Talk2Docker is a simple Docker client to talk to Docker daemon.
Contributions and suggestions would be appreciated, though it's aimed at my learning Go and Docker Remote API.
- Handle multiple Docker daemons
- Support multiple Dockerfiles to build in the top folder of your project
- Create containers from a YAML file like Docker Compose (formerly fig)
- Display a tree of all images, which Docker deprecates
- Display a history of an image, modeled on Dockerfile
- Show uploaded files to build in verbose mode and debug mode
Handle volumes, inspired by cpuguy83/docker-volumes
- Support uploading a file/folder to a containter
- Output in JSON or YAML format as well
- Organize commands by category
- Only work with Docker Remote API v1.16 or later
Tested with
- boot2docker v1.4.1 (aufs, devicemapper)
- CoreOS Beta 557.2.0 (btrfs)
- CoreOS Alpha 575.0.0 (overlay)
- only-docker v0.8.0 (overlay)
- Rancheros Lite (overlay)
- DockerRoot (overlay)
Building talk2docker
How to build
$ git clone
$ cd talk2docker
$ make
Cross-compiling talk2docker
How to build
$ git clone
$ cd talk2docker
$ vagrant up
$ talk2docker
Talk2Docker - Yet Another Docker Client to talk to Docker daemon
talk2docker [flags]
talk2docker [command]
Available Commands:
ps List containers
ls List images
vs List volumes
hosts list hosts
build Build an image from a Dockerfile
compose Create containers
commit Create a new image from a container
version Show the version information
container Manage containers
image Manage images
host Manage hosts
registry Manage registries
config Manage the configuration file
docker Execute the original docker cli
-C, --config string Path to the configuration file (default "$HOME/.talk2docker/config")
-D, --debug Print debug messages
-h, --help help for talk2docker
-H, --host string Docker hostname to use its config (runtime only)
-J, --json Output in JSON format
-V, --verbose Print verbose messages
-v, --version Print version information
-Y, --yaml Output in YAML format
Use "talk2docker [command] --help" for more information about a command.
You can find more details in docs and examples.
Talk2Docker uses a YAML file to configure a connection to Docker daemon.
It locates $HOME/.talk2docker/config
by default.
If it doesn't exist, it will be created automatically as below.
default: default
- name: default
url: unix:///var/run/docker.sock
You can edit/add multiple hosts where Docker daemon runs, as below.
default: vagrant
- name: default
url: unix:///var/run/docker.sock
- name: vagrant
url: tcp://localhost:2375
- name: boot2docker
url: tcp://
description: on boot2docker-vm managed by boot2docker
tls: true
tls-ca-cert: /Users/ailis/.boot2docker/certs/boot2docker-vm/ca.pem
tls-cert: /Users/ailis/.boot2docker/certs/boot2docker-vm/cert.pem
tls-key: /Users/ailis/.boot2docker/certs/boot2docker-vm/key.pem
tls-verify: true
$ talk2docker version
$ talk2docker --host=boot2docker version