Fiber User Auth is an Authentication Service built using Go Fiber Framework.
It allows new users to create account, login , and access their profile.
To make this possible, user data is stored when they create an account, and we check against the database when they try to login.
Authentication and Authorization is enabled via the use of JWT .
Once a user logs, we blacklist their token and they cannot access any protected route till they request for a new token through a
fresh login.
Table of Contents
- Project Constraints
- Requirements
- Downloading the Project
- Folder Structure
- Dependencies
- Environemnt Settings
- Starting the App
- API Endpoints
Project Constraints
The project adheres to the following constraints :
A user must provide their username, email , and password to signup
No user can view a protected route except they are logged in
Project Requirements
This project requires that you have mysql running either locally or remotely.
For this project, I made use of the foloowing packages (Standard , and External)
fmt : For printing to the standard output
log : Used for logging and modified to serve the purpose of my custom logging
fiber : Web Server Framework
Go Redis : For caching blacklisted token
gorm : ORM for interacting with our database
mysql : Mysql driver that is used by gorm
Go Dotenv : For loading environment variables
Bcrypt : For Password Encryptino and Password Comparision
Jwt Go : For JSON Web Authentication Implementation
When you download and run this project using : go run main.go , the dependencies will be managed automatically for you
Downloading the Project
Clone this project using the git clone command.
The stable branch is set to main and that is the branch you should run.
Other development branch as at the time of pushing the codes were short lived and
therefore deleted.
To get this project, do :
git clone
Folder Structure
The folder structure adopted for this project, allows related items and domains to be packed at one place.
The source codes are inside the src directory which is divided into the following
common : For commonly used codes
middleware : For request handlers that are middlewares
loaders : For db setup used especially for redis
features : Business Logic for each domain resides here
Environment Settings
Provide appropriate values where needed as specified in env.sample file
Without values , the project will not run
Starting the APP
After cloning the app, change into the project directory:
$ cd
$ cd fiber-user-auth
To run the app , do :
$ go run main.go
API Endpoints
You can clone an already prepared endpoints for testing from postman using