Retracted : Scan/Query/Other streaming commands could put a faulty connection back to the pool after a cluster event where in certain conditions its contents would end up in another scan and mix the results.
The highest tagged major version is
v8 .
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Published: Jul 27, 2022
License: Apache-2.0
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Imports: 6
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Imported by: 0
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LuaPool is the global LState pool
func LValueToInterface(val lua .LValue ) interface{}
LValueToInterface converts a generic LValue to a native type
NewStream creates a LuaStream
NewValue creates a value from interface{} in the interpreter
Path returns the interpreter's current Lua Path
SetPath sets the interpreter's current Lua Path
List is the list data type to be used with a Lua instance
Map is used internally for the Lua instance
Stream is the data type used as a stream by the lua instances
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