项目开发中 将原有 go-wrk 中加入lua脚本实现更复杂的压测方式
go get github.com/aichy126/go-wrk
This will download and compile go-wrk. The binary will be placed under your $GOPATH/bin directory
Command line parameters (./go-wrk -help)
Usage: go-wrk <options> <url>
-H header line, joined with ';' (Default )
-M HTTP method (Default GET)
-T Socket/request timeout in ms (Default 1000)
-body request body string or @filename (Default )
-c Number of goroutines to use (concurrent connections) (Default 10)
-ca CA file to verify peer against (SSL/TLS) (Default )
-cert CA certificate file to verify peer against (SSL/TLS) (Default )
-d Duration of test in seconds (Default 10)
-f Playback file name (Default <empty>)
-help Print help (Default false)
-host Host Header (Default )
-http Use HTTP/2 (Default true)
-key Private key file name (SSL/TLS (Default )
-no-c Disable Compression - Prevents sending the "Accept-Encoding: gzip" header (Default false)
-no-ka Disable KeepAlive - prevents re-use of TCP connections between different HTTP requests (Default false)
-redir Allow Redirects (Default false)
-v Print version details (Default false)
Basic Usage
./go-wrk -c 80 -d 5
This runs a benchmark for 5 seconds, using 80 go routines (connections)
Running 10s test @
80 goroutine(s) running concurrently
142470 requests in 4.949028953s, 19.57MB read
Requests/sec: 28787.47
Transfer/sec: 3.95MB
Avg Req Time: 0.0347ms
Fastest Request: 0.0340ms
Slowest Request: 0.0421ms
Number of Errors: 0