Server toolkit - minimal and simple framework for developing server in golang

STK provides a suite of tools tailored for building and managing server applications.
- Gsk (library): Ideal for constructing servers.
- Quickly scaffold your project and add modules with ease. It uses gsk package to run the server.
- Migrator: Generate migration files, perform migration on your sql database.
with go install
go install
If installation fails, check the GOPATH and GOBIN environment variables. Make sure that GOBIN is added to your PATH.
echo export PATH=$PATH:$GOBIN >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
Get started ( with CLI )
- Setup and initialize a project scaffolded using gsk and clean arch format. Read more about the project structure here
stk init
- Start the server
make run
it will run go run . serve -p 8080
- Test the server
curl http://localhost:8080/api/ping
Checkout the full documentation here
- CLI tool for generating migration files and running migrations
- Supports sqlite3 (default)
Get started
Generate migration files ( optinally name it and fill )
stk migrator generate -n "initial migration" --fill
migrate up ( applies all migrations, or specified number of steps )
stk migrator up
migrate down ( applies all down migrations, or specified number of steps )
stk migrator down
History - Shows history of applied migrations
stk migrator history
refer development docs