⚠️ Alpha status
This tool is under active development and for sure will break compatibility until it gets a stable release.
go install
vulcan.yaml config file
This tool accepts a configuration file.
An example file is provided in vulcan.yaml.
The main sections are:
- conf/vars: Some config vars sent to the checks, i.e. to allow access to private resources.
- conf/repositories: http or file uris pointing to checktype definitions.
- targets: Contains the list of targets to scan. The tool will generate all the possible checks from the checktypes available.
- checks: The list of additional specific checks to run.
- reporting: Configuration about how to show the results, exclusions, ...
This is a very simple config file with two checks:
# A local checktype uri
default: file://./script/checktypes-stable.json
# List of targets to scan generating checks from all available checktypes
- target: .
- target: http://localhost:1234/
# List of specific checks to run
# Check current path
- type: vulcan-seekret
target: .
# Check with default options
- type: vulcan-zap
target: http://localhost:1234
- Docker has to be running on the local machine.
- Git
Usage of vulcan-local:
-a string
asset type (WebAddress, ...)
-c string
config file (i.e. -c vulcan.yaml)
-concurrency int
max number of checks/containers to run concurrently (default 5)
-docker string
docker binary (default "docker")
-e string
exclude checktype regex
-git string
git binary (default "git")
-h print usage
-i string
include checktype regex
-ifname string
network interface where agent will be available for the checks (default "docker0")
-l string
log level [panic, fatal, error, warn, info, debug] (default "info")
-o string
options related to the target (-t) used in all the their checks (i.e. '{"depth":"1", "max_scan_duration": 1}')
-pullpolicy string
when to pull for check images [Always IfNotPresent Never] (default "IfNotPresent")
-r string
results file (i.e. -r results.json)
-s string
filter by severity [CRITICAL HIGH MEDIUM LOW ALL]
-t string
target to check
-u string
chektypes uri (or VULCAN_CHECKTYPES_URI)
Exit codes:
- 0: No vulnerability found over the severity threshold (see -s flag)
- 1: An error happened
- 101: Max severity found was LOW
- 102: Max severity found was MEDIUM
- 103: Max severity found was HIGH
- 104: Max severity found was CRITICAL
Scanning the checks defined in vulcan.yaml
vulcan-local -c vulcan.yaml
NOTE: This application does not handle authentication in private registries
instead it assumes the current docker client is already authenticated in the required registries.
If the check images are from private registries first login into the registry.
cat ~/my_password.txt | docker login --username foo --password-stdin
Scan a single asset with all the checkTypes that apply
vulcan-local -t http://localhost:1234 -i exposed -u file://./script/checktypes-stable.json
# Set VULCAN_CHECKTYPES_URI as the default checktypes uri (-u flag)
export VULCAN_CHECKTYPES_URI=file://./script/checktypes-stable.json
# Execute all checks on WebAddress that matches 'exposed' regex
vulcan-local -t http://localhost:1234 -i exposed
# Execute all checks on WebAddress that doesn't matches 'zap' regex
vulcan-local -t http://localhost:1234 -e zap
# Execute all checks on WebAddress with the indicated option.
vulcan-local -t http://localhost:1234 -o '{"depth": 1}'
# Execute all checks for GitRepository targets (. has to be the root of a git repo)
vulcan-local -t . -a GitRepository
# Execute all checks . inferring the asset type
vulcan-local -t .
In case the tool reports a finding that should be excluded from the next scans, it is possible to apply some filtering.
When specified, it applies a contains
evaluation over the following fields:
- summary
- affectedResource: Applies either to
and affectedResourceString
- target
- fingerprint
- summary: Leaked
- affectedResource: libgcrypt
target: .
- affectedResource: busybox
target: .
- affectedResource: ncurses
target: latest
- fingerprint: 7820aa24a96f0fcd4717933772a8bc89552a0c1509f3d90b14d885d25e60595f
Docker usage
Using the existing docker image:
docker pull adevinta/vulcan-local:latest
Building your local docker image:
docker build . -t vulcan-local
In the following examples the local image reference vulcan-local
will e used.
Start the target application
docker run -p 1234:8000 --restart unless-stopped -d appsecco/dsvw
Start scan using a local config file
docker run -i --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-v $PWD:/app \
vulcan-local -c /app/vulcan.yaml
Start scanning a local http server
docker run -i --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-v $PWD/script:/app/script \
vulcan-local -t http://localhost:1234 -u file:///app/script/checktypes-stable.json
Start scanning a local Git repository. The target path must point to the base of a git repository.
docker run -i --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-v $PWD/script:/app/script -v $PWD:/src \
vulcan-local -t /src -u file:///app/script/checktypes-stable.json