Run promtool
over kubernetes ConfigMaps
without the fuss of translating between the formats.
Download the latest release for Linux or macOS.
$ go install
Pass your ConfigMap
objects into promtool-configmap
$ promtool-configmap testdata/good.yaml
testdata/good.yaml passed checks
# read via stdin
$ cat testdata/bad.yaml | promtool-configmap --
ERROR validating rules for /Users/adam/.../bad.yaml, err=error validating rule file
Groupname should not be empty
Group: : unknown fields in rule_group: malformed
can also read a json ConfigMap
$ promtool-configmap testdata/bad.json
ERROR validating rules for /Users/adam/.../bad.json, err=error validating rule file
yaml: unmarshal errors:
line 2: cannot unmarshal !!str `bad` into rulefmt.RuleGroup
Note: promtool
is required on PATH.