageRecordRoundAction
- type SendMessageRecordVideoAction
- type SendMessageTypingAction
- type SendMessageUploadAudioAction
- type SendMessageUploadDocumentAction
- type SendMessageUploadPhotoAction
- type SendMessageUploadRoundAction
- type SendMessageUploadVideoAction
- type ShippingOption
- type StatsAbsValueAndPrev
- type StatsBroadcastStats
- type StatsDateRangeDays
- type StatsGetBroadcastStatsParams
- type StatsGetMegagroupStatsParams
- type StatsGraph
- type StatsGraphAsync
- type StatsGraphError
- type StatsGraphObj
- type StatsGroupTopAdmin
- type StatsGroupTopInviter
- type StatsGroupTopPoster
- type StatsLoadAsyncGraphParams
- type StatsMegagroupStats
- type StatsPercentValue
- type StatsURL
- type StickerPack
- type StickerSet
- type StickerSetCovered
- type StickerSetCoveredObj
- type StickerSetMultiCovered
- type StickersAddStickerToSetParams
- type StickersChangeStickerPositionParams
- type StickersCreateStickerSetParams
- type StickersRemoveStickerFromSetParams
- type StickersSetStickerSetThumbParams
- type StorageFileType
- type TextAnchor
- type TextBold
- type TextConcat
- type TextEmail
- type TextEmpty
- type TextFixed
- type TextImage
- type TextItalic
- type TextMarked
- type TextPhone
- type TextPlain
- type TextStrike
- type TextSubscript
- type TextSuperscript
- type TextUnderline
- type TextUrl
- type Theme
- type ThemeSettings
- type TopPeer
- type TopPeerCategory
- type TopPeerCategoryPeers
- type Update
- type UpdateBotCallbackQuery
- type UpdateBotInlineQuery
- type UpdateBotInlineSend
- type UpdateBotPrecheckoutQuery
- type UpdateBotShippingQuery
- type UpdateBotWebhookJSON
- type UpdateBotWebhookJSONQuery
- type UpdateChannel
- type UpdateChannelAvailableMessages
- type UpdateChannelMessageViews
- type UpdateChannelParticipant
- type UpdateChannelPinnedMessage
- type UpdateChannelReadMessagesContents
- type UpdateChannelTooLong
- type UpdateChannelWebPage
- type UpdateChatDefaultBannedRights
- type UpdateChatParticipantAdd
- type UpdateChatParticipantAdmin
- type UpdateChatParticipantDelete
- type UpdateChatParticipants
- type UpdateChatPinnedMessage
- type UpdateChatUserTyping
- type UpdateConfig
- type UpdateContactsReset
- type UpdateDcOptions
- type UpdateDeleteChannelMessages
- type UpdateDeleteMessages
- type UpdateDeleteScheduledMessages
- type UpdateDialogFilter
- type UpdateDialogFilterOrder
- type UpdateDialogFilters
- type UpdateDialogPinned
- type UpdateDialogUnreadMark
- type UpdateDraftMessage
- type UpdateEditChannelMessage
- type UpdateEditMessage
- type UpdateEncryptedChatTyping
- type UpdateEncryptedMessagesRead
- type UpdateEncryption
- type UpdateFavedStickers
- type UpdateFolderPeers
- type UpdateGeoLiveViewed
- type UpdateInlineBotCallbackQuery
- type UpdateLangPack
- type UpdateLangPackTooLong
- type UpdateLoginToken
- type UpdateMessageID
- type UpdateMessagePoll
- type UpdateMessagePollVote
- type UpdateNewChannelMessage
- type UpdateNewEncryptedMessage
- type UpdateNewMessage
- type UpdateNewScheduledMessage
- type UpdateNewStickerSet
- type UpdateNotifySettings
- type UpdatePeerLocated
- type UpdatePeerSettings
- type UpdatePhoneCall
- type UpdatePhoneCallSignalingData
- type UpdatePinnedDialogs
- type UpdatePrivacy
- type UpdatePtsChanged
- type UpdateReadChannelInbox
- type UpdateReadChannelOutbox
- type UpdateReadFeaturedStickers
- type UpdateReadHistoryInbox
- type UpdateReadHistoryOutbox
- type UpdateReadMessagesContents
- type UpdateRecentStickers
- type UpdateSavedGifs
- type UpdateServiceNotification
- type UpdateShort
- type UpdateShortChatMessage
- type UpdateShortMessage
- type UpdateShortSentMessage
- type UpdateStickerSets
- type UpdateStickerSetsOrder
- type UpdateTheme
- type UpdateUserBlocked
- type UpdateUserName
- type UpdateUserPhone
- type UpdateUserPhoto
- type UpdateUserPinnedMessage
- type UpdateUserStatus
- type UpdateUserTyping
- type UpdateWebPage
- type Updates
- type UpdatesChannelDifference
- type UpdatesChannelDifferenceEmpty
- type UpdatesChannelDifferenceObj
- type UpdatesChannelDifferenceTooLong
- type UpdatesCombined
- type UpdatesDifference
- type UpdatesDifferenceEmpty
- type UpdatesDifferenceObj
- type UpdatesDifferenceSlice
- type UpdatesDifferenceTooLong
- type UpdatesGetChannelDifferenceParams
- type UpdatesGetDifferenceParams
- type UpdatesGetStateParams
- type UpdatesObj
- type UpdatesState
- type UpdatesTooLong
- type UploadCdnFile
- type UploadCdnFileObj
- type UploadCdnFileReuploadNeeded
- type UploadFile
- type UploadFileCdnRedirect
- type UploadFileObj
- type UploadGetCdnFileHashesParams
- type UploadGetCdnFileParams
- type UploadGetFileHashesParams
- type UploadGetFileParams
- type UploadGetWebFileParams
- type UploadReuploadCdnFileParams
- type UploadSaveBigFilePartParams
- type UploadSaveFilePartParams
- type UploadWebFile
- type UrlAuthResult
- type UrlAuthResultAccepted
- type UrlAuthResultDefault
- type UrlAuthResultRequest
- type User
- type UserEmpty
- type UserFull
- type UserObj
- type UserProfilePhoto
- type UserProfilePhotoEmpty
- type UserProfilePhotoObj
- type UserStatus
- type UserStatusEmpty
- type UserStatusLastMonth
- type UserStatusLastWeek
- type UserStatusOffline
- type UserStatusOnline
- type UserStatusRecently
- type UsersGetFullUserParams
- type UsersGetUsersParams
- type UsersSetSecureValueErrorsParams
- type VideoSize
- type WallPaper
- type WallPaperNoFile
- type WallPaperObj
- type WallPaperSettings
- type WebAuthorization
- type WebDocument
- type WebDocumentNoProxy
- type WebDocumentObj
- type WebPage
- type WebPageAttribute
- type WebPageEmpty
- type WebPageNotModified
- type WebPageObj
- type WebPagePending
Constants ¶
View Source
const (
ApiVersion = 117
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
Types ¶
type AccessPointRule ¶
type AccessPointRule struct { PhonePrefixRules string `validate:"required"` DcId int32 `validate:"required"` Ips []IpPort `validate:"required"` }
func (*AccessPointRule) CRC ¶
func (e *AccessPointRule) CRC() uint32
func (*AccessPointRule) Encode ¶
func (e *AccessPointRule) Encode() []byte
type AccountAcceptAuthorizationParams ¶
type AccountAcceptAuthorizationParams struct { BotId int32 Scope string PublicKey string ValueHashes []*SecureValueHash Credentials *SecureCredentialsEncrypted }
func (*AccountAcceptAuthorizationParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountAcceptAuthorizationParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountAcceptAuthorizationParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountAcceptAuthorizationParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountAuthorizationForm ¶
type AccountAuthorizationForm struct { RequiredTypes []SecureRequiredType `validate:"required"` Values []*SecureValue `validate:"required"` Errors []SecureValueError `validate:"required"` Users []User `validate:"required"` PrivacyPolicyUrl string `flag:"0"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*AccountAuthorizationForm) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountAuthorizationForm) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountAuthorizationForm) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountAuthorizationForm) Encode() []byte
type AccountAuthorizations ¶
type AccountAuthorizations struct {
Authorizations []*Authorization `validate:"required"`
func (*AccountAuthorizations) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountAuthorizations) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountAuthorizations) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountAuthorizations) Encode() []byte
type AccountAutoDownloadSettings ¶
type AccountAutoDownloadSettings struct { Low *AutoDownloadSettings `validate:"required"` Medium *AutoDownloadSettings `validate:"required"` High *AutoDownloadSettings `validate:"required"` }
func (*AccountAutoDownloadSettings) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountAutoDownloadSettings) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountAutoDownloadSettings) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountAutoDownloadSettings) Encode() []byte
type AccountCancelPasswordEmailParams ¶
type AccountCancelPasswordEmailParams struct{}
func (*AccountCancelPasswordEmailParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountCancelPasswordEmailParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountCancelPasswordEmailParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountCancelPasswordEmailParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountChangePhoneParams ¶
func (*AccountChangePhoneParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountChangePhoneParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountChangePhoneParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountChangePhoneParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountCheckUsernameParams ¶
type AccountCheckUsernameParams struct {
Username string
func (*AccountCheckUsernameParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountCheckUsernameParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountCheckUsernameParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountCheckUsernameParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountConfirmPasswordEmailParams ¶
type AccountConfirmPasswordEmailParams struct {
Code string
func (*AccountConfirmPasswordEmailParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountConfirmPasswordEmailParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountConfirmPasswordEmailParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountConfirmPasswordEmailParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountConfirmPhoneParams ¶
func (*AccountConfirmPhoneParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountConfirmPhoneParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountConfirmPhoneParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountConfirmPhoneParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountContentSettings ¶
type AccountContentSettings struct { SensitiveEnabled bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` SensitiveCanChange bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*AccountContentSettings) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountContentSettings) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountContentSettings) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountContentSettings) Encode() []byte
type AccountCreateThemeParams ¶
type AccountCreateThemeParams struct { Slug string Title string Document InputDocument `flag:"2"` Settings *InputThemeSettings `flag:"3"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*AccountCreateThemeParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountCreateThemeParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountCreateThemeParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountCreateThemeParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountDaysTTL ¶
type AccountDaysTTL struct {
Days int32 `validate:"required"`
func (*AccountDaysTTL) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountDaysTTL) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountDaysTTL) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountDaysTTL) Encode() []byte
type AccountDeleteAccountParams ¶
type AccountDeleteAccountParams struct {
Reason string
func (*AccountDeleteAccountParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountDeleteAccountParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountDeleteAccountParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountDeleteAccountParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountDeleteSecureValueParams ¶
type AccountDeleteSecureValueParams struct {
Types []SecureValueType
func (*AccountDeleteSecureValueParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountDeleteSecureValueParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountDeleteSecureValueParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountDeleteSecureValueParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountFinishTakeoutSessionParams ¶
type AccountFinishTakeoutSessionParams struct { Success bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*AccountFinishTakeoutSessionParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountFinishTakeoutSessionParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountFinishTakeoutSessionParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountFinishTakeoutSessionParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountGetAccountTTLParams ¶
type AccountGetAccountTTLParams struct{}
func (*AccountGetAccountTTLParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountGetAccountTTLParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountGetAccountTTLParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountGetAccountTTLParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountGetAllSecureValuesParams ¶
type AccountGetAllSecureValuesParams struct{}
func (*AccountGetAllSecureValuesParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountGetAllSecureValuesParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountGetAllSecureValuesParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountGetAllSecureValuesParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountGetAuthorizationFormParams ¶
func (*AccountGetAuthorizationFormParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountGetAuthorizationFormParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountGetAuthorizationFormParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountGetAuthorizationFormParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountGetAuthorizationsParams ¶
type AccountGetAuthorizationsParams struct{}
func (*AccountGetAuthorizationsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountGetAuthorizationsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountGetAuthorizationsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountGetAuthorizationsParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountGetAutoDownloadSettingsParams ¶
type AccountGetAutoDownloadSettingsParams struct{}
func (*AccountGetAutoDownloadSettingsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountGetAutoDownloadSettingsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountGetAutoDownloadSettingsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountGetAutoDownloadSettingsParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountGetContactSignUpNotificationParams ¶
type AccountGetContactSignUpNotificationParams struct{}
func (*AccountGetContactSignUpNotificationParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountGetContactSignUpNotificationParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountGetContactSignUpNotificationParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountGetContactSignUpNotificationParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountGetContentSettingsParams ¶
type AccountGetContentSettingsParams struct{}
func (*AccountGetContentSettingsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountGetContentSettingsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountGetContentSettingsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountGetContentSettingsParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountGetGlobalPrivacySettingsParams ¶
type AccountGetGlobalPrivacySettingsParams struct{}
func (*AccountGetGlobalPrivacySettingsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountGetGlobalPrivacySettingsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountGetGlobalPrivacySettingsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountGetGlobalPrivacySettingsParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountGetMultiWallPapersParams ¶
type AccountGetMultiWallPapersParams struct {
Wallpapers []InputWallPaper
func (*AccountGetMultiWallPapersParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountGetMultiWallPapersParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountGetMultiWallPapersParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountGetMultiWallPapersParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountGetNotifyExceptionsParams ¶
type AccountGetNotifyExceptionsParams struct { CompareSound bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer InputNotifyPeer `flag:"0"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*AccountGetNotifyExceptionsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountGetNotifyExceptionsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountGetNotifyExceptionsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountGetNotifyExceptionsParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountGetNotifySettingsParams ¶
type AccountGetNotifySettingsParams struct {
Peer InputNotifyPeer
func (*AccountGetNotifySettingsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountGetNotifySettingsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountGetNotifySettingsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountGetNotifySettingsParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountGetPasswordParams ¶
type AccountGetPasswordParams struct{}
func (*AccountGetPasswordParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountGetPasswordParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountGetPasswordParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountGetPasswordParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountGetPasswordSettingsParams ¶
type AccountGetPasswordSettingsParams struct {
Password InputCheckPasswordSRP
func (*AccountGetPasswordSettingsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountGetPasswordSettingsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountGetPasswordSettingsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountGetPasswordSettingsParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountGetPrivacyParams ¶
type AccountGetPrivacyParams struct {
Key InputPrivacyKey
func (*AccountGetPrivacyParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountGetPrivacyParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountGetPrivacyParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountGetPrivacyParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountGetSecureValueParams ¶
type AccountGetSecureValueParams struct {
Types []SecureValueType
func (*AccountGetSecureValueParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountGetSecureValueParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountGetSecureValueParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountGetSecureValueParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountGetThemeParams ¶
type AccountGetThemeParams struct { Format string Theme InputTheme DocumentId int64 }
func (*AccountGetThemeParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountGetThemeParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountGetThemeParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountGetThemeParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountGetThemesParams ¶
func (*AccountGetThemesParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountGetThemesParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountGetThemesParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountGetThemesParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountGetTmpPasswordParams ¶
type AccountGetTmpPasswordParams struct { Password InputCheckPasswordSRP Period int32 }
func (*AccountGetTmpPasswordParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountGetTmpPasswordParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountGetTmpPasswordParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountGetTmpPasswordParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountGetWallPaperParams ¶
type AccountGetWallPaperParams struct {
Wallpaper InputWallPaper
func (*AccountGetWallPaperParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountGetWallPaperParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountGetWallPaperParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountGetWallPaperParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountGetWallPapersParams ¶
type AccountGetWallPapersParams struct {
Hash int32
func (*AccountGetWallPapersParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountGetWallPapersParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountGetWallPapersParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountGetWallPapersParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountGetWebAuthorizationsParams ¶
type AccountGetWebAuthorizationsParams struct{}
func (*AccountGetWebAuthorizationsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountGetWebAuthorizationsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountGetWebAuthorizationsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountGetWebAuthorizationsParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountInitTakeoutSessionParams ¶
type AccountInitTakeoutSessionParams struct { Contacts bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` MessageUsers bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` MessageChats bool `flag:"2,encoded_in_bitflags"` MessageMegagroups bool `flag:"3,encoded_in_bitflags"` MessageChannels bool `flag:"4,encoded_in_bitflags"` Files bool `flag:"5,encoded_in_bitflags"` FileMaxSize int32 `flag:"5"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*AccountInitTakeoutSessionParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountInitTakeoutSessionParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountInitTakeoutSessionParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountInitTakeoutSessionParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountInstallThemeParams ¶
type AccountInstallThemeParams struct { Dark bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Format string `flag:"1"` Theme InputTheme `flag:"1"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*AccountInstallThemeParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountInstallThemeParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountInstallThemeParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountInstallThemeParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountInstallWallPaperParams ¶
type AccountInstallWallPaperParams struct { Wallpaper InputWallPaper Settings *WallPaperSettings }
func (*AccountInstallWallPaperParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountInstallWallPaperParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountInstallWallPaperParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountInstallWallPaperParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountPassword ¶
type AccountPassword struct { HasRecovery bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` HasSecureValues bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` HasPassword bool `flag:"2,encoded_in_bitflags"` CurrentAlgo PasswordKdfAlgo `flag:"2"` SrpB []byte `flag:"2"` SrpId int64 `flag:"2"` Hint string `flag:"3"` EmailUnconfirmedPattern string `flag:"4"` NewAlgo PasswordKdfAlgo `validate:"required"` NewSecureAlgo SecurePasswordKdfAlgo `validate:"required"` SecureRandom []byte `validate:"required"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*AccountPassword) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountPassword) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountPassword) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountPassword) Encode() []byte
type AccountPasswordInputSettings ¶
type AccountPasswordInputSettings struct { NewAlgo PasswordKdfAlgo `flag:"0"` NewPasswordHash []byte `flag:"0"` Hint string `flag:"0"` Email string `flag:"1"` NewSecureSettings *SecureSecretSettings `flag:"2"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*AccountPasswordInputSettings) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountPasswordInputSettings) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountPasswordInputSettings) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountPasswordInputSettings) Encode() []byte
type AccountPasswordSettings ¶
type AccountPasswordSettings struct { Email string `flag:"0"` SecureSettings *SecureSecretSettings `flag:"1"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*AccountPasswordSettings) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountPasswordSettings) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountPasswordSettings) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountPasswordSettings) Encode() []byte
type AccountPrivacyRules ¶
type AccountPrivacyRules struct { Rules []PrivacyRule `validate:"required"` Chats []Chat `validate:"required"` Users []User `validate:"required"` }
func (*AccountPrivacyRules) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountPrivacyRules) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountPrivacyRules) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountPrivacyRules) Encode() []byte
type AccountRegisterDeviceParams ¶
type AccountRegisterDeviceParams struct { NoMuted bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` TokenType int32 Token string AppSandbox bool Secret []byte OtherUids []int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*AccountRegisterDeviceParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountRegisterDeviceParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountRegisterDeviceParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountRegisterDeviceParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountReportPeerParams ¶
type AccountReportPeerParams struct { Peer InputPeer Reason ReportReason }
func (*AccountReportPeerParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountReportPeerParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountReportPeerParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountReportPeerParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountResendPasswordEmailParams ¶
type AccountResendPasswordEmailParams struct{}
func (*AccountResendPasswordEmailParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountResendPasswordEmailParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountResendPasswordEmailParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountResendPasswordEmailParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountResetAuthorizationParams ¶
type AccountResetAuthorizationParams struct {
Hash int64
func (*AccountResetAuthorizationParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountResetAuthorizationParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountResetAuthorizationParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountResetAuthorizationParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountResetNotifySettingsParams ¶
type AccountResetNotifySettingsParams struct{}
func (*AccountResetNotifySettingsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountResetNotifySettingsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountResetNotifySettingsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountResetNotifySettingsParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountResetWallPapersParams ¶
type AccountResetWallPapersParams struct{}
func (*AccountResetWallPapersParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountResetWallPapersParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountResetWallPapersParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountResetWallPapersParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountResetWebAuthorizationParams ¶
type AccountResetWebAuthorizationParams struct {
Hash int64
func (*AccountResetWebAuthorizationParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountResetWebAuthorizationParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountResetWebAuthorizationParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountResetWebAuthorizationParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountResetWebAuthorizationsParams ¶
type AccountResetWebAuthorizationsParams struct{}
func (*AccountResetWebAuthorizationsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountResetWebAuthorizationsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountResetWebAuthorizationsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountResetWebAuthorizationsParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountSaveAutoDownloadSettingsParams ¶
type AccountSaveAutoDownloadSettingsParams struct { Low bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` High bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Settings *AutoDownloadSettings // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*AccountSaveAutoDownloadSettingsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountSaveAutoDownloadSettingsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountSaveAutoDownloadSettingsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountSaveAutoDownloadSettingsParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountSaveSecureValueParams ¶
type AccountSaveSecureValueParams struct { Value *InputSecureValue SecureSecretId int64 }
func (*AccountSaveSecureValueParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountSaveSecureValueParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountSaveSecureValueParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountSaveSecureValueParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountSaveThemeParams ¶
type AccountSaveThemeParams struct { Theme InputTheme Unsave bool }
func (*AccountSaveThemeParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountSaveThemeParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountSaveThemeParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountSaveThemeParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountSaveWallPaperParams ¶
type AccountSaveWallPaperParams struct { Wallpaper InputWallPaper Unsave bool Settings *WallPaperSettings }
func (*AccountSaveWallPaperParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountSaveWallPaperParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountSaveWallPaperParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountSaveWallPaperParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountSendChangePhoneCodeParams ¶
type AccountSendChangePhoneCodeParams struct { PhoneNumber string Settings *CodeSettings }
func (*AccountSendChangePhoneCodeParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountSendChangePhoneCodeParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountSendChangePhoneCodeParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountSendChangePhoneCodeParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountSendConfirmPhoneCodeParams ¶
type AccountSendConfirmPhoneCodeParams struct { Hash string Settings *CodeSettings }
func (*AccountSendConfirmPhoneCodeParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountSendConfirmPhoneCodeParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountSendConfirmPhoneCodeParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountSendConfirmPhoneCodeParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountSendVerifyEmailCodeParams ¶
type AccountSendVerifyEmailCodeParams struct {
Email string
func (*AccountSendVerifyEmailCodeParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountSendVerifyEmailCodeParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountSendVerifyEmailCodeParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountSendVerifyEmailCodeParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountSendVerifyPhoneCodeParams ¶
type AccountSendVerifyPhoneCodeParams struct { PhoneNumber string Settings *CodeSettings }
func (*AccountSendVerifyPhoneCodeParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountSendVerifyPhoneCodeParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountSendVerifyPhoneCodeParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountSendVerifyPhoneCodeParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountSentEmailCode ¶
type AccountSentEmailCode struct { EmailPattern string `validate:"required"` Length int32 `validate:"required"` }
func (*AccountSentEmailCode) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountSentEmailCode) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountSentEmailCode) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountSentEmailCode) Encode() []byte
type AccountSetAccountTTLParams ¶
type AccountSetAccountTTLParams struct {
Ttl *AccountDaysTTL
func (*AccountSetAccountTTLParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountSetAccountTTLParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountSetAccountTTLParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountSetAccountTTLParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountSetContactSignUpNotificationParams ¶
type AccountSetContactSignUpNotificationParams struct {
Silent bool
func (*AccountSetContactSignUpNotificationParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountSetContactSignUpNotificationParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountSetContactSignUpNotificationParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountSetContactSignUpNotificationParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountSetContentSettingsParams ¶
type AccountSetContentSettingsParams struct { SensitiveEnabled bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*AccountSetContentSettingsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountSetContentSettingsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountSetContentSettingsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountSetContentSettingsParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountSetGlobalPrivacySettingsParams ¶
type AccountSetGlobalPrivacySettingsParams struct {
Settings *GlobalPrivacySettings
func (*AccountSetGlobalPrivacySettingsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountSetGlobalPrivacySettingsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountSetGlobalPrivacySettingsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountSetGlobalPrivacySettingsParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountSetPrivacyParams ¶
type AccountSetPrivacyParams struct { Key InputPrivacyKey Rules []InputPrivacyRule }
func (*AccountSetPrivacyParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountSetPrivacyParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountSetPrivacyParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountSetPrivacyParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountTakeout ¶
type AccountTakeout struct {
Id int64 `validate:"required"`
func (*AccountTakeout) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountTakeout) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountTakeout) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountTakeout) Encode() []byte
type AccountThemes ¶
type AccountThemesNotModified ¶
type AccountThemesNotModified struct{}
func (*AccountThemesNotModified) CRC ¶
func (*AccountThemesNotModified) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountThemesNotModified) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountThemesNotModified) Encode() []byte
func (*AccountThemesNotModified) ImplementsAccountThemes ¶
func (*AccountThemesNotModified) ImplementsAccountThemes()
type AccountThemesObj ¶
func (*AccountThemesObj) CRC ¶
func (*AccountThemesObj) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountThemesObj) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountThemesObj) Encode() []byte
func (*AccountThemesObj) ImplementsAccountThemes ¶
func (*AccountThemesObj) ImplementsAccountThemes()
type AccountTmpPassword ¶
type AccountTmpPassword struct { TmpPassword []byte `validate:"required"` ValidUntil int32 `validate:"required"` }
func (*AccountTmpPassword) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountTmpPassword) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountTmpPassword) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountTmpPassword) Encode() []byte
type AccountUnregisterDeviceParams ¶
func (*AccountUnregisterDeviceParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountUnregisterDeviceParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountUnregisterDeviceParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountUnregisterDeviceParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountUpdateDeviceLockedParams ¶
type AccountUpdateDeviceLockedParams struct {
Period int32
func (*AccountUpdateDeviceLockedParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountUpdateDeviceLockedParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountUpdateDeviceLockedParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountUpdateDeviceLockedParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountUpdateNotifySettingsParams ¶
type AccountUpdateNotifySettingsParams struct { Peer InputNotifyPeer Settings *InputPeerNotifySettings }
func (*AccountUpdateNotifySettingsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountUpdateNotifySettingsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountUpdateNotifySettingsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountUpdateNotifySettingsParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountUpdatePasswordSettingsParams ¶
type AccountUpdatePasswordSettingsParams struct { Password InputCheckPasswordSRP NewSettings *AccountPasswordInputSettings }
func (*AccountUpdatePasswordSettingsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountUpdatePasswordSettingsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountUpdatePasswordSettingsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountUpdatePasswordSettingsParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountUpdateProfileParams ¶
type AccountUpdateProfileParams struct { FirstName string `flag:"0"` LastName string `flag:"1"` About string `flag:"2"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*AccountUpdateProfileParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountUpdateProfileParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountUpdateProfileParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountUpdateProfileParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountUpdateStatusParams ¶
type AccountUpdateStatusParams struct {
Offline bool
func (*AccountUpdateStatusParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountUpdateStatusParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountUpdateStatusParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountUpdateStatusParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountUpdateThemeParams ¶
type AccountUpdateThemeParams struct { Format string Theme InputTheme Slug string `flag:"0"` Title string `flag:"1"` Document InputDocument `flag:"2"` Settings *InputThemeSettings `flag:"3"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*AccountUpdateThemeParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountUpdateThemeParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountUpdateThemeParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountUpdateThemeParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountUpdateUsernameParams ¶
type AccountUpdateUsernameParams struct {
Username string
func (*AccountUpdateUsernameParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountUpdateUsernameParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountUpdateUsernameParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountUpdateUsernameParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountUploadThemeParams ¶
type AccountUploadThemeParams struct { File InputFile Thumb InputFile `flag:"0"` FileName string MimeType string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*AccountUploadThemeParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountUploadThemeParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountUploadThemeParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountUploadThemeParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountUploadWallPaperParams ¶
type AccountUploadWallPaperParams struct { File InputFile MimeType string Settings *WallPaperSettings }
func (*AccountUploadWallPaperParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountUploadWallPaperParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountUploadWallPaperParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountUploadWallPaperParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountVerifyEmailParams ¶
func (*AccountVerifyEmailParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountVerifyEmailParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountVerifyEmailParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountVerifyEmailParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountVerifyPhoneParams ¶
func (*AccountVerifyPhoneParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountVerifyPhoneParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountVerifyPhoneParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountVerifyPhoneParams) Encode() []byte
type AccountWallPapers ¶
type AccountWallPapersNotModified ¶
type AccountWallPapersNotModified struct{}
func (*AccountWallPapersNotModified) CRC ¶
func (*AccountWallPapersNotModified) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountWallPapersNotModified) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountWallPapersNotModified) Encode() []byte
func (*AccountWallPapersNotModified) ImplementsAccountWallPapers ¶
func (*AccountWallPapersNotModified) ImplementsAccountWallPapers()
type AccountWallPapersObj ¶
func (*AccountWallPapersObj) CRC ¶
func (*AccountWallPapersObj) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountWallPapersObj) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountWallPapersObj) Encode() []byte
func (*AccountWallPapersObj) ImplementsAccountWallPapers ¶
func (*AccountWallPapersObj) ImplementsAccountWallPapers()
type AccountWebAuthorizations ¶
type AccountWebAuthorizations struct { Authorizations []*WebAuthorization `validate:"required"` Users []User `validate:"required"` }
func (*AccountWebAuthorizations) CRC ¶
func (e *AccountWebAuthorizations) CRC() uint32
func (*AccountWebAuthorizations) Encode ¶
func (e *AccountWebAuthorizations) Encode() []byte
type AuthAcceptLoginTokenParams ¶
type AuthAcceptLoginTokenParams struct {
Token []byte
func (*AuthAcceptLoginTokenParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AuthAcceptLoginTokenParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AuthAcceptLoginTokenParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AuthAcceptLoginTokenParams) Encode() []byte
type AuthAuthorization ¶
type AuthAuthorizationObj ¶
type AuthAuthorizationObj struct { TmpSessions int32 `flag:"0"` User User // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*AuthAuthorizationObj) CRC ¶
func (*AuthAuthorizationObj) CRC() uint32
func (*AuthAuthorizationObj) Encode ¶
func (e *AuthAuthorizationObj) Encode() []byte
func (*AuthAuthorizationObj) ImplementsAuthAuthorization ¶
func (*AuthAuthorizationObj) ImplementsAuthAuthorization()
type AuthAuthorizationSignUpRequired ¶
type AuthAuthorizationSignUpRequired struct { TermsOfService *HelpTermsOfService `flag:"0"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*AuthAuthorizationSignUpRequired) CRC ¶
func (*AuthAuthorizationSignUpRequired) CRC() uint32
func (*AuthAuthorizationSignUpRequired) Encode ¶
func (e *AuthAuthorizationSignUpRequired) Encode() []byte
func (*AuthAuthorizationSignUpRequired) ImplementsAuthAuthorization ¶
func (*AuthAuthorizationSignUpRequired) ImplementsAuthAuthorization()
type AuthBindTempAuthKeyParams ¶
type AuthBindTempAuthKeyParams struct { PermAuthKeyId int64 Nonce int64 ExpiresAt int32 EncryptedMessage []byte }
func (*AuthBindTempAuthKeyParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AuthBindTempAuthKeyParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AuthBindTempAuthKeyParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AuthBindTempAuthKeyParams) Encode() []byte
type AuthCancelCodeParams ¶
func (*AuthCancelCodeParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AuthCancelCodeParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AuthCancelCodeParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AuthCancelCodeParams) Encode() []byte
type AuthCheckPasswordParams ¶
type AuthCheckPasswordParams struct {
Password InputCheckPasswordSRP
func (*AuthCheckPasswordParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AuthCheckPasswordParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AuthCheckPasswordParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AuthCheckPasswordParams) Encode() []byte
type AuthCodeType ¶
type AuthCodeType uint32
const ( AuthCodeTypeSms AuthCodeType = 1923290508 AuthCodeTypeCall AuthCodeType = 1948046307 AuthCodeTypeFlashCall AuthCodeType = 577556219 )
func (AuthCodeType) CRC ¶
func (e AuthCodeType) CRC() uint32
func (AuthCodeType) Encode ¶
func (e AuthCodeType) Encode() []byte
func (AuthCodeType) String ¶
func (e AuthCodeType) String() string
type AuthDropTempAuthKeysParams ¶
type AuthDropTempAuthKeysParams struct {
ExceptAuthKeys []int64
func (*AuthDropTempAuthKeysParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AuthDropTempAuthKeysParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AuthDropTempAuthKeysParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AuthDropTempAuthKeysParams) Encode() []byte
type AuthExportAuthorizationParams ¶
type AuthExportAuthorizationParams struct {
DcId int32
func (*AuthExportAuthorizationParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AuthExportAuthorizationParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AuthExportAuthorizationParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AuthExportAuthorizationParams) Encode() []byte
type AuthExportLoginTokenParams ¶
func (*AuthExportLoginTokenParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AuthExportLoginTokenParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AuthExportLoginTokenParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AuthExportLoginTokenParams) Encode() []byte
type AuthExportedAuthorization ¶
type AuthExportedAuthorization struct { Id int32 `validate:"required"` Bytes []byte `validate:"required"` }
func (*AuthExportedAuthorization) CRC ¶
func (e *AuthExportedAuthorization) CRC() uint32
func (*AuthExportedAuthorization) Encode ¶
func (e *AuthExportedAuthorization) Encode() []byte
type AuthImportAuthorizationParams ¶
func (*AuthImportAuthorizationParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AuthImportAuthorizationParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AuthImportAuthorizationParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AuthImportAuthorizationParams) Encode() []byte
type AuthImportBotAuthorizationParams ¶
type AuthImportBotAuthorizationParams struct { Flags int32 ApiId int32 ApiHash string BotAuthToken string }
func (*AuthImportBotAuthorizationParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AuthImportBotAuthorizationParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AuthImportBotAuthorizationParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AuthImportBotAuthorizationParams) Encode() []byte
type AuthImportLoginTokenParams ¶
type AuthImportLoginTokenParams struct {
Token []byte
func (*AuthImportLoginTokenParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AuthImportLoginTokenParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AuthImportLoginTokenParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AuthImportLoginTokenParams) Encode() []byte
type AuthLogOutParams ¶
type AuthLogOutParams struct{}
func (*AuthLogOutParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AuthLogOutParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AuthLogOutParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AuthLogOutParams) Encode() []byte
type AuthLoginToken ¶
type AuthLoginTokenMigrateTo ¶
func (*AuthLoginTokenMigrateTo) CRC ¶
func (*AuthLoginTokenMigrateTo) CRC() uint32
func (*AuthLoginTokenMigrateTo) Encode ¶
func (e *AuthLoginTokenMigrateTo) Encode() []byte
func (*AuthLoginTokenMigrateTo) ImplementsAuthLoginToken ¶
func (*AuthLoginTokenMigrateTo) ImplementsAuthLoginToken()
type AuthLoginTokenObj ¶
func (*AuthLoginTokenObj) CRC ¶
func (*AuthLoginTokenObj) CRC() uint32
func (*AuthLoginTokenObj) Encode ¶
func (e *AuthLoginTokenObj) Encode() []byte
func (*AuthLoginTokenObj) ImplementsAuthLoginToken ¶
func (*AuthLoginTokenObj) ImplementsAuthLoginToken()
type AuthLoginTokenSuccess ¶
type AuthLoginTokenSuccess struct {
Authorization AuthAuthorization
func (*AuthLoginTokenSuccess) CRC ¶
func (*AuthLoginTokenSuccess) CRC() uint32
func (*AuthLoginTokenSuccess) Encode ¶
func (e *AuthLoginTokenSuccess) Encode() []byte
func (*AuthLoginTokenSuccess) ImplementsAuthLoginToken ¶
func (*AuthLoginTokenSuccess) ImplementsAuthLoginToken()
type AuthPasswordRecovery ¶
type AuthPasswordRecovery struct {
EmailPattern string `validate:"required"`
func (*AuthPasswordRecovery) CRC ¶
func (e *AuthPasswordRecovery) CRC() uint32
func (*AuthPasswordRecovery) Encode ¶
func (e *AuthPasswordRecovery) Encode() []byte
type AuthRecoverPasswordParams ¶
type AuthRecoverPasswordParams struct {
Code string
func (*AuthRecoverPasswordParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AuthRecoverPasswordParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AuthRecoverPasswordParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AuthRecoverPasswordParams) Encode() []byte
type AuthRequestPasswordRecoveryParams ¶
type AuthRequestPasswordRecoveryParams struct{}
func (*AuthRequestPasswordRecoveryParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AuthRequestPasswordRecoveryParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AuthRequestPasswordRecoveryParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AuthRequestPasswordRecoveryParams) Encode() []byte
type AuthResendCodeParams ¶
func (*AuthResendCodeParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AuthResendCodeParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AuthResendCodeParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AuthResendCodeParams) Encode() []byte
type AuthResetAuthorizationsParams ¶
type AuthResetAuthorizationsParams struct{}
func (*AuthResetAuthorizationsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AuthResetAuthorizationsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AuthResetAuthorizationsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AuthResetAuthorizationsParams) Encode() []byte
type AuthSendCodeParams ¶
type AuthSendCodeParams struct { PhoneNumber string ApiId int32 ApiHash string Settings *CodeSettings }
func (*AuthSendCodeParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AuthSendCodeParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AuthSendCodeParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AuthSendCodeParams) Encode() []byte
type AuthSentCode ¶
type AuthSentCode struct { Type AuthSentCodeType `validate:"required"` PhoneCodeHash string `validate:"required"` NextType AuthCodeType `flag:"1"` Timeout int32 `flag:"2"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*AuthSentCode) CRC ¶
func (e *AuthSentCode) CRC() uint32
func (*AuthSentCode) Encode ¶
func (e *AuthSentCode) Encode() []byte
type AuthSentCodeType ¶
type AuthSentCodeTypeApp ¶
type AuthSentCodeTypeApp struct {
Length int32
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeApp) CRC ¶
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeApp) CRC() uint32
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeApp) Encode ¶
func (e *AuthSentCodeTypeApp) Encode() []byte
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeApp) ImplementsAuthSentCodeType ¶
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeApp) ImplementsAuthSentCodeType()
type AuthSentCodeTypeCall ¶
type AuthSentCodeTypeCall struct {
Length int32
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeCall) CRC ¶
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeCall) CRC() uint32
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeCall) Encode ¶
func (e *AuthSentCodeTypeCall) Encode() []byte
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeCall) ImplementsAuthSentCodeType ¶
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeCall) ImplementsAuthSentCodeType()
type AuthSentCodeTypeFlashCall ¶
type AuthSentCodeTypeFlashCall struct {
Pattern string
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeFlashCall) CRC ¶
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeFlashCall) CRC() uint32
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeFlashCall) Encode ¶
func (e *AuthSentCodeTypeFlashCall) Encode() []byte
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeFlashCall) ImplementsAuthSentCodeType ¶
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeFlashCall) ImplementsAuthSentCodeType()
type AuthSentCodeTypeSms ¶
type AuthSentCodeTypeSms struct {
Length int32
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeSms) CRC ¶
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeSms) CRC() uint32
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeSms) Encode ¶
func (e *AuthSentCodeTypeSms) Encode() []byte
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeSms) ImplementsAuthSentCodeType ¶
func (*AuthSentCodeTypeSms) ImplementsAuthSentCodeType()
type AuthSignInParams ¶
func (*AuthSignInParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AuthSignInParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AuthSignInParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AuthSignInParams) Encode() []byte
type AuthSignUpParams ¶
type AuthSignUpParams struct { PhoneNumber string PhoneCodeHash string FirstName string LastName string }
func (*AuthSignUpParams) CRC ¶
func (e *AuthSignUpParams) CRC() uint32
func (*AuthSignUpParams) Encode ¶
func (e *AuthSignUpParams) Encode() []byte
type Authorization ¶
type Authorization struct { Current bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` OfficialApp bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` PasswordPending bool `flag:"2,encoded_in_bitflags"` Hash int64 `validate:"required"` DeviceModel string `validate:"required"` Platform string `validate:"required"` SystemVersion string `validate:"required"` ApiId int32 `validate:"required"` AppName string `validate:"required"` AppVersion string `validate:"required"` DateCreated int32 `validate:"required"` DateActive int32 `validate:"required"` Ip string `validate:"required"` Country string `validate:"required"` Region string `validate:"required"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Authorization) CRC ¶
func (e *Authorization) CRC() uint32
func (*Authorization) Encode ¶
func (e *Authorization) Encode() []byte
type AutoDownloadSettings ¶
type AutoDownloadSettings struct { Disabled bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` VideoPreloadLarge bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` AudioPreloadNext bool `flag:"2,encoded_in_bitflags"` PhonecallsLessData bool `flag:"3,encoded_in_bitflags"` PhotoSizeMax int32 `validate:"required"` VideoSizeMax int32 `validate:"required"` FileSizeMax int32 `validate:"required"` VideoUploadMaxbitrate int32 `validate:"required"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*AutoDownloadSettings) CRC ¶
func (e *AutoDownloadSettings) CRC() uint32
func (*AutoDownloadSettings) Encode ¶
func (e *AutoDownloadSettings) Encode() []byte
type BankCardOpenUrl ¶
func (*BankCardOpenUrl) CRC ¶
func (e *BankCardOpenUrl) CRC() uint32
func (*BankCardOpenUrl) Encode ¶
func (e *BankCardOpenUrl) Encode() []byte
type BotCommand ¶
type BotCommand struct { Command string `validate:"required"` Description string `validate:"required"` }
func (*BotCommand) CRC ¶
func (e *BotCommand) CRC() uint32
func (*BotCommand) Encode ¶
func (e *BotCommand) Encode() []byte
type BotInfo ¶
type BotInfo struct { UserId int32 `validate:"required"` Description string `validate:"required"` Commands []*BotCommand `validate:"required"` }
type BotInlineMediaResult ¶
type BotInlineMediaResult struct { Id string Type string Photo Photo `flag:"0"` Document Document `flag:"1"` Title string `flag:"2"` Description string `flag:"3"` SendMessage BotInlineMessage // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*BotInlineMediaResult) CRC ¶
func (*BotInlineMediaResult) CRC() uint32
func (*BotInlineMediaResult) Encode ¶
func (e *BotInlineMediaResult) Encode() []byte
func (*BotInlineMediaResult) ImplementsBotInlineResult ¶
func (*BotInlineMediaResult) ImplementsBotInlineResult()
type BotInlineMessage ¶
type BotInlineMessageMediaAuto ¶
type BotInlineMessageMediaAuto struct { Message string Entities []MessageEntity `flag:"1"` ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `flag:"2"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaAuto) CRC ¶
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaAuto) CRC() uint32
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaAuto) Encode ¶
func (e *BotInlineMessageMediaAuto) Encode() []byte
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaAuto) ImplementsBotInlineMessage ¶
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaAuto) ImplementsBotInlineMessage()
type BotInlineMessageMediaContact ¶
type BotInlineMessageMediaContact struct { PhoneNumber string FirstName string LastName string Vcard string ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `flag:"2"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaContact) CRC ¶
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaContact) CRC() uint32
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaContact) Encode ¶
func (e *BotInlineMessageMediaContact) Encode() []byte
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaContact) ImplementsBotInlineMessage ¶
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaContact) ImplementsBotInlineMessage()
type BotInlineMessageMediaGeo ¶
type BotInlineMessageMediaGeo struct { Geo GeoPoint Period int32 ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `flag:"2"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaGeo) CRC ¶
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaGeo) CRC() uint32
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaGeo) Encode ¶
func (e *BotInlineMessageMediaGeo) Encode() []byte
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaGeo) ImplementsBotInlineMessage ¶
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaGeo) ImplementsBotInlineMessage()
type BotInlineMessageMediaVenue ¶
type BotInlineMessageMediaVenue struct { Geo GeoPoint Title string Address string Provider string VenueId string VenueType string ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `flag:"2"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaVenue) CRC ¶
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaVenue) CRC() uint32
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaVenue) Encode ¶
func (e *BotInlineMessageMediaVenue) Encode() []byte
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaVenue) ImplementsBotInlineMessage ¶
func (*BotInlineMessageMediaVenue) ImplementsBotInlineMessage()
type BotInlineMessageText ¶
type BotInlineMessageText struct { NoWebpage bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Message string Entities []MessageEntity `flag:"1"` ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `flag:"2"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*BotInlineMessageText) CRC ¶
func (*BotInlineMessageText) CRC() uint32
func (*BotInlineMessageText) Encode ¶
func (e *BotInlineMessageText) Encode() []byte
func (*BotInlineMessageText) ImplementsBotInlineMessage ¶
func (*BotInlineMessageText) ImplementsBotInlineMessage()
type BotInlineResult ¶
type BotInlineResultObj ¶
type BotInlineResultObj struct { Id string Type string Title string `flag:"1"` Description string `flag:"2"` Url string `flag:"3"` Thumb WebDocument `flag:"4"` Content WebDocument `flag:"5"` SendMessage BotInlineMessage // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*BotInlineResultObj) CRC ¶
func (*BotInlineResultObj) CRC() uint32
func (*BotInlineResultObj) Encode ¶
func (e *BotInlineResultObj) Encode() []byte
func (*BotInlineResultObj) ImplementsBotInlineResult ¶
func (*BotInlineResultObj) ImplementsBotInlineResult()
type BotsAnswerWebhookJSONQueryParams ¶
func (*BotsAnswerWebhookJSONQueryParams) CRC ¶
func (e *BotsAnswerWebhookJSONQueryParams) CRC() uint32
func (*BotsAnswerWebhookJSONQueryParams) Encode ¶
func (e *BotsAnswerWebhookJSONQueryParams) Encode() []byte
type BotsSendCustomRequestParams ¶
func (*BotsSendCustomRequestParams) CRC ¶
func (e *BotsSendCustomRequestParams) CRC() uint32
func (*BotsSendCustomRequestParams) Encode ¶
func (e *BotsSendCustomRequestParams) Encode() []byte
type BotsSetBotCommandsParams ¶
type BotsSetBotCommandsParams struct {
Commands []*BotCommand
func (*BotsSetBotCommandsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *BotsSetBotCommandsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*BotsSetBotCommandsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *BotsSetBotCommandsParams) Encode() []byte
type CdnConfig ¶
type CdnConfig struct {
PublicKeys []*CdnPublicKey `validate:"required"`
type CdnPublicKey ¶
type CdnPublicKey struct { DcId int32 `validate:"required"` PublicKey string `validate:"required"` }
func (*CdnPublicKey) CRC ¶
func (e *CdnPublicKey) CRC() uint32
func (*CdnPublicKey) Encode ¶
func (e *CdnPublicKey) Encode() []byte
type Channel ¶
type Channel struct { Creator bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Left bool `flag:"2,encoded_in_bitflags"` Broadcast bool `flag:"5,encoded_in_bitflags"` Verified bool `flag:"7,encoded_in_bitflags"` Megagroup bool `flag:"8,encoded_in_bitflags"` Restricted bool `flag:"9,encoded_in_bitflags"` Signatures bool `flag:"11,encoded_in_bitflags"` Min bool `flag:"12,encoded_in_bitflags"` Scam bool `flag:"19,encoded_in_bitflags"` HasLink bool `flag:"20,encoded_in_bitflags"` HasGeo bool `flag:"21,encoded_in_bitflags"` SlowmodeEnabled bool `flag:"22,encoded_in_bitflags"` Id int32 AccessHash int64 `flag:"13"` Title string Username string `flag:"6"` Photo ChatPhoto Date int32 Version int32 RestrictionReason []*RestrictionReason `flag:"9"` AdminRights *ChatAdminRights `flag:"14"` BannedRights *ChatBannedRights `flag:"15"` DefaultBannedRights *ChatBannedRights `flag:"18"` ParticipantsCount int32 `flag:"17"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Channel) ImplementsChat ¶
func (*Channel) ImplementsChat()
type ChannelAdminLogEvent ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEvent struct { Id int64 `validate:"required"` Date int32 `validate:"required"` UserId int32 `validate:"required"` Action ChannelAdminLogEventAction `validate:"required"` }
func (*ChannelAdminLogEvent) CRC ¶
func (e *ChannelAdminLogEvent) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEvent) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelAdminLogEvent) Encode() []byte
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeAbout ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeAbout) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeAbout) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeAbout) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeAbout) Encode() []byte
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeAbout) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeAbout) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeLinkedChat ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeLinkedChat) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeLinkedChat) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeLinkedChat) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeLinkedChat) Encode() []byte
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeLinkedChat) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeLinkedChat) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeLocation ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeLocation struct { PrevValue ChannelLocation NewValue ChannelLocation }
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeLocation) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeLocation) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeLocation) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeLocation) Encode() []byte
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeLocation) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeLocation) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangePhoto ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangePhoto) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangePhoto) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangePhoto) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangePhoto) Encode() []byte
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangePhoto) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangePhoto) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeStickerSet ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeStickerSet struct { PrevStickerset InputStickerSet NewStickerset InputStickerSet }
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeStickerSet) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeStickerSet) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeStickerSet) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeStickerSet) Encode() []byte
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeStickerSet) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeStickerSet) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeTitle ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeTitle) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeTitle) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeTitle) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeTitle) Encode() []byte
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeTitle) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeTitle) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeUsername ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeUsername) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeUsername) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeUsername) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeUsername) Encode() []byte
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeUsername) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangeUsername) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionDefaultBannedRights ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionDefaultBannedRights struct { PrevBannedRights *ChatBannedRights NewBannedRights *ChatBannedRights }
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionDefaultBannedRights) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionDefaultBannedRights) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionDefaultBannedRights) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelAdminLogEventActionDefaultBannedRights) Encode() []byte
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionDefaultBannedRights) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionDefaultBannedRights) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionDeleteMessage ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionDeleteMessage struct {
Message Message
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionDeleteMessage) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionDeleteMessage) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionDeleteMessage) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelAdminLogEventActionDeleteMessage) Encode() []byte
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionDeleteMessage) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionDeleteMessage) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionEditMessage ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionEditMessage) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionEditMessage) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionEditMessage) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelAdminLogEventActionEditMessage) Encode() []byte
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionEditMessage) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionEditMessage) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantInvite ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantInvite struct {
Participant ChannelParticipant
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantInvite) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantInvite) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantInvite) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantInvite) Encode() []byte
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantInvite) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantInvite) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoin ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoin struct{}
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoin) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoin) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoin) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoin) Encode() []byte
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoin) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoin) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantLeave ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantLeave struct{}
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantLeave) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantLeave) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantLeave) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantLeave) Encode() []byte
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantLeave) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantLeave) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleAdmin ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleAdmin struct { PrevParticipant ChannelParticipant NewParticipant ChannelParticipant }
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleAdmin) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleAdmin) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleAdmin) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleAdmin) Encode() []byte
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleAdmin) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleAdmin) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleBan ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleBan struct { PrevParticipant ChannelParticipant NewParticipant ChannelParticipant }
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleBan) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleBan) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleBan) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleBan) Encode() []byte
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleBan) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleBan) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionStopPoll ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionStopPoll struct {
Message Message
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionStopPoll) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionStopPoll) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionStopPoll) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelAdminLogEventActionStopPoll) Encode() []byte
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionStopPoll) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionStopPoll) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleInvites ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleInvites struct {
NewValue bool
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleInvites) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleInvites) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleInvites) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleInvites) Encode() []byte
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleInvites) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleInvites) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionTogglePreHistoryHidden ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionTogglePreHistoryHidden struct {
NewValue bool
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionTogglePreHistoryHidden) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionTogglePreHistoryHidden) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionTogglePreHistoryHidden) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelAdminLogEventActionTogglePreHistoryHidden) Encode() []byte
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionTogglePreHistoryHidden) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionTogglePreHistoryHidden) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleSignatures ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleSignatures struct {
NewValue bool
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleSignatures) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleSignatures) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleSignatures) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleSignatures) Encode() []byte
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleSignatures) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleSignatures) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleSlowMode ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleSlowMode) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleSlowMode) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleSlowMode) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleSlowMode) Encode() []byte
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleSlowMode) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionToggleSlowMode) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionUpdatePinned ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventActionUpdatePinned struct {
Message Message
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionUpdatePinned) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionUpdatePinned) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionUpdatePinned) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelAdminLogEventActionUpdatePinned) Encode() []byte
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionUpdatePinned) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction ¶
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventActionUpdatePinned) ImplementsChannelAdminLogEventAction()
type ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter ¶
type ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter struct { Join bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Leave bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Invite bool `flag:"2,encoded_in_bitflags"` Ban bool `flag:"3,encoded_in_bitflags"` Unban bool `flag:"4,encoded_in_bitflags"` Kick bool `flag:"5,encoded_in_bitflags"` Unkick bool `flag:"6,encoded_in_bitflags"` Promote bool `flag:"7,encoded_in_bitflags"` Demote bool `flag:"8,encoded_in_bitflags"` Info bool `flag:"9,encoded_in_bitflags"` Settings bool `flag:"10,encoded_in_bitflags"` Pinned bool `flag:"11,encoded_in_bitflags"` Edit bool `flag:"12,encoded_in_bitflags"` Delete bool `flag:"13,encoded_in_bitflags"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter) CRC ¶
func (e *ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter) Encode() []byte
type ChannelForbidden ¶
type ChannelForbidden struct { Broadcast bool `flag:"5,encoded_in_bitflags"` Megagroup bool `flag:"8,encoded_in_bitflags"` Id int32 AccessHash int64 Title string UntilDate int32 `flag:"16"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ChannelForbidden) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelForbidden) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelForbidden) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelForbidden) Encode() []byte
func (*ChannelForbidden) ImplementsChat ¶
func (*ChannelForbidden) ImplementsChat()
type ChannelFull ¶
type ChannelFull struct { CanViewParticipants bool `flag:"3,encoded_in_bitflags"` CanSetUsername bool `flag:"6,encoded_in_bitflags"` CanSetStickers bool `flag:"7,encoded_in_bitflags"` HiddenPrehistory bool `flag:"10,encoded_in_bitflags"` CanSetLocation bool `flag:"16,encoded_in_bitflags"` HasScheduled bool `flag:"19,encoded_in_bitflags"` CanViewStats bool `flag:"20,encoded_in_bitflags"` Id int32 About string ParticipantsCount int32 `flag:"0"` AdminsCount int32 `flag:"1"` KickedCount int32 `flag:"2"` BannedCount int32 `flag:"2"` OnlineCount int32 `flag:"13"` ReadInboxMaxId int32 ReadOutboxMaxId int32 UnreadCount int32 ChatPhoto Photo NotifySettings *PeerNotifySettings ExportedInvite ExportedChatInvite BotInfo []*BotInfo MigratedFromChatId int32 `flag:"4"` MigratedFromMaxId int32 `flag:"4"` PinnedMsgId int32 `flag:"5"` Stickerset *StickerSet `flag:"8"` AvailableMinId int32 `flag:"9"` FolderId int32 `flag:"11"` LinkedChatId int32 `flag:"14"` Location ChannelLocation `flag:"15"` SlowmodeSeconds int32 `flag:"17"` SlowmodeNextSendDate int32 `flag:"18"` StatsDc int32 `flag:"12"` Pts int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ChannelFull) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelFull) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelFull) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelFull) Encode() []byte
func (*ChannelFull) ImplementsChatFull ¶
func (*ChannelFull) ImplementsChatFull()
type ChannelLocation ¶
type ChannelLocationEmpty ¶
type ChannelLocationEmpty struct{}
func (*ChannelLocationEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelLocationEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelLocationEmpty) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelLocationEmpty) Encode() []byte
func (*ChannelLocationEmpty) ImplementsChannelLocation ¶
func (*ChannelLocationEmpty) ImplementsChannelLocation()
type ChannelLocationObj ¶
func (*ChannelLocationObj) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelLocationObj) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelLocationObj) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelLocationObj) Encode() []byte
func (*ChannelLocationObj) ImplementsChannelLocation ¶
func (*ChannelLocationObj) ImplementsChannelLocation()
type ChannelMessagesFilter ¶
type ChannelMessagesFilterEmpty ¶
type ChannelMessagesFilterEmpty struct{}
func (*ChannelMessagesFilterEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelMessagesFilterEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelMessagesFilterEmpty) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelMessagesFilterEmpty) Encode() []byte
func (*ChannelMessagesFilterEmpty) ImplementsChannelMessagesFilter ¶
func (*ChannelMessagesFilterEmpty) ImplementsChannelMessagesFilter()
type ChannelMessagesFilterObj ¶
type ChannelMessagesFilterObj struct { ExcludeNewMessages bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Ranges []*MessageRange // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ChannelMessagesFilterObj) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelMessagesFilterObj) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelMessagesFilterObj) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelMessagesFilterObj) Encode() []byte
func (*ChannelMessagesFilterObj) ImplementsChannelMessagesFilter ¶
func (*ChannelMessagesFilterObj) ImplementsChannelMessagesFilter()
type ChannelParticipant ¶
type ChannelParticipantAdmin ¶
type ChannelParticipantAdmin struct { CanEdit bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Self bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` UserId int32 InviterId int32 `flag:"1"` PromotedBy int32 Date int32 AdminRights *ChatAdminRights Rank string `flag:"2"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ChannelParticipantAdmin) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantAdmin) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelParticipantAdmin) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelParticipantAdmin) Encode() []byte
func (*ChannelParticipantAdmin) ImplementsChannelParticipant ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantAdmin) ImplementsChannelParticipant()
type ChannelParticipantBanned ¶
type ChannelParticipantBanned struct { Left bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` UserId int32 KickedBy int32 Date int32 BannedRights *ChatBannedRights // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ChannelParticipantBanned) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantBanned) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelParticipantBanned) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelParticipantBanned) Encode() []byte
func (*ChannelParticipantBanned) ImplementsChannelParticipant ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantBanned) ImplementsChannelParticipant()
type ChannelParticipantCreator ¶
type ChannelParticipantCreator struct { UserId int32 Rank string `flag:"0"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ChannelParticipantCreator) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantCreator) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelParticipantCreator) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelParticipantCreator) Encode() []byte
func (*ChannelParticipantCreator) ImplementsChannelParticipant ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantCreator) ImplementsChannelParticipant()
type ChannelParticipantObj ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantObj) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantObj) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelParticipantObj) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelParticipantObj) Encode() []byte
func (*ChannelParticipantObj) ImplementsChannelParticipant ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantObj) ImplementsChannelParticipant()
type ChannelParticipantSelf ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantSelf) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantSelf) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelParticipantSelf) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelParticipantSelf) Encode() []byte
func (*ChannelParticipantSelf) ImplementsChannelParticipant ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantSelf) ImplementsChannelParticipant()
type ChannelParticipantsAdmins ¶
type ChannelParticipantsAdmins struct{}
func (*ChannelParticipantsAdmins) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantsAdmins) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelParticipantsAdmins) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelParticipantsAdmins) Encode() []byte
func (*ChannelParticipantsAdmins) ImplementsChannelParticipantsFilter ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantsAdmins) ImplementsChannelParticipantsFilter()
type ChannelParticipantsBanned ¶
type ChannelParticipantsBanned struct {
Q string
func (*ChannelParticipantsBanned) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantsBanned) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelParticipantsBanned) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelParticipantsBanned) Encode() []byte
func (*ChannelParticipantsBanned) ImplementsChannelParticipantsFilter ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantsBanned) ImplementsChannelParticipantsFilter()
type ChannelParticipantsBots ¶
type ChannelParticipantsBots struct{}
func (*ChannelParticipantsBots) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantsBots) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelParticipantsBots) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelParticipantsBots) Encode() []byte
func (*ChannelParticipantsBots) ImplementsChannelParticipantsFilter ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantsBots) ImplementsChannelParticipantsFilter()
type ChannelParticipantsContacts ¶
type ChannelParticipantsContacts struct {
Q string
func (*ChannelParticipantsContacts) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantsContacts) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelParticipantsContacts) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelParticipantsContacts) Encode() []byte
func (*ChannelParticipantsContacts) ImplementsChannelParticipantsFilter ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantsContacts) ImplementsChannelParticipantsFilter()
type ChannelParticipantsKicked ¶
type ChannelParticipantsKicked struct {
Q string
func (*ChannelParticipantsKicked) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantsKicked) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelParticipantsKicked) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelParticipantsKicked) Encode() []byte
func (*ChannelParticipantsKicked) ImplementsChannelParticipantsFilter ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantsKicked) ImplementsChannelParticipantsFilter()
type ChannelParticipantsRecent ¶
type ChannelParticipantsRecent struct{}
func (*ChannelParticipantsRecent) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantsRecent) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelParticipantsRecent) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelParticipantsRecent) Encode() []byte
func (*ChannelParticipantsRecent) ImplementsChannelParticipantsFilter ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantsRecent) ImplementsChannelParticipantsFilter()
type ChannelParticipantsSearch ¶
type ChannelParticipantsSearch struct {
Q string
func (*ChannelParticipantsSearch) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantsSearch) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelParticipantsSearch) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelParticipantsSearch) Encode() []byte
func (*ChannelParticipantsSearch) ImplementsChannelParticipantsFilter ¶
func (*ChannelParticipantsSearch) ImplementsChannelParticipantsFilter()
type ChannelsAdminLogResults ¶
type ChannelsAdminLogResults struct { Events []*ChannelAdminLogEvent `validate:"required"` Chats []Chat `validate:"required"` Users []User `validate:"required"` }
func (*ChannelsAdminLogResults) CRC ¶
func (e *ChannelsAdminLogResults) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelsAdminLogResults) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelsAdminLogResults) Encode() []byte
type ChannelsChannelParticipant ¶
type ChannelsChannelParticipant struct { Participant ChannelParticipant `validate:"required"` Users []User `validate:"required"` }
func (*ChannelsChannelParticipant) CRC ¶
func (e *ChannelsChannelParticipant) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelsChannelParticipant) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelsChannelParticipant) Encode() []byte
type ChannelsChannelParticipantsNotModified ¶
type ChannelsChannelParticipantsNotModified struct{}
func (*ChannelsChannelParticipantsNotModified) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsChannelParticipantsNotModified) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelsChannelParticipantsNotModified) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelsChannelParticipantsNotModified) Encode() []byte
func (*ChannelsChannelParticipantsNotModified) ImplementsChannelsChannelParticipants ¶
func (*ChannelsChannelParticipantsNotModified) ImplementsChannelsChannelParticipants()
type ChannelsChannelParticipantsObj ¶
type ChannelsChannelParticipantsObj struct { Count int32 Participants []ChannelParticipant Users []User }
func (*ChannelsChannelParticipantsObj) CRC ¶
func (*ChannelsChannelParticipantsObj) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelsChannelParticipantsObj) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelsChannelParticipantsObj) Encode() []byte
func (*ChannelsChannelParticipantsObj) ImplementsChannelsChannelParticipants ¶
func (*ChannelsChannelParticipantsObj) ImplementsChannelsChannelParticipants()
type ChannelsCheckUsernameParams ¶
type ChannelsCheckUsernameParams struct { Channel InputChannel Username string }
func (*ChannelsCheckUsernameParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ChannelsCheckUsernameParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelsCheckUsernameParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelsCheckUsernameParams) Encode() []byte
type ChannelsCreateChannelParams ¶
type ChannelsCreateChannelParams struct { Broadcast bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Megagroup bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Title string About string GeoPoint InputGeoPoint `flag:"2"` Address string `flag:"2"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ChannelsCreateChannelParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ChannelsCreateChannelParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelsCreateChannelParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelsCreateChannelParams) Encode() []byte
type ChannelsDeleteChannelParams ¶
type ChannelsDeleteChannelParams struct {
Channel InputChannel
func (*ChannelsDeleteChannelParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ChannelsDeleteChannelParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelsDeleteChannelParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelsDeleteChannelParams) Encode() []byte
type ChannelsDeleteHistoryParams ¶
type ChannelsDeleteHistoryParams struct { Channel InputChannel MaxId int32 }
func (*ChannelsDeleteHistoryParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ChannelsDeleteHistoryParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelsDeleteHistoryParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelsDeleteHistoryParams) Encode() []byte
type ChannelsDeleteMessagesParams ¶
type ChannelsDeleteMessagesParams struct { Channel InputChannel Id []int32 }
func (*ChannelsDeleteMessagesParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ChannelsDeleteMessagesParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelsDeleteMessagesParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelsDeleteMessagesParams) Encode() []byte
type ChannelsDeleteUserHistoryParams ¶
type ChannelsDeleteUserHistoryParams struct { Channel InputChannel UserId InputUser }
func (*ChannelsDeleteUserHistoryParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ChannelsDeleteUserHistoryParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelsDeleteUserHistoryParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelsDeleteUserHistoryParams) Encode() []byte
type ChannelsEditAdminParams ¶
type ChannelsEditAdminParams struct { Channel InputChannel UserId InputUser AdminRights *ChatAdminRights Rank string }
func (*ChannelsEditAdminParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ChannelsEditAdminParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelsEditAdminParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelsEditAdminParams) Encode() []byte
type ChannelsEditBannedParams ¶
type ChannelsEditBannedParams struct { Channel InputChannel UserId InputUser BannedRights *ChatBannedRights }
func (*ChannelsEditBannedParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ChannelsEditBannedParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelsEditBannedParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelsEditBannedParams) Encode() []byte
type ChannelsEditCreatorParams ¶
type ChannelsEditCreatorParams struct { Channel InputChannel UserId InputUser Password InputCheckPasswordSRP }
func (*ChannelsEditCreatorParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ChannelsEditCreatorParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelsEditCreatorParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelsEditCreatorParams) Encode() []byte
type ChannelsEditLocationParams ¶
type ChannelsEditLocationParams struct { Channel InputChannel GeoPoint InputGeoPoint Address string }
func (*ChannelsEditLocationParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ChannelsEditLocationParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelsEditLocationParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelsEditLocationParams) Encode() []byte
type ChannelsEditPhotoParams ¶
type ChannelsEditPhotoParams struct { Channel InputChannel Photo InputChatPhoto }
func (*ChannelsEditPhotoParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ChannelsEditPhotoParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelsEditPhotoParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelsEditPhotoParams) Encode() []byte
type ChannelsEditTitleParams ¶
type ChannelsEditTitleParams struct { Channel InputChannel Title string }
func (*ChannelsEditTitleParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ChannelsEditTitleParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelsEditTitleParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelsEditTitleParams) Encode() []byte
type ChannelsExportMessageLinkParams ¶
type ChannelsExportMessageLinkParams struct { Channel InputChannel Id int32 Grouped bool }
func (*ChannelsExportMessageLinkParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ChannelsExportMessageLinkParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelsExportMessageLinkParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelsExportMessageLinkParams) Encode() []byte
type ChannelsGetAdminLogParams ¶
type ChannelsGetAdminLogParams struct { Channel InputChannel Q string EventsFilter *ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter `flag:"0"` Admins []InputUser `flag:"1"` MaxId int64 MinId int64 Limit int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ChannelsGetAdminLogParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ChannelsGetAdminLogParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelsGetAdminLogParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelsGetAdminLogParams) Encode() []byte
type ChannelsGetAdminedPublicChannelsParams ¶
type ChannelsGetAdminedPublicChannelsParams struct { ByLocation bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` CheckLimit bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ChannelsGetAdminedPublicChannelsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ChannelsGetAdminedPublicChannelsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelsGetAdminedPublicChannelsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelsGetAdminedPublicChannelsParams) Encode() []byte
type ChannelsGetChannelsParams ¶
type ChannelsGetChannelsParams struct {
Id []InputChannel
func (*ChannelsGetChannelsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ChannelsGetChannelsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelsGetChannelsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelsGetChannelsParams) Encode() []byte
type ChannelsGetFullChannelParams ¶
type ChannelsGetFullChannelParams struct {
Channel InputChannel
func (*ChannelsGetFullChannelParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ChannelsGetFullChannelParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelsGetFullChannelParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelsGetFullChannelParams) Encode() []byte
type ChannelsGetGroupsForDiscussionParams ¶
type ChannelsGetGroupsForDiscussionParams struct{}
func (*ChannelsGetGroupsForDiscussionParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ChannelsGetGroupsForDiscussionParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelsGetGroupsForDiscussionParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelsGetGroupsForDiscussionParams) Encode() []byte
type ChannelsGetInactiveChannelsParams ¶
type ChannelsGetInactiveChannelsParams struct{}
func (*ChannelsGetInactiveChannelsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ChannelsGetInactiveChannelsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelsGetInactiveChannelsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelsGetInactiveChannelsParams) Encode() []byte
type ChannelsGetLeftChannelsParams ¶
type ChannelsGetLeftChannelsParams struct {
Offset int32
func (*ChannelsGetLeftChannelsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ChannelsGetLeftChannelsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelsGetLeftChannelsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelsGetLeftChannelsParams) Encode() []byte
type ChannelsGetMessagesParams ¶
type ChannelsGetMessagesParams struct { Channel InputChannel Id []InputMessage }
func (*ChannelsGetMessagesParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ChannelsGetMessagesParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelsGetMessagesParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelsGetMessagesParams) Encode() []byte
type ChannelsGetParticipantParams ¶
type ChannelsGetParticipantParams struct { Channel InputChannel UserId InputUser }
func (*ChannelsGetParticipantParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ChannelsGetParticipantParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelsGetParticipantParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelsGetParticipantParams) Encode() []byte
type ChannelsGetParticipantsParams ¶
type ChannelsGetParticipantsParams struct { Channel InputChannel Filter ChannelParticipantsFilter Offset int32 Limit int32 Hash int32 }
func (*ChannelsGetParticipantsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ChannelsGetParticipantsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelsGetParticipantsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelsGetParticipantsParams) Encode() []byte
type ChannelsInviteToChannelParams ¶
type ChannelsInviteToChannelParams struct { Channel InputChannel Users []InputUser }
func (*ChannelsInviteToChannelParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ChannelsInviteToChannelParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelsInviteToChannelParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelsInviteToChannelParams) Encode() []byte
type ChannelsJoinChannelParams ¶
type ChannelsJoinChannelParams struct {
Channel InputChannel
func (*ChannelsJoinChannelParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ChannelsJoinChannelParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelsJoinChannelParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelsJoinChannelParams) Encode() []byte
type ChannelsLeaveChannelParams ¶
type ChannelsLeaveChannelParams struct {
Channel InputChannel
func (*ChannelsLeaveChannelParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ChannelsLeaveChannelParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelsLeaveChannelParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelsLeaveChannelParams) Encode() []byte
type ChannelsReadHistoryParams ¶
type ChannelsReadHistoryParams struct { Channel InputChannel MaxId int32 }
func (*ChannelsReadHistoryParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ChannelsReadHistoryParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelsReadHistoryParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelsReadHistoryParams) Encode() []byte
type ChannelsReadMessageContentsParams ¶
type ChannelsReadMessageContentsParams struct { Channel InputChannel Id []int32 }
func (*ChannelsReadMessageContentsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ChannelsReadMessageContentsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelsReadMessageContentsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelsReadMessageContentsParams) Encode() []byte
type ChannelsReportSpamParams ¶
type ChannelsReportSpamParams struct { Channel InputChannel UserId InputUser Id []int32 }
func (*ChannelsReportSpamParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ChannelsReportSpamParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelsReportSpamParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelsReportSpamParams) Encode() []byte
type ChannelsSetDiscussionGroupParams ¶
type ChannelsSetDiscussionGroupParams struct { Broadcast InputChannel Group InputChannel }
func (*ChannelsSetDiscussionGroupParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ChannelsSetDiscussionGroupParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelsSetDiscussionGroupParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelsSetDiscussionGroupParams) Encode() []byte
type ChannelsSetStickersParams ¶
type ChannelsSetStickersParams struct { Channel InputChannel Stickerset InputStickerSet }
func (*ChannelsSetStickersParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ChannelsSetStickersParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelsSetStickersParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelsSetStickersParams) Encode() []byte
type ChannelsTogglePreHistoryHiddenParams ¶
type ChannelsTogglePreHistoryHiddenParams struct { Channel InputChannel Enabled bool }
func (*ChannelsTogglePreHistoryHiddenParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ChannelsTogglePreHistoryHiddenParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelsTogglePreHistoryHiddenParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelsTogglePreHistoryHiddenParams) Encode() []byte
type ChannelsToggleSignaturesParams ¶
type ChannelsToggleSignaturesParams struct { Channel InputChannel Enabled bool }
func (*ChannelsToggleSignaturesParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ChannelsToggleSignaturesParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelsToggleSignaturesParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelsToggleSignaturesParams) Encode() []byte
type ChannelsToggleSlowModeParams ¶
type ChannelsToggleSlowModeParams struct { Channel InputChannel Seconds int32 }
func (*ChannelsToggleSlowModeParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ChannelsToggleSlowModeParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelsToggleSlowModeParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelsToggleSlowModeParams) Encode() []byte
type ChannelsUpdateUsernameParams ¶
type ChannelsUpdateUsernameParams struct { Channel InputChannel Username string }
func (*ChannelsUpdateUsernameParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ChannelsUpdateUsernameParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ChannelsUpdateUsernameParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ChannelsUpdateUsernameParams) Encode() []byte
type ChatAdminRights ¶
type ChatAdminRights struct { ChangeInfo bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` PostMessages bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` EditMessages bool `flag:"2,encoded_in_bitflags"` DeleteMessages bool `flag:"3,encoded_in_bitflags"` BanUsers bool `flag:"4,encoded_in_bitflags"` InviteUsers bool `flag:"5,encoded_in_bitflags"` PinMessages bool `flag:"7,encoded_in_bitflags"` AddAdmins bool `flag:"9,encoded_in_bitflags"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ChatAdminRights) CRC ¶
func (e *ChatAdminRights) CRC() uint32
func (*ChatAdminRights) Encode ¶
func (e *ChatAdminRights) Encode() []byte
type ChatBannedRights ¶
type ChatBannedRights struct { ViewMessages bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` SendMessages bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` SendMedia bool `flag:"2,encoded_in_bitflags"` SendStickers bool `flag:"3,encoded_in_bitflags"` SendGifs bool `flag:"4,encoded_in_bitflags"` SendGames bool `flag:"5,encoded_in_bitflags"` SendInline bool `flag:"6,encoded_in_bitflags"` EmbedLinks bool `flag:"7,encoded_in_bitflags"` SendPolls bool `flag:"8,encoded_in_bitflags"` ChangeInfo bool `flag:"10,encoded_in_bitflags"` InviteUsers bool `flag:"15,encoded_in_bitflags"` PinMessages bool `flag:"17,encoded_in_bitflags"` UntilDate int32 `validate:"required"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ChatBannedRights) CRC ¶
func (e *ChatBannedRights) CRC() uint32
func (*ChatBannedRights) Encode ¶
func (e *ChatBannedRights) Encode() []byte
type ChatEmpty ¶
type ChatEmpty struct {
Id int32
func (*ChatEmpty) ImplementsChat ¶
func (*ChatEmpty) ImplementsChat()
type ChatForbidden ¶
func (*ChatForbidden) CRC ¶
func (*ChatForbidden) CRC() uint32
func (*ChatForbidden) Encode ¶
func (e *ChatForbidden) Encode() []byte
func (*ChatForbidden) ImplementsChat ¶
func (*ChatForbidden) ImplementsChat()
type ChatFullObj ¶
type ChatFullObj struct { CanSetUsername bool `flag:"7,encoded_in_bitflags"` HasScheduled bool `flag:"8,encoded_in_bitflags"` Id int32 About string Participants ChatParticipants ChatPhoto Photo `flag:"2"` NotifySettings *PeerNotifySettings ExportedInvite ExportedChatInvite BotInfo []*BotInfo `flag:"3"` PinnedMsgId int32 `flag:"6"` FolderId int32 `flag:"11"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ChatFullObj) CRC ¶
func (*ChatFullObj) CRC() uint32
func (*ChatFullObj) Encode ¶
func (e *ChatFullObj) Encode() []byte
func (*ChatFullObj) ImplementsChatFull ¶
func (*ChatFullObj) ImplementsChatFull()
type ChatInvite ¶
type ChatInviteAlready ¶
type ChatInviteAlready struct {
Chat Chat
func (*ChatInviteAlready) CRC ¶
func (*ChatInviteAlready) CRC() uint32
func (*ChatInviteAlready) Encode ¶
func (e *ChatInviteAlready) Encode() []byte
func (*ChatInviteAlready) ImplementsChatInvite ¶
func (*ChatInviteAlready) ImplementsChatInvite()
type ChatInviteEmpty ¶
type ChatInviteEmpty struct{}
func (*ChatInviteEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*ChatInviteEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*ChatInviteEmpty) Encode ¶
func (e *ChatInviteEmpty) Encode() []byte
func (*ChatInviteEmpty) ImplementsExportedChatInvite ¶
func (*ChatInviteEmpty) ImplementsExportedChatInvite()
type ChatInviteExported ¶
type ChatInviteExported struct {
Link string
func (*ChatInviteExported) CRC ¶
func (*ChatInviteExported) CRC() uint32
func (*ChatInviteExported) Encode ¶
func (e *ChatInviteExported) Encode() []byte
func (*ChatInviteExported) ImplementsExportedChatInvite ¶
func (*ChatInviteExported) ImplementsExportedChatInvite()
type ChatInviteObj ¶
type ChatInviteObj struct { Channel bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Broadcast bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Public bool `flag:"2,encoded_in_bitflags"` Megagroup bool `flag:"3,encoded_in_bitflags"` Title string Photo Photo ParticipantsCount int32 Participants []User `flag:"4"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ChatInviteObj) CRC ¶
func (*ChatInviteObj) CRC() uint32
func (*ChatInviteObj) Encode ¶
func (e *ChatInviteObj) Encode() []byte
func (*ChatInviteObj) ImplementsChatInvite ¶
func (*ChatInviteObj) ImplementsChatInvite()
type ChatInvitePeek ¶
func (*ChatInvitePeek) CRC ¶
func (*ChatInvitePeek) CRC() uint32
func (*ChatInvitePeek) Encode ¶
func (e *ChatInvitePeek) Encode() []byte
func (*ChatInvitePeek) ImplementsChatInvite ¶
func (*ChatInvitePeek) ImplementsChatInvite()
type ChatObj ¶
type ChatObj struct { Creator bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Kicked bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Left bool `flag:"2,encoded_in_bitflags"` Deactivated bool `flag:"5,encoded_in_bitflags"` Id int32 Title string Photo ChatPhoto ParticipantsCount int32 Date int32 Version int32 MigratedTo InputChannel `flag:"6"` AdminRights *ChatAdminRights `flag:"14"` DefaultBannedRights *ChatBannedRights `flag:"18"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ChatObj) ImplementsChat ¶
func (*ChatObj) ImplementsChat()
type ChatOnlines ¶
type ChatOnlines struct {
Onlines int32 `validate:"required"`
func (*ChatOnlines) CRC ¶
func (e *ChatOnlines) CRC() uint32
func (*ChatOnlines) Encode ¶
func (e *ChatOnlines) Encode() []byte
type ChatParticipant ¶
type ChatParticipantAdmin ¶
func (*ChatParticipantAdmin) CRC ¶
func (*ChatParticipantAdmin) CRC() uint32
func (*ChatParticipantAdmin) Encode ¶
func (e *ChatParticipantAdmin) Encode() []byte
func (*ChatParticipantAdmin) ImplementsChatParticipant ¶
func (*ChatParticipantAdmin) ImplementsChatParticipant()
type ChatParticipantCreator ¶
type ChatParticipantCreator struct {
UserId int32
func (*ChatParticipantCreator) CRC ¶
func (*ChatParticipantCreator) CRC() uint32
func (*ChatParticipantCreator) Encode ¶
func (e *ChatParticipantCreator) Encode() []byte
func (*ChatParticipantCreator) ImplementsChatParticipant ¶
func (*ChatParticipantCreator) ImplementsChatParticipant()
type ChatParticipantObj ¶
func (*ChatParticipantObj) CRC ¶
func (*ChatParticipantObj) CRC() uint32
func (*ChatParticipantObj) Encode ¶
func (e *ChatParticipantObj) Encode() []byte
func (*ChatParticipantObj) ImplementsChatParticipant ¶
func (*ChatParticipantObj) ImplementsChatParticipant()
type ChatParticipants ¶
type ChatParticipantsForbidden ¶
type ChatParticipantsForbidden struct { ChatId int32 SelfParticipant ChatParticipant `flag:"0"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ChatParticipantsForbidden) CRC ¶
func (*ChatParticipantsForbidden) CRC() uint32
func (*ChatParticipantsForbidden) Encode ¶
func (e *ChatParticipantsForbidden) Encode() []byte
func (*ChatParticipantsForbidden) ImplementsChatParticipants ¶
func (*ChatParticipantsForbidden) ImplementsChatParticipants()
type ChatParticipantsObj ¶
type ChatParticipantsObj struct { ChatId int32 Participants []ChatParticipant Version int32 }
func (*ChatParticipantsObj) CRC ¶
func (*ChatParticipantsObj) CRC() uint32
func (*ChatParticipantsObj) Encode ¶
func (e *ChatParticipantsObj) Encode() []byte
func (*ChatParticipantsObj) ImplementsChatParticipants ¶
func (*ChatParticipantsObj) ImplementsChatParticipants()
type ChatPhotoEmpty ¶
type ChatPhotoEmpty struct{}
func (*ChatPhotoEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*ChatPhotoEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*ChatPhotoEmpty) Encode ¶
func (e *ChatPhotoEmpty) Encode() []byte
func (*ChatPhotoEmpty) ImplementsChatPhoto ¶
func (*ChatPhotoEmpty) ImplementsChatPhoto()
type ChatPhotoObj ¶
type ChatPhotoObj struct { HasVideo bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` PhotoSmall *FileLocation PhotoBig *FileLocation DcId int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ChatPhotoObj) CRC ¶
func (*ChatPhotoObj) CRC() uint32
func (*ChatPhotoObj) Encode ¶
func (e *ChatPhotoObj) Encode() []byte
func (*ChatPhotoObj) ImplementsChatPhoto ¶
func (*ChatPhotoObj) ImplementsChatPhoto()
type Client ¶
func NewClient ¶
func NewClient(c ClientConfig) (*Client, error)
func (*Client) AccountAcceptAuthorization ¶
func (c *Client) AccountAcceptAuthorization(params *AccountAcceptAuthorizationParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) AccountCancelPasswordEmail ¶
func (*Client) AccountChangePhone ¶
func (c *Client) AccountChangePhone(params *AccountChangePhoneParams) (User, error)
func (*Client) AccountCheckUsername ¶
func (c *Client) AccountCheckUsername(params *AccountCheckUsernameParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) AccountConfirmPasswordEmail ¶
func (c *Client) AccountConfirmPasswordEmail(params *AccountConfirmPasswordEmailParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) AccountConfirmPhone ¶
func (c *Client) AccountConfirmPhone(params *AccountConfirmPhoneParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) AccountCreateTheme ¶
func (c *Client) AccountCreateTheme(params *AccountCreateThemeParams) (*Theme, error)
func (*Client) AccountDeleteAccount ¶
func (c *Client) AccountDeleteAccount(params *AccountDeleteAccountParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) AccountDeleteSecureValue ¶
func (c *Client) AccountDeleteSecureValue(params *AccountDeleteSecureValueParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) AccountFinishTakeoutSession ¶
func (c *Client) AccountFinishTakeoutSession(params *AccountFinishTakeoutSessionParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) AccountGetAccountTTL ¶
func (c *Client) AccountGetAccountTTL() (*AccountDaysTTL, error)
func (*Client) AccountGetAllSecureValues ¶
func (c *Client) AccountGetAllSecureValues() (*SecureValue, error)
func (*Client) AccountGetAuthorizationForm ¶
func (c *Client) AccountGetAuthorizationForm(params *AccountGetAuthorizationFormParams) (*AccountAuthorizationForm, error)
func (*Client) AccountGetAuthorizations ¶
func (c *Client) AccountGetAuthorizations() (*AccountAuthorizations, error)
func (*Client) AccountGetAutoDownloadSettings ¶
func (c *Client) AccountGetAutoDownloadSettings() (*AccountAutoDownloadSettings, error)
func (*Client) AccountGetContactSignUpNotification ¶
func (*Client) AccountGetContentSettings ¶
func (c *Client) AccountGetContentSettings() (*AccountContentSettings, error)
func (*Client) AccountGetGlobalPrivacySettings ¶
func (c *Client) AccountGetGlobalPrivacySettings() (*GlobalPrivacySettings, error)
func (*Client) AccountGetMultiWallPapers ¶
func (c *Client) AccountGetMultiWallPapers(params *AccountGetMultiWallPapersParams) (WallPaper, error)
func (*Client) AccountGetNotifyExceptions ¶
func (c *Client) AccountGetNotifyExceptions(params *AccountGetNotifyExceptionsParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) AccountGetNotifySettings ¶
func (c *Client) AccountGetNotifySettings(params *AccountGetNotifySettingsParams) (*PeerNotifySettings, error)
func (*Client) AccountGetPassword ¶
func (c *Client) AccountGetPassword() (*AccountPassword, error)
func (*Client) AccountGetPasswordSettings ¶
func (c *Client) AccountGetPasswordSettings(params *AccountGetPasswordSettingsParams) (*AccountPasswordSettings, error)
func (*Client) AccountGetPrivacy ¶
func (c *Client) AccountGetPrivacy(params *AccountGetPrivacyParams) (*AccountPrivacyRules, error)
func (*Client) AccountGetSecureValue ¶
func (c *Client) AccountGetSecureValue(params *AccountGetSecureValueParams) (*SecureValue, error)
func (*Client) AccountGetTheme ¶
func (c *Client) AccountGetTheme(params *AccountGetThemeParams) (*Theme, error)
func (*Client) AccountGetThemes ¶
func (c *Client) AccountGetThemes(params *AccountGetThemesParams) (AccountThemes, error)
func (*Client) AccountGetTmpPassword ¶
func (c *Client) AccountGetTmpPassword(params *AccountGetTmpPasswordParams) (*AccountTmpPassword, error)
func (*Client) AccountGetWallPaper ¶
func (c *Client) AccountGetWallPaper(params *AccountGetWallPaperParams) (WallPaper, error)
func (*Client) AccountGetWallPapers ¶
func (c *Client) AccountGetWallPapers(params *AccountGetWallPapersParams) (AccountWallPapers, error)
func (*Client) AccountGetWebAuthorizations ¶
func (c *Client) AccountGetWebAuthorizations() (*AccountWebAuthorizations, error)
func (*Client) AccountInitTakeoutSession ¶
func (c *Client) AccountInitTakeoutSession(params *AccountInitTakeoutSessionParams) (*AccountTakeout, error)
func (*Client) AccountInstallTheme ¶
func (c *Client) AccountInstallTheme(params *AccountInstallThemeParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) AccountInstallWallPaper ¶
func (c *Client) AccountInstallWallPaper(params *AccountInstallWallPaperParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) AccountRegisterDevice ¶
func (c *Client) AccountRegisterDevice(params *AccountRegisterDeviceParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) AccountReportPeer ¶
func (c *Client) AccountReportPeer(params *AccountReportPeerParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) AccountResendPasswordEmail ¶
func (*Client) AccountResetAuthorization ¶
func (c *Client) AccountResetAuthorization(params *AccountResetAuthorizationParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) AccountResetNotifySettings ¶
func (*Client) AccountResetWallPapers ¶
func (*Client) AccountResetWebAuthorization ¶
func (c *Client) AccountResetWebAuthorization(params *AccountResetWebAuthorizationParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) AccountResetWebAuthorizations ¶
func (*Client) AccountSaveAutoDownloadSettings ¶
func (c *Client) AccountSaveAutoDownloadSettings(params *AccountSaveAutoDownloadSettingsParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) AccountSaveSecureValue ¶
func (c *Client) AccountSaveSecureValue(params *AccountSaveSecureValueParams) (*SecureValue, error)
func (*Client) AccountSaveTheme ¶
func (c *Client) AccountSaveTheme(params *AccountSaveThemeParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) AccountSaveWallPaper ¶
func (c *Client) AccountSaveWallPaper(params *AccountSaveWallPaperParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) AccountSendChangePhoneCode ¶
func (c *Client) AccountSendChangePhoneCode(params *AccountSendChangePhoneCodeParams) (*AuthSentCode, error)
func (*Client) AccountSendConfirmPhoneCode ¶
func (c *Client) AccountSendConfirmPhoneCode(params *AccountSendConfirmPhoneCodeParams) (*AuthSentCode, error)
func (*Client) AccountSendVerifyEmailCode ¶
func (c *Client) AccountSendVerifyEmailCode(params *AccountSendVerifyEmailCodeParams) (*AccountSentEmailCode, error)
func (*Client) AccountSendVerifyPhoneCode ¶
func (c *Client) AccountSendVerifyPhoneCode(params *AccountSendVerifyPhoneCodeParams) (*AuthSentCode, error)
func (*Client) AccountSetAccountTTL ¶
func (c *Client) AccountSetAccountTTL(params *AccountSetAccountTTLParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) AccountSetContactSignUpNotification ¶
func (c *Client) AccountSetContactSignUpNotification(params *AccountSetContactSignUpNotificationParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) AccountSetContentSettings ¶
func (c *Client) AccountSetContentSettings(params *AccountSetContentSettingsParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) AccountSetGlobalPrivacySettings ¶
func (c *Client) AccountSetGlobalPrivacySettings(params *AccountSetGlobalPrivacySettingsParams) (*GlobalPrivacySettings, error)
func (*Client) AccountSetPrivacy ¶
func (c *Client) AccountSetPrivacy(params *AccountSetPrivacyParams) (*AccountPrivacyRules, error)
func (*Client) AccountUnregisterDevice ¶
func (c *Client) AccountUnregisterDevice(params *AccountUnregisterDeviceParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) AccountUpdateDeviceLocked ¶
func (c *Client) AccountUpdateDeviceLocked(params *AccountUpdateDeviceLockedParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) AccountUpdateNotifySettings ¶
func (c *Client) AccountUpdateNotifySettings(params *AccountUpdateNotifySettingsParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) AccountUpdatePasswordSettings ¶
func (c *Client) AccountUpdatePasswordSettings(params *AccountUpdatePasswordSettingsParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) AccountUpdateProfile ¶
func (c *Client) AccountUpdateProfile(params *AccountUpdateProfileParams) (User, error)
func (*Client) AccountUpdateStatus ¶
func (c *Client) AccountUpdateStatus(params *AccountUpdateStatusParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) AccountUpdateTheme ¶
func (c *Client) AccountUpdateTheme(params *AccountUpdateThemeParams) (*Theme, error)
func (*Client) AccountUpdateUsername ¶
func (c *Client) AccountUpdateUsername(params *AccountUpdateUsernameParams) (User, error)
func (*Client) AccountUploadTheme ¶
func (c *Client) AccountUploadTheme(params *AccountUploadThemeParams) (Document, error)
func (*Client) AccountUploadWallPaper ¶
func (c *Client) AccountUploadWallPaper(params *AccountUploadWallPaperParams) (WallPaper, error)
func (*Client) AccountVerifyEmail ¶
func (c *Client) AccountVerifyEmail(params *AccountVerifyEmailParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) AccountVerifyPhone ¶
func (c *Client) AccountVerifyPhone(params *AccountVerifyPhoneParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) AuthAcceptLoginToken ¶
func (c *Client) AuthAcceptLoginToken(params *AuthAcceptLoginTokenParams) (*Authorization, error)
func (*Client) AuthBindTempAuthKey ¶
func (c *Client) AuthBindTempAuthKey(params *AuthBindTempAuthKeyParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) AuthCancelCode ¶
func (c *Client) AuthCancelCode(params *AuthCancelCodeParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) AuthCheckPassword ¶
func (c *Client) AuthCheckPassword(params *AuthCheckPasswordParams) (AuthAuthorization, error)
func (*Client) AuthDropTempAuthKeys ¶
func (c *Client) AuthDropTempAuthKeys(params *AuthDropTempAuthKeysParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) AuthExportAuthorization ¶
func (c *Client) AuthExportAuthorization(params *AuthExportAuthorizationParams) (*AuthExportedAuthorization, error)
func (*Client) AuthExportLoginToken ¶
func (c *Client) AuthExportLoginToken(params *AuthExportLoginTokenParams) (AuthLoginToken, error)
func (*Client) AuthImportAuthorization ¶
func (c *Client) AuthImportAuthorization(params *AuthImportAuthorizationParams) (AuthAuthorization, error)
func (*Client) AuthImportBotAuthorization ¶
func (c *Client) AuthImportBotAuthorization(params *AuthImportBotAuthorizationParams) (AuthAuthorization, error)
func (*Client) AuthImportLoginToken ¶
func (c *Client) AuthImportLoginToken(params *AuthImportLoginTokenParams) (AuthLoginToken, error)
func (*Client) AuthRecoverPassword ¶
func (c *Client) AuthRecoverPassword(params *AuthRecoverPasswordParams) (AuthAuthorization, error)
func (*Client) AuthRequestPasswordRecovery ¶
func (c *Client) AuthRequestPasswordRecovery() (*AuthPasswordRecovery, error)
func (*Client) AuthResendCode ¶
func (c *Client) AuthResendCode(params *AuthResendCodeParams) (*AuthSentCode, error)
func (*Client) AuthResetAuthorizations ¶
func (*Client) AuthSendCode ¶
func (c *Client) AuthSendCode(params *AuthSendCodeParams) (*AuthSentCode, error)
func (*Client) AuthSignIn ¶
func (c *Client) AuthSignIn(params *AuthSignInParams) (AuthAuthorization, error)
func (*Client) AuthSignUp ¶
func (c *Client) AuthSignUp(params *AuthSignUpParams) (AuthAuthorization, error)
func (*Client) BotsAnswerWebhookJSONQuery ¶
func (c *Client) BotsAnswerWebhookJSONQuery(params *BotsAnswerWebhookJSONQueryParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) BotsSendCustomRequest ¶
func (c *Client) BotsSendCustomRequest(params *BotsSendCustomRequestParams) (*DataJSON, error)
func (*Client) BotsSetBotCommands ¶
func (c *Client) BotsSetBotCommands(params *BotsSetBotCommandsParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsCheckUsername ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsCheckUsername(params *ChannelsCheckUsernameParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsCreateChannel ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsCreateChannel(params *ChannelsCreateChannelParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsDeleteChannel ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsDeleteChannel(params *ChannelsDeleteChannelParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsDeleteHistory ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsDeleteHistory(params *ChannelsDeleteHistoryParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsDeleteMessages ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsDeleteMessages(params *ChannelsDeleteMessagesParams) (*MessagesAffectedMessages, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsDeleteUserHistory ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsDeleteUserHistory(params *ChannelsDeleteUserHistoryParams) (*MessagesAffectedHistory, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsEditAdmin ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsEditAdmin(params *ChannelsEditAdminParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsEditBanned ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsEditBanned(params *ChannelsEditBannedParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsEditCreator ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsEditCreator(params *ChannelsEditCreatorParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsEditLocation ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsEditLocation(params *ChannelsEditLocationParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsEditPhoto ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsEditPhoto(params *ChannelsEditPhotoParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsEditTitle ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsEditTitle(params *ChannelsEditTitleParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsExportMessageLink ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsExportMessageLink(params *ChannelsExportMessageLinkParams) (*ExportedMessageLink, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsGetAdminLog ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsGetAdminLog(params *ChannelsGetAdminLogParams) (*ChannelsAdminLogResults, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsGetAdminedPublicChannels ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsGetAdminedPublicChannels(params *ChannelsGetAdminedPublicChannelsParams) (MessagesChats, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsGetChannels ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsGetChannels(params *ChannelsGetChannelsParams) (MessagesChats, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsGetFullChannel ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsGetFullChannel(params *ChannelsGetFullChannelParams) (*MessagesChatFull, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsGetGroupsForDiscussion ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsGetGroupsForDiscussion() (MessagesChats, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsGetInactiveChannels ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsGetInactiveChannels() (*MessagesInactiveChats, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsGetLeftChannels ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsGetLeftChannels(params *ChannelsGetLeftChannelsParams) (MessagesChats, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsGetMessages ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsGetMessages(params *ChannelsGetMessagesParams) (MessagesMessages, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsGetParticipant ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsGetParticipant(params *ChannelsGetParticipantParams) (*ChannelsChannelParticipant, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsGetParticipants ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsGetParticipants(params *ChannelsGetParticipantsParams) (ChannelsChannelParticipants, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsInviteToChannel ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsInviteToChannel(params *ChannelsInviteToChannelParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsJoinChannel ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsJoinChannel(params *ChannelsJoinChannelParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsLeaveChannel ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsLeaveChannel(params *ChannelsLeaveChannelParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsReadHistory ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsReadHistory(params *ChannelsReadHistoryParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsReadMessageContents ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsReadMessageContents(params *ChannelsReadMessageContentsParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsReportSpam ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsReportSpam(params *ChannelsReportSpamParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsSetDiscussionGroup ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsSetDiscussionGroup(params *ChannelsSetDiscussionGroupParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsSetStickers ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsSetStickers(params *ChannelsSetStickersParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsTogglePreHistoryHidden ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsTogglePreHistoryHidden(params *ChannelsTogglePreHistoryHiddenParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsToggleSignatures ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsToggleSignatures(params *ChannelsToggleSignaturesParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsToggleSlowMode ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsToggleSlowMode(params *ChannelsToggleSlowModeParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) ChannelsUpdateUsername ¶
func (c *Client) ChannelsUpdateUsername(params *ChannelsUpdateUsernameParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) ContactsAcceptContact ¶
func (c *Client) ContactsAcceptContact(params *ContactsAcceptContactParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) ContactsAddContact ¶
func (c *Client) ContactsAddContact(params *ContactsAddContactParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) ContactsBlock ¶
func (c *Client) ContactsBlock(params *ContactsBlockParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) ContactsDeleteByPhones ¶
func (c *Client) ContactsDeleteByPhones(params *ContactsDeleteByPhonesParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) ContactsDeleteContacts ¶
func (c *Client) ContactsDeleteContacts(params *ContactsDeleteContactsParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) ContactsGetBlocked ¶
func (c *Client) ContactsGetBlocked(params *ContactsGetBlockedParams) (ContactsBlocked, error)
func (*Client) ContactsGetContactIDs ¶
func (c *Client) ContactsGetContactIDs(params *ContactsGetContactIDsParams) (*serialize.Int, error)
func (*Client) ContactsGetContacts ¶
func (c *Client) ContactsGetContacts(params *ContactsGetContactsParams) (ContactsContacts, error)
func (*Client) ContactsGetLocated ¶
func (c *Client) ContactsGetLocated(params *ContactsGetLocatedParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) ContactsGetSaved ¶
func (c *Client) ContactsGetSaved() (*SavedContact, error)
func (*Client) ContactsGetStatuses ¶
func (c *Client) ContactsGetStatuses() (*ContactStatus, error)
func (*Client) ContactsGetTopPeers ¶
func (c *Client) ContactsGetTopPeers(params *ContactsGetTopPeersParams) (ContactsTopPeers, error)
func (*Client) ContactsImportContacts ¶
func (c *Client) ContactsImportContacts(params *ContactsImportContactsParams) (*ContactsImportedContacts, error)
func (*Client) ContactsResetTopPeerRating ¶
func (c *Client) ContactsResetTopPeerRating(params *ContactsResetTopPeerRatingParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) ContactsResolveUsername ¶
func (c *Client) ContactsResolveUsername(params *ContactsResolveUsernameParams) (*ContactsResolvedPeer, error)
func (*Client) ContactsSearch ¶
func (c *Client) ContactsSearch(params *ContactsSearchParams) (*ContactsFound, error)
func (*Client) ContactsToggleTopPeers ¶
func (c *Client) ContactsToggleTopPeers(params *ContactsToggleTopPeersParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) ContactsUnblock ¶
func (c *Client) ContactsUnblock(params *ContactsUnblockParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) FoldersDeleteFolder ¶
func (c *Client) FoldersDeleteFolder(params *FoldersDeleteFolderParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) FoldersEditPeerFolders ¶
func (c *Client) FoldersEditPeerFolders(params *FoldersEditPeerFoldersParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) GetChannelInfoByInviteLink ¶
func (c *Client) GetChannelInfoByInviteLink(hashOrLink string) (*ChannelFull, error)
func (*Client) GetChatInfoByHashLink ¶
func (*Client) GetPossibleAllParticipantsOfGroup ¶
func (c *Client) GetPossibleAllParticipantsOfGroup(ch InputChannel) ([]int, error)
func (*Client) HelpAcceptTermsOfService ¶
func (c *Client) HelpAcceptTermsOfService(params *HelpAcceptTermsOfServiceParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) HelpDismissSuggestion ¶
func (c *Client) HelpDismissSuggestion(params *HelpDismissSuggestionParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) HelpEditUserInfo ¶
func (c *Client) HelpEditUserInfo(params *HelpEditUserInfoParams) (HelpUserInfo, error)
func (*Client) HelpGetAppChangelog ¶
func (c *Client) HelpGetAppChangelog(params *HelpGetAppChangelogParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) HelpGetAppConfig ¶
func (*Client) HelpGetAppUpdate ¶
func (c *Client) HelpGetAppUpdate(params *HelpGetAppUpdateParams) (HelpAppUpdate, error)
func (*Client) HelpGetCdnConfig ¶
func (*Client) HelpGetConfig ¶
func (*Client) HelpGetDeepLinkInfo ¶
func (c *Client) HelpGetDeepLinkInfo(params *HelpGetDeepLinkInfoParams) (HelpDeepLinkInfo, error)
func (*Client) HelpGetInviteText ¶
func (c *Client) HelpGetInviteText() (*HelpInviteText, error)
func (*Client) HelpGetNearestDc ¶
func (*Client) HelpGetPassportConfig ¶
func (c *Client) HelpGetPassportConfig(params *HelpGetPassportConfigParams) (HelpPassportConfig, error)
func (*Client) HelpGetPromoData ¶
func (c *Client) HelpGetPromoData() (HelpPromoData, error)
func (*Client) HelpGetRecentMeUrls ¶
func (c *Client) HelpGetRecentMeUrls(params *HelpGetRecentMeUrlsParams) (*HelpRecentMeUrls, error)
func (*Client) HelpGetSupport ¶
func (c *Client) HelpGetSupport() (*HelpSupport, error)
func (*Client) HelpGetSupportName ¶
func (c *Client) HelpGetSupportName() (*HelpSupportName, error)
func (*Client) HelpGetTermsOfServiceUpdate ¶
func (c *Client) HelpGetTermsOfServiceUpdate() (HelpTermsOfServiceUpdate, error)
func (*Client) HelpGetUserInfo ¶
func (c *Client) HelpGetUserInfo(params *HelpGetUserInfoParams) (HelpUserInfo, error)
func (*Client) HelpHidePromoData ¶
func (c *Client) HelpHidePromoData(params *HelpHidePromoDataParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) HelpSaveAppLog ¶
func (c *Client) HelpSaveAppLog(params *HelpSaveAppLogParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) HelpSetBotUpdatesStatus ¶
func (c *Client) HelpSetBotUpdatesStatus(params *HelpSetBotUpdatesStatusParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) InitConnection ¶
func (c *Client) InitConnection(params *InitConnectionParams) (serialize.TL, error)
func (*Client) InvokeWithLayer ¶
func (*Client) InvokeWithTakeout ¶
func (*Client) LangpackGetDifference ¶
func (c *Client) LangpackGetDifference(params *LangpackGetDifferenceParams) (*LangPackDifference, error)
func (*Client) LangpackGetLangPack ¶
func (c *Client) LangpackGetLangPack(params *LangpackGetLangPackParams) (*LangPackDifference, error)
func (*Client) LangpackGetLanguage ¶
func (c *Client) LangpackGetLanguage(params *LangpackGetLanguageParams) (*LangPackLanguage, error)
func (*Client) LangpackGetLanguages ¶
func (c *Client) LangpackGetLanguages(params *LangpackGetLanguagesParams) (*LangPackLanguage, error)
func (*Client) LangpackGetStrings ¶
func (c *Client) LangpackGetStrings(params *LangpackGetStringsParams) (LangPackString, error)
func (*Client) MessagesAcceptEncryption ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesAcceptEncryption(params *MessagesAcceptEncryptionParams) (EncryptedChat, error)
func (*Client) MessagesAcceptUrlAuth ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesAcceptUrlAuth(params *MessagesAcceptUrlAuthParams) (UrlAuthResult, error)
func (*Client) MessagesAddChatUser ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesAddChatUser(params *MessagesAddChatUserParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) MessagesCheckChatInvite ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesCheckChatInvite(params *MessagesCheckChatInviteParams) (ChatInvite, error)
func (*Client) MessagesClearAllDrafts ¶
func (*Client) MessagesClearRecentStickers ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesClearRecentStickers(params *MessagesClearRecentStickersParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) MessagesCreateChat ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesCreateChat(params *MessagesCreateChatParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) MessagesDeleteChatUser ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesDeleteChatUser(params *MessagesDeleteChatUserParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) MessagesDeleteHistory ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesDeleteHistory(params *MessagesDeleteHistoryParams) (*MessagesAffectedHistory, error)
func (*Client) MessagesDeleteMessages ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesDeleteMessages(params *MessagesDeleteMessagesParams) (*MessagesAffectedMessages, error)
func (*Client) MessagesDeleteScheduledMessages ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesDeleteScheduledMessages(params *MessagesDeleteScheduledMessagesParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) MessagesDiscardEncryption ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesDiscardEncryption(params *MessagesDiscardEncryptionParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) MessagesEditChatAbout ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesEditChatAbout(params *MessagesEditChatAboutParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) MessagesEditChatAdmin ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesEditChatAdmin(params *MessagesEditChatAdminParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) MessagesEditChatDefaultBannedRights ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesEditChatDefaultBannedRights(params *MessagesEditChatDefaultBannedRightsParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) MessagesEditChatPhoto ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesEditChatPhoto(params *MessagesEditChatPhotoParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) MessagesEditChatTitle ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesEditChatTitle(params *MessagesEditChatTitleParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) MessagesEditInlineBotMessage ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesEditInlineBotMessage(params *MessagesEditInlineBotMessageParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) MessagesEditMessage ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesEditMessage(params *MessagesEditMessageParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) MessagesExportChatInvite ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesExportChatInvite(params *MessagesExportChatInviteParams) (ExportedChatInvite, error)
func (*Client) MessagesFaveSticker ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesFaveSticker(params *MessagesFaveStickerParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) MessagesForwardMessages ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesForwardMessages(params *MessagesForwardMessagesParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetAllChats ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetAllChats(params *MessagesGetAllChatsParams) (MessagesChats, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetAllDrafts ¶
func (*Client) MessagesGetAllStickers ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetAllStickers(params *MessagesGetAllStickersParams) (MessagesAllStickers, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetArchivedStickers ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetArchivedStickers(params *MessagesGetArchivedStickersParams) (*MessagesArchivedStickers, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetAttachedStickers ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetAttachedStickers(params *MessagesGetAttachedStickersParams) (StickerSetCovered, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetBotCallbackAnswer ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetBotCallbackAnswer(params *MessagesGetBotCallbackAnswerParams) (*MessagesBotCallbackAnswer, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetChats ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetChats(params *MessagesGetChatsParams) (MessagesChats, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetCommonChats ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetCommonChats(params *MessagesGetCommonChatsParams) (MessagesChats, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetDhConfig ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetDhConfig(params *MessagesGetDhConfigParams) (MessagesDhConfig, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetDialogFilters ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetDialogFilters() (*DialogFilter, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetDialogUnreadMarks ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetDialogUnreadMarks() (DialogPeer, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetDialogs ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetDialogs(params *MessagesGetDialogsParams) (MessagesDialogs, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetDocumentByHash ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetDocumentByHash(params *MessagesGetDocumentByHashParams) (Document, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetEmojiKeywords ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetEmojiKeywords(params *MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsParams) (*EmojiKeywordsDifference, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsDifference ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsDifference(params *MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsDifferenceParams) (*EmojiKeywordsDifference, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsLanguages ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsLanguages(params *MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsLanguagesParams) (*EmojiLanguage, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetEmojiURL ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetEmojiURL(params *MessagesGetEmojiURLParams) (*EmojiURL, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetFavedStickers ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetFavedStickers(params *MessagesGetFavedStickersParams) (MessagesFavedStickers, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetFeaturedStickers ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetFeaturedStickers(params *MessagesGetFeaturedStickersParams) (MessagesFeaturedStickers, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetFullChat ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetFullChat(params *MessagesGetFullChatParams) (*MessagesChatFull, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetGameHighScores ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetGameHighScores(params *MessagesGetGameHighScoresParams) (*MessagesHighScores, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetHistory ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetHistory(params *MessagesGetHistoryParams) (MessagesMessages, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetInlineBotResults ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetInlineBotResults(params *MessagesGetInlineBotResultsParams) (*MessagesBotResults, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetInlineGameHighScores ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetInlineGameHighScores(params *MessagesGetInlineGameHighScoresParams) (*MessagesHighScores, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetMaskStickers ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetMaskStickers(params *MessagesGetMaskStickersParams) (MessagesAllStickers, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetMessageEditData ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetMessageEditData(params *MessagesGetMessageEditDataParams) (*MessagesMessageEditData, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetMessages ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetMessages(params *MessagesGetMessagesParams) (MessagesMessages, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetMessagesViews ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetMessagesViews(params *MessagesGetMessagesViewsParams) (*serialize.Int, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetOldFeaturedStickers ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetOldFeaturedStickers(params *MessagesGetOldFeaturedStickersParams) (MessagesFeaturedStickers, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetOnlines ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetOnlines(params *MessagesGetOnlinesParams) (*ChatOnlines, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetPeerDialogs ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetPeerDialogs(params *MessagesGetPeerDialogsParams) (*MessagesPeerDialogs, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetPeerSettings ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetPeerSettings(params *MessagesGetPeerSettingsParams) (*PeerSettings, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetPinnedDialogs ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetPinnedDialogs(params *MessagesGetPinnedDialogsParams) (*MessagesPeerDialogs, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetPollResults ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetPollResults(params *MessagesGetPollResultsParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetPollVotes ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetPollVotes(params *MessagesGetPollVotesParams) (*MessagesVotesList, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetRecentLocations ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetRecentLocations(params *MessagesGetRecentLocationsParams) (MessagesMessages, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetRecentStickers ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetRecentStickers(params *MessagesGetRecentStickersParams) (MessagesRecentStickers, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetSavedGifs ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetSavedGifs(params *MessagesGetSavedGifsParams) (MessagesSavedGifs, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetScheduledHistory ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetScheduledHistory(params *MessagesGetScheduledHistoryParams) (MessagesMessages, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetScheduledMessages ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetScheduledMessages(params *MessagesGetScheduledMessagesParams) (MessagesMessages, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetSearchCounters ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetSearchCounters(params *MessagesGetSearchCountersParams) (*MessagesSearchCounter, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetSplitRanges ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetSplitRanges() (*MessageRange, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetStatsURL ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetStatsURL(params *MessagesGetStatsURLParams) (*StatsURL, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetStickerSet ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetStickerSet(params *MessagesGetStickerSetParams) (*MessagesStickerSet, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetStickers ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetStickers(params *MessagesGetStickersParams) (MessagesStickers, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetSuggestedDialogFilters ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetSuggestedDialogFilters() (*DialogFilterSuggested, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetUnreadMentions ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetUnreadMentions(params *MessagesGetUnreadMentionsParams) (MessagesMessages, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetWebPage ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetWebPage(params *MessagesGetWebPageParams) (WebPage, error)
func (*Client) MessagesGetWebPagePreview ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesGetWebPagePreview(params *MessagesGetWebPagePreviewParams) (MessageMedia, error)
func (*Client) MessagesHidePeerSettingsBar ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesHidePeerSettingsBar(params *MessagesHidePeerSettingsBarParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) MessagesImportChatInvite ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesImportChatInvite(params *MessagesImportChatInviteParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) MessagesInstallStickerSet ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesInstallStickerSet(params *MessagesInstallStickerSetParams) (MessagesStickerSetInstallResult, error)
func (*Client) MessagesMarkDialogUnread ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesMarkDialogUnread(params *MessagesMarkDialogUnreadParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) MessagesMigrateChat ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesMigrateChat(params *MessagesMigrateChatParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) MessagesReadEncryptedHistory ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesReadEncryptedHistory(params *MessagesReadEncryptedHistoryParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) MessagesReadFeaturedStickers ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesReadFeaturedStickers(params *MessagesReadFeaturedStickersParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) MessagesReadHistory ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesReadHistory(params *MessagesReadHistoryParams) (*MessagesAffectedMessages, error)
func (*Client) MessagesReadMentions ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesReadMentions(params *MessagesReadMentionsParams) (*MessagesAffectedHistory, error)
func (*Client) MessagesReadMessageContents ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesReadMessageContents(params *MessagesReadMessageContentsParams) (*MessagesAffectedMessages, error)
func (*Client) MessagesReceivedMessages ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesReceivedMessages(params *MessagesReceivedMessagesParams) (*ReceivedNotifyMessage, error)
func (*Client) MessagesReceivedQueue ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesReceivedQueue(params *MessagesReceivedQueueParams) (*serialize.Long, error)
func (*Client) MessagesReorderPinnedDialogs ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesReorderPinnedDialogs(params *MessagesReorderPinnedDialogsParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) MessagesReorderStickerSets ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesReorderStickerSets(params *MessagesReorderStickerSetsParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) MessagesReport ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesReport(params *MessagesReportParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) MessagesReportEncryptedSpam ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesReportEncryptedSpam(params *MessagesReportEncryptedSpamParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) MessagesReportSpam ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesReportSpam(params *MessagesReportSpamParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) MessagesRequestEncryption ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesRequestEncryption(params *MessagesRequestEncryptionParams) (EncryptedChat, error)
func (*Client) MessagesRequestUrlAuth ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesRequestUrlAuth(params *MessagesRequestUrlAuthParams) (UrlAuthResult, error)
func (*Client) MessagesSaveDraft ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesSaveDraft(params *MessagesSaveDraftParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) MessagesSaveGif ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesSaveGif(params *MessagesSaveGifParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) MessagesSaveRecentSticker ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesSaveRecentSticker(params *MessagesSaveRecentStickerParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) MessagesSearch ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesSearch(params *MessagesSearchParams) (MessagesMessages, error)
func (*Client) MessagesSearchGlobal ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesSearchGlobal(params *MessagesSearchGlobalParams) (MessagesMessages, error)
func (*Client) MessagesSearchStickerSets ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesSearchStickerSets(params *MessagesSearchStickerSetsParams) (MessagesFoundStickerSets, error)
func (*Client) MessagesSendEncrypted ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesSendEncrypted(params *MessagesSendEncryptedParams) (MessagesSentEncryptedMessage, error)
func (*Client) MessagesSendEncryptedFile ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesSendEncryptedFile(params *MessagesSendEncryptedFileParams) (MessagesSentEncryptedMessage, error)
func (*Client) MessagesSendEncryptedService ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesSendEncryptedService(params *MessagesSendEncryptedServiceParams) (MessagesSentEncryptedMessage, error)
func (*Client) MessagesSendInlineBotResult ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesSendInlineBotResult(params *MessagesSendInlineBotResultParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) MessagesSendMedia ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesSendMedia(params *MessagesSendMediaParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) MessagesSendMessage ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesSendMessage(params *MessagesSendMessageParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) MessagesSendMultiMedia ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesSendMultiMedia(params *MessagesSendMultiMediaParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) MessagesSendScheduledMessages ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesSendScheduledMessages(params *MessagesSendScheduledMessagesParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) MessagesSendScreenshotNotification ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesSendScreenshotNotification(params *MessagesSendScreenshotNotificationParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) MessagesSendVote ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesSendVote(params *MessagesSendVoteParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) MessagesSetBotCallbackAnswer ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesSetBotCallbackAnswer(params *MessagesSetBotCallbackAnswerParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) MessagesSetBotPrecheckoutResults ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesSetBotPrecheckoutResults(params *MessagesSetBotPrecheckoutResultsParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) MessagesSetBotShippingResults ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesSetBotShippingResults(params *MessagesSetBotShippingResultsParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) MessagesSetEncryptedTyping ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesSetEncryptedTyping(params *MessagesSetEncryptedTypingParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) MessagesSetGameScore ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesSetGameScore(params *MessagesSetGameScoreParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) MessagesSetInlineBotResults ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesSetInlineBotResults(params *MessagesSetInlineBotResultsParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) MessagesSetInlineGameScore ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesSetInlineGameScore(params *MessagesSetInlineGameScoreParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) MessagesSetTyping ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesSetTyping(params *MessagesSetTypingParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) MessagesStartBot ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesStartBot(params *MessagesStartBotParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) MessagesToggleDialogPin ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesToggleDialogPin(params *MessagesToggleDialogPinParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) MessagesToggleStickerSets ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesToggleStickerSets(params *MessagesToggleStickerSetsParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) MessagesUninstallStickerSet ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesUninstallStickerSet(params *MessagesUninstallStickerSetParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) MessagesUpdateDialogFilter ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesUpdateDialogFilter(params *MessagesUpdateDialogFilterParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) MessagesUpdateDialogFiltersOrder ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesUpdateDialogFiltersOrder(params *MessagesUpdateDialogFiltersOrderParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) MessagesUpdatePinnedMessage ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesUpdatePinnedMessage(params *MessagesUpdatePinnedMessageParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) MessagesUploadEncryptedFile ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesUploadEncryptedFile(params *MessagesUploadEncryptedFileParams) (EncryptedFile, error)
func (*Client) MessagesUploadMedia ¶
func (c *Client) MessagesUploadMedia(params *MessagesUploadMediaParams) (MessageMedia, error)
func (*Client) PaymentsClearSavedInfo ¶
func (c *Client) PaymentsClearSavedInfo(params *PaymentsClearSavedInfoParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) PaymentsGetBankCardData ¶
func (c *Client) PaymentsGetBankCardData(params *PaymentsGetBankCardDataParams) (*PaymentsBankCardData, error)
func (*Client) PaymentsGetPaymentForm ¶
func (c *Client) PaymentsGetPaymentForm(params *PaymentsGetPaymentFormParams) (*PaymentsPaymentForm, error)
func (*Client) PaymentsGetPaymentReceipt ¶
func (c *Client) PaymentsGetPaymentReceipt(params *PaymentsGetPaymentReceiptParams) (*PaymentsPaymentReceipt, error)
func (*Client) PaymentsGetSavedInfo ¶
func (c *Client) PaymentsGetSavedInfo() (*PaymentsSavedInfo, error)
func (*Client) PaymentsSendPaymentForm ¶
func (c *Client) PaymentsSendPaymentForm(params *PaymentsSendPaymentFormParams) (PaymentsPaymentResult, error)
func (*Client) PaymentsValidateRequestedInfo ¶
func (c *Client) PaymentsValidateRequestedInfo(params *PaymentsValidateRequestedInfoParams) (*PaymentsValidatedRequestedInfo, error)
func (*Client) PhoneAcceptCall ¶
func (c *Client) PhoneAcceptCall(params *PhoneAcceptCallParams) (*PhonePhoneCall, error)
func (*Client) PhoneConfirmCall ¶
func (c *Client) PhoneConfirmCall(params *PhoneConfirmCallParams) (*PhonePhoneCall, error)
func (*Client) PhoneDiscardCall ¶
func (c *Client) PhoneDiscardCall(params *PhoneDiscardCallParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) PhoneGetCallConfig ¶
func (*Client) PhoneReceivedCall ¶
func (c *Client) PhoneReceivedCall(params *PhoneReceivedCallParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) PhoneRequestCall ¶
func (c *Client) PhoneRequestCall(params *PhoneRequestCallParams) (*PhonePhoneCall, error)
func (*Client) PhoneSaveCallDebug ¶
func (c *Client) PhoneSaveCallDebug(params *PhoneSaveCallDebugParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) PhoneSendSignalingData ¶
func (c *Client) PhoneSendSignalingData(params *PhoneSendSignalingDataParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) PhoneSetCallRating ¶
func (c *Client) PhoneSetCallRating(params *PhoneSetCallRatingParams) (Updates, error)
func (*Client) PhotosDeletePhotos ¶
func (c *Client) PhotosDeletePhotos(params *PhotosDeletePhotosParams) (*serialize.Long, error)
func (*Client) PhotosGetUserPhotos ¶
func (c *Client) PhotosGetUserPhotos(params *PhotosGetUserPhotosParams) (PhotosPhotos, error)
func (*Client) PhotosUpdateProfilePhoto ¶
func (c *Client) PhotosUpdateProfilePhoto(params *PhotosUpdateProfilePhotoParams) (*PhotosPhoto, error)
func (*Client) PhotosUploadProfilePhoto ¶
func (c *Client) PhotosUploadProfilePhoto(params *PhotosUploadProfilePhotoParams) (*PhotosPhoto, error)
func (*Client) StatsGetBroadcastStats ¶
func (c *Client) StatsGetBroadcastStats(params *StatsGetBroadcastStatsParams) (*StatsBroadcastStats, error)
func (*Client) StatsGetMegagroupStats ¶
func (c *Client) StatsGetMegagroupStats(params *StatsGetMegagroupStatsParams) (*StatsMegagroupStats, error)
func (*Client) StatsLoadAsyncGraph ¶
func (c *Client) StatsLoadAsyncGraph(params *StatsLoadAsyncGraphParams) (StatsGraph, error)
func (*Client) StickersAddStickerToSet ¶
func (c *Client) StickersAddStickerToSet(params *StickersAddStickerToSetParams) (*MessagesStickerSet, error)
func (*Client) StickersChangeStickerPosition ¶
func (c *Client) StickersChangeStickerPosition(params *StickersChangeStickerPositionParams) (*MessagesStickerSet, error)
func (*Client) StickersCreateStickerSet ¶
func (c *Client) StickersCreateStickerSet(params *StickersCreateStickerSetParams) (*MessagesStickerSet, error)
func (*Client) StickersRemoveStickerFromSet ¶
func (c *Client) StickersRemoveStickerFromSet(params *StickersRemoveStickerFromSetParams) (*MessagesStickerSet, error)
func (*Client) StickersSetStickerSetThumb ¶
func (c *Client) StickersSetStickerSetThumb(params *StickersSetStickerSetThumbParams) (*MessagesStickerSet, error)
func (*Client) UpdatesGetChannelDifference ¶
func (c *Client) UpdatesGetChannelDifference(params *UpdatesGetChannelDifferenceParams) (UpdatesChannelDifference, error)
func (*Client) UpdatesGetDifference ¶
func (c *Client) UpdatesGetDifference(params *UpdatesGetDifferenceParams) (UpdatesDifference, error)
func (*Client) UpdatesGetState ¶
func (c *Client) UpdatesGetState() (*UpdatesState, error)
func (*Client) UploadGetCdnFile ¶
func (c *Client) UploadGetCdnFile(params *UploadGetCdnFileParams) (UploadCdnFile, error)
func (*Client) UploadGetCdnFileHashes ¶
func (c *Client) UploadGetCdnFileHashes(params *UploadGetCdnFileHashesParams) (*FileHash, error)
func (*Client) UploadGetFile ¶
func (c *Client) UploadGetFile(params *UploadGetFileParams) (UploadFile, error)
func (*Client) UploadGetFileHashes ¶
func (c *Client) UploadGetFileHashes(params *UploadGetFileHashesParams) (*FileHash, error)
func (*Client) UploadGetWebFile ¶
func (c *Client) UploadGetWebFile(params *UploadGetWebFileParams) (*UploadWebFile, error)
func (*Client) UploadReuploadCdnFile ¶
func (c *Client) UploadReuploadCdnFile(params *UploadReuploadCdnFileParams) (*FileHash, error)
func (*Client) UploadSaveBigFilePart ¶
func (c *Client) UploadSaveBigFilePart(params *UploadSaveBigFilePartParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) UploadSaveFilePart ¶
func (c *Client) UploadSaveFilePart(params *UploadSaveFilePartParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
func (*Client) UsersGetFullUser ¶
func (c *Client) UsersGetFullUser(params *UsersGetFullUserParams) (*UserFull, error)
func (*Client) UsersGetUsers ¶
func (c *Client) UsersGetUsers(params *UsersGetUsersParams) (User, error)
func (*Client) UsersSetSecureValueErrors ¶
func (c *Client) UsersSetSecureValueErrors(params *UsersSetSecureValueErrorsParams) (*serialize.Bool, error)
type ClientConfig ¶
type CodeSettings ¶
type CodeSettings struct { AllowFlashcall bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` CurrentNumber bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` AllowAppHash bool `flag:"4,encoded_in_bitflags"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*CodeSettings) CRC ¶
func (e *CodeSettings) CRC() uint32
func (*CodeSettings) Encode ¶
func (e *CodeSettings) Encode() []byte
type Config ¶
type Config struct { PhonecallsEnabled bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` DefaultP2PContacts bool `flag:"3,encoded_in_bitflags"` PreloadFeaturedStickers bool `flag:"4,encoded_in_bitflags"` IgnorePhoneEntities bool `flag:"5,encoded_in_bitflags"` RevokePmInbox bool `flag:"6,encoded_in_bitflags"` BlockedMode bool `flag:"8,encoded_in_bitflags"` PfsEnabled bool `flag:"13,encoded_in_bitflags"` Date int32 `validate:"required"` Expires int32 `validate:"required"` TestMode bool `validate:"required"` ThisDc int32 `validate:"required"` DcOptions []*DcOption `validate:"required"` DcTxtDomainName string `validate:"required"` ChatSizeMax int32 `validate:"required"` MegagroupSizeMax int32 `validate:"required"` ForwardedCountMax int32 `validate:"required"` OnlineUpdatePeriodMs int32 `validate:"required"` OfflineBlurTimeoutMs int32 `validate:"required"` OfflineIdleTimeoutMs int32 `validate:"required"` OnlineCloudTimeoutMs int32 `validate:"required"` NotifyCloudDelayMs int32 `validate:"required"` NotifyDefaultDelayMs int32 `validate:"required"` PushChatPeriodMs int32 `validate:"required"` PushChatLimit int32 `validate:"required"` SavedGifsLimit int32 `validate:"required"` EditTimeLimit int32 `validate:"required"` RevokeTimeLimit int32 `validate:"required"` RevokePmTimeLimit int32 `validate:"required"` RatingEDecay int32 `validate:"required"` StickersRecentLimit int32 `validate:"required"` StickersFavedLimit int32 `validate:"required"` ChannelsReadMediaPeriod int32 `validate:"required"` TmpSessions int32 `flag:"0"` PinnedDialogsCountMax int32 `validate:"required"` PinnedInfolderCountMax int32 `validate:"required"` CallReceiveTimeoutMs int32 `validate:"required"` CallRingTimeoutMs int32 `validate:"required"` CallConnectTimeoutMs int32 `validate:"required"` CallPacketTimeoutMs int32 `validate:"required"` MeUrlPrefix string `validate:"required"` AutoupdateUrlPrefix string `flag:"7"` GifSearchUsername string `flag:"9"` VenueSearchUsername string `flag:"10"` ImgSearchUsername string `flag:"11"` StaticMapsProvider string `flag:"12"` CaptionLengthMax int32 `validate:"required"` MessageLengthMax int32 `validate:"required"` WebfileDcId int32 `validate:"required"` SuggestedLangCode string `flag:"2"` LangPackVersion int32 `flag:"2"` BaseLangPackVersion int32 `flag:"2"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type ContactBlocked ¶
func (*ContactBlocked) CRC ¶
func (e *ContactBlocked) CRC() uint32
func (*ContactBlocked) Encode ¶
func (e *ContactBlocked) Encode() []byte
type ContactStatus ¶
type ContactStatus struct { UserId int32 `validate:"required"` Status UserStatus `validate:"required"` }
func (*ContactStatus) CRC ¶
func (e *ContactStatus) CRC() uint32
func (*ContactStatus) Encode ¶
func (e *ContactStatus) Encode() []byte
type ContactsAcceptContactParams ¶
type ContactsAcceptContactParams struct {
Id InputUser
func (*ContactsAcceptContactParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ContactsAcceptContactParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ContactsAcceptContactParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ContactsAcceptContactParams) Encode() []byte
type ContactsAddContactParams ¶
type ContactsAddContactParams struct { AddPhonePrivacyException bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Id InputUser FirstName string LastName string Phone string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ContactsAddContactParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ContactsAddContactParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ContactsAddContactParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ContactsAddContactParams) Encode() []byte
type ContactsBlockParams ¶
type ContactsBlockParams struct {
Id InputUser
func (*ContactsBlockParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ContactsBlockParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ContactsBlockParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ContactsBlockParams) Encode() []byte
type ContactsBlocked ¶
type ContactsBlockedObj ¶
type ContactsBlockedObj struct { Blocked []*ContactBlocked Users []User }
func (*ContactsBlockedObj) CRC ¶
func (*ContactsBlockedObj) CRC() uint32
func (*ContactsBlockedObj) Encode ¶
func (e *ContactsBlockedObj) Encode() []byte
func (*ContactsBlockedObj) ImplementsContactsBlocked ¶
func (*ContactsBlockedObj) ImplementsContactsBlocked()
type ContactsBlockedSlice ¶
type ContactsBlockedSlice struct { Count int32 Blocked []*ContactBlocked Users []User }
func (*ContactsBlockedSlice) CRC ¶
func (*ContactsBlockedSlice) CRC() uint32
func (*ContactsBlockedSlice) Encode ¶
func (e *ContactsBlockedSlice) Encode() []byte
func (*ContactsBlockedSlice) ImplementsContactsBlocked ¶
func (*ContactsBlockedSlice) ImplementsContactsBlocked()
type ContactsContacts ¶
type ContactsContactsNotModified ¶
type ContactsContactsNotModified struct{}
func (*ContactsContactsNotModified) CRC ¶
func (*ContactsContactsNotModified) CRC() uint32
func (*ContactsContactsNotModified) Encode ¶
func (e *ContactsContactsNotModified) Encode() []byte
func (*ContactsContactsNotModified) ImplementsContactsContacts ¶
func (*ContactsContactsNotModified) ImplementsContactsContacts()
type ContactsContactsObj ¶
func (*ContactsContactsObj) CRC ¶
func (*ContactsContactsObj) CRC() uint32
func (*ContactsContactsObj) Encode ¶
func (e *ContactsContactsObj) Encode() []byte
func (*ContactsContactsObj) ImplementsContactsContacts ¶
func (*ContactsContactsObj) ImplementsContactsContacts()
type ContactsDeleteByPhonesParams ¶
type ContactsDeleteByPhonesParams struct {
Phones []string
func (*ContactsDeleteByPhonesParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ContactsDeleteByPhonesParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ContactsDeleteByPhonesParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ContactsDeleteByPhonesParams) Encode() []byte
type ContactsDeleteContactsParams ¶
type ContactsDeleteContactsParams struct {
Id []InputUser
func (*ContactsDeleteContactsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ContactsDeleteContactsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ContactsDeleteContactsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ContactsDeleteContactsParams) Encode() []byte
type ContactsFound ¶
type ContactsFound struct { MyResults []Peer `validate:"required"` Results []Peer `validate:"required"` Chats []Chat `validate:"required"` Users []User `validate:"required"` }
func (*ContactsFound) CRC ¶
func (e *ContactsFound) CRC() uint32
func (*ContactsFound) Encode ¶
func (e *ContactsFound) Encode() []byte
type ContactsGetBlockedParams ¶
func (*ContactsGetBlockedParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ContactsGetBlockedParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ContactsGetBlockedParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ContactsGetBlockedParams) Encode() []byte
type ContactsGetContactIDsParams ¶
type ContactsGetContactIDsParams struct {
Hash int32
func (*ContactsGetContactIDsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ContactsGetContactIDsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ContactsGetContactIDsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ContactsGetContactIDsParams) Encode() []byte
type ContactsGetContactsParams ¶
type ContactsGetContactsParams struct {
Hash int32
func (*ContactsGetContactsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ContactsGetContactsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ContactsGetContactsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ContactsGetContactsParams) Encode() []byte
type ContactsGetLocatedParams ¶
type ContactsGetLocatedParams struct { Background bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` GeoPoint InputGeoPoint SelfExpires int32 `flag:"0"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ContactsGetLocatedParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ContactsGetLocatedParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ContactsGetLocatedParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ContactsGetLocatedParams) Encode() []byte
type ContactsGetSavedParams ¶
type ContactsGetSavedParams struct{}
func (*ContactsGetSavedParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ContactsGetSavedParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ContactsGetSavedParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ContactsGetSavedParams) Encode() []byte
type ContactsGetStatusesParams ¶
type ContactsGetStatusesParams struct{}
func (*ContactsGetStatusesParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ContactsGetStatusesParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ContactsGetStatusesParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ContactsGetStatusesParams) Encode() []byte
type ContactsGetTopPeersParams ¶
type ContactsGetTopPeersParams struct { Correspondents bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` BotsPm bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` BotsInline bool `flag:"2,encoded_in_bitflags"` PhoneCalls bool `flag:"3,encoded_in_bitflags"` ForwardUsers bool `flag:"4,encoded_in_bitflags"` ForwardChats bool `flag:"5,encoded_in_bitflags"` Groups bool `flag:"10,encoded_in_bitflags"` Channels bool `flag:"15,encoded_in_bitflags"` Offset int32 Limit int32 Hash int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ContactsGetTopPeersParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ContactsGetTopPeersParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ContactsGetTopPeersParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ContactsGetTopPeersParams) Encode() []byte
type ContactsImportContactsParams ¶
type ContactsImportContactsParams struct {
Contacts []*InputContact
func (*ContactsImportContactsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ContactsImportContactsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ContactsImportContactsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ContactsImportContactsParams) Encode() []byte
type ContactsImportedContacts ¶
type ContactsImportedContacts struct { Imported []*ImportedContact `validate:"required"` PopularInvites []*PopularContact `validate:"required"` RetryContacts []int64 `validate:"required"` Users []User `validate:"required"` }
func (*ContactsImportedContacts) CRC ¶
func (e *ContactsImportedContacts) CRC() uint32
func (*ContactsImportedContacts) Encode ¶
func (e *ContactsImportedContacts) Encode() []byte
type ContactsResetSavedParams ¶
type ContactsResetSavedParams struct{}
func (*ContactsResetSavedParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ContactsResetSavedParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ContactsResetSavedParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ContactsResetSavedParams) Encode() []byte
type ContactsResetTopPeerRatingParams ¶
type ContactsResetTopPeerRatingParams struct { Category TopPeerCategory Peer InputPeer }
func (*ContactsResetTopPeerRatingParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ContactsResetTopPeerRatingParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ContactsResetTopPeerRatingParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ContactsResetTopPeerRatingParams) Encode() []byte
type ContactsResolveUsernameParams ¶
type ContactsResolveUsernameParams struct {
Username string
func (*ContactsResolveUsernameParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ContactsResolveUsernameParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ContactsResolveUsernameParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ContactsResolveUsernameParams) Encode() []byte
type ContactsResolvedPeer ¶
type ContactsResolvedPeer struct { Peer Peer `validate:"required"` Chats []Chat `validate:"required"` Users []User `validate:"required"` }
func (*ContactsResolvedPeer) CRC ¶
func (e *ContactsResolvedPeer) CRC() uint32
func (*ContactsResolvedPeer) Encode ¶
func (e *ContactsResolvedPeer) Encode() []byte
type ContactsSearchParams ¶
func (*ContactsSearchParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ContactsSearchParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ContactsSearchParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ContactsSearchParams) Encode() []byte
type ContactsToggleTopPeersParams ¶
type ContactsToggleTopPeersParams struct {
Enabled bool
func (*ContactsToggleTopPeersParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ContactsToggleTopPeersParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ContactsToggleTopPeersParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ContactsToggleTopPeersParams) Encode() []byte
type ContactsTopPeers ¶
type ContactsTopPeersDisabled ¶
type ContactsTopPeersDisabled struct{}
func (*ContactsTopPeersDisabled) CRC ¶
func (*ContactsTopPeersDisabled) CRC() uint32
func (*ContactsTopPeersDisabled) Encode ¶
func (e *ContactsTopPeersDisabled) Encode() []byte
func (*ContactsTopPeersDisabled) ImplementsContactsTopPeers ¶
func (*ContactsTopPeersDisabled) ImplementsContactsTopPeers()
type ContactsTopPeersNotModified ¶
type ContactsTopPeersNotModified struct{}
func (*ContactsTopPeersNotModified) CRC ¶
func (*ContactsTopPeersNotModified) CRC() uint32
func (*ContactsTopPeersNotModified) Encode ¶
func (e *ContactsTopPeersNotModified) Encode() []byte
func (*ContactsTopPeersNotModified) ImplementsContactsTopPeers ¶
func (*ContactsTopPeersNotModified) ImplementsContactsTopPeers()
type ContactsTopPeersObj ¶
type ContactsTopPeersObj struct { Categories []*TopPeerCategoryPeers Chats []Chat Users []User }
func (*ContactsTopPeersObj) CRC ¶
func (*ContactsTopPeersObj) CRC() uint32
func (*ContactsTopPeersObj) Encode ¶
func (e *ContactsTopPeersObj) Encode() []byte
func (*ContactsTopPeersObj) ImplementsContactsTopPeers ¶
func (*ContactsTopPeersObj) ImplementsContactsTopPeers()
type ContactsUnblockParams ¶
type ContactsUnblockParams struct {
Id InputUser
func (*ContactsUnblockParams) CRC ¶
func (e *ContactsUnblockParams) CRC() uint32
func (*ContactsUnblockParams) Encode ¶
func (e *ContactsUnblockParams) Encode() []byte
type DcOption ¶
type DcOption struct { Ipv6 bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` MediaOnly bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` TcpoOnly bool `flag:"2,encoded_in_bitflags"` Cdn bool `flag:"3,encoded_in_bitflags"` Static bool `flag:"4,encoded_in_bitflags"` Id int32 `validate:"required"` IpAddress string `validate:"required"` Port int32 `validate:"required"` Secret []byte `flag:"10"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type DialogFilter ¶
type DialogFilter struct { Contacts bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` NonContacts bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Groups bool `flag:"2,encoded_in_bitflags"` Broadcasts bool `flag:"3,encoded_in_bitflags"` Bots bool `flag:"4,encoded_in_bitflags"` ExcludeMuted bool `flag:"11,encoded_in_bitflags"` ExcludeRead bool `flag:"12,encoded_in_bitflags"` ExcludeArchived bool `flag:"13,encoded_in_bitflags"` Id int32 `validate:"required"` Title string `validate:"required"` Emoticon string `flag:"25"` PinnedPeers []InputPeer `validate:"required"` IncludePeers []InputPeer `validate:"required"` ExcludePeers []InputPeer `validate:"required"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DialogFilter) CRC ¶
func (e *DialogFilter) CRC() uint32
func (*DialogFilter) Encode ¶
func (e *DialogFilter) Encode() []byte
type DialogFilterSuggested ¶
type DialogFilterSuggested struct { Filter *DialogFilter `validate:"required"` Description string `validate:"required"` }
func (*DialogFilterSuggested) CRC ¶
func (e *DialogFilterSuggested) CRC() uint32
func (*DialogFilterSuggested) Encode ¶
func (e *DialogFilterSuggested) Encode() []byte
type DialogFolder ¶
type DialogFolder struct { Pinned bool `flag:"2,encoded_in_bitflags"` Folder *Folder Peer Peer TopMessage int32 UnreadMutedPeersCount int32 UnreadUnmutedPeersCount int32 UnreadMutedMessagesCount int32 UnreadUnmutedMessagesCount int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DialogFolder) CRC ¶
func (*DialogFolder) CRC() uint32
func (*DialogFolder) Encode ¶
func (e *DialogFolder) Encode() []byte
func (*DialogFolder) ImplementsDialog ¶
func (*DialogFolder) ImplementsDialog()
type DialogObj ¶
type DialogObj struct { Pinned bool `flag:"2,encoded_in_bitflags"` UnreadMark bool `flag:"3,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer Peer TopMessage int32 ReadInboxMaxId int32 ReadOutboxMaxId int32 UnreadCount int32 UnreadMentionsCount int32 NotifySettings *PeerNotifySettings Pts int32 `flag:"0"` Draft DraftMessage `flag:"1"` FolderId int32 `flag:"4"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DialogObj) ImplementsDialog ¶
func (*DialogObj) ImplementsDialog()
type DialogPeer ¶
type DialogPeerFolder ¶
type DialogPeerFolder struct {
FolderId int32
func (*DialogPeerFolder) CRC ¶
func (*DialogPeerFolder) CRC() uint32
func (*DialogPeerFolder) Encode ¶
func (e *DialogPeerFolder) Encode() []byte
func (*DialogPeerFolder) ImplementsDialogPeer ¶
func (*DialogPeerFolder) ImplementsDialogPeer()
type DialogPeerObj ¶
type DialogPeerObj struct {
Peer Peer
func (*DialogPeerObj) CRC ¶
func (*DialogPeerObj) CRC() uint32
func (*DialogPeerObj) Encode ¶
func (e *DialogPeerObj) Encode() []byte
func (*DialogPeerObj) ImplementsDialogPeer ¶
func (*DialogPeerObj) ImplementsDialogPeer()
type DocumentAttribute ¶
type DocumentAttributeAnimated ¶
type DocumentAttributeAnimated struct{}
func (*DocumentAttributeAnimated) CRC ¶
func (*DocumentAttributeAnimated) CRC() uint32
func (*DocumentAttributeAnimated) Encode ¶
func (e *DocumentAttributeAnimated) Encode() []byte
func (*DocumentAttributeAnimated) ImplementsDocumentAttribute ¶
func (*DocumentAttributeAnimated) ImplementsDocumentAttribute()
type DocumentAttributeAudio ¶
type DocumentAttributeAudio struct { Voice bool `flag:"10,encoded_in_bitflags"` Duration int32 Title string `flag:"0"` Performer string `flag:"1"` Waveform []byte `flag:"2"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DocumentAttributeAudio) CRC ¶
func (*DocumentAttributeAudio) CRC() uint32
func (*DocumentAttributeAudio) Encode ¶
func (e *DocumentAttributeAudio) Encode() []byte
func (*DocumentAttributeAudio) ImplementsDocumentAttribute ¶
func (*DocumentAttributeAudio) ImplementsDocumentAttribute()
type DocumentAttributeFilename ¶
type DocumentAttributeFilename struct {
FileName string
func (*DocumentAttributeFilename) CRC ¶
func (*DocumentAttributeFilename) CRC() uint32
func (*DocumentAttributeFilename) Encode ¶
func (e *DocumentAttributeFilename) Encode() []byte
func (*DocumentAttributeFilename) ImplementsDocumentAttribute ¶
func (*DocumentAttributeFilename) ImplementsDocumentAttribute()
type DocumentAttributeHasStickers ¶
type DocumentAttributeHasStickers struct{}
func (*DocumentAttributeHasStickers) CRC ¶
func (*DocumentAttributeHasStickers) CRC() uint32
func (*DocumentAttributeHasStickers) Encode ¶
func (e *DocumentAttributeHasStickers) Encode() []byte
func (*DocumentAttributeHasStickers) ImplementsDocumentAttribute ¶
func (*DocumentAttributeHasStickers) ImplementsDocumentAttribute()
type DocumentAttributeImageSize ¶
func (*DocumentAttributeImageSize) CRC ¶
func (*DocumentAttributeImageSize) CRC() uint32
func (*DocumentAttributeImageSize) Encode ¶
func (e *DocumentAttributeImageSize) Encode() []byte
func (*DocumentAttributeImageSize) ImplementsDocumentAttribute ¶
func (*DocumentAttributeImageSize) ImplementsDocumentAttribute()
type DocumentAttributeSticker ¶
type DocumentAttributeSticker struct { Mask bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Alt string Stickerset InputStickerSet MaskCoords *MaskCoords `flag:"0"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DocumentAttributeSticker) CRC ¶
func (*DocumentAttributeSticker) CRC() uint32
func (*DocumentAttributeSticker) Encode ¶
func (e *DocumentAttributeSticker) Encode() []byte
func (*DocumentAttributeSticker) ImplementsDocumentAttribute ¶
func (*DocumentAttributeSticker) ImplementsDocumentAttribute()
type DocumentAttributeVideo ¶
type DocumentAttributeVideo struct { RoundMessage bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` SupportsStreaming bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Duration int32 W int32 H int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DocumentAttributeVideo) CRC ¶
func (*DocumentAttributeVideo) CRC() uint32
func (*DocumentAttributeVideo) Encode ¶
func (e *DocumentAttributeVideo) Encode() []byte
func (*DocumentAttributeVideo) ImplementsDocumentAttribute ¶
func (*DocumentAttributeVideo) ImplementsDocumentAttribute()
type DocumentEmpty ¶
type DocumentEmpty struct {
Id int64
func (*DocumentEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*DocumentEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*DocumentEmpty) Encode ¶
func (e *DocumentEmpty) Encode() []byte
func (*DocumentEmpty) ImplementsDocument ¶
func (*DocumentEmpty) ImplementsDocument()
type DocumentObj ¶
type DocumentObj struct { Id int64 AccessHash int64 FileReference []byte Date int32 MimeType string Size int32 Thumbs []PhotoSize `flag:"0"` VideoThumbs []*VideoSize `flag:"1"` DcId int32 Attributes []DocumentAttribute // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DocumentObj) CRC ¶
func (*DocumentObj) CRC() uint32
func (*DocumentObj) Encode ¶
func (e *DocumentObj) Encode() []byte
func (*DocumentObj) ImplementsDocument ¶
func (*DocumentObj) ImplementsDocument()
type DraftMessage ¶
type DraftMessageEmpty ¶
type DraftMessageEmpty struct { Date int32 `flag:"0"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DraftMessageEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*DraftMessageEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*DraftMessageEmpty) Encode ¶
func (e *DraftMessageEmpty) Encode() []byte
func (*DraftMessageEmpty) ImplementsDraftMessage ¶
func (*DraftMessageEmpty) ImplementsDraftMessage()
type DraftMessageObj ¶
type DraftMessageObj struct { NoWebpage bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` ReplyToMsgId int32 `flag:"0"` Message string Entities []MessageEntity `flag:"3"` Date int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DraftMessageObj) CRC ¶
func (*DraftMessageObj) CRC() uint32
func (*DraftMessageObj) Encode ¶
func (e *DraftMessageObj) Encode() []byte
func (*DraftMessageObj) ImplementsDraftMessage ¶
func (*DraftMessageObj) ImplementsDraftMessage()
type EmojiKeyword ¶
type EmojiKeywordDeleted ¶
func (*EmojiKeywordDeleted) CRC ¶
func (*EmojiKeywordDeleted) CRC() uint32
func (*EmojiKeywordDeleted) Encode ¶
func (e *EmojiKeywordDeleted) Encode() []byte
func (*EmojiKeywordDeleted) ImplementsEmojiKeyword ¶
func (*EmojiKeywordDeleted) ImplementsEmojiKeyword()
type EmojiKeywordObj ¶
func (*EmojiKeywordObj) CRC ¶
func (*EmojiKeywordObj) CRC() uint32
func (*EmojiKeywordObj) Encode ¶
func (e *EmojiKeywordObj) Encode() []byte
func (*EmojiKeywordObj) ImplementsEmojiKeyword ¶
func (*EmojiKeywordObj) ImplementsEmojiKeyword()
type EmojiKeywordsDifference ¶
type EmojiKeywordsDifference struct { LangCode string `validate:"required"` FromVersion int32 `validate:"required"` Version int32 `validate:"required"` Keywords []EmojiKeyword `validate:"required"` }
func (*EmojiKeywordsDifference) CRC ¶
func (e *EmojiKeywordsDifference) CRC() uint32
func (*EmojiKeywordsDifference) Encode ¶
func (e *EmojiKeywordsDifference) Encode() []byte
type EmojiLanguage ¶
type EmojiLanguage struct {
LangCode string `validate:"required"`
func (*EmojiLanguage) CRC ¶
func (e *EmojiLanguage) CRC() uint32
func (*EmojiLanguage) Encode ¶
func (e *EmojiLanguage) Encode() []byte
type EncryptedChat ¶
type EncryptedChatDiscarded ¶
type EncryptedChatDiscarded struct {
Id int32
func (*EncryptedChatDiscarded) CRC ¶
func (*EncryptedChatDiscarded) CRC() uint32
func (*EncryptedChatDiscarded) Encode ¶
func (e *EncryptedChatDiscarded) Encode() []byte
func (*EncryptedChatDiscarded) ImplementsEncryptedChat ¶
func (*EncryptedChatDiscarded) ImplementsEncryptedChat()
type EncryptedChatEmpty ¶
type EncryptedChatEmpty struct {
Id int32
func (*EncryptedChatEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*EncryptedChatEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*EncryptedChatEmpty) Encode ¶
func (e *EncryptedChatEmpty) Encode() []byte
func (*EncryptedChatEmpty) ImplementsEncryptedChat ¶
func (*EncryptedChatEmpty) ImplementsEncryptedChat()
type EncryptedChatObj ¶
type EncryptedChatObj struct { Id int32 AccessHash int64 Date int32 AdminId int32 ParticipantId int32 GAOrB []byte KeyFingerprint int64 }
func (*EncryptedChatObj) CRC ¶
func (*EncryptedChatObj) CRC() uint32
func (*EncryptedChatObj) Encode ¶
func (e *EncryptedChatObj) Encode() []byte
func (*EncryptedChatObj) ImplementsEncryptedChat ¶
func (*EncryptedChatObj) ImplementsEncryptedChat()
type EncryptedChatRequested ¶
type EncryptedChatRequested struct { FolderId int32 `flag:"0"` Id int32 AccessHash int64 Date int32 AdminId int32 ParticipantId int32 GA []byte // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*EncryptedChatRequested) CRC ¶
func (*EncryptedChatRequested) CRC() uint32
func (*EncryptedChatRequested) Encode ¶
func (e *EncryptedChatRequested) Encode() []byte
func (*EncryptedChatRequested) ImplementsEncryptedChat ¶
func (*EncryptedChatRequested) ImplementsEncryptedChat()
type EncryptedChatWaiting ¶
type EncryptedChatWaiting struct { Id int32 AccessHash int64 Date int32 AdminId int32 ParticipantId int32 }
func (*EncryptedChatWaiting) CRC ¶
func (*EncryptedChatWaiting) CRC() uint32
func (*EncryptedChatWaiting) Encode ¶
func (e *EncryptedChatWaiting) Encode() []byte
func (*EncryptedChatWaiting) ImplementsEncryptedChat ¶
func (*EncryptedChatWaiting) ImplementsEncryptedChat()
type EncryptedFile ¶
type EncryptedFileEmpty ¶
type EncryptedFileEmpty struct{}
func (*EncryptedFileEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*EncryptedFileEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*EncryptedFileEmpty) Encode ¶
func (e *EncryptedFileEmpty) Encode() []byte
func (*EncryptedFileEmpty) ImplementsEncryptedFile ¶
func (*EncryptedFileEmpty) ImplementsEncryptedFile()
type EncryptedFileObj ¶
type EncryptedFileObj struct { Id int64 AccessHash int64 Size int32 DcId int32 KeyFingerprint int32 }
func (*EncryptedFileObj) CRC ¶
func (*EncryptedFileObj) CRC() uint32
func (*EncryptedFileObj) Encode ¶
func (e *EncryptedFileObj) Encode() []byte
func (*EncryptedFileObj) ImplementsEncryptedFile ¶
func (*EncryptedFileObj) ImplementsEncryptedFile()
type EncryptedMessage ¶
type EncryptedMessageObj ¶
type EncryptedMessageObj struct { RandomId int64 ChatId int32 Date int32 Bytes []byte File EncryptedFile }
func (*EncryptedMessageObj) CRC ¶
func (*EncryptedMessageObj) CRC() uint32
func (*EncryptedMessageObj) Encode ¶
func (e *EncryptedMessageObj) Encode() []byte
func (*EncryptedMessageObj) ImplementsEncryptedMessage ¶
func (*EncryptedMessageObj) ImplementsEncryptedMessage()
type EncryptedMessageService ¶
func (*EncryptedMessageService) CRC ¶
func (*EncryptedMessageService) CRC() uint32
func (*EncryptedMessageService) Encode ¶
func (e *EncryptedMessageService) Encode() []byte
func (*EncryptedMessageService) ImplementsEncryptedMessage ¶
func (*EncryptedMessageService) ImplementsEncryptedMessage()
type ExportedChatInvite ¶
type ExportedMessageLink ¶
type ExportedMessageLink struct { Link string `validate:"required"` Html string `validate:"required"` }
func (*ExportedMessageLink) CRC ¶
func (e *ExportedMessageLink) CRC() uint32
func (*ExportedMessageLink) Encode ¶
func (e *ExportedMessageLink) Encode() []byte
type FileHash ¶
type FileLocation ¶
type FileLocation struct { VolumeId int64 `validate:"required"` LocalId int32 `validate:"required"` }
func (*FileLocation) CRC ¶
func (e *FileLocation) CRC() uint32
func (*FileLocation) Encode ¶
func (e *FileLocation) Encode() []byte
type Folder ¶
type Folder struct { AutofillNewBroadcasts bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` AutofillPublicGroups bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` AutofillNewCorrespondents bool `flag:"2,encoded_in_bitflags"` Id int32 `validate:"required"` Title string `validate:"required"` Photo ChatPhoto `flag:"3"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type FolderPeer ¶
func (*FolderPeer) CRC ¶
func (e *FolderPeer) CRC() uint32
func (*FolderPeer) Encode ¶
func (e *FolderPeer) Encode() []byte
type FoldersDeleteFolderParams ¶
type FoldersDeleteFolderParams struct {
FolderId int32
func (*FoldersDeleteFolderParams) CRC ¶
func (e *FoldersDeleteFolderParams) CRC() uint32
func (*FoldersDeleteFolderParams) Encode ¶
func (e *FoldersDeleteFolderParams) Encode() []byte
type FoldersEditPeerFoldersParams ¶
type FoldersEditPeerFoldersParams struct {
FolderPeers []*InputFolderPeer
func (*FoldersEditPeerFoldersParams) CRC ¶
func (e *FoldersEditPeerFoldersParams) CRC() uint32
func (*FoldersEditPeerFoldersParams) Encode ¶
func (e *FoldersEditPeerFoldersParams) Encode() []byte
type Game ¶
type Game struct { Id int64 `validate:"required"` AccessHash int64 `validate:"required"` ShortName string `validate:"required"` Title string `validate:"required"` Description string `validate:"required"` Photo Photo `validate:"required"` Document Document `flag:"0"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type GeoPointEmpty ¶
type GeoPointEmpty struct{}
func (*GeoPointEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*GeoPointEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*GeoPointEmpty) Encode ¶
func (e *GeoPointEmpty) Encode() []byte
func (*GeoPointEmpty) ImplementsGeoPoint ¶
func (*GeoPointEmpty) ImplementsGeoPoint()
type GeoPointObj ¶
func (*GeoPointObj) CRC ¶
func (*GeoPointObj) CRC() uint32
func (*GeoPointObj) Encode ¶
func (e *GeoPointObj) Encode() []byte
func (*GeoPointObj) ImplementsGeoPoint ¶
func (*GeoPointObj) ImplementsGeoPoint()
type GlobalPrivacySettings ¶
type GlobalPrivacySettings struct { ArchiveAndMuteNewNoncontactPeers bool `flag:"0"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*GlobalPrivacySettings) CRC ¶
func (e *GlobalPrivacySettings) CRC() uint32
func (*GlobalPrivacySettings) Encode ¶
func (e *GlobalPrivacySettings) Encode() []byte
type HelpAcceptTermsOfServiceParams ¶
type HelpAcceptTermsOfServiceParams struct {
Id *DataJSON
func (*HelpAcceptTermsOfServiceParams) CRC ¶
func (e *HelpAcceptTermsOfServiceParams) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpAcceptTermsOfServiceParams) Encode ¶
func (e *HelpAcceptTermsOfServiceParams) Encode() []byte
type HelpAppUpdate ¶
type HelpAppUpdateObj ¶
type HelpAppUpdateObj struct { CanNotSkip bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Id int32 Version string Text string Entities []MessageEntity Document Document `flag:"1"` Url string `flag:"2"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*HelpAppUpdateObj) CRC ¶
func (*HelpAppUpdateObj) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpAppUpdateObj) Encode ¶
func (e *HelpAppUpdateObj) Encode() []byte
func (*HelpAppUpdateObj) ImplementsHelpAppUpdate ¶
func (*HelpAppUpdateObj) ImplementsHelpAppUpdate()
type HelpConfigSimple ¶
type HelpConfigSimple struct { Date int32 `validate:"required"` Expires int32 `validate:"required"` Rules []*AccessPointRule `validate:"required"` }
func (*HelpConfigSimple) CRC ¶
func (e *HelpConfigSimple) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpConfigSimple) Encode ¶
func (e *HelpConfigSimple) Encode() []byte
type HelpDeepLinkInfo ¶
type HelpDeepLinkInfoEmpty ¶
type HelpDeepLinkInfoEmpty struct{}
func (*HelpDeepLinkInfoEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*HelpDeepLinkInfoEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpDeepLinkInfoEmpty) Encode ¶
func (e *HelpDeepLinkInfoEmpty) Encode() []byte
func (*HelpDeepLinkInfoEmpty) ImplementsHelpDeepLinkInfo ¶
func (*HelpDeepLinkInfoEmpty) ImplementsHelpDeepLinkInfo()
type HelpDeepLinkInfoObj ¶
type HelpDeepLinkInfoObj struct { UpdateApp bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Message string Entities []MessageEntity `flag:"1"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*HelpDeepLinkInfoObj) CRC ¶
func (*HelpDeepLinkInfoObj) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpDeepLinkInfoObj) Encode ¶
func (e *HelpDeepLinkInfoObj) Encode() []byte
func (*HelpDeepLinkInfoObj) ImplementsHelpDeepLinkInfo ¶
func (*HelpDeepLinkInfoObj) ImplementsHelpDeepLinkInfo()
type HelpDismissSuggestionParams ¶
type HelpDismissSuggestionParams struct {
Suggestion string
func (*HelpDismissSuggestionParams) CRC ¶
func (e *HelpDismissSuggestionParams) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpDismissSuggestionParams) Encode ¶
func (e *HelpDismissSuggestionParams) Encode() []byte
type HelpEditUserInfoParams ¶
type HelpEditUserInfoParams struct { UserId InputUser Message string Entities []MessageEntity }
func (*HelpEditUserInfoParams) CRC ¶
func (e *HelpEditUserInfoParams) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpEditUserInfoParams) Encode ¶
func (e *HelpEditUserInfoParams) Encode() []byte
type HelpGetAppChangelogParams ¶
type HelpGetAppChangelogParams struct {
PrevAppVersion string
func (*HelpGetAppChangelogParams) CRC ¶
func (e *HelpGetAppChangelogParams) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpGetAppChangelogParams) Encode ¶
func (e *HelpGetAppChangelogParams) Encode() []byte
type HelpGetAppConfigParams ¶
type HelpGetAppConfigParams struct{}
func (*HelpGetAppConfigParams) CRC ¶
func (e *HelpGetAppConfigParams) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpGetAppConfigParams) Encode ¶
func (e *HelpGetAppConfigParams) Encode() []byte
type HelpGetAppUpdateParams ¶
type HelpGetAppUpdateParams struct {
Source string
func (*HelpGetAppUpdateParams) CRC ¶
func (e *HelpGetAppUpdateParams) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpGetAppUpdateParams) Encode ¶
func (e *HelpGetAppUpdateParams) Encode() []byte
type HelpGetCdnConfigParams ¶
type HelpGetCdnConfigParams struct{}
func (*HelpGetCdnConfigParams) CRC ¶
func (e *HelpGetCdnConfigParams) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpGetCdnConfigParams) Encode ¶
func (e *HelpGetCdnConfigParams) Encode() []byte
type HelpGetConfigParams ¶
type HelpGetConfigParams struct{}
func (*HelpGetConfigParams) CRC ¶
func (e *HelpGetConfigParams) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpGetConfigParams) Encode ¶
func (e *HelpGetConfigParams) Encode() []byte
type HelpGetDeepLinkInfoParams ¶
type HelpGetDeepLinkInfoParams struct {
Path string
func (*HelpGetDeepLinkInfoParams) CRC ¶
func (e *HelpGetDeepLinkInfoParams) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpGetDeepLinkInfoParams) Encode ¶
func (e *HelpGetDeepLinkInfoParams) Encode() []byte
type HelpGetInviteTextParams ¶
type HelpGetInviteTextParams struct{}
func (*HelpGetInviteTextParams) CRC ¶
func (e *HelpGetInviteTextParams) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpGetInviteTextParams) Encode ¶
func (e *HelpGetInviteTextParams) Encode() []byte
type HelpGetNearestDcParams ¶
type HelpGetNearestDcParams struct{}
func (*HelpGetNearestDcParams) CRC ¶
func (e *HelpGetNearestDcParams) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpGetNearestDcParams) Encode ¶
func (e *HelpGetNearestDcParams) Encode() []byte
type HelpGetPassportConfigParams ¶
type HelpGetPassportConfigParams struct {
Hash int32
func (*HelpGetPassportConfigParams) CRC ¶
func (e *HelpGetPassportConfigParams) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpGetPassportConfigParams) Encode ¶
func (e *HelpGetPassportConfigParams) Encode() []byte
type HelpGetPromoDataParams ¶
type HelpGetPromoDataParams struct{}
func (*HelpGetPromoDataParams) CRC ¶
func (e *HelpGetPromoDataParams) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpGetPromoDataParams) Encode ¶
func (e *HelpGetPromoDataParams) Encode() []byte
type HelpGetRecentMeUrlsParams ¶
type HelpGetRecentMeUrlsParams struct {
Referer string
func (*HelpGetRecentMeUrlsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *HelpGetRecentMeUrlsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpGetRecentMeUrlsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *HelpGetRecentMeUrlsParams) Encode() []byte
type HelpGetSupportNameParams ¶
type HelpGetSupportNameParams struct{}
func (*HelpGetSupportNameParams) CRC ¶
func (e *HelpGetSupportNameParams) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpGetSupportNameParams) Encode ¶
func (e *HelpGetSupportNameParams) Encode() []byte
type HelpGetSupportParams ¶
type HelpGetSupportParams struct{}
func (*HelpGetSupportParams) CRC ¶
func (e *HelpGetSupportParams) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpGetSupportParams) Encode ¶
func (e *HelpGetSupportParams) Encode() []byte
type HelpGetTermsOfServiceUpdateParams ¶
type HelpGetTermsOfServiceUpdateParams struct{}
func (*HelpGetTermsOfServiceUpdateParams) CRC ¶
func (e *HelpGetTermsOfServiceUpdateParams) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpGetTermsOfServiceUpdateParams) Encode ¶
func (e *HelpGetTermsOfServiceUpdateParams) Encode() []byte
type HelpGetUserInfoParams ¶
type HelpGetUserInfoParams struct {
UserId InputUser
func (*HelpGetUserInfoParams) CRC ¶
func (e *HelpGetUserInfoParams) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpGetUserInfoParams) Encode ¶
func (e *HelpGetUserInfoParams) Encode() []byte
type HelpHidePromoDataParams ¶
type HelpHidePromoDataParams struct {
Peer InputPeer
func (*HelpHidePromoDataParams) CRC ¶
func (e *HelpHidePromoDataParams) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpHidePromoDataParams) Encode ¶
func (e *HelpHidePromoDataParams) Encode() []byte
type HelpInviteText ¶
type HelpInviteText struct {
Message string `validate:"required"`
func (*HelpInviteText) CRC ¶
func (e *HelpInviteText) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpInviteText) Encode ¶
func (e *HelpInviteText) Encode() []byte
type HelpNoAppUpdate ¶
type HelpNoAppUpdate struct{}
func (*HelpNoAppUpdate) CRC ¶
func (*HelpNoAppUpdate) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpNoAppUpdate) Encode ¶
func (e *HelpNoAppUpdate) Encode() []byte
func (*HelpNoAppUpdate) ImplementsHelpAppUpdate ¶
func (*HelpNoAppUpdate) ImplementsHelpAppUpdate()
type HelpPassportConfig ¶
type HelpPassportConfigNotModified ¶
type HelpPassportConfigNotModified struct{}
func (*HelpPassportConfigNotModified) CRC ¶
func (*HelpPassportConfigNotModified) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpPassportConfigNotModified) Encode ¶
func (e *HelpPassportConfigNotModified) Encode() []byte
func (*HelpPassportConfigNotModified) ImplementsHelpPassportConfig ¶
func (*HelpPassportConfigNotModified) ImplementsHelpPassportConfig()
type HelpPassportConfigObj ¶
func (*HelpPassportConfigObj) CRC ¶
func (*HelpPassportConfigObj) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpPassportConfigObj) Encode ¶
func (e *HelpPassportConfigObj) Encode() []byte
func (*HelpPassportConfigObj) ImplementsHelpPassportConfig ¶
func (*HelpPassportConfigObj) ImplementsHelpPassportConfig()
type HelpPromoData ¶
type HelpPromoDataEmpty ¶
type HelpPromoDataEmpty struct {
Expires int32
func (*HelpPromoDataEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*HelpPromoDataEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpPromoDataEmpty) Encode ¶
func (e *HelpPromoDataEmpty) Encode() []byte
func (*HelpPromoDataEmpty) ImplementsHelpPromoData ¶
func (*HelpPromoDataEmpty) ImplementsHelpPromoData()
type HelpPromoDataObj ¶
type HelpPromoDataObj struct { Proxy bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Expires int32 Peer Peer Chats []Chat Users []User PsaType string `flag:"1"` PsaMessage string `flag:"2"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*HelpPromoDataObj) CRC ¶
func (*HelpPromoDataObj) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpPromoDataObj) Encode ¶
func (e *HelpPromoDataObj) Encode() []byte
func (*HelpPromoDataObj) ImplementsHelpPromoData ¶
func (*HelpPromoDataObj) ImplementsHelpPromoData()
type HelpRecentMeUrls ¶
type HelpRecentMeUrls struct { Urls []RecentMeUrl `validate:"required"` Chats []Chat `validate:"required"` Users []User `validate:"required"` }
func (*HelpRecentMeUrls) CRC ¶
func (e *HelpRecentMeUrls) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpRecentMeUrls) Encode ¶
func (e *HelpRecentMeUrls) Encode() []byte
type HelpSaveAppLogParams ¶
type HelpSaveAppLogParams struct {
Events []*InputAppEvent
func (*HelpSaveAppLogParams) CRC ¶
func (e *HelpSaveAppLogParams) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpSaveAppLogParams) Encode ¶
func (e *HelpSaveAppLogParams) Encode() []byte
type HelpSetBotUpdatesStatusParams ¶
func (*HelpSetBotUpdatesStatusParams) CRC ¶
func (e *HelpSetBotUpdatesStatusParams) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpSetBotUpdatesStatusParams) Encode ¶
func (e *HelpSetBotUpdatesStatusParams) Encode() []byte
type HelpSupport ¶
type HelpSupport struct { PhoneNumber string `validate:"required"` User User `validate:"required"` }
func (*HelpSupport) CRC ¶
func (e *HelpSupport) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpSupport) Encode ¶
func (e *HelpSupport) Encode() []byte
type HelpSupportName ¶
type HelpSupportName struct {
Name string `validate:"required"`
func (*HelpSupportName) CRC ¶
func (e *HelpSupportName) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpSupportName) Encode ¶
func (e *HelpSupportName) Encode() []byte
type HelpTermsOfService ¶
type HelpTermsOfService struct { Popup bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Id *DataJSON `validate:"required"` Text string `validate:"required"` Entities []MessageEntity `validate:"required"` MinAgeConfirm int32 `flag:"1"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*HelpTermsOfService) CRC ¶
func (e *HelpTermsOfService) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpTermsOfService) Encode ¶
func (e *HelpTermsOfService) Encode() []byte
type HelpTermsOfServiceUpdateEmpty ¶
type HelpTermsOfServiceUpdateEmpty struct {
Expires int32
func (*HelpTermsOfServiceUpdateEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*HelpTermsOfServiceUpdateEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpTermsOfServiceUpdateEmpty) Encode ¶
func (e *HelpTermsOfServiceUpdateEmpty) Encode() []byte
func (*HelpTermsOfServiceUpdateEmpty) ImplementsHelpTermsOfServiceUpdate ¶
func (*HelpTermsOfServiceUpdateEmpty) ImplementsHelpTermsOfServiceUpdate()
type HelpTermsOfServiceUpdateObj ¶
type HelpTermsOfServiceUpdateObj struct { Expires int32 TermsOfService *HelpTermsOfService }
func (*HelpTermsOfServiceUpdateObj) CRC ¶
func (*HelpTermsOfServiceUpdateObj) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpTermsOfServiceUpdateObj) Encode ¶
func (e *HelpTermsOfServiceUpdateObj) Encode() []byte
func (*HelpTermsOfServiceUpdateObj) ImplementsHelpTermsOfServiceUpdate ¶
func (*HelpTermsOfServiceUpdateObj) ImplementsHelpTermsOfServiceUpdate()
type HelpUserInfo ¶
type HelpUserInfoEmpty ¶
type HelpUserInfoEmpty struct{}
func (*HelpUserInfoEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*HelpUserInfoEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpUserInfoEmpty) Encode ¶
func (e *HelpUserInfoEmpty) Encode() []byte
func (*HelpUserInfoEmpty) ImplementsHelpUserInfo ¶
func (*HelpUserInfoEmpty) ImplementsHelpUserInfo()
type HelpUserInfoObj ¶
type HelpUserInfoObj struct { Message string Entities []MessageEntity Author string Date int32 }
func (*HelpUserInfoObj) CRC ¶
func (*HelpUserInfoObj) CRC() uint32
func (*HelpUserInfoObj) Encode ¶
func (e *HelpUserInfoObj) Encode() []byte
func (*HelpUserInfoObj) ImplementsHelpUserInfo ¶
func (*HelpUserInfoObj) ImplementsHelpUserInfo()
type HighScore ¶
type ImportedContact ¶
type ImportedContact struct { UserId int32 `validate:"required"` ClientId int64 `validate:"required"` }
func (*ImportedContact) CRC ¶
func (e *ImportedContact) CRC() uint32
func (*ImportedContact) Encode ¶
func (e *ImportedContact) Encode() []byte
type InitConnectionParams ¶
type InitConnectionParams struct { ApiID int32 DeviceModel string SystemVersion string AppVersion string SystemLangCode string LangPack string LangCode string Proxy *InputClientProxy `flag:"0"` Params JSONValue `flag:"1"` Query serialize.TLEncoder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*InitConnectionParams) CRC ¶
func (_ *InitConnectionParams) CRC() uint32
func (*InitConnectionParams) DecodeFrom ¶
func (t *InitConnectionParams) DecodeFrom(d *serialize.Decoder)
func (*InitConnectionParams) Encode ¶
func (t *InitConnectionParams) Encode() []byte
type InlineBotSwitchPM ¶
type InlineBotSwitchPM struct { Text string `validate:"required"` StartParam string `validate:"required"` }
func (*InlineBotSwitchPM) CRC ¶
func (e *InlineBotSwitchPM) CRC() uint32
func (*InlineBotSwitchPM) Encode ¶
func (e *InlineBotSwitchPM) Encode() []byte
type InputAppEvent ¶
type InputAppEvent struct { Time float64 `validate:"required"` Type string `validate:"required"` Peer int64 `validate:"required"` Data JSONValue `validate:"required"` }
func (*InputAppEvent) CRC ¶
func (e *InputAppEvent) CRC() uint32
func (*InputAppEvent) Encode ¶
func (e *InputAppEvent) Encode() []byte
type InputBotInlineMessage ¶
type InputBotInlineMessageGame ¶
type InputBotInlineMessageGame struct { ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `flag:"2"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*InputBotInlineMessageGame) CRC ¶
func (*InputBotInlineMessageGame) CRC() uint32
func (*InputBotInlineMessageGame) Encode ¶
func (e *InputBotInlineMessageGame) Encode() []byte
func (*InputBotInlineMessageGame) ImplementsInputBotInlineMessage ¶
func (*InputBotInlineMessageGame) ImplementsInputBotInlineMessage()
type InputBotInlineMessageID ¶
type InputBotInlineMessageID struct { DcId int32 `validate:"required"` Id int64 `validate:"required"` AccessHash int64 `validate:"required"` }
func (*InputBotInlineMessageID) CRC ¶
func (e *InputBotInlineMessageID) CRC() uint32
func (*InputBotInlineMessageID) Encode ¶
func (e *InputBotInlineMessageID) Encode() []byte
type InputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto ¶
type InputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto struct { Message string Entities []MessageEntity `flag:"1"` ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `flag:"2"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto) CRC ¶
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto) CRC() uint32
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto) Encode ¶
func (e *InputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto) Encode() []byte
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto) ImplementsInputBotInlineMessage ¶
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto) ImplementsInputBotInlineMessage()
type InputBotInlineMessageMediaContact ¶
type InputBotInlineMessageMediaContact struct { PhoneNumber string FirstName string LastName string Vcard string ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `flag:"2"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaContact) CRC ¶
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaContact) CRC() uint32
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaContact) Encode ¶
func (e *InputBotInlineMessageMediaContact) Encode() []byte
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaContact) ImplementsInputBotInlineMessage ¶
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaContact) ImplementsInputBotInlineMessage()
type InputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo ¶
type InputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo struct { GeoPoint InputGeoPoint Period int32 ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `flag:"2"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo) CRC ¶
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo) CRC() uint32
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo) Encode ¶
func (e *InputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo) Encode() []byte
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo) ImplementsInputBotInlineMessage ¶
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo) ImplementsInputBotInlineMessage()
type InputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue ¶
type InputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue struct { GeoPoint InputGeoPoint Title string Address string Provider string VenueId string VenueType string ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `flag:"2"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue) CRC ¶
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue) CRC() uint32
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue) Encode ¶
func (e *InputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue) Encode() []byte
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue) ImplementsInputBotInlineMessage ¶
func (*InputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue) ImplementsInputBotInlineMessage()
type InputBotInlineMessageText ¶
type InputBotInlineMessageText struct { NoWebpage bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Message string Entities []MessageEntity `flag:"1"` ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `flag:"2"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*InputBotInlineMessageText) CRC ¶
func (*InputBotInlineMessageText) CRC() uint32
func (*InputBotInlineMessageText) Encode ¶
func (e *InputBotInlineMessageText) Encode() []byte
func (*InputBotInlineMessageText) ImplementsInputBotInlineMessage ¶
func (*InputBotInlineMessageText) ImplementsInputBotInlineMessage()
type InputBotInlineResult ¶
type InputBotInlineResultDocument ¶
type InputBotInlineResultDocument struct { Id string Type string Title string `flag:"1"` Description string `flag:"2"` Document InputDocument SendMessage InputBotInlineMessage // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*InputBotInlineResultDocument) CRC ¶
func (*InputBotInlineResultDocument) CRC() uint32
func (*InputBotInlineResultDocument) Encode ¶
func (e *InputBotInlineResultDocument) Encode() []byte
func (*InputBotInlineResultDocument) ImplementsInputBotInlineResult ¶
func (*InputBotInlineResultDocument) ImplementsInputBotInlineResult()
type InputBotInlineResultGame ¶
type InputBotInlineResultGame struct { Id string ShortName string SendMessage InputBotInlineMessage }
func (*InputBotInlineResultGame) CRC ¶
func (*InputBotInlineResultGame) CRC() uint32
func (*InputBotInlineResultGame) Encode ¶
func (e *InputBotInlineResultGame) Encode() []byte
func (*InputBotInlineResultGame) ImplementsInputBotInlineResult ¶
func (*InputBotInlineResultGame) ImplementsInputBotInlineResult()
type InputBotInlineResultObj ¶
type InputBotInlineResultObj struct { Id string Type string Title string `flag:"1"` Description string `flag:"2"` Url string `flag:"3"` Thumb *InputWebDocument `flag:"4"` Content *InputWebDocument `flag:"5"` SendMessage InputBotInlineMessage // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*InputBotInlineResultObj) CRC ¶
func (*InputBotInlineResultObj) CRC() uint32
func (*InputBotInlineResultObj) Encode ¶
func (e *InputBotInlineResultObj) Encode() []byte
func (*InputBotInlineResultObj) ImplementsInputBotInlineResult ¶
func (*InputBotInlineResultObj) ImplementsInputBotInlineResult()
type InputBotInlineResultPhoto ¶
type InputBotInlineResultPhoto struct { Id string Type string Photo InputPhoto SendMessage InputBotInlineMessage }
func (*InputBotInlineResultPhoto) CRC ¶
func (*InputBotInlineResultPhoto) CRC() uint32
func (*InputBotInlineResultPhoto) Encode ¶
func (e *InputBotInlineResultPhoto) Encode() []byte
func (*InputBotInlineResultPhoto) ImplementsInputBotInlineResult ¶
func (*InputBotInlineResultPhoto) ImplementsInputBotInlineResult()
type InputChannel ¶
type InputChannelEmpty ¶
type InputChannelEmpty struct{}
func (*InputChannelEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*InputChannelEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*InputChannelEmpty) Encode ¶
func (e *InputChannelEmpty) Encode() []byte
func (*InputChannelEmpty) ImplementsInputChannel ¶
func (*InputChannelEmpty) ImplementsInputChannel()
type InputChannelFromMessage ¶
func (*InputChannelFromMessage) CRC ¶
func (*InputChannelFromMessage) CRC() uint32
func (*InputChannelFromMessage) Encode ¶
func (e *InputChannelFromMessage) Encode() []byte
func (*InputChannelFromMessage) ImplementsInputChannel ¶
func (*InputChannelFromMessage) ImplementsInputChannel()
type InputChannelObj ¶
func (*InputChannelObj) CRC ¶
func (*InputChannelObj) CRC() uint32
func (*InputChannelObj) Encode ¶
func (e *InputChannelObj) Encode() []byte
func (*InputChannelObj) ImplementsInputChannel ¶
func (*InputChannelObj) ImplementsInputChannel()
type InputChatPhoto ¶
type InputChatPhotoEmpty ¶
type InputChatPhotoEmpty struct{}
func (*InputChatPhotoEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*InputChatPhotoEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*InputChatPhotoEmpty) Encode ¶
func (e *InputChatPhotoEmpty) Encode() []byte
func (*InputChatPhotoEmpty) ImplementsInputChatPhoto ¶
func (*InputChatPhotoEmpty) ImplementsInputChatPhoto()
type InputChatPhotoObj ¶
type InputChatPhotoObj struct {
Id InputPhoto
func (*InputChatPhotoObj) CRC ¶
func (*InputChatPhotoObj) CRC() uint32
func (*InputChatPhotoObj) Encode ¶
func (e *InputChatPhotoObj) Encode() []byte
func (*InputChatPhotoObj) ImplementsInputChatPhoto ¶
func (*InputChatPhotoObj) ImplementsInputChatPhoto()
type InputChatUploadedPhoto ¶
type InputChatUploadedPhoto struct { File InputFile `flag:"0"` Video InputFile `flag:"1"` VideoStartTs float64 `flag:"2"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*InputChatUploadedPhoto) CRC ¶
func (*InputChatUploadedPhoto) CRC() uint32
func (*InputChatUploadedPhoto) Encode ¶
func (e *InputChatUploadedPhoto) Encode() []byte
func (*InputChatUploadedPhoto) ImplementsInputChatPhoto ¶
func (*InputChatUploadedPhoto) ImplementsInputChatPhoto()
type InputCheckPasswordEmpty ¶
type InputCheckPasswordEmpty struct{}
func (*InputCheckPasswordEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*InputCheckPasswordEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*InputCheckPasswordEmpty) Encode ¶
func (e *InputCheckPasswordEmpty) Encode() []byte
func (*InputCheckPasswordEmpty) ImplementsInputCheckPasswordSRP ¶
func (*InputCheckPasswordEmpty) ImplementsInputCheckPasswordSRP()
type InputCheckPasswordSRP ¶
func GetInputCheckPassword ¶
func GetInputCheckPassword(password string, accountPassword *AccountPassword) (InputCheckPasswordSRP, error)
type InputCheckPasswordSRPObj ¶
func (*InputCheckPasswordSRPObj) CRC ¶
func (*InputCheckPasswordSRPObj) CRC() uint32
func (*InputCheckPasswordSRPObj) Encode ¶
func (e *InputCheckPasswordSRPObj) Encode() []byte
func (*InputCheckPasswordSRPObj) ImplementsInputCheckPasswordSRP ¶
func (*InputCheckPasswordSRPObj) ImplementsInputCheckPasswordSRP()
type InputClientProxy ¶
type InputClientProxy struct { Address string `validate:"required"` Port int32 `validate:"required"` }
func (*InputClientProxy) CRC ¶
func (e *InputClientProxy) CRC() uint32
func (*InputClientProxy) Encode ¶
func (e *InputClientProxy) Encode() []byte
type InputContact ¶
type InputContact struct { ClientId int64 `validate:"required"` Phone string `validate:"required"` FirstName string `validate:"required"` LastName string `validate:"required"` }
func (*InputContact) CRC ¶
func (e *InputContact) CRC() uint32
func (*InputContact) Encode ¶
func (e *InputContact) Encode() []byte
type InputDialogPeer ¶
type InputDialogPeerFolder ¶
type InputDialogPeerFolder struct {
FolderId int32
func (*InputDialogPeerFolder) CRC ¶
func (*InputDialogPeerFolder) CRC() uint32
func (*InputDialogPeerFolder) Encode ¶
func (e *InputDialogPeerFolder) Encode() []byte
func (*InputDialogPeerFolder) ImplementsInputDialogPeer ¶
func (*InputDialogPeerFolder) ImplementsInputDialogPeer()
type InputDialogPeerObj ¶
type InputDialogPeerObj struct {
Peer InputPeer
func (*InputDialogPeerObj) CRC ¶
func (*InputDialogPeerObj) CRC() uint32
func (*InputDialogPeerObj) Encode ¶
func (e *InputDialogPeerObj) Encode() []byte
func (*InputDialogPeerObj) ImplementsInputDialogPeer ¶
func (*InputDialogPeerObj) ImplementsInputDialogPeer()
type InputDocument ¶
type InputDocumentEmpty ¶
type InputDocumentEmpty struct{}
func (*InputDocumentEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*InputDocumentEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*InputDocumentEmpty) Encode ¶
func (e *InputDocumentEmpty) Encode() []byte
func (*InputDocumentEmpty) ImplementsInputDocument ¶
func (*InputDocumentEmpty) ImplementsInputDocument()
type InputDocumentFileLocation ¶
type InputDocumentFileLocation struct { Id int64 AccessHash int64 FileReference []byte ThumbSize string }
func (*InputDocumentFileLocation) CRC ¶
func (*InputDocumentFileLocation) CRC() uint32
func (*InputDocumentFileLocation) Encode ¶
func (e *InputDocumentFileLocation) Encode() []byte
func (*InputDocumentFileLocation) ImplementsInputFileLocation ¶
func (*InputDocumentFileLocation) ImplementsInputFileLocation()
type InputDocumentObj ¶
func (*InputDocumentObj) CRC ¶
func (*InputDocumentObj) CRC() uint32
func (*InputDocumentObj) Encode ¶
func (e *InputDocumentObj) Encode() []byte
func (*InputDocumentObj) ImplementsInputDocument ¶
func (*InputDocumentObj) ImplementsInputDocument()
type InputEncryptedChat ¶
type InputEncryptedChat struct { ChatId int32 `validate:"required"` AccessHash int64 `validate:"required"` }
func (*InputEncryptedChat) CRC ¶
func (e *InputEncryptedChat) CRC() uint32
func (*InputEncryptedChat) Encode ¶
func (e *InputEncryptedChat) Encode() []byte
type InputEncryptedFile ¶
type InputEncryptedFileBigUploaded ¶
func (*InputEncryptedFileBigUploaded) CRC ¶
func (*InputEncryptedFileBigUploaded) CRC() uint32
func (*InputEncryptedFileBigUploaded) Encode ¶
func (e *InputEncryptedFileBigUploaded) Encode() []byte
func (*InputEncryptedFileBigUploaded) ImplementsInputEncryptedFile ¶
func (*InputEncryptedFileBigUploaded) ImplementsInputEncryptedFile()
type InputEncryptedFileEmpty ¶
type InputEncryptedFileEmpty struct{}
func (*InputEncryptedFileEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*InputEncryptedFileEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*InputEncryptedFileEmpty) Encode ¶
func (e *InputEncryptedFileEmpty) Encode() []byte
func (*InputEncryptedFileEmpty) ImplementsInputEncryptedFile ¶
func (*InputEncryptedFileEmpty) ImplementsInputEncryptedFile()
type InputEncryptedFileLocation ¶
func (*InputEncryptedFileLocation) CRC ¶
func (*InputEncryptedFileLocation) CRC() uint32
func (*InputEncryptedFileLocation) Encode ¶
func (e *InputEncryptedFileLocation) Encode() []byte
func (*InputEncryptedFileLocation) ImplementsInputFileLocation ¶
func (*InputEncryptedFileLocation) ImplementsInputFileLocation()
type InputEncryptedFileObj ¶
func (*InputEncryptedFileObj) CRC ¶
func (*InputEncryptedFileObj) CRC() uint32
func (*InputEncryptedFileObj) Encode ¶
func (e *InputEncryptedFileObj) Encode() []byte
func (*InputEncryptedFileObj) ImplementsInputEncryptedFile ¶
func (*InputEncryptedFileObj) ImplementsInputEncryptedFile()
type InputEncryptedFileUploaded ¶
type InputEncryptedFileUploaded struct { Id int64 Parts int32 Md5Checksum string KeyFingerprint int32 }
func (*InputEncryptedFileUploaded) CRC ¶
func (*InputEncryptedFileUploaded) CRC() uint32
func (*InputEncryptedFileUploaded) Encode ¶
func (e *InputEncryptedFileUploaded) Encode() []byte
func (*InputEncryptedFileUploaded) ImplementsInputEncryptedFile ¶
func (*InputEncryptedFileUploaded) ImplementsInputEncryptedFile()
type InputFileBig ¶
func (*InputFileBig) CRC ¶
func (*InputFileBig) CRC() uint32
func (*InputFileBig) Encode ¶
func (e *InputFileBig) Encode() []byte
func (*InputFileBig) ImplementsInputFile ¶
func (*InputFileBig) ImplementsInputFile()
type InputFileLocation ¶
type InputFileLocationObj ¶
func (*InputFileLocationObj) CRC ¶
func (*InputFileLocationObj) CRC() uint32
func (*InputFileLocationObj) Encode ¶
func (e *InputFileLocationObj) Encode() []byte
func (*InputFileLocationObj) ImplementsInputFileLocation ¶
func (*InputFileLocationObj) ImplementsInputFileLocation()
type InputFileObj ¶
func (*InputFileObj) CRC ¶
func (*InputFileObj) CRC() uint32
func (*InputFileObj) Encode ¶
func (e *InputFileObj) Encode() []byte
func (*InputFileObj) ImplementsInputFile ¶
func (*InputFileObj) ImplementsInputFile()
type InputFolderPeer ¶
type InputFolderPeer struct { Peer InputPeer `validate:"required"` FolderId int32 `validate:"required"` }
func (*InputFolderPeer) CRC ¶
func (e *InputFolderPeer) CRC() uint32
func (*InputFolderPeer) Encode ¶
func (e *InputFolderPeer) Encode() []byte
type InputGameID ¶
func (*InputGameID) CRC ¶
func (*InputGameID) CRC() uint32
func (*InputGameID) Encode ¶
func (e *InputGameID) Encode() []byte
func (*InputGameID) ImplementsInputGame ¶
func (*InputGameID) ImplementsInputGame()
type InputGameShortName ¶
func (*InputGameShortName) CRC ¶
func (*InputGameShortName) CRC() uint32
func (*InputGameShortName) Encode ¶
func (e *InputGameShortName) Encode() []byte
func (*InputGameShortName) ImplementsInputGame ¶
func (*InputGameShortName) ImplementsInputGame()
type InputGeoPoint ¶
type InputGeoPointEmpty ¶
type InputGeoPointEmpty struct{}
func (*InputGeoPointEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*InputGeoPointEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*InputGeoPointEmpty) Encode ¶
func (e *InputGeoPointEmpty) Encode() []byte
func (*InputGeoPointEmpty) ImplementsInputGeoPoint ¶
func (*InputGeoPointEmpty) ImplementsInputGeoPoint()
type InputGeoPointObj ¶
func (*InputGeoPointObj) CRC ¶
func (*InputGeoPointObj) CRC() uint32
func (*InputGeoPointObj) Encode ¶
func (e *InputGeoPointObj) Encode() []byte
func (*InputGeoPointObj) ImplementsInputGeoPoint ¶
func (*InputGeoPointObj) ImplementsInputGeoPoint()
type InputKeyboardButtonUrlAuth ¶
type InputKeyboardButtonUrlAuth struct { RequestWriteAccess bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Text string FwdText string `flag:"1"` Url string Bot InputUser // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*InputKeyboardButtonUrlAuth) CRC ¶
func (*InputKeyboardButtonUrlAuth) CRC() uint32
func (*InputKeyboardButtonUrlAuth) Encode ¶
func (e *InputKeyboardButtonUrlAuth) Encode() []byte
func (*InputKeyboardButtonUrlAuth) ImplementsKeyboardButton ¶
func (*InputKeyboardButtonUrlAuth) ImplementsKeyboardButton()
type InputMedia ¶
type InputMediaContact ¶
func (*InputMediaContact) CRC ¶
func (*InputMediaContact) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMediaContact) Encode ¶
func (e *InputMediaContact) Encode() []byte
func (*InputMediaContact) ImplementsInputMedia ¶
func (*InputMediaContact) ImplementsInputMedia()
type InputMediaDice ¶
type InputMediaDice struct {
Emoticon string
func (*InputMediaDice) CRC ¶
func (*InputMediaDice) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMediaDice) Encode ¶
func (e *InputMediaDice) Encode() []byte
func (*InputMediaDice) ImplementsInputMedia ¶
func (*InputMediaDice) ImplementsInputMedia()
type InputMediaDocument ¶
type InputMediaDocument struct { Id InputDocument TtlSeconds int32 `flag:"0"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*InputMediaDocument) CRC ¶
func (*InputMediaDocument) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMediaDocument) Encode ¶
func (e *InputMediaDocument) Encode() []byte
func (*InputMediaDocument) ImplementsInputMedia ¶
func (*InputMediaDocument) ImplementsInputMedia()
type InputMediaDocumentExternal ¶
type InputMediaDocumentExternal struct { Url string TtlSeconds int32 `flag:"0"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*InputMediaDocumentExternal) CRC ¶
func (*InputMediaDocumentExternal) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMediaDocumentExternal) Encode ¶
func (e *InputMediaDocumentExternal) Encode() []byte
func (*InputMediaDocumentExternal) ImplementsInputMedia ¶
func (*InputMediaDocumentExternal) ImplementsInputMedia()
type InputMediaEmpty ¶
type InputMediaEmpty struct{}
func (*InputMediaEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*InputMediaEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMediaEmpty) Encode ¶
func (e *InputMediaEmpty) Encode() []byte
func (*InputMediaEmpty) ImplementsInputMedia ¶
func (*InputMediaEmpty) ImplementsInputMedia()
type InputMediaGame ¶
type InputMediaGame struct {
Id InputGame
func (*InputMediaGame) CRC ¶
func (*InputMediaGame) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMediaGame) Encode ¶
func (e *InputMediaGame) Encode() []byte
func (*InputMediaGame) ImplementsInputMedia ¶
func (*InputMediaGame) ImplementsInputMedia()
type InputMediaGeoLive ¶
type InputMediaGeoLive struct { Stopped bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` GeoPoint InputGeoPoint Period int32 `flag:"1"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*InputMediaGeoLive) CRC ¶
func (*InputMediaGeoLive) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMediaGeoLive) Encode ¶
func (e *InputMediaGeoLive) Encode() []byte
func (*InputMediaGeoLive) ImplementsInputMedia ¶
func (*InputMediaGeoLive) ImplementsInputMedia()
type InputMediaGeoPoint ¶
type InputMediaGeoPoint struct {
GeoPoint InputGeoPoint
func (*InputMediaGeoPoint) CRC ¶
func (*InputMediaGeoPoint) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMediaGeoPoint) Encode ¶
func (e *InputMediaGeoPoint) Encode() []byte
func (*InputMediaGeoPoint) ImplementsInputMedia ¶
func (*InputMediaGeoPoint) ImplementsInputMedia()
type InputMediaInvoice ¶
type InputMediaInvoice struct { Title string Description string Photo *InputWebDocument `flag:"0"` Invoice *Invoice Payload []byte Provider string ProviderData *DataJSON StartParam string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*InputMediaInvoice) CRC ¶
func (*InputMediaInvoice) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMediaInvoice) Encode ¶
func (e *InputMediaInvoice) Encode() []byte
func (*InputMediaInvoice) ImplementsInputMedia ¶
func (*InputMediaInvoice) ImplementsInputMedia()
type InputMediaPhoto ¶
type InputMediaPhoto struct { Id InputPhoto TtlSeconds int32 `flag:"0"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*InputMediaPhoto) CRC ¶
func (*InputMediaPhoto) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMediaPhoto) Encode ¶
func (e *InputMediaPhoto) Encode() []byte
func (*InputMediaPhoto) ImplementsInputMedia ¶
func (*InputMediaPhoto) ImplementsInputMedia()
type InputMediaPhotoExternal ¶
type InputMediaPhotoExternal struct { Url string TtlSeconds int32 `flag:"0"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*InputMediaPhotoExternal) CRC ¶
func (*InputMediaPhotoExternal) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMediaPhotoExternal) Encode ¶
func (e *InputMediaPhotoExternal) Encode() []byte
func (*InputMediaPhotoExternal) ImplementsInputMedia ¶
func (*InputMediaPhotoExternal) ImplementsInputMedia()
type InputMediaPoll ¶
type InputMediaPoll struct { Poll *Poll CorrectAnswers [][]byte `flag:"0"` Solution string `flag:"1"` SolutionEntities []MessageEntity `flag:"1"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*InputMediaPoll) CRC ¶
func (*InputMediaPoll) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMediaPoll) Encode ¶
func (e *InputMediaPoll) Encode() []byte
func (*InputMediaPoll) ImplementsInputMedia ¶
func (*InputMediaPoll) ImplementsInputMedia()
type InputMediaUploadedDocument ¶
type InputMediaUploadedDocument struct { NosoundVideo bool `flag:"3,encoded_in_bitflags"` ForceFile bool `flag:"4,encoded_in_bitflags"` File InputFile Thumb InputFile `flag:"2"` MimeType string Attributes []DocumentAttribute Stickers []InputDocument `flag:"0"` TtlSeconds int32 `flag:"1"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*InputMediaUploadedDocument) CRC ¶
func (*InputMediaUploadedDocument) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMediaUploadedDocument) Encode ¶
func (e *InputMediaUploadedDocument) Encode() []byte
func (*InputMediaUploadedDocument) ImplementsInputMedia ¶
func (*InputMediaUploadedDocument) ImplementsInputMedia()
type InputMediaUploadedPhoto ¶
type InputMediaUploadedPhoto struct { File InputFile Stickers []InputDocument `flag:"0"` TtlSeconds int32 `flag:"1"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*InputMediaUploadedPhoto) CRC ¶
func (*InputMediaUploadedPhoto) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMediaUploadedPhoto) Encode ¶
func (e *InputMediaUploadedPhoto) Encode() []byte
func (*InputMediaUploadedPhoto) ImplementsInputMedia ¶
func (*InputMediaUploadedPhoto) ImplementsInputMedia()
type InputMediaVenue ¶
type InputMediaVenue struct { GeoPoint InputGeoPoint Title string Address string Provider string VenueId string VenueType string }
func (*InputMediaVenue) CRC ¶
func (*InputMediaVenue) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMediaVenue) Encode ¶
func (e *InputMediaVenue) Encode() []byte
func (*InputMediaVenue) ImplementsInputMedia ¶
func (*InputMediaVenue) ImplementsInputMedia()
type InputMessage ¶
type InputMessageEntityMentionName ¶
func (*InputMessageEntityMentionName) CRC ¶
func (*InputMessageEntityMentionName) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMessageEntityMentionName) Encode ¶
func (e *InputMessageEntityMentionName) Encode() []byte
func (*InputMessageEntityMentionName) ImplementsMessageEntity ¶
func (*InputMessageEntityMentionName) ImplementsMessageEntity()
type InputMessageID ¶
type InputMessageID struct {
Id int32
func (*InputMessageID) CRC ¶
func (*InputMessageID) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMessageID) Encode ¶
func (e *InputMessageID) Encode() []byte
func (*InputMessageID) ImplementsInputMessage ¶
func (*InputMessageID) ImplementsInputMessage()
type InputMessagePinned ¶
type InputMessagePinned struct{}
func (*InputMessagePinned) CRC ¶
func (*InputMessagePinned) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMessagePinned) Encode ¶
func (e *InputMessagePinned) Encode() []byte
func (*InputMessagePinned) ImplementsInputMessage ¶
func (*InputMessagePinned) ImplementsInputMessage()
type InputMessageReplyTo ¶
type InputMessageReplyTo struct {
Id int32
func (*InputMessageReplyTo) CRC ¶
func (*InputMessageReplyTo) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMessageReplyTo) Encode ¶
func (e *InputMessageReplyTo) Encode() []byte
func (*InputMessageReplyTo) ImplementsInputMessage ¶
func (*InputMessageReplyTo) ImplementsInputMessage()
type InputMessagesFilterChatPhotos ¶
type InputMessagesFilterChatPhotos struct{}
func (*InputMessagesFilterChatPhotos) CRC ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterChatPhotos) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMessagesFilterChatPhotos) Encode ¶
func (e *InputMessagesFilterChatPhotos) Encode() []byte
func (*InputMessagesFilterChatPhotos) ImplementsMessagesFilter ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterChatPhotos) ImplementsMessagesFilter()
type InputMessagesFilterContacts ¶
type InputMessagesFilterContacts struct{}
func (*InputMessagesFilterContacts) CRC ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterContacts) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMessagesFilterContacts) Encode ¶
func (e *InputMessagesFilterContacts) Encode() []byte
func (*InputMessagesFilterContacts) ImplementsMessagesFilter ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterContacts) ImplementsMessagesFilter()
type InputMessagesFilterDocument ¶
type InputMessagesFilterDocument struct{}
func (*InputMessagesFilterDocument) CRC ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterDocument) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMessagesFilterDocument) Encode ¶
func (e *InputMessagesFilterDocument) Encode() []byte
func (*InputMessagesFilterDocument) ImplementsMessagesFilter ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterDocument) ImplementsMessagesFilter()
type InputMessagesFilterEmpty ¶
type InputMessagesFilterEmpty struct{}
func (*InputMessagesFilterEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMessagesFilterEmpty) Encode ¶
func (e *InputMessagesFilterEmpty) Encode() []byte
func (*InputMessagesFilterEmpty) ImplementsMessagesFilter ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterEmpty) ImplementsMessagesFilter()
type InputMessagesFilterGeo ¶
type InputMessagesFilterGeo struct{}
func (*InputMessagesFilterGeo) CRC ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterGeo) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMessagesFilterGeo) Encode ¶
func (e *InputMessagesFilterGeo) Encode() []byte
func (*InputMessagesFilterGeo) ImplementsMessagesFilter ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterGeo) ImplementsMessagesFilter()
type InputMessagesFilterGif ¶
type InputMessagesFilterGif struct{}
func (*InputMessagesFilterGif) CRC ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterGif) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMessagesFilterGif) Encode ¶
func (e *InputMessagesFilterGif) Encode() []byte
func (*InputMessagesFilterGif) ImplementsMessagesFilter ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterGif) ImplementsMessagesFilter()
type InputMessagesFilterMusic ¶
type InputMessagesFilterMusic struct{}
func (*InputMessagesFilterMusic) CRC ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterMusic) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMessagesFilterMusic) Encode ¶
func (e *InputMessagesFilterMusic) Encode() []byte
func (*InputMessagesFilterMusic) ImplementsMessagesFilter ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterMusic) ImplementsMessagesFilter()
type InputMessagesFilterMyMentions ¶
type InputMessagesFilterMyMentions struct{}
func (*InputMessagesFilterMyMentions) CRC ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterMyMentions) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMessagesFilterMyMentions) Encode ¶
func (e *InputMessagesFilterMyMentions) Encode() []byte
func (*InputMessagesFilterMyMentions) ImplementsMessagesFilter ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterMyMentions) ImplementsMessagesFilter()
type InputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls ¶
type InputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls struct { Missed bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*InputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls) CRC ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls) Encode ¶
func (e *InputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls) Encode() []byte
func (*InputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls) ImplementsMessagesFilter ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls) ImplementsMessagesFilter()
type InputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo ¶
type InputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo struct{}
func (*InputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo) CRC ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo) Encode ¶
func (e *InputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo) Encode() []byte
func (*InputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo) ImplementsMessagesFilter ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo) ImplementsMessagesFilter()
type InputMessagesFilterPhotos ¶
type InputMessagesFilterPhotos struct{}
func (*InputMessagesFilterPhotos) CRC ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterPhotos) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMessagesFilterPhotos) Encode ¶
func (e *InputMessagesFilterPhotos) Encode() []byte
func (*InputMessagesFilterPhotos) ImplementsMessagesFilter ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterPhotos) ImplementsMessagesFilter()
type InputMessagesFilterRoundVideo ¶
type InputMessagesFilterRoundVideo struct{}
func (*InputMessagesFilterRoundVideo) CRC ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterRoundVideo) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMessagesFilterRoundVideo) Encode ¶
func (e *InputMessagesFilterRoundVideo) Encode() []byte
func (*InputMessagesFilterRoundVideo) ImplementsMessagesFilter ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterRoundVideo) ImplementsMessagesFilter()
type InputMessagesFilterRoundVoice ¶
type InputMessagesFilterRoundVoice struct{}
func (*InputMessagesFilterRoundVoice) CRC ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterRoundVoice) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMessagesFilterRoundVoice) Encode ¶
func (e *InputMessagesFilterRoundVoice) Encode() []byte
func (*InputMessagesFilterRoundVoice) ImplementsMessagesFilter ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterRoundVoice) ImplementsMessagesFilter()
type InputMessagesFilterUrl ¶
type InputMessagesFilterUrl struct{}
func (*InputMessagesFilterUrl) CRC ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterUrl) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMessagesFilterUrl) Encode ¶
func (e *InputMessagesFilterUrl) Encode() []byte
func (*InputMessagesFilterUrl) ImplementsMessagesFilter ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterUrl) ImplementsMessagesFilter()
type InputMessagesFilterVideo ¶
type InputMessagesFilterVideo struct{}
func (*InputMessagesFilterVideo) CRC ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterVideo) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMessagesFilterVideo) Encode ¶
func (e *InputMessagesFilterVideo) Encode() []byte
func (*InputMessagesFilterVideo) ImplementsMessagesFilter ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterVideo) ImplementsMessagesFilter()
type InputMessagesFilterVoice ¶
type InputMessagesFilterVoice struct{}
func (*InputMessagesFilterVoice) CRC ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterVoice) CRC() uint32
func (*InputMessagesFilterVoice) Encode ¶
func (e *InputMessagesFilterVoice) Encode() []byte
func (*InputMessagesFilterVoice) ImplementsMessagesFilter ¶
func (*InputMessagesFilterVoice) ImplementsMessagesFilter()
type InputNotifyBroadcasts ¶
type InputNotifyBroadcasts struct{}
func (*InputNotifyBroadcasts) CRC ¶
func (*InputNotifyBroadcasts) CRC() uint32
func (*InputNotifyBroadcasts) Encode ¶
func (e *InputNotifyBroadcasts) Encode() []byte
func (*InputNotifyBroadcasts) ImplementsInputNotifyPeer ¶
func (*InputNotifyBroadcasts) ImplementsInputNotifyPeer()
type InputNotifyChats ¶
type InputNotifyChats struct{}
func (*InputNotifyChats) CRC ¶
func (*InputNotifyChats) CRC() uint32
func (*InputNotifyChats) Encode ¶
func (e *InputNotifyChats) Encode() []byte
func (*InputNotifyChats) ImplementsInputNotifyPeer ¶
func (*InputNotifyChats) ImplementsInputNotifyPeer()
type InputNotifyPeer ¶
type InputNotifyPeerObj ¶
type InputNotifyPeerObj struct {
Peer InputPeer
func (*InputNotifyPeerObj) CRC ¶
func (*InputNotifyPeerObj) CRC() uint32
func (*InputNotifyPeerObj) Encode ¶
func (e *InputNotifyPeerObj) Encode() []byte
func (*InputNotifyPeerObj) ImplementsInputNotifyPeer ¶
func (*InputNotifyPeerObj) ImplementsInputNotifyPeer()
type InputNotifyUsers ¶
type InputNotifyUsers struct{}
func (*InputNotifyUsers) CRC ¶
func (*InputNotifyUsers) CRC() uint32
func (*InputNotifyUsers) Encode ¶
func (e *InputNotifyUsers) Encode() []byte
func (*InputNotifyUsers) ImplementsInputNotifyPeer ¶
func (*InputNotifyUsers) ImplementsInputNotifyPeer()
type InputPaymentCredentials ¶
type InputPaymentCredentialsAndroidPay ¶
func (*InputPaymentCredentialsAndroidPay) CRC ¶
func (*InputPaymentCredentialsAndroidPay) CRC() uint32
func (*InputPaymentCredentialsAndroidPay) Encode ¶
func (e *InputPaymentCredentialsAndroidPay) Encode() []byte
func (*InputPaymentCredentialsAndroidPay) ImplementsInputPaymentCredentials ¶
func (*InputPaymentCredentialsAndroidPay) ImplementsInputPaymentCredentials()
type InputPaymentCredentialsApplePay ¶
type InputPaymentCredentialsApplePay struct {
PaymentData *DataJSON
func (*InputPaymentCredentialsApplePay) CRC ¶
func (*InputPaymentCredentialsApplePay) CRC() uint32
func (*InputPaymentCredentialsApplePay) Encode ¶
func (e *InputPaymentCredentialsApplePay) Encode() []byte
func (*InputPaymentCredentialsApplePay) ImplementsInputPaymentCredentials ¶
func (*InputPaymentCredentialsApplePay) ImplementsInputPaymentCredentials()
type InputPaymentCredentialsObj ¶
type InputPaymentCredentialsObj struct { Save bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Data *DataJSON // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*InputPaymentCredentialsObj) CRC ¶
func (*InputPaymentCredentialsObj) CRC() uint32
func (*InputPaymentCredentialsObj) Encode ¶
func (e *InputPaymentCredentialsObj) Encode() []byte
func (*InputPaymentCredentialsObj) ImplementsInputPaymentCredentials ¶
func (*InputPaymentCredentialsObj) ImplementsInputPaymentCredentials()
type InputPaymentCredentialsSaved ¶
func (*InputPaymentCredentialsSaved) CRC ¶
func (*InputPaymentCredentialsSaved) CRC() uint32
func (*InputPaymentCredentialsSaved) Encode ¶
func (e *InputPaymentCredentialsSaved) Encode() []byte
func (*InputPaymentCredentialsSaved) ImplementsInputPaymentCredentials ¶
func (*InputPaymentCredentialsSaved) ImplementsInputPaymentCredentials()
type InputPeerChannel ¶
func (*InputPeerChannel) CRC ¶
func (*InputPeerChannel) CRC() uint32
func (*InputPeerChannel) Encode ¶
func (e *InputPeerChannel) Encode() []byte
func (*InputPeerChannel) ImplementsInputPeer ¶
func (*InputPeerChannel) ImplementsInputPeer()
type InputPeerChannelFromMessage ¶
func (*InputPeerChannelFromMessage) CRC ¶
func (*InputPeerChannelFromMessage) CRC() uint32
func (*InputPeerChannelFromMessage) Encode ¶
func (e *InputPeerChannelFromMessage) Encode() []byte
func (*InputPeerChannelFromMessage) ImplementsInputPeer ¶
func (*InputPeerChannelFromMessage) ImplementsInputPeer()
type InputPeerChat ¶
type InputPeerChat struct {
ChatId int32
func (*InputPeerChat) CRC ¶
func (*InputPeerChat) CRC() uint32
func (*InputPeerChat) Encode ¶
func (e *InputPeerChat) Encode() []byte
func (*InputPeerChat) ImplementsInputPeer ¶
func (*InputPeerChat) ImplementsInputPeer()
type InputPeerEmpty ¶
type InputPeerEmpty struct{}
func (*InputPeerEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*InputPeerEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*InputPeerEmpty) Encode ¶
func (e *InputPeerEmpty) Encode() []byte
func (*InputPeerEmpty) ImplementsInputPeer ¶
func (*InputPeerEmpty) ImplementsInputPeer()
type InputPeerNotifySettings ¶
type InputPeerNotifySettings struct { ShowPreviews bool `flag:"0"` Silent bool `flag:"1"` MuteUntil int32 `flag:"2"` Sound string `flag:"3"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*InputPeerNotifySettings) CRC ¶
func (e *InputPeerNotifySettings) CRC() uint32
func (*InputPeerNotifySettings) Encode ¶
func (e *InputPeerNotifySettings) Encode() []byte
type InputPeerPhotoFileLocation ¶
type InputPeerPhotoFileLocation struct { Big bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer InputPeer VolumeId int64 LocalId int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*InputPeerPhotoFileLocation) CRC ¶
func (*InputPeerPhotoFileLocation) CRC() uint32
func (*InputPeerPhotoFileLocation) Encode ¶
func (e *InputPeerPhotoFileLocation) Encode() []byte
func (*InputPeerPhotoFileLocation) ImplementsInputFileLocation ¶
func (*InputPeerPhotoFileLocation) ImplementsInputFileLocation()
type InputPeerSelf ¶
type InputPeerSelf struct{}
func (*InputPeerSelf) CRC ¶
func (*InputPeerSelf) CRC() uint32
func (*InputPeerSelf) Encode ¶
func (e *InputPeerSelf) Encode() []byte
func (*InputPeerSelf) ImplementsInputPeer ¶
func (*InputPeerSelf) ImplementsInputPeer()
type InputPeerUser ¶
func (*InputPeerUser) CRC ¶
func (*InputPeerUser) CRC() uint32
func (*InputPeerUser) Encode ¶
func (e *InputPeerUser) Encode() []byte
func (*InputPeerUser) ImplementsInputPeer ¶
func (*InputPeerUser) ImplementsInputPeer()
type InputPeerUserFromMessage ¶
func (*InputPeerUserFromMessage) CRC ¶
func (*InputPeerUserFromMessage) CRC() uint32
func (*InputPeerUserFromMessage) Encode ¶
func (e *InputPeerUserFromMessage) Encode() []byte
func (*InputPeerUserFromMessage) ImplementsInputPeer ¶
func (*InputPeerUserFromMessage) ImplementsInputPeer()
type InputPhoneCall ¶
type InputPhoneCall struct { Id int64 `validate:"required"` AccessHash int64 `validate:"required"` }
func (*InputPhoneCall) CRC ¶
func (e *InputPhoneCall) CRC() uint32
func (*InputPhoneCall) Encode ¶
func (e *InputPhoneCall) Encode() []byte
type InputPhoto ¶
type InputPhotoEmpty ¶
type InputPhotoEmpty struct{}
func (*InputPhotoEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*InputPhotoEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*InputPhotoEmpty) Encode ¶
func (e *InputPhotoEmpty) Encode() []byte
func (*InputPhotoEmpty) ImplementsInputPhoto ¶
func (*InputPhotoEmpty) ImplementsInputPhoto()
type InputPhotoFileLocation ¶
type InputPhotoFileLocation struct { Id int64 AccessHash int64 FileReference []byte ThumbSize string }
func (*InputPhotoFileLocation) CRC ¶
func (*InputPhotoFileLocation) CRC() uint32
func (*InputPhotoFileLocation) Encode ¶
func (e *InputPhotoFileLocation) Encode() []byte
func (*InputPhotoFileLocation) ImplementsInputFileLocation ¶
func (*InputPhotoFileLocation) ImplementsInputFileLocation()
type InputPhotoLegacyFileLocation ¶
type InputPhotoLegacyFileLocation struct { Id int64 AccessHash int64 FileReference []byte VolumeId int64 LocalId int32 Secret int64 }
func (*InputPhotoLegacyFileLocation) CRC ¶
func (*InputPhotoLegacyFileLocation) CRC() uint32
func (*InputPhotoLegacyFileLocation) Encode ¶
func (e *InputPhotoLegacyFileLocation) Encode() []byte
func (*InputPhotoLegacyFileLocation) ImplementsInputFileLocation ¶
func (*InputPhotoLegacyFileLocation) ImplementsInputFileLocation()
type InputPhotoObj ¶
func (*InputPhotoObj) CRC ¶
func (*InputPhotoObj) CRC() uint32
func (*InputPhotoObj) Encode ¶
func (e *InputPhotoObj) Encode() []byte
func (*InputPhotoObj) ImplementsInputPhoto ¶
func (*InputPhotoObj) ImplementsInputPhoto()
type InputPrivacyKey ¶
type InputPrivacyKey uint32
const ( InputPrivacyKeyStatusTimestamp InputPrivacyKey = 1335282456 InputPrivacyKeyChatInvite InputPrivacyKey = 3187344422 InputPrivacyKeyPhoneCall InputPrivacyKey = 4206550111 InputPrivacyKeyPhoneP2P InputPrivacyKey = 3684593874 InputPrivacyKeyForwards InputPrivacyKey = 2765966344 InputPrivacyKeyProfilePhoto InputPrivacyKey = 1461304012 InputPrivacyKeyPhoneNumber InputPrivacyKey = 55761658 InputPrivacyKeyAddedByPhone InputPrivacyKey = 3508640733 )
func (InputPrivacyKey) CRC ¶
func (e InputPrivacyKey) CRC() uint32
func (InputPrivacyKey) Encode ¶
func (e InputPrivacyKey) Encode() []byte
func (InputPrivacyKey) String ¶
func (e InputPrivacyKey) String() string
type InputPrivacyRule ¶
type InputPrivacyValueAllowAll ¶
type InputPrivacyValueAllowAll struct{}
func (*InputPrivacyValueAllowAll) CRC ¶
func (*InputPrivacyValueAllowAll) CRC() uint32
func (*InputPrivacyValueAllowAll) Encode ¶
func (e *InputPrivacyValueAllowAll) Encode() []byte
func (*InputPrivacyValueAllowAll) ImplementsInputPrivacyRule ¶
func (*InputPrivacyValueAllowAll) ImplementsInputPrivacyRule()
type InputPrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants ¶
type InputPrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants struct {
Chats []int32
func (*InputPrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants) CRC ¶
func (*InputPrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants) CRC() uint32
func (*InputPrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants) Encode ¶
func (e *InputPrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants) Encode() []byte
func (*InputPrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants) ImplementsInputPrivacyRule ¶
func (*InputPrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants) ImplementsInputPrivacyRule()
type InputPrivacyValueAllowContacts ¶
type InputPrivacyValueAllowContacts struct{}
func (*InputPrivacyValueAllowContacts) CRC ¶
func (*InputPrivacyValueAllowContacts) CRC() uint32
func (*InputPrivacyValueAllowContacts) Encode ¶
func (e *InputPrivacyValueAllowContacts) Encode() []byte
func (*InputPrivacyValueAllowContacts) ImplementsInputPrivacyRule ¶
func (*InputPrivacyValueAllowContacts) ImplementsInputPrivacyRule()
type InputPrivacyValueAllowUsers ¶
type InputPrivacyValueAllowUsers struct {
Users []InputUser
func (*InputPrivacyValueAllowUsers) CRC ¶
func (*InputPrivacyValueAllowUsers) CRC() uint32
func (*InputPrivacyValueAllowUsers) Encode ¶
func (e *InputPrivacyValueAllowUsers) Encode() []byte
func (*InputPrivacyValueAllowUsers) ImplementsInputPrivacyRule ¶
func (*InputPrivacyValueAllowUsers) ImplementsInputPrivacyRule()
type InputPrivacyValueDisallowAll ¶
type InputPrivacyValueDisallowAll struct{}
func (*InputPrivacyValueDisallowAll) CRC ¶
func (*InputPrivacyValueDisallowAll) CRC() uint32
func (*InputPrivacyValueDisallowAll) Encode ¶
func (e *InputPrivacyValueDisallowAll) Encode() []byte
func (*InputPrivacyValueDisallowAll) ImplementsInputPrivacyRule ¶
func (*InputPrivacyValueDisallowAll) ImplementsInputPrivacyRule()
type InputPrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants ¶
type InputPrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants struct {
Chats []int32
func (*InputPrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants) CRC ¶
func (*InputPrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants) CRC() uint32
func (*InputPrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants) Encode ¶
func (e *InputPrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants) Encode() []byte
func (*InputPrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants) ImplementsInputPrivacyRule ¶
func (*InputPrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants) ImplementsInputPrivacyRule()
type InputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts ¶
type InputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts struct{}
func (*InputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts) CRC ¶
func (*InputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts) CRC() uint32
func (*InputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts) Encode ¶
func (e *InputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts) Encode() []byte
func (*InputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts) ImplementsInputPrivacyRule ¶
func (*InputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts) ImplementsInputPrivacyRule()
type InputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers ¶
type InputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers struct {
Users []InputUser
func (*InputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers) CRC ¶
func (*InputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers) CRC() uint32
func (*InputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers) Encode ¶
func (e *InputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers) Encode() []byte
func (*InputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers) ImplementsInputPrivacyRule ¶
func (*InputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers) ImplementsInputPrivacyRule()
type InputReportReasonChildAbuse ¶
type InputReportReasonChildAbuse struct{}
func (*InputReportReasonChildAbuse) CRC ¶
func (*InputReportReasonChildAbuse) CRC() uint32
func (*InputReportReasonChildAbuse) Encode ¶
func (e *InputReportReasonChildAbuse) Encode() []byte
func (*InputReportReasonChildAbuse) ImplementsReportReason ¶
func (*InputReportReasonChildAbuse) ImplementsReportReason()
type InputReportReasonCopyright ¶
type InputReportReasonCopyright struct{}
func (*InputReportReasonCopyright) CRC ¶
func (*InputReportReasonCopyright) CRC() uint32
func (*InputReportReasonCopyright) Encode ¶
func (e *InputReportReasonCopyright) Encode() []byte
func (*InputReportReasonCopyright) ImplementsReportReason ¶
func (*InputReportReasonCopyright) ImplementsReportReason()
type InputReportReasonGeoIrrelevant ¶
type InputReportReasonGeoIrrelevant struct{}
func (*InputReportReasonGeoIrrelevant) CRC ¶
func (*InputReportReasonGeoIrrelevant) CRC() uint32
func (*InputReportReasonGeoIrrelevant) Encode ¶
func (e *InputReportReasonGeoIrrelevant) Encode() []byte
func (*InputReportReasonGeoIrrelevant) ImplementsReportReason ¶
func (*InputReportReasonGeoIrrelevant) ImplementsReportReason()
type InputReportReasonOther ¶
type InputReportReasonOther struct {
Text string
func (*InputReportReasonOther) CRC ¶
func (*InputReportReasonOther) CRC() uint32
func (*InputReportReasonOther) Encode ¶
func (e *InputReportReasonOther) Encode() []byte
func (*InputReportReasonOther) ImplementsReportReason ¶
func (*InputReportReasonOther) ImplementsReportReason()
type InputReportReasonPornography ¶
type InputReportReasonPornography struct{}
func (*InputReportReasonPornography) CRC ¶
func (*InputReportReasonPornography) CRC() uint32
func (*InputReportReasonPornography) Encode ¶
func (e *InputReportReasonPornography) Encode() []byte
func (*InputReportReasonPornography) ImplementsReportReason ¶
func (*InputReportReasonPornography) ImplementsReportReason()
type InputReportReasonSpam ¶
type InputReportReasonSpam struct{}
func (*InputReportReasonSpam) CRC ¶
func (*InputReportReasonSpam) CRC() uint32
func (*InputReportReasonSpam) Encode ¶
func (e *InputReportReasonSpam) Encode() []byte
func (*InputReportReasonSpam) ImplementsReportReason ¶
func (*InputReportReasonSpam) ImplementsReportReason()
type InputReportReasonViolence ¶
type InputReportReasonViolence struct{}
func (*InputReportReasonViolence) CRC ¶
func (*InputReportReasonViolence) CRC() uint32
func (*InputReportReasonViolence) Encode ¶
func (e *InputReportReasonViolence) Encode() []byte
func (*InputReportReasonViolence) ImplementsReportReason ¶
func (*InputReportReasonViolence) ImplementsReportReason()
type InputSecureFile ¶
type InputSecureFileLocation ¶
func (*InputSecureFileLocation) CRC ¶
func (*InputSecureFileLocation) CRC() uint32
func (*InputSecureFileLocation) Encode ¶
func (e *InputSecureFileLocation) Encode() []byte
func (*InputSecureFileLocation) ImplementsInputFileLocation ¶
func (*InputSecureFileLocation) ImplementsInputFileLocation()
type InputSecureFileObj ¶
func (*InputSecureFileObj) CRC ¶
func (*InputSecureFileObj) CRC() uint32
func (*InputSecureFileObj) Encode ¶
func (e *InputSecureFileObj) Encode() []byte
func (*InputSecureFileObj) ImplementsInputSecureFile ¶
func (*InputSecureFileObj) ImplementsInputSecureFile()
type InputSecureFileUploaded ¶
type InputSecureFileUploaded struct { Id int64 Parts int32 Md5Checksum string FileHash []byte Secret []byte }
func (*InputSecureFileUploaded) CRC ¶
func (*InputSecureFileUploaded) CRC() uint32
func (*InputSecureFileUploaded) Encode ¶
func (e *InputSecureFileUploaded) Encode() []byte
func (*InputSecureFileUploaded) ImplementsInputSecureFile ¶
func (*InputSecureFileUploaded) ImplementsInputSecureFile()
type InputSecureValue ¶
type InputSecureValue struct { Type SecureValueType `validate:"required"` Data *SecureData `flag:"0"` FrontSide InputSecureFile `flag:"1"` ReverseSide InputSecureFile `flag:"2"` Selfie InputSecureFile `flag:"3"` Translation []InputSecureFile `flag:"6"` Files []InputSecureFile `flag:"4"` PlainData SecurePlainData `flag:"5"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*InputSecureValue) CRC ¶
func (e *InputSecureValue) CRC() uint32
func (*InputSecureValue) Encode ¶
func (e *InputSecureValue) Encode() []byte
type InputSingleMedia ¶
type InputSingleMedia struct { Media InputMedia `validate:"required"` RandomId int64 `validate:"required"` Message string `validate:"required"` Entities []MessageEntity `flag:"0"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*InputSingleMedia) CRC ¶
func (e *InputSingleMedia) CRC() uint32
func (*InputSingleMedia) Encode ¶
func (e *InputSingleMedia) Encode() []byte
type InputStickerSet ¶
type InputStickerSetAnimatedEmoji ¶
type InputStickerSetAnimatedEmoji struct{}
func (*InputStickerSetAnimatedEmoji) CRC ¶
func (*InputStickerSetAnimatedEmoji) CRC() uint32
func (*InputStickerSetAnimatedEmoji) Encode ¶
func (e *InputStickerSetAnimatedEmoji) Encode() []byte
func (*InputStickerSetAnimatedEmoji) ImplementsInputStickerSet ¶
func (*InputStickerSetAnimatedEmoji) ImplementsInputStickerSet()
type InputStickerSetDice ¶
type InputStickerSetDice struct {
Emoticon string
func (*InputStickerSetDice) CRC ¶
func (*InputStickerSetDice) CRC() uint32
func (*InputStickerSetDice) Encode ¶
func (e *InputStickerSetDice) Encode() []byte
func (*InputStickerSetDice) ImplementsInputStickerSet ¶
func (*InputStickerSetDice) ImplementsInputStickerSet()
type InputStickerSetEmpty ¶
type InputStickerSetEmpty struct{}
func (*InputStickerSetEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*InputStickerSetEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*InputStickerSetEmpty) Encode ¶
func (e *InputStickerSetEmpty) Encode() []byte
func (*InputStickerSetEmpty) ImplementsInputStickerSet ¶
func (*InputStickerSetEmpty) ImplementsInputStickerSet()
type InputStickerSetID ¶
func (*InputStickerSetID) CRC ¶
func (*InputStickerSetID) CRC() uint32
func (*InputStickerSetID) Encode ¶
func (e *InputStickerSetID) Encode() []byte
func (*InputStickerSetID) ImplementsInputStickerSet ¶
func (*InputStickerSetID) ImplementsInputStickerSet()
type InputStickerSetItem ¶
type InputStickerSetItem struct { Document InputDocument `validate:"required"` Emoji string `validate:"required"` MaskCoords *MaskCoords `flag:"0"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*InputStickerSetItem) CRC ¶
func (e *InputStickerSetItem) CRC() uint32
func (*InputStickerSetItem) Encode ¶
func (e *InputStickerSetItem) Encode() []byte
type InputStickerSetShortName ¶
type InputStickerSetShortName struct {
ShortName string
func (*InputStickerSetShortName) CRC ¶
func (*InputStickerSetShortName) CRC() uint32
func (*InputStickerSetShortName) Encode ¶
func (e *InputStickerSetShortName) Encode() []byte
func (*InputStickerSetShortName) ImplementsInputStickerSet ¶
func (*InputStickerSetShortName) ImplementsInputStickerSet()
type InputStickerSetThumb ¶
type InputStickerSetThumb struct { Stickerset InputStickerSet VolumeId int64 LocalId int32 }
func (*InputStickerSetThumb) CRC ¶
func (*InputStickerSetThumb) CRC() uint32
func (*InputStickerSetThumb) Encode ¶
func (e *InputStickerSetThumb) Encode() []byte
func (*InputStickerSetThumb) ImplementsInputFileLocation ¶
func (*InputStickerSetThumb) ImplementsInputFileLocation()
type InputStickeredMedia ¶
type InputStickeredMediaDocument ¶
type InputStickeredMediaDocument struct {
Id InputDocument
func (*InputStickeredMediaDocument) CRC ¶
func (*InputStickeredMediaDocument) CRC() uint32
func (*InputStickeredMediaDocument) Encode ¶
func (e *InputStickeredMediaDocument) Encode() []byte
func (*InputStickeredMediaDocument) ImplementsInputStickeredMedia ¶
func (*InputStickeredMediaDocument) ImplementsInputStickeredMedia()
type InputStickeredMediaPhoto ¶
type InputStickeredMediaPhoto struct {
Id InputPhoto
func (*InputStickeredMediaPhoto) CRC ¶
func (*InputStickeredMediaPhoto) CRC() uint32
func (*InputStickeredMediaPhoto) Encode ¶
func (e *InputStickeredMediaPhoto) Encode() []byte
func (*InputStickeredMediaPhoto) ImplementsInputStickeredMedia ¶
func (*InputStickeredMediaPhoto) ImplementsInputStickeredMedia()
type InputTakeoutFileLocation ¶
type InputTakeoutFileLocation struct{}
func (*InputTakeoutFileLocation) CRC ¶
func (*InputTakeoutFileLocation) CRC() uint32
func (*InputTakeoutFileLocation) Encode ¶
func (e *InputTakeoutFileLocation) Encode() []byte
func (*InputTakeoutFileLocation) ImplementsInputFileLocation ¶
func (*InputTakeoutFileLocation) ImplementsInputFileLocation()
type InputTheme ¶
type InputThemeObj ¶
func (*InputThemeObj) CRC ¶
func (*InputThemeObj) CRC() uint32
func (*InputThemeObj) Encode ¶
func (e *InputThemeObj) Encode() []byte
func (*InputThemeObj) ImplementsInputTheme ¶
func (*InputThemeObj) ImplementsInputTheme()
type InputThemeSettings ¶
type InputThemeSettings struct { BaseTheme BaseTheme `validate:"required"` AccentColor int32 `validate:"required"` MessageTopColor int32 `flag:"0"` MessageBottomColor int32 `flag:"0"` Wallpaper InputWallPaper `flag:"1"` WallpaperSettings *WallPaperSettings `flag:"1"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*InputThemeSettings) CRC ¶
func (e *InputThemeSettings) CRC() uint32
func (*InputThemeSettings) Encode ¶
func (e *InputThemeSettings) Encode() []byte
type InputThemeSlug ¶
type InputThemeSlug struct {
Slug string
func (*InputThemeSlug) CRC ¶
func (*InputThemeSlug) CRC() uint32
func (*InputThemeSlug) Encode ¶
func (e *InputThemeSlug) Encode() []byte
func (*InputThemeSlug) ImplementsInputTheme ¶
func (*InputThemeSlug) ImplementsInputTheme()
type InputUserEmpty ¶
type InputUserEmpty struct{}
func (*InputUserEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*InputUserEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*InputUserEmpty) Encode ¶
func (e *InputUserEmpty) Encode() []byte
func (*InputUserEmpty) ImplementsInputUser ¶
func (*InputUserEmpty) ImplementsInputUser()
type InputUserFromMessage ¶
func (*InputUserFromMessage) CRC ¶
func (*InputUserFromMessage) CRC() uint32
func (*InputUserFromMessage) Encode ¶
func (e *InputUserFromMessage) Encode() []byte
func (*InputUserFromMessage) ImplementsInputUser ¶
func (*InputUserFromMessage) ImplementsInputUser()
type InputUserObj ¶
func (*InputUserObj) CRC ¶
func (*InputUserObj) CRC() uint32
func (*InputUserObj) Encode ¶
func (e *InputUserObj) Encode() []byte
func (*InputUserObj) ImplementsInputUser ¶
func (*InputUserObj) ImplementsInputUser()
type InputUserSelf ¶
type InputUserSelf struct{}
func (*InputUserSelf) CRC ¶
func (*InputUserSelf) CRC() uint32
func (*InputUserSelf) Encode ¶
func (e *InputUserSelf) Encode() []byte
func (*InputUserSelf) ImplementsInputUser ¶
func (*InputUserSelf) ImplementsInputUser()
type InputWallPaper ¶
type InputWallPaperNoFile ¶
type InputWallPaperNoFile struct{}
func (*InputWallPaperNoFile) CRC ¶
func (*InputWallPaperNoFile) CRC() uint32
func (*InputWallPaperNoFile) Encode ¶
func (e *InputWallPaperNoFile) Encode() []byte
func (*InputWallPaperNoFile) ImplementsInputWallPaper ¶
func (*InputWallPaperNoFile) ImplementsInputWallPaper()
type InputWallPaperObj ¶
func (*InputWallPaperObj) CRC ¶
func (*InputWallPaperObj) CRC() uint32
func (*InputWallPaperObj) Encode ¶
func (e *InputWallPaperObj) Encode() []byte
func (*InputWallPaperObj) ImplementsInputWallPaper ¶
func (*InputWallPaperObj) ImplementsInputWallPaper()
type InputWallPaperSlug ¶
type InputWallPaperSlug struct {
Slug string
func (*InputWallPaperSlug) CRC ¶
func (*InputWallPaperSlug) CRC() uint32
func (*InputWallPaperSlug) Encode ¶
func (e *InputWallPaperSlug) Encode() []byte
func (*InputWallPaperSlug) ImplementsInputWallPaper ¶
func (*InputWallPaperSlug) ImplementsInputWallPaper()
type InputWebDocument ¶
type InputWebDocument struct { Url string `validate:"required"` Size int32 `validate:"required"` MimeType string `validate:"required"` Attributes []DocumentAttribute `validate:"required"` }
func (*InputWebDocument) CRC ¶
func (e *InputWebDocument) CRC() uint32
func (*InputWebDocument) Encode ¶
func (e *InputWebDocument) Encode() []byte
type InputWebFileGeoPointLocation ¶
type InputWebFileGeoPointLocation struct { GeoPoint InputGeoPoint AccessHash int64 W int32 H int32 Zoom int32 Scale int32 }
func (*InputWebFileGeoPointLocation) CRC ¶
func (*InputWebFileGeoPointLocation) CRC() uint32
func (*InputWebFileGeoPointLocation) Encode ¶
func (e *InputWebFileGeoPointLocation) Encode() []byte
func (*InputWebFileGeoPointLocation) ImplementsInputWebFileLocation ¶
func (*InputWebFileGeoPointLocation) ImplementsInputWebFileLocation()
type InputWebFileLocation ¶
type InputWebFileLocationObj ¶
func (*InputWebFileLocationObj) CRC ¶
func (*InputWebFileLocationObj) CRC() uint32
func (*InputWebFileLocationObj) Encode ¶
func (e *InputWebFileLocationObj) Encode() []byte
func (*InputWebFileLocationObj) ImplementsInputWebFileLocation ¶
func (*InputWebFileLocationObj) ImplementsInputWebFileLocation()
type Invoice ¶
type Invoice struct { Test bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` NameRequested bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` PhoneRequested bool `flag:"2,encoded_in_bitflags"` EmailRequested bool `flag:"3,encoded_in_bitflags"` ShippingAddressRequested bool `flag:"4,encoded_in_bitflags"` Flexible bool `flag:"5,encoded_in_bitflags"` PhoneToProvider bool `flag:"6,encoded_in_bitflags"` EmailToProvider bool `flag:"7,encoded_in_bitflags"` Currency string `validate:"required"` Prices []*LabeledPrice `validate:"required"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type InvokeWithLayerParams ¶
func (*InvokeWithLayerParams) CRC ¶
func (*InvokeWithLayerParams) CRC() uint32
func (*InvokeWithLayerParams) DecodeFrom ¶
func (t *InvokeWithLayerParams) DecodeFrom(d *serialize.Decoder)
func (*InvokeWithLayerParams) Encode ¶
func (t *InvokeWithLayerParams) Encode() []byte
type InvokeWithTakeoutParams ¶
func (*InvokeWithTakeoutParams) CRC ¶
func (*InvokeWithTakeoutParams) CRC() uint32
func (*InvokeWithTakeoutParams) DecodeFrom ¶
func (t *InvokeWithTakeoutParams) DecodeFrom(d *serialize.Decoder)
func (*InvokeWithTakeoutParams) Encode ¶
func (t *InvokeWithTakeoutParams) Encode() []byte
type IpPortObj ¶
func (*IpPortObj) ImplementsIpPort ¶
func (*IpPortObj) ImplementsIpPort()
type IpPortSecret ¶
func (*IpPortSecret) CRC ¶
func (*IpPortSecret) CRC() uint32
func (*IpPortSecret) Encode ¶
func (e *IpPortSecret) Encode() []byte
func (*IpPortSecret) ImplementsIpPort ¶
func (*IpPortSecret) ImplementsIpPort()
type JSONObjectValue ¶
type JSONObjectValue struct { Key string `validate:"required"` Value JSONValue `validate:"required"` }
func (*JSONObjectValue) CRC ¶
func (e *JSONObjectValue) CRC() uint32
func (*JSONObjectValue) Encode ¶
func (e *JSONObjectValue) Encode() []byte
type JsonArray ¶
type JsonArray struct {
Value []JSONValue
func (*JsonArray) ImplementsJSONValue ¶
func (*JsonArray) ImplementsJSONValue()
type JsonBool ¶
type JsonBool struct {
Value bool
func (*JsonBool) ImplementsJSONValue ¶
func (*JsonBool) ImplementsJSONValue()
type JsonNull ¶
type JsonNull struct{}
func (*JsonNull) ImplementsJSONValue ¶
func (*JsonNull) ImplementsJSONValue()
type JsonNumber ¶
type JsonNumber struct {
Value float64
func (*JsonNumber) CRC ¶
func (*JsonNumber) CRC() uint32
func (*JsonNumber) Encode ¶
func (e *JsonNumber) Encode() []byte
func (*JsonNumber) ImplementsJSONValue ¶
func (*JsonNumber) ImplementsJSONValue()
type JsonObject ¶
type JsonObject struct {
Value []*JSONObjectValue
func (*JsonObject) CRC ¶
func (*JsonObject) CRC() uint32
func (*JsonObject) Encode ¶
func (e *JsonObject) Encode() []byte
func (*JsonObject) ImplementsJSONValue ¶
func (*JsonObject) ImplementsJSONValue()
type JsonString ¶
type JsonString struct {
Value string
func (*JsonString) CRC ¶
func (*JsonString) CRC() uint32
func (*JsonString) Encode ¶
func (e *JsonString) Encode() []byte
func (*JsonString) ImplementsJSONValue ¶
func (*JsonString) ImplementsJSONValue()
type KeyboardButton ¶
type KeyboardButtonBuy ¶
type KeyboardButtonBuy struct {
Text string
func (*KeyboardButtonBuy) CRC ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonBuy) CRC() uint32
func (*KeyboardButtonBuy) Encode ¶
func (e *KeyboardButtonBuy) Encode() []byte
func (*KeyboardButtonBuy) ImplementsKeyboardButton ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonBuy) ImplementsKeyboardButton()
type KeyboardButtonCallback ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonCallback) CRC ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonCallback) CRC() uint32
func (*KeyboardButtonCallback) Encode ¶
func (e *KeyboardButtonCallback) Encode() []byte
func (*KeyboardButtonCallback) ImplementsKeyboardButton ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonCallback) ImplementsKeyboardButton()
type KeyboardButtonGame ¶
type KeyboardButtonGame struct {
Text string
func (*KeyboardButtonGame) CRC ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonGame) CRC() uint32
func (*KeyboardButtonGame) Encode ¶
func (e *KeyboardButtonGame) Encode() []byte
func (*KeyboardButtonGame) ImplementsKeyboardButton ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonGame) ImplementsKeyboardButton()
type KeyboardButtonObj ¶
type KeyboardButtonObj struct {
Text string
func (*KeyboardButtonObj) CRC ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonObj) CRC() uint32
func (*KeyboardButtonObj) Encode ¶
func (e *KeyboardButtonObj) Encode() []byte
func (*KeyboardButtonObj) ImplementsKeyboardButton ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonObj) ImplementsKeyboardButton()
type KeyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation ¶
type KeyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation struct {
Text string
func (*KeyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation) CRC ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation) CRC() uint32
func (*KeyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation) Encode ¶
func (e *KeyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation) Encode() []byte
func (*KeyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation) ImplementsKeyboardButton ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation) ImplementsKeyboardButton()
type KeyboardButtonRequestPhone ¶
type KeyboardButtonRequestPhone struct {
Text string
func (*KeyboardButtonRequestPhone) CRC ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonRequestPhone) CRC() uint32
func (*KeyboardButtonRequestPhone) Encode ¶
func (e *KeyboardButtonRequestPhone) Encode() []byte
func (*KeyboardButtonRequestPhone) ImplementsKeyboardButton ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonRequestPhone) ImplementsKeyboardButton()
type KeyboardButtonRequestPoll ¶
type KeyboardButtonRequestPoll struct { Quiz bool `flag:"0"` Text string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*KeyboardButtonRequestPoll) CRC ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonRequestPoll) CRC() uint32
func (*KeyboardButtonRequestPoll) Encode ¶
func (e *KeyboardButtonRequestPoll) Encode() []byte
func (*KeyboardButtonRequestPoll) ImplementsKeyboardButton ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonRequestPoll) ImplementsKeyboardButton()
type KeyboardButtonRow ¶
type KeyboardButtonRow struct {
Buttons []KeyboardButton `validate:"required"`
func (*KeyboardButtonRow) CRC ¶
func (e *KeyboardButtonRow) CRC() uint32
func (*KeyboardButtonRow) Encode ¶
func (e *KeyboardButtonRow) Encode() []byte
type KeyboardButtonSwitchInline ¶
type KeyboardButtonSwitchInline struct { SamePeer bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Text string Query string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*KeyboardButtonSwitchInline) CRC ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonSwitchInline) CRC() uint32
func (*KeyboardButtonSwitchInline) Encode ¶
func (e *KeyboardButtonSwitchInline) Encode() []byte
func (*KeyboardButtonSwitchInline) ImplementsKeyboardButton ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonSwitchInline) ImplementsKeyboardButton()
type KeyboardButtonUrl ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonUrl) CRC ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonUrl) CRC() uint32
func (*KeyboardButtonUrl) Encode ¶
func (e *KeyboardButtonUrl) Encode() []byte
func (*KeyboardButtonUrl) ImplementsKeyboardButton ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonUrl) ImplementsKeyboardButton()
type KeyboardButtonUrlAuth ¶
type KeyboardButtonUrlAuth struct { Text string FwdText string `flag:"0"` Url string ButtonId int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*KeyboardButtonUrlAuth) CRC ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonUrlAuth) CRC() uint32
func (*KeyboardButtonUrlAuth) Encode ¶
func (e *KeyboardButtonUrlAuth) Encode() []byte
func (*KeyboardButtonUrlAuth) ImplementsKeyboardButton ¶
func (*KeyboardButtonUrlAuth) ImplementsKeyboardButton()
type LabeledPrice ¶
func (*LabeledPrice) CRC ¶
func (e *LabeledPrice) CRC() uint32
func (*LabeledPrice) Encode ¶
func (e *LabeledPrice) Encode() []byte
type LangPackDifference ¶
type LangPackDifference struct { LangCode string `validate:"required"` FromVersion int32 `validate:"required"` Version int32 `validate:"required"` Strings []LangPackString `validate:"required"` }
func (*LangPackDifference) CRC ¶
func (e *LangPackDifference) CRC() uint32
func (*LangPackDifference) Encode ¶
func (e *LangPackDifference) Encode() []byte
type LangPackLanguage ¶
type LangPackLanguage struct { Official bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Rtl bool `flag:"2,encoded_in_bitflags"` Beta bool `flag:"3,encoded_in_bitflags"` Name string `validate:"required"` NativeName string `validate:"required"` LangCode string `validate:"required"` BaseLangCode string `flag:"1"` PluralCode string `validate:"required"` StringsCount int32 `validate:"required"` TranslatedCount int32 `validate:"required"` TranslationsUrl string `validate:"required"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*LangPackLanguage) CRC ¶
func (e *LangPackLanguage) CRC() uint32
func (*LangPackLanguage) Encode ¶
func (e *LangPackLanguage) Encode() []byte
type LangPackString ¶
type LangPackStringDeleted ¶
type LangPackStringDeleted struct {
Key string
func (*LangPackStringDeleted) CRC ¶
func (*LangPackStringDeleted) CRC() uint32
func (*LangPackStringDeleted) Encode ¶
func (e *LangPackStringDeleted) Encode() []byte
func (*LangPackStringDeleted) ImplementsLangPackString ¶
func (*LangPackStringDeleted) ImplementsLangPackString()
type LangPackStringObj ¶
func (*LangPackStringObj) CRC ¶
func (*LangPackStringObj) CRC() uint32
func (*LangPackStringObj) Encode ¶
func (e *LangPackStringObj) Encode() []byte
func (*LangPackStringObj) ImplementsLangPackString ¶
func (*LangPackStringObj) ImplementsLangPackString()
type LangPackStringPluralized ¶
type LangPackStringPluralized struct { Key string ZeroValue string `flag:"0"` OneValue string `flag:"1"` TwoValue string `flag:"2"` FewValue string `flag:"3"` ManyValue string `flag:"4"` OtherValue string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*LangPackStringPluralized) CRC ¶
func (*LangPackStringPluralized) CRC() uint32
func (*LangPackStringPluralized) Encode ¶
func (e *LangPackStringPluralized) Encode() []byte
func (*LangPackStringPluralized) ImplementsLangPackString ¶
func (*LangPackStringPluralized) ImplementsLangPackString()
type LangpackGetDifferenceParams ¶
func (*LangpackGetDifferenceParams) CRC ¶
func (e *LangpackGetDifferenceParams) CRC() uint32
func (*LangpackGetDifferenceParams) Encode ¶
func (e *LangpackGetDifferenceParams) Encode() []byte
type LangpackGetLangPackParams ¶
func (*LangpackGetLangPackParams) CRC ¶
func (e *LangpackGetLangPackParams) CRC() uint32
func (*LangpackGetLangPackParams) Encode ¶
func (e *LangpackGetLangPackParams) Encode() []byte
type LangpackGetLanguageParams ¶
func (*LangpackGetLanguageParams) CRC ¶
func (e *LangpackGetLanguageParams) CRC() uint32
func (*LangpackGetLanguageParams) Encode ¶
func (e *LangpackGetLanguageParams) Encode() []byte
type LangpackGetLanguagesParams ¶
type LangpackGetLanguagesParams struct {
LangPack string
func (*LangpackGetLanguagesParams) CRC ¶
func (e *LangpackGetLanguagesParams) CRC() uint32
func (*LangpackGetLanguagesParams) Encode ¶
func (e *LangpackGetLanguagesParams) Encode() []byte
type LangpackGetStringsParams ¶
func (*LangpackGetStringsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *LangpackGetStringsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*LangpackGetStringsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *LangpackGetStringsParams) Encode() []byte
type MaskCoords ¶
type MaskCoords struct { N int32 `validate:"required"` X float64 `validate:"required"` Y float64 `validate:"required"` Zoom float64 `validate:"required"` }
func (*MaskCoords) CRC ¶
func (e *MaskCoords) CRC() uint32
func (*MaskCoords) Encode ¶
func (e *MaskCoords) Encode() []byte
type MessageAction ¶
type MessageActionBotAllowed ¶
type MessageActionBotAllowed struct {
Domain string
func (*MessageActionBotAllowed) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionBotAllowed) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionBotAllowed) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageActionBotAllowed) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageActionBotAllowed) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionBotAllowed) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionChannelCreate ¶
type MessageActionChannelCreate struct {
Title string
func (*MessageActionChannelCreate) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionChannelCreate) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionChannelCreate) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageActionChannelCreate) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageActionChannelCreate) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionChannelCreate) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionChannelMigrateFrom ¶
func (*MessageActionChannelMigrateFrom) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionChannelMigrateFrom) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionChannelMigrateFrom) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageActionChannelMigrateFrom) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageActionChannelMigrateFrom) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionChannelMigrateFrom) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionChatAddUser ¶
type MessageActionChatAddUser struct {
Users []int32
func (*MessageActionChatAddUser) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionChatAddUser) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionChatAddUser) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageActionChatAddUser) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageActionChatAddUser) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionChatAddUser) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionChatCreate ¶
func (*MessageActionChatCreate) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionChatCreate) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionChatCreate) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageActionChatCreate) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageActionChatCreate) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionChatCreate) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionChatDeletePhoto ¶
type MessageActionChatDeletePhoto struct{}
func (*MessageActionChatDeletePhoto) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionChatDeletePhoto) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionChatDeletePhoto) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageActionChatDeletePhoto) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageActionChatDeletePhoto) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionChatDeletePhoto) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionChatDeleteUser ¶
type MessageActionChatDeleteUser struct {
UserId int32
func (*MessageActionChatDeleteUser) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionChatDeleteUser) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionChatDeleteUser) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageActionChatDeleteUser) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageActionChatDeleteUser) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionChatDeleteUser) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionChatEditPhoto ¶
type MessageActionChatEditPhoto struct {
Photo Photo
func (*MessageActionChatEditPhoto) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionChatEditPhoto) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionChatEditPhoto) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageActionChatEditPhoto) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageActionChatEditPhoto) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionChatEditPhoto) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionChatEditTitle ¶
type MessageActionChatEditTitle struct {
Title string
func (*MessageActionChatEditTitle) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionChatEditTitle) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionChatEditTitle) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageActionChatEditTitle) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageActionChatEditTitle) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionChatEditTitle) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionChatJoinedByLink ¶
type MessageActionChatJoinedByLink struct {
InviterId int32
func (*MessageActionChatJoinedByLink) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionChatJoinedByLink) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionChatJoinedByLink) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageActionChatJoinedByLink) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageActionChatJoinedByLink) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionChatJoinedByLink) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionChatMigrateTo ¶
type MessageActionChatMigrateTo struct {
ChannelId int32
func (*MessageActionChatMigrateTo) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionChatMigrateTo) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionChatMigrateTo) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageActionChatMigrateTo) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageActionChatMigrateTo) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionChatMigrateTo) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionContactSignUp ¶
type MessageActionContactSignUp struct{}
func (*MessageActionContactSignUp) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionContactSignUp) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionContactSignUp) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageActionContactSignUp) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageActionContactSignUp) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionContactSignUp) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionCustomAction ¶
type MessageActionCustomAction struct {
Message string
func (*MessageActionCustomAction) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionCustomAction) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionCustomAction) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageActionCustomAction) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageActionCustomAction) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionCustomAction) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionEmpty ¶
type MessageActionEmpty struct{}
func (*MessageActionEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionEmpty) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageActionEmpty) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageActionEmpty) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionEmpty) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionGameScore ¶
func (*MessageActionGameScore) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionGameScore) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionGameScore) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageActionGameScore) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageActionGameScore) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionGameScore) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionHistoryClear ¶
type MessageActionHistoryClear struct{}
func (*MessageActionHistoryClear) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionHistoryClear) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionHistoryClear) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageActionHistoryClear) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageActionHistoryClear) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionHistoryClear) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionPaymentSent ¶
func (*MessageActionPaymentSent) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionPaymentSent) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionPaymentSent) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageActionPaymentSent) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageActionPaymentSent) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionPaymentSent) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionPaymentSentMe ¶
type MessageActionPaymentSentMe struct { Currency string TotalAmount int64 Payload []byte Info *PaymentRequestedInfo `flag:"0"` ShippingOptionId string `flag:"1"` Charge *PaymentCharge // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MessageActionPaymentSentMe) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionPaymentSentMe) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionPaymentSentMe) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageActionPaymentSentMe) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageActionPaymentSentMe) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionPaymentSentMe) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionPhoneCall ¶
type MessageActionPhoneCall struct { Video bool `flag:"2,encoded_in_bitflags"` CallId int64 Reason PhoneCallDiscardReason `flag:"0"` Duration int32 `flag:"1"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MessageActionPhoneCall) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionPhoneCall) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionPhoneCall) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageActionPhoneCall) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageActionPhoneCall) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionPhoneCall) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionPinMessage ¶
type MessageActionPinMessage struct{}
func (*MessageActionPinMessage) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionPinMessage) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionPinMessage) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageActionPinMessage) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageActionPinMessage) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionPinMessage) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionScreenshotTaken ¶
type MessageActionScreenshotTaken struct{}
func (*MessageActionScreenshotTaken) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionScreenshotTaken) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionScreenshotTaken) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageActionScreenshotTaken) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageActionScreenshotTaken) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionScreenshotTaken) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionSecureValuesSent ¶
type MessageActionSecureValuesSent struct {
Types []SecureValueType
func (*MessageActionSecureValuesSent) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionSecureValuesSent) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionSecureValuesSent) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageActionSecureValuesSent) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageActionSecureValuesSent) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionSecureValuesSent) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageActionSecureValuesSentMe ¶
type MessageActionSecureValuesSentMe struct { Values []*SecureValue Credentials *SecureCredentialsEncrypted }
func (*MessageActionSecureValuesSentMe) CRC ¶
func (*MessageActionSecureValuesSentMe) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageActionSecureValuesSentMe) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageActionSecureValuesSentMe) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageActionSecureValuesSentMe) ImplementsMessageAction ¶
func (*MessageActionSecureValuesSentMe) ImplementsMessageAction()
type MessageEmpty ¶
type MessageEmpty struct {
Id int32
func (*MessageEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*MessageEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageEmpty) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageEmpty) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageEmpty) ImplementsMessage ¶
func (*MessageEmpty) ImplementsMessage()
type MessageEntity ¶
type MessageEntityBankCard ¶
func (*MessageEntityBankCard) CRC ¶
func (*MessageEntityBankCard) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageEntityBankCard) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageEntityBankCard) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageEntityBankCard) ImplementsMessageEntity ¶
func (*MessageEntityBankCard) ImplementsMessageEntity()
type MessageEntityBlockquote ¶
func (*MessageEntityBlockquote) CRC ¶
func (*MessageEntityBlockquote) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageEntityBlockquote) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageEntityBlockquote) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageEntityBlockquote) ImplementsMessageEntity ¶
func (*MessageEntityBlockquote) ImplementsMessageEntity()
type MessageEntityBold ¶
func (*MessageEntityBold) CRC ¶
func (*MessageEntityBold) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageEntityBold) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageEntityBold) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageEntityBold) ImplementsMessageEntity ¶
func (*MessageEntityBold) ImplementsMessageEntity()
type MessageEntityBotCommand ¶
func (*MessageEntityBotCommand) CRC ¶
func (*MessageEntityBotCommand) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageEntityBotCommand) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageEntityBotCommand) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageEntityBotCommand) ImplementsMessageEntity ¶
func (*MessageEntityBotCommand) ImplementsMessageEntity()
type MessageEntityCashtag ¶
func (*MessageEntityCashtag) CRC ¶
func (*MessageEntityCashtag) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageEntityCashtag) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageEntityCashtag) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageEntityCashtag) ImplementsMessageEntity ¶
func (*MessageEntityCashtag) ImplementsMessageEntity()
type MessageEntityCode ¶
func (*MessageEntityCode) CRC ¶
func (*MessageEntityCode) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageEntityCode) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageEntityCode) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageEntityCode) ImplementsMessageEntity ¶
func (*MessageEntityCode) ImplementsMessageEntity()
type MessageEntityEmail ¶
func (*MessageEntityEmail) CRC ¶
func (*MessageEntityEmail) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageEntityEmail) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageEntityEmail) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageEntityEmail) ImplementsMessageEntity ¶
func (*MessageEntityEmail) ImplementsMessageEntity()
type MessageEntityHashtag ¶
func (*MessageEntityHashtag) CRC ¶
func (*MessageEntityHashtag) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageEntityHashtag) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageEntityHashtag) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageEntityHashtag) ImplementsMessageEntity ¶
func (*MessageEntityHashtag) ImplementsMessageEntity()
type MessageEntityItalic ¶
func (*MessageEntityItalic) CRC ¶
func (*MessageEntityItalic) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageEntityItalic) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageEntityItalic) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageEntityItalic) ImplementsMessageEntity ¶
func (*MessageEntityItalic) ImplementsMessageEntity()
type MessageEntityMention ¶
func (*MessageEntityMention) CRC ¶
func (*MessageEntityMention) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageEntityMention) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageEntityMention) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageEntityMention) ImplementsMessageEntity ¶
func (*MessageEntityMention) ImplementsMessageEntity()
type MessageEntityMentionName ¶
func (*MessageEntityMentionName) CRC ¶
func (*MessageEntityMentionName) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageEntityMentionName) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageEntityMentionName) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageEntityMentionName) ImplementsMessageEntity ¶
func (*MessageEntityMentionName) ImplementsMessageEntity()
type MessageEntityPhone ¶
func (*MessageEntityPhone) CRC ¶
func (*MessageEntityPhone) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageEntityPhone) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageEntityPhone) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageEntityPhone) ImplementsMessageEntity ¶
func (*MessageEntityPhone) ImplementsMessageEntity()
type MessageEntityPre ¶
func (*MessageEntityPre) CRC ¶
func (*MessageEntityPre) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageEntityPre) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageEntityPre) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageEntityPre) ImplementsMessageEntity ¶
func (*MessageEntityPre) ImplementsMessageEntity()
type MessageEntityStrike ¶
func (*MessageEntityStrike) CRC ¶
func (*MessageEntityStrike) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageEntityStrike) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageEntityStrike) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageEntityStrike) ImplementsMessageEntity ¶
func (*MessageEntityStrike) ImplementsMessageEntity()
type MessageEntityTextUrl ¶
func (*MessageEntityTextUrl) CRC ¶
func (*MessageEntityTextUrl) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageEntityTextUrl) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageEntityTextUrl) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageEntityTextUrl) ImplementsMessageEntity ¶
func (*MessageEntityTextUrl) ImplementsMessageEntity()
type MessageEntityUnderline ¶
func (*MessageEntityUnderline) CRC ¶
func (*MessageEntityUnderline) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageEntityUnderline) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageEntityUnderline) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageEntityUnderline) ImplementsMessageEntity ¶
func (*MessageEntityUnderline) ImplementsMessageEntity()
type MessageEntityUnknown ¶
func (*MessageEntityUnknown) CRC ¶
func (*MessageEntityUnknown) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageEntityUnknown) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageEntityUnknown) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageEntityUnknown) ImplementsMessageEntity ¶
func (*MessageEntityUnknown) ImplementsMessageEntity()
type MessageEntityUrl ¶
func (*MessageEntityUrl) CRC ¶
func (*MessageEntityUrl) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageEntityUrl) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageEntityUrl) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageEntityUrl) ImplementsMessageEntity ¶
func (*MessageEntityUrl) ImplementsMessageEntity()
type MessageFwdHeader ¶
type MessageFwdHeader struct { FromId int32 `flag:"0"` FromName string `flag:"5"` Date int32 `validate:"required"` ChannelId int32 `flag:"1"` ChannelPost int32 `flag:"2"` PostAuthor string `flag:"3"` SavedFromPeer Peer `flag:"4"` SavedFromMsgId int32 `flag:"4"` PsaType string `flag:"6"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MessageFwdHeader) CRC ¶
func (e *MessageFwdHeader) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageFwdHeader) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageFwdHeader) Encode() []byte
type MessageInteractionCounters ¶
type MessageInteractionCounters struct { MsgId int32 `validate:"required"` Views int32 `validate:"required"` Forwards int32 `validate:"required"` }
func (*MessageInteractionCounters) CRC ¶
func (e *MessageInteractionCounters) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageInteractionCounters) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageInteractionCounters) Encode() []byte
type MessageMedia ¶
type MessageMediaContact ¶
type MessageMediaContact struct { PhoneNumber string FirstName string LastName string Vcard string UserId int32 }
func (*MessageMediaContact) CRC ¶
func (*MessageMediaContact) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageMediaContact) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageMediaContact) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageMediaContact) ImplementsMessageMedia ¶
func (*MessageMediaContact) ImplementsMessageMedia()
type MessageMediaDice ¶
func (*MessageMediaDice) CRC ¶
func (*MessageMediaDice) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageMediaDice) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageMediaDice) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageMediaDice) ImplementsMessageMedia ¶
func (*MessageMediaDice) ImplementsMessageMedia()
type MessageMediaDocument ¶
type MessageMediaDocument struct { Document Document `flag:"0"` TtlSeconds int32 `flag:"2"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MessageMediaDocument) CRC ¶
func (*MessageMediaDocument) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageMediaDocument) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageMediaDocument) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageMediaDocument) ImplementsMessageMedia ¶
func (*MessageMediaDocument) ImplementsMessageMedia()
type MessageMediaEmpty ¶
type MessageMediaEmpty struct{}
func (*MessageMediaEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*MessageMediaEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageMediaEmpty) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageMediaEmpty) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageMediaEmpty) ImplementsMessageMedia ¶
func (*MessageMediaEmpty) ImplementsMessageMedia()
type MessageMediaGame ¶
type MessageMediaGame struct {
Game *Game
func (*MessageMediaGame) CRC ¶
func (*MessageMediaGame) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageMediaGame) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageMediaGame) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageMediaGame) ImplementsMessageMedia ¶
func (*MessageMediaGame) ImplementsMessageMedia()
type MessageMediaGeo ¶
type MessageMediaGeo struct {
Geo GeoPoint
func (*MessageMediaGeo) CRC ¶
func (*MessageMediaGeo) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageMediaGeo) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageMediaGeo) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageMediaGeo) ImplementsMessageMedia ¶
func (*MessageMediaGeo) ImplementsMessageMedia()
type MessageMediaGeoLive ¶
func (*MessageMediaGeoLive) CRC ¶
func (*MessageMediaGeoLive) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageMediaGeoLive) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageMediaGeoLive) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageMediaGeoLive) ImplementsMessageMedia ¶
func (*MessageMediaGeoLive) ImplementsMessageMedia()
type MessageMediaInvoice ¶
type MessageMediaInvoice struct { ShippingAddressRequested bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Test bool `flag:"3,encoded_in_bitflags"` Title string Description string Photo WebDocument `flag:"0"` ReceiptMsgId int32 `flag:"2"` Currency string TotalAmount int64 StartParam string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MessageMediaInvoice) CRC ¶
func (*MessageMediaInvoice) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageMediaInvoice) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageMediaInvoice) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageMediaInvoice) ImplementsMessageMedia ¶
func (*MessageMediaInvoice) ImplementsMessageMedia()
type MessageMediaPhoto ¶
type MessageMediaPhoto struct { Photo Photo `flag:"0"` TtlSeconds int32 `flag:"2"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MessageMediaPhoto) CRC ¶
func (*MessageMediaPhoto) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageMediaPhoto) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageMediaPhoto) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageMediaPhoto) ImplementsMessageMedia ¶
func (*MessageMediaPhoto) ImplementsMessageMedia()
type MessageMediaPoll ¶
type MessageMediaPoll struct { Poll *Poll Results *PollResults }
func (*MessageMediaPoll) CRC ¶
func (*MessageMediaPoll) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageMediaPoll) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageMediaPoll) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageMediaPoll) ImplementsMessageMedia ¶
func (*MessageMediaPoll) ImplementsMessageMedia()
type MessageMediaUnsupported ¶
type MessageMediaUnsupported struct{}
func (*MessageMediaUnsupported) CRC ¶
func (*MessageMediaUnsupported) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageMediaUnsupported) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageMediaUnsupported) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageMediaUnsupported) ImplementsMessageMedia ¶
func (*MessageMediaUnsupported) ImplementsMessageMedia()
type MessageMediaVenue ¶
type MessageMediaVenue struct { Geo GeoPoint Title string Address string Provider string VenueId string VenueType string }
func (*MessageMediaVenue) CRC ¶
func (*MessageMediaVenue) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageMediaVenue) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageMediaVenue) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageMediaVenue) ImplementsMessageMedia ¶
func (*MessageMediaVenue) ImplementsMessageMedia()
type MessageMediaWebPage ¶
type MessageMediaWebPage struct {
Webpage WebPage
func (*MessageMediaWebPage) CRC ¶
func (*MessageMediaWebPage) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageMediaWebPage) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageMediaWebPage) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageMediaWebPage) ImplementsMessageMedia ¶
func (*MessageMediaWebPage) ImplementsMessageMedia()
type MessageObj ¶
type MessageObj struct { Out bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Mentioned bool `flag:"4,encoded_in_bitflags"` MediaUnread bool `flag:"5,encoded_in_bitflags"` Silent bool `flag:"13,encoded_in_bitflags"` Post bool `flag:"14,encoded_in_bitflags"` FromScheduled bool `flag:"18,encoded_in_bitflags"` Legacy bool `flag:"19,encoded_in_bitflags"` EditHide bool `flag:"21,encoded_in_bitflags"` Id int32 FromId int32 `flag:"8"` ToId Peer FwdFrom *MessageFwdHeader `flag:"2"` ViaBotId int32 `flag:"11"` ReplyToMsgId int32 `flag:"3"` Date int32 Message string Media MessageMedia `flag:"9"` ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `flag:"6"` Entities []MessageEntity `flag:"7"` Views int32 `flag:"10"` EditDate int32 `flag:"15"` PostAuthor string `flag:"16"` GroupedId int64 `flag:"17"` RestrictionReason []*RestrictionReason `flag:"22"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MessageObj) CRC ¶
func (*MessageObj) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageObj) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageObj) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageObj) ImplementsMessage ¶
func (*MessageObj) ImplementsMessage()
type MessageRange ¶
func (*MessageRange) CRC ¶
func (e *MessageRange) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageRange) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageRange) Encode() []byte
type MessageService ¶
type MessageService struct { Out bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Mentioned bool `flag:"4,encoded_in_bitflags"` MediaUnread bool `flag:"5,encoded_in_bitflags"` Silent bool `flag:"13,encoded_in_bitflags"` Post bool `flag:"14,encoded_in_bitflags"` Legacy bool `flag:"19,encoded_in_bitflags"` Id int32 FromId int32 `flag:"8"` ToId Peer ReplyToMsgId int32 `flag:"3"` Date int32 Action MessageAction // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MessageService) CRC ¶
func (*MessageService) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageService) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageService) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageService) ImplementsMessage ¶
func (*MessageService) ImplementsMessage()
type MessageUserVote ¶
type MessageUserVoteInputOption ¶
func (*MessageUserVoteInputOption) CRC ¶
func (*MessageUserVoteInputOption) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageUserVoteInputOption) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageUserVoteInputOption) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageUserVoteInputOption) ImplementsMessageUserVote ¶
func (*MessageUserVoteInputOption) ImplementsMessageUserVote()
type MessageUserVoteMultiple ¶
func (*MessageUserVoteMultiple) CRC ¶
func (*MessageUserVoteMultiple) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageUserVoteMultiple) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageUserVoteMultiple) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageUserVoteMultiple) ImplementsMessageUserVote ¶
func (*MessageUserVoteMultiple) ImplementsMessageUserVote()
type MessageUserVoteObj ¶
func (*MessageUserVoteObj) CRC ¶
func (*MessageUserVoteObj) CRC() uint32
func (*MessageUserVoteObj) Encode ¶
func (e *MessageUserVoteObj) Encode() []byte
func (*MessageUserVoteObj) ImplementsMessageUserVote ¶
func (*MessageUserVoteObj) ImplementsMessageUserVote()
type MessagesAcceptEncryptionParams ¶
type MessagesAcceptEncryptionParams struct { Peer *InputEncryptedChat GB []byte KeyFingerprint int64 }
func (*MessagesAcceptEncryptionParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesAcceptEncryptionParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesAcceptEncryptionParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesAcceptEncryptionParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesAcceptUrlAuthParams ¶
type MessagesAcceptUrlAuthParams struct { WriteAllowed bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer InputPeer MsgId int32 ButtonId int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MessagesAcceptUrlAuthParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesAcceptUrlAuthParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesAcceptUrlAuthParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesAcceptUrlAuthParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesAddChatUserParams ¶
func (*MessagesAddChatUserParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesAddChatUserParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesAddChatUserParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesAddChatUserParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesAffectedHistory ¶
type MessagesAffectedHistory struct { Pts int32 `validate:"required"` PtsCount int32 `validate:"required"` Offset int32 `validate:"required"` }
func (*MessagesAffectedHistory) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesAffectedHistory) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesAffectedHistory) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesAffectedHistory) Encode() []byte
type MessagesAffectedMessages ¶
type MessagesAffectedMessages struct { Pts int32 `validate:"required"` PtsCount int32 `validate:"required"` }
func (*MessagesAffectedMessages) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesAffectedMessages) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesAffectedMessages) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesAffectedMessages) Encode() []byte
type MessagesAllStickers ¶
type MessagesAllStickersNotModified ¶
type MessagesAllStickersNotModified struct{}
func (*MessagesAllStickersNotModified) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesAllStickersNotModified) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesAllStickersNotModified) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesAllStickersNotModified) Encode() []byte
func (*MessagesAllStickersNotModified) ImplementsMessagesAllStickers ¶
func (*MessagesAllStickersNotModified) ImplementsMessagesAllStickers()
type MessagesAllStickersObj ¶
type MessagesAllStickersObj struct { Hash int32 Sets []*StickerSet }
func (*MessagesAllStickersObj) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesAllStickersObj) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesAllStickersObj) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesAllStickersObj) Encode() []byte
func (*MessagesAllStickersObj) ImplementsMessagesAllStickers ¶
func (*MessagesAllStickersObj) ImplementsMessagesAllStickers()
type MessagesArchivedStickers ¶
type MessagesArchivedStickers struct { Count int32 `validate:"required"` Sets []StickerSetCovered `validate:"required"` }
func (*MessagesArchivedStickers) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesArchivedStickers) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesArchivedStickers) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesArchivedStickers) Encode() []byte
type MessagesBotCallbackAnswer ¶
type MessagesBotCallbackAnswer struct { Alert bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` HasUrl bool `flag:"3,encoded_in_bitflags"` NativeUi bool `flag:"4,encoded_in_bitflags"` Message string `flag:"0"` Url string `flag:"2"` CacheTime int32 `validate:"required"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MessagesBotCallbackAnswer) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesBotCallbackAnswer) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesBotCallbackAnswer) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesBotCallbackAnswer) Encode() []byte
type MessagesBotResults ¶
type MessagesBotResults struct { Gallery bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` QueryId int64 `validate:"required"` NextOffset string `flag:"1"` SwitchPm *InlineBotSwitchPM `flag:"2"` Results []BotInlineResult `validate:"required"` CacheTime int32 `validate:"required"` Users []User `validate:"required"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MessagesBotResults) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesBotResults) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesBotResults) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesBotResults) Encode() []byte
type MessagesChannelMessages ¶
type MessagesChannelMessages struct { Inexact bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Pts int32 Count int32 Messages []Message Chats []Chat Users []User // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MessagesChannelMessages) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesChannelMessages) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesChannelMessages) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesChannelMessages) Encode() []byte
func (*MessagesChannelMessages) ImplementsMessagesMessages ¶
func (*MessagesChannelMessages) ImplementsMessagesMessages()
type MessagesChatFull ¶
type MessagesChatFull struct { FullChat ChatFull `validate:"required"` Chats []Chat `validate:"required"` Users []User `validate:"required"` }
func (*MessagesChatFull) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesChatFull) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesChatFull) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesChatFull) Encode() []byte
type MessagesChats ¶
type MessagesChatsObj ¶
type MessagesChatsObj struct {
Chats []Chat
func (*MessagesChatsObj) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesChatsObj) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesChatsObj) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesChatsObj) Encode() []byte
func (*MessagesChatsObj) ImplementsMessagesChats ¶
func (*MessagesChatsObj) ImplementsMessagesChats()
type MessagesChatsSlice ¶
func (*MessagesChatsSlice) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesChatsSlice) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesChatsSlice) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesChatsSlice) Encode() []byte
func (*MessagesChatsSlice) ImplementsMessagesChats ¶
func (*MessagesChatsSlice) ImplementsMessagesChats()
type MessagesCheckChatInviteParams ¶
type MessagesCheckChatInviteParams struct {
Hash string
func (*MessagesCheckChatInviteParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesCheckChatInviteParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesCheckChatInviteParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesCheckChatInviteParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesClearAllDraftsParams ¶
type MessagesClearAllDraftsParams struct{}
func (*MessagesClearAllDraftsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesClearAllDraftsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesClearAllDraftsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesClearAllDraftsParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesClearRecentStickersParams ¶
type MessagesClearRecentStickersParams struct { Attached bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MessagesClearRecentStickersParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesClearRecentStickersParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesClearRecentStickersParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesClearRecentStickersParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesCreateChatParams ¶
func (*MessagesCreateChatParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesCreateChatParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesCreateChatParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesCreateChatParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesDeleteChatUserParams ¶
func (*MessagesDeleteChatUserParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesDeleteChatUserParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesDeleteChatUserParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesDeleteChatUserParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesDeleteHistoryParams ¶
type MessagesDeleteHistoryParams struct { JustClear bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Revoke bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer InputPeer MaxId int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MessagesDeleteHistoryParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesDeleteHistoryParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesDeleteHistoryParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesDeleteHistoryParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesDeleteMessagesParams ¶
type MessagesDeleteMessagesParams struct { Revoke bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Id []int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MessagesDeleteMessagesParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesDeleteMessagesParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesDeleteMessagesParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesDeleteMessagesParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesDeleteScheduledMessagesParams ¶
func (*MessagesDeleteScheduledMessagesParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesDeleteScheduledMessagesParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesDeleteScheduledMessagesParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesDeleteScheduledMessagesParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesDhConfig ¶
type MessagesDhConfigNotModified ¶
type MessagesDhConfigNotModified struct {
Random []byte
func (*MessagesDhConfigNotModified) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesDhConfigNotModified) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesDhConfigNotModified) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesDhConfigNotModified) Encode() []byte
func (*MessagesDhConfigNotModified) ImplementsMessagesDhConfig ¶
func (*MessagesDhConfigNotModified) ImplementsMessagesDhConfig()
type MessagesDhConfigObj ¶
func (*MessagesDhConfigObj) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesDhConfigObj) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesDhConfigObj) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesDhConfigObj) Encode() []byte
func (*MessagesDhConfigObj) ImplementsMessagesDhConfig ¶
func (*MessagesDhConfigObj) ImplementsMessagesDhConfig()
type MessagesDialogs ¶
type MessagesDialogsNotModified ¶
type MessagesDialogsNotModified struct {
Count int32
func (*MessagesDialogsNotModified) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesDialogsNotModified) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesDialogsNotModified) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesDialogsNotModified) Encode() []byte
func (*MessagesDialogsNotModified) ImplementsMessagesDialogs ¶
func (*MessagesDialogsNotModified) ImplementsMessagesDialogs()
type MessagesDialogsObj ¶
func (*MessagesDialogsObj) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesDialogsObj) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesDialogsObj) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesDialogsObj) Encode() []byte
func (*MessagesDialogsObj) ImplementsMessagesDialogs ¶
func (*MessagesDialogsObj) ImplementsMessagesDialogs()
type MessagesDialogsSlice ¶
type MessagesDialogsSlice struct { Count int32 Dialogs []Dialog Messages []Message Chats []Chat Users []User }
func (*MessagesDialogsSlice) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesDialogsSlice) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesDialogsSlice) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesDialogsSlice) Encode() []byte
func (*MessagesDialogsSlice) ImplementsMessagesDialogs ¶
func (*MessagesDialogsSlice) ImplementsMessagesDialogs()
type MessagesDiscardEncryptionParams ¶
type MessagesDiscardEncryptionParams struct {
ChatId int32
func (*MessagesDiscardEncryptionParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesDiscardEncryptionParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesDiscardEncryptionParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesDiscardEncryptionParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesEditChatAboutParams ¶
func (*MessagesEditChatAboutParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesEditChatAboutParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesEditChatAboutParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesEditChatAboutParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesEditChatAdminParams ¶
func (*MessagesEditChatAdminParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesEditChatAdminParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesEditChatAdminParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesEditChatAdminParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesEditChatDefaultBannedRightsParams ¶
type MessagesEditChatDefaultBannedRightsParams struct { Peer InputPeer BannedRights *ChatBannedRights }
func (*MessagesEditChatDefaultBannedRightsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesEditChatDefaultBannedRightsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesEditChatDefaultBannedRightsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesEditChatDefaultBannedRightsParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesEditChatPhotoParams ¶
type MessagesEditChatPhotoParams struct { ChatId int32 Photo InputChatPhoto }
func (*MessagesEditChatPhotoParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesEditChatPhotoParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesEditChatPhotoParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesEditChatPhotoParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesEditChatTitleParams ¶
func (*MessagesEditChatTitleParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesEditChatTitleParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesEditChatTitleParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesEditChatTitleParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesEditInlineBotMessageParams ¶
type MessagesEditInlineBotMessageParams struct { NoWebpage bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Id *InputBotInlineMessageID Message string `flag:"11"` Media InputMedia `flag:"14"` ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `flag:"2"` Entities []MessageEntity `flag:"3"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MessagesEditInlineBotMessageParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesEditInlineBotMessageParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesEditInlineBotMessageParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesEditInlineBotMessageParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesEditMessageParams ¶
type MessagesEditMessageParams struct { NoWebpage bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer InputPeer Id int32 Message string `flag:"11"` Media InputMedia `flag:"14"` ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `flag:"2"` Entities []MessageEntity `flag:"3"` ScheduleDate int32 `flag:"15"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MessagesEditMessageParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesEditMessageParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesEditMessageParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesEditMessageParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesExportChatInviteParams ¶
type MessagesExportChatInviteParams struct {
Peer InputPeer
func (*MessagesExportChatInviteParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesExportChatInviteParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesExportChatInviteParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesExportChatInviteParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesFaveStickerParams ¶
type MessagesFaveStickerParams struct { Id InputDocument Unfave bool }
func (*MessagesFaveStickerParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesFaveStickerParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesFaveStickerParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesFaveStickerParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesFavedStickers ¶
type MessagesFavedStickersNotModified ¶
type MessagesFavedStickersNotModified struct{}
func (*MessagesFavedStickersNotModified) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesFavedStickersNotModified) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesFavedStickersNotModified) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesFavedStickersNotModified) Encode() []byte
func (*MessagesFavedStickersNotModified) ImplementsMessagesFavedStickers ¶
func (*MessagesFavedStickersNotModified) ImplementsMessagesFavedStickers()
type MessagesFavedStickersObj ¶
type MessagesFavedStickersObj struct { Hash int32 Packs []*StickerPack Stickers []Document }
func (*MessagesFavedStickersObj) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesFavedStickersObj) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesFavedStickersObj) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesFavedStickersObj) Encode() []byte
func (*MessagesFavedStickersObj) ImplementsMessagesFavedStickers ¶
func (*MessagesFavedStickersObj) ImplementsMessagesFavedStickers()
type MessagesFeaturedStickersNotModified ¶
type MessagesFeaturedStickersNotModified struct {
Count int32
func (*MessagesFeaturedStickersNotModified) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesFeaturedStickersNotModified) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesFeaturedStickersNotModified) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesFeaturedStickersNotModified) Encode() []byte
func (*MessagesFeaturedStickersNotModified) ImplementsMessagesFeaturedStickers ¶
func (*MessagesFeaturedStickersNotModified) ImplementsMessagesFeaturedStickers()
type MessagesFeaturedStickersObj ¶
type MessagesFeaturedStickersObj struct { Hash int32 Count int32 Sets []StickerSetCovered Unread []int64 }
func (*MessagesFeaturedStickersObj) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesFeaturedStickersObj) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesFeaturedStickersObj) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesFeaturedStickersObj) Encode() []byte
func (*MessagesFeaturedStickersObj) ImplementsMessagesFeaturedStickers ¶
func (*MessagesFeaturedStickersObj) ImplementsMessagesFeaturedStickers()
type MessagesFilter ¶
type MessagesForwardMessagesParams ¶
type MessagesForwardMessagesParams struct { Silent bool `flag:"5,encoded_in_bitflags"` Background bool `flag:"6,encoded_in_bitflags"` WithMyScore bool `flag:"8,encoded_in_bitflags"` Grouped bool `flag:"9,encoded_in_bitflags"` FromPeer InputPeer Id []int32 RandomId []int64 ToPeer InputPeer ScheduleDate int32 `flag:"10"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MessagesForwardMessagesParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesForwardMessagesParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesForwardMessagesParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesForwardMessagesParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesFoundStickerSetsNotModified ¶
type MessagesFoundStickerSetsNotModified struct{}
func (*MessagesFoundStickerSetsNotModified) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesFoundStickerSetsNotModified) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesFoundStickerSetsNotModified) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesFoundStickerSetsNotModified) Encode() []byte
func (*MessagesFoundStickerSetsNotModified) ImplementsMessagesFoundStickerSets ¶
func (*MessagesFoundStickerSetsNotModified) ImplementsMessagesFoundStickerSets()
type MessagesFoundStickerSetsObj ¶
type MessagesFoundStickerSetsObj struct { Hash int32 Sets []StickerSetCovered }
func (*MessagesFoundStickerSetsObj) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesFoundStickerSetsObj) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesFoundStickerSetsObj) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesFoundStickerSetsObj) Encode() []byte
func (*MessagesFoundStickerSetsObj) ImplementsMessagesFoundStickerSets ¶
func (*MessagesFoundStickerSetsObj) ImplementsMessagesFoundStickerSets()
type MessagesGetAllChatsParams ¶
type MessagesGetAllChatsParams struct {
ExceptIds []int32
func (*MessagesGetAllChatsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesGetAllChatsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetAllChatsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesGetAllChatsParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesGetAllDraftsParams ¶
type MessagesGetAllDraftsParams struct{}
func (*MessagesGetAllDraftsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesGetAllDraftsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetAllDraftsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesGetAllDraftsParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesGetAllStickersParams ¶
type MessagesGetAllStickersParams struct {
Hash int32
func (*MessagesGetAllStickersParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesGetAllStickersParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetAllStickersParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesGetAllStickersParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesGetArchivedStickersParams ¶
type MessagesGetArchivedStickersParams struct { Masks bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` OffsetId int64 Limit int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MessagesGetArchivedStickersParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesGetArchivedStickersParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetArchivedStickersParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesGetArchivedStickersParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesGetAttachedStickersParams ¶
type MessagesGetAttachedStickersParams struct {
Media InputStickeredMedia
func (*MessagesGetAttachedStickersParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesGetAttachedStickersParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetAttachedStickersParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesGetAttachedStickersParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesGetBotCallbackAnswerParams ¶
type MessagesGetBotCallbackAnswerParams struct { Game bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer InputPeer MsgId int32 Data []byte `flag:"0"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MessagesGetBotCallbackAnswerParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesGetBotCallbackAnswerParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetBotCallbackAnswerParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesGetBotCallbackAnswerParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesGetChatsParams ¶
type MessagesGetChatsParams struct {
Id []int32
func (*MessagesGetChatsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesGetChatsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetChatsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesGetChatsParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesGetCommonChatsParams ¶
func (*MessagesGetCommonChatsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesGetCommonChatsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetCommonChatsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesGetCommonChatsParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesGetDhConfigParams ¶
func (*MessagesGetDhConfigParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesGetDhConfigParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetDhConfigParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesGetDhConfigParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesGetDialogFiltersParams ¶
type MessagesGetDialogFiltersParams struct{}
func (*MessagesGetDialogFiltersParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesGetDialogFiltersParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetDialogFiltersParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesGetDialogFiltersParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesGetDialogUnreadMarksParams ¶
type MessagesGetDialogUnreadMarksParams struct{}
func (*MessagesGetDialogUnreadMarksParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesGetDialogUnreadMarksParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetDialogUnreadMarksParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesGetDialogUnreadMarksParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesGetDialogsParams ¶
type MessagesGetDialogsParams struct { ExcludePinned bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` FolderId int32 `flag:"1"` OffsetDate int32 OffsetId int32 OffsetPeer InputPeer Limit int32 Hash int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MessagesGetDialogsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesGetDialogsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetDialogsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesGetDialogsParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesGetDocumentByHashParams ¶
func (*MessagesGetDocumentByHashParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesGetDocumentByHashParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetDocumentByHashParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesGetDocumentByHashParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsDifferenceParams ¶
func (*MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsDifferenceParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsDifferenceParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsDifferenceParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsDifferenceParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsLanguagesParams ¶
type MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsLanguagesParams struct {
LangCodes []string
func (*MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsLanguagesParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsLanguagesParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsLanguagesParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsLanguagesParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsParams ¶
type MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsParams struct {
LangCode string
func (*MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesGetEmojiKeywordsParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesGetEmojiURLParams ¶
type MessagesGetEmojiURLParams struct {
LangCode string
func (*MessagesGetEmojiURLParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesGetEmojiURLParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetEmojiURLParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesGetEmojiURLParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesGetFavedStickersParams ¶
type MessagesGetFavedStickersParams struct {
Hash int32
func (*MessagesGetFavedStickersParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesGetFavedStickersParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetFavedStickersParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesGetFavedStickersParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesGetFeaturedStickersParams ¶
type MessagesGetFeaturedStickersParams struct {
Hash int32
func (*MessagesGetFeaturedStickersParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesGetFeaturedStickersParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetFeaturedStickersParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesGetFeaturedStickersParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesGetFullChatParams ¶
type MessagesGetFullChatParams struct {
ChatId int32
func (*MessagesGetFullChatParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesGetFullChatParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetFullChatParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesGetFullChatParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesGetGameHighScoresParams ¶
func (*MessagesGetGameHighScoresParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesGetGameHighScoresParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetGameHighScoresParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesGetGameHighScoresParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesGetHistoryParams ¶
type MessagesGetHistoryParams struct { Peer InputPeer OffsetId *int32 OffsetDate *int32 AddOffset *int32 Limit int32 MaxId *int32 MinId *int32 Hash int32 }
func (*MessagesGetHistoryParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesGetHistoryParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetHistoryParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesGetHistoryParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesGetInlineBotResultsParams ¶
type MessagesGetInlineBotResultsParams struct { Bot InputUser Peer InputPeer GeoPoint InputGeoPoint `flag:"0"` Query string Offset string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MessagesGetInlineBotResultsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesGetInlineBotResultsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetInlineBotResultsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesGetInlineBotResultsParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesGetInlineGameHighScoresParams ¶
type MessagesGetInlineGameHighScoresParams struct { Id *InputBotInlineMessageID UserId InputUser }
func (*MessagesGetInlineGameHighScoresParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesGetInlineGameHighScoresParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetInlineGameHighScoresParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesGetInlineGameHighScoresParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesGetMaskStickersParams ¶
type MessagesGetMaskStickersParams struct {
Hash int32
func (*MessagesGetMaskStickersParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesGetMaskStickersParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetMaskStickersParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesGetMaskStickersParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesGetMessageEditDataParams ¶
func (*MessagesGetMessageEditDataParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesGetMessageEditDataParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetMessageEditDataParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesGetMessageEditDataParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesGetMessagesParams ¶
type MessagesGetMessagesParams struct {
Id []InputMessage
func (*MessagesGetMessagesParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesGetMessagesParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetMessagesParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesGetMessagesParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesGetMessagesViewsParams ¶
func (*MessagesGetMessagesViewsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesGetMessagesViewsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetMessagesViewsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesGetMessagesViewsParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesGetOldFeaturedStickersParams ¶
func (*MessagesGetOldFeaturedStickersParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesGetOldFeaturedStickersParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetOldFeaturedStickersParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesGetOldFeaturedStickersParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesGetOnlinesParams ¶
type MessagesGetOnlinesParams struct {
Peer InputPeer
func (*MessagesGetOnlinesParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesGetOnlinesParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetOnlinesParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesGetOnlinesParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesGetPeerDialogsParams ¶
type MessagesGetPeerDialogsParams struct {
Peers []InputDialogPeer
func (*MessagesGetPeerDialogsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesGetPeerDialogsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetPeerDialogsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesGetPeerDialogsParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesGetPeerSettingsParams ¶
type MessagesGetPeerSettingsParams struct {
Peer InputPeer
func (*MessagesGetPeerSettingsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesGetPeerSettingsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetPeerSettingsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesGetPeerSettingsParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesGetPinnedDialogsParams ¶
type MessagesGetPinnedDialogsParams struct {
FolderId int32
func (*MessagesGetPinnedDialogsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesGetPinnedDialogsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetPinnedDialogsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesGetPinnedDialogsParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesGetPollResultsParams ¶
func (*MessagesGetPollResultsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesGetPollResultsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetPollResultsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesGetPollResultsParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesGetPollVotesParams ¶
type MessagesGetPollVotesParams struct { Peer InputPeer Id int32 Option []byte `flag:"0"` Offset string `flag:"1"` Limit int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MessagesGetPollVotesParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesGetPollVotesParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetPollVotesParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesGetPollVotesParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesGetRecentLocationsParams ¶
func (*MessagesGetRecentLocationsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesGetRecentLocationsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetRecentLocationsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesGetRecentLocationsParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesGetRecentStickersParams ¶
type MessagesGetRecentStickersParams struct { Attached bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Hash int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MessagesGetRecentStickersParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesGetRecentStickersParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetRecentStickersParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesGetRecentStickersParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesGetSavedGifsParams ¶
type MessagesGetSavedGifsParams struct {
Hash int32
func (*MessagesGetSavedGifsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesGetSavedGifsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetSavedGifsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesGetSavedGifsParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesGetScheduledHistoryParams ¶
func (*MessagesGetScheduledHistoryParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesGetScheduledHistoryParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetScheduledHistoryParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesGetScheduledHistoryParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesGetScheduledMessagesParams ¶
func (*MessagesGetScheduledMessagesParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesGetScheduledMessagesParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetScheduledMessagesParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesGetScheduledMessagesParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesGetSearchCountersParams ¶
type MessagesGetSearchCountersParams struct { Peer InputPeer Filters []MessagesFilter }
func (*MessagesGetSearchCountersParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesGetSearchCountersParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetSearchCountersParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesGetSearchCountersParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesGetSplitRangesParams ¶
type MessagesGetSplitRangesParams struct{}
func (*MessagesGetSplitRangesParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesGetSplitRangesParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetSplitRangesParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesGetSplitRangesParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesGetStatsURLParams ¶
type MessagesGetStatsURLParams struct { Dark bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer InputPeer Params string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MessagesGetStatsURLParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesGetStatsURLParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetStatsURLParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesGetStatsURLParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesGetStickerSetParams ¶
type MessagesGetStickerSetParams struct {
Stickerset InputStickerSet
func (*MessagesGetStickerSetParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesGetStickerSetParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetStickerSetParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesGetStickerSetParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesGetStickersParams ¶
func (*MessagesGetStickersParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesGetStickersParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetStickersParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesGetStickersParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesGetSuggestedDialogFiltersParams ¶
type MessagesGetSuggestedDialogFiltersParams struct{}
func (*MessagesGetSuggestedDialogFiltersParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesGetSuggestedDialogFiltersParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetSuggestedDialogFiltersParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesGetSuggestedDialogFiltersParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesGetUnreadMentionsParams ¶
type MessagesGetUnreadMentionsParams struct { Peer InputPeer OffsetId int32 AddOffset int32 Limit int32 MaxId int32 MinId int32 }
func (*MessagesGetUnreadMentionsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesGetUnreadMentionsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetUnreadMentionsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesGetUnreadMentionsParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesGetWebPageParams ¶
func (*MessagesGetWebPageParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesGetWebPageParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetWebPageParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesGetWebPageParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesGetWebPagePreviewParams ¶
type MessagesGetWebPagePreviewParams struct { Message string Entities []MessageEntity `flag:"3"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MessagesGetWebPagePreviewParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesGetWebPagePreviewParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesGetWebPagePreviewParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesGetWebPagePreviewParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesHidePeerSettingsBarParams ¶
type MessagesHidePeerSettingsBarParams struct {
Peer InputPeer
func (*MessagesHidePeerSettingsBarParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesHidePeerSettingsBarParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesHidePeerSettingsBarParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesHidePeerSettingsBarParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesHighScores ¶
type MessagesHighScores struct { Scores []*HighScore `validate:"required"` Users []User `validate:"required"` }
func (*MessagesHighScores) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesHighScores) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesHighScores) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesHighScores) Encode() []byte
type MessagesImportChatInviteParams ¶
type MessagesImportChatInviteParams struct {
Hash string
func (*MessagesImportChatInviteParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesImportChatInviteParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesImportChatInviteParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesImportChatInviteParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesInactiveChats ¶
type MessagesInactiveChats struct { Dates []int32 `validate:"required"` Chats []Chat `validate:"required"` Users []User `validate:"required"` }
func (*MessagesInactiveChats) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesInactiveChats) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesInactiveChats) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesInactiveChats) Encode() []byte
type MessagesInstallStickerSetParams ¶
type MessagesInstallStickerSetParams struct { Stickerset InputStickerSet Archived bool }
func (*MessagesInstallStickerSetParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesInstallStickerSetParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesInstallStickerSetParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesInstallStickerSetParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesMarkDialogUnreadParams ¶
type MessagesMarkDialogUnreadParams struct { Unread bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer InputDialogPeer // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MessagesMarkDialogUnreadParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesMarkDialogUnreadParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesMarkDialogUnreadParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesMarkDialogUnreadParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesMessageEditData ¶
type MessagesMessageEditData struct { Caption bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MessagesMessageEditData) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesMessageEditData) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesMessageEditData) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesMessageEditData) Encode() []byte
type MessagesMessages ¶
type MessagesMessagesNotModified ¶
type MessagesMessagesNotModified struct {
Count int32
func (*MessagesMessagesNotModified) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesMessagesNotModified) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesMessagesNotModified) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesMessagesNotModified) Encode() []byte
func (*MessagesMessagesNotModified) ImplementsMessagesMessages ¶
func (*MessagesMessagesNotModified) ImplementsMessagesMessages()
type MessagesMessagesObj ¶
func (*MessagesMessagesObj) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesMessagesObj) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesMessagesObj) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesMessagesObj) Encode() []byte
func (*MessagesMessagesObj) ImplementsMessagesMessages ¶
func (*MessagesMessagesObj) ImplementsMessagesMessages()
type MessagesMessagesSlice ¶
type MessagesMessagesSlice struct { Inexact bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Count int32 NextRate int32 `flag:"0"` Messages []Message Chats []Chat Users []User // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MessagesMessagesSlice) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesMessagesSlice) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesMessagesSlice) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesMessagesSlice) Encode() []byte
func (*MessagesMessagesSlice) ImplementsMessagesMessages ¶
func (*MessagesMessagesSlice) ImplementsMessagesMessages()
type MessagesMigrateChatParams ¶
type MessagesMigrateChatParams struct {
ChatId int32
func (*MessagesMigrateChatParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesMigrateChatParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesMigrateChatParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesMigrateChatParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesPeerDialogs ¶
type MessagesPeerDialogs struct { Dialogs []Dialog `validate:"required"` Messages []Message `validate:"required"` Chats []Chat `validate:"required"` Users []User `validate:"required"` State *UpdatesState `validate:"required"` }
func (*MessagesPeerDialogs) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesPeerDialogs) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesPeerDialogs) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesPeerDialogs) Encode() []byte
type MessagesReadEncryptedHistoryParams ¶
type MessagesReadEncryptedHistoryParams struct { Peer *InputEncryptedChat MaxDate int32 }
func (*MessagesReadEncryptedHistoryParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesReadEncryptedHistoryParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesReadEncryptedHistoryParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesReadEncryptedHistoryParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesReadFeaturedStickersParams ¶
type MessagesReadFeaturedStickersParams struct {
Id []int64
func (*MessagesReadFeaturedStickersParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesReadFeaturedStickersParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesReadFeaturedStickersParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesReadFeaturedStickersParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesReadHistoryParams ¶
func (*MessagesReadHistoryParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesReadHistoryParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesReadHistoryParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesReadHistoryParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesReadMentionsParams ¶
type MessagesReadMentionsParams struct {
Peer InputPeer
func (*MessagesReadMentionsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesReadMentionsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesReadMentionsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesReadMentionsParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesReadMessageContentsParams ¶
type MessagesReadMessageContentsParams struct {
Id []int32
func (*MessagesReadMessageContentsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesReadMessageContentsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesReadMessageContentsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesReadMessageContentsParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesReceivedMessagesParams ¶
type MessagesReceivedMessagesParams struct {
MaxId int32
func (*MessagesReceivedMessagesParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesReceivedMessagesParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesReceivedMessagesParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesReceivedMessagesParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesReceivedQueueParams ¶
type MessagesReceivedQueueParams struct {
MaxQts int32
func (*MessagesReceivedQueueParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesReceivedQueueParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesReceivedQueueParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesReceivedQueueParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesRecentStickers ¶
type MessagesRecentStickersNotModified ¶
type MessagesRecentStickersNotModified struct{}
func (*MessagesRecentStickersNotModified) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesRecentStickersNotModified) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesRecentStickersNotModified) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesRecentStickersNotModified) Encode() []byte
func (*MessagesRecentStickersNotModified) ImplementsMessagesRecentStickers ¶
func (*MessagesRecentStickersNotModified) ImplementsMessagesRecentStickers()
type MessagesRecentStickersObj ¶
type MessagesRecentStickersObj struct { Hash int32 Packs []*StickerPack Stickers []Document Dates []int32 }
func (*MessagesRecentStickersObj) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesRecentStickersObj) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesRecentStickersObj) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesRecentStickersObj) Encode() []byte
func (*MessagesRecentStickersObj) ImplementsMessagesRecentStickers ¶
func (*MessagesRecentStickersObj) ImplementsMessagesRecentStickers()
type MessagesReorderPinnedDialogsParams ¶
type MessagesReorderPinnedDialogsParams struct { Force bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` FolderId int32 Order []InputDialogPeer // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MessagesReorderPinnedDialogsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesReorderPinnedDialogsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesReorderPinnedDialogsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesReorderPinnedDialogsParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesReorderStickerSetsParams ¶
type MessagesReorderStickerSetsParams struct { Masks bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Order []int64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MessagesReorderStickerSetsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesReorderStickerSetsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesReorderStickerSetsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesReorderStickerSetsParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesReportEncryptedSpamParams ¶
type MessagesReportEncryptedSpamParams struct {
Peer *InputEncryptedChat
func (*MessagesReportEncryptedSpamParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesReportEncryptedSpamParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesReportEncryptedSpamParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesReportEncryptedSpamParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesReportParams ¶
type MessagesReportParams struct { Peer InputPeer Id []int32 Reason ReportReason }
func (*MessagesReportParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesReportParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesReportParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesReportParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesReportSpamParams ¶
type MessagesReportSpamParams struct {
Peer InputPeer
func (*MessagesReportSpamParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesReportSpamParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesReportSpamParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesReportSpamParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesRequestEncryptionParams ¶
func (*MessagesRequestEncryptionParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesRequestEncryptionParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesRequestEncryptionParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesRequestEncryptionParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesRequestUrlAuthParams ¶
func (*MessagesRequestUrlAuthParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesRequestUrlAuthParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesRequestUrlAuthParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesRequestUrlAuthParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesSaveDraftParams ¶
type MessagesSaveDraftParams struct { NoWebpage bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` ReplyToMsgId int32 `flag:"0"` Peer InputPeer Message string Entities []MessageEntity `flag:"3"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MessagesSaveDraftParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesSaveDraftParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSaveDraftParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesSaveDraftParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesSaveGifParams ¶
type MessagesSaveGifParams struct { Id InputDocument Unsave bool }
func (*MessagesSaveGifParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesSaveGifParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSaveGifParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesSaveGifParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesSaveRecentStickerParams ¶
type MessagesSaveRecentStickerParams struct { Attached bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Id InputDocument Unsave bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MessagesSaveRecentStickerParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesSaveRecentStickerParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSaveRecentStickerParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesSaveRecentStickerParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesSavedGifs ¶
type MessagesSavedGifsNotModified ¶
type MessagesSavedGifsNotModified struct{}
func (*MessagesSavedGifsNotModified) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSavedGifsNotModified) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSavedGifsNotModified) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesSavedGifsNotModified) Encode() []byte
func (*MessagesSavedGifsNotModified) ImplementsMessagesSavedGifs ¶
func (*MessagesSavedGifsNotModified) ImplementsMessagesSavedGifs()
type MessagesSavedGifsObj ¶
func (*MessagesSavedGifsObj) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSavedGifsObj) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSavedGifsObj) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesSavedGifsObj) Encode() []byte
func (*MessagesSavedGifsObj) ImplementsMessagesSavedGifs ¶
func (*MessagesSavedGifsObj) ImplementsMessagesSavedGifs()
type MessagesSearchCounter ¶
type MessagesSearchCounter struct { Inexact bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Filter MessagesFilter `validate:"required"` Count int32 `validate:"required"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MessagesSearchCounter) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesSearchCounter) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSearchCounter) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesSearchCounter) Encode() []byte
type MessagesSearchGlobalParams ¶
type MessagesSearchGlobalParams struct { FolderId int32 `flag:"0"` Q string OffsetRate int32 OffsetPeer InputPeer OffsetId int32 Limit int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MessagesSearchGlobalParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesSearchGlobalParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSearchGlobalParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesSearchGlobalParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesSearchParams ¶
type MessagesSearchParams struct { Peer InputPeer Q string FromId InputUser `flag:"0"` Filter MessagesFilter MinDate int32 MaxDate int32 OffsetId int32 AddOffset int32 Limit int32 MaxId int32 MinId int32 Hash int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MessagesSearchParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesSearchParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSearchParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesSearchParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesSearchStickerSetsParams ¶
type MessagesSearchStickerSetsParams struct { ExcludeFeatured bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Q string Hash int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MessagesSearchStickerSetsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesSearchStickerSetsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSearchStickerSetsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesSearchStickerSetsParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesSendEncryptedFileParams ¶
type MessagesSendEncryptedFileParams struct { Peer *InputEncryptedChat RandomId int64 Data []byte File InputEncryptedFile }
func (*MessagesSendEncryptedFileParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesSendEncryptedFileParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSendEncryptedFileParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesSendEncryptedFileParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesSendEncryptedParams ¶
type MessagesSendEncryptedParams struct { Peer *InputEncryptedChat RandomId int64 Data []byte }
func (*MessagesSendEncryptedParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesSendEncryptedParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSendEncryptedParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesSendEncryptedParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesSendEncryptedServiceParams ¶
type MessagesSendEncryptedServiceParams struct { Peer *InputEncryptedChat RandomId int64 Data []byte }
func (*MessagesSendEncryptedServiceParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesSendEncryptedServiceParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSendEncryptedServiceParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesSendEncryptedServiceParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesSendInlineBotResultParams ¶
type MessagesSendInlineBotResultParams struct { Silent bool `flag:"5,encoded_in_bitflags"` Background bool `flag:"6,encoded_in_bitflags"` ClearDraft bool `flag:"7,encoded_in_bitflags"` HideVia bool `flag:"11,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer InputPeer ReplyToMsgId int32 `flag:"0"` RandomId int64 QueryId int64 Id string ScheduleDate int32 `flag:"10"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MessagesSendInlineBotResultParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesSendInlineBotResultParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSendInlineBotResultParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesSendInlineBotResultParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesSendMediaParams ¶
type MessagesSendMediaParams struct { Silent bool `flag:"5,encoded_in_bitflags"` Background bool `flag:"6,encoded_in_bitflags"` ClearDraft bool `flag:"7,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer InputPeer ReplyToMsgId int32 `flag:"0"` Media InputMedia Message string RandomId int64 ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `flag:"2"` Entities []MessageEntity `flag:"3"` ScheduleDate int32 `flag:"10"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MessagesSendMediaParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesSendMediaParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSendMediaParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesSendMediaParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesSendMessageParams ¶
type MessagesSendMessageParams struct { NoWebpage bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Silent bool `flag:"5,encoded_in_bitflags"` Background bool `flag:"6,encoded_in_bitflags"` ClearDraft bool `flag:"7,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer InputPeer ReplyToMsgId int32 `flag:"0"` Message string RandomId int64 ReplyMarkup ReplyMarkup `flag:"2"` Entities []MessageEntity `flag:"3"` ScheduleDate int32 `flag:"10"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MessagesSendMessageParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesSendMessageParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSendMessageParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesSendMessageParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesSendMultiMediaParams ¶
type MessagesSendMultiMediaParams struct { Silent bool `flag:"5,encoded_in_bitflags"` Background bool `flag:"6,encoded_in_bitflags"` ClearDraft bool `flag:"7,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer InputPeer ReplyToMsgId int32 `flag:"0"` MultiMedia []*InputSingleMedia ScheduleDate int32 `flag:"10"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MessagesSendMultiMediaParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesSendMultiMediaParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSendMultiMediaParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesSendMultiMediaParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesSendScheduledMessagesParams ¶
func (*MessagesSendScheduledMessagesParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesSendScheduledMessagesParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSendScheduledMessagesParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesSendScheduledMessagesParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesSendScreenshotNotificationParams ¶
type MessagesSendScreenshotNotificationParams struct { Peer InputPeer ReplyToMsgId int32 RandomId int64 }
func (*MessagesSendScreenshotNotificationParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesSendScreenshotNotificationParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSendScreenshotNotificationParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesSendScreenshotNotificationParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesSendVoteParams ¶
func (*MessagesSendVoteParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesSendVoteParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSendVoteParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesSendVoteParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesSentEncryptedFile ¶
type MessagesSentEncryptedFile struct { Date int32 File EncryptedFile }
func (*MessagesSentEncryptedFile) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSentEncryptedFile) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSentEncryptedFile) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesSentEncryptedFile) Encode() []byte
func (*MessagesSentEncryptedFile) ImplementsMessagesSentEncryptedMessage ¶
func (*MessagesSentEncryptedFile) ImplementsMessagesSentEncryptedMessage()
type MessagesSentEncryptedMessageObj ¶
type MessagesSentEncryptedMessageObj struct {
Date int32
func (*MessagesSentEncryptedMessageObj) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesSentEncryptedMessageObj) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSentEncryptedMessageObj) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesSentEncryptedMessageObj) Encode() []byte
func (*MessagesSentEncryptedMessageObj) ImplementsMessagesSentEncryptedMessage ¶
func (*MessagesSentEncryptedMessageObj) ImplementsMessagesSentEncryptedMessage()
type MessagesSetBotCallbackAnswerParams ¶
type MessagesSetBotCallbackAnswerParams struct { Alert bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` QueryId int64 Message string `flag:"0"` Url string `flag:"2"` CacheTime int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MessagesSetBotCallbackAnswerParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesSetBotCallbackAnswerParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSetBotCallbackAnswerParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesSetBotCallbackAnswerParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesSetBotPrecheckoutResultsParams ¶
type MessagesSetBotPrecheckoutResultsParams struct { Success bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` QueryId int64 Error string `flag:"0"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MessagesSetBotPrecheckoutResultsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesSetBotPrecheckoutResultsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSetBotPrecheckoutResultsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesSetBotPrecheckoutResultsParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesSetBotShippingResultsParams ¶
type MessagesSetBotShippingResultsParams struct { QueryId int64 Error string `flag:"0"` ShippingOptions []*ShippingOption `flag:"1"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MessagesSetBotShippingResultsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesSetBotShippingResultsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSetBotShippingResultsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesSetBotShippingResultsParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesSetEncryptedTypingParams ¶
type MessagesSetEncryptedTypingParams struct { Peer *InputEncryptedChat Typing bool }
func (*MessagesSetEncryptedTypingParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesSetEncryptedTypingParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSetEncryptedTypingParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesSetEncryptedTypingParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesSetGameScoreParams ¶
type MessagesSetGameScoreParams struct { EditMessage bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Force bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer InputPeer Id int32 UserId InputUser Score int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MessagesSetGameScoreParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesSetGameScoreParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSetGameScoreParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesSetGameScoreParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesSetInlineBotResultsParams ¶
type MessagesSetInlineBotResultsParams struct { Gallery bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Private bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` QueryId int64 Results []InputBotInlineResult CacheTime int32 NextOffset string `flag:"2"` SwitchPm *InlineBotSwitchPM `flag:"3"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MessagesSetInlineBotResultsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesSetInlineBotResultsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSetInlineBotResultsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesSetInlineBotResultsParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesSetInlineGameScoreParams ¶
type MessagesSetInlineGameScoreParams struct { EditMessage bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Force bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Id *InputBotInlineMessageID UserId InputUser Score int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MessagesSetInlineGameScoreParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesSetInlineGameScoreParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSetInlineGameScoreParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesSetInlineGameScoreParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesSetTypingParams ¶
type MessagesSetTypingParams struct { Peer InputPeer Action SendMessageAction }
func (*MessagesSetTypingParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesSetTypingParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesSetTypingParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesSetTypingParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesStartBotParams ¶
type MessagesStartBotParams struct { Bot InputUser Peer InputPeer RandomId int64 StartParam string }
func (*MessagesStartBotParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesStartBotParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesStartBotParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesStartBotParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesStickerSet ¶
type MessagesStickerSet struct { Set *StickerSet `validate:"required"` Packs []*StickerPack `validate:"required"` Documents []Document `validate:"required"` }
func (*MessagesStickerSet) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesStickerSet) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesStickerSet) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesStickerSet) Encode() []byte
type MessagesStickerSetInstallResultArchive ¶
type MessagesStickerSetInstallResultArchive struct {
Sets []StickerSetCovered
func (*MessagesStickerSetInstallResultArchive) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesStickerSetInstallResultArchive) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesStickerSetInstallResultArchive) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesStickerSetInstallResultArchive) Encode() []byte
func (*MessagesStickerSetInstallResultArchive) ImplementsMessagesStickerSetInstallResult ¶
func (*MessagesStickerSetInstallResultArchive) ImplementsMessagesStickerSetInstallResult()
type MessagesStickerSetInstallResultSuccess ¶
type MessagesStickerSetInstallResultSuccess struct{}
func (*MessagesStickerSetInstallResultSuccess) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesStickerSetInstallResultSuccess) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesStickerSetInstallResultSuccess) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesStickerSetInstallResultSuccess) Encode() []byte
func (*MessagesStickerSetInstallResultSuccess) ImplementsMessagesStickerSetInstallResult ¶
func (*MessagesStickerSetInstallResultSuccess) ImplementsMessagesStickerSetInstallResult()
type MessagesStickers ¶
type MessagesStickersNotModified ¶
type MessagesStickersNotModified struct{}
func (*MessagesStickersNotModified) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesStickersNotModified) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesStickersNotModified) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesStickersNotModified) Encode() []byte
func (*MessagesStickersNotModified) ImplementsMessagesStickers ¶
func (*MessagesStickersNotModified) ImplementsMessagesStickers()
type MessagesStickersObj ¶
func (*MessagesStickersObj) CRC ¶
func (*MessagesStickersObj) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesStickersObj) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesStickersObj) Encode() []byte
func (*MessagesStickersObj) ImplementsMessagesStickers ¶
func (*MessagesStickersObj) ImplementsMessagesStickers()
type MessagesToggleDialogPinParams ¶
type MessagesToggleDialogPinParams struct { Pinned bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer InputDialogPeer // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MessagesToggleDialogPinParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesToggleDialogPinParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesToggleDialogPinParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesToggleDialogPinParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesToggleStickerSetsParams ¶
type MessagesToggleStickerSetsParams struct { Uninstall bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Archive bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Unarchive bool `flag:"2,encoded_in_bitflags"` Stickersets []InputStickerSet // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MessagesToggleStickerSetsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesToggleStickerSetsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesToggleStickerSetsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesToggleStickerSetsParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesUninstallStickerSetParams ¶
type MessagesUninstallStickerSetParams struct {
Stickerset InputStickerSet
func (*MessagesUninstallStickerSetParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesUninstallStickerSetParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesUninstallStickerSetParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesUninstallStickerSetParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesUpdateDialogFilterParams ¶
type MessagesUpdateDialogFilterParams struct { Id int32 Filter *DialogFilter `flag:"0"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MessagesUpdateDialogFilterParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesUpdateDialogFilterParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesUpdateDialogFilterParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesUpdateDialogFilterParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesUpdateDialogFiltersOrderParams ¶
type MessagesUpdateDialogFiltersOrderParams struct {
Order []int32
func (*MessagesUpdateDialogFiltersOrderParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesUpdateDialogFiltersOrderParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesUpdateDialogFiltersOrderParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesUpdateDialogFiltersOrderParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesUpdatePinnedMessageParams ¶
type MessagesUpdatePinnedMessageParams struct { Silent bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer InputPeer Id int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MessagesUpdatePinnedMessageParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesUpdatePinnedMessageParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesUpdatePinnedMessageParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesUpdatePinnedMessageParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesUploadEncryptedFileParams ¶
type MessagesUploadEncryptedFileParams struct { Peer *InputEncryptedChat File InputEncryptedFile }
func (*MessagesUploadEncryptedFileParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesUploadEncryptedFileParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesUploadEncryptedFileParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesUploadEncryptedFileParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesUploadMediaParams ¶
type MessagesUploadMediaParams struct { Peer InputPeer Media InputMedia }
func (*MessagesUploadMediaParams) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesUploadMediaParams) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesUploadMediaParams) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesUploadMediaParams) Encode() []byte
type MessagesVotesList ¶
type MessagesVotesList struct { Count int32 `validate:"required"` Votes []MessageUserVote `validate:"required"` Users []User `validate:"required"` NextOffset string `flag:"0"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MessagesVotesList) CRC ¶
func (e *MessagesVotesList) CRC() uint32
func (*MessagesVotesList) Encode ¶
func (e *MessagesVotesList) Encode() []byte
type NearestDc ¶
type NotifyBroadcasts ¶
type NotifyBroadcasts struct{}
func (*NotifyBroadcasts) CRC ¶
func (*NotifyBroadcasts) CRC() uint32
func (*NotifyBroadcasts) Encode ¶
func (e *NotifyBroadcasts) Encode() []byte
func (*NotifyBroadcasts) ImplementsNotifyPeer ¶
func (*NotifyBroadcasts) ImplementsNotifyPeer()
type NotifyChats ¶
type NotifyChats struct{}
func (*NotifyChats) CRC ¶
func (*NotifyChats) CRC() uint32
func (*NotifyChats) Encode ¶
func (e *NotifyChats) Encode() []byte
func (*NotifyChats) ImplementsNotifyPeer ¶
func (*NotifyChats) ImplementsNotifyPeer()
type NotifyPeer ¶
type NotifyPeerObj ¶
type NotifyPeerObj struct {
Peer Peer
func (*NotifyPeerObj) CRC ¶
func (*NotifyPeerObj) CRC() uint32
func (*NotifyPeerObj) Encode ¶
func (e *NotifyPeerObj) Encode() []byte
func (*NotifyPeerObj) ImplementsNotifyPeer ¶
func (*NotifyPeerObj) ImplementsNotifyPeer()
type NotifyUsers ¶
type NotifyUsers struct{}
func (*NotifyUsers) CRC ¶
func (*NotifyUsers) CRC() uint32
func (*NotifyUsers) Encode ¶
func (e *NotifyUsers) Encode() []byte
func (*NotifyUsers) ImplementsNotifyPeer ¶
func (*NotifyUsers) ImplementsNotifyPeer()
type Page ¶
type Page struct { Part bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Rtl bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` V2 bool `flag:"2,encoded_in_bitflags"` Url string `validate:"required"` Blocks []PageBlock `validate:"required"` Photos []Photo `validate:"required"` Documents []Document `validate:"required"` Views int32 `flag:"3"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type PageBlockAnchor ¶
type PageBlockAnchor struct {
Name string
func (*PageBlockAnchor) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockAnchor) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockAnchor) Encode ¶
func (e *PageBlockAnchor) Encode() []byte
func (*PageBlockAnchor) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockAnchor) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockAudio ¶
type PageBlockAudio struct { AudioId int64 Caption *PageCaption }
func (*PageBlockAudio) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockAudio) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockAudio) Encode ¶
func (e *PageBlockAudio) Encode() []byte
func (*PageBlockAudio) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockAudio) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockAuthorDate ¶
func (*PageBlockAuthorDate) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockAuthorDate) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockAuthorDate) Encode ¶
func (e *PageBlockAuthorDate) Encode() []byte
func (*PageBlockAuthorDate) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockAuthorDate) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockBlockquote ¶
func (*PageBlockBlockquote) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockBlockquote) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockBlockquote) Encode ¶
func (e *PageBlockBlockquote) Encode() []byte
func (*PageBlockBlockquote) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockBlockquote) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockChannel ¶
type PageBlockChannel struct {
Channel Chat
func (*PageBlockChannel) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockChannel) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockChannel) Encode ¶
func (e *PageBlockChannel) Encode() []byte
func (*PageBlockChannel) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockChannel) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockCollage ¶
type PageBlockCollage struct { Items []PageBlock Caption *PageCaption }
func (*PageBlockCollage) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockCollage) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockCollage) Encode ¶
func (e *PageBlockCollage) Encode() []byte
func (*PageBlockCollage) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockCollage) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockCover ¶
type PageBlockCover struct {
Cover PageBlock
func (*PageBlockCover) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockCover) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockCover) Encode ¶
func (e *PageBlockCover) Encode() []byte
func (*PageBlockCover) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockCover) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockDetails ¶
type PageBlockDetails struct { Open bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Blocks []PageBlock Title RichText // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*PageBlockDetails) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockDetails) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockDetails) Encode ¶
func (e *PageBlockDetails) Encode() []byte
func (*PageBlockDetails) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockDetails) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockDivider ¶
type PageBlockDivider struct{}
func (*PageBlockDivider) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockDivider) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockDivider) Encode ¶
func (e *PageBlockDivider) Encode() []byte
func (*PageBlockDivider) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockDivider) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockEmbed ¶
type PageBlockEmbed struct { FullWidth bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` AllowScrolling bool `flag:"3,encoded_in_bitflags"` Url string `flag:"1"` Html string `flag:"2"` PosterPhotoId int64 `flag:"4"` W int32 `flag:"5"` H int32 `flag:"5"` Caption *PageCaption // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*PageBlockEmbed) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockEmbed) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockEmbed) Encode ¶
func (e *PageBlockEmbed) Encode() []byte
func (*PageBlockEmbed) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockEmbed) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockEmbedPost ¶
type PageBlockEmbedPost struct { Url string WebpageId int64 AuthorPhotoId int64 Author string Date int32 Blocks []PageBlock Caption *PageCaption }
func (*PageBlockEmbedPost) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockEmbedPost) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockEmbedPost) Encode ¶
func (e *PageBlockEmbedPost) Encode() []byte
func (*PageBlockEmbedPost) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockEmbedPost) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockFooter ¶
type PageBlockFooter struct {
}func (*PageBlockFooter) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockFooter) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockFooter) Encode ¶
func (e *PageBlockFooter) Encode() []byte
func (*PageBlockFooter) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockFooter) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockHeader ¶
type PageBlockHeader struct {
Text RichText
func (*PageBlockHeader) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockHeader) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockHeader) Encode ¶
func (e *PageBlockHeader) Encode() []byte
func (*PageBlockHeader) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockHeader) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockKicker ¶
type PageBlockKicker struct {
Text RichText
func (*PageBlockKicker) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockKicker) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockKicker) Encode ¶
func (e *PageBlockKicker) Encode() []byte
func (*PageBlockKicker) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockKicker) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockList ¶
type PageBlockList struct {
Items []PageListItem
func (*PageBlockList) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockList) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockList) Encode ¶
func (e *PageBlockList) Encode() []byte
func (*PageBlockList) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockList) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockMap ¶
type PageBlockMap struct { Geo GeoPoint Zoom int32 W int32 H int32 Caption *PageCaption }
func (*PageBlockMap) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockMap) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockMap) Encode ¶
func (e *PageBlockMap) Encode() []byte
func (*PageBlockMap) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockMap) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockOrderedList ¶
type PageBlockOrderedList struct {
Items []PageListOrderedItem
func (*PageBlockOrderedList) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockOrderedList) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockOrderedList) Encode ¶
func (e *PageBlockOrderedList) Encode() []byte
func (*PageBlockOrderedList) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockOrderedList) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockParagraph ¶
type PageBlockParagraph struct {
Text RichText
func (*PageBlockParagraph) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockParagraph) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockParagraph) Encode ¶
func (e *PageBlockParagraph) Encode() []byte
func (*PageBlockParagraph) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockParagraph) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockPhoto ¶
type PageBlockPhoto struct { PhotoId int64 Caption *PageCaption Url string `flag:"0"` WebpageId int64 `flag:"0"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*PageBlockPhoto) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockPhoto) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockPhoto) Encode ¶
func (e *PageBlockPhoto) Encode() []byte
func (*PageBlockPhoto) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockPhoto) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockPreformatted ¶
func (*PageBlockPreformatted) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockPreformatted) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockPreformatted) Encode ¶
func (e *PageBlockPreformatted) Encode() []byte
func (*PageBlockPreformatted) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockPreformatted) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockPullquote ¶
func (*PageBlockPullquote) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockPullquote) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockPullquote) Encode ¶
func (e *PageBlockPullquote) Encode() []byte
func (*PageBlockPullquote) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockPullquote) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockRelatedArticles ¶
type PageBlockRelatedArticles struct { Title RichText Articles []*PageRelatedArticle }
func (*PageBlockRelatedArticles) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockRelatedArticles) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockRelatedArticles) Encode ¶
func (e *PageBlockRelatedArticles) Encode() []byte
func (*PageBlockRelatedArticles) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockRelatedArticles) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockSlideshow ¶
type PageBlockSlideshow struct { Items []PageBlock Caption *PageCaption }
func (*PageBlockSlideshow) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockSlideshow) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockSlideshow) Encode ¶
func (e *PageBlockSlideshow) Encode() []byte
func (*PageBlockSlideshow) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockSlideshow) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockSubheader ¶
type PageBlockSubheader struct {
Text RichText
func (*PageBlockSubheader) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockSubheader) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockSubheader) Encode ¶
func (e *PageBlockSubheader) Encode() []byte
func (*PageBlockSubheader) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockSubheader) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockSubtitle ¶
type PageBlockSubtitle struct {
Text RichText
func (*PageBlockSubtitle) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockSubtitle) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockSubtitle) Encode ¶
func (e *PageBlockSubtitle) Encode() []byte
func (*PageBlockSubtitle) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockSubtitle) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockTable ¶
type PageBlockTable struct { Bordered bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Striped bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Title RichText Rows []*PageTableRow // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*PageBlockTable) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockTable) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockTable) Encode ¶
func (e *PageBlockTable) Encode() []byte
func (*PageBlockTable) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockTable) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockTitle ¶
type PageBlockTitle struct {
Text RichText
func (*PageBlockTitle) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockTitle) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockTitle) Encode ¶
func (e *PageBlockTitle) Encode() []byte
func (*PageBlockTitle) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockTitle) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockUnsupported ¶
type PageBlockUnsupported struct{}
func (*PageBlockUnsupported) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockUnsupported) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockUnsupported) Encode ¶
func (e *PageBlockUnsupported) Encode() []byte
func (*PageBlockUnsupported) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockUnsupported) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageBlockVideo ¶
type PageBlockVideo struct { Autoplay bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Loop bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` VideoId int64 Caption *PageCaption // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*PageBlockVideo) CRC ¶
func (*PageBlockVideo) CRC() uint32
func (*PageBlockVideo) Encode ¶
func (e *PageBlockVideo) Encode() []byte
func (*PageBlockVideo) ImplementsPageBlock ¶
func (*PageBlockVideo) ImplementsPageBlock()
type PageCaption ¶
type PageCaption struct { Text RichText `validate:"required"` Credit RichText `validate:"required"` }
func (*PageCaption) CRC ¶
func (e *PageCaption) CRC() uint32
func (*PageCaption) Encode ¶
func (e *PageCaption) Encode() []byte
type PageListItem ¶
type PageListItemBlocks ¶
type PageListItemBlocks struct {
Blocks []PageBlock
func (*PageListItemBlocks) CRC ¶
func (*PageListItemBlocks) CRC() uint32
func (*PageListItemBlocks) Encode ¶
func (e *PageListItemBlocks) Encode() []byte
func (*PageListItemBlocks) ImplementsPageListItem ¶
func (*PageListItemBlocks) ImplementsPageListItem()
type PageListItemText ¶
type PageListItemText struct {
Text RichText
func (*PageListItemText) CRC ¶
func (*PageListItemText) CRC() uint32
func (*PageListItemText) Encode ¶
func (e *PageListItemText) Encode() []byte
func (*PageListItemText) ImplementsPageListItem ¶
func (*PageListItemText) ImplementsPageListItem()
type PageListOrderedItem ¶
type PageListOrderedItemBlocks ¶
func (*PageListOrderedItemBlocks) CRC ¶
func (*PageListOrderedItemBlocks) CRC() uint32
func (*PageListOrderedItemBlocks) Encode ¶
func (e *PageListOrderedItemBlocks) Encode() []byte
func (*PageListOrderedItemBlocks) ImplementsPageListOrderedItem ¶
func (*PageListOrderedItemBlocks) ImplementsPageListOrderedItem()
type PageListOrderedItemText ¶
func (*PageListOrderedItemText) CRC ¶
func (*PageListOrderedItemText) CRC() uint32
func (*PageListOrderedItemText) Encode ¶
func (e *PageListOrderedItemText) Encode() []byte
func (*PageListOrderedItemText) ImplementsPageListOrderedItem ¶
func (*PageListOrderedItemText) ImplementsPageListOrderedItem()
type PageRelatedArticle ¶
type PageRelatedArticle struct { Url string `validate:"required"` WebpageId int64 `validate:"required"` Title string `flag:"0"` Description string `flag:"1"` PhotoId int64 `flag:"2"` Author string `flag:"3"` PublishedDate int32 `flag:"4"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*PageRelatedArticle) CRC ¶
func (e *PageRelatedArticle) CRC() uint32
func (*PageRelatedArticle) Encode ¶
func (e *PageRelatedArticle) Encode() []byte
type PageTableCell ¶
type PageTableCell struct { Header bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` AlignCenter bool `flag:"3,encoded_in_bitflags"` AlignRight bool `flag:"4,encoded_in_bitflags"` ValignMiddle bool `flag:"5,encoded_in_bitflags"` ValignBottom bool `flag:"6,encoded_in_bitflags"` Text RichText `flag:"7"` Colspan int32 `flag:"1"` Rowspan int32 `flag:"2"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*PageTableCell) CRC ¶
func (e *PageTableCell) CRC() uint32
func (*PageTableCell) Encode ¶
func (e *PageTableCell) Encode() []byte
type PageTableRow ¶
type PageTableRow struct {
Cells []*PageTableCell `validate:"required"`
func (*PageTableRow) CRC ¶
func (e *PageTableRow) CRC() uint32
func (*PageTableRow) Encode ¶
func (e *PageTableRow) Encode() []byte
type PasswordKdfAlgo ¶
type PasswordKdfAlgoSHA256SHA256PBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000SHA256ModPow ¶
type PasswordKdfAlgoSHA256SHA256PBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000SHA256ModPow struct { Salt1 []byte Salt2 []byte G int32 P []byte }
func (*PasswordKdfAlgoSHA256SHA256PBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000SHA256ModPow) Encode ¶
func (e *PasswordKdfAlgoSHA256SHA256PBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000SHA256ModPow) Encode() []byte
func (*PasswordKdfAlgoSHA256SHA256PBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000SHA256ModPow) ImplementsPasswordKdfAlgo ¶
func (*PasswordKdfAlgoSHA256SHA256PBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000SHA256ModPow) ImplementsPasswordKdfAlgo()
type PasswordKdfAlgoUnknown ¶
type PasswordKdfAlgoUnknown struct{}
func (*PasswordKdfAlgoUnknown) CRC ¶
func (*PasswordKdfAlgoUnknown) CRC() uint32
func (*PasswordKdfAlgoUnknown) Encode ¶
func (e *PasswordKdfAlgoUnknown) Encode() []byte
func (*PasswordKdfAlgoUnknown) ImplementsPasswordKdfAlgo ¶
func (*PasswordKdfAlgoUnknown) ImplementsPasswordKdfAlgo()
type PaymentCharge ¶
type PaymentCharge struct { Id string `validate:"required"` ProviderChargeId string `validate:"required"` }
func (*PaymentCharge) CRC ¶
func (e *PaymentCharge) CRC() uint32
func (*PaymentCharge) Encode ¶
func (e *PaymentCharge) Encode() []byte
type PaymentRequestedInfo ¶
type PaymentRequestedInfo struct { Name string `flag:"0"` Phone string `flag:"1"` Email string `flag:"2"` ShippingAddress *PostAddress `flag:"3"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*PaymentRequestedInfo) CRC ¶
func (e *PaymentRequestedInfo) CRC() uint32
func (*PaymentRequestedInfo) Encode ¶
func (e *PaymentRequestedInfo) Encode() []byte
type PaymentSavedCredentials ¶
type PaymentSavedCredentials struct { Id string `validate:"required"` Title string `validate:"required"` }
func (*PaymentSavedCredentials) CRC ¶
func (e *PaymentSavedCredentials) CRC() uint32
func (*PaymentSavedCredentials) Encode ¶
func (e *PaymentSavedCredentials) Encode() []byte
type PaymentsBankCardData ¶
type PaymentsBankCardData struct { Title string `validate:"required"` OpenUrls []*BankCardOpenUrl `validate:"required"` }
func (*PaymentsBankCardData) CRC ¶
func (e *PaymentsBankCardData) CRC() uint32
func (*PaymentsBankCardData) Encode ¶
func (e *PaymentsBankCardData) Encode() []byte
type PaymentsClearSavedInfoParams ¶
type PaymentsClearSavedInfoParams struct { Credentials bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Info bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*PaymentsClearSavedInfoParams) CRC ¶
func (e *PaymentsClearSavedInfoParams) CRC() uint32
func (*PaymentsClearSavedInfoParams) Encode ¶
func (e *PaymentsClearSavedInfoParams) Encode() []byte
type PaymentsGetBankCardDataParams ¶
type PaymentsGetBankCardDataParams struct {
Number string
func (*PaymentsGetBankCardDataParams) CRC ¶
func (e *PaymentsGetBankCardDataParams) CRC() uint32
func (*PaymentsGetBankCardDataParams) Encode ¶
func (e *PaymentsGetBankCardDataParams) Encode() []byte
type PaymentsGetPaymentFormParams ¶
type PaymentsGetPaymentFormParams struct {
MsgId int32
func (*PaymentsGetPaymentFormParams) CRC ¶
func (e *PaymentsGetPaymentFormParams) CRC() uint32
func (*PaymentsGetPaymentFormParams) Encode ¶
func (e *PaymentsGetPaymentFormParams) Encode() []byte
type PaymentsGetPaymentReceiptParams ¶
type PaymentsGetPaymentReceiptParams struct {
MsgId int32
func (*PaymentsGetPaymentReceiptParams) CRC ¶
func (e *PaymentsGetPaymentReceiptParams) CRC() uint32
func (*PaymentsGetPaymentReceiptParams) Encode ¶
func (e *PaymentsGetPaymentReceiptParams) Encode() []byte
type PaymentsGetSavedInfoParams ¶
type PaymentsGetSavedInfoParams struct{}
func (*PaymentsGetSavedInfoParams) CRC ¶
func (e *PaymentsGetSavedInfoParams) CRC() uint32
func (*PaymentsGetSavedInfoParams) Encode ¶
func (e *PaymentsGetSavedInfoParams) Encode() []byte
type PaymentsPaymentForm ¶
type PaymentsPaymentForm struct { CanSaveCredentials bool `flag:"2,encoded_in_bitflags"` PasswordMissing bool `flag:"3,encoded_in_bitflags"` BotId int32 `validate:"required"` Invoice *Invoice `validate:"required"` ProviderId int32 `validate:"required"` Url string `validate:"required"` NativeProvider string `flag:"4"` NativeParams *DataJSON `flag:"4"` SavedInfo *PaymentRequestedInfo `flag:"0"` SavedCredentials *PaymentSavedCredentials `flag:"1"` Users []User `validate:"required"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*PaymentsPaymentForm) CRC ¶
func (e *PaymentsPaymentForm) CRC() uint32
func (*PaymentsPaymentForm) Encode ¶
func (e *PaymentsPaymentForm) Encode() []byte
type PaymentsPaymentReceipt ¶
type PaymentsPaymentReceipt struct { Date int32 `validate:"required"` BotId int32 `validate:"required"` Invoice *Invoice `validate:"required"` ProviderId int32 `validate:"required"` Info *PaymentRequestedInfo `flag:"0"` Shipping *ShippingOption `flag:"1"` Currency string `validate:"required"` TotalAmount int64 `validate:"required"` CredentialsTitle string `validate:"required"` Users []User `validate:"required"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*PaymentsPaymentReceipt) CRC ¶
func (e *PaymentsPaymentReceipt) CRC() uint32
func (*PaymentsPaymentReceipt) Encode ¶
func (e *PaymentsPaymentReceipt) Encode() []byte
type PaymentsPaymentResult ¶
type PaymentsPaymentResultObj ¶
type PaymentsPaymentResultObj struct {
Updates Updates
func (*PaymentsPaymentResultObj) CRC ¶
func (*PaymentsPaymentResultObj) CRC() uint32
func (*PaymentsPaymentResultObj) Encode ¶
func (e *PaymentsPaymentResultObj) Encode() []byte
func (*PaymentsPaymentResultObj) ImplementsPaymentsPaymentResult ¶
func (*PaymentsPaymentResultObj) ImplementsPaymentsPaymentResult()
type PaymentsPaymentVerificationNeeded ¶
type PaymentsPaymentVerificationNeeded struct {
Url string
func (*PaymentsPaymentVerificationNeeded) CRC ¶
func (*PaymentsPaymentVerificationNeeded) CRC() uint32
func (*PaymentsPaymentVerificationNeeded) Encode ¶
func (e *PaymentsPaymentVerificationNeeded) Encode() []byte
func (*PaymentsPaymentVerificationNeeded) ImplementsPaymentsPaymentResult ¶
func (*PaymentsPaymentVerificationNeeded) ImplementsPaymentsPaymentResult()
type PaymentsSavedInfo ¶
type PaymentsSavedInfo struct { HasSavedCredentials bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` SavedInfo *PaymentRequestedInfo `flag:"0"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*PaymentsSavedInfo) CRC ¶
func (e *PaymentsSavedInfo) CRC() uint32
func (*PaymentsSavedInfo) Encode ¶
func (e *PaymentsSavedInfo) Encode() []byte
type PaymentsSendPaymentFormParams ¶
type PaymentsSendPaymentFormParams struct { MsgId int32 RequestedInfoId string `flag:"0"` ShippingOptionId string `flag:"1"` Credentials InputPaymentCredentials // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*PaymentsSendPaymentFormParams) CRC ¶
func (e *PaymentsSendPaymentFormParams) CRC() uint32
func (*PaymentsSendPaymentFormParams) Encode ¶
func (e *PaymentsSendPaymentFormParams) Encode() []byte
type PaymentsValidateRequestedInfoParams ¶
type PaymentsValidateRequestedInfoParams struct { Save bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` MsgId int32 Info *PaymentRequestedInfo // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*PaymentsValidateRequestedInfoParams) CRC ¶
func (e *PaymentsValidateRequestedInfoParams) CRC() uint32
func (*PaymentsValidateRequestedInfoParams) Encode ¶
func (e *PaymentsValidateRequestedInfoParams) Encode() []byte
type PaymentsValidatedRequestedInfo ¶
type PaymentsValidatedRequestedInfo struct { Id string `flag:"0"` ShippingOptions []*ShippingOption `flag:"1"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*PaymentsValidatedRequestedInfo) CRC ¶
func (e *PaymentsValidatedRequestedInfo) CRC() uint32
func (*PaymentsValidatedRequestedInfo) Encode ¶
func (e *PaymentsValidatedRequestedInfo) Encode() []byte
type PeerChannel ¶
type PeerChannel struct {
ChannelId int32
func (*PeerChannel) CRC ¶
func (*PeerChannel) CRC() uint32
func (*PeerChannel) Encode ¶
func (e *PeerChannel) Encode() []byte
func (*PeerChannel) ImplementsPeer ¶
func (*PeerChannel) ImplementsPeer()
type PeerChat ¶
type PeerChat struct {
ChatId int32
func (*PeerChat) ImplementsPeer ¶
func (*PeerChat) ImplementsPeer()
type PeerLocated ¶
type PeerLocatedObj ¶
func (*PeerLocatedObj) CRC ¶
func (*PeerLocatedObj) CRC() uint32
func (*PeerLocatedObj) Encode ¶
func (e *PeerLocatedObj) Encode() []byte
func (*PeerLocatedObj) ImplementsPeerLocated ¶
func (*PeerLocatedObj) ImplementsPeerLocated()
type PeerNotifySettings ¶
type PeerNotifySettings struct { ShowPreviews bool `flag:"0"` Silent bool `flag:"1"` MuteUntil int32 `flag:"2"` Sound string `flag:"3"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*PeerNotifySettings) CRC ¶
func (e *PeerNotifySettings) CRC() uint32
func (*PeerNotifySettings) Encode ¶
func (e *PeerNotifySettings) Encode() []byte
type PeerSelfLocated ¶
type PeerSelfLocated struct {
Expires int32
func (*PeerSelfLocated) CRC ¶
func (*PeerSelfLocated) CRC() uint32
func (*PeerSelfLocated) Encode ¶
func (e *PeerSelfLocated) Encode() []byte
func (*PeerSelfLocated) ImplementsPeerLocated ¶
func (*PeerSelfLocated) ImplementsPeerLocated()
type PeerSettings ¶
type PeerSettings struct { ReportSpam bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` AddContact bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` BlockContact bool `flag:"2,encoded_in_bitflags"` NeedContactsException bool `flag:"4,encoded_in_bitflags"` ReportGeo bool `flag:"5,encoded_in_bitflags"` Autoarchived bool `flag:"7,encoded_in_bitflags"` GeoDistance int32 `flag:"6"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*PeerSettings) CRC ¶
func (e *PeerSettings) CRC() uint32
func (*PeerSettings) Encode ¶
func (e *PeerSettings) Encode() []byte
type PeerUser ¶
type PeerUser struct {
UserId int32
func (*PeerUser) ImplementsPeer ¶
func (*PeerUser) ImplementsPeer()
type PhoneAcceptCallParams ¶
type PhoneAcceptCallParams struct { Peer *InputPhoneCall GB []byte Protocol *PhoneCallProtocol }
func (*PhoneAcceptCallParams) CRC ¶
func (e *PhoneAcceptCallParams) CRC() uint32
func (*PhoneAcceptCallParams) Encode ¶
func (e *PhoneAcceptCallParams) Encode() []byte
type PhoneCallAccepted ¶
type PhoneCallAccepted struct { Video bool `flag:"6,encoded_in_bitflags"` Id int64 AccessHash int64 Date int32 AdminId int32 ParticipantId int32 GB []byte Protocol *PhoneCallProtocol // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*PhoneCallAccepted) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneCallAccepted) CRC() uint32
func (*PhoneCallAccepted) Encode ¶
func (e *PhoneCallAccepted) Encode() []byte
func (*PhoneCallAccepted) ImplementsPhoneCall ¶
func (*PhoneCallAccepted) ImplementsPhoneCall()
type PhoneCallDiscardReason ¶
type PhoneCallDiscardReason uint32
const ( PhoneCallDiscardReasonMissed PhoneCallDiscardReason = 2246320897 PhoneCallDiscardReasonDisconnect PhoneCallDiscardReason = 3767910816 PhoneCallDiscardReasonHangup PhoneCallDiscardReason = 1471006352 PhoneCallDiscardReasonBusy PhoneCallDiscardReason = 4210550985 )
func (PhoneCallDiscardReason) CRC ¶
func (e PhoneCallDiscardReason) CRC() uint32
func (PhoneCallDiscardReason) Encode ¶
func (e PhoneCallDiscardReason) Encode() []byte
func (PhoneCallDiscardReason) String ¶
func (e PhoneCallDiscardReason) String() string
type PhoneCallDiscarded ¶
type PhoneCallDiscarded struct { NeedRating bool `flag:"2,encoded_in_bitflags"` NeedDebug bool `flag:"3,encoded_in_bitflags"` Video bool `flag:"6,encoded_in_bitflags"` Id int64 Reason PhoneCallDiscardReason `flag:"0"` Duration int32 `flag:"1"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*PhoneCallDiscarded) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneCallDiscarded) CRC() uint32
func (*PhoneCallDiscarded) Encode ¶
func (e *PhoneCallDiscarded) Encode() []byte
func (*PhoneCallDiscarded) ImplementsPhoneCall ¶
func (*PhoneCallDiscarded) ImplementsPhoneCall()
type PhoneCallEmpty ¶
type PhoneCallEmpty struct {
Id int64
func (*PhoneCallEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneCallEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*PhoneCallEmpty) Encode ¶
func (e *PhoneCallEmpty) Encode() []byte
func (*PhoneCallEmpty) ImplementsPhoneCall ¶
func (*PhoneCallEmpty) ImplementsPhoneCall()
type PhoneCallObj ¶
type PhoneCallObj struct { P2PAllowed bool `flag:"5,encoded_in_bitflags"` Video bool `flag:"6,encoded_in_bitflags"` Id int64 AccessHash int64 Date int32 AdminId int32 ParticipantId int32 GAOrB []byte KeyFingerprint int64 Protocol *PhoneCallProtocol Connections []PhoneConnection StartDate int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*PhoneCallObj) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneCallObj) CRC() uint32
func (*PhoneCallObj) Encode ¶
func (e *PhoneCallObj) Encode() []byte
func (*PhoneCallObj) ImplementsPhoneCall ¶
func (*PhoneCallObj) ImplementsPhoneCall()
type PhoneCallProtocol ¶
type PhoneCallProtocol struct { UdpP2P bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` UdpReflector bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` MinLayer int32 `validate:"required"` MaxLayer int32 `validate:"required"` LibraryVersions []string `validate:"required"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*PhoneCallProtocol) CRC ¶
func (e *PhoneCallProtocol) CRC() uint32
func (*PhoneCallProtocol) Encode ¶
func (e *PhoneCallProtocol) Encode() []byte
type PhoneCallRequested ¶
type PhoneCallRequested struct { Video bool `flag:"6,encoded_in_bitflags"` Id int64 AccessHash int64 Date int32 AdminId int32 ParticipantId int32 GAHash []byte Protocol *PhoneCallProtocol // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*PhoneCallRequested) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneCallRequested) CRC() uint32
func (*PhoneCallRequested) Encode ¶
func (e *PhoneCallRequested) Encode() []byte
func (*PhoneCallRequested) ImplementsPhoneCall ¶
func (*PhoneCallRequested) ImplementsPhoneCall()
type PhoneCallWaiting ¶
type PhoneCallWaiting struct { Video bool `flag:"6,encoded_in_bitflags"` Id int64 AccessHash int64 Date int32 AdminId int32 ParticipantId int32 Protocol *PhoneCallProtocol ReceiveDate int32 `flag:"0"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*PhoneCallWaiting) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneCallWaiting) CRC() uint32
func (*PhoneCallWaiting) Encode ¶
func (e *PhoneCallWaiting) Encode() []byte
func (*PhoneCallWaiting) ImplementsPhoneCall ¶
func (*PhoneCallWaiting) ImplementsPhoneCall()
type PhoneConfirmCallParams ¶
type PhoneConfirmCallParams struct { Peer *InputPhoneCall GA []byte KeyFingerprint int64 Protocol *PhoneCallProtocol }
func (*PhoneConfirmCallParams) CRC ¶
func (e *PhoneConfirmCallParams) CRC() uint32
func (*PhoneConfirmCallParams) Encode ¶
func (e *PhoneConfirmCallParams) Encode() []byte
type PhoneConnection ¶
type PhoneConnectionObj ¶
func (*PhoneConnectionObj) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneConnectionObj) CRC() uint32
func (*PhoneConnectionObj) Encode ¶
func (e *PhoneConnectionObj) Encode() []byte
func (*PhoneConnectionObj) ImplementsPhoneConnection ¶
func (*PhoneConnectionObj) ImplementsPhoneConnection()
type PhoneConnectionWebrtc ¶
type PhoneConnectionWebrtc struct { Turn bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Stun bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Id int64 Ip string Ipv6 string Port int32 Username string Password string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*PhoneConnectionWebrtc) CRC ¶
func (*PhoneConnectionWebrtc) CRC() uint32
func (*PhoneConnectionWebrtc) Encode ¶
func (e *PhoneConnectionWebrtc) Encode() []byte
func (*PhoneConnectionWebrtc) ImplementsPhoneConnection ¶
func (*PhoneConnectionWebrtc) ImplementsPhoneConnection()
type PhoneDiscardCallParams ¶
type PhoneDiscardCallParams struct { Video bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer *InputPhoneCall Duration int32 Reason PhoneCallDiscardReason ConnectionId int64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*PhoneDiscardCallParams) CRC ¶
func (e *PhoneDiscardCallParams) CRC() uint32
func (*PhoneDiscardCallParams) Encode ¶
func (e *PhoneDiscardCallParams) Encode() []byte
type PhoneGetCallConfigParams ¶
type PhoneGetCallConfigParams struct{}
func (*PhoneGetCallConfigParams) CRC ¶
func (e *PhoneGetCallConfigParams) CRC() uint32
func (*PhoneGetCallConfigParams) Encode ¶
func (e *PhoneGetCallConfigParams) Encode() []byte
type PhonePhoneCall ¶
type PhonePhoneCall struct { PhoneCall PhoneCall `validate:"required"` Users []User `validate:"required"` }
func (*PhonePhoneCall) CRC ¶
func (e *PhonePhoneCall) CRC() uint32
func (*PhonePhoneCall) Encode ¶
func (e *PhonePhoneCall) Encode() []byte
type PhoneReceivedCallParams ¶
type PhoneReceivedCallParams struct {
Peer *InputPhoneCall
func (*PhoneReceivedCallParams) CRC ¶
func (e *PhoneReceivedCallParams) CRC() uint32
func (*PhoneReceivedCallParams) Encode ¶
func (e *PhoneReceivedCallParams) Encode() []byte
type PhoneRequestCallParams ¶
type PhoneRequestCallParams struct { Video bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` UserId InputUser RandomId int32 GAHash []byte Protocol *PhoneCallProtocol // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*PhoneRequestCallParams) CRC ¶
func (e *PhoneRequestCallParams) CRC() uint32
func (*PhoneRequestCallParams) Encode ¶
func (e *PhoneRequestCallParams) Encode() []byte
type PhoneSaveCallDebugParams ¶
type PhoneSaveCallDebugParams struct { Peer *InputPhoneCall Debug *DataJSON }
func (*PhoneSaveCallDebugParams) CRC ¶
func (e *PhoneSaveCallDebugParams) CRC() uint32
func (*PhoneSaveCallDebugParams) Encode ¶
func (e *PhoneSaveCallDebugParams) Encode() []byte
type PhoneSendSignalingDataParams ¶
type PhoneSendSignalingDataParams struct { Peer *InputPhoneCall Data []byte }
func (*PhoneSendSignalingDataParams) CRC ¶
func (e *PhoneSendSignalingDataParams) CRC() uint32
func (*PhoneSendSignalingDataParams) Encode ¶
func (e *PhoneSendSignalingDataParams) Encode() []byte
type PhoneSetCallRatingParams ¶
type PhoneSetCallRatingParams struct { UserInitiative bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer *InputPhoneCall Rating int32 Comment string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*PhoneSetCallRatingParams) CRC ¶
func (e *PhoneSetCallRatingParams) CRC() uint32
func (*PhoneSetCallRatingParams) Encode ¶
func (e *PhoneSetCallRatingParams) Encode() []byte
type PhotoCachedSize ¶
type PhotoCachedSize struct { Type string Location *FileLocation W int32 H int32 Bytes []byte }
func (*PhotoCachedSize) CRC ¶
func (*PhotoCachedSize) CRC() uint32
func (*PhotoCachedSize) Encode ¶
func (e *PhotoCachedSize) Encode() []byte
func (*PhotoCachedSize) ImplementsPhotoSize ¶
func (*PhotoCachedSize) ImplementsPhotoSize()
type PhotoEmpty ¶
type PhotoEmpty struct {
Id int64
func (*PhotoEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*PhotoEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*PhotoEmpty) Encode ¶
func (e *PhotoEmpty) Encode() []byte
func (*PhotoEmpty) ImplementsPhoto ¶
func (*PhotoEmpty) ImplementsPhoto()
type PhotoObj ¶
type PhotoObj struct { HasStickers bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Id int64 AccessHash int64 FileReference []byte Date int32 Sizes []PhotoSize VideoSizes []*VideoSize `flag:"1"` DcId int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*PhotoObj) ImplementsPhoto ¶
func (*PhotoObj) ImplementsPhoto()
type PhotoSizeEmpty ¶
type PhotoSizeEmpty struct {
Type string
func (*PhotoSizeEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*PhotoSizeEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*PhotoSizeEmpty) Encode ¶
func (e *PhotoSizeEmpty) Encode() []byte
func (*PhotoSizeEmpty) ImplementsPhotoSize ¶
func (*PhotoSizeEmpty) ImplementsPhotoSize()
type PhotoSizeObj ¶
type PhotoSizeObj struct { Type string Location *FileLocation W int32 H int32 Size int32 }
func (*PhotoSizeObj) CRC ¶
func (*PhotoSizeObj) CRC() uint32
func (*PhotoSizeObj) Encode ¶
func (e *PhotoSizeObj) Encode() []byte
func (*PhotoSizeObj) ImplementsPhotoSize ¶
func (*PhotoSizeObj) ImplementsPhotoSize()
type PhotoStrippedSize ¶
func (*PhotoStrippedSize) CRC ¶
func (*PhotoStrippedSize) CRC() uint32
func (*PhotoStrippedSize) Encode ¶
func (e *PhotoStrippedSize) Encode() []byte
func (*PhotoStrippedSize) ImplementsPhotoSize ¶
func (*PhotoStrippedSize) ImplementsPhotoSize()
type PhotosDeletePhotosParams ¶
type PhotosDeletePhotosParams struct {
Id []InputPhoto
func (*PhotosDeletePhotosParams) CRC ¶
func (e *PhotosDeletePhotosParams) CRC() uint32
func (*PhotosDeletePhotosParams) Encode ¶
func (e *PhotosDeletePhotosParams) Encode() []byte
type PhotosGetUserPhotosParams ¶
func (*PhotosGetUserPhotosParams) CRC ¶
func (e *PhotosGetUserPhotosParams) CRC() uint32
func (*PhotosGetUserPhotosParams) Encode ¶
func (e *PhotosGetUserPhotosParams) Encode() []byte
type PhotosPhoto ¶
func (*PhotosPhoto) CRC ¶
func (e *PhotosPhoto) CRC() uint32
func (*PhotosPhoto) Encode ¶
func (e *PhotosPhoto) Encode() []byte
type PhotosPhotos ¶
type PhotosPhotosObj ¶
func (*PhotosPhotosObj) CRC ¶
func (*PhotosPhotosObj) CRC() uint32
func (*PhotosPhotosObj) Encode ¶
func (e *PhotosPhotosObj) Encode() []byte
func (*PhotosPhotosObj) ImplementsPhotosPhotos ¶
func (*PhotosPhotosObj) ImplementsPhotosPhotos()
type PhotosPhotosSlice ¶
func (*PhotosPhotosSlice) CRC ¶
func (*PhotosPhotosSlice) CRC() uint32
func (*PhotosPhotosSlice) Encode ¶
func (e *PhotosPhotosSlice) Encode() []byte
func (*PhotosPhotosSlice) ImplementsPhotosPhotos ¶
func (*PhotosPhotosSlice) ImplementsPhotosPhotos()
type PhotosUpdateProfilePhotoParams ¶
type PhotosUpdateProfilePhotoParams struct {
Id InputPhoto
func (*PhotosUpdateProfilePhotoParams) CRC ¶
func (e *PhotosUpdateProfilePhotoParams) CRC() uint32
func (*PhotosUpdateProfilePhotoParams) Encode ¶
func (e *PhotosUpdateProfilePhotoParams) Encode() []byte
type PhotosUploadProfilePhotoParams ¶
type PhotosUploadProfilePhotoParams struct { File InputFile `flag:"0"` Video InputFile `flag:"1"` VideoStartTs float64 `flag:"2"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*PhotosUploadProfilePhotoParams) CRC ¶
func (e *PhotosUploadProfilePhotoParams) CRC() uint32
func (*PhotosUploadProfilePhotoParams) Encode ¶
func (e *PhotosUploadProfilePhotoParams) Encode() []byte
type Poll ¶
type Poll struct { Id int64 `validate:"required"` Closed bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` PublicVoters bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` MultipleChoice bool `flag:"2,encoded_in_bitflags"` Quiz bool `flag:"3,encoded_in_bitflags"` Question string `validate:"required"` Answers []*PollAnswer `validate:"required"` ClosePeriod int32 `flag:"4"` CloseDate int32 `flag:"5"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type PollAnswer ¶
func (*PollAnswer) CRC ¶
func (e *PollAnswer) CRC() uint32
func (*PollAnswer) Encode ¶
func (e *PollAnswer) Encode() []byte
type PollAnswerVoters ¶
type PollAnswerVoters struct { Chosen bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Correct bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Option []byte `validate:"required"` Voters int32 `validate:"required"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*PollAnswerVoters) CRC ¶
func (e *PollAnswerVoters) CRC() uint32
func (*PollAnswerVoters) Encode ¶
func (e *PollAnswerVoters) Encode() []byte
type PollResults ¶
type PollResults struct { Min bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Results []*PollAnswerVoters `flag:"1"` TotalVoters int32 `flag:"2"` RecentVoters []int32 `flag:"3"` Solution string `flag:"4"` SolutionEntities []MessageEntity `flag:"4"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*PollResults) CRC ¶
func (e *PollResults) CRC() uint32
func (*PollResults) Encode ¶
func (e *PollResults) Encode() []byte
type PopularContact ¶
type PopularContact struct { ClientId int64 `validate:"required"` Importers int32 `validate:"required"` }
func (*PopularContact) CRC ¶
func (e *PopularContact) CRC() uint32
func (*PopularContact) Encode ¶
func (e *PopularContact) Encode() []byte
type PostAddress ¶
type PostAddress struct { StreetLine1 string `validate:"required"` StreetLine2 string `validate:"required"` City string `validate:"required"` State string `validate:"required"` CountryIso2 string `validate:"required"` PostCode string `validate:"required"` }
func (*PostAddress) CRC ¶
func (e *PostAddress) CRC() uint32
func (*PostAddress) Encode ¶
func (e *PostAddress) Encode() []byte
type PrivacyKey ¶
type PrivacyKey uint32
const ( PrivacyKeyStatusTimestamp PrivacyKey = 3157175088 PrivacyKeyChatInvite PrivacyKey = 1343122938 PrivacyKeyPhoneCall PrivacyKey = 1030105979 PrivacyKeyPhoneP2P PrivacyKey = 961092808 PrivacyKeyForwards PrivacyKey = 1777096355 PrivacyKeyProfilePhoto PrivacyKey = 2517966829 PrivacyKeyPhoneNumber PrivacyKey = 3516589165 PrivacyKeyAddedByPhone PrivacyKey = 1124062251 )
func (PrivacyKey) CRC ¶
func (e PrivacyKey) CRC() uint32
func (PrivacyKey) Encode ¶
func (e PrivacyKey) Encode() []byte
func (PrivacyKey) String ¶
func (e PrivacyKey) String() string
type PrivacyRule ¶
type PrivacyValueAllowAll ¶
type PrivacyValueAllowAll struct{}
func (*PrivacyValueAllowAll) CRC ¶
func (*PrivacyValueAllowAll) CRC() uint32
func (*PrivacyValueAllowAll) Encode ¶
func (e *PrivacyValueAllowAll) Encode() []byte
func (*PrivacyValueAllowAll) ImplementsPrivacyRule ¶
func (*PrivacyValueAllowAll) ImplementsPrivacyRule()
type PrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants ¶
type PrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants struct {
Chats []int32
func (*PrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants) CRC ¶
func (*PrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants) CRC() uint32
func (*PrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants) Encode ¶
func (e *PrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants) Encode() []byte
func (*PrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants) ImplementsPrivacyRule ¶
func (*PrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants) ImplementsPrivacyRule()
type PrivacyValueAllowContacts ¶
type PrivacyValueAllowContacts struct{}
func (*PrivacyValueAllowContacts) CRC ¶
func (*PrivacyValueAllowContacts) CRC() uint32
func (*PrivacyValueAllowContacts) Encode ¶
func (e *PrivacyValueAllowContacts) Encode() []byte
func (*PrivacyValueAllowContacts) ImplementsPrivacyRule ¶
func (*PrivacyValueAllowContacts) ImplementsPrivacyRule()
type PrivacyValueAllowUsers ¶
type PrivacyValueAllowUsers struct {
Users []int32
func (*PrivacyValueAllowUsers) CRC ¶
func (*PrivacyValueAllowUsers) CRC() uint32
func (*PrivacyValueAllowUsers) Encode ¶
func (e *PrivacyValueAllowUsers) Encode() []byte
func (*PrivacyValueAllowUsers) ImplementsPrivacyRule ¶
func (*PrivacyValueAllowUsers) ImplementsPrivacyRule()
type PrivacyValueDisallowAll ¶
type PrivacyValueDisallowAll struct{}
func (*PrivacyValueDisallowAll) CRC ¶
func (*PrivacyValueDisallowAll) CRC() uint32
func (*PrivacyValueDisallowAll) Encode ¶
func (e *PrivacyValueDisallowAll) Encode() []byte
func (*PrivacyValueDisallowAll) ImplementsPrivacyRule ¶
func (*PrivacyValueDisallowAll) ImplementsPrivacyRule()
type PrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants ¶
type PrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants struct {
Chats []int32
func (*PrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants) CRC ¶
func (*PrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants) CRC() uint32
func (*PrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants) Encode ¶
func (e *PrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants) Encode() []byte
func (*PrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants) ImplementsPrivacyRule ¶
func (*PrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants) ImplementsPrivacyRule()
type PrivacyValueDisallowContacts ¶
type PrivacyValueDisallowContacts struct{}
func (*PrivacyValueDisallowContacts) CRC ¶
func (*PrivacyValueDisallowContacts) CRC() uint32
func (*PrivacyValueDisallowContacts) Encode ¶
func (e *PrivacyValueDisallowContacts) Encode() []byte
func (*PrivacyValueDisallowContacts) ImplementsPrivacyRule ¶
func (*PrivacyValueDisallowContacts) ImplementsPrivacyRule()
type PrivacyValueDisallowUsers ¶
type PrivacyValueDisallowUsers struct {
Users []int32
func (*PrivacyValueDisallowUsers) CRC ¶
func (*PrivacyValueDisallowUsers) CRC() uint32
func (*PrivacyValueDisallowUsers) Encode ¶
func (e *PrivacyValueDisallowUsers) Encode() []byte
func (*PrivacyValueDisallowUsers) ImplementsPrivacyRule ¶
func (*PrivacyValueDisallowUsers) ImplementsPrivacyRule()
type ReceivedNotifyMessage ¶
type ReceivedNotifyMessage struct { Id int32 `validate:"required"` Flags int32 `validate:"required"` }
func (*ReceivedNotifyMessage) CRC ¶
func (e *ReceivedNotifyMessage) CRC() uint32
func (*ReceivedNotifyMessage) Encode ¶
func (e *ReceivedNotifyMessage) Encode() []byte
type RecentMeUrl ¶
type RecentMeUrlChat ¶
func (*RecentMeUrlChat) CRC ¶
func (*RecentMeUrlChat) CRC() uint32
func (*RecentMeUrlChat) Encode ¶
func (e *RecentMeUrlChat) Encode() []byte
func (*RecentMeUrlChat) ImplementsRecentMeUrl ¶
func (*RecentMeUrlChat) ImplementsRecentMeUrl()
type RecentMeUrlChatInvite ¶
type RecentMeUrlChatInvite struct { Url string ChatInvite ChatInvite }
func (*RecentMeUrlChatInvite) CRC ¶
func (*RecentMeUrlChatInvite) CRC() uint32
func (*RecentMeUrlChatInvite) Encode ¶
func (e *RecentMeUrlChatInvite) Encode() []byte
func (*RecentMeUrlChatInvite) ImplementsRecentMeUrl ¶
func (*RecentMeUrlChatInvite) ImplementsRecentMeUrl()
type RecentMeUrlStickerSet ¶
type RecentMeUrlStickerSet struct { Url string Set StickerSetCovered }
func (*RecentMeUrlStickerSet) CRC ¶
func (*RecentMeUrlStickerSet) CRC() uint32
func (*RecentMeUrlStickerSet) Encode ¶
func (e *RecentMeUrlStickerSet) Encode() []byte
func (*RecentMeUrlStickerSet) ImplementsRecentMeUrl ¶
func (*RecentMeUrlStickerSet) ImplementsRecentMeUrl()
type RecentMeUrlUnknown ¶
type RecentMeUrlUnknown struct {
Url string
func (*RecentMeUrlUnknown) CRC ¶
func (*RecentMeUrlUnknown) CRC() uint32
func (*RecentMeUrlUnknown) Encode ¶
func (e *RecentMeUrlUnknown) Encode() []byte
func (*RecentMeUrlUnknown) ImplementsRecentMeUrl ¶
func (*RecentMeUrlUnknown) ImplementsRecentMeUrl()
type RecentMeUrlUser ¶
func (*RecentMeUrlUser) CRC ¶
func (*RecentMeUrlUser) CRC() uint32
func (*RecentMeUrlUser) Encode ¶
func (e *RecentMeUrlUser) Encode() []byte
func (*RecentMeUrlUser) ImplementsRecentMeUrl ¶
func (*RecentMeUrlUser) ImplementsRecentMeUrl()
type ReplyInlineMarkup ¶
type ReplyInlineMarkup struct {
Rows []*KeyboardButtonRow
func (*ReplyInlineMarkup) CRC ¶
func (*ReplyInlineMarkup) CRC() uint32
func (*ReplyInlineMarkup) Encode ¶
func (e *ReplyInlineMarkup) Encode() []byte
func (*ReplyInlineMarkup) ImplementsReplyMarkup ¶
func (*ReplyInlineMarkup) ImplementsReplyMarkup()
type ReplyKeyboardForceReply ¶
type ReplyKeyboardForceReply struct { SingleUse bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Selective bool `flag:"2,encoded_in_bitflags"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ReplyKeyboardForceReply) CRC ¶
func (*ReplyKeyboardForceReply) CRC() uint32
func (*ReplyKeyboardForceReply) Encode ¶
func (e *ReplyKeyboardForceReply) Encode() []byte
func (*ReplyKeyboardForceReply) ImplementsReplyMarkup ¶
func (*ReplyKeyboardForceReply) ImplementsReplyMarkup()
type ReplyKeyboardHide ¶
type ReplyKeyboardHide struct { Selective bool `flag:"2,encoded_in_bitflags"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ReplyKeyboardHide) CRC ¶
func (*ReplyKeyboardHide) CRC() uint32
func (*ReplyKeyboardHide) Encode ¶
func (e *ReplyKeyboardHide) Encode() []byte
func (*ReplyKeyboardHide) ImplementsReplyMarkup ¶
func (*ReplyKeyboardHide) ImplementsReplyMarkup()
type ReplyKeyboardMarkup ¶
type ReplyKeyboardMarkup struct { Resize bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` SingleUse bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Selective bool `flag:"2,encoded_in_bitflags"` Rows []*KeyboardButtonRow // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ReplyKeyboardMarkup) CRC ¶
func (*ReplyKeyboardMarkup) CRC() uint32
func (*ReplyKeyboardMarkup) Encode ¶
func (e *ReplyKeyboardMarkup) Encode() []byte
func (*ReplyKeyboardMarkup) ImplementsReplyMarkup ¶
func (*ReplyKeyboardMarkup) ImplementsReplyMarkup()
type ReplyMarkup ¶
type ReportReason ¶
type RestrictionReason ¶
type RestrictionReason struct { Platform string `validate:"required"` Reason string `validate:"required"` Text string `validate:"required"` }
func (*RestrictionReason) CRC ¶
func (e *RestrictionReason) CRC() uint32
func (*RestrictionReason) Encode ¶
func (e *RestrictionReason) Encode() []byte
type SavedContact ¶
type SavedContact struct { Phone string `validate:"required"` FirstName string `validate:"required"` LastName string `validate:"required"` Date int32 `validate:"required"` }
func (*SavedContact) CRC ¶
func (e *SavedContact) CRC() uint32
func (*SavedContact) Encode ¶
func (e *SavedContact) Encode() []byte
type SecureCredentialsEncrypted ¶
type SecureCredentialsEncrypted struct { Data []byte `validate:"required"` Hash []byte `validate:"required"` Secret []byte `validate:"required"` }
func (*SecureCredentialsEncrypted) CRC ¶
func (e *SecureCredentialsEncrypted) CRC() uint32
func (*SecureCredentialsEncrypted) Encode ¶
func (e *SecureCredentialsEncrypted) Encode() []byte
type SecureData ¶
type SecureData struct { Data []byte `validate:"required"` DataHash []byte `validate:"required"` Secret []byte `validate:"required"` }
func (*SecureData) CRC ¶
func (e *SecureData) CRC() uint32
func (*SecureData) Encode ¶
func (e *SecureData) Encode() []byte
type SecureFile ¶
type SecureFileEmpty ¶
type SecureFileEmpty struct{}
func (*SecureFileEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*SecureFileEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*SecureFileEmpty) Encode ¶
func (e *SecureFileEmpty) Encode() []byte
func (*SecureFileEmpty) ImplementsSecureFile ¶
func (*SecureFileEmpty) ImplementsSecureFile()
type SecureFileObj ¶
type SecureFileObj struct { Id int64 AccessHash int64 Size int32 DcId int32 Date int32 FileHash []byte Secret []byte }
func (*SecureFileObj) CRC ¶
func (*SecureFileObj) CRC() uint32
func (*SecureFileObj) Encode ¶
func (e *SecureFileObj) Encode() []byte
func (*SecureFileObj) ImplementsSecureFile ¶
func (*SecureFileObj) ImplementsSecureFile()
type SecurePasswordKdfAlgo ¶
type SecurePasswordKdfAlgoPBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000 ¶
type SecurePasswordKdfAlgoPBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000 struct {
Salt []byte
func (*SecurePasswordKdfAlgoPBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000) CRC ¶
func (*SecurePasswordKdfAlgoPBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000) CRC() uint32
func (*SecurePasswordKdfAlgoPBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000) Encode ¶
func (e *SecurePasswordKdfAlgoPBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000) Encode() []byte
func (*SecurePasswordKdfAlgoPBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000) ImplementsSecurePasswordKdfAlgo ¶
func (*SecurePasswordKdfAlgoPBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000) ImplementsSecurePasswordKdfAlgo()
type SecurePasswordKdfAlgoSHA512 ¶
type SecurePasswordKdfAlgoSHA512 struct {
Salt []byte
func (*SecurePasswordKdfAlgoSHA512) CRC ¶
func (*SecurePasswordKdfAlgoSHA512) CRC() uint32
func (*SecurePasswordKdfAlgoSHA512) Encode ¶
func (e *SecurePasswordKdfAlgoSHA512) Encode() []byte
func (*SecurePasswordKdfAlgoSHA512) ImplementsSecurePasswordKdfAlgo ¶
func (*SecurePasswordKdfAlgoSHA512) ImplementsSecurePasswordKdfAlgo()
type SecurePasswordKdfAlgoUnknown ¶
type SecurePasswordKdfAlgoUnknown struct{}
func (*SecurePasswordKdfAlgoUnknown) CRC ¶
func (*SecurePasswordKdfAlgoUnknown) CRC() uint32
func (*SecurePasswordKdfAlgoUnknown) Encode ¶
func (e *SecurePasswordKdfAlgoUnknown) Encode() []byte
func (*SecurePasswordKdfAlgoUnknown) ImplementsSecurePasswordKdfAlgo ¶
func (*SecurePasswordKdfAlgoUnknown) ImplementsSecurePasswordKdfAlgo()
type SecurePlainData ¶
type SecurePlainEmail ¶
type SecurePlainEmail struct {
Email string
func (*SecurePlainEmail) CRC ¶
func (*SecurePlainEmail) CRC() uint32
func (*SecurePlainEmail) Encode ¶
func (e *SecurePlainEmail) Encode() []byte
func (*SecurePlainEmail) ImplementsSecurePlainData ¶
func (*SecurePlainEmail) ImplementsSecurePlainData()
type SecurePlainPhone ¶
type SecurePlainPhone struct {
Phone string
func (*SecurePlainPhone) CRC ¶
func (*SecurePlainPhone) CRC() uint32
func (*SecurePlainPhone) Encode ¶
func (e *SecurePlainPhone) Encode() []byte
func (*SecurePlainPhone) ImplementsSecurePlainData ¶
func (*SecurePlainPhone) ImplementsSecurePlainData()
type SecureRequiredType ¶
type SecureRequiredTypeObj ¶
type SecureRequiredTypeObj struct { NativeNames bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` SelfieRequired bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` TranslationRequired bool `flag:"2,encoded_in_bitflags"` Type SecureValueType // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SecureRequiredTypeObj) CRC ¶
func (*SecureRequiredTypeObj) CRC() uint32
func (*SecureRequiredTypeObj) Encode ¶
func (e *SecureRequiredTypeObj) Encode() []byte
func (*SecureRequiredTypeObj) ImplementsSecureRequiredType ¶
func (*SecureRequiredTypeObj) ImplementsSecureRequiredType()
type SecureRequiredTypeOneOf ¶
type SecureRequiredTypeOneOf struct {
Types []SecureRequiredType
func (*SecureRequiredTypeOneOf) CRC ¶
func (*SecureRequiredTypeOneOf) CRC() uint32
func (*SecureRequiredTypeOneOf) Encode ¶
func (e *SecureRequiredTypeOneOf) Encode() []byte
func (*SecureRequiredTypeOneOf) ImplementsSecureRequiredType ¶
func (*SecureRequiredTypeOneOf) ImplementsSecureRequiredType()
type SecureSecretSettings ¶
type SecureSecretSettings struct { SecureAlgo SecurePasswordKdfAlgo `validate:"required"` SecureSecret []byte `validate:"required"` SecureSecretId int64 `validate:"required"` }
func (*SecureSecretSettings) CRC ¶
func (e *SecureSecretSettings) CRC() uint32
func (*SecureSecretSettings) Encode ¶
func (e *SecureSecretSettings) Encode() []byte
type SecureValue ¶
type SecureValue struct { Type SecureValueType `validate:"required"` Data *SecureData `flag:"0"` FrontSide SecureFile `flag:"1"` ReverseSide SecureFile `flag:"2"` Selfie SecureFile `flag:"3"` Translation []SecureFile `flag:"6"` Files []SecureFile `flag:"4"` PlainData SecurePlainData `flag:"5"` Hash []byte `validate:"required"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SecureValue) CRC ¶
func (e *SecureValue) CRC() uint32
func (*SecureValue) Encode ¶
func (e *SecureValue) Encode() []byte
type SecureValueError ¶
type SecureValueErrorData ¶
type SecureValueErrorData struct { Type SecureValueType DataHash []byte Field string Text string }
func (*SecureValueErrorData) CRC ¶
func (*SecureValueErrorData) CRC() uint32
func (*SecureValueErrorData) Encode ¶
func (e *SecureValueErrorData) Encode() []byte
func (*SecureValueErrorData) ImplementsSecureValueError ¶
func (*SecureValueErrorData) ImplementsSecureValueError()
type SecureValueErrorFile ¶
type SecureValueErrorFile struct { Type SecureValueType FileHash []byte Text string }
func (*SecureValueErrorFile) CRC ¶
func (*SecureValueErrorFile) CRC() uint32
func (*SecureValueErrorFile) Encode ¶
func (e *SecureValueErrorFile) Encode() []byte
func (*SecureValueErrorFile) ImplementsSecureValueError ¶
func (*SecureValueErrorFile) ImplementsSecureValueError()
type SecureValueErrorFiles ¶
type SecureValueErrorFiles struct { Type SecureValueType FileHash [][]byte Text string }
func (*SecureValueErrorFiles) CRC ¶
func (*SecureValueErrorFiles) CRC() uint32
func (*SecureValueErrorFiles) Encode ¶
func (e *SecureValueErrorFiles) Encode() []byte
func (*SecureValueErrorFiles) ImplementsSecureValueError ¶
func (*SecureValueErrorFiles) ImplementsSecureValueError()
type SecureValueErrorFrontSide ¶
type SecureValueErrorFrontSide struct { Type SecureValueType FileHash []byte Text string }
func (*SecureValueErrorFrontSide) CRC ¶
func (*SecureValueErrorFrontSide) CRC() uint32
func (*SecureValueErrorFrontSide) Encode ¶
func (e *SecureValueErrorFrontSide) Encode() []byte
func (*SecureValueErrorFrontSide) ImplementsSecureValueError ¶
func (*SecureValueErrorFrontSide) ImplementsSecureValueError()
type SecureValueErrorObj ¶
type SecureValueErrorObj struct { Type SecureValueType Hash []byte Text string }
func (*SecureValueErrorObj) CRC ¶
func (*SecureValueErrorObj) CRC() uint32
func (*SecureValueErrorObj) Encode ¶
func (e *SecureValueErrorObj) Encode() []byte
func (*SecureValueErrorObj) ImplementsSecureValueError ¶
func (*SecureValueErrorObj) ImplementsSecureValueError()
type SecureValueErrorReverseSide ¶
type SecureValueErrorReverseSide struct { Type SecureValueType FileHash []byte Text string }
func (*SecureValueErrorReverseSide) CRC ¶
func (*SecureValueErrorReverseSide) CRC() uint32
func (*SecureValueErrorReverseSide) Encode ¶
func (e *SecureValueErrorReverseSide) Encode() []byte
func (*SecureValueErrorReverseSide) ImplementsSecureValueError ¶
func (*SecureValueErrorReverseSide) ImplementsSecureValueError()
type SecureValueErrorSelfie ¶
type SecureValueErrorSelfie struct { Type SecureValueType FileHash []byte Text string }
func (*SecureValueErrorSelfie) CRC ¶
func (*SecureValueErrorSelfie) CRC() uint32
func (*SecureValueErrorSelfie) Encode ¶
func (e *SecureValueErrorSelfie) Encode() []byte
func (*SecureValueErrorSelfie) ImplementsSecureValueError ¶
func (*SecureValueErrorSelfie) ImplementsSecureValueError()
type SecureValueErrorTranslationFile ¶
type SecureValueErrorTranslationFile struct { Type SecureValueType FileHash []byte Text string }
func (*SecureValueErrorTranslationFile) CRC ¶
func (*SecureValueErrorTranslationFile) CRC() uint32
func (*SecureValueErrorTranslationFile) Encode ¶
func (e *SecureValueErrorTranslationFile) Encode() []byte
func (*SecureValueErrorTranslationFile) ImplementsSecureValueError ¶
func (*SecureValueErrorTranslationFile) ImplementsSecureValueError()
type SecureValueErrorTranslationFiles ¶
type SecureValueErrorTranslationFiles struct { Type SecureValueType FileHash [][]byte Text string }
func (*SecureValueErrorTranslationFiles) CRC ¶
func (*SecureValueErrorTranslationFiles) CRC() uint32
func (*SecureValueErrorTranslationFiles) Encode ¶
func (e *SecureValueErrorTranslationFiles) Encode() []byte
func (*SecureValueErrorTranslationFiles) ImplementsSecureValueError ¶
func (*SecureValueErrorTranslationFiles) ImplementsSecureValueError()
type SecureValueHash ¶
type SecureValueHash struct { Type SecureValueType `validate:"required"` Hash []byte `validate:"required"` }
func (*SecureValueHash) CRC ¶
func (e *SecureValueHash) CRC() uint32
func (*SecureValueHash) Encode ¶
func (e *SecureValueHash) Encode() []byte
type SecureValueType ¶
type SecureValueType uint32
const ( SecureValueTypePersonalDetails SecureValueType = 2636808675 SecureValueTypePassport SecureValueType = 1034709504 SecureValueTypeDriverLicense SecureValueType = 115615172 SecureValueTypeIdentityCard SecureValueType = 2698015819 SecureValueTypeInternalPassport SecureValueType = 2577698595 SecureValueTypeAddress SecureValueType = 3420659238 SecureValueTypeUtilityBill SecureValueType = 4231435598 SecureValueTypeBankStatement SecureValueType = 2299755533 SecureValueTypeRentalAgreement SecureValueType = 2340959368 SecureValueTypePassportRegistration SecureValueType = 2581823594 SecureValueTypeTemporaryRegistration SecureValueType = 3926060083 SecureValueTypePhone SecureValueType = 3005262555 SecureValueTypeEmail SecureValueType = 2386339822 )
func (SecureValueType) CRC ¶
func (e SecureValueType) CRC() uint32
func (SecureValueType) Encode ¶
func (e SecureValueType) Encode() []byte
func (SecureValueType) String ¶
func (e SecureValueType) String() string
type SendMessageAction ¶
type SendMessageCancelAction ¶
type SendMessageCancelAction struct{}
func (*SendMessageCancelAction) CRC ¶
func (*SendMessageCancelAction) CRC() uint32
func (*SendMessageCancelAction) Encode ¶
func (e *SendMessageCancelAction) Encode() []byte
func (*SendMessageCancelAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction ¶
func (*SendMessageCancelAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction()
type SendMessageChooseContactAction ¶
type SendMessageChooseContactAction struct{}
func (*SendMessageChooseContactAction) CRC ¶
func (*SendMessageChooseContactAction) CRC() uint32
func (*SendMessageChooseContactAction) Encode ¶
func (e *SendMessageChooseContactAction) Encode() []byte
func (*SendMessageChooseContactAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction ¶
func (*SendMessageChooseContactAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction()
type SendMessageGamePlayAction ¶
type SendMessageGamePlayAction struct{}
func (*SendMessageGamePlayAction) CRC ¶
func (*SendMessageGamePlayAction) CRC() uint32
func (*SendMessageGamePlayAction) Encode ¶
func (e *SendMessageGamePlayAction) Encode() []byte
func (*SendMessageGamePlayAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction ¶
func (*SendMessageGamePlayAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction()
type SendMessageGeoLocationAction ¶
type SendMessageGeoLocationAction struct{}
func (*SendMessageGeoLocationAction) CRC ¶
func (*SendMessageGeoLocationAction) CRC() uint32
func (*SendMessageGeoLocationAction) Encode ¶
func (e *SendMessageGeoLocationAction) Encode() []byte
func (*SendMessageGeoLocationAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction ¶
func (*SendMessageGeoLocationAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction()
type SendMessageRecordAudioAction ¶
type SendMessageRecordAudioAction struct{}
func (*SendMessageRecordAudioAction) CRC ¶
func (*SendMessageRecordAudioAction) CRC() uint32
func (*SendMessageRecordAudioAction) Encode ¶
func (e *SendMessageRecordAudioAction) Encode() []byte
func (*SendMessageRecordAudioAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction ¶
func (*SendMessageRecordAudioAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction()
type SendMessageRecordRoundAction ¶
type SendMessageRecordRoundAction struct{}
func (*SendMessageRecordRoundAction) CRC ¶
func (*SendMessageRecordRoundAction) CRC() uint32
func (*SendMessageRecordRoundAction) Encode ¶
func (e *SendMessageRecordRoundAction) Encode() []byte
func (*SendMessageRecordRoundAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction ¶
func (*SendMessageRecordRoundAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction()
type SendMessageRecordVideoAction ¶
type SendMessageRecordVideoAction struct{}
func (*SendMessageRecordVideoAction) CRC ¶
func (*SendMessageRecordVideoAction) CRC() uint32
func (*SendMessageRecordVideoAction) Encode ¶
func (e *SendMessageRecordVideoAction) Encode() []byte
func (*SendMessageRecordVideoAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction ¶
func (*SendMessageRecordVideoAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction()
type SendMessageTypingAction ¶
type SendMessageTypingAction struct{}
func (*SendMessageTypingAction) CRC ¶
func (*SendMessageTypingAction) CRC() uint32
func (*SendMessageTypingAction) Encode ¶
func (e *SendMessageTypingAction) Encode() []byte
func (*SendMessageTypingAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction ¶
func (*SendMessageTypingAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction()
type SendMessageUploadAudioAction ¶
type SendMessageUploadAudioAction struct {
Progress int32
func (*SendMessageUploadAudioAction) CRC ¶
func (*SendMessageUploadAudioAction) CRC() uint32
func (*SendMessageUploadAudioAction) Encode ¶
func (e *SendMessageUploadAudioAction) Encode() []byte
func (*SendMessageUploadAudioAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction ¶
func (*SendMessageUploadAudioAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction()
type SendMessageUploadDocumentAction ¶
type SendMessageUploadDocumentAction struct {
Progress int32
func (*SendMessageUploadDocumentAction) CRC ¶
func (*SendMessageUploadDocumentAction) CRC() uint32
func (*SendMessageUploadDocumentAction) Encode ¶
func (e *SendMessageUploadDocumentAction) Encode() []byte
func (*SendMessageUploadDocumentAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction ¶
func (*SendMessageUploadDocumentAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction()
type SendMessageUploadPhotoAction ¶
type SendMessageUploadPhotoAction struct {
Progress int32
func (*SendMessageUploadPhotoAction) CRC ¶
func (*SendMessageUploadPhotoAction) CRC() uint32
func (*SendMessageUploadPhotoAction) Encode ¶
func (e *SendMessageUploadPhotoAction) Encode() []byte
func (*SendMessageUploadPhotoAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction ¶
func (*SendMessageUploadPhotoAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction()
type SendMessageUploadRoundAction ¶
type SendMessageUploadRoundAction struct {
Progress int32
func (*SendMessageUploadRoundAction) CRC ¶
func (*SendMessageUploadRoundAction) CRC() uint32
func (*SendMessageUploadRoundAction) Encode ¶
func (e *SendMessageUploadRoundAction) Encode() []byte
func (*SendMessageUploadRoundAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction ¶
func (*SendMessageUploadRoundAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction()
type SendMessageUploadVideoAction ¶
type SendMessageUploadVideoAction struct {
Progress int32
func (*SendMessageUploadVideoAction) CRC ¶
func (*SendMessageUploadVideoAction) CRC() uint32
func (*SendMessageUploadVideoAction) Encode ¶
func (e *SendMessageUploadVideoAction) Encode() []byte
func (*SendMessageUploadVideoAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction ¶
func (*SendMessageUploadVideoAction) ImplementsSendMessageAction()
type ShippingOption ¶
type ShippingOption struct { Id string `validate:"required"` Title string `validate:"required"` Prices []*LabeledPrice `validate:"required"` }
func (*ShippingOption) CRC ¶
func (e *ShippingOption) CRC() uint32
func (*ShippingOption) Encode ¶
func (e *ShippingOption) Encode() []byte
type StatsAbsValueAndPrev ¶
type StatsAbsValueAndPrev struct { Current float64 `validate:"required"` Previous float64 `validate:"required"` }
func (*StatsAbsValueAndPrev) CRC ¶
func (e *StatsAbsValueAndPrev) CRC() uint32
func (*StatsAbsValueAndPrev) Encode ¶
func (e *StatsAbsValueAndPrev) Encode() []byte
type StatsBroadcastStats ¶
type StatsBroadcastStats struct { Period *StatsDateRangeDays `validate:"required"` Followers *StatsAbsValueAndPrev `validate:"required"` ViewsPerPost *StatsAbsValueAndPrev `validate:"required"` EnabledNotifications *StatsPercentValue `validate:"required"` GrowthGraph StatsGraph `validate:"required"` FollowersGraph StatsGraph `validate:"required"` MuteGraph StatsGraph `validate:"required"` TopHoursGraph StatsGraph `validate:"required"` InteractionsGraph StatsGraph `validate:"required"` IvInteractionsGraph StatsGraph `validate:"required"` ViewsBySourceGraph StatsGraph `validate:"required"` NewFollowersBySourceGraph StatsGraph `validate:"required"` LanguagesGraph StatsGraph `validate:"required"` RecentMessageInteractions []*MessageInteractionCounters `validate:"required"` }
func (*StatsBroadcastStats) CRC ¶
func (e *StatsBroadcastStats) CRC() uint32
func (*StatsBroadcastStats) Encode ¶
func (e *StatsBroadcastStats) Encode() []byte
type StatsDateRangeDays ¶
type StatsDateRangeDays struct { MinDate int32 `validate:"required"` MaxDate int32 `validate:"required"` }
func (*StatsDateRangeDays) CRC ¶
func (e *StatsDateRangeDays) CRC() uint32
func (*StatsDateRangeDays) Encode ¶
func (e *StatsDateRangeDays) Encode() []byte
type StatsGetBroadcastStatsParams ¶
type StatsGetBroadcastStatsParams struct { Dark bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Channel InputChannel // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*StatsGetBroadcastStatsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *StatsGetBroadcastStatsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*StatsGetBroadcastStatsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *StatsGetBroadcastStatsParams) Encode() []byte
type StatsGetMegagroupStatsParams ¶
type StatsGetMegagroupStatsParams struct { Dark bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Channel InputChannel // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*StatsGetMegagroupStatsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *StatsGetMegagroupStatsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*StatsGetMegagroupStatsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *StatsGetMegagroupStatsParams) Encode() []byte
type StatsGraph ¶
type StatsGraphAsync ¶
type StatsGraphAsync struct {
Token string
func (*StatsGraphAsync) CRC ¶
func (*StatsGraphAsync) CRC() uint32
func (*StatsGraphAsync) Encode ¶
func (e *StatsGraphAsync) Encode() []byte
func (*StatsGraphAsync) ImplementsStatsGraph ¶
func (*StatsGraphAsync) ImplementsStatsGraph()
type StatsGraphError ¶
type StatsGraphError struct {
Error string
func (*StatsGraphError) CRC ¶
func (*StatsGraphError) CRC() uint32
func (*StatsGraphError) Encode ¶
func (e *StatsGraphError) Encode() []byte
func (*StatsGraphError) ImplementsStatsGraph ¶
func (*StatsGraphError) ImplementsStatsGraph()
type StatsGraphObj ¶
type StatsGraphObj struct { Json *DataJSON ZoomToken string `flag:"0"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*StatsGraphObj) CRC ¶
func (*StatsGraphObj) CRC() uint32
func (*StatsGraphObj) Encode ¶
func (e *StatsGraphObj) Encode() []byte
func (*StatsGraphObj) ImplementsStatsGraph ¶
func (*StatsGraphObj) ImplementsStatsGraph()
type StatsGroupTopAdmin ¶
type StatsGroupTopAdmin struct { UserId int32 `validate:"required"` Deleted int32 `validate:"required"` Kicked int32 `validate:"required"` Banned int32 `validate:"required"` }
func (*StatsGroupTopAdmin) CRC ¶
func (e *StatsGroupTopAdmin) CRC() uint32
func (*StatsGroupTopAdmin) Encode ¶
func (e *StatsGroupTopAdmin) Encode() []byte
type StatsGroupTopInviter ¶
type StatsGroupTopInviter struct { UserId int32 `validate:"required"` Invitations int32 `validate:"required"` }
func (*StatsGroupTopInviter) CRC ¶
func (e *StatsGroupTopInviter) CRC() uint32
func (*StatsGroupTopInviter) Encode ¶
func (e *StatsGroupTopInviter) Encode() []byte
type StatsGroupTopPoster ¶
type StatsGroupTopPoster struct { UserId int32 `validate:"required"` Messages int32 `validate:"required"` AvgChars int32 `validate:"required"` }
func (*StatsGroupTopPoster) CRC ¶
func (e *StatsGroupTopPoster) CRC() uint32
func (*StatsGroupTopPoster) Encode ¶
func (e *StatsGroupTopPoster) Encode() []byte
type StatsLoadAsyncGraphParams ¶
type StatsLoadAsyncGraphParams struct { Token string X int64 `flag:"0"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*StatsLoadAsyncGraphParams) CRC ¶
func (e *StatsLoadAsyncGraphParams) CRC() uint32
func (*StatsLoadAsyncGraphParams) Encode ¶
func (e *StatsLoadAsyncGraphParams) Encode() []byte
type StatsMegagroupStats ¶
type StatsMegagroupStats struct { Period *StatsDateRangeDays `validate:"required"` Members *StatsAbsValueAndPrev `validate:"required"` Messages *StatsAbsValueAndPrev `validate:"required"` Viewers *StatsAbsValueAndPrev `validate:"required"` Posters *StatsAbsValueAndPrev `validate:"required"` GrowthGraph StatsGraph `validate:"required"` MembersGraph StatsGraph `validate:"required"` NewMembersBySourceGraph StatsGraph `validate:"required"` LanguagesGraph StatsGraph `validate:"required"` MessagesGraph StatsGraph `validate:"required"` ActionsGraph StatsGraph `validate:"required"` TopHoursGraph StatsGraph `validate:"required"` WeekdaysGraph StatsGraph `validate:"required"` TopPosters []*StatsGroupTopPoster `validate:"required"` TopAdmins []*StatsGroupTopAdmin `validate:"required"` TopInviters []*StatsGroupTopInviter `validate:"required"` Users []User `validate:"required"` }
func (*StatsMegagroupStats) CRC ¶
func (e *StatsMegagroupStats) CRC() uint32
func (*StatsMegagroupStats) Encode ¶
func (e *StatsMegagroupStats) Encode() []byte
type StatsPercentValue ¶
type StatsPercentValue struct { Part float64 `validate:"required"` Total float64 `validate:"required"` }
func (*StatsPercentValue) CRC ¶
func (e *StatsPercentValue) CRC() uint32
func (*StatsPercentValue) Encode ¶
func (e *StatsPercentValue) Encode() []byte
type StickerPack ¶
type StickerPack struct { Emoticon string `validate:"required"` Documents []int64 `validate:"required"` }
func (*StickerPack) CRC ¶
func (e *StickerPack) CRC() uint32
func (*StickerPack) Encode ¶
func (e *StickerPack) Encode() []byte
type StickerSet ¶
type StickerSet struct { Archived bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Official bool `flag:"2,encoded_in_bitflags"` Masks bool `flag:"3,encoded_in_bitflags"` Animated bool `flag:"5,encoded_in_bitflags"` InstalledDate int32 `flag:"0"` Id int64 `validate:"required"` AccessHash int64 `validate:"required"` Title string `validate:"required"` ShortName string `validate:"required"` Thumb PhotoSize `flag:"4"` ThumbDcId int32 `flag:"4"` Count int32 `validate:"required"` Hash int32 `validate:"required"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*StickerSet) CRC ¶
func (e *StickerSet) CRC() uint32
func (*StickerSet) Encode ¶
func (e *StickerSet) Encode() []byte
type StickerSetCovered ¶
type StickerSetCoveredObj ¶
type StickerSetCoveredObj struct { Set *StickerSet Cover Document }
func (*StickerSetCoveredObj) CRC ¶
func (*StickerSetCoveredObj) CRC() uint32
func (*StickerSetCoveredObj) Encode ¶
func (e *StickerSetCoveredObj) Encode() []byte
func (*StickerSetCoveredObj) ImplementsStickerSetCovered ¶
func (*StickerSetCoveredObj) ImplementsStickerSetCovered()
type StickerSetMultiCovered ¶
type StickerSetMultiCovered struct { Set *StickerSet Covers []Document }
func (*StickerSetMultiCovered) CRC ¶
func (*StickerSetMultiCovered) CRC() uint32
func (*StickerSetMultiCovered) Encode ¶
func (e *StickerSetMultiCovered) Encode() []byte
func (*StickerSetMultiCovered) ImplementsStickerSetCovered ¶
func (*StickerSetMultiCovered) ImplementsStickerSetCovered()
type StickersAddStickerToSetParams ¶
type StickersAddStickerToSetParams struct { Stickerset InputStickerSet Sticker *InputStickerSetItem }
func (*StickersAddStickerToSetParams) CRC ¶
func (e *StickersAddStickerToSetParams) CRC() uint32
func (*StickersAddStickerToSetParams) Encode ¶
func (e *StickersAddStickerToSetParams) Encode() []byte
type StickersChangeStickerPositionParams ¶
type StickersChangeStickerPositionParams struct { Sticker InputDocument Position int32 }
func (*StickersChangeStickerPositionParams) CRC ¶
func (e *StickersChangeStickerPositionParams) CRC() uint32
func (*StickersChangeStickerPositionParams) Encode ¶
func (e *StickersChangeStickerPositionParams) Encode() []byte
type StickersCreateStickerSetParams ¶
type StickersCreateStickerSetParams struct { Masks bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Animated bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` UserId InputUser Title string ShortName string Thumb InputDocument `flag:"2"` Stickers []*InputStickerSetItem // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*StickersCreateStickerSetParams) CRC ¶
func (e *StickersCreateStickerSetParams) CRC() uint32
func (*StickersCreateStickerSetParams) Encode ¶
func (e *StickersCreateStickerSetParams) Encode() []byte
type StickersRemoveStickerFromSetParams ¶
type StickersRemoveStickerFromSetParams struct {
Sticker InputDocument
func (*StickersRemoveStickerFromSetParams) CRC ¶
func (e *StickersRemoveStickerFromSetParams) CRC() uint32
func (*StickersRemoveStickerFromSetParams) Encode ¶
func (e *StickersRemoveStickerFromSetParams) Encode() []byte
type StickersSetStickerSetThumbParams ¶
type StickersSetStickerSetThumbParams struct { Stickerset InputStickerSet Thumb InputDocument }
func (*StickersSetStickerSetThumbParams) CRC ¶
func (e *StickersSetStickerSetThumbParams) CRC() uint32
func (*StickersSetStickerSetThumbParams) Encode ¶
func (e *StickersSetStickerSetThumbParams) Encode() []byte
type StorageFileType ¶
type StorageFileType uint32
const ( StorageFileUnknown StorageFileType = 2861972229 StorageFilePartial StorageFileType = 1086091090 StorageFileJpeg StorageFileType = 8322574 StorageFileGif StorageFileType = 3403786975 StorageFilePng StorageFileType = 172975040 StorageFilePdf StorageFileType = 2921222285 StorageFileMp3 StorageFileType = 1384777335 StorageFileMov StorageFileType = 1258941372 StorageFileMp4 StorageFileType = 3016663268 StorageFileWebp StorageFileType = 276907596 )
func (StorageFileType) CRC ¶
func (e StorageFileType) CRC() uint32
func (StorageFileType) Encode ¶
func (e StorageFileType) Encode() []byte
func (StorageFileType) String ¶
func (e StorageFileType) String() string
type TextAnchor ¶
func (*TextAnchor) CRC ¶
func (*TextAnchor) CRC() uint32
func (*TextAnchor) Encode ¶
func (e *TextAnchor) Encode() []byte
func (*TextAnchor) ImplementsRichText ¶
func (*TextAnchor) ImplementsRichText()
type TextBold ¶
type TextBold struct {
Text RichText
func (*TextBold) ImplementsRichText ¶
func (*TextBold) ImplementsRichText()
type TextConcat ¶
type TextConcat struct {
Texts []RichText
func (*TextConcat) CRC ¶
func (*TextConcat) CRC() uint32
func (*TextConcat) Encode ¶
func (e *TextConcat) Encode() []byte
func (*TextConcat) ImplementsRichText ¶
func (*TextConcat) ImplementsRichText()
type TextEmail ¶
func (*TextEmail) ImplementsRichText ¶
func (*TextEmail) ImplementsRichText()
type TextEmpty ¶
type TextEmpty struct{}
func (*TextEmpty) ImplementsRichText ¶
func (*TextEmpty) ImplementsRichText()
type TextFixed ¶
type TextFixed struct {
Text RichText
func (*TextFixed) ImplementsRichText ¶
func (*TextFixed) ImplementsRichText()
type TextImage ¶
func (*TextImage) ImplementsRichText ¶
func (*TextImage) ImplementsRichText()
type TextItalic ¶
type TextItalic struct {
Text RichText
func (*TextItalic) CRC ¶
func (*TextItalic) CRC() uint32
func (*TextItalic) Encode ¶
func (e *TextItalic) Encode() []byte
func (*TextItalic) ImplementsRichText ¶
func (*TextItalic) ImplementsRichText()
type TextMarked ¶
type TextMarked struct {
Text RichText
func (*TextMarked) CRC ¶
func (*TextMarked) CRC() uint32
func (*TextMarked) Encode ¶
func (e *TextMarked) Encode() []byte
func (*TextMarked) ImplementsRichText ¶
func (*TextMarked) ImplementsRichText()
type TextPhone ¶
func (*TextPhone) ImplementsRichText ¶
func (*TextPhone) ImplementsRichText()
type TextPlain ¶
type TextPlain struct {
Text string
func (*TextPlain) ImplementsRichText ¶
func (*TextPlain) ImplementsRichText()
type TextStrike ¶
type TextStrike struct {
Text RichText
func (*TextStrike) CRC ¶
func (*TextStrike) CRC() uint32
func (*TextStrike) Encode ¶
func (e *TextStrike) Encode() []byte
func (*TextStrike) ImplementsRichText ¶
func (*TextStrike) ImplementsRichText()
type TextSubscript ¶
type TextSubscript struct {
Text RichText
func (*TextSubscript) CRC ¶
func (*TextSubscript) CRC() uint32
func (*TextSubscript) Encode ¶
func (e *TextSubscript) Encode() []byte
func (*TextSubscript) ImplementsRichText ¶
func (*TextSubscript) ImplementsRichText()
type TextSuperscript ¶
type TextSuperscript struct {
Text RichText
func (*TextSuperscript) CRC ¶
func (*TextSuperscript) CRC() uint32
func (*TextSuperscript) Encode ¶
func (e *TextSuperscript) Encode() []byte
func (*TextSuperscript) ImplementsRichText ¶
func (*TextSuperscript) ImplementsRichText()
type TextUnderline ¶
type TextUnderline struct {
Text RichText
func (*TextUnderline) CRC ¶
func (*TextUnderline) CRC() uint32
func (*TextUnderline) Encode ¶
func (e *TextUnderline) Encode() []byte
func (*TextUnderline) ImplementsRichText ¶
func (*TextUnderline) ImplementsRichText()
type TextUrl ¶
func (*TextUrl) ImplementsRichText ¶
func (*TextUrl) ImplementsRichText()
type Theme ¶
type Theme struct { Creator bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Default bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Id int64 `validate:"required"` AccessHash int64 `validate:"required"` Slug string `validate:"required"` Title string `validate:"required"` Document Document `flag:"2"` Settings *ThemeSettings `flag:"3"` InstallsCount int32 `validate:"required"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type ThemeSettings ¶
type ThemeSettings struct { BaseTheme BaseTheme `validate:"required"` AccentColor int32 `validate:"required"` MessageTopColor int32 `flag:"0"` MessageBottomColor int32 `flag:"0"` Wallpaper WallPaper `flag:"1"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ThemeSettings) CRC ¶
func (e *ThemeSettings) CRC() uint32
func (*ThemeSettings) Encode ¶
func (e *ThemeSettings) Encode() []byte
type TopPeerCategory ¶
type TopPeerCategory uint32
const ( TopPeerCategoryBotsPM TopPeerCategory = 2875595611 TopPeerCategoryBotsInline TopPeerCategory = 344356834 TopPeerCategoryCorrespondents TopPeerCategory = 104314861 TopPeerCategoryGroups TopPeerCategory = 3172442442 TopPeerCategoryChannels TopPeerCategory = 371037736 TopPeerCategoryPhoneCalls TopPeerCategory = 511092620 TopPeerCategoryForwardUsers TopPeerCategory = 2822794409 TopPeerCategoryForwardChats TopPeerCategory = 4226728176 )
func (TopPeerCategory) CRC ¶
func (e TopPeerCategory) CRC() uint32
func (TopPeerCategory) Encode ¶
func (e TopPeerCategory) Encode() []byte
func (TopPeerCategory) String ¶
func (e TopPeerCategory) String() string
type TopPeerCategoryPeers ¶
type TopPeerCategoryPeers struct { Category TopPeerCategory `validate:"required"` Count int32 `validate:"required"` Peers []*TopPeer `validate:"required"` }
func (*TopPeerCategoryPeers) CRC ¶
func (e *TopPeerCategoryPeers) CRC() uint32
func (*TopPeerCategoryPeers) Encode ¶
func (e *TopPeerCategoryPeers) Encode() []byte
type UpdateBotCallbackQuery ¶
type UpdateBotCallbackQuery struct { QueryId int64 UserId int32 Peer Peer MsgId int32 ChatInstance int64 Data []byte `flag:"0"` GameShortName string `flag:"1"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*UpdateBotCallbackQuery) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateBotCallbackQuery) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateBotCallbackQuery) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateBotCallbackQuery) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateBotCallbackQuery) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateBotCallbackQuery) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateBotInlineQuery ¶
type UpdateBotInlineQuery struct { QueryId int64 UserId int32 Query string Geo GeoPoint `flag:"0"` Offset string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*UpdateBotInlineQuery) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateBotInlineQuery) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateBotInlineQuery) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateBotInlineQuery) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateBotInlineQuery) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateBotInlineQuery) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateBotInlineSend ¶
type UpdateBotInlineSend struct { UserId int32 Query string Geo GeoPoint `flag:"0"` Id string MsgId *InputBotInlineMessageID `flag:"1"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*UpdateBotInlineSend) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateBotInlineSend) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateBotInlineSend) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateBotInlineSend) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateBotInlineSend) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateBotInlineSend) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateBotPrecheckoutQuery ¶
type UpdateBotPrecheckoutQuery struct { QueryId int64 UserId int32 Payload []byte Info *PaymentRequestedInfo `flag:"0"` ShippingOptionId string `flag:"1"` Currency string TotalAmount int64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*UpdateBotPrecheckoutQuery) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateBotPrecheckoutQuery) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateBotPrecheckoutQuery) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateBotPrecheckoutQuery) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateBotPrecheckoutQuery) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateBotPrecheckoutQuery) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateBotShippingQuery ¶
type UpdateBotShippingQuery struct { QueryId int64 UserId int32 Payload []byte ShippingAddress *PostAddress }
func (*UpdateBotShippingQuery) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateBotShippingQuery) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateBotShippingQuery) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateBotShippingQuery) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateBotShippingQuery) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateBotShippingQuery) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateBotWebhookJSON ¶
type UpdateBotWebhookJSON struct {
Data *DataJSON
func (*UpdateBotWebhookJSON) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateBotWebhookJSON) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateBotWebhookJSON) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateBotWebhookJSON) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateBotWebhookJSON) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateBotWebhookJSON) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateBotWebhookJSONQuery ¶
func (*UpdateBotWebhookJSONQuery) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateBotWebhookJSONQuery) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateBotWebhookJSONQuery) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateBotWebhookJSONQuery) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateBotWebhookJSONQuery) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateBotWebhookJSONQuery) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateChannel ¶
type UpdateChannel struct {
ChannelId int32
func (*UpdateChannel) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateChannel) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateChannel) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateChannel) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateChannel) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateChannel) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateChannelAvailableMessages ¶
func (*UpdateChannelAvailableMessages) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateChannelAvailableMessages) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateChannelAvailableMessages) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateChannelAvailableMessages) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateChannelAvailableMessages) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateChannelAvailableMessages) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateChannelMessageViews ¶
func (*UpdateChannelMessageViews) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateChannelMessageViews) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateChannelMessageViews) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateChannelMessageViews) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateChannelMessageViews) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateChannelMessageViews) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateChannelParticipant ¶
type UpdateChannelParticipant struct { ChannelId int32 Date int32 UserId int32 PrevParticipant ChannelParticipant `flag:"0"` NewParticipant ChannelParticipant `flag:"1"` Qts int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*UpdateChannelParticipant) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateChannelParticipant) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateChannelParticipant) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateChannelParticipant) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateChannelParticipant) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateChannelParticipant) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateChannelPinnedMessage ¶
func (*UpdateChannelPinnedMessage) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateChannelPinnedMessage) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateChannelPinnedMessage) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateChannelPinnedMessage) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateChannelPinnedMessage) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateChannelPinnedMessage) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateChannelReadMessagesContents ¶
func (*UpdateChannelReadMessagesContents) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateChannelReadMessagesContents) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateChannelReadMessagesContents) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateChannelReadMessagesContents) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateChannelReadMessagesContents) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateChannelReadMessagesContents) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateChannelTooLong ¶
type UpdateChannelTooLong struct { ChannelId int32 Pts int32 `flag:"0"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*UpdateChannelTooLong) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateChannelTooLong) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateChannelTooLong) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateChannelTooLong) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateChannelTooLong) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateChannelTooLong) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateChannelWebPage ¶
func (*UpdateChannelWebPage) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateChannelWebPage) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateChannelWebPage) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateChannelWebPage) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateChannelWebPage) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateChannelWebPage) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateChatDefaultBannedRights ¶
type UpdateChatDefaultBannedRights struct { Peer Peer DefaultBannedRights *ChatBannedRights Version int32 }
func (*UpdateChatDefaultBannedRights) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateChatDefaultBannedRights) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateChatDefaultBannedRights) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateChatDefaultBannedRights) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateChatDefaultBannedRights) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateChatDefaultBannedRights) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateChatParticipantAdd ¶
type UpdateChatParticipantAdd struct { ChatId int32 UserId int32 InviterId int32 Date int32 Version int32 }
func (*UpdateChatParticipantAdd) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateChatParticipantAdd) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateChatParticipantAdd) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateChatParticipantAdd) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateChatParticipantAdd) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateChatParticipantAdd) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateChatParticipantAdmin ¶
func (*UpdateChatParticipantAdmin) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateChatParticipantAdmin) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateChatParticipantAdmin) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateChatParticipantAdmin) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateChatParticipantAdmin) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateChatParticipantAdmin) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateChatParticipantDelete ¶
func (*UpdateChatParticipantDelete) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateChatParticipantDelete) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateChatParticipantDelete) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateChatParticipantDelete) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateChatParticipantDelete) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateChatParticipantDelete) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateChatParticipants ¶
type UpdateChatParticipants struct {
Participants ChatParticipants
func (*UpdateChatParticipants) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateChatParticipants) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateChatParticipants) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateChatParticipants) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateChatParticipants) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateChatParticipants) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateChatPinnedMessage ¶
func (*UpdateChatPinnedMessage) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateChatPinnedMessage) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateChatPinnedMessage) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateChatPinnedMessage) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateChatPinnedMessage) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateChatPinnedMessage) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateChatUserTyping ¶
type UpdateChatUserTyping struct { ChatId int32 UserId int32 Action SendMessageAction }
func (*UpdateChatUserTyping) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateChatUserTyping) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateChatUserTyping) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateChatUserTyping) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateChatUserTyping) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateChatUserTyping) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateConfig ¶
type UpdateConfig struct{}
func (*UpdateConfig) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateConfig) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateConfig) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateConfig) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateConfig) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateConfig) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateContactsReset ¶
type UpdateContactsReset struct{}
func (*UpdateContactsReset) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateContactsReset) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateContactsReset) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateContactsReset) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateContactsReset) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateContactsReset) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateDcOptions ¶
type UpdateDcOptions struct {
DcOptions []*DcOption
func (*UpdateDcOptions) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateDcOptions) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateDcOptions) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateDcOptions) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateDcOptions) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateDcOptions) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateDeleteChannelMessages ¶
type UpdateDeleteChannelMessages struct { ChannelId int32 Messages []int32 Pts int32 PtsCount int32 }
func (*UpdateDeleteChannelMessages) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateDeleteChannelMessages) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateDeleteChannelMessages) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateDeleteChannelMessages) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateDeleteChannelMessages) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateDeleteChannelMessages) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateDeleteMessages ¶
func (*UpdateDeleteMessages) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateDeleteMessages) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateDeleteMessages) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateDeleteMessages) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateDeleteMessages) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateDeleteMessages) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateDeleteScheduledMessages ¶
func (*UpdateDeleteScheduledMessages) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateDeleteScheduledMessages) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateDeleteScheduledMessages) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateDeleteScheduledMessages) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateDeleteScheduledMessages) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateDeleteScheduledMessages) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateDialogFilter ¶
type UpdateDialogFilter struct { Id int32 Filter *DialogFilter `flag:"0"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*UpdateDialogFilter) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateDialogFilter) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateDialogFilter) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateDialogFilter) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateDialogFilter) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateDialogFilter) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateDialogFilterOrder ¶
type UpdateDialogFilterOrder struct {
Order []int32
func (*UpdateDialogFilterOrder) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateDialogFilterOrder) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateDialogFilterOrder) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateDialogFilterOrder) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateDialogFilterOrder) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateDialogFilterOrder) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateDialogFilters ¶
type UpdateDialogFilters struct{}
func (*UpdateDialogFilters) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateDialogFilters) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateDialogFilters) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateDialogFilters) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateDialogFilters) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateDialogFilters) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateDialogPinned ¶
type UpdateDialogPinned struct { Pinned bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` FolderId int32 `flag:"1"` Peer DialogPeer // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*UpdateDialogPinned) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateDialogPinned) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateDialogPinned) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateDialogPinned) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateDialogPinned) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateDialogPinned) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateDialogUnreadMark ¶
type UpdateDialogUnreadMark struct { Unread bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Peer DialogPeer // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*UpdateDialogUnreadMark) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateDialogUnreadMark) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateDialogUnreadMark) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateDialogUnreadMark) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateDialogUnreadMark) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateDialogUnreadMark) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateDraftMessage ¶
type UpdateDraftMessage struct { Peer Peer Draft DraftMessage }
func (*UpdateDraftMessage) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateDraftMessage) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateDraftMessage) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateDraftMessage) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateDraftMessage) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateDraftMessage) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateEditChannelMessage ¶
func (*UpdateEditChannelMessage) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateEditChannelMessage) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateEditChannelMessage) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateEditChannelMessage) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateEditChannelMessage) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateEditChannelMessage) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateEditMessage ¶
func (*UpdateEditMessage) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateEditMessage) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateEditMessage) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateEditMessage) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateEditMessage) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateEditMessage) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateEncryptedChatTyping ¶
type UpdateEncryptedChatTyping struct {
ChatId int32
func (*UpdateEncryptedChatTyping) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateEncryptedChatTyping) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateEncryptedChatTyping) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateEncryptedChatTyping) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateEncryptedChatTyping) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateEncryptedChatTyping) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateEncryptedMessagesRead ¶
func (*UpdateEncryptedMessagesRead) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateEncryptedMessagesRead) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateEncryptedMessagesRead) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateEncryptedMessagesRead) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateEncryptedMessagesRead) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateEncryptedMessagesRead) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateEncryption ¶
type UpdateEncryption struct { Chat EncryptedChat Date int32 }
func (*UpdateEncryption) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateEncryption) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateEncryption) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateEncryption) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateEncryption) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateEncryption) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateFavedStickers ¶
type UpdateFavedStickers struct{}
func (*UpdateFavedStickers) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateFavedStickers) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateFavedStickers) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateFavedStickers) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateFavedStickers) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateFavedStickers) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateFolderPeers ¶
type UpdateFolderPeers struct { FolderPeers []*FolderPeer Pts int32 PtsCount int32 }
func (*UpdateFolderPeers) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateFolderPeers) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateFolderPeers) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateFolderPeers) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateFolderPeers) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateFolderPeers) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateGeoLiveViewed ¶
func (*UpdateGeoLiveViewed) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateGeoLiveViewed) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateGeoLiveViewed) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateGeoLiveViewed) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateGeoLiveViewed) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateGeoLiveViewed) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateInlineBotCallbackQuery ¶
type UpdateInlineBotCallbackQuery struct { QueryId int64 UserId int32 MsgId *InputBotInlineMessageID ChatInstance int64 Data []byte `flag:"0"` GameShortName string `flag:"1"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*UpdateInlineBotCallbackQuery) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateInlineBotCallbackQuery) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateInlineBotCallbackQuery) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateInlineBotCallbackQuery) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateInlineBotCallbackQuery) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateInlineBotCallbackQuery) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateLangPack ¶
type UpdateLangPack struct {
Difference *LangPackDifference
func (*UpdateLangPack) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateLangPack) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateLangPack) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateLangPack) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateLangPack) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateLangPack) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateLangPackTooLong ¶
type UpdateLangPackTooLong struct {
LangCode string
func (*UpdateLangPackTooLong) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateLangPackTooLong) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateLangPackTooLong) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateLangPackTooLong) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateLangPackTooLong) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateLangPackTooLong) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateLoginToken ¶
type UpdateLoginToken struct{}
func (*UpdateLoginToken) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateLoginToken) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateLoginToken) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateLoginToken) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateLoginToken) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateLoginToken) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateMessageID ¶
func (*UpdateMessageID) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateMessageID) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateMessageID) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateMessageID) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateMessageID) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateMessageID) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateMessagePoll ¶
type UpdateMessagePoll struct { PollId int64 Poll *Poll `flag:"0"` Results *PollResults // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*UpdateMessagePoll) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateMessagePoll) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateMessagePoll) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateMessagePoll) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateMessagePoll) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateMessagePoll) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateMessagePollVote ¶
func (*UpdateMessagePollVote) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateMessagePollVote) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateMessagePollVote) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateMessagePollVote) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateMessagePollVote) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateMessagePollVote) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateNewChannelMessage ¶
func (*UpdateNewChannelMessage) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateNewChannelMessage) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateNewChannelMessage) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateNewChannelMessage) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateNewChannelMessage) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateNewChannelMessage) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateNewEncryptedMessage ¶
type UpdateNewEncryptedMessage struct { Message EncryptedMessage Qts int32 }
func (*UpdateNewEncryptedMessage) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateNewEncryptedMessage) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateNewEncryptedMessage) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateNewEncryptedMessage) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateNewEncryptedMessage) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateNewEncryptedMessage) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateNewMessage ¶
func (*UpdateNewMessage) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateNewMessage) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateNewMessage) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateNewMessage) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateNewMessage) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateNewMessage) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateNewScheduledMessage ¶
type UpdateNewScheduledMessage struct {
Message Message
func (*UpdateNewScheduledMessage) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateNewScheduledMessage) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateNewScheduledMessage) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateNewScheduledMessage) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateNewScheduledMessage) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateNewScheduledMessage) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateNewStickerSet ¶
type UpdateNewStickerSet struct {
Stickerset *MessagesStickerSet
func (*UpdateNewStickerSet) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateNewStickerSet) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateNewStickerSet) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateNewStickerSet) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateNewStickerSet) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateNewStickerSet) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateNotifySettings ¶
type UpdateNotifySettings struct { Peer NotifyPeer NotifySettings *PeerNotifySettings }
func (*UpdateNotifySettings) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateNotifySettings) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateNotifySettings) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateNotifySettings) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateNotifySettings) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateNotifySettings) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdatePeerLocated ¶
type UpdatePeerLocated struct {
Peers []PeerLocated
func (*UpdatePeerLocated) CRC ¶
func (*UpdatePeerLocated) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdatePeerLocated) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdatePeerLocated) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdatePeerLocated) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdatePeerLocated) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdatePeerSettings ¶
type UpdatePeerSettings struct { Peer Peer Settings *PeerSettings }
func (*UpdatePeerSettings) CRC ¶
func (*UpdatePeerSettings) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdatePeerSettings) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdatePeerSettings) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdatePeerSettings) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdatePeerSettings) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdatePhoneCall ¶
type UpdatePhoneCall struct {
PhoneCall PhoneCall
func (*UpdatePhoneCall) CRC ¶
func (*UpdatePhoneCall) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdatePhoneCall) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdatePhoneCall) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdatePhoneCall) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdatePhoneCall) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdatePhoneCallSignalingData ¶
func (*UpdatePhoneCallSignalingData) CRC ¶
func (*UpdatePhoneCallSignalingData) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdatePhoneCallSignalingData) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdatePhoneCallSignalingData) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdatePhoneCallSignalingData) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdatePhoneCallSignalingData) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdatePinnedDialogs ¶
type UpdatePinnedDialogs struct { FolderId int32 `flag:"1"` Order []DialogPeer `flag:"0"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*UpdatePinnedDialogs) CRC ¶
func (*UpdatePinnedDialogs) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdatePinnedDialogs) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdatePinnedDialogs) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdatePinnedDialogs) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdatePinnedDialogs) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdatePrivacy ¶
type UpdatePrivacy struct { Key PrivacyKey Rules []PrivacyRule }
func (*UpdatePrivacy) CRC ¶
func (*UpdatePrivacy) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdatePrivacy) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdatePrivacy) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdatePrivacy) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdatePrivacy) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdatePtsChanged ¶
type UpdatePtsChanged struct{}
func (*UpdatePtsChanged) CRC ¶
func (*UpdatePtsChanged) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdatePtsChanged) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdatePtsChanged) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdatePtsChanged) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdatePtsChanged) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateReadChannelInbox ¶
type UpdateReadChannelInbox struct { FolderId int32 `flag:"0"` ChannelId int32 MaxId int32 StillUnreadCount int32 Pts int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*UpdateReadChannelInbox) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateReadChannelInbox) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateReadChannelInbox) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateReadChannelInbox) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateReadChannelInbox) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateReadChannelInbox) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateReadChannelOutbox ¶
func (*UpdateReadChannelOutbox) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateReadChannelOutbox) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateReadChannelOutbox) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateReadChannelOutbox) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateReadChannelOutbox) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateReadChannelOutbox) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateReadFeaturedStickers ¶
type UpdateReadFeaturedStickers struct{}
func (*UpdateReadFeaturedStickers) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateReadFeaturedStickers) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateReadFeaturedStickers) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateReadFeaturedStickers) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateReadFeaturedStickers) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateReadFeaturedStickers) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateReadHistoryInbox ¶
type UpdateReadHistoryInbox struct { FolderId int32 `flag:"0"` Peer Peer MaxId int32 StillUnreadCount int32 Pts int32 PtsCount int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*UpdateReadHistoryInbox) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateReadHistoryInbox) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateReadHistoryInbox) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateReadHistoryInbox) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateReadHistoryInbox) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateReadHistoryInbox) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateReadHistoryOutbox ¶
func (*UpdateReadHistoryOutbox) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateReadHistoryOutbox) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateReadHistoryOutbox) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateReadHistoryOutbox) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateReadHistoryOutbox) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateReadHistoryOutbox) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateReadMessagesContents ¶
func (*UpdateReadMessagesContents) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateReadMessagesContents) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateReadMessagesContents) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateReadMessagesContents) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateReadMessagesContents) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateReadMessagesContents) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateRecentStickers ¶
type UpdateRecentStickers struct{}
func (*UpdateRecentStickers) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateRecentStickers) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateRecentStickers) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateRecentStickers) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateRecentStickers) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateRecentStickers) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateSavedGifs ¶
type UpdateSavedGifs struct{}
func (*UpdateSavedGifs) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateSavedGifs) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateSavedGifs) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateSavedGifs) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateSavedGifs) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateSavedGifs) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateServiceNotification ¶
type UpdateServiceNotification struct { Popup bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` InboxDate int32 `flag:"1"` Type string Message string Media MessageMedia Entities []MessageEntity // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*UpdateServiceNotification) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateServiceNotification) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateServiceNotification) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateServiceNotification) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateServiceNotification) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateServiceNotification) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateShort ¶
func (*UpdateShort) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateShort) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateShort) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateShort) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateShort) ImplementsUpdates ¶
func (*UpdateShort) ImplementsUpdates()
type UpdateShortChatMessage ¶
type UpdateShortChatMessage struct { Out bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Mentioned bool `flag:"4,encoded_in_bitflags"` MediaUnread bool `flag:"5,encoded_in_bitflags"` Silent bool `flag:"13,encoded_in_bitflags"` Id int32 FromId int32 ChatId int32 Message string Pts int32 PtsCount int32 Date int32 FwdFrom *MessageFwdHeader `flag:"2"` ViaBotId int32 `flag:"11"` ReplyToMsgId int32 `flag:"3"` Entities []MessageEntity `flag:"7"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*UpdateShortChatMessage) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateShortChatMessage) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateShortChatMessage) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateShortChatMessage) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateShortChatMessage) ImplementsUpdates ¶
func (*UpdateShortChatMessage) ImplementsUpdates()
type UpdateShortMessage ¶
type UpdateShortMessage struct { Out bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Mentioned bool `flag:"4,encoded_in_bitflags"` MediaUnread bool `flag:"5,encoded_in_bitflags"` Silent bool `flag:"13,encoded_in_bitflags"` Id int32 UserId int32 Message string Pts int32 PtsCount int32 Date int32 FwdFrom *MessageFwdHeader `flag:"2"` ViaBotId int32 `flag:"11"` ReplyToMsgId int32 `flag:"3"` Entities []MessageEntity `flag:"7"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*UpdateShortMessage) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateShortMessage) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateShortMessage) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateShortMessage) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateShortMessage) ImplementsUpdates ¶
func (*UpdateShortMessage) ImplementsUpdates()
type UpdateShortSentMessage ¶
type UpdateShortSentMessage struct { Out bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Id int32 Pts int32 PtsCount int32 Date int32 Media MessageMedia `flag:"9"` Entities []MessageEntity `flag:"7"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*UpdateShortSentMessage) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateShortSentMessage) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateShortSentMessage) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateShortSentMessage) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateShortSentMessage) ImplementsUpdates ¶
func (*UpdateShortSentMessage) ImplementsUpdates()
type UpdateStickerSets ¶
type UpdateStickerSets struct{}
func (*UpdateStickerSets) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateStickerSets) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateStickerSets) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateStickerSets) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateStickerSets) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateStickerSets) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateStickerSetsOrder ¶
type UpdateStickerSetsOrder struct { Masks bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Order []int64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*UpdateStickerSetsOrder) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateStickerSetsOrder) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateStickerSetsOrder) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateStickerSetsOrder) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateStickerSetsOrder) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateStickerSetsOrder) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateTheme ¶
type UpdateTheme struct {
Theme *Theme
func (*UpdateTheme) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateTheme) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateTheme) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateTheme) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateTheme) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateTheme) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateUserBlocked ¶
func (*UpdateUserBlocked) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateUserBlocked) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateUserBlocked) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateUserBlocked) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateUserBlocked) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateUserBlocked) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateUserName ¶
func (*UpdateUserName) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateUserName) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateUserName) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateUserName) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateUserName) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateUserName) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateUserPhone ¶
func (*UpdateUserPhone) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateUserPhone) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateUserPhone) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateUserPhone) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateUserPhone) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateUserPhone) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateUserPhoto ¶
type UpdateUserPhoto struct { UserId int32 Date int32 Photo UserProfilePhoto Previous bool }
func (*UpdateUserPhoto) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateUserPhoto) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateUserPhoto) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateUserPhoto) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateUserPhoto) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateUserPhoto) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateUserPinnedMessage ¶
func (*UpdateUserPinnedMessage) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateUserPinnedMessage) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateUserPinnedMessage) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateUserPinnedMessage) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateUserPinnedMessage) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateUserPinnedMessage) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateUserStatus ¶
type UpdateUserStatus struct { UserId int32 Status UserStatus }
func (*UpdateUserStatus) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateUserStatus) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateUserStatus) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateUserStatus) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateUserStatus) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateUserStatus) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateUserTyping ¶
type UpdateUserTyping struct { UserId int32 Action SendMessageAction }
func (*UpdateUserTyping) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateUserTyping) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateUserTyping) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateUserTyping) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateUserTyping) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateUserTyping) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdateWebPage ¶
func (*UpdateWebPage) CRC ¶
func (*UpdateWebPage) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdateWebPage) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdateWebPage) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdateWebPage) ImplementsUpdate ¶
func (*UpdateWebPage) ImplementsUpdate()
type UpdatesChannelDifferenceEmpty ¶
type UpdatesChannelDifferenceEmpty struct { Final bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Pts int32 Timeout int32 `flag:"1"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*UpdatesChannelDifferenceEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*UpdatesChannelDifferenceEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdatesChannelDifferenceEmpty) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdatesChannelDifferenceEmpty) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdatesChannelDifferenceEmpty) ImplementsUpdatesChannelDifference ¶
func (*UpdatesChannelDifferenceEmpty) ImplementsUpdatesChannelDifference()
type UpdatesChannelDifferenceObj ¶
type UpdatesChannelDifferenceObj struct { Final bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Pts int32 Timeout int32 `flag:"1"` NewMessages []Message OtherUpdates []Update Chats []Chat Users []User // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*UpdatesChannelDifferenceObj) CRC ¶
func (*UpdatesChannelDifferenceObj) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdatesChannelDifferenceObj) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdatesChannelDifferenceObj) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdatesChannelDifferenceObj) ImplementsUpdatesChannelDifference ¶
func (*UpdatesChannelDifferenceObj) ImplementsUpdatesChannelDifference()
type UpdatesChannelDifferenceTooLong ¶
type UpdatesChannelDifferenceTooLong struct { Final bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Timeout int32 `flag:"1"` Dialog Dialog Messages []Message Chats []Chat Users []User // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*UpdatesChannelDifferenceTooLong) CRC ¶
func (*UpdatesChannelDifferenceTooLong) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdatesChannelDifferenceTooLong) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdatesChannelDifferenceTooLong) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdatesChannelDifferenceTooLong) ImplementsUpdatesChannelDifference ¶
func (*UpdatesChannelDifferenceTooLong) ImplementsUpdatesChannelDifference()
type UpdatesCombined ¶
type UpdatesCombined struct { Updates []Update Users []User Chats []Chat Date int32 SeqStart int32 Seq int32 }
func (*UpdatesCombined) CRC ¶
func (*UpdatesCombined) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdatesCombined) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdatesCombined) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdatesCombined) ImplementsUpdates ¶
func (*UpdatesCombined) ImplementsUpdates()
type UpdatesDifference ¶
type UpdatesDifferenceEmpty ¶
func (*UpdatesDifferenceEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*UpdatesDifferenceEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdatesDifferenceEmpty) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdatesDifferenceEmpty) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdatesDifferenceEmpty) ImplementsUpdatesDifference ¶
func (*UpdatesDifferenceEmpty) ImplementsUpdatesDifference()
type UpdatesDifferenceObj ¶
type UpdatesDifferenceObj struct { NewMessages []Message NewEncryptedMessages []EncryptedMessage OtherUpdates []Update Chats []Chat Users []User State *UpdatesState }
func (*UpdatesDifferenceObj) CRC ¶
func (*UpdatesDifferenceObj) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdatesDifferenceObj) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdatesDifferenceObj) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdatesDifferenceObj) ImplementsUpdatesDifference ¶
func (*UpdatesDifferenceObj) ImplementsUpdatesDifference()
type UpdatesDifferenceSlice ¶
type UpdatesDifferenceSlice struct { NewMessages []Message NewEncryptedMessages []EncryptedMessage OtherUpdates []Update Chats []Chat Users []User IntermediateState *UpdatesState }
func (*UpdatesDifferenceSlice) CRC ¶
func (*UpdatesDifferenceSlice) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdatesDifferenceSlice) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdatesDifferenceSlice) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdatesDifferenceSlice) ImplementsUpdatesDifference ¶
func (*UpdatesDifferenceSlice) ImplementsUpdatesDifference()
type UpdatesDifferenceTooLong ¶
type UpdatesDifferenceTooLong struct {
Pts int32
func (*UpdatesDifferenceTooLong) CRC ¶
func (*UpdatesDifferenceTooLong) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdatesDifferenceTooLong) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdatesDifferenceTooLong) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdatesDifferenceTooLong) ImplementsUpdatesDifference ¶
func (*UpdatesDifferenceTooLong) ImplementsUpdatesDifference()
type UpdatesGetChannelDifferenceParams ¶
type UpdatesGetChannelDifferenceParams struct { Force bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Channel InputChannel Filter ChannelMessagesFilter Pts int32 Limit int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*UpdatesGetChannelDifferenceParams) CRC ¶
func (e *UpdatesGetChannelDifferenceParams) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdatesGetChannelDifferenceParams) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdatesGetChannelDifferenceParams) Encode() []byte
type UpdatesGetDifferenceParams ¶
type UpdatesGetDifferenceParams struct { Pts int32 PtsTotalLimit int32 `flag:"0"` Date int32 Qts int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*UpdatesGetDifferenceParams) CRC ¶
func (e *UpdatesGetDifferenceParams) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdatesGetDifferenceParams) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdatesGetDifferenceParams) Encode() []byte
type UpdatesGetStateParams ¶
type UpdatesGetStateParams struct{}
func (*UpdatesGetStateParams) CRC ¶
func (e *UpdatesGetStateParams) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdatesGetStateParams) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdatesGetStateParams) Encode() []byte
type UpdatesObj ¶
func (*UpdatesObj) CRC ¶
func (*UpdatesObj) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdatesObj) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdatesObj) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdatesObj) ImplementsUpdates ¶
func (*UpdatesObj) ImplementsUpdates()
type UpdatesState ¶
type UpdatesState struct { Pts int32 `validate:"required"` Qts int32 `validate:"required"` Date int32 `validate:"required"` Seq int32 `validate:"required"` UnreadCount int32 `validate:"required"` }
func (*UpdatesState) CRC ¶
func (e *UpdatesState) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdatesState) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdatesState) Encode() []byte
type UpdatesTooLong ¶
type UpdatesTooLong struct{}
func (*UpdatesTooLong) CRC ¶
func (*UpdatesTooLong) CRC() uint32
func (*UpdatesTooLong) Encode ¶
func (e *UpdatesTooLong) Encode() []byte
func (*UpdatesTooLong) ImplementsUpdates ¶
func (*UpdatesTooLong) ImplementsUpdates()
type UploadCdnFile ¶
type UploadCdnFileObj ¶
type UploadCdnFileObj struct {
Bytes []byte
func (*UploadCdnFileObj) CRC ¶
func (*UploadCdnFileObj) CRC() uint32
func (*UploadCdnFileObj) Encode ¶
func (e *UploadCdnFileObj) Encode() []byte
func (*UploadCdnFileObj) ImplementsUploadCdnFile ¶
func (*UploadCdnFileObj) ImplementsUploadCdnFile()
type UploadCdnFileReuploadNeeded ¶
type UploadCdnFileReuploadNeeded struct {
RequestToken []byte
func (*UploadCdnFileReuploadNeeded) CRC ¶
func (*UploadCdnFileReuploadNeeded) CRC() uint32
func (*UploadCdnFileReuploadNeeded) Encode ¶
func (e *UploadCdnFileReuploadNeeded) Encode() []byte
func (*UploadCdnFileReuploadNeeded) ImplementsUploadCdnFile ¶
func (*UploadCdnFileReuploadNeeded) ImplementsUploadCdnFile()
type UploadFile ¶
type UploadFileCdnRedirect ¶
type UploadFileCdnRedirect struct { DcId int32 FileToken []byte EncryptionKey []byte EncryptionIv []byte FileHashes []*FileHash }
func (*UploadFileCdnRedirect) CRC ¶
func (*UploadFileCdnRedirect) CRC() uint32
func (*UploadFileCdnRedirect) Encode ¶
func (e *UploadFileCdnRedirect) Encode() []byte
func (*UploadFileCdnRedirect) ImplementsUploadFile ¶
func (*UploadFileCdnRedirect) ImplementsUploadFile()
type UploadFileObj ¶
type UploadFileObj struct { Type StorageFileType Mtime int32 Bytes []byte }
func (*UploadFileObj) CRC ¶
func (*UploadFileObj) CRC() uint32
func (*UploadFileObj) Encode ¶
func (e *UploadFileObj) Encode() []byte
func (*UploadFileObj) ImplementsUploadFile ¶
func (*UploadFileObj) ImplementsUploadFile()
type UploadGetCdnFileHashesParams ¶
func (*UploadGetCdnFileHashesParams) CRC ¶
func (e *UploadGetCdnFileHashesParams) CRC() uint32
func (*UploadGetCdnFileHashesParams) Encode ¶
func (e *UploadGetCdnFileHashesParams) Encode() []byte
type UploadGetCdnFileParams ¶
func (*UploadGetCdnFileParams) CRC ¶
func (e *UploadGetCdnFileParams) CRC() uint32
func (*UploadGetCdnFileParams) Encode ¶
func (e *UploadGetCdnFileParams) Encode() []byte
type UploadGetFileHashesParams ¶
type UploadGetFileHashesParams struct { Location InputFileLocation Offset int32 }
func (*UploadGetFileHashesParams) CRC ¶
func (e *UploadGetFileHashesParams) CRC() uint32
func (*UploadGetFileHashesParams) Encode ¶
func (e *UploadGetFileHashesParams) Encode() []byte
type UploadGetFileParams ¶
type UploadGetFileParams struct { Precise bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` CdnSupported bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Location InputFileLocation Offset int32 Limit int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*UploadGetFileParams) CRC ¶
func (e *UploadGetFileParams) CRC() uint32
func (*UploadGetFileParams) Encode ¶
func (e *UploadGetFileParams) Encode() []byte
type UploadGetWebFileParams ¶
type UploadGetWebFileParams struct { Location InputWebFileLocation Offset int32 Limit int32 }
func (*UploadGetWebFileParams) CRC ¶
func (e *UploadGetWebFileParams) CRC() uint32
func (*UploadGetWebFileParams) Encode ¶
func (e *UploadGetWebFileParams) Encode() []byte
type UploadReuploadCdnFileParams ¶
func (*UploadReuploadCdnFileParams) CRC ¶
func (e *UploadReuploadCdnFileParams) CRC() uint32
func (*UploadReuploadCdnFileParams) Encode ¶
func (e *UploadReuploadCdnFileParams) Encode() []byte
type UploadSaveBigFilePartParams ¶
type UploadSaveBigFilePartParams struct { FileId int64 FilePart int32 FileTotalParts int32 Bytes []byte }
func (*UploadSaveBigFilePartParams) CRC ¶
func (e *UploadSaveBigFilePartParams) CRC() uint32
func (*UploadSaveBigFilePartParams) Encode ¶
func (e *UploadSaveBigFilePartParams) Encode() []byte
type UploadSaveFilePartParams ¶
func (*UploadSaveFilePartParams) CRC ¶
func (e *UploadSaveFilePartParams) CRC() uint32
func (*UploadSaveFilePartParams) Encode ¶
func (e *UploadSaveFilePartParams) Encode() []byte
type UploadWebFile ¶
type UploadWebFile struct { Size int32 `validate:"required"` MimeType string `validate:"required"` FileType StorageFileType `validate:"required"` Mtime int32 `validate:"required"` Bytes []byte `validate:"required"` }
func (*UploadWebFile) CRC ¶
func (e *UploadWebFile) CRC() uint32
func (*UploadWebFile) Encode ¶
func (e *UploadWebFile) Encode() []byte
type UrlAuthResult ¶
type UrlAuthResultAccepted ¶
type UrlAuthResultAccepted struct {
Url string
func (*UrlAuthResultAccepted) CRC ¶
func (*UrlAuthResultAccepted) CRC() uint32
func (*UrlAuthResultAccepted) Encode ¶
func (e *UrlAuthResultAccepted) Encode() []byte
func (*UrlAuthResultAccepted) ImplementsUrlAuthResult ¶
func (*UrlAuthResultAccepted) ImplementsUrlAuthResult()
type UrlAuthResultDefault ¶
type UrlAuthResultDefault struct{}
func (*UrlAuthResultDefault) CRC ¶
func (*UrlAuthResultDefault) CRC() uint32
func (*UrlAuthResultDefault) Encode ¶
func (e *UrlAuthResultDefault) Encode() []byte
func (*UrlAuthResultDefault) ImplementsUrlAuthResult ¶
func (*UrlAuthResultDefault) ImplementsUrlAuthResult()
type UrlAuthResultRequest ¶
type UrlAuthResultRequest struct { RequestWriteAccess bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Bot User Domain string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*UrlAuthResultRequest) CRC ¶
func (*UrlAuthResultRequest) CRC() uint32
func (*UrlAuthResultRequest) Encode ¶
func (e *UrlAuthResultRequest) Encode() []byte
func (*UrlAuthResultRequest) ImplementsUrlAuthResult ¶
func (*UrlAuthResultRequest) ImplementsUrlAuthResult()
type UserEmpty ¶
type UserEmpty struct {
Id int32
func (*UserEmpty) ImplementsUser ¶
func (*UserEmpty) ImplementsUser()
type UserFull ¶
type UserFull struct { Blocked bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` PhoneCallsAvailable bool `flag:"4,encoded_in_bitflags"` PhoneCallsPrivate bool `flag:"5,encoded_in_bitflags"` CanPinMessage bool `flag:"7,encoded_in_bitflags"` HasScheduled bool `flag:"12,encoded_in_bitflags"` VideoCallsAvailable bool `flag:"13,encoded_in_bitflags"` User User `validate:"required"` About string `flag:"1"` Settings *PeerSettings `validate:"required"` ProfilePhoto Photo `flag:"2"` NotifySettings *PeerNotifySettings `validate:"required"` BotInfo *BotInfo `flag:"3"` PinnedMsgId int32 `flag:"6"` CommonChatsCount int32 `validate:"required"` FolderId int32 `flag:"11"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type UserObj ¶
type UserObj struct { Self bool `flag:"10,encoded_in_bitflags"` Contact bool `flag:"11,encoded_in_bitflags"` MutualContact bool `flag:"12,encoded_in_bitflags"` Deleted bool `flag:"13,encoded_in_bitflags"` Bot bool `flag:"14,encoded_in_bitflags"` BotChatHistory bool `flag:"15,encoded_in_bitflags"` BotNochats bool `flag:"16,encoded_in_bitflags"` Verified bool `flag:"17,encoded_in_bitflags"` Restricted bool `flag:"18,encoded_in_bitflags"` Min bool `flag:"20,encoded_in_bitflags"` BotInlineGeo bool `flag:"21,encoded_in_bitflags"` Support bool `flag:"23,encoded_in_bitflags"` Scam bool `flag:"24,encoded_in_bitflags"` ApplyMinPhoto bool `flag:"25,encoded_in_bitflags"` Id int32 AccessHash int64 `flag:"0"` FirstName string `flag:"1"` LastName string `flag:"2"` Username string `flag:"3"` Phone string `flag:"4"` Photo UserProfilePhoto `flag:"5"` Status UserStatus `flag:"6"` BotInfoVersion int32 `flag:"14"` RestrictionReason []*RestrictionReason `flag:"18"` BotInlinePlaceholder string `flag:"19"` LangCode string `flag:"22"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*UserObj) ImplementsUser ¶
func (*UserObj) ImplementsUser()
type UserProfilePhoto ¶
type UserProfilePhotoEmpty ¶
type UserProfilePhotoEmpty struct{}
func (*UserProfilePhotoEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*UserProfilePhotoEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*UserProfilePhotoEmpty) Encode ¶
func (e *UserProfilePhotoEmpty) Encode() []byte
func (*UserProfilePhotoEmpty) ImplementsUserProfilePhoto ¶
func (*UserProfilePhotoEmpty) ImplementsUserProfilePhoto()
type UserProfilePhotoObj ¶
type UserProfilePhotoObj struct { HasVideo bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` PhotoId int64 PhotoSmall *FileLocation PhotoBig *FileLocation DcId int32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*UserProfilePhotoObj) CRC ¶
func (*UserProfilePhotoObj) CRC() uint32
func (*UserProfilePhotoObj) Encode ¶
func (e *UserProfilePhotoObj) Encode() []byte
func (*UserProfilePhotoObj) ImplementsUserProfilePhoto ¶
func (*UserProfilePhotoObj) ImplementsUserProfilePhoto()
type UserStatus ¶
type UserStatusEmpty ¶
type UserStatusEmpty struct{}
func (*UserStatusEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*UserStatusEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*UserStatusEmpty) Encode ¶
func (e *UserStatusEmpty) Encode() []byte
func (*UserStatusEmpty) ImplementsUserStatus ¶
func (*UserStatusEmpty) ImplementsUserStatus()
type UserStatusLastMonth ¶
type UserStatusLastMonth struct{}
func (*UserStatusLastMonth) CRC ¶
func (*UserStatusLastMonth) CRC() uint32
func (*UserStatusLastMonth) Encode ¶
func (e *UserStatusLastMonth) Encode() []byte
func (*UserStatusLastMonth) ImplementsUserStatus ¶
func (*UserStatusLastMonth) ImplementsUserStatus()
type UserStatusLastWeek ¶
type UserStatusLastWeek struct{}
func (*UserStatusLastWeek) CRC ¶
func (*UserStatusLastWeek) CRC() uint32
func (*UserStatusLastWeek) Encode ¶
func (e *UserStatusLastWeek) Encode() []byte
func (*UserStatusLastWeek) ImplementsUserStatus ¶
func (*UserStatusLastWeek) ImplementsUserStatus()
type UserStatusOffline ¶
type UserStatusOffline struct {
WasOnline int32
func (*UserStatusOffline) CRC ¶
func (*UserStatusOffline) CRC() uint32
func (*UserStatusOffline) Encode ¶
func (e *UserStatusOffline) Encode() []byte
func (*UserStatusOffline) ImplementsUserStatus ¶
func (*UserStatusOffline) ImplementsUserStatus()
type UserStatusOnline ¶
type UserStatusOnline struct {
Expires int32
func (*UserStatusOnline) CRC ¶
func (*UserStatusOnline) CRC() uint32
func (*UserStatusOnline) Encode ¶
func (e *UserStatusOnline) Encode() []byte
func (*UserStatusOnline) ImplementsUserStatus ¶
func (*UserStatusOnline) ImplementsUserStatus()
type UserStatusRecently ¶
type UserStatusRecently struct{}
func (*UserStatusRecently) CRC ¶
func (*UserStatusRecently) CRC() uint32
func (*UserStatusRecently) Encode ¶
func (e *UserStatusRecently) Encode() []byte
func (*UserStatusRecently) ImplementsUserStatus ¶
func (*UserStatusRecently) ImplementsUserStatus()
type UsersGetFullUserParams ¶
type UsersGetFullUserParams struct {
Id InputUser
func (*UsersGetFullUserParams) CRC ¶
func (e *UsersGetFullUserParams) CRC() uint32
func (*UsersGetFullUserParams) Encode ¶
func (e *UsersGetFullUserParams) Encode() []byte
type UsersGetUsersParams ¶
type UsersGetUsersParams struct {
Id []InputUser
func (*UsersGetUsersParams) CRC ¶
func (e *UsersGetUsersParams) CRC() uint32
func (*UsersGetUsersParams) Encode ¶
func (e *UsersGetUsersParams) Encode() []byte
type UsersSetSecureValueErrorsParams ¶
type UsersSetSecureValueErrorsParams struct { Id InputUser Errors []SecureValueError }
func (*UsersSetSecureValueErrorsParams) CRC ¶
func (e *UsersSetSecureValueErrorsParams) CRC() uint32
func (*UsersSetSecureValueErrorsParams) Encode ¶
func (e *UsersSetSecureValueErrorsParams) Encode() []byte
type VideoSize ¶
type WallPaperNoFile ¶
type WallPaperNoFile struct { Default bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Dark bool `flag:"4,encoded_in_bitflags"` Settings *WallPaperSettings `flag:"2"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*WallPaperNoFile) CRC ¶
func (*WallPaperNoFile) CRC() uint32
func (*WallPaperNoFile) Encode ¶
func (e *WallPaperNoFile) Encode() []byte
func (*WallPaperNoFile) ImplementsWallPaper ¶
func (*WallPaperNoFile) ImplementsWallPaper()
type WallPaperObj ¶
type WallPaperObj struct { Id int64 Creator bool `flag:"0,encoded_in_bitflags"` Default bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Pattern bool `flag:"3,encoded_in_bitflags"` Dark bool `flag:"4,encoded_in_bitflags"` AccessHash int64 Slug string Document Document Settings *WallPaperSettings `flag:"2"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*WallPaperObj) CRC ¶
func (*WallPaperObj) CRC() uint32
func (*WallPaperObj) Encode ¶
func (e *WallPaperObj) Encode() []byte
func (*WallPaperObj) ImplementsWallPaper ¶
func (*WallPaperObj) ImplementsWallPaper()
type WallPaperSettings ¶
type WallPaperSettings struct { Blur bool `flag:"1,encoded_in_bitflags"` Motion bool `flag:"2,encoded_in_bitflags"` BackgroundColor int32 `flag:"0"` SecondBackgroundColor int32 `flag:"4"` Intensity int32 `flag:"3"` Rotation int32 `flag:"4"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*WallPaperSettings) CRC ¶
func (e *WallPaperSettings) CRC() uint32
func (*WallPaperSettings) Encode ¶
func (e *WallPaperSettings) Encode() []byte
type WebAuthorization ¶
type WebAuthorization struct { Hash int64 `validate:"required"` BotId int32 `validate:"required"` Domain string `validate:"required"` Browser string `validate:"required"` Platform string `validate:"required"` DateCreated int32 `validate:"required"` DateActive int32 `validate:"required"` Ip string `validate:"required"` Region string `validate:"required"` }
func (*WebAuthorization) CRC ¶
func (e *WebAuthorization) CRC() uint32
func (*WebAuthorization) Encode ¶
func (e *WebAuthorization) Encode() []byte
type WebDocument ¶
type WebDocumentNoProxy ¶
type WebDocumentNoProxy struct { Url string Size int32 MimeType string Attributes []DocumentAttribute }
func (*WebDocumentNoProxy) CRC ¶
func (*WebDocumentNoProxy) CRC() uint32
func (*WebDocumentNoProxy) Encode ¶
func (e *WebDocumentNoProxy) Encode() []byte
func (*WebDocumentNoProxy) ImplementsWebDocument ¶
func (*WebDocumentNoProxy) ImplementsWebDocument()
type WebDocumentObj ¶
type WebDocumentObj struct { Url string AccessHash int64 Size int32 MimeType string Attributes []DocumentAttribute }
func (*WebDocumentObj) CRC ¶
func (*WebDocumentObj) CRC() uint32
func (*WebDocumentObj) Encode ¶
func (e *WebDocumentObj) Encode() []byte
func (*WebDocumentObj) ImplementsWebDocument ¶
func (*WebDocumentObj) ImplementsWebDocument()
type WebPageAttribute ¶
type WebPageAttribute struct { Documents []Document `flag:"0"` Settings *ThemeSettings `flag:"1"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*WebPageAttribute) CRC ¶
func (e *WebPageAttribute) CRC() uint32
func (*WebPageAttribute) Encode ¶
func (e *WebPageAttribute) Encode() []byte
type WebPageEmpty ¶
type WebPageEmpty struct {
Id int64
func (*WebPageEmpty) CRC ¶
func (*WebPageEmpty) CRC() uint32
func (*WebPageEmpty) Encode ¶
func (e *WebPageEmpty) Encode() []byte
func (*WebPageEmpty) ImplementsWebPage ¶
func (*WebPageEmpty) ImplementsWebPage()
type WebPageNotModified ¶
type WebPageNotModified struct { CachedPageViews int32 `flag:"0"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*WebPageNotModified) CRC ¶
func (*WebPageNotModified) CRC() uint32
func (*WebPageNotModified) Encode ¶
func (e *WebPageNotModified) Encode() []byte
func (*WebPageNotModified) ImplementsWebPage ¶
func (*WebPageNotModified) ImplementsWebPage()
type WebPageObj ¶
type WebPageObj struct { Id int64 Url string DisplayUrl string Hash int32 Type string `flag:"0"` SiteName string `flag:"1"` Title string `flag:"2"` Description string `flag:"3"` Photo Photo `flag:"4"` EmbedUrl string `flag:"5"` EmbedType string `flag:"5"` EmbedWidth int32 `flag:"6"` EmbedHeight int32 `flag:"6"` Duration int32 `flag:"7"` Author string `flag:"8"` Document Document `flag:"9"` CachedPage *Page `flag:"10"` Attributes []*WebPageAttribute `flag:"12"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*WebPageObj) CRC ¶
func (*WebPageObj) CRC() uint32
func (*WebPageObj) Encode ¶
func (e *WebPageObj) Encode() []byte
func (*WebPageObj) ImplementsWebPage ¶
func (*WebPageObj) ImplementsWebPage()
type WebPagePending ¶
func (*WebPagePending) CRC ¶
func (*WebPagePending) CRC() uint32
func (*WebPagePending) Encode ¶
func (e *WebPagePending) Encode() []byte
func (*WebPagePending) ImplementsWebPage ¶
func (*WebPagePending) ImplementsWebPage()
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