This is one of the most important things to know
// What's a Handler interface?
// It's a ServeHTTP Response Writer with a pointer to Request
type Handler interface {
ServeHTTP(ResponseWriter, *Request)
func ListenAndServe(addr string, handler Handler) error
func ListenAndServeTLS(addr, certFile, keyFile string, handler Handler) error
Notice that both of the above functions take a handler
See http.Request in the documentation.
Here it is with most of the comments and some of the fields stripped out:
type Request struct {
Method string
URL *url.URL
// Header = map[string][]string{
// "Accept-Encoding": {"gzip, deflate"},
// "Accept-Language": {"en-us"},
// "Foo": {"Bar", "two"},
// }
Header Header
Body io.ReadCloser
ContentLength int64
Host string
// This field is only available after ParseForm is called.
Form url.Values
// This field is only available after ParseForm is called.
PostForm url.Values
MultipartForm *multipart.Form
// RemoteAddr allows HTTP servers and other software to record
// the network address that sent the request, usually for
// logging.
RemoteAddr string
Also see the index showing type Request from the http package.
Some interesting things you can do with a request:
is a struct. It has the fields Form
& PostForm
. If we read the documentation on these, we see:
// Form contains the parsed form data, including both the URL
// field's query parameters and the POST or PUT form data.
// This field is only available after **ParseForm** is called.
// The HTTP client ignores Form and uses Body instead.
Form url.Values
// PostForm contains the parsed form data from POST, PATCH,
// or PUT body parameters.
// This field is only available after **ParseForm** is called.
// The HTTP client ignores PostForm and uses Body instead.
PostForm url.Values
If we look at ParseForm,
go func (r *Request) ParseForm() error
we see that this is a method attached to a *http.Request.
If we look at FormValue*
go func (r *Request) FormValue(key string) string
we see that this is a method attached to a *http.Request. FormValue returns the first value for the named component of the query. POST and PUT body parameters take precedence over URL query string values. FormValue calls ParseMultipartForm and ParseForm if necessary and ignores any errors returned by these functions. If key is not present, FormValue returns the empty string. To access multiple values of the same key, call ParseForm and then inspect Request.Form directly.
See the HTTP Method
The http.Request
type is a struct which has a Method
See URL values
The http.Request
type is a struct which has a URL
field. Notice that the type is a *url.URL
Take a look at type url.URL
type URL struct {
Scheme string
Opaque string // encoded opaque data
User *Userinfo // username and password information
Host string // host or host:port
Path string
RawPath string // encoded path hint (Go 1.5 and later only; see EscapedPath method)
ForceQuery bool // append a query ('?') even if RawQuery is empty
RawQuery string // encoded query values, without '?'
Fragment string // fragment for references, without '#'
The http.Request
type is a struct which has a Header
From the documentation about the http.Header
struct, we see that:
type Header map[string][]string
type ResponseWriter interface {
// Header returns the header map that will be sent by
// WriteHeader. Changing the header after a call to
// WriteHeader (or Write) has no effect
Header() Header
// Write writes the data to the connection as part of an HTTP reply.
// If WriteHeader has not yet been called, Write calls
// WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) before writing the data. If the Header
// does not contain a Content-Type line, Write adds a Content-Type set
// to the result of passing the initial 512 bytes of written data to
// DetectContentType.
Write([]byte) (int, error)
// WriteHeader sends an HTTP response header with status code.
// If WriteHeader is not called explicitly, the first call to Write
// will trigger an implicit WriteHeader(http.StatusOK).
// Thus explicit calls to WriteHeader are mainly used to
// send error codes.
An http.ResponseWriter
has a method Header()
which returns a http.Header
Look at the documentation for http.Header
type Header map[string][]string
Look at the methods which are attached to type http.Header
type Header
func (h Header) Add(key, value string)
func (h Header) Del(key string)
func (h Header) Get(key string) string
func (h Header) Set(key, value string)
func (h Header) Write(w io.Writer) error
func (h Header) WriteSubset(w io.Writer, exclude map[string]bool) error
We can set headers for a response like this:
res.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")