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v1.5.2 Latest Latest

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Published: Jul 15, 2020 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 0 Imported by: 0


Samsahai (S2H)

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Dependencies verification system with Kubernetes Operator


Imagine if your testing environment is downstream and to make your environment ready, you need to spawn many services and their dependencies together. And our challenge requirement is not only providing the environment for testing but also providing the up to date dependencies. This is why we are introducing Samsahai. The system that will make your ready environment with freshness dependencies.

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Go, ETCD, Kubernetes, Helm

Staging Workflow

This flow is for verifying your new component version by running regression tests against staging environment.

  • Once the testing passed, the verified version will be marked as stable.
  • Unfortunately, if it failed, the verified version will be re-queued to verify in next round. If it is still failed until reaching retry limits (configurable), the component upgrade notification will be sent.
Verification Types

There are 2 verification types; upgrade and reverify.

  1. Upgrade is a normal verification of particular component by deploying its desired version against all stable components.
  2. Reverify will happen only when your desired version cannot be upgraded until reaching the maximum of retry time. For this process, all stable components will be deployed instead which can help us to scope the issue either environment, or the desired version issue.
Verification States

These are the meaning of verification states which happen in particular upgrading component version.

  1. Waiting: the component is waiting for the verification process.
  2. Cleaning before: cleaning the staging namespace before deploying components.
  3. Detecting image missing: checking the desired version exists or not. If not this verification process will be finished.
  4. Creating: deploying the component's desired version with other components' stable version.
  5. Testing: testing the ready staging namespace against CI pipeline.
  6. Collecting: collecting the result from CI pipeline.
  7. Cleaning after: cleaning the staging namespace after deploying components.
  8. Finished: the verification process has been finished.
Active Promotion Workflow

This flow is for promoting new ready active environment of all stable components. By the way, before becoming to be an active namespace, Samsahai will call the new namespace as pre-active first.

  • In case the testing passed, the pre-active will be switched to active and old active will be switched to previous active and it will be destroyed in xx minutes depends on your teardownDuration configuration.
  • In case the testing failed, the switching namespace will not be proceeded and pre-active namespace will be destroyed. So your old active namespace is still there as it is.

Note: At the promotion time, there will be 3 namespaces running in parallel; staging, pre-active and active. As in our use case, we use active namespace for testing the pull requests and we don't want to break it. So we let the pre-active namespace setting up finished, then we destroy previous active namespace without downtime.

Active Promotion States

These are the meaning of verification states which happen in particular active promotion.

  1. Waiting: the active promotion process is waiting in queue.
  2. Creating pre-active environment: creating pre-active namespace.
  3. Deploying stable components: deploying all stable components to pre-active namespace.
  4. Testing pre-active environment: testing the ready pre-active namespace against CI pipeline.
  5. Collecting pre-active result: collecting the result from CI pipeline and there are 2 different processes between testing passes and fails.

Testing Passes

  1. Demoting active environment: demoting previous active namespace.
  2. Promoting active environment: promoting pre-active to active namespace.
  3. Destroying previous active environment: destroying previous active namespace.
  4. Finished: the active promotion process has been finished.

Note: The rollback state can happen when demoting or promoting process is timeout. By the way, the new active namespace will be switched because the testing has passed.

Testing Fails

  1. Destroying pre-active environment: destroying pre-active namespace.
  2. Finished the active promotion process has been finished without switching active namespace.


  1. Install and setup kubectl, please use the version below v1.16.0.
    curl -LO

    Note: This is our preferred kubectl version. If you've already run the command above, do not forget to run step 2 and 3 following the official document.

  2. Install minikube with HyperKit driver
  3. Install minikube driver

    Note: In our guideline, we use HyperKit driver.

  4. Install helm3
  5. Install Go v1.13
Environment Setup

Find more configuration information in samsahai-example

  1. Create and access into samsahai directory in go path

    mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/ && cd $_
  2. Clone the project in directory above

  3. Start minikube

    minikube start \
      --vm-driver=hyperkit \
      --cpus=4 \
      --memory=8192 \
  4. Install CRDs

    kubectl apply -f ./config/crds
  5. Create and go into samsahai-system namespace

    kubectl create namespace samsahai-system
    kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=samsahai-system
  6. Deploy samsahai by using Helm

    helm upgrade -i samsahai ./config/chart/samsahai
  7. Verify samsahai is deployed successfully

    • kubectl get pods
    NAME                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    samsahai-695c55fddd-z2gpj   1/1     Running   0          74s
    • kubectl get services
    NAME       TYPE       CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
    samsahai   NodePort   <none>        8080:32501/TCP   10m
  8. Get minikube IP

    • minikube ip (example of my minikube IP)
  9. Now, you should be able to access

    http://<minikube_ip>:<node_port>/version (e.g.
    http://<minikube_ip>:<node_port>/swagger/index.html# (e.g.
  10. Apply configuration

    kubectl apply -f
  11. Apply team

    kubectl apply -f

    Now, s2h-example staging namespace should be created.

Upgrade Components
  1. Upgrade redis and mariadb components by using Swagger http://<minikube_ip>:<node_port>/swagger/index.html#

    • POST /webhook/component
      "component": "redis"
      "component": "mariadb"
  2. Switch to s2h-example namespace

    kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=s2h-example
    • kubectl get desiredcomponents (see desired components)
    NAME      AGE
    mariadb   29s
    redis     42s
    • kubectl get queues (the new version of particular component will be verified one by one following the queues)
    NAME      AGE
    mariadb   7s
    redis     20s
    • kubectl get pods (in s2h-example namespace, you will see all components that you specify in components of samsahai.yaml are running)
    NAME                                             READY   STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
    example-s2h-example-redis-master-0               1/1     Running             0          66s
    example-s2h-example-wordpress-57ddb458d4-hqcfx   1/1     Running             0          66s
    example-s2h-example-wordpress-mariadb-0          1/1     Running             0          66s
    s2h-staging-ctrl-6c58794fd8-rtdfs                1/1     Running             0          15h
    • kubectl get stablecomponents (if your component is upgraded successfully, you can see them in stable components crd)
    NAME      AGE
    mariadb   3m50s
    redis     5m10s

To save the cluster resources once every upgrade component verification has finished, the running components will be terminated immediately.

Promote New Active
  1. Apply active-promotion

    kubectl apply -f

    Now, s2h-example-abcdzx active namespace should be created, the active namespace will have last 6 characters randomly.

  2. If you would like to see what is going on in active promotion flow

    kubectl describe activepromotions example
  3. Switch to s2h-example-abcdzx active namespace

    kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=s2h-example-abcdzx  
    • kubectl get pods (in s2h-example-abcdzx namespace, you will see all components that you specify in config are running)
    NAME                                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    example-s2h-example-gdthjh-redis-master-0               1/1     Running   0          2m33s
    example-s2h-example-gdthjh-wordpress-6d794cb9bb-8vqhw   1/1     Running   0          2m28s
    example-s2h-example-gdthjh-wordpress-mariadb-0          1/1     Running   0          2m28s
    s2h-staging-ctrl-c566b7f66-5q9bh                        1/1     Running   0          2m43s
Run/Debug Locally
  1. Create and access into samsahai directory in go path
    mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/ && cd $_
  2. Clone project in the directory above
  3. Prepare environment and export KUBECONFIG
    make init
    make prepare-env-e2e-k3d
    export KUBECONFIG=/tmp/s2h/k3s-kubeconfig
    make install-crds
  4. Run samsahai controller by using go build with following configurations:
    File: ${GOPATH}/src/
    Envrionment: KUBECONFIG=/tmp/s2h/k3s-kubeconfig
    Program arguments: start --debug --pod-namespace samsahai-system --s2h-auth-token 123456
  5. Now, you should be able to access
  6. Apply configuration
    kubectl apply -f
  7. Apply team
    kubectl apply -f

    Now, s2h-example staging namespace should be created.

Upgrade Components
  1. Run staging controller by using go build with following configurations:
    File: ${GOPATH}/src/
    Envrionment: KUBECONFIG=/tmp/s2h/k3s-kubeconfig
    Program arguments: start --debug --pod-namespace s2h-example --s2h-auth-token 123456 --s2h-server-url --s2h-team-name example
  2. Upgrade redis and mariadb components by using Swagger http://localhost:8080/swagger/index.html#
    • POST /webhook/component
      "component": "redis"
      "component": "mariadb"

After this step, you can see the result following minikube upgrade component part.

Promote New Active
  1. Apply active-promotion
    kubectl apply -f

    Now, s2h-example-abcdzx active namespace should be created, the active namespace will have last 6 characters randomly.

  2. Switch to run another staging controller by modifying --pod-namespace to point to an active namespace
    --pod-namespace s2h-example-abcdzx

After this step, you can see the result following minikube promote new active part.

Contribution Policy

Samsahai is an open source project, and depends on its users to improve it. We are more than happy to find you are interested in taking the project forward.

Kindly refer to the Contribution Guidelines for detailed information.

Code of Conduct

Please refer to Code of Conduct document.


Samsahai is open source and available under the Apache License, Version 2.0.


The Go Gopher

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Path Synopsis
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