Clock and Timecop
Package providing "time travel" and "time scaling" capabilities, making it simple to test time-dependent code.
go get -u
- Freeze time to a specific point.
- Travel back to a specific time, but allow time to continue moving forward.
- Scale time by a given scaling factor will cause the time to move at an accelerated pace.
- No dependencies other than the stdlib
- Nested calls to timecop.Travel is supported
- Works with any regular Go projects
package main
import (
func Test(t *testing.T) {
type Entity struct {
CreatedAt time.Time
MyFunc := func() Entity {
return Entity{
CreatedAt: clock.TimeNow(),
expected := Entity{
CreatedAt: clock.TimeNow(),
timecop.Travel(t, expected.CreatedAt, timecop.Freeze())
assert.Equal(t, expected, MyFunc())
Time travelling is undone as part of the test's teardown.
timecop.Travel + timecop.Freeze
The Freeze option causes the observed time to stop until the first time reading event.
Let's say you want to test a "live" integration wherein entire days could pass by in minutes while you're able to simulate "real" activity. For example, one such use case is being able to test reports and invoices that run in 30-day cycles in very little time while also simulating activity via subsequent calls to your application.
timecop.SetSpeed(t, 1000) // accelerate speed by 1000x times from now on.
<-clock.After(time.Hour) // takes only 1/1000 time to finish, not an hour.
clock.Sleep(time.Hour) // same
The package uses a singleton pattern. The original design had a Clock and a Timecop type to do dependency injection, but upon doing spiking with it, it felt foreign to how we currently use time.Now() or time.After(duration). Also, it made it possible that different components reside in different timelines, while time should be observed as a singleton entity by the whole application. Time manipulation seems to be a good use case where the singleton pattern is the least wrong solution.
The package was inspired by travisjeffery' timecop project.