is a lightweight, filesystem-backed, cli-driven key-value store written
in Go. This project started as a submission to a 4-hour coding challenge.
Get Started & Usage
To get started, clone this repository and install the kvdb
CLI using
go install
$ git clone github.com/adowair/kvdb
$ cd kvdb
$ go install .
$ kvdb --help
Kvdb is a lightweight, filesystem-backed key-value store written in Go.
By default, kvdb uses the current directory to store data. To get started:
kvdb set <key> <value>
kvdb get <key>
kvdb [command]
Available Commands:
del Delete a key
get Get the value for a key
help Help about any command
set Set the value for a key
ts Get the created and last-modified timestamps for a key
-h, --help help for kvdb
Use "kvdb [command] --help" for more information about a command.
supports valid utf-8
strings not containing path delimiters
, \
) as keys and values.
- By design,
does not support empty values for keys. This was done to
reduce confusion. To unset a key, simple delete it.
- Kvdb operations are atomic. Multiple processes can safely invoke
safely read and write the same keys.
Possible Improvements
- Use shared (not exclusive) locks for reads.
- Support nested keys (i.e. "key/subkey").
- Implement configurable database location, backed by a config file.
- Lazily read data files, saving some work when only timestamps are requested.
- Retain key's metadata when it is deleted, "remembering" first-set timestamps.