instantiate a config struct. Set the keys, url and some other parameters.
call the constructor New(cfg config)
cosmosdb follows the hierarchy of Cosmos DB. This means that you can operate
on the resource the current type represents. The database struct can work with
resources that belong to a cosmos database, the Collection type can work with
resources that belong to a collection.
doc interface{} may seem weird in some contexts, e.g. DeleteDocument, why
not use a signature like DeleteDocument(ctx context.Context, id string). The
reason is that there are several ways to address the document. Either by self
link, with or without _etag or by the id. All on collections with or without
a partition key.
use _self if possible
if _etag is present, use it
otherwise use id
if neither exists -> error
Create Document
type Document struct {
id string
newDoc, err := coll.CreateDocument(context.Background(), doc)
The cosmostest package contains utilities for writing tests with cosmos, using a real database or the emulator as a backend, and with the option of multiple tests running side by side in multiple namespaces in a single collection to save costs.
The cosmostest package contains utilities for writing tests with cosmos, using a real database or the emulator as a backend, and with the option of multiple tests running side by side in multiple namespaces in a single collection to save costs.