Survive Mars is a game inspired by "Surviving Mars." This application simulates a Martian colony, where the player is responsible for managing the quality of life within the colony. The game features four locations: the City, Gardens, Transport Hub, and Reactor. Each location offers interactive mechanics that help the player maintain a high state of the colony. However, some actions may have adverse effects on other resources.
Locations and Features
In the City, you have access to:
Report Window: View detailed reports about the colony.
Resource Overviews: Monitor the status of four essential resources (water, food, oxygen, power) along with options to increase their values.
Player Presence Check: A button that checks for the player's presence every 30 seconds.
In the Gardens, you can:
Mini-Game: Engage in a plant care mini-game.
Plant List: View a list of all the plants in the colony.
Resource Statistics: Access graphs and predictions of resource statistics.