Task | Instagram Backend API
Submission for Appointy technical task for internship round
go run main.go
API End points
1. POST /users
with body like :
"name":"Varun Agarwal",
"email": "varun.agarwal2019@vitstudent.ac.in",
"password" : "12345678"
This will Store your user information to mongoDB with password encrypted with MD5
2. GET /users/userId
This will Retrive your user information from mongoDB with password encrypted with MD5
3. POST /posts
with body like :
"caption":"Hello World this is my first Post" ,
"imageUrl" : "instagram.com/1.png",
"time" : "6:20 PM 09/10/2021",
"userId" : "61619a80bf07eff36d14bb4a"
This will Store your post in mongoDB
4. GET /posts/postId
This will Retrive your post information from mongoDB
5. GET /posts/users/userId/(optional)PageNO
This will retrive all posts from a use with a given PageNO (Default is page 1) (posts per page is set to 5)
As shown below , there are 7 Sample posts by user Varun (userId : 61619a80bf07eff36d14bb4a) in the system.
As shown below , the first 5 were loaded in the get request with default parameters
And the remaining 2 were loaded when the PageNO was given as 2
Other Features
1. Passwords are securely stored such they can't be reverse engineered
2. The server thread safe by locking and unlocking each function call to 1 single thread
3. Pagination is used to list all the posts