A quick ’n’ dirty rewrite of Dr. Drang’s ipic in Go because I was too lazy to figure out how to install Requests for a single-file script.
My version improves on the original slightly: it asks for 4096×4096 images, not measly 600×600 images. Might as well ask for an image big enough to not need upscaling, right?
Usage: ipic (-i | -m | -a | -f | -t | -b | -h) SEARCH_TERM
Generates a page of thumbnails and links to larger images for items in the iTunes/App/macOS App Stores.
-a album
-b book
-f film
-h show this help message
-i iOS app
-m macOS app
-t TV show
Only one option is allowed. The HTML file for the generated webpage is saved to ~/Desktop.
- “It works on my machine.”
- Probably missing a
defer foo.Close()
Apache License, version 2.