
v1.2205.0-pre1 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: May 6, 2022 License: MPL-2.0 Imports: 28 Imported by: 0




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const (
	InputSQLFileName        = "input_sql_file"
	InputMyBatisXMLFileName = "input_mybatis_xml_file"


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var ErrForbidMyBatisXMLTask = errors.New(errors.DataConflict,
	fmt.Errorf("the task for audit mybatis xml file is not allow to create workflow"))
View Source
var ErrNoLicenseRequired = errors.New(errors.EnterpriseEditionFeatures, e.New("sqle-qa no license required"))
View Source
var ErrTaskNoAccess = errors.New(errors.DataNotExist, fmt.Errorf("task is not exist or you can't access it"))
View Source
var ErrWorkflowNoAccess = errors.New(errors.DataNotExist, fmt.Errorf("workflow is not exist or you can't access it"))


func ApproveWorkflow

func ApproveWorkflow(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 审批通过 @Description approve workflow @Tags workflow @Id approveWorkflowV1 @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param workflow_id path string true "workflow id" @Param workflow_step_id path string true "workflow step id" @Success 200 {object} controller.BaseRes @router /v1/workflows/{workflow_id}/steps/{workflow_step_id}/approve [post]

func BatchCancelWorkflows

func BatchCancelWorkflows(c echo.Context) error

BatchCancelWorkflows batch cancel workflows. @Summary 批量取消工单 @Description batch cancel workflows @Tags workflow @Id batchCancelWorkflowsV1 @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param BatchCancelWorkflowsReqV1 body v1.BatchCancelWorkflowsReqV1 true "batch cancel workflows request" @Success 200 {object} controller.BaseRes @router /v1/workflows/cancel [post]

func BindOauth2User added in v1.2205.0

func BindOauth2User(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 绑定 Oauth2 和 sqle用户 @Description bind Oauth2 user to sqle @Id bindOauth2User @Tags oauth2 @Param conf body v1.BindOauth2UserReqV1 true "bind oauth2 user req" @Success 200 {object} v1.BindOauth2UserResV1 @router /v1/oauth2/user/bind [post]

func CancelWorkflow

func CancelWorkflow(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 审批关闭(中止) @Description cancel workflow @Tags workflow @Id cancelWorkflowV1 @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param workflow_id path string true "workflow id" @Success 200 {object} controller.BaseRes @router /v1/workflows/{workflow_id}/cancel [post]

func CheckCurrentUserCanAccessAuditPlan added in v1.2201.0

func CheckCurrentUserCanAccessAuditPlan(c echo.Context, apName string, opCode int) error

func CheckInstanceAndRuleTemplateDbType

func CheckInstanceAndRuleTemplateDbType(ruleTemplates []*model.RuleTemplate, instances ...*model.Instance) error

func CheckInstanceCanBindOneRuleTemplate

func CheckInstanceCanBindOneRuleTemplate(ruleTemplates []string) bool

func CheckInstanceIsConnectable

func CheckInstanceIsConnectable(c echo.Context) error

CheckInstanceIsConnectable test instance db connection @Summary 实例连通性测试(实例提交前) @Description test instance db connection 注:可直接提交创建实例接口的body,该接口的json 内容是创建实例的 json 的子集 @Accept json @Id checkInstanceIsConnectableV1 @Tags instance @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param instance body v1.GetInstanceConnectableReqV1 true "instance info" @Success 200 {object} v1.GetInstanceConnectableResV1 @router /v1/instance_connection [post]

func CheckInstanceIsConnectableByName

func CheckInstanceIsConnectableByName(c echo.Context) error

CheckInstanceIsConnectableByName test instance db connection @Summary 实例连通性测试(实例提交后) @Description test instance db connection @Id checkInstanceIsConnectableByNameV1 @Tags instance @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param instance_name path string true "instance name" @Success 200 {object} v1.GetInstanceConnectableResV1 @router /v1/instances/{instance_name}/connection [get]

func CheckLicense added in v1.2203.0

func CheckLicense(c echo.Context) error

CheckLicense parse and check sqle license @Summary 解析和校验 sqle license @Description parse and check sqle license @Id checkSQLELicenseV1 @Tags configuration @Accept mpfd @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param license_file formData file true "SQLE license file" @Success 200 {object} v1.CheckLicenseResV1 @router /v1/configurations/license/check [post]

func CheckRuleTemplateCanBeBindEachInstance

func CheckRuleTemplateCanBeBindEachInstance(s *model.Storage, tplName string, instances []*model.Instance) error

func CloneRuleTemplate

func CloneRuleTemplate(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 克隆规则模板 @Description clone a rule template @Id CloneRuleTemplateV1 @Tags rule_template @Security ApiKeyAuth @Accept json @Param rule_template_name path string true "rule template name" @Param instance body v1.CloneRuleTemplateReqV1 true "clone rule template request" @Success 200 {object} controller.BaseRes @router /v1/rule_templates/{rule_template_name}/clone [post]

func CreateAndAuditTask

func CreateAndAuditTask(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 创建Sql审核任务并提交审核 @Description create and audit a task, you can upload sql content in three ways, any one can be used, but only one is effective. @Description 1. formData[sql]: sql content; @Description 2. file[input_sql_file]: it is a sql file; @Description 3. file[input_mybatis_xml_file]: it is mybatis xml file, sql will be parsed from it. @Accept mpfd @Produce json @Tags task @Id createAndAuditTaskV1 @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param instance_name formData string true "instance name" @Param instance_schema formData string false "schema of instance" @Param sql formData string false "sqls for audit" @Param input_sql_file formData file false "input SQL file" @Param input_mybatis_xml_file formData file false "input mybatis XML file" @Success 200 {object} v1.GetAuditTaskResV1 @router /v1/tasks/audits [post]

func CreateAuditPlan

func CreateAuditPlan(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 添加审核计划 @Description create audit plan @Id createAuditPlanV1 @Tags audit_plan @Security ApiKeyAuth @Accept json @Param audit_plan body v1.CreateAuditPlanReqV1 true "create audit plan" @Success 200 {object} controller.BaseRes @router /v1/audit_plans [post]

func CreateAuditWhitelist

func CreateAuditWhitelist(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 添加SQL白名单 @Description create a sql whitelist @Accept json @Id createAuditWhitelistV1 @Tags audit_whitelist @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param instance body v1.CreateAuditWhitelistReqV1 true "add sql whitelist req" @Success 200 {object} controller.BaseRes @router /v1/audit_whitelist [post]

func CreateInstance

func CreateInstance(c echo.Context) error

CreateInstance create instance @Summary 添加实例 @Description create a instance @Id createInstanceV1 @Tags instance @Security ApiKeyAuth @Accept json @Param instance body v1.CreateInstanceReqV1 true "add instance" @Success 200 {object} controller.BaseRes @router /v1/instances [post]

func CreateRole

func CreateRole(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 创建角色 @Description create role @Deprecated @Id createRoleV1 @Tags role @Security ApiKeyAuth @Accept json @Produce json @Param instance body v1.CreateRoleReqV1 true "create role" @Success 200 {object} controller.BaseRes @router /v1/roles [post]

func CreateRuleTemplate

func CreateRuleTemplate(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 添加规则模板 @Description create a rule template @Id createRuleTemplateV1 @Tags rule_template @Security ApiKeyAuth @Accept json @Param instance body v1.CreateRuleTemplateReqV1 true "add rule template request" @Success 200 {object} controller.BaseRes @router /v1/rule_templates [post]

func CreateUser

func CreateUser(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 创建用户 @Description create user @Id createUserV1 @Tags user @Security ApiKeyAuth @Accept json @Produce json @Param instance body v1.CreateUserReqV1 true "create user" @Success 200 {object} controller.BaseRes @router /v1/users [post]

func CreateUserGroup added in v1.2202.0

func CreateUserGroup(c echo.Context) (err error)

@Summary 创建用户组 @Description create user group @Id CreateUserGroupV1 @Tags user_group @Security ApiKeyAuth @Accept json @Produce json @Param instance body v1.CreateUserGroupReqV1 true "create user group" @Success 200 {object} controller.BaseRes @router /v1/user_groups [post]

func CreateWorkflow

func CreateWorkflow(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 创建工单 @Description create workflow @Accept json @Produce json @Tags workflow @Id createWorkflowV1 @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param instance body v1.CreateWorkflowReqV1 true "create workflow request" @Success 200 {object} controller.BaseRes @router /v1/workflows [post]

func CreateWorkflowTemplate

func CreateWorkflowTemplate(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 创建Sql审批流程模板 @Description create a workflow template @Accept json @Produce json @Tags workflow @Id createWorkflowTemplateV1 @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param instance body v1.CreateWorkflowTemplateReqV1 true "create workflow template request" @Success 200 {object} controller.BaseRes @router /v1/workflow_templates [post]

func Dashboard

func Dashboard(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 获取 dashboard 信息 @Description get dashboard info @Id getDashboardV1 @Tags dashboard @Security ApiKeyAuth @Produce json @Success 200 {object} v1.GetDashboardResV1 @router /v1/dashboard [get]

func DeleteAuditPlan

func DeleteAuditPlan(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 删除审核计划 @Description delete audit plan @Id deleteAuditPlanV1 @Tags audit_plan @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param audit_plan_name path string true "audit plan name" @Success 200 {object} controller.BaseRes @router /v1/audit_plans/{audit_plan_name}/ [delete]

func DeleteAuditWhitelistById

func DeleteAuditWhitelistById(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 删除SQL白名单信息 @Description remove sql white @Id deleteAuditWhitelistByIdV1 @Tags audit_whitelist @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param audit_whitelist_id path string true "audit whitelist id" @Success 200 {object} controller.BaseRes @router /v1/audit_whitelist/{audit_whitelist_id}/ [delete]

func DeleteInstance

func DeleteInstance(c echo.Context) error

DeleteInstance delete instance @Summary 删除实例 @Description delete instance db @Id deleteInstanceV1 @Tags instance @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param instance_name path string true "instance name" @Success 200 {object} controller.BaseRes @router /v1/instances/{instance_name}/ [delete]

func DeleteRole

func DeleteRole(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 删除角色 @Description delete role @Id deleteRoleV1 @Tags role @Security ApiKeyAuth @Accept json @Produce json @Param role_name path string true "role name" @Success 200 {object} controller.BaseRes @router /v1/roles/{role_name}/ [delete]

func DeleteRuleTemplate

func DeleteRuleTemplate(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 删除规则模板 @Description delete rule template @Id deleteRuleTemplateV1 @Tags rule_template @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param rule_template_name path string true "rule template name" @Success 200 {object} controller.BaseRes @router /v1/rule_templates/{rule_template_name}/ [delete]

func DeleteUser

func DeleteUser(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 删除用户 @Description delete user @Id deleteUserV1 @Tags user @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param user_name path string true "user name" @Success 200 {object} controller.BaseRes @router /v1/users/{user_name}/ [delete]

func DeleteUserGroup added in v1.2202.0

func DeleteUserGroup(c echo.Context) (err error)

@Summary 删除用户组 @Description delete user group @Id deleteUserGroupV1 @Tags user_group @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param user_group_name path string true "user_group_name" @Success 200 {object} controller.BaseRes @router /v1/user_groups/{user_group_name}/ [delete]

func DeleteWorkflowTemplate

func DeleteWorkflowTemplate(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 删除Sql审批流程模板 @Description update the workflow template @Tags workflow @Id deleteWorkflowTemplateV1 @Security ApiKeyAuth @Accept json @Produce json @Param workflow_template_name path string true "workflow template name" @Success 200 {object} controller.BaseRes @router /v1/workflow_templates/{workflow_template_name}/ [delete]

func DownloadTaskSQLFile

func DownloadTaskSQLFile(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 下载指定审核任务的SQL文件 @Description download SQL file for the audit task @Tags task @Id downloadAuditTaskSQLFileV1 @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param task_id path string true "task id" @Success 200 file 1 "sql file" @router /v1/tasks/audits/{task_id}/sql_file [get]

func DownloadTaskSQLReportFile

func DownloadTaskSQLReportFile(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 下载指定审核任务的SQLs信息报告 @Description download report file of all SQLs information belong to the specified audit task @Tags task @Id downloadAuditTaskSQLReportV1 @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param task_id path string true "task id" @Param no_duplicate query boolean false "select unique (fingerprint and audit result) for task sql" @Success 200 file 1 "sql report csv file" @router /v1/tasks/audits/{task_id}/sql_report [get]

func ExecuteTaskOnWorkflow added in v1.2112.0

func ExecuteTaskOnWorkflow(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 工单提交 SQL 上线 @Description execute task on workflow @Tags workflow @Id executeTaskOnWorkflowV1 @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param workflow_id path string true "workflow id" @Success 200 {object} controller.BaseRes @router /v1/workflows/{workflow_id}/task/execute [post]

func FormatStringToInt

func FormatStringToInt(s string) (ret int, err error)

func FullSyncAuditPlanSQLs

func FullSyncAuditPlanSQLs(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 全量同步SQL到审核计划 @Description full sync audit plan SQLs @Id fullSyncAuditPlanSQLsV1 @Tags audit_plan @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param audit_plan_name path string true "audit plan name" @Param sqls body v1.FullSyncAuditPlanSQLsReqV1 true "full sync audit plan SQLs request" @Success 200 {object} controller.BaseRes @router /v1/audit_plans/{audit_plan_name}/sqls/full [post]

func GetAuditPlan

func GetAuditPlan(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 获取指定审核计划 @Description get audit plan @Id getAuditPlanV1 @Tags audit_plan @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param audit_plan_name path string true "audit plan name" @Success 200 {object} v1.GetAuditPlanResV1 @router /v1/audit_plans/{audit_plan_name}/ [get]

func GetAuditPlanMetas added in v1.2201.0

func GetAuditPlanMetas(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 获取审核任务元信息 @Description get audit plan metas @Id getAuditPlanMetasV1 @Tags audit_plan @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param filter_instance_type query string false "filter instance type" @Success 200 {object} v1.GetAuditPlanMetasResV1 @router /v1/audit_plan_metas [get]

func GetAuditPlanNotifyConfig added in v1.2204.0

func GetAuditPlanNotifyConfig(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 获取审核任务消息推送设置 @Description get audit plan notify config @Id getAuditPlanNotifyConfigV1 @Tags audit_plan @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param audit_plan_name path string true "audit plan name" @Success 200 {object} v1.GetAuditPlanNotifyConfigResV1 @router /v1/audit_plans/{audit_plan_name}/notify_config [get]

func GetAuditPlanReport added in v1.2204.0

func GetAuditPlanReport(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 获取指定审核计划的SQL审核记录统计信息 @Description get audit plan report @Id getAuditPlanReportV1 @Tags audit_plan @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param audit_plan_name path string true "audit plan name" @Param audit_plan_report_id path string true "audit plan report id" @Success 200 {object} v1.GetAuditPlanReportResV1 @router /v1/audit_plans/{audit_plan_name}/reports/{audit_plan_report_id}/ [get]

func GetAuditPlanReportSQLs

func GetAuditPlanReportSQLs(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 获取指定审核计划的SQL审核详情 @Description get audit plan report SQLs @Deprecated @Id getAuditPlanReportSQLsV1 @Tags audit_plan @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param audit_plan_name path string true "audit plan name" @Param audit_plan_report_id path string true "audit plan report id" @Param page_index query uint32 false "page index" @Param page_size query uint32 false "size of per page" @Success 200 {object} v1.GetAuditPlanReportSQLsResV1 @router /v1/audit_plans/{audit_plan_name}/report/{audit_plan_report_id}/ [get]

func GetAuditPlanReports

func GetAuditPlanReports(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 获取指定审核计划的报告列表 @Description get audit plan report list @Id getAuditPlanReportsV1 @Tags audit_plan @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param audit_plan_name path string true "audit plan name" @Param page_index query uint32 false "page index" @Param page_size query uint32 false "size of per page" @Success 200 {object} v1.GetAuditPlanReportsResV1 @router /v1/audit_plans/{audit_plan_name}/reports [get]

func GetAuditPlanSQLs

func GetAuditPlanSQLs(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 获取指定审核计划的SQLs信息(不包括审核结果) @Description get audit plan SQLs @Deprecated @Id getAuditPlanSQLsV1 @Tags audit_plan @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param audit_plan_name path string true "audit plan name" @Param page_index query uint32 false "page index" @Param page_size query uint32 false "size of per page" @Success 200 {object} v1.GetAuditPlanSQLsResV1 @router /v1/audit_plans/{audit_plan_name}/sqls [get]

func GetAuditPlans

func GetAuditPlans(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 获取审核计划信息列表 @Description get audit plan info list @Id getAuditPlansV1 @Tags audit_plan @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param filter_audit_plan_db_type query string false "filter audit plan db type" @Param page_index query uint32 false "page index" @Param page_size query uint32 false "size of per page" @Success 200 {object} v1.GetAuditPlansResV1 @router /v1/audit_plans [get]

func GetAuditTaskSQLContent

func GetAuditTaskSQLContent(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 获取指定审核任务的SQL内容 @Description get SQL content for the audit task @Tags task @Id getAuditTaskSQLContentV1 @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param task_id path string true "task id" @Success 200 {object} v1.GetAuditTaskSQLContentResV1 @router /v1/tasks/audits/{task_id}/sql_content [get]

func GetCurrentUser

func GetCurrentUser(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 获取当前用户信息 @Description get current user info @Id getCurrentUserV1 @Tags user @Security ApiKeyAuth @Success 200 {object} v1.GetUserDetailResV1 @router /v1/user [get]

func GetDrivers

func GetDrivers(c echo.Context) error

GetDrivers get support Driver list. @Summary 获取当前 server 支持的审核类型 @Description get drivers @Id getDriversV1 @Tags configuration @Security ApiKeyAuth @Success 200 {object} v1.GetDriversResV1 @router /v1/configurations/drivers [get]

func GetInstance

func GetInstance(c echo.Context) error

GetInstance get instance @Summary 获取实例信息 @Description get instance db @Id getInstanceV1 @Tags instance @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param instance_name path string true "instance name" @Success 200 {object} v1.GetInstanceResV1 @router /v1/instances/{instance_name}/ [get]

func GetInstanceAdditionalMetas added in v1.2203.0

func GetInstanceAdditionalMetas(c echo.Context) error

GetInstanceAdditionalMetas get instance additional metas @Summary 获取实例的额外属性列表 @Description get instance additional metas @Id getInstanceAdditionalMetas @Tags instance @Security ApiKeyAuth @Success 200 {object} v1.GetInstanceAdditionalMetasResV1 @router /v1/instance_additional_metas [get]

func GetInstanceRules

func GetInstanceRules(c echo.Context) error

GetInstanceRules get instance all rule @Summary 获取实例应用的规则列表 @Description get instance all rule @Id getInstanceRuleListV1 @Tags instance @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param instance_name path string true "instance name" @Success 200 {object} v1.GetRulesResV1 @router /v1/instances/{instance_name}/rules [get]

func GetInstanceSchemas

func GetInstanceSchemas(c echo.Context) error

GetInstanceSchemas get instance schema list @Summary 实例 Schema 列表 @Description instance schema list @Id getInstanceSchemasV1 @Tags instance @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param instance_name path string true "instance name" @Success 200 {object} v1.GetInstanceSchemaResV1 @router /v1/instances/{instance_name}/schemas [get]

func GetInstanceTips

func GetInstanceTips(c echo.Context) error

GetInstanceTips get instance tip list @Summary 获取实例提示列表 @Description get instance tip list @Tags instance @Id getInstanceTipListV1 @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param filter_db_type query string false "filter db type" @Param functional_module query string false "functional module" Enums(create_audit_plan) @Success 200 {object} v1.GetInstanceTipsResV1 @router /v1/instance_tips [get]

func GetInstanceWorkflowTemplate added in v1.2201.0

func GetInstanceWorkflowTemplate(c echo.Context) error

GetInstanceWorkflowTemplate get instance workflow template @Summary 获取实例应用的工作流程模板 @Description get instance workflow template @Id getInstanceWorkflowTemplateV1 @Tags instance @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param instance_name path string true "instance name" @Success 200 {object} v1.GetInstanceWorkflowTemplateResV1 @router /v1/instances/{instance_name}/workflow_template [get]

func GetInstances

func GetInstances(c echo.Context) error

GetInstances get instances @Summary 获取实例信息列表 @Description get instance info list @Id getInstanceListV1 @Tags instance @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param filter_instance_name query string false "filter instance name" @Param filter_db_type query string false "filter db type" @Param filter_db_host query string false "filter db host" @Param filter_db_port query string false "filter db port" @Param filter_db_user query string false "filter db user" @Param filter_workflow_template_name query string false "filter workflow rule template name" @Param filter_rule_template_name query string false "filter rule template name" @Param filter_role_name query string false "filter role name" @Param page_index query uint32 false "page index" @Param page_size query uint32 false "size of per page" @Success 200 {object} v1.GetInstancesResV1 @router /v1/instances [get]

func GetLDAPConfiguration added in v1.2111.0

func GetLDAPConfiguration(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 获取 LDAP 配置 @Description get LDAP configuration @Id getLDAPConfigurationV1 @Tags configuration @Security ApiKeyAuth @Success 200 {object} v1.GetLDAPConfigurationResV1 @router /v1/configurations/ldap [get]

func GetLicense added in v1.2203.0

func GetLicense(c echo.Context) error

GetLicense get sqle license @Summary 获取 sqle license @Description get sqle license @Id getSQLELicenseV1 @Tags configuration @Security ApiKeyAuth @Success 200 {object} v1.GetLicenseResV1 @router /v1/configurations/license [get]

func GetOauth2Configuration added in v1.2205.0

func GetOauth2Configuration(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 获取 Oauth2 配置 @Description get Oauth2 configuration @Id getOauth2ConfigurationV1 @Tags configuration @Security ApiKeyAuth @Success 200 {object} v1.GetOauth2ConfigurationResV1 @router /v1/configurations/oauth2 [get]

func GetOauth2Tips added in v1.2205.0

func GetOauth2Tips(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 获取 Oauth2 基本信息 @Description get Oauth2 tips @Id getOauth2Tips @Tags configuration @Success 200 {object} v1.GetOauth2TipsResV1 @router /v1/configurations/oauth2/tips [get]

func GetOperations added in v1.2202.0

func GetOperations(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 获取权限动作列表 @Description get permission operations @Id GetOperationsV1 @Tags operation @Security ApiKeyAuth @Success 200 {object} v1.GetOperationsResV1 @Router /v1/operations [get]

func GetRoleTips

func GetRoleTips(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 获取角色提示列表 @Description get role tip list @Tags role @Id getRoleTipListV1 @Security ApiKeyAuth @Success 200 {object} v1.GetRoleTipsResV1 @router /v1/role_tips [get]

func GetRoles

func GetRoles(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 获取角色列表 @Description get role list @Deprecated @Id getRoleListV1 @Tags role @Security ApiKeyAuth @Accept json @Produce json @Param filter_role_name query string false "filter role name" @Param filter_user_name query string false "filter user name" @Param filter_instance_name query string false "filter instance name" @Param page_index query uint32 false "page index" @Param page_size query uint32 false "size of per page" @Success 200 {object} v1.GetRolesResV1 @router /v1/roles [get]

func GetRuleTemplate

func GetRuleTemplate(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 获取规则模板信息 @Description get rule template @Id getRuleTemplateV1 @Tags rule_template @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param rule_template_name path string true "rule template name" @Success 200 {object} v1.GetRuleTemplateResV1 @router /v1/rule_templates/{rule_template_name}/ [get]

func GetRuleTemplateTips

func GetRuleTemplateTips(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 获取规则模板提示 @Description get rule template tips @Id getRuleTemplateTipsV1 @Tags rule_template @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param filter_db_type query string false "filter db type" @Success 200 {object} v1.GetRuleTemplateTipsResV1 @router /v1/rule_template_tips [get]

func GetRuleTemplates

func GetRuleTemplates(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 规则模板列表 @Description get all rule template @Id getRuleTemplateListV1 @Tags rule_template @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param filter_instance_name query string false "filter instance name" @Param page_index query uint32 false "page index" @Param page_size query uint32 false "size of per page" @Success 200 {object} v1.GetRuleTemplatesResV1 @router /v1/rule_templates [get]

func GetRules

func GetRules(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 规则列表 @Description get all rule template @Id getRuleListV1 @Tags rule_template @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param filter_db_type query string false "filter db type" @Success 200 {object} v1.GetRulesResV1 @router /v1/rules [get]

func GetSMTPConfiguration

func GetSMTPConfiguration(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 获取 SMTP 配置 @Description get SMTP configuration @Id getSMTPConfigurationV1 @Tags configuration @Security ApiKeyAuth @Success 200 {object} v1.GetSMTPConfigurationResV1 @router /v1/configurations/smtp [get]

func GetSQLEInfo added in v1.2201.0

func GetSQLEInfo(c echo.Context) error

GetSQLEInfo get sqle basic info @Summary 获取 sqle 基本信息 @Description get sqle basic info @Id getSQLEInfoV1 @Tags global @Success 200 {object} v1.GetSQLEInfoResV1 @router /v1/basic_info [get]

func GetSQLELicenseInfo added in v1.2203.0

func GetSQLELicenseInfo(c echo.Context) error

GetSQLELicenseInfo get the information needed to generate the sqle license @Summary 获取生成 sqle license需要的的信息 @Description get the information needed to generate the sqle license @Id GetSQLELicenseInfoV1 @Tags configuration @Security ApiKeyAuth @Success 200 file 1 "server info" @router /v1/configurations/license/info [get]

func GetSqlWhitelist

func GetSqlWhitelist(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 获取Sql审核白名单 @Description get all whitelist @Id getAuditWhitelistV1 @Tags audit_whitelist @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param page_index query string false "page index" @Param page_size query string false "page size" @Success 200 {object} v1.GetAuditWhitelistResV1 @router /v1/audit_whitelist [get]

func GetSystemVariables

func GetSystemVariables(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 获取系统变量 @Description get system variables @Id getSystemVariablesV1 @Tags configuration @Security ApiKeyAuth @Success 200 {object} v1.GetSystemVariablesResV1 @router /v1/configurations/system_variables [get]

func GetTask

func GetTask(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 获取Sql审核任务信息 @Description get task @Tags task @Id getAuditTaskV1 @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param task_id path string true "task id" @Success 200 {object} v1.GetAuditTaskResV1 @router /v1/tasks/audits/{task_id}/ [get]

func GetTaskSQLs

func GetTaskSQLs(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 获取指定审核任务的SQLs信息 @Description get information of all SQLs belong to the specified audit task @Tags task @Id getAuditTaskSQLsV1 @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param task_id path string true "task id" @Param filter_exec_status query string false "filter: exec status of task sql" Enums(initialized,doing,succeeded,failed) @Param filter_audit_status query string false "filter: audit status of task sql" Enums(initialized,doing,finished) @Param filter_audit_level query string false "filter: audit level of task sql" Enums(normal,notice,warn,error) @Param no_duplicate query boolean false "select unique (fingerprint and audit result) for task sql" @Param page_index query string false "page index" @Param page_size query string false "page size" @Success 200 {object} v1.GetAuditTaskSQLsResV1 @router /v1/tasks/audits/{task_id}/sqls [get]

func GetUser

func GetUser(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 获取用户信息 @Description get user info @Id getUserV1 @Tags user @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param user_name path string true "user name" @Success 200 {object} v1.GetUserDetailResV1 @router /v1/users/{user_name}/ [get]

func GetUserGroupTips added in v1.2202.0

func GetUserGroupTips(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 获取用户组提示列表 @Description get user group tip list @Tags user_group @Id getUserGroupTipListV1 @Security ApiKeyAuth @Success 200 {object} v1.GetUserGroupTipsResV1 @router /v1/user_group_tips [get]

func GetUserGroups added in v1.2202.0

func GetUserGroups(c echo.Context) (err error)

@Summary 获取用户组列表 @Description get user group info list @Id GetUserGroupsV1 @Tags user_group @Id getUserGroupListV1 @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param filter_user_group_name query string false "filter user group name" @Param page_index query uint32 false "page index" @Param page_size query uint32 false "size of per page" @Produce json @Success 200 {object} v1.GetUserGroupsResV1 @router /v1/user_groups [get]

func GetUserTips

func GetUserTips(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 获取用户提示列表 @Description get user tip list @Tags user @Id getUserTipListV1 @Security ApiKeyAuth @Success 200 {object} v1.GetUserTipsResV1 @router /v1/user_tips [get]

func GetUsers

func GetUsers(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 获取用户信息列表 @Description get user info list @Tags user @Id getUserListV1 @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param filter_user_name query string false "filter user name" @Param filter_role_name query string false "filter role name" @Param page_index query uint32 false "page index" @Param page_size query uint32 false "size of per page" @Success 200 {object} v1.GetUsersResV1 @router /v1/users [get]

func GetWeChatConfiguration added in v1.2203.0

func GetWeChatConfiguration(c echo.Context) error

GetWeChatConfiguration used to get wechat configure @Summary 获取 企业微信 配置 @Description get WeChat configuration @Id getWeChatConfigurationV1 @Tags configuration @Security ApiKeyAuth @Success 200 {object} v1.GetWeChatConfigurationResV1 @router /v1/configurations/wechat [get]

func GetWorkflow

func GetWorkflow(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 获取审批流程详情 @Description get workflow detail @Tags workflow @Id getWorkflowV1 @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param workflow_id path integer true "workflow id" @Success 200 {object} v1.GetWorkflowResV1 @router /v1/workflows/{workflow_id}/ [get]

func GetWorkflowTemplate

func GetWorkflowTemplate(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 获取审批流程模板详情 @Description get workflow template detail @Tags workflow @Id getWorkflowTemplateV1 @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param workflow_template_name path string true "workflow template name" @Success 200 {object} v1.GetWorkflowTemplateResV1 @router /v1/workflow_templates/{workflow_template_name}/ [get]

func GetWorkflowTemplateTips

func GetWorkflowTemplateTips(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 获取审批流程模板提示信息 @Description get workflow template tips @Tags workflow @Id getWorkflowTemplateTipsV1 @Security ApiKeyAuth @Success 200 {object} v1.GetWorkflowTemplateTipResV1 @router /v1/workflow_template_tips [get]

func GetWorkflowTemplates

func GetWorkflowTemplates(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 获取审批流程模板列表 @Description get workflow template list @Tags workflow @Id getWorkflowTemplateListV1 @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param page_index query uint32 false "page index" @Param page_size query uint32 false "size of per page" @Success 200 {object} v1.GetWorkflowTemplatesResV1 @router /v1/workflow_templates [get]

func GetWorkflows

func GetWorkflows(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 获取审批流程列表 @Description get workflow list @Tags workflow @Id getWorkflowListV1 @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param filter_subject query string false "filter subject" @Param filter_create_time_from query string false "filter create time from" @Param filter_create_time_to query string false "filter create time to" @Param filter_create_user_name query string false "filter create user name" @Param filter_current_step_type query string false "filter current step type" Enums(sql_review, sql_execute) @Param filter_status query string false "filter workflow status" Enums(on_process, rejected, canceled, exec_scheduled, executing, exec_failed, finished) @Param filter_current_step_assignee_user_name query string false "filter current step assignee user name" @Param filter_task_instance_name query string false "filter instance name" @Param page_index query uint32 false "page index" @Param page_size query uint32 false "size of per page" @Success 200 {object} v1.GetWorkflowsResV1 @router /v1/workflows [get]

func Login

func Login(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 用户登录 @Description user login @Tags user @Id loginV1 @Param user body v1.UserLoginReqV1 true "user login request" @Success 200 {object} v1.GetUserLoginResV1 @router /v1/login [post]

func Oauth2Callback added in v1.2205.0

func Oauth2Callback(c echo.Context) error

Oauth2Callback is a hidden interface for third-party platform callbacks for oauth2 verification

func Oauth2Link(c echo.Context) error

@Summary oauth2通过此链接跳转到第三方登录网址 @Description oauth2 link @Id Oauth2Link @Tags oauth2 @router /v1/oauth2/link [get]

func PartialSyncAuditPlanSQLs

func PartialSyncAuditPlanSQLs(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 增量同步SQL到审核计划 @Description partial sync audit plan SQLs @Id partialSyncAuditPlanSQLsV1 @Tags audit_plan @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param audit_plan_name path string true "audit plan name" @Param sqls body v1.PartialSyncAuditPlanSQLsReqV1 true "partial sync audit plan SQLs request" @Success 200 {object} controller.BaseRes @router /v1/audit_plans/{audit_plan_name}/sqls/partial [post]

func RejectWorkflow

func RejectWorkflow(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 审批驳回 @Description reject workflow @Tags workflow @Id rejectWorkflowV1 @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param workflow_id path string true "workflow id" @Param workflow_step_id path string true "workflow step id" @param workflow_approve body v1.RejectWorkflowReqV1 true "workflow approve request" @Success 200 {object} controller.BaseRes @router /v1/workflows/{workflow_id}/steps/{workflow_step_id}/reject [post]

func SetLicense added in v1.2203.0

func SetLicense(c echo.Context) error

SetLicense set sqle license @Summary 导入 sqle license @Description set sqle license @Id setSQLELicenseV1 @Tags configuration @Accept mpfd @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param license_file formData file true "SQLE license file" @Success 200 {object} controller.BaseRes @router /v1/configurations/license [post]

func TestAuditPlanNotifyConfig added in v1.2204.0

func TestAuditPlanNotifyConfig(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 测试审核任务消息推送 @Description Test audit task message push @Id testAuditPlanNotifyConfigV1 @Tags audit_plan @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param audit_plan_name path string true "audit plan name" @Success 200 {object} v1.TestAuditPlanNotifyConfigResV1 @router /v1/audit_plans/{audit_plan_name}/notify_config/test [get]

func TestSMTPConfigurationV1 added in v1.2203.0

func TestSMTPConfigurationV1(c echo.Context) error

TestSMTPConfigurationV1 used to test SMTP notifications @Summary 测试 邮箱 配置 @Description test SMTP configuration @Accept json @Id testSMTPConfigurationV1 @Tags configuration @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param req body v1.TestSMTPConfigurationReqV1 true "test SMTP configuration req" @Success 200 {object} v1.TestSMTPConfigurationResV1 @router /v1/configurations/smtp/test [post]

func TestWeChatConfigurationV1 added in v1.2203.0

func TestWeChatConfigurationV1(c echo.Context) error

TestWeChatConfigurationV1 used to test WeChat notifications @Summary 测试 企业微信 配置 @Description test WeChat configuration @Accept json @Id testWeChatConfigurationV1 @Tags configuration @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param instance body v1.TestWeChatConfigurationReqV1 true "test WeChat configuration req" @Success 200 {object} v1.TestWeChatConfigurationResV1 @router /v1/configurations/wechat/test [post]

func TriggerAuditPlan

func TriggerAuditPlan(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 触发审核计划 @Description trigger audit plan @Id triggerAuditPlanV1 @Tags audit_plan @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param audit_plan_name path string true "audit plan name" @Success 200 {object} v1.TriggerAuditPlanResV1 @router /v1/audit_plans/{audit_plan_name}/trigger [post]

func UpdateAuditPlan

func UpdateAuditPlan(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 更新审核计划 @Description update audit plan @Id updateAuditPlanV1 @Tags audit_plan @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param audit_plan_name path string true "audit plan name" @param audit_plan body v1.UpdateAuditPlanReqV1 true "update audit plan" @Success 200 {object} controller.BaseRes @router /v1/audit_plans/{audit_plan_name}/ [patch]

func UpdateAuditPlanNotifyConfig added in v1.2204.0

func UpdateAuditPlanNotifyConfig(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 更新审核计划通知设置 @Description update audit plan notify config @Id updateAuditPlanNotifyConfigV1 @Tags audit_plan @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param audit_plan_name path string true "audit plan name" @param config body v1.UpdateAuditPlanNotifyConfigReqV1 true "update audit plan notify config" @Success 200 {object} controller.BaseRes @router /v1/audit_plans/{audit_plan_name}/notify_config [patch]

func UpdateAuditTaskSQLs added in v1.2201.0

func UpdateAuditTaskSQLs(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 修改审核任务中某条SQL的相关信息 @Description modify the relevant information of a certain SQL in the audit task @Tags task @Id updateAuditTaskSQLsV1 @Accept json @Param task_id path string true "task id" @Param number path string true "sql number" @Param audit_plan body v1.UpdateAuditTaskSQLsReqV1 true "modify the relevant information of a certain SQL in the audit task" @Security ApiKeyAuth @Success 200 {object} controller.BaseRes @router /v1/tasks/audits/{task_id}/sqls/{number} [patch]

func UpdateAuditWhitelistById

func UpdateAuditWhitelistById(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 更新SQL白名单 @Description update sql whitelist by id @Accept json @Id UpdateAuditWhitelistByIdV1 @Tags audit_whitelist @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param audit_whitelist_id path string true "sql audit whitelist id" @Param instance body v1.UpdateAuditWhitelistReqV1 true "update sql whitelist req" @Success 200 {object} controller.BaseRes @router /v1/audit_whitelist/{audit_whitelist_id}/ [patch]

func UpdateCurrentUser

func UpdateCurrentUser(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 更新个人信息 @Description update current user @Id updateCurrentUserV1 @Tags user @Security ApiKeyAuth @Accept json @Produce json @Param instance body v1.UpdateCurrentUserReqV1 true "update user" @Success 200 {object} controller.BaseRes @router /v1/user [patch]

func UpdateCurrentUserPassword

func UpdateCurrentUserPassword(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 用户修改密码 @Description update current user's password @Id UpdateCurrentUserPasswordV1 @Tags user @Security ApiKeyAuth @Accept json @Produce json @Param instance body v1.UpdateCurrentUserPasswordReqV1 true "update user's password" @Success 200 {object} controller.BaseRes @router /v1/user/password [put]

func UpdateInstance

func UpdateInstance(c echo.Context) error

UpdateInstance update instance @Summary 更新实例 @Description update instance @Id updateInstanceV1 @Tags instance @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param instance_name path string true "instance name" @param instance body v1.UpdateInstanceReqV1 true "update instance request" @Success 200 {object} controller.BaseRes @router /v1/instances/{instance_name}/ [patch]

func UpdateLDAPConfiguration added in v1.2111.0

func UpdateLDAPConfiguration(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 添加 LDAP 配置 @Description update LDAP configuration @Accept json @Id updateLDAPConfigurationV1 @Tags configuration @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param instance body v1.LDAPConfigurationReqV1 true "update LDAP configuration req" @Success 200 {object} controller.BaseRes @router /v1/configurations/ldap [patch]

func UpdateOauth2Configuration added in v1.2205.0

func UpdateOauth2Configuration(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 修改 Oauth2 配置 @Description update Oauth2 configuration @Accept json @Id updateOauth2ConfigurationV1 @Tags configuration @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param conf body v1.Oauth2ConfigurationReqV1 true "update Oauth2 configuration req" @Success 200 {object} controller.BaseRes @router /v1/configurations/oauth2 [patch]

func UpdateOtherUserPassword

func UpdateOtherUserPassword(c echo.Context) error

@Summary admin修改其他用户密码 @Description admin modifies the passwords of other users @Id UpdateOtherUserPasswordV1 @Tags user @Security ApiKeyAuth @Accept json @Produce json @Param user_name path string true "user name" @Param instance body v1.UpdateOtherUserPasswordReqV1 true "change user's password" @Success 200 {object} controller.BaseRes @router /v1/users/{user_name}/password [patch]

func UpdateRole

func UpdateRole(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 更新角色信息 @Description update role @Deprecated @Id updateRoleV1 @Tags role @Security ApiKeyAuth @Accept json @Produce json @Param role_name path string true "role name" @Param instance body v1.UpdateRoleReqV1 true "update role request" @Success 200 {object} controller.BaseRes @router /v1/roles/{role_name}/ [patch]

func UpdateRuleTemplate

func UpdateRuleTemplate(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 更新规则模板 @Description update rule template @Id updateRuleTemplateV1 @Tags rule_template @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param rule_template_name path string true "rule template name" @Param instance body v1.UpdateRuleTemplateReqV1 true "update rule template request" @Success 200 {object} controller.BaseRes @router /v1/rule_templates/{rule_template_name}/ [patch]

func UpdateSMTPConfiguration

func UpdateSMTPConfiguration(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 添加 SMTP 配置 @Description update SMTP configuration @Accept json @Id updateSMTPConfigurationV1 @Tags configuration @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param instance body v1.UpdateSMTPConfigurationReqV1 true "update SMTP configuration req" @Success 200 {object} controller.BaseRes @router /v1/configurations/smtp [patch]

func UpdateSystemVariables

func UpdateSystemVariables(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 修改系统变量 @Description update system variables @Accept json @Id updateSystemVariablesV1 @Tags configuration @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param instance body v1.UpdateSystemVariablesReqV1 true "update system variables request" @Success 200 {object} controller.BaseRes @router /v1/configurations/system_variables [patch]

func UpdateUser

func UpdateUser(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 更新用户信息 @Description update user @Id updateUserV1 @Tags user @Security ApiKeyAuth @Accept json @Produce json @Param user_name path string true "user name" @Param instance body v1.UpdateUserReqV1 true "update user" @Success 200 {object} controller.BaseRes @router /v1/users/{user_name}/ [patch]

func UpdateUserGroup added in v1.2202.0

func UpdateUserGroup(c echo.Context) (err error)

@Summary 更新用户组 @Description update user group @Id updateUserGroupV1 @Tags user_group @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param user_group_name path string true "user_group_name" @Param instance body v1.PatchUserGroupReqV1 true "update user group" @Success 200 {object} controller.BaseRes @router /v1/user_groups/{user_group_name}/ [patch]

func UpdateWeChatConfigurationV1 added in v1.2203.0

func UpdateWeChatConfigurationV1(c echo.Context) error

UpdateWeChatConfigurationV1 used to configure WeChat notifications @Summary 添加 企业微信 配置 @Description update WeChat configuration @Accept json @Id updateWeChatConfigurationV1 @Tags configuration @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param instance body v1.UpdateWeChatConfigurationReqV1 true "update WeChat configuration req" @Success 200 {object} controller.BaseRes @router /v1/configurations/wechat [patch]

func UpdateWorkflow

func UpdateWorkflow(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 更新审批流程(驳回后才可更新) @Description update workflow when it is rejected to creator. @Tags workflow @Accept json @Produce json @Id updateWorkflowV1 @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param workflow_id path string true "workflow id" @Param instance body v1.UpdateWorkflowReqV1 true "update workflow request" @Success 200 {object} controller.BaseRes @router /v1/workflows/{workflow_id}/ [patch]

func UpdateWorkflowSchedule added in v1.2112.0

func UpdateWorkflowSchedule(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 设置工单定时上线时间(设置为空则代表取消定时时间,需要SQL审核流程都通过后才可以设置) @Description update workflow schedule. @Tags workflow @Accept json @Produce json @Id updateWorkflowScheduleV1 @Security ApiKeyAuth @Param workflow_id path string true "workflow id" @Param instance body v1.UpdateWorkflowScheduleV1 true "update workflow schedule request" @Success 200 {object} controller.BaseRes @router /v1/workflows/{workflow_id}/schedule [put]

func UpdateWorkflowTemplate

func UpdateWorkflowTemplate(c echo.Context) error

@Summary 更新Sql审批流程模板 @Description update the workflow template @Tags workflow @Id updateWorkflowTemplateV1 @Security ApiKeyAuth @Accept json @Produce json @Param workflow_template_name path string true "workflow template name" @Param instance body v1.UpdateWorkflowTemplateReqV1 true "create workflow template" @Success 200 {object} controller.BaseRes @router /v1/workflow_templates/{workflow_template_name}/ [patch]


type AuditPlanMetaV1 added in v1.2201.0

type AuditPlanMetaV1 struct {
	Type         string                `json:"audit_plan_type"`
	Desc         string                `json:"audit_plan_type_desc"`
	InstanceType string                `json:"instance_type"`
	Params       []AuditPlanParamResV1 `json:"audit_plan_params,omitempty"`

type AuditPlanParamReqV1 added in v1.2201.0

type AuditPlanParamReqV1 struct {
	Key   string `json:"key" form:"key" valid:"required"`
	Value string `json:"value" form:"value" valid:"required"`

type AuditPlanParamResV1 added in v1.2201.0

type AuditPlanParamResV1 struct {
	Key   string `json:"key"`
	Desc  string `json:"desc"`
	Value string `json:"value"`
	Type  string `json:"type" enums:"string,int,bool"`

type AuditPlanReportResV1

type AuditPlanReportResV1 struct {
	Id         string  `json:"audit_plan_report_id" example:"1"`
	AuditLevel string  `json:"audit_level" enums:"normal,notice,warn,error,"`
	Score      int32   `json:"score"`
	PassRate   float64 `json:"pass_rate"`
	Timestamp  string  `json:"audit_plan_report_timestamp" example:"RFC3339"`

type AuditPlanReportSQLResV1

type AuditPlanReportSQLResV1 struct {
	Fingerprint          string `json:"audit_plan_report_sql_fingerprint" example:"select * from t1 where id = ?"`
	LastReceiveText      string `json:"audit_plan_report_sql_last_receive_text" example:"select * from t1 where id = 1"`
	LastReceiveTimestamp string `json:"audit_plan_report_sql_last_receive_timestamp" example:"RFC3339"`
	AuditResult          string `json:"audit_plan_report_sql_audit_result" example:"same format as task audit result"`

type AuditPlanResV1

type AuditPlanResV1 struct {
	Name             string          `json:"audit_plan_name" example:"audit_for_java_app1"`
	Cron             string          `json:"audit_plan_cron" example:"0 */2 * * *"`
	DBType           string          `json:"audit_plan_db_type" example:"mysql"`
	Token            string          `json:"audit_plan_token" example:"it's a JWT Token for scanner"`
	InstanceName     string          `json:"audit_plan_instance_name" example:"test_mysql"`
	InstanceDatabase string          `json:"audit_plan_instance_database" example:"app1"`
	Meta             AuditPlanMetaV1 `json:"audit_plan_meta"`

type AuditPlanSQLReqV1

type AuditPlanSQLReqV1 struct {
	Fingerprint          string `json:"audit_plan_sql_fingerprint" form:"audit_plan_sql_fingerprint" example:"select * from t1 where id = ?"`
	Counter              string `json:"audit_plan_sql_counter" form:"audit_plan_sql_counter" example:"6" valid:"required"`
	LastReceiveText      string `json:"audit_plan_sql_last_receive_text" form:"audit_plan_sql_last_receive_text" example:"select * from t1 where id = 1"`
	LastReceiveTimestamp string `json:"audit_plan_sql_last_receive_timestamp" form:"audit_plan_sql_last_receive_timestamp" example:"RFC3339"`

type AuditPlanSQLResV1

type AuditPlanSQLResV1 struct {
	Fingerprint          string `json:"audit_plan_sql_fingerprint" example:"select * from t1 where id = ?"`
	Counter              string `json:"audit_plan_sql_counter" example:"6"`
	LastReceiveText      string `json:"audit_plan_sql_last_receive_text" example:"select * from t1 where id = 1"`
	LastReceiveTimestamp string `json:"audit_plan_sql_last_receive_timestamp" example:"RFC3339"`

type AuditTaskResV1

type AuditTaskResV1 struct {
	Id             uint       `json:"task_id"`
	InstanceName   string     `json:"instance_name"`
	InstanceSchema string     `json:"instance_schema" example:"db1"`
	AuditLevel     string     `json:"audit_level" enums:"normal,notice,warn,error,"`
	Score          int32      `json:"score"`
	PassRate       float64    `json:"pass_rate"`
	Status         string     `json:"status" enums:"initialized,audited,executing,exec_success,exec_failed"`
	SQLSource      string     `json:"sql_source" enums:"form_data,sql_file,mybatis_xml_file,audit_plan"`
	ExecStartTime  *time.Time `json:"exec_start_time,omitempty"`
	ExecEndTime    *time.Time `json:"exec_end_time,omitempty"`

type AuditTaskSQLContentResV1

type AuditTaskSQLContentResV1 struct {
	Sql string `json:"sql" example:"alter table tb1 drop columns c1"`

type AuditTaskSQLResV1

type AuditTaskSQLResV1 struct {
	Number      uint   `json:"number"`
	ExecSQL     string `json:"exec_sql"`
	AuditResult string `json:"audit_result"`
	AuditLevel  string `json:"audit_level"`
	AuditStatus string `json:"audit_status"`
	ExecResult  string `json:"exec_result"`
	ExecStatus  string `json:"exec_status"`
	RollbackSQL string `json:"rollback_sql,omitempty"`
	Description string `json:"description"`

type AuditWhitelistResV1

type AuditWhitelistResV1 struct {
	Id        uint   `json:"audit_whitelist_id"`
	Value     string `json:"value"`
	MatchType string `json:"match_type"`
	Desc      string `json:"desc"`

type BatchCancelWorkflowsReqV1

type BatchCancelWorkflowsReqV1 struct {
	WorkflowIds []string `json:"workflow_ids" form:"workflow_ids"`

type BindOauth2UserReqV1 added in v1.2205.0

type BindOauth2UserReqV1 struct {
	UserName    string `json:"user_name" from:"user_name" valid:"required"`
	Pwd         string `json:"pwd" from:"pwd" valid:"required"`
	Oauth2Token string `json:"oauth2_token" from:"oauth2_token" valid:"required"`

type BindOauth2UserResDataV1 added in v1.2205.0

type BindOauth2UserResDataV1 struct {
	Token string `json:"token"`

type BindOauth2UserResV1 added in v1.2205.0

type BindOauth2UserResV1 struct {
	Data BindOauth2UserResDataV1 `json:"data"`

type CheckLicenseResV1 added in v1.2203.0

type CheckLicenseResV1 struct {
	Content string        `json:"content"`
	License []LicenseItem `json:"license"`

type CloneRuleTemplateReqV1

type CloneRuleTemplateReqV1 struct {
	Name      string   `json:"new_rule_template_name" valid:"required"`
	Desc      string   `json:"desc"`
	Instances []string `json:"instance_name_list"`

type CreateAuditPlanReqV1

type CreateAuditPlanReqV1 struct {
	Name             string                `json:"audit_plan_name" form:"audit_plan_name" example:"audit_plan_for_java_repo_1" valid:"required,name"`
	Cron             string                `json:"audit_plan_cron" form:"audit_plan_cron" example:"0 */2 * * *" valid:"required,cron"`
	InstanceType     string                `json:"audit_plan_instance_type" form:"audit_plan_instance_type" example:"mysql" valid:"required"`
	InstanceName     string                `json:"audit_plan_instance_name" form:"audit_plan_instance_name" example:"test_mysql"`
	InstanceDatabase string                `json:"audit_plan_instance_database" form:"audit_plan_instance_database" example:"app1"`
	Type             string                `json:"audit_plan_type" form:"audit_plan_type" example:"slow log"`
	Params           []AuditPlanParamReqV1 `json:"audit_plan_params" valid:"dive,required"`

type CreateAuditTaskReqV1

type CreateAuditTaskReqV1 struct {
	InstanceName   string `json:"instance_name" form:"instance_name" example:"inst_1" valid:"required"`
	InstanceSchema string `json:"instance_schema" form:"instance_schema" example:"db1"`
	Sql            string `json:"sql" form:"sql" example:"alter table tb1 drop columns c1"`

type CreateAuditWhitelistReqV1

type CreateAuditWhitelistReqV1 struct {
	Value     string `json:"value" example:"create table" valid:"required"`
	MatchType string `json:"match_type" example:"exact_match" enums:"exact_match,fp_match" valid:"omitempty,oneof=exact_match fp_match"`
	Desc      string `json:"desc" example:"used for rapid release"`

type CreateInstanceReqV1

type CreateInstanceReqV1 struct {
	Name                 string                          `json:"instance_name" form:"instance_name" example:"test" valid:"required,name"`
	DBType               string                          `json:"db_type" form:"db_type" example:"mysql"`
	User                 string                          `json:"db_user" form:"db_user" example:"root" valid:"required"`
	Host                 string                          `json:"db_host" form:"db_host" example:"" valid:"required,ip_addr|uri|hostname|hostname_rfc1123"`
	Port                 string                          `json:"db_port" form:"db_port" example:"3306" valid:"required,port"`
	Password             string                          `json:"db_password" form:"db_password" example:"123456" valid:"required"`
	Desc                 string                          `json:"desc" example:"this is a test instance"`
	WorkflowTemplateName string                          `json:"workflow_template_name" form:"workflow_template_name"`
	MaintenanceTimes     []*MaintenanceTimeReqV1         `json:"maintenance_times" from:"maintenance_times"`
	RuleTemplates        []string                        `json:"rule_template_name_list" form:"rule_template_name_list"`
	Roles                []string                        `json:"role_name_list" form:"role_name_list"`
	AdditionalParams     []*InstanceAdditionalParamReqV1 `json:"additional_params" from:"additional_params"`

type CreateRoleReqV1

type CreateRoleReqV1 struct {
	Name      string   `json:"role_name" form:"role_name" valid:"required,name"`
	Desc      string   `json:"role_desc" form:"role_desc"`
	Users     []string `json:"user_name_list" form:"user_name_list"`
	Instances []string `json:"instance_name_list" form:"instance_name_list"`

type CreateRuleTemplateReqV1

type CreateRuleTemplateReqV1 struct {
	Name      string      `json:"rule_template_name" valid:"required,name"`
	Desc      string      `json:"desc"`
	DBType    string      `json:"db_type" valid:"required"`
	Instances []string    `json:"instance_name_list"`
	RuleList  []RuleReqV1 `json:"rule_list" form:"rule_list" valid:"required,dive,required"`

type CreateUserGroupReqV1 added in v1.2202.0

type CreateUserGroupReqV1 struct {
	Name  string   `json:"user_group_name" form:"user_group_name" example:"test" valid:"required,name"`
	Desc  string   `json:"user_group_desc" form:"user_group_desc" example:"this is a group"`
	Roles []string `json:"role_name_list" form:"role_name_list"`
	Users []string `json:"user_name_list" form:"user_name_list"`

type CreateUserReqV1

type CreateUserReqV1 struct {
	Name       string   `json:"user_name" form:"user_name" example:"test" valid:"required,name"`
	Password   string   `json:"user_password" form:"user_name" example:"123456" valid:"required"`
	Email      string   `json:"email" form:"email" example:"test@email.com" valid:"omitempty,email"`
	WeChatID   string   `json:"wechat_id" example:"UserID"`
	Roles      []string `json:"role_name_list" form:"role_name_list"`
	UserGroups []string `json:"user_group_name_list" form:"user_group_name_list"`

type CreateWorkflowReqV1

type CreateWorkflowReqV1 struct {
	Subject string `json:"workflow_subject" form:"workflow_subject" valid:"required,name"`
	Desc    string `json:"desc" form:"desc"`
	TaskId  string `json:"task_id" form:"task_id" valid:"required"`

type CreateWorkflowTemplateReqV1

type CreateWorkflowTemplateReqV1 struct {
	Name                          string                       `json:"workflow_template_name" form:"workflow_template_name" valid:"required,name"`
	Desc                          string                       `json:"desc" form:"desc"`
	AllowSubmitWhenLessAuditLevel string                       `json:"allow_submit_when_less_audit_level" enums:"normal,notice,warn,error"`
	Steps                         []*WorkFlowStepTemplateReqV1 `json:"workflow_step_template_list" form:"workflow_step_template_list" valid:"required,dive,required"`
	Instances                     []string                     `json:"instance_name_list" form:"instance_name_list"`

type DashboardResV1

type DashboardResV1 struct {
	WorkflowStatistics *WorkflowStatisticsResV1 `json:"workflow_statistics"`

type DownloadAuditTaskSQLsFileReqV1

type DownloadAuditTaskSQLsFileReqV1 struct {
	NoDuplicate bool `json:"no_duplicate" query:"no_duplicate"`

type DriversResV1

type DriversResV1 struct {
	Drivers []string `json:"driver_name_list"`

type FullSyncAuditPlanSQLsReqV1

type FullSyncAuditPlanSQLsReqV1 struct {
	SQLs []AuditPlanSQLReqV1 `json:"audit_plan_sql_list" form:"audit_plan_sql_list"`

type GetAuditPlanMetasReqV1 added in v1.2201.0

type GetAuditPlanMetasReqV1 struct {
	FilterInstanceType *string `json:"filter_instance_type" query:"filter_instance_type"`

type GetAuditPlanMetasResV1 added in v1.2201.0

type GetAuditPlanMetasResV1 struct {
	Data []AuditPlanMetaV1 `json:"data"`

type GetAuditPlanNotifyConfigResDataV1 added in v1.2204.0

type GetAuditPlanNotifyConfigResDataV1 struct {
	NotifyInterval      int    `json:"notify_interval"`
	NotifyLevel         string `json:"notify_level"`
	EnableEmailNotify   bool   `json:"enable_email_notify"`
	EnableWebHookNotify bool   `json:"enable_web_hook_notify"`
	WebHookURL          string `json:"web_hook_url"`
	WebHookTemplate     string `json:"web_hook_template"`

type GetAuditPlanNotifyConfigResV1 added in v1.2204.0

type GetAuditPlanNotifyConfigResV1 struct {
	Data GetAuditPlanNotifyConfigResDataV1 `json:"data"`

type GetAuditPlanReportResV1 added in v1.2204.0

type GetAuditPlanReportResV1 struct {
	Data AuditPlanReportResV1 `json:"data"`

type GetAuditPlanReportSQLsReqV1

type GetAuditPlanReportSQLsReqV1 struct {
	PageIndex uint32 `json:"page_index" query:"page_index" valid:"required"`
	PageSize  uint32 `json:"page_size" query:"page_size" valid:"required"`

type GetAuditPlanReportSQLsResV1

type GetAuditPlanReportSQLsResV1 struct {
	Data      []AuditPlanReportSQLResV1 `json:"data"`
	TotalNums uint64                    `json:"total_nums"`

type GetAuditPlanReportsReqV1

type GetAuditPlanReportsReqV1 struct {
	PageIndex uint32 `json:"page_index" query:"page_index" valid:"required"`
	PageSize  uint32 `json:"page_size" query:"page_size" valid:"required"`

type GetAuditPlanReportsResV1

type GetAuditPlanReportsResV1 struct {
	Data      []AuditPlanReportResV1 `json:"data"`
	TotalNums uint64                 `json:"total_nums"`

type GetAuditPlanResV1

type GetAuditPlanResV1 struct {
	Data AuditPlanResV1 `json:"data"`

type GetAuditPlanSQLsReqV1

type GetAuditPlanSQLsReqV1 struct {
	PageIndex uint32 `json:"page_index" query:"page_index" valid:"required"`
	PageSize  uint32 `json:"page_size" query:"page_size" valid:"required"`

type GetAuditPlanSQLsResV1

type GetAuditPlanSQLsResV1 struct {
	Data      []AuditPlanSQLResV1 `json:"data"`
	TotalNums uint64              `json:"total_nums"`

type GetAuditPlansReqV1

type GetAuditPlansReqV1 struct {
	FilterAuditPlanDBType string `json:"filter_audit_plan_db_type" query:"filter_audit_plan_db_type"`
	PageIndex             uint32 `json:"page_index" query:"page_index" valid:"required"`
	PageSize              uint32 `json:"page_size" query:"page_size" valid:"required"`

type GetAuditPlansResV1

type GetAuditPlansResV1 struct {
	Data      []AuditPlanResV1 `json:"data"`
	TotalNums uint64           `json:"total_nums"`

type GetAuditTaskResV1

type GetAuditTaskResV1 struct {
	Data *AuditTaskResV1 `json:"data"`

type GetAuditTaskSQLContentResV1

type GetAuditTaskSQLContentResV1 struct {
	Data *AuditTaskSQLContentResV1 `json:"data"`

type GetAuditTaskSQLsReqV1

type GetAuditTaskSQLsReqV1 struct {
	FilterExecStatus  string `json:"filter_exec_status" query:"filter_exec_status"`
	FilterAuditStatus string `json:"filter_audit_status" query:"filter_audit_status"`
	FilterAuditLevel  string `json:"filter_audit_level" query:"filter_audit_level"`
	NoDuplicate       bool   `json:"no_duplicate" query:"no_duplicate"`
	PageIndex         uint32 `json:"page_index" query:"page_index" valid:"required"`
	PageSize          uint32 `json:"page_size" query:"page_size" valid:"required"`

type GetAuditTaskSQLsResV1

type GetAuditTaskSQLsResV1 struct {
	Data      []*AuditTaskSQLResV1 `json:"data"`
	TotalNums uint64               `json:"total_nums"`

type GetAuditWhitelistReqV1

type GetAuditWhitelistReqV1 struct {
	PageIndex uint32 `json:"page_index" query:"page_index" valid:"required"`
	PageSize  uint32 `json:"page_size" query:"page_size" valid:"required"`

type GetAuditWhitelistResV1

type GetAuditWhitelistResV1 struct {
	Data      []*AuditWhitelistResV1 `json:"data"`
	TotalNums uint32                 `json:"total_nums"`

type GetDashboardResV1

type GetDashboardResV1 struct {
	Data *DashboardResV1 `json:"data"`

type GetDriversResV1

type GetDriversResV1 struct {
	Data DriversResV1 `json:"data"`

type GetInstanceAdditionalMetasResV1 added in v1.2203.0

type GetInstanceAdditionalMetasResV1 struct {
	Metas []*InstanceAdditionalMetaV1 `json:"data"`

type GetInstanceConnectableReqV1

type GetInstanceConnectableReqV1 struct {
	DBType           string                          `json:"db_type" form:"db_type" example:"mysql"`
	User             string                          `json:"user" form:"db_user" example:"root" valid:"required"`
	Host             string                          `json:"host" form:"db_host" example:"" valid:"required,ip_addr|uri|hostname|hostname_rfc1123"`
	Port             string                          `json:"port" form:"db_port" example:"3306" valid:"required,port"`
	Password         string                          `json:"password" form:"db_password" example:"123456"`
	AdditionalParams []*InstanceAdditionalParamReqV1 `json:"additional_params" from:"additional_params"`

type GetInstanceConnectableResV1

type GetInstanceConnectableResV1 struct {
	Data InstanceConnectableResV1 `json:"data"`

type GetInstanceResV1

type GetInstanceResV1 struct {
	Data InstanceResV1 `json:"data"`

type GetInstanceSchemaResV1

type GetInstanceSchemaResV1 struct {
	Data InstanceSchemaResV1 `json:"data"`

type GetInstanceTipsResV1

type GetInstanceTipsResV1 struct {
	Data []InstanceTipResV1 `json:"data"`

type GetInstanceWorkflowTemplateResV1 added in v1.2201.0

type GetInstanceWorkflowTemplateResV1 struct {
	Data *WorkflowTemplateDetailResV1 `json:"data"`

type GetInstancesReqV1

type GetInstancesReqV1 struct {
	FilterInstanceName         string `json:"filter_instance_name" query:"filter_instance_name"`
	FilterDBType               string `json:"filter_db_type" query:"filter_db_type"`
	FilterDBHost               string `json:"filter_db_host" query:"filter_db_host"`
	FilterDBPort               string `json:"filter_db_port" query:"filter_db_port"`
	FilterDBUser               string `json:"filter_db_user" query:"filter_db_user"`
	FilterWorkflowTemplateName string `json:"filter_workflow_template_name" query:"filter_workflow_template_name"`
	FilterRuleTemplateName     string `json:"filter_rule_template_name" query:"filter_rule_template_name"`
	FilterRoleName             string `json:"filter_role_name" query:"filter_role_name"`
	PageIndex                  uint32 `json:"page_index" query:"page_index" valid:"required"`
	PageSize                   uint32 `json:"page_size" query:"page_size" valid:"required"`

type GetInstancesResV1

type GetInstancesResV1 struct {
	Data      []InstanceResV1 `json:"data"`
	TotalNums uint64          `json:"total_nums"`

type GetLDAPConfigurationResV1 added in v1.2111.0

type GetLDAPConfigurationResV1 struct {
	Data LDAPConfigurationResV1 `json:"data"`

type GetLicenseResV1 added in v1.2203.0

type GetLicenseResV1 struct {
	Content string        `json:"content"`
	License []LicenseItem `json:"license"`

type GetOauth2ConfigurationResDataV1 added in v1.2205.0

type GetOauth2ConfigurationResDataV1 struct {
	EnableOauth2    bool     `json:"enable_oauth2"`
	ClientID        string   `json:"client_id"`
	ClientHost      string   `json:"client_host"`
	ServerAuthUrl   string   `json:"server_auth_url"`
	ServerTokenUrl  string   `json:"server_token_url"`
	ServerUserIdUrl string   `json:"server_user_id_url"`
	Scopes          []string `json:"scopes"`
	AccessTokenTag  string   `json:"access_token_tag"`
	UserIdTag       string   `json:"user_id_tag"`
	LoginTip        string   `json:"login_tip"`

type GetOauth2ConfigurationResV1 added in v1.2205.0

type GetOauth2ConfigurationResV1 struct {
	Data GetOauth2ConfigurationResDataV1 `json:"data"`

type GetOauth2TipsResDataV1 added in v1.2205.0

type GetOauth2TipsResDataV1 struct {
	EnableOauth2 bool   `json:"enable_oauth2"`
	LoginTip     string `json:"login_tip"`

type GetOauth2TipsResV1 added in v1.2205.0

type GetOauth2TipsResV1 struct {
	Data GetOauth2TipsResDataV1 `json:"data"`

type GetOperationsResV1 added in v1.2202.0

type GetOperationsResV1 struct {
	Data []*OperationResV1 `json:"data"`

type GetRoleTipsResV1

type GetRoleTipsResV1 struct {
	Data []RoleTipResV1 `json:"data"`

type GetRolesReqV1

type GetRolesReqV1 struct {
	FilterRoleName     string `json:"filter_role_name" query:"filter_role_name"`
	FilterUserName     string `json:"filter_user_name" query:"filter_user_name"`
	FilterInstanceName string `json:"filter_instance_name" query:"filter_instance_name"`
	PageIndex          uint32 `json:"page_index" query:"page_index" valid:"required"`
	PageSize           uint32 `json:"page_size" query:"page_size" valid:"required"`

type GetRolesResV1

type GetRolesResV1 struct {
	Data      []RoleResV1 `json:"data"`
	TotalNums uint64      `json:"total_nums"`

type GetRuleTemplateResV1

type GetRuleTemplateResV1 struct {
	Data *RuleTemplateDetailResV1 `json:"data"`

type GetRuleTemplateTipsResV1

type GetRuleTemplateTipsResV1 struct {
	Data []RuleTemplateTipResV1 `json:"data"`

type GetRuleTemplatesReqV1

type GetRuleTemplatesReqV1 struct {
	FilterInstanceName string `json:"filter_instance_name" query:"filter_instance_name"`
	PageIndex          uint32 `json:"page_index" query:"page_index" valid:"required"`
	PageSize           uint32 `json:"page_size" query:"page_size" valid:"required"`

type GetRuleTemplatesResV1

type GetRuleTemplatesResV1 struct {
	Data      []RuleTemplateResV1 `json:"data"`
	TotalNums uint64              `json:"total_nums"`

type GetRulesReqV1

type GetRulesReqV1 struct {
	FilterDBType string `json:"filter_db_type" query:"filter_db_type"`

type GetRulesResV1

type GetRulesResV1 struct {
	Data []RuleResV1 `json:"data"`

type GetSMTPConfigurationResV1

type GetSMTPConfigurationResV1 struct {
	Data SMTPConfigurationResV1 `json:"data"`

type GetSQLEInfoResV1 added in v1.2201.0

type GetSQLEInfoResV1 struct {
	Version string `json:"version"`

type GetSystemVariablesResV1

type GetSystemVariablesResV1 struct {
	Data SystemVariablesResV1 `json:"data"`

type GetUserDetailResV1

type GetUserDetailResV1 struct {
	Data UserDetailResV1 `json:"data"`

type GetUserGroupTipsResV1 added in v1.2202.0

type GetUserGroupTipsResV1 struct {
	Data []*UserGroupTipListItem `json:"data"`

type GetUserGroupsReqV1 added in v1.2202.0

type GetUserGroupsReqV1 struct {
	FilterUserGroupName string `json:"filter_user_group_name" query:"filter_user_group_name"`
	PageIndex           uint32 `json:"page_index" query:"page_index" valid:"required"`
	PageSize            uint32 `json:"page_size" query:"page_size" valid:"required"`

type GetUserGroupsResV1 added in v1.2202.0

type GetUserGroupsResV1 struct {
	Data      []*UserGroupListItemResV1 `json:"data"`
	TotalNums uint64                    `json:"total_nums"`

type GetUserLoginResV1

type GetUserLoginResV1 struct {
	Data UserLoginResV1 `json:"data"`

type GetUserTipsResV1

type GetUserTipsResV1 struct {
	Data []UserTipResV1 `json:"data"`

type GetUsersReqV1

type GetUsersReqV1 struct {
	FilterUserName string `json:"filter_user_name" query:"filter_user_name"`
	FilterRoleName string `json:"filter_role_name" query:"filter_role_name"`
	PageIndex      uint32 `json:"page_index" query:"page_index" valid:"required"`
	PageSize       uint32 `json:"page_size" query:"page_size" valid:"required"`

type GetUsersResV1

type GetUsersResV1 struct {
	Data      []UserResV1 `json:"data"`
	TotalNums uint64      `json:"total_nums"`

type GetWeChatConfigurationResV1 added in v1.2203.0

type GetWeChatConfigurationResV1 struct {
	Data WeChatConfigurationResV1 `json:"data"`

type GetWorkflowResV1

type GetWorkflowResV1 struct {
	Data *WorkflowResV1 `json:"data"`

type GetWorkflowTemplateResV1

type GetWorkflowTemplateResV1 struct {
	Data *WorkflowTemplateDetailResV1 `json:"data"`

type GetWorkflowTemplateTipResV1

type GetWorkflowTemplateTipResV1 struct {
	Data []*WorkflowTemplateTipResV1 `json:"data"`

type GetWorkflowTemplatesReqV1

type GetWorkflowTemplatesReqV1 struct {
	PageIndex uint32 `json:"page_index" query:"page_index" valid:"required"`
	PageSize  uint32 `json:"page_size" query:"page_size" valid:"required"`

type GetWorkflowTemplatesResV1

type GetWorkflowTemplatesResV1 struct {
	Data      []*WorkflowTemplateResV1 `json:"data"`
	TotalNums uint64                   `json:"total_nums"`

type GetWorkflowsReqV1

type GetWorkflowsReqV1 struct {
	FilterSubject                     string `json:"filter_subject" query:"filter_subject"`
	FilterCreateTimeFrom              string `json:"filter_create_time_from" query:"filter_create_time_from"`
	FilterCreateTimeTo                string `json:"filter_create_time_to" query:"filter_create_time_to"`
	FilterCreateUserName              string `json:"filter_create_user_name" query:"filter_create_user_name"`
	FilterCurrentStepType             string `json:"filter_current_step_type" query:"filter_current_step_type" valid:"omitempty,oneof=sql_review sql_execute"`
	FilterStatus                      string `` /* 141-byte string literal not displayed */
	FilterCurrentStepAssigneeUserName string `json:"filter_current_step_assignee_user_name" query:"filter_current_step_assignee_user_name"`
	FilterTaskInstanceName            string `json:"filter_task_instance_name" query:"filter_task_instance_name"`
	PageIndex                         uint32 `json:"page_index" query:"page_index" valid:"required"`
	PageSize                          uint32 `json:"page_size" query:"page_size" valid:"required"`

type GetWorkflowsResV1

type GetWorkflowsResV1 struct {
	Data      []*WorkflowDetailResV1 `json:"data"`
	TotalNums uint64                 `json:"total_nums"`

type InstanceAdditionalMetaV1 added in v1.2203.0

type InstanceAdditionalMetaV1 struct {
	DBType string                          `json:"db_type"`
	Params []*InstanceAdditionalParamResV1 `json:"params"`

type InstanceAdditionalParamReqV1 added in v1.2203.0

type InstanceAdditionalParamReqV1 struct {
	Name  string `json:"name"`
	Value string `json:"value"`

type InstanceAdditionalParamResV1 added in v1.2203.0

type InstanceAdditionalParamResV1 struct {
	Name        string `json:"name" example:"param name" form:"name"`
	Description string `json:"description" example:"参数项中文名" form:"description"`
	Type        string `json:"type" example:"int" form:"type"`
	Value       string `json:"value" example:"0" form:"value"`

type InstanceConnectableResV1

type InstanceConnectableResV1 struct {
	IsInstanceConnectable bool   `json:"is_instance_connectable"`
	ConnectErrorMessage   string `json:"connect_error_message,omitempty"`

type InstanceResV1

type InstanceResV1 struct {
	Name                 string                          `json:"instance_name"`
	DBType               string                          `json:"db_type" example:"mysql"`
	Host                 string                          `json:"db_host" example:""`
	Port                 string                          `json:"db_port" example:"3306"`
	User                 string                          `json:"db_user" example:"root"`
	Desc                 string                          `json:"desc" example:"this is a instance"`
	WorkflowTemplateName string                          `json:"workflow_template_name,omitempty"`
	MaintenanceTimes     []*MaintenanceTimeResV1         `json:"maintenance_times" from:"maintenance_times"`
	RuleTemplates        []string                        `json:"rule_template_name_list,omitempty"`
	Roles                []string                        `json:"role_name_list,omitempty"`
	AdditionalParams     []*InstanceAdditionalParamResV1 `json:"additional_params"`

type InstanceSchemaResV1

type InstanceSchemaResV1 struct {
	Schemas []string `json:"schema_name_list"`

type InstanceTipReqV1

type InstanceTipReqV1 struct {
	FilterDBType     string `json:"filter_db_type" query:"filter_db_type"`
	FunctionalModule string `json:"functional_module" query:"functional_module" enums:"create_audit_plan" valid:"omitempty,oneof=create_audit_plan"`

type InstanceTipResV1

type InstanceTipResV1 struct {
	Name string `json:"instance_name"`
	Type string `json:"instance_type"`

type LDAPConfigurationReqV1 added in v1.2111.0

type LDAPConfigurationReqV1 struct {
	EnableLdap          *bool   `json:"enable_ldap"`
	LdapServerHost      *string `json:"ldap_server_host"`
	LdapServerPort      *string `json:"ldap_server_port"`
	LdapConnectDn       *string `json:"ldap_connect_dn"`
	LdapConnectPwd      *string `json:"ldap_connect_pwd"`
	LdapSearchBaseDn    *string `json:"ldap_search_base_dn"`
	LdapUserNameRdnKey  *string `json:"ldap_user_name_rdn_key"`
	LdapUserEmailRdnKey *string `json:"ldap_user_email_rdn_key"`

type LDAPConfigurationResV1 added in v1.2111.0

type LDAPConfigurationResV1 struct {
	EnableLdap          bool   `json:"enable_ldap"`
	LdapServerHost      string `json:"ldap_server_host"`
	LdapServerPort      string `json:"ldap_server_port"`
	LdapConnectDn       string `json:"ldap_connect_dn"`
	LdapSearchBaseDn    string `json:"ldap_search_base_dn"`
	LdapUserNameRdnKey  string `json:"ldap_user_name_rdn_key"`
	LdapUserEmailRdnKey string `json:"ldap_user_email_rdn_key"`

type LicenseItem added in v1.2203.0

type LicenseItem struct {
	Description string `json:"description"`
	Name        string `json:"name"`
	Limit       string `json:"limit"`

type LoginChecker added in v1.2111.0

type LoginChecker interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

func GetLoginCheckerByUserName added in v1.2111.0

func GetLoginCheckerByUserName(userName string) (LoginChecker, error)

GetLoginCheckerByUserName get login checker by user name and init login checker

type MaintenanceTimeReqV1 added in v1.2203.0

type MaintenanceTimeReqV1 struct {
	MaintenanceStartTime *TimeReqV1 `json:"maintenance_start_time"`
	MaintenanceStopTime  *TimeReqV1 `json:"maintenance_stop_time"`

type MaintenanceTimeResV1 added in v1.2203.0

type MaintenanceTimeResV1 struct {
	MaintenanceStartTime *TimeResV1 `json:"maintenance_start_time"`
	MaintenanceStopTime  *TimeResV1 `json:"maintenance_stop_time"`

type Oauth2ConfigurationReqV1 added in v1.2205.0

type Oauth2ConfigurationReqV1 struct {
	EnableOauth2    *bool     `json:"enable_oauth2"`
	ClientID        *string   `json:"client_id"`
	ClientKey       *string   `json:"client_key"`
	ClientHost      *string   `json:"client_host"`
	ServerAuthUrl   *string   `json:"server_auth_url"`
	ServerTokenUrl  *string   `json:"server_token_url"`
	ServerUserIdUrl *string   `json:"server_user_id_url"`
	Scopes          *[]string `json:"scopes"`
	AccessTokenTag  *string   `json:"access_token_tag"`
	UserIdTag       *string   `json:"user_id_tag"`
	LoginTip        *string   `json:"login_tip"`

type OperationResV1 added in v1.2202.0

type OperationResV1 struct {
	Code uint   `json:"op_code"`
	Desc string `json:"op_desc"`

type PartialSyncAuditPlanSQLsReqV1

type PartialSyncAuditPlanSQLsReqV1 struct {
	SQLs []AuditPlanSQLReqV1 `json:"audit_plan_sql_list" form:"audit_plan_sql_list"`

type PatchUserGroupReqV1 added in v1.2202.0

type PatchUserGroupReqV1 struct {
	Desc       *string   `json:"user_group_desc,omitempty" form:"user_group_desc" example:"this is a group"`
	Users      *[]string `json:"user_name_list,omitempty" form:"user_name_list"`
	IsDisabled *bool     `json:"is_disabled,omitempty" form:"is_disabled"`
	Roles      *[]string `json:"role_name_list,omitempty" form:"role_name_list"`

type RejectWorkflowReqV1

type RejectWorkflowReqV1 struct {
	Reason string `json:"reason" form:"reason"`

type RoleResV1

type RoleResV1 struct {
	Name      string   `json:"role_name"`
	Desc      string   `json:"role_desc"`
	Users     []string `json:"user_name_list,omitempty"`
	Instances []string `json:"instance_name_list,omitempty"`

type RoleTipResV1

type RoleTipResV1 struct {
	Name string `json:"role_name"`

type RuleParamReqV1 added in v1.2112.0

type RuleParamReqV1 struct {
	Key   string `json:"key" form:"key" valid:"required"`
	Value string `json:"value" form:"value" valid:"required"`

type RuleParamResV1 added in v1.2112.0

type RuleParamResV1 struct {
	Key   string `json:"key" form:"key"`
	Value string `json:"value" form:"value"`
	Desc  string `json:"desc" form:"desc"`
	Type  string `json:"type" form:"type" enums:"string,int,bool"`

type RuleReqV1

type RuleReqV1 struct {
	Name   string           `json:"name" form:"name" valid:"required" example:"ddl_check_index_count"`
	Level  string           `json:"level" form:"level" valid:"required" example:"error"`
	Params []RuleParamReqV1 `json:"params" form:"params" valid:"dive,required"`

type RuleResV1

type RuleResV1 struct {
	Name   string           `json:"rule_name"`
	Desc   string           `json:"desc"`
	Level  string           `json:"level" example:"error" enums:"normal,notice,warn,error"`
	Typ    string           `json:"type" example:"全局配置" `
	DBType string           `json:"db_type" example:"mysql"`
	Params []RuleParamResV1 `json:"params,omitempty"`

type RuleTemplateDetailResV1

type RuleTemplateDetailResV1 struct {
	Name      string      `json:"rule_template_name"`
	Desc      string      `json:"desc"`
	DBType    string      `json:"db_type"`
	Instances []string    `json:"instance_name_list,omitempty"`
	RuleList  []RuleResV1 `json:"rule_list,omitempty"`

type RuleTemplateResV1

type RuleTemplateResV1 struct {
	Name      string   `json:"rule_template_name"`
	Desc      string   `json:"desc"`
	DBType    string   `json:"db_type"`
	Instances []string `json:"instance_name_list,omitempty"`

type RuleTemplateTipReqV1

type RuleTemplateTipReqV1 struct {
	FilterDBType string `json:"filter_db_type" query:"filter_db_type"`

type RuleTemplateTipResV1

type RuleTemplateTipResV1 struct {
	Name   string `json:"rule_template_name"`
	DBType string `json:"db_type"`

type SMTPConfigurationResV1

type SMTPConfigurationResV1 struct {
	EnableSMTPNotify bool   `json:"enable_smtp_notify"`
	Host             string `json:"smtp_host"`
	Port             string `json:"smtp_port"`
	Username         string `json:"smtp_username"`

type SystemVariablesResV1

type SystemVariablesResV1 struct {
	WorkflowExpiredHours int `json:"workflow_expired_hours"`

type TestAuditPlanNotifyConfigResDataV1 added in v1.2204.0

type TestAuditPlanNotifyConfigResDataV1 struct {
	IsNotifySendNormal bool   `json:"is_notify_send_normal"`
	SendErrorMessage   string `json:"send_error_message,omitempty"`

type TestAuditPlanNotifyConfigResV1 added in v1.2204.0

type TestAuditPlanNotifyConfigResV1 struct {
	Data TestAuditPlanNotifyConfigResDataV1 `json:"data"`

type TestSMTPConfigurationReqV1 added in v1.2203.0

type TestSMTPConfigurationReqV1 struct {
	RecipientAddr string `json:"recipient_addr" from:"recipient_addr" description:"消息接收者邮箱地址" valid:"required,email"`

type TestSMTPConfigurationResDataV1 added in v1.2203.0

type TestSMTPConfigurationResDataV1 struct {
	IsSMTPSendNormal bool   `json:"is_smtp_send_normal"`
	SendErrorMessage string `json:"send_error_message,omitempty"`

type TestSMTPConfigurationResV1 added in v1.2203.0

type TestSMTPConfigurationResV1 struct {
	Data TestSMTPConfigurationResDataV1 `json:"data"`

type TestWeChatConfigurationReqV1 added in v1.2203.0

type TestWeChatConfigurationReqV1 struct {
	RecipientID string `json:"recipient_id" from:"recipient_id" description:"消息接收者企业微信ID"`

type TestWeChatConfigurationResDataV1 added in v1.2203.0

type TestWeChatConfigurationResDataV1 struct {
	IsWeChatSendNormal bool   `json:"is_wechat_send_normal"`
	SendErrorMessage   string `json:"send_error_message,omitempty"`

type TestWeChatConfigurationResV1 added in v1.2203.0

type TestWeChatConfigurationResV1 struct {
	Data TestWeChatConfigurationResDataV1 `json:"data"`

type TimeReqV1 added in v1.2203.0

type TimeReqV1 struct {
	Hour   int `json:"hour"`
	Minute int `json:"minute"`

type TimeResV1 added in v1.2203.0

type TimeResV1 struct {
	Hour   int `json:"hour"`
	Minute int `json:"minute"`

type TriggerAuditPlanResV1

type TriggerAuditPlanResV1 struct {
	Data AuditPlanReportResV1 `json:"data"`

type UpdateAuditPlanNotifyConfigReqV1 added in v1.2204.0

type UpdateAuditPlanNotifyConfigReqV1 struct {
	NotifyInterval      *int    `json:"notify_interval" default:"10"`
	NotifyLevel         *string `json:"notify_level" default:"warn" enums:"normal,notice,warn,error" valid:"oneof=normal notice warn error"`
	EnableEmailNotify   *bool   `json:"enable_email_notify"`
	EnableWebHookNotify *bool   `json:"enable_web_hook_notify"`
	WebHookURL          *string `json:"web_hook_url"`
	WebHookTemplate     *string `json:"web_hook_template"`

type UpdateAuditPlanReqV1

type UpdateAuditPlanReqV1 struct {
	Cron             *string               `json:"audit_plan_cron" form:"audit_plan_cron" example:"0 */2 * * *" valid:"omitempty,cron"`
	InstanceName     *string               `json:"audit_plan_instance_name" form:"audit_plan_instance_name" example:"test_mysql"`
	InstanceDatabase *string               `json:"audit_plan_instance_database" form:"audit_plan_instance_database" example:"app1"`
	Params           []AuditPlanParamReqV1 `json:"audit_plan_params" valid:"dive,required"`

type UpdateAuditTaskSQLsReqV1 added in v1.2201.0

type UpdateAuditTaskSQLsReqV1 struct {
	Description string `json:"description"`

type UpdateAuditWhitelistReqV1

type UpdateAuditWhitelistReqV1 struct {
	Value     *string `json:"value" example:"create table"`
	MatchType *string `json:"match_type" example:"exact_match" enums:"exact_match,fp_match"`
	Desc      *string `json:"desc" example:"used for rapid release"`

type UpdateCurrentUserPasswordReqV1

type UpdateCurrentUserPasswordReqV1 struct {
	Password    string `json:"password" valid:"required"`
	NewPassword string `json:"new_password"  valid:"required"`

type UpdateCurrentUserReqV1

type UpdateCurrentUserReqV1 struct {
	Email    *string `json:"email"`
	WeChatID *string `json:"wechat_id" example:"UserID"`

type UpdateInstanceReqV1

type UpdateInstanceReqV1 struct {
	DBType               *string                         `json:"db_type" form:"db_type" example:"mysql"`
	User                 *string                         `json:"db_user" form:"db_user" example:"root"`
	Host                 *string                         `json:"db_host" form:"db_host" example:"" valid:"omitempty,ip_addr|uri|hostname|hostname_rfc1123"`
	Port                 *string                         `json:"db_port" form:"db_port" example:"3306" valid:"omitempty,port"`
	Password             *string                         `json:"db_password" form:"db_password" example:"123456"`
	Desc                 *string                         `json:"desc" example:"this is a test instance"`
	WorkflowTemplateName *string                         `json:"workflow_template_name" form:"workflow_template_name"`
	MaintenanceTimes     []*MaintenanceTimeReqV1         `json:"maintenance_times" from:"maintenance_times"`
	RuleTemplates        []string                        `json:"rule_template_name_list" form:"rule_template_name_list"`
	Roles                []string                        `json:"role_name_list" form:"role_name_list"`
	AdditionalParams     []*InstanceAdditionalParamReqV1 `json:"additional_params" from:"additional_params"`

type UpdateOtherUserPasswordReqV1

type UpdateOtherUserPasswordReqV1 struct {
	Password string `json:"password"  valid:"required"`

type UpdateRoleReqV1

type UpdateRoleReqV1 struct {
	Desc      *string  `json:"role_desc" form:"role_desc"`
	Users     []string `json:"user_name_list" form:"user_name_list"`
	Instances []string `json:"instance_name_list" form:"instance_name_list"`

type UpdateRuleTemplateReqV1

type UpdateRuleTemplateReqV1 struct {
	Desc      *string     `json:"desc"`
	Instances []string    `json:"instance_name_list" example:"mysql-xxx"`
	RuleList  []RuleReqV1 `json:"rule_list" form:"rule_list" valid:"dive,required"`

type UpdateSMTPConfigurationReqV1

type UpdateSMTPConfigurationReqV1 struct {
	EnableSMTPNotify *bool   `json:"enable_smtp_notify" from:"enable_smtp_notify" description:"是否启用邮件通知"`
	Host             *string `json:"smtp_host" form:"smtp_host" example:"smtp.email.qq.com"`
	Port             *string `json:"smtp_port" form:"smtp_port" example:"465" valid:"omitempty,port"`
	Username         *string `json:"smtp_username" form:"smtp_username" example:"test@qq.com" valid:"omitempty,email"`
	Password         *string `json:"smtp_password" form:"smtp_password" example:"123"`

type UpdateSystemVariablesReqV1

type UpdateSystemVariablesReqV1 struct {
	WorkflowExpiredHours *int `json:"workflow_expired_hours" form:"workflow_expired_hours" example:"720"`

type UpdateUserReqV1

type UpdateUserReqV1 struct {
	Email      *string   `json:"email" valid:"omitempty,email" form:"email"`
	WeChatID   *string   `json:"wechat_id" example:"UserID"`
	Roles      *[]string `json:"role_name_list" form:"role_name_list"`
	IsDisabled *bool     `json:"is_disabled,omitempty" form:"is_disabled"`
	UserGroups *[]string `json:"user_group_name_list" form:"user_group_name_list"`

type UpdateWeChatConfigurationReqV1 added in v1.2203.0

type UpdateWeChatConfigurationReqV1 struct {
	EnableWeChatNotify *bool   `json:"enable_wechat_notify" from:"enable_wechat_notify" description:"是否启用微信通知"`
	CorpID             *string `json:"corp_id" from:"corp_id" description:"企业微信ID"`
	CorpSecret         *string `json:"corp_secret" from:"corp_secret" description:"企业微信ID对应密码"`
	AgentID            *int    `json:"agent_id" from:"agent_id" description:"企业微信应用ID"`
	SafeEnabled        *bool   `json:"safe_enabled" from:"safe_enabled" description:"是否对传输信息加密"`
	ProxyIP            *string `json:"proxy_ip" from:"proxy_ip" description:"企业微信代理服务器IP"`

type UpdateWorkflowReqV1

type UpdateWorkflowReqV1 struct {
	TaskId string `json:"task_id" form:"task_id" valid:"required"`

type UpdateWorkflowScheduleV1 added in v1.2112.0

type UpdateWorkflowScheduleV1 struct {
	ScheduleTime *time.Time `json:"schedule_time"`

type UpdateWorkflowTemplateReqV1

type UpdateWorkflowTemplateReqV1 struct {
	Desc                          *string                      `json:"desc" form:"desc"`
	AllowSubmitWhenLessAuditLevel *string                      `json:"allow_submit_when_less_audit_level" enums:"normal,notice,warn,error"`
	Steps                         []*WorkFlowStepTemplateReqV1 `json:"workflow_step_template_list" form:"workflow_step_template_list"`
	Instances                     []string                     `json:"instance_name_list" form:"instance_name_list"`

type UserDetailResV1

type UserDetailResV1 struct {
	Name       string   `json:"user_name"`
	Email      string   `json:"email"`
	IsAdmin    bool     `json:"is_admin"`
	WeChatID   string   `json:"wechat_id"`
	LoginType  string   `json:"login_type"`
	Roles      []string `json:"role_name_list,omitempty"`
	IsDisabled bool     `json:"is_disabled,omitempty"`
	UserGroups []string `json:"user_group_name_list,omitempty"`

type UserGroupListItemResV1 added in v1.2202.0

type UserGroupListItemResV1 struct {
	Name       string   `json:"user_group_name"`
	Desc       string   `json:"user_group_desc"`
	IsDisabled bool     `json:"is_disabled,omitempty"`
	Users      []string `json:"user_name_list,omitempty"`
	Roles      []string `json:"role_name_list,omitempty"`

type UserGroupTipListItem added in v1.2202.0

type UserGroupTipListItem struct {
	Name string `json:"user_group_name"`

type UserLoginReqV1

type UserLoginReqV1 struct {
	UserName string `json:"username" form:"username" example:"test" valid:"required"`
	Password string `json:"password" form:"password" example:"123456" valid:"required"`

type UserLoginResV1

type UserLoginResV1 struct {
	Token string `json:"token" example:"this is a jwt token string"`

type UserResV1

type UserResV1 struct {
	Name       string   `json:"user_name"`
	Email      string   `json:"email"`
	WeChatID   string   `json:"wechat_id"`
	LoginType  string   `json:"login_type"`
	IsDisabled bool     `json:"is_disabled,omitempty"`
	Roles      []string `json:"role_name_list,omitempty"`
	UserGroups []string `json:"user_group_name_list,omitempty"`

type UserTipResV1

type UserTipResV1 struct {
	Name string `json:"user_name"`

type WeChatConfigurationResV1 added in v1.2203.0

type WeChatConfigurationResV1 struct {
	EnableWeChatNotify bool   `json:"enable_wechat_notify"`
	CorpID             string `json:"corp_id"`
	AgentID            int    `json:"agent_id"`
	SafeEnabled        bool   `json:"safe_enabled"`
	ProxyIP            string `json:"proxy_ip"`

type WorkFlowStepTemplateReqV1

type WorkFlowStepTemplateReqV1 struct {
	Type                 string   `json:"type" form:"type" valid:"oneof=sql_review sql_execute" enums:"sql_review,sql_execute"`
	Desc                 string   `json:"desc" form:"desc"`
	ApprovedByAuthorized bool     `json:"approved_by_authorized"`
	Users                []string `json:"assignee_user_name_list" form:"assignee_user_name_list"`

type WorkFlowStepTemplateResV1

type WorkFlowStepTemplateResV1 struct {
	Number               int      `json:"number"`
	Typ                  string   `json:"type"`
	Desc                 string   `json:"desc,omitempty"`
	ApprovedByAuthorized bool     `json:"approved_by_authorized"`
	Users                []string `json:"assignee_user_name_list"`

type WorkflowDetailResV1

type WorkflowDetailResV1 struct {
	Id                      uint       `json:"workflow_id"`
	Subject                 string     `json:"subject"`
	Desc                    string     `json:"desc"`
	TaskPassRate            float64    `json:"task_pass_rate"`
	TaskScore               int32      `json:"task_score"`
	TaskInstance            string     `json:"task_instance_name"`
	TaskInstanceSchema      string     `json:"task_instance_schema"`
	CreateUser              string     `json:"create_user_name"`
	CreateTime              *time.Time `json:"create_time"`
	CurrentStepType         string     `json:"current_step_type,omitempty" enums:"sql_review,sql_execute"`
	CurrentStepAssigneeUser []string   `json:"current_step_assignee_user_name_list,omitempty"`
	Status                  string     `json:"status" enums:"on_process,rejected,canceled,exec_scheduled,executing,exec_failed,finished"`
	ScheduleTime            *time.Time `json:"schedule_time,omitempty"`

type WorkflowRecordResV1

type WorkflowRecordResV1 struct {
	TaskId            uint                 `json:"task_id"`
	CurrentStepNumber uint                 `json:"current_step_number,omitempty"`
	Status            string               `json:"status" enums:"on_process,rejected,canceled,exec_scheduled,executing,exec_failed,finished"`
	ScheduleTime      *time.Time           `json:"schedule_time,omitempty"`
	ScheduleUser      string               `json:"schedule_user,omitempty"`
	Steps             []*WorkflowStepResV1 `json:"workflow_step_list,omitempty"`

type WorkflowResV1

type WorkflowResV1 struct {
	Id                       uint                    `json:"workflow_id"`
	Subject                  string                  `json:"subject"`
	Desc                     string                  `json:"desc,omitempty"`
	CreateUser               string                  `json:"create_user_name"`
	CreateTime               *time.Time              `json:"create_time"`
	InstanceMaintenanceTimes []*MaintenanceTimeResV1 `json:"instance_maintenance_times"`
	Record                   *WorkflowRecordResV1    `json:"record"`
	RecordHistory            []*WorkflowRecordResV1  `json:"record_history_list,omitempty"`

type WorkflowStatisticsResV1

type WorkflowStatisticsResV1 struct {
	MyWorkflowNumber         uint64 `json:"my_on_process_workflow_number"`
	MyRejectedWorkflowNumber uint64 `json:"my_rejected_workflow_number"`
	NeedMeReviewNumber       uint64 `json:"need_me_to_review_workflow_number"`
	NeedMeExecuteNumber      uint64 `json:"need_me_to_execute_workflow_number"`

type WorkflowStepResV1

type WorkflowStepResV1 struct {
	Id            uint       `json:"workflow_step_id,omitempty"`
	Number        uint       `json:"number"`
	Type          string     `json:"type" enums:"create_workflow,update_workflow,sql_review,sql_execute"`
	Desc          string     `json:"desc,omitempty"`
	Users         []string   `json:"assignee_user_name_list,omitempty"`
	OperationUser string     `json:"operation_user_name,omitempty"`
	OperationTime *time.Time `json:"operation_time,omitempty"`
	State         string     `json:"state,omitempty" enums:"initialized,approved,rejected"`
	Reason        string     `json:"reason,omitempty"`

type WorkflowTemplateDetailResV1

type WorkflowTemplateDetailResV1 struct {
	Name                          string                       `json:"workflow_template_name"`
	Desc                          string                       `json:"desc,omitempty"`
	AllowSubmitWhenLessAuditLevel string                       `json:"allow_submit_when_less_audit_level" enums:"normal,notice,warn,error"`
	Steps                         []*WorkFlowStepTemplateResV1 `json:"workflow_step_template_list"`
	Instances                     []string                     `json:"instance_name_list,omitempty"`

type WorkflowTemplateResV1

type WorkflowTemplateResV1 struct {
	Name string `json:"workflow_template_name"`
	Desc string `json:"desc"`

type WorkflowTemplateTipResV1

type WorkflowTemplateTipResV1 struct {
	Name string `json:"workflow_template_name"`

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