# TAUTO: Twitter Automation Toolkit
Tauto is a command line tool to automate interactions of bot accounts on Twitter via Twitter's graphical user interface (website in browser).
Tauto is thus capable of interactions which are not available through Twitter API or which could be blocked if used in high volumes via API.
## Supported actions
Tauto is currently capable of following interactions:
* liking
* retweets
## Installation
Coming soon.
## How to use
### Bots
#### Add a bot
First you need to add at least 1 bot account, for example:
tauto bot add --username justanormalusername --password accountssecretpassword
And thats it!
You can add more accounts by running the command again, again and again...
Please note that you can also use "real" accounts, for example your personal account to automate it to support your allies and dis your enemies.
#### List bots
To list all available bots you have, you can run:
tauto bot list
#### Remove bot
### Allies
Allies are Twitter acounts which you want to support with your bot army!
Tauto will like-all and retweet-some of new tweets of allies.
And it will do it with every bot you have!
#### Add an ally
To add an allied account, you can run:
tauto ally add --username SenSanders
#### List allies
To list all available allies you support, you can run:
tauto ally list
#### Remove ally
### Neutrals
Neutrals are Twitter accounts which are informative and you want to use them just as source of (relatively) neutral information to make your bots look more like a real person.
#### Add neutrals
To add new neutral account, you can run:
tauto neutral add --username bbc
#### List neutrals
To list all available allies you support, you can run:
tauto ally list
#### Remove neutral
### Enemies
You can add and list enemies, but interactions with them are currently not implemented.
But it is coming really, really, really soon!
### Run the interactions
To start the interactions of all your bots with all allies, neutrals and enemies on Twitter, you can simply run the following command:
tauto run
It will open a browser and log in your first bot.
Then it will scroll through latest tweets of all your allies, neutrals and enemies and will interact with them automatically.
Time to get a cup of tea or just go out while `tauto` automatically fights the cultural war for you!