EpicGamesWebScraper is a CLI Go app that visits Epic games store and sends information about the free weekly game via Slack.
Getting Started
Running program
- The simplest way is to download the binary from GitHub Releases and run it (only windows).
Building from source
$ git clone "https://github.com/ahmedmansourxyz/EpicGamesWebScraper.git"
$ cd EpicGamesWebScraper/
$ go mod init github.com/ahmedmansourxyz/EpicGamesWebScraper
$ go mod tidy
$ go build
Executing program
- For a UNIX Operating system:
$ ./EpicGamesWebScraper
Using program
Now you can simply execute the program, enter your webhook URL and finally specify the rate in which the slack message is sent.
Please note that the format of input for this rate should be like the following: An integer followed by the unit of time.
Examples: 12 sec, 5 d, 30 min
Screenshot of successful execution of program
Ahmed Mansour
Version History
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details