Nacos-sdk-go 中文

Nacos-sdk-go for Go client allows you to access Nacos service,it supports service discovery and dynamic configuration.
Supported Go version over 1.15
Supported Nacos version over 2.x
gen grpc pb
protoc --go_out=. --go_opt=paths=import --go-grpc_out=. --go-grpc_opt=paths=import api/proto/nacos_grpc_service.proto
Use go get
to install SDK:
$ go get -u
Quick Examples
constant.ClientConfig {
TimeoutMs uint64 // timeout for requesting Nacos server, default value is 10000ms
NamespaceId string // the namespaceId of Nacos
Endpoint string // the endpoint for ACM.
RegionId string // the regionId for ACM & KMS
AccessKey string // the AccessKey for ACM & KMS
SecretKey string // the SecretKey for ACM & KMS
OpenKMS bool // it's to open KMS, default is false.
// , to enable encrypt/decrypt, DataId should be start with "cipher-"
CacheDir string // the directory for persist nacos service info,default value is current path
UpdateThreadNum int // the number of goroutine for update nacos service info,default value is 20
NotLoadCacheAtStart bool // not to load persistent nacos service info in CacheDir at start time
UpdateCacheWhenEmpty bool // update cache when get empty service instance from server
Username string // the username for nacos auth
Password string // the password for nacos auth
LogDir string // the directory for log, default is current path
RotateTime string // the rotate time for log, eg: 30m, 1h, 24h, default is 24h
MaxAge int64 // the max age of a log file, default value is 3
LogLevel string // the level of log, it's must be debug,info,warn,error, default value is info
Scheme string // the nacos server scheme,defaut=http,this is not required in 2.0
ContextPath string // the nacos server contextpath,defaut=/nacos,this is not required in 2.0
IpAddr string // the nacos server address
Port uint64 // nacos server port
GrpcPort uint64 // nacos server grpc port, default=server port + 1000, this is not required
Note:We can config multiple ServerConfig,the client will rotate request the servers
Create client
//create clientConfig
clientConfig := constant.ClientConfig{
NamespaceId: "e525eafa-f7d7-4029-83d9-008937f9d468", //we can create multiple clients with different namespaceId to support multiple namespace.When namespace is public, fill in the blank string here.
TimeoutMs: 5000,
NotLoadCacheAtStart: true,
LogDir: "/tmp/nacos/log",
CacheDir: "/tmp/nacos/cache",
LogLevel: "debug",
//Another way of create clientConfig
clientConfig := *constant.NewClientConfig(
constant.WithNamespaceId("e525eafa-f7d7-4029-83d9-008937f9d468"), //When namespace is public, fill in the blank string here.
// At least one ServerConfig
serverConfigs := []constant.ServerConfig{
IpAddr: "",
ContextPath: "/nacos",
Port: 80,
Scheme: "http",
IpAddr: "",
ContextPath: "/nacos",
Port: 80,
Scheme: "http",
//Another way of create serverConfigs
serverConfigs := []constant.ServerConfig{
// Create naming client for service discovery
_, _ := clients.CreateNamingClient(map[string]interface{}{
"serverConfigs": serverConfigs,
"clientConfig": clientConfig,
// Create config client for dynamic configuration
_, _ := clients.CreateConfigClient(map[string]interface{}{
"serverConfigs": serverConfigs,
"clientConfig": clientConfig,
// Another way of create naming client for service discovery (recommend)
namingClient, err := clients.NewNamingClient(
ClientConfig: &clientConfig,
ServerConfigs: serverConfigs,
// Another way of create config client for dynamic configuration (recommend)
configClient, err := clients.NewConfigClient(
ClientConfig: &clientConfig,
ServerConfigs: serverConfigs,
Create client for ACM
cc := constant.ClientConfig{
Endpoint: "",
NamespaceId: "e525eafa-f7d7-4029-83d9-008937f9d468",
RegionId: "cn-shanghai",
AccessKey: "LTAI4G8KxxxxxxxxxxxxxbwZLBr",
SecretKey: "n5jTL9YxxxxxxxxxxxxaxmPLZV9",
OpenKMS: true,
TimeoutMs: 5000,
LogLevel: "debug",
// a more graceful way to create config client
client, err := clients.NewConfigClient(
ClientConfig: &cc,
Service Discovery
- Register instance:RegisterInstance
success, err := namingClient.RegisterInstance(vo.RegisterInstanceParam{
Ip: "",
Port: 8848,
ServiceName: "demo.go",
Weight: 10,
Enable: true,
Healthy: true,
Ephemeral: true,
Metadata: map[string]string{"idc":"shanghai"},
ClusterName: "cluster-a", // default value is DEFAULT
GroupName: "group-a", // default value is DEFAULT_GROUP
- Deregister instance:DeregisterInstance
success, err := namingClient.DeregisterInstance(vo.DeregisterInstanceParam{
Ip: "",
Port: 8848,
ServiceName: "demo.go",
Ephemeral: true,
Cluster: "cluster-a", // default value is DEFAULT
GroupName: "group-a", // default value is DEFAULT_GROUP
services, err := namingClient.GetService(vo.GetServiceParam{
ServiceName: "demo.go",
Clusters: []string{"cluster-a"}, // default value is DEFAULT
GroupName: "group-a", // default value is DEFAULT_GROUP
- Get all instances:SelectAllInstances
// SelectAllInstance return all instances,include healthy=false,enable=false,weight<=0
instances, err := namingClient.SelectAllInstances(vo.SelectAllInstancesParam{
ServiceName: "demo.go",
GroupName: "group-a", // default value is DEFAULT_GROUP
Clusters: []string{"cluster-a"}, // default value is DEFAULT
- Get instances :SelectInstances
// SelectInstances only return the instances of healthy=${HealthyOnly},enable=true and weight>0
instances, err := namingClient.SelectInstances(vo.SelectInstancesParam{
ServiceName: "demo.go",
GroupName: "group-a", // default value is DEFAULT_GROUP
Clusters: []string{"cluster-a"}, // default value is DEFAULT
HealthyOnly: true,
- Get one healthy instance(WRR):SelectOneHealthyInstance
// SelectOneHealthyInstance return one instance by WRR strategy for load balance
// And the instance should be health=true,enable=true and weight>0
instance, err := namingClient.SelectOneHealthyInstance(vo.SelectOneHealthInstanceParam{
ServiceName: "demo.go",
GroupName: "group-a", // default value is DEFAULT_GROUP
Clusters: []string{"cluster-a"}, // default value is DEFAULT
- Listen service change event:Subscribe
// Subscribe key = serviceName+groupName+cluster
// Note: We call add multiple SubscribeCallback with the same key.
err := namingClient.Subscribe(vo.SubscribeParam{
ServiceName: "demo.go",
GroupName: "group-a", // default value is DEFAULT_GROUP
Clusters: []string{"cluster-a"}, // default value is DEFAULT
SubscribeCallback: func (services []model.Instance, err error) {
log.Printf("\n\n callback return services:%s \n\n", utils.ToJsonString(services))
- Cancel listen of service change event:Unsubscribe
err := namingClient.Unsubscribe(vo.SubscribeParam{
ServiceName: "demo.go",
GroupName: "group-a", // default value is DEFAULT_GROUP
Clusters: []string{"cluster-a"}, // default value is DEFAULT
SubscribeCallback: func (services []model.Instance, err error) {
log.Printf("\n\n callback return services:%s \n\n", utils.ToJsonString(services))
- Get all services name:GetAllServicesInfo
serviceInfos, err := namingClient.GetAllServicesInfo(vo.GetAllServiceInfoParam{
NameSpace: "0e83cc81-9d8c-4bb8-a28a-ff703187543f",
PageNo: 1,
PageSize: 10,
Dynamic configuration
- publish config:PublishConfig
success, err := configClient.PublishConfig(vo.ConfigParam{
DataId: "dataId",
Group: "group",
Content: "hello world!222222"})
- delete config:DeleteConfig
success, err = configClient.DeleteConfig(vo.ConfigParam{
DataId: "dataId",
Group: "group"})
- get config info:GetConfig
content, err := configClient.GetConfig(vo.ConfigParam{
DataId: "dataId",
Group: "group"})
- Listen config change event:ListenConfig
err := configClient.ListenConfig(vo.ConfigParam{
DataId: "dataId",
Group: "group",
OnChange: func (namespace, group, dataId, data string) {
fmt.Println("group:" + group + ", dataId:" + dataId + ", data:" + data)
- Cancel the listening of config change event:CancelListenConfig
err := configClient.CancelListenConfig(vo.ConfigParam{
DataId: "dataId",
Group: "group",
- Search config: SearchConfig
configPage, err := configClient.SearchConfig(vo.SearchConfigParam{
Search: "blur",
DataId: "",
Group: "",
PageNo: 1,
PageSize: 10,
We can run example to learn how to use nacos go client.
You can view the open-api documentation from the Nacos open-api wepsite.
You can view the full documentation from the Nacos website.
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