This directory contains additional scripts and artefacts for packaging Skipper for different platforms or package managers. (Currently, only docker.)
Use the provided Dockerfile to build a docker image with Alpine Linux and the latest version of skipper and eskip.
Use the SKIPPER_VERSION and SKIPPER_REPOSITORY or SKIPPER_IMAGE environment variables to set the docker tag. SKIPPER_VERSION defaults to the hash of the current git head, which revision is also used to build the packaged binary of skipper and eskip.
SKIPPER_REPOSITORY=my-repo SKIPPER_VERSION=latest-SNAPSHOT make docker-build docker-push
The above command will build a docker image with a tag 'my-repo/skipper:latest-SNAPSHOT' and push it to my-repo.
Create some artefacts to run skipper in the image:
echo '<p>Hello, world!</p>' > hello.html
echo '* -> static("/", "/var/skipper") -> <shunt>' > routes.eskip
Verify the routes:
docker run -t -v $(pwd):/var/skipper my-repo/skipper:latest-SNAPSHOT eskip check /var/skipper/routes.eskip
Run the image:
docker run -d -v $(pwd):/var/skipper -p 9090:9090 my-repo/skipper:latest-SNAPSHOT skipper -routes-file /var/skipper/routes.eskip
Test the image:
curl localhost:9090/hello.html
WARNING: the primary use case for this docker image is to have a quick'n'dirty skipper available quick. We don't necessarily update this image or the Dockerfile, so it may miss some important security updates. Use it at your own risk or, better, build your own image using these tools.