
package module
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Published: Dec 13, 2021 License: MIT Imports: 30 Imported by: 0


:toc: auto

## Process Bills with Golang

This repository (`bills`) defines a module (``) with a number of packages defined in the `/cmd` directory.

To build and create commands in the `bills/cmd` directory, run `make build` (to apply the `Makefile`).

To test, run `make test` (the tests are not complete).

To run both, simply `make`.

The packages in the `cmd` directory, which build to `cmd/bin` are:

badgerkv:: a test for storing data in the `badger` database. (TODO: convert this instead to a test for the `badgerkv` package.)
billmeta:: command-line tool to create bill metadata and store it to a file. Command-line options include `-p` to specify a parent path for the bills to process, or `-billNumber` to process a specific bill. The metadata is created by makeBillsMeta and enriched by finding bills that have the same titles and main titles.
To run a sample and store results in `testMeta.json`, run `cmd/bin/billmeta -parentPath ./samples -billMetaPath ./samples/test/results/testMeta.json`
committees:: command-line tool to download committees.yaml to `tmp/committees.yaml` 
comparematrix:: a command-line tool to which takes a list of bills as input and outputs a matrix of bill similarity (including the category of similarity)
esquery:: find the similar bills for each section of bills. It depends on having an Elasticsearch index of bills, divided into sections. The esquery command can be run on a sample of bills, or all bills. Bills are not yet processed concurrently, but the architecture (processing one bill at a time, by bill number) is designed to allow this.
jsonpgx:: a command-line tool to work with posgtresql
legislators:: a command-line tool to download legislators.yaml to `tmp/legislators.yaml`
unitedstates:: a stub (not currently working) that will download and process bill data and metadata

Note: Some of these commands process many files in parallel. In order to prevent problems on systems that limit open files (e.g. Ubuntu), we've added a max open files parameter (see, e.g.  `billmeta`). In addition, to prevent crashes due to system memory limitations, on the production server, I increased file swap size to 4Gb (see

## Bill Processing Pipeline

Bills are downloaded into the file structure defined in ``. Additional JSON metadata files are created and stored in the filepath for each bill, e.g. `[path]/congress/data/117/bills/hr/hr1500`. The files are stored separately so that each process can be run independently and concurrently.

1. Download documents to `congress` directory (using `unitedstates` repository at 
TODO: develop a Go alternative for downloads.
2. Process bill metadata (using `billmeta`) and store in the path for each bill, . There is also an option to store *all* metadata in a file `[path]/congress/billMetaGo.json` and in Golang key/value stores. This processing also creates a key/value store for titles and for main titles. These are stored in files (titleNoYearIndexGo.json and mainTitleNoYearIndexGo.json).
TODO: add an option to save these indexes to a database
3. Index bill xml to Elasticsearch. Currently, this is done in Python in The processing there is relatively fast (< 10 minutes to index all bills), and processing performance may be limited by calls to Elasticsearch, so a Go alternative may not result in much performance boost. Note that the `billtoxml.go` file contains utilities to parse XML and select sections. 
4. For each bill, find similar bills by section using the `esquery` command. The list of similar sections for each bill is stored in the filename defined as `esSimilarityFileName = "esSimilarity.json"` in `cmd/esquery/main.go`. The bills that are similar to the latest version of a given bill are collected in another file, defined as `esSimilarBillsDictFileName = "esSimilarBillsDict.json"`.
5. For the most similar bills, calculate similarity scores and assign categories (e.g. `identical`, `nearly identical`, `includes`, `includedby`). A map of bill:categories is stored (also as part of `esquery`) in a file defined by `esSimilarCategoryFileName  = "esSimilarCategory.json"`




This section is empty.


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var (
	BillnumberRegexCompiled = regexp.MustCompile(`(?P<congress>[1-9][0-9]*)(?P<stage>[a-z]{1,8})(?P<billnumber>[1-9][0-9]*)(?P<version>[a-z]+)?`)
	BillFileRegexCompiled   = regexp.MustCompile(`BILLS-(?P<congress>[1-9][0-9]*)(?P<stage>[a-z]{1,8})(?P<billnumber>[1-9][0-9]*)(?P<version>[a-z]+)?(?:-uslm)?.xml`)
	// e.g. congress/data/117/bills/sconres/sconres2
	DcTitle_Regexp = regexp.MustCompile(`<dc:title>(.*)?<`)
	// matches the title in the <dc:title> element
	UsCongressPathRegexCompiled = regexp.MustCompile(`data\/(?P<congress>[1-9][0-9]*)\/(?P<doctype>[a-z]+)\/(?P<stage>[a-z]{1,8})\/(?P<billnumber>[a-z]{1,8}[1-9][0-9]*)\/?(text-versions\/(?P<version>[a-z]+))?`)
	// matches strings of the form '...of 1979', where the year is a 4-digit number
	TitleNoYearRegexCompiled = regexp.MustCompile(`of\s[0-9]{4}$`)

	// Set to ../../congress
	PathToDataDir            = path.Join("/", "data")
	ParentPathDefault        = path.Join("..", "..", "..")
	CongressDir              = "congress"
	BillMetaFile             = "billMetaGo.json"
	BillSimilarityFile       = "billSimilarityGo.json"
	TitleNoYearIndex         = "titleNoYearIndexGo.json"
	MainTitleNoYearIndex     = "mainTitleNoYearIndexGo.json"
	BillsFile                = "billsGo.json"
	PathToCongressDataDir    = path.Join(ParentPathDefault, CongressDir)
	BillMetaPath             = path.Join(ParentPathDefault, BillMetaFile)
	BillSimilarityPath       = path.Join(ParentPathDefault, BillSimilarityFile)
	TitleNoYearIndexPath     = path.Join(ParentPathDefault, TitleNoYearIndex)
	MainTitleNoYearIndexPath = path.Join(ParentPathDefault, MainTitleNoYearIndex)
	BillsPath                = path.Join(ParentPathDefault, BillsFile)
	BillMetaSyncMap          = new(sync.Map)
	// titleSyncMap                = new(sync.Map)
	MainTitleNoYearSyncMap = new(sync.Map)
	TitleNoYearSyncMap     = new(sync.Map)
	MainTitleMatchReason   = "bills-title_match_main"
	TitleMatchReason       = "bills-title_match"
	IdentifiedByBillMap    = "BillMap"
	BillVersionsOrdered    = billVersions{"ih": 0, "rh": 1, "rfs": 2, "eh": 3, "es": 4, "enr": 5}
	ZLogLevels             = LogLevels{"Debug": zerolog.DebugLevel, "Info": zerolog.InfoLevel, "Error": zerolog.ErrorLevel}

Constants for this package

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var (
	GOVINFO_BASE_URL                = ""
	COLLECTION_BASE_URL             = GOVINFO_BASE_URL + "app/details/"
	BULKDATA_BASE_URL               = GOVINFO_BASE_URL + "bulkdata/"
	COLLECTION_SITEMAPINDEX_PATTERN = GOVINFO_BASE_URL + "sitemap/{collection}_sitemap_index.xml"
	BULKDATA_SITEMAPINDEX_PATTERN   = GOVINFO_BASE_URL + "sitemap/bulkdata/{collection}/sitemapindex.xml"
	FDSYS_BILLSTATUS_FILENAME       = "fdsys_billstatus.xml"
	// for xpath
	NS = map[string]string{"x": ""}


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var REASON_ORDER = map[string]int{"bills-identical": 1, "bills-nearly_identical": 2, "bills-title_match": 3, "bills-includes": 4, "bills-included_by": 5, "related": 6, "bills-some_similarity": 7, "bills-unrelated": 8}


func BillIdToBillNumber

func BillIdToBillNumber(billId string) string

Converts a bill_id of the form `hr299-116` into `116hr299`

func BillNumberFromPath

func BillNumberFromPath(billPath string) string

Gets billnumber + version from the bill path E.g. bill_path of the form e.g. path/data/116/bills/hr/hr1500/text-versions/rh

returns 116hr1500rh

func BillNumberToBillId

func BillNumberToBillId(billNumber string) string

Converts a bill number of the form `116hr299` into `hr299-116`

func CollectWordSample

func CollectWordSample(fpath string, wordSampleStorageChannel chan WordSample, wg *sync.WaitGroup) error

For each path to a data file, creates a random sample of tokenized words of length sampleFraction * number of tokenized words Sends the result to a channel

func CollectWordSamplesFromBills

func CollectWordSamplesFromBills(pathToCongressDataDir string) (allWords []string)

Collects a random sample of tokenized words for each bill in 'document.xml' files in the 'congress' directory Writes the results to the wordSamplePath

func CompareBills

func CompareBills(parentPath string, billList []string, print bool) ([][]CompareItem, error)

func CompareBillsfromPaths

func CompareBillsfromPaths(docPaths []string, print bool) ([][]CompareItem, error)

func CompareSamples

func CompareSamples()

Compares a sample list of documents, defined in dOC_PATHS

func CopyFile

func CopyFile(src, dst string) error

Copy the src file to dst. Any existing file will be overwritten and will not copy file attributes.

func CustomTokenize

func CustomTokenize(text string) (wordList []string)

Tokenizer function that returns words longer than 3 characters which do not have certain punctuation. Currently: "-./(),!@#$%^&*:\\;"

func DownloadCommitteesYaml

func DownloadCommitteesYaml() (downloadpath string, err error)

func DownloadFile

func DownloadFile(filepath string, url string) error

DownloadFile will download a url to a local file. It's efficient because it will write as it downloads and not load the whole file into memory. See

func DownloadLegislatorsYaml

func DownloadLegislatorsYaml() (downloadpath string, err error)

func ExtractBillMeta

func ExtractBillMeta(billPath string, billMetaStorageChannel chan BillMeta, sem chan bool, wg *sync.WaitGroup) error

Extracts bill metadata from a path to a data.json file; sends it to the billMetaStorageChannel as part of a WaitGroup passed as wg

func Find

func Find(slice []string, val string) (int, bool)

Find takes a slice and looks for an element in it. If found it will return its index and a bool of true; otherwise it will return -1 and a bool of false.

func FindNamedMatches

func FindNamedMatches(regex *regexp.Regexp, str string) map[string]string

Returns a map of regex capture groups to the items that are matched

func GetAllBillNumbers

func GetAllBillNumbers() []string

Gets all ids, which includes bill and version

func GetBillNumbersByCongress

func GetBillNumbersByCongress(congress string) []string

func GetBill_ES

func GetBill_ES(billnumber string) map[string]interface{}

func GetCompareMap

func GetCompareMap(compareRow []CompareItem) (compareMap map[string]CompareItem)

func GetCongressIdQuery

func GetCongressIdQuery(congress string) map[string]interface{}

func GetKeysFromMap

func GetKeysFromMap(m map[string]interface{}) (keys []string)

func GetMatchingBillNumberVersions

func GetMatchingBillNumberVersions(results SearchResult_ES) (billnumberversions []string)

func GetMatchingBills

func GetMatchingBills(results SearchResult_ES) (billnumbers []string)

func GetMoreLikeThis_ES

func GetMoreLikeThis_ES(size, minscore int, searchtext string) map[string]interface{}

func GetSampleBillNumbers

func GetSampleBillNumbers() []string

func GetSimilarBillsDict

func GetSimilarBillsDict(similarSectionsItems SimilarSectionsItems, maxBills int) (similarBillsDict map[string]SimilarSections)

func GetSyncMapKeys

func GetSyncMapKeys(m *sync.Map) (s string)

Gets keys of a sync.Map

func ListDataJsonFiles

func ListDataJsonFiles(pathToCongressDataDir string) (dataJsonFiles []string, err error)

Walk 'congress' directory and get filepaths to 'data.json' which contains metadata for the bill

func ListDocumentXMLFiles

func ListDocumentXMLFiles(pathToCongressDataDir string) (documentXMLFiles []string, err error)

Walk 'congress' directory and get filepaths to 'document.xml' which contains the bill xml

func LoadEnv

func LoadEnv() (err error)

func LoadMainTitles

func LoadMainTitles(mainTitleSyncMap *sync.Map, billMetaSyncMap *sync.Map)

func LoadTitles

func LoadTitles(titleSyncMap *sync.Map, billMetaSyncMap *sync.Map)

func MakeBillQuery

func MakeBillQuery(billnumber string) (billquery map[string]interface{})

func MakeBillsMeta

func MakeBillsMeta(parentPath string)

Walks the 'congress' directory Creates three metadata files: bills, titlesJson and billMeta bills is the list of bill numbers (billCongressTypeNumber) titles is a list of titles (no year) billMeta collects metadata from data.json files

func MakeMLTQuery

func MakeMLTQuery(size, minscore int, searchtext string) (mltquery map[string]interface{})

func MakeNgramMap

func MakeNgramMap(text string, n int) (wordMap map[string]int)

Creates a map with ngrams as keys and number of occurences as values n is the number of words in each n-gram

func MakeNgrams

func MakeNgrams(text string, n int) (wordList []string)

Creates a list of ngrams. First makes a map with 'MakeNgramMap' Then returns a list of the keys of the map

func MakeTempDir

func MakeTempDir()

Make local tmp directory if it doesn't exist

func MapNgramKeys

func MapNgramKeys(nGramMap map[string]int) (keys []string)

Returns the keys of a map of type map[string]int

func MarshalJSONBillMeta

func MarshalJSONBillMeta(m *sync.Map) ([]byte, error)

Marshals a sync.Map object of the type map[string]BillMeta see and

func MarshalJSONBillSimilarity

func MarshalJSONBillSimilarity(m *sync.Map) ([]byte, error)

func MarshalJSONStringArray

func MarshalJSONStringArray(m *sync.Map) ([]byte, error)

Marshals a sync.Map object of the type map[string][]string see and

func PathFromBillNumber

func PathFromBillNumber(billNumber string) (string, error)

Gets bill path from the billnumber + version E.g. billnumber of the form 116hr1500rh returns path/116/bills/hr/hr1/text-versions/rh

func Prepend

func Prepend(filepath string, text string) error

func PrependSlice

func PrependSlice(slice []string, val string) []string

func PrintESInfo

func PrintESInfo()

func ReadLegislatorsYaml

func ReadLegislatorsYaml()

func ReadToString

func ReadToString(r io.Reader) string

func RemoveDuplicates

func RemoveDuplicates(elements []string) []string

Removes duplicates in a list of strings Returns the deduplicated list Trims leading and trailing space for each element

func RemoveIndex

func RemoveIndex(slice []string, index int) []string

func RemoveVal

func RemoveVal(slice []string, val string) []string

func ReverseSlice

func ReverseSlice(slice []string) []string

Reverses a slice of strings

func ReverseStrings

func ReverseStrings(ss []string)

func RunQuery

func RunQuery(query map[string]interface{}) (r map[string]interface{})

func SaveBillDataJson

func SaveBillDataJson(billCongressTypeNumber string, dataJson []byte, parentPath string, fileName string) (savePath string, err error)

Saves Data in JSON to bill directory

func SaveBillJson

func SaveBillJson(billCongressTypeNumber string, billMetaItem BillMeta, parentPath string) error

Saves bill metadata to billMeta.json

func SaveBillJsonToDB

func SaveBillJsonToDB(billCongressTypeNumber string, billMetaItem BillMeta) error

Saves bill metadata to db (badger or bolt) via bh

func ScrollQueryBillNumbers

func ScrollQueryBillNumbers(buf bytes.Buffer, resultChan chan []gjson.Result)

Performs scroll query over indices in `searchIndices`; sends result to the resultChan for processing to extract billnumbers See

func SortReasons

func SortReasons(reasons []string) []string

func UnmarshalJson

func UnmarshalJson(data []byte) (*sync.Map, error)

Unmarshals from JSON to a syncMap See

func UnmarshalJsonFile

func UnmarshalJsonFile(jpath string) (*sync.Map, error)

func WalkDirFilter

func WalkDirFilter(root string, testPath FilterFunc) (filePaths []string, err error)

Walk directory with a filter. Returns the filepaths that pass the 'testPath' function

func WriteBillMetaFile

func WriteBillMetaFile(billMeta interface{}, parentPath string) (saved bool)

TODO: return saved path

func WriteBillMetaFiles

func WriteBillMetaFiles(billMetaSyncMap *sync.Map, parentPath string)

func WriteRelatedDictFiles

func WriteRelatedDictFiles(billMetaSyncMap *sync.Map, parentPath string)


type ActionItem

type ActionItem struct {
	ActedAt    string   `json:"acted_at"`
	ActionCode string   `json:"action_code"`
	References []string `json:"references"`
	Text       string   `json:"text"`
	Type       string   `json:"type"`

type BillItemES

type BillItemES struct {
	ID          string        `json:"id"`
	BillNumber  string        `json:"billnumber"`
	BillVersion string        `json:"billversion"`
	Congress    string        `json:"congress"`
	Session     string        `json:"session"`
	Date        string        `json:"date"`
	DC          []string      `json:"dc"`
	DCTitle     string        `json:"dctitle"`
	Headers     []string      `json:"headers"`
	Legisnum    string        `json:"legisnum"`
	Sections    []SectionItem `json:"sections"`

func BillResultToStruct

func BillResultToStruct(billresult map[string]interface{}) (billItemResult BillItemES, err error)

func GetLatestBill

func GetLatestBill(r map[string]interface{}) (latestbill BillItemES, err error)

Sort the eh, es, and enr as latest Then sort by date TODO: better method is to get the latest version in Fdsys_billstatus

type BillLevels

type BillLevels struct {
	Sections []*xmlquery.Node
	Levels   []*xmlquery.Node

func ParseBill

func ParseBill(sampleFilePath string) (parsedBill BillLevels)

type BillMeta

type BillMeta struct {
	Actions                  []ActionItem      `json:"actions"`
	Congress                 string            `json:"congress"`
	BillType                 string            `json:"bill_type"`
	Number                   string            `json:"number"`
	BillCongressTypeNumber   string            `json:"bill_congress_type_number"`
	History                  interface{}       `json:"history"`
	OfficialTitle            string            `json:"official_title"`
	PopularTitle             string            `json:"popular_title"`
	ShortTitle               string            `json:"short_title"`
	Titles                   []string          `json:"titles"`
	TitlesWholeBill          []string          `json:"titles_whole_bill"`
	Cosponsors               []CosponsorItem   `json:"cosponsors"`
	Committees               []CommitteeItem   `json:"committees"`
	RelatedBills             []RelatedBillItem `json:"related_bills"`
	RelatedBillsByBillnumber RelatedBillMap    `json:"related_dict"`

func MakeBillMeta

func MakeBillMeta(parentPath, billDirPath string) BillMeta

type BillMetaDoc

type BillMetaDoc map[string]BillMeta

type BillScore

type BillScore struct {
	BillNumber      string
	Score           float32
	SectionsMatched int

func GetSimilarBills

func GetSimilarBills(similarBillMapBySection SimilarBillMapBySection) (billScores []BillScore)

type Committee

type Committee struct {
	Type             string         `yaml:"type,omitempty,flow"`
	Name             string         `yaml:"name,omitempty,flow"`
	Url              string         `yaml:"url,omitempty,flow"`
	MinorityUrl      string         `yaml:"minority_url,omitempty,flow"`
	ThomasId         string         `yaml:"thomas_id,omitempty,flow"`
	HouseCommitteeId string         `yaml:"house_committee_id,omitempty,flow"`
	Subcommittees    []Subcommittee `yaml:"subcommittees,omitempty,flow"`
	Address          string         `yaml:"address,omitempty,flow"`
	Phone            string         `yaml:"phone,omitempty,flow"`
	RssUrl           string         `yaml:"rss_url,omitempty,flow"`
	Jurisdiction     string         `yaml:"jurisdiction,omitempty,flow"`

type CommitteeItem

type CommitteeItem struct {
	Activity       []string `json:"activity"`
	Committee      string   `json:"committee"`
	CommitteeId    string   `json:"committee_id"`
	Subcommittee   string   `json:"subcommittee"`
	SubcommitteeId string   `json:"subcomittee_id"`

type Committees

type Committees struct {
	Committees []Committee `yaml:"committees,omitempty,flow"`

func ReadCommitteesYaml

func ReadCommitteesYaml() (committees Committees, err error)

func (*Committees) ParseCommitteeYaml

func (c *Committees) ParseCommitteeYaml(data []byte) error

type CompareItem

type CompareItem struct {
	Score        float64
	ScoreOther   float64 // Score of the other bill
	Explanation  string
	ComparedDocs string

type CosponsorItem

type CosponsorItem struct {
	BioguideId string `json:"bioguide_id"`
	ThomasId   string `json:"thomas_id"`
	// Type              string `json:"type"`
	District          string `json:"district"`
	Name              string `json:"name"`
	OriginalCosponsor bool   `json:"original_cosponsor"`
	SponsoredAt       string `json:"sponsored_at"`
	State             string `json:"state"`
	Title             string `json:"title"`

type DataJson

type DataJson struct {
	Actions          []ActionItem      `json:"actions"`
	Amendments       []interface{}     `json:"amendments"`
	BillId           string            `json:"bill_id"`
	BillType         string            `json:"bill_type"`
	ByRequest        bool              `json:"by_request"`
	CommitteeReports []interface{}     `json:"committee_reports"`
	Committees       []CommitteeItem   `json:"committees"`
	Congress         string            `json:"congress"`
	Cosponsors       []CosponsorItem   `json:"cosponsors"`
	EnactedAs        string            `json:"enacted_as"`
	History          interface{}       `json:"history"`
	IntroducedAt     string            `json:"introduced_at"`
	Number           string            `json:"number"`
	OfficialTitle    string            `json:"official_title"`
	PopularTitle     string            `json:"popular_title"`
	RelatedBills     []RelatedBillItem `json:"related_bills"`
	ShortTitle       string            `json:"short_title"`
	Sponsor          string            `json:"sponsor"`
	Status           string            `json:"status"`
	StatusAt         string            `json:"status_at"`
	Subjects         []interface{}     `json:"subjects"`
	SubjectsTopTerm  string            `json:"subjects_top_term"`
	Summary          SummaryItem       `json:"summary"`
	Titles           []TitlesJson      `json:"titles"`
	UpdatedAt        string            `json:"updated_at"`
	Url              string            `json:"url"`

type FilterFunc

type FilterFunc func(string) bool

type Hit_ES

type Hit_ES struct {
	ID        string     `json:"_id"`
	Index     string     `json:"_index"`
	Type      string     `json:"_type"`
	Score     float32    `json:"_score"`
	Source    BillItemES `json:"_source"`
	InnerHits InnerHits  `json:"inner_hits"`

func GetTopHit

func GetTopHit(hits Hits_ES) (topHit Hit_ES)

type Hits_ES

type Hits_ES []Hit_ES

func GetHitsES

func GetHitsES(results SearchResult_ES) (innerHits Hits_ES, err error)

type Id

type Id struct {
	Id []Legislator `yaml:"id,omitempty,flow"`

type InnerHit

type InnerHit struct {
	ID     string  `json:"_id"`
	Index  string  `json:"_index"`
	Type   string  `json:"_type"`
	Score  float32 `json:"_score"`
	Nested struct {
		Section string `json:"section"`
		Offset  int    `json:"offset"`
	} `json:"nested"`
	Source SectionItem `json:"_source"`

type InnerHitSections

type InnerHitSections struct {
	Hits struct {
		Hits []struct {
			SectionHit struct {
				ID     string `json:"_id"`
				Index  string `json:"_index"`
				Nested struct {
					Field  string `json:"field"`
					Offset int    `json:"offset"`
				} `json:"_nested"`
				Score  string `json:"_score"`
				Source struct {
					SectionNumber string `json:"section_number"`
					SectionHeader string `json:"section_header"`
					SectionText   string `json:"section_text"`
				} `json:"_source"`
		} `json:"hits"`
	} `json:"hits"`

type InnerHits

type InnerHits struct {
	Sections struct {
		Hits struct {
			Hits     []InnerHit
			MaxScore float32 `json:"max_score"`
			Total    struct {
				Relation string `json:"relation"`
				Value    int    `json:"value"`
			} `json:"total"`
		} `json:"hits"`
	} `json:"sections"`

func GetInnerHits

func GetInnerHits(results SearchResult_ES) (innerHits []InnerHits, err error)

type Legislator

type Legislator struct {
	Bioguide       string   `yaml:"bioguide,omitempty,flow"`
	Thomas         string   `yaml:"thomas,omitempty,flow"`
	Lis            string   `yaml:"lis,omitempty,flow"`
	Govtrack       string   `yaml:"govtrack,omitempty,flow"`
	Opensecrets    string   `yaml:"opensecrets,omitempty,flow"`
	Votesmart      string   `yaml:"votesmart,omitempty,flow"`
	Fec            []string `yaml:"fec,omitempty,flow"`
	Cspan          string   `yaml:"cspan,omitempty,flow"`
	Wikipedia      string   `yaml:"wikipedia,omitempty,flow"`
	HouseHistory   string   `yaml:"house_history,omitempty,flow"`
	Ballotpedia    string   `yaml:"ballotpedia,omitempty,flow"`
	Maplight       string   `yaml:"maplight,omitempty,flow"`
	Icpsr          string   `yaml:"icpsr,omitempty,flow"`
	Wikidata       string   `yaml:"wikidata,omitempty,flow"`
	GoogleEntityId string   `yaml:"google_entity_id,omitempty,flow"`
	Name           struct {
		First        string `yaml:"first,omitempty,flow"`
		Last         string `yaml:"last,omitempty,flow"`
		OfficialFull string `yaml:"official_full,omitempty,flow"`
	} `yaml:"name,omitempty,flow"`
	Bio struct {
		Birthday string `yaml:"birthday,omitempty,flow"`
		Gender   string `yaml:"gender,omitempty,flow"`
	Terms []struct {
		Type        string `yaml:"type,omitempty,flow"`
		Start       string `yaml:"Start,omitempty,flow"`
		End         string `yaml:"End,omitempty,flow"`
		State       string `yaml:"State,omitempty,flow"`
		District    string `yaml:"District,omitempty,flow"`
		Party       string `yaml:"Party,omitempty,flow"`
		StateRank   string `yaml:"state_rank,omitempty,flow"`
		Url         string `yaml:"url,omitempty,flow"`
		RssUrl      string `yaml:"rss_url,omitempty,flow"`
		ContactForm string `yaml:"contact_form,omitempty,flow"`
		Address     string `yaml:"address,omitempty,flow"`
		Office      string `yaml:"office,omitempty,flow"`
		Phone       string `yaml:"phone,omitempty,flow"`

type Legislators

type Legislators struct {
	Legislators []Legislator `yaml:"legislators,omitempty,flow"`

func (*Legislators) ParseLegislatorsYaml

func (c *Legislators) ParseLegislatorsYaml(data []byte) error

type LogLevel

type LogLevel int8

type LogLevels

type LogLevels map[string]zerolog.Level

type RelatedBillItem

type RelatedBillItem struct {
	BillId                 string `json:"bill_id"`
	IdentifiedBy           string `json:"identified_by"`
	Reason                 string `json:"reason"`
	Type                   string `json:"type"`
	BillCongressTypeNumber string `json:"bill_congress_type_number"`
	//Sponsor                CosponsorItem   `json:"sponsor"`
	//Cosponsors             []CosponsorItem `json:"cosponsors"`
	Titles          []string `json:"titles"`
	TitlesWholeBill []string `json:"titles_whole_bill"`

type RelatedBillMap

type RelatedBillMap map[string]RelatedBillItem

type ResultHits

type ResultHits struct {
	MaxScore float32 `json:"max_score"`
	Total    struct {
		Relation string `json:"relation"`
		Value    int    `json:"value"`
	} `json:"total"`
	Hits Hits_ES `json:"hits"`

ResultHits represents the result of the search hits

type ResultInnerHits

type ResultInnerHits []struct {
	Index  string          `json:"_index"`
	Type   string          `json:"_type"`
	ID     string          `json:"_id"`
	Score  float32         `json:"_score"`
	Source json.RawMessage `json:"_source"`
	//Highlight map[string][]string `json:"highlight,omitempty"`
	Sections InnerHitSections `json:"sections"`

type SearchResult_ES

type SearchResult_ES struct {
	Took     uint64 `json:"took"`
	TimedOut bool   `json:"timed_out"`
	Shards   struct {
		Total      int `json:"total"`
		Successful int `json:"successful"`
		Failed     int `json:"failed"`
		Skipped    int `json:"skipped"`
	} `json:"_shards"`
	Hits ResultHits `json:"hits"`

SearchResult represents the result of the search operation

func GetMLTResult

func GetMLTResult(size, minscore int, searchtext string) (esResult SearchResult_ES, err error)

type SectionItem

type SectionItem struct {
	BillNumber        string `json:"bill_number"`
	BillNumberVersion string `json:"bill_number_version"`
	SectionIndex      string `json:"sectionIndex"`
	SectionNumber     string `json:"section_number"`
	SectionHeader     string `json:"section_header"`
	SectionText       string `json:"section_text"`
	SectionXML        string `json:"section_xml"`

type SectionItemMeta

type SectionItemMeta struct {
	BillNumber        string `json:"bill_number"`
	BillNumberVersion string `json:"bill_number_version"`
	SectionIndex      string `json:"sectionIndex"`
	SectionNumber     string `json:"section_number"`
	SectionHeader     string `json:"section_header"`

type SimilarBillData

type SimilarBillData struct {
	TopSectionIndex      string
	TopSectionHeader     string
	TopSectionNum        string
	TopSectionScore      float32
	TotalScore           float32
	TotalSimilarSections int
	SectionItemMetaMap   map[SectionItemMeta]SimilarSection

type SimilarBillMap

type SimilarBillMap map[string]SimilarSections

type SimilarBillMapBySection

type SimilarBillMapBySection map[string]SimilarBillData

func GetSimilarityBillMapBySection

func GetSimilarityBillMapBySection(billItem BillItemES, sampleSize int) (similarBillMapBySection SimilarBillMapBySection)

func SimilarSectionsItemsToBillMap

func SimilarSectionsItemsToBillMap(similarSectionsItems SimilarSectionsItems) (similarBillMapBySection SimilarBillMapBySection)

type SimilarSection

type SimilarSection struct {
	Date                          string  `json:"date"`
	Score                         float32 `json:"score"`
	Title                         string  `json:"title"`
	Session                       string  `json:"session"`
	Congress                      string  `json:"congress"`
	Legisnum                      string  `json:"legisnum"`
	Billnumber                    string  `json:"billnumber"`
	SectionNum                    string  `json:"section_num"`
	SectionIndex                  string  `json:"sectionIndex"`
	SectionHeader                 string  `json:"section_header"`
	BillCongressTypeNumberVersion string  `json:"bill_number_version"`
	TargetSectionHeader           string  `json:"target_section_header"` // This is the section header of the original
	TargetSectionNumber           string  `json:"target_section_number"` // This is the section number of the original
	TargetSectionIndex            string  `json:"target_section_index"`  // This is the section index of the original

This is the form of item in `es_similar_bills_dict`; for each billnumber (e.g. '116hr238'), it collects the best scoring sections

type SimilarSections

type SimilarSections []SimilarSection

func GetSimilarSections

func GetSimilarSections(results SearchResult_ES, queryItem SectionItem) (similarSections SimilarSections, err error)

similars is the result of the MLT query

type SimilarSectionsItem

type SimilarSectionsItem struct {
	BillNumber                string          `json:"bill_number"`                  // Original (target) bill
	BillNumberVersion         string          `json:"bill_number_version"`          // Original (target) bill version
	SectionHeader             string          `json:"section_header"`               // Original (target) section header
	SectionNum                string          `json:"section"`                      // Original (target) section number
	SectionIndex              string          `json:"sectionIndex"`                 // Original (target) section index
	SimilarSections           SimilarSections `json:"similar_sections"`             // list of similar sections
	SimilarBills              []string        `json:"similar_bills"`                // deduplicated list of billnumbers from highest to lowest score
	SimilarBillNumberVersions []string        `json:"similar_bill_number_versions"` // deduplicated list of billnumberversions from highest to lowest score


func SectionItemQuery

func SectionItemQuery(sectionItem SectionItem) (similarSectionsItem SimilarSectionsItem)

type SimilarSectionsItems

type SimilarSectionsItems []SimilarSectionsItem

func GetSimilaritySectionsByBillNumber

func GetSimilaritySectionsByBillNumber(billItem BillItemES, samplesize int) (similarSectionsItems SimilarSectionsItems)

Set sample size to <= 0 to use all sections

type Subcommittee

type Subcommittee struct {
	Name     string `yaml:"name,omitempty,flow"`
	ThomasId string `yaml:"thomas_id,omitempty,flow"`
	Address  string `yaml:"address,omitempty,flow"`
	Phone    string `yaml:"phone,omitempty,flow"`

type SummaryItem

type SummaryItem struct {
	As   string `json:"as"`
	Date string `json:"date"`
	Text string `json:"text"`

type TitlesJson

type TitlesJson struct {
	As           string `json:"as"`
	Type         string `json:"type"`
	Title        string `json:"title"`
	IsForPortion bool   `json:"is_for_portion"`

type WordSample

type WordSample struct {
	BillCongressTypeNumber string   `json:"bill_congress_type_number"`
	WordList               []string `json:"word_list"`


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