Goodbye is a Go application, when someone unfollows you on Twitter,
it will Direct Message you their Twitter handle.
It can be run as a daemon that checks your account for unfollowers every 5
minutes (with Docker support), or as a serverless function on Google Cloud
Functions (GCF) with periodic invocation through Google Cloud Scheduler.
First, you will need a config.json
file containing Twitter API credentials.
Create a Twitter application on and access tokens for
the application. Then, create a config.json
file with in the format:
"consumerKey": "<value>",
"consumerSecret": "<value>",
"accessToken": "<value>",
"accessSecret": "<value>"
You have two options:
- Run as a Docker container (requires an always-on Linux machine)
- Run as a serverless function (requires Google Cloud Functions)
Option 1: Installation with Docker
Clone this repo on a Linux server with docker installed and build the Docker
image in the repository root directory:
docker build -t goodbye .
Then run the container (specify path to config.json
in -v
docker run -d --restart=always \
-v /your/path/to/config.json:/etc/goodbye/config.json \
--name=goodbye-agent \
Check if it is running fine: docker logs -f goodbye-agent
You can use -e KEY=VALUE
format to "docker run" command to customize some
parameters through environment variables:
path to the config file (defaults to
API polling interval duration in Go time.Duration
format (defaults to 5m
Option 2: Run as a serverless function on Google Cloud Functions
This is how I run it (recommended!) and it costs nearly 0$/month.
Clone this repo and navigate to cmd/gcf
(Optional) If you have go
installed, run go build
here to see if it
builds without any error messages.
Copy your config.json
file here.
Create a new Google Cloud Storage bucket to store follower IDs:
gsutil mb gs://$BUCKET_NAME
Upload an empty file named ids
to GCS bucket
touch ids
gsutil cp ./ids gs://$BUCKET_NAME/ids
View your function's details on Google Cloud Console, note its Service
Account field.
Use gcloud
to give service account of the GCF app permissions on the GCS
gsutil iam ch serviceAccount:"$(gcloud config get-value core/project)" gs://$BUCKET_NAME
Use gcloud
in this directory to create a function (change the
occurrence below):
gcloud alpha functions deploy goodbye \
--memory 128MB \
--trigger-http \
--region us-central1 \
--entry-point GoodbyeHandler \
--runtime go111 \
Visit the function's trigger URL and you should see an OK response.
Create a Google Cloud Scheduler job every 10 minutes to call the endpoint of
your function.
How it works
This program runs periodically download the list of your followers and compare
it with the previous version to see who is no longer there (meaning, unfollowed
you). Then it sends a DM to your with their twitter @username.
If you followed Option 1 (docker container), the machine should be running all
the time so the program can check the follower list every 5 minutes.
![Goodbye in action](
Copyright (c) 2013-2019, Ahmet Alp Balkan
Made in Bellevue,WA and Seattle, WA with love.