This is a command line tool for Aerospike Kubernetes Operator. It provides multiple sub-commands to perform different functions related to Aerospike Kubernetes Operator and Aerospike Kubernetes Cluster.
Available sub-commands:
Building and quick start
Building akoctl binary for local testing
make build
Install via Krew plugin manager
Krew is the plugin manager for kubectl command-line tool. Here akoctl
has been added as a custom plugin to krew.
Install Krew
To install krew on any platform, follow this.
Install akoctl
kubectl krew index add akoctl
% kubectl krew index list
% kubectl krew install akoctl/akoctl
Updated the local copy of plugin index "akoctl".
Updated the local copy of plugin index.
Installing plugin: akoctl
Installed plugin: akoctl
| Use this plugin:
| kubectl akoctl
| Documentation:
Aerospike Kubernetes Operator Log Collector
command collects all the required info from kubernetes cluster, which are available at the time of command being executed.
Flag associated with this command:
- path - (type string) Absolute path to save output tar file.
- Current user should have the list and get permission for all the objects collected by the command.
- If cluster-scope flag is set, along with permissions mentioned above, user should have list and get permission for cluster-scoped resources like(nodes and storageclasses).
- Kubectl binary should be available in PATH environment variable.
Collect cluster info using local binary
./bin/akoctl collectinfo -n aerospike,olm --path ~/abc/
Collect cluster info using krew
kubectl akoctl collectinfo -n aerospike,olm --path ~/abc/
Data Collected
This command collects the following data from the specified namespaces:
- Pods, StatefulSets, Deployments, PersistentVolumeClaims, PersistentVolumes, Services, AerospikeCluster objects .
- Container logs.
- Event logs.
Additionally, the following cluster-wide data points are collected:
- Storage class objects.
- Configurations of all nodes in the kubernetes cluster.
- Configurations of aerospike mutating and validating webhooks.
- This will create a tar file with timestamp called "scraperlogs-" which contains all the collected info from the cluster.
- Directory structure will look like this.
├── akoctl.log
├── k8s_cluster
│ ├── nodes
│ │ ├── <node1 name>.yaml
│ │ └── <node2 name>.yaml
│ └── storageclasses
│ ├── <storageclass name>.yaml
│ └── mutatingwebhookconfigurations
│ ├── <mutatingwebhook name>.yaml
│ └── validatingwebhookconfigurations
│ ├── <validatingwebhook name>.yaml
│ └── persistentvolumes
│ ├── <persistentvolume name>.yaml
│ └── summary
│ ├── summary.txt
└── k8s_namespaces
└── aerospike
├── aerospikeclusters
│ ├── <aerospikecluster name>.yaml
├── persistentvolumeclaims
│ ├── <pvc name>.yaml
├── pods
│ ├── <pod name>
│ │ ├── <pod name>.yaml
│ │ └── logs
│ │ ├── previous
│ │ │ └── <container name>.log
│ │ └── <container name>.log
└── statefulsets
│ ├── <sts name>.yaml
└── deployments
│ ├── <deployment name>.yaml
└── services
│ ├── <service name>.yaml
└── summary
│ ├── summary.txt
│ ├── events.txt
Grant Aerospike Kubernetes Cluster RBAC
command creates/deletes RBAC resources for Aerospike cluster for the given namespaces.
It creates/deletes ServiceAccount, RoleBinding or ClusterRoleBinding as per given scope of operation.
There are 2 sub-commands associated with this command:
- It creates/updates RBAC resources for the given namespaces.
- It deletes RBAC resources for the given namespaces.
If cluster-scope
is set (Default true), auth command grants cluster level RBAC whereas in case of cluster-scope
false, it grants namespace level RBAC.
Permission required
- Current user should have the CREATE, GET, UPDATE and DELETE permission for ServiceAccount and RoleBinding.
- If cluster-scope flag is set, user should have the CREATE, GET, UPDATE and DELETE permission for ServiceAccount and ClusterRoleBinding.
Create/Delete RBAC resources using local binary
./bin/akoctl auth create -n aerospike,olm # creates RBAC resources for aerospike and olm namespaces
./bin/akoctl auth delete -n aerospike,olm # deletes RBAC resources for aerospike and olm namespaces
Create/Delete RBAC resources using krew
kubectl akoctl auth create -n aerospike,olm # creates RBAC resources for aerospike and olm namespaces
kubectl akoctl auth delete -n aerospike,olm # deletes RBAC resources for aerospike and olm namespaces
Global Flags:
There are certain global flags associated with akoctl:
- all-namespaces - (shorthand -A, type bool) Specify all namespaces present in cluster.
- namespaces - (shorthand -n, type string) Comma separated list of namespaces to perform operation in.
- kubeconfig - (type string) Absolute path to the kubeconfig file.
- cluster-scope - (type bool) Permission to work in cluster scoped mode (operate on cluster scoped resources like ClusterRoleBinding). Default true.