Server toolkit - minimal and simple framework for developing server in golang
GSK - Web server framework here
There are few cli tools that comes with stk
- Migrator - Database migration tool here
- Project generator - Generates a new project with gsk following clean architecture (WIP)
- Verify - Verify the project structure for arch rules (WIP)
go install
GSK - Web server framework ( library )
- A web server framework with go's native http server wrapper and httprouter for routing
- Middleware support
- Logrus Logger
- DB Connection helper functions
- Utilities
Get started
package main
import (
func main() {
config := gsk.ServerConfig{
Port: "",
RequestLogging: true,
// create new server
server := gsk.NewServer(&config)
// add routes
server.Get("/", func(c gsk.Context) {
c.Status(http.StatusOK).JSONResponse(gsk.Map{"message": "Hello World"})
// start server
you can add any middleware by simply creating a function like this and adding it to server.Use()
middleware := func(next stk.HandlerFunc) stk.HandlerFunc {
return func(c stk.Context) {
if ctx.Request.URL.Path == "/blocked" {
- CLI tool for generating migration files and running migrations
- Supports sqlite3 (default)
Get started
Generate migration files ( optinally name it and fill )
stk migrator generate -n "initial migration" --fill
migrate up ( applies all migrations, or specified number of steps )
stk migrator up
migrate down ( applies all down migrations, or specified number of steps )
stk migrator down
History - Shows history of applied migrations
stk migrator history
Number Name Type Created
000001 initial_migration up 2023-07-01
000002 initial_migration up 2023-07-01
000003 initial_migration up 2023-07-01
000004 initial_migration up 2023-07-01
000005 initial_migration up 2023-07-01
000005 initial_migration down 2023-07-01
000004 initial_migration down 2023-07-01
000003 initial_migration down 2023-07-01
000002 initial_migration down 2023-07-01
000001 initial_migration down 2023-07-01
refer development docs