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Published: Mar 6, 2025 License: MIT


Common Go packages for writing applications, services, and tools

GoDoc Widget

The project includes the following packages:

  • config - loading configuration from environment variables, files, and io.Reader. YAML and JSON formats are supported out of the box.
  • httpclient - helpers and a set of http.RoundTripper implementations for simplifying typical HTTP client operations (e.g. retries, client-side throttling, setting any header for each request, etc.).
  • httpserver - configurable HTTP server (wrapper around http.Server) that includes graceful shutdown support, panic recovery, metrics collection, and logging.
  • httpserver/middleware - collection of middlewares for HTTP server (e.g. request logging, metrics collection, panic recovery, in-flight request limiting, rate limiting, request-id tracing, etc.).
  • httpserver/middleware/throttle - ready-to-use middleware for server-side throttling that can be flexibly configured via JSON or YAML. The package has its own README, so check it out for more details.
  • log - unified interface for structured logging with included configurable adapter for tiny, fast, and memory-efficient (zero-allocation) logf logger.
  • lrucache - in-memory LRU cache with collecting Prometheus metrics.
  • netutil - utilities for working with network.
  • profserver - profiling HTTP server (pprof).
  • restapi - set of simple functions for doing requests and sending responses in the REST API.
  • retry - helper functions for doing retryable operations.
  • service - ready-to-use primitives for creating services and managing their lifecycle.
  • testutil - helpers for writing tests.


go get -u github.com/acronis/go-appkit


Simple service that provides HTTP API

The following example demonstrates how to create a simple service with

  • Configuration loading from environment variables and a yaml file.
  • HTTP server with request logging, metrics collection, primitive tracing and versioned API endpoints.
  • Profiling server (pprof) for debugging purposes running on a separate port.
  • Graceful shutdown on SIGTERM and SIGINT signals.
package main

import (
	golog "log"



func main() {
	if err := runApp(); err != nil {

func runApp() error {
	cfg, err := loadConfigFromFile("config.yaml")
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("load config: %w", err)

	logger, closeFn := log.NewLogger(cfg.Log)
	defer closeFn()

	var serviceUnits []service.Unit

	// Create HTTP server that provides /healthz, /metrics, and /api/{service-name}/v{number}/* endpoints.
	httpServer, err := makeHTTPServer(cfg.Server, logger)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	serviceUnits = append(serviceUnits, httpServer)

	if cfg.ProfServer.Enabled {
		// Create HTTP server for profiling (pprof is used under the hood).
		serviceUnits = append(serviceUnits, profserver.New(cfg.ProfServer, logger))

	return service.New(logger, service.NewCompositeUnit(serviceUnits...)).Start()

func makeHTTPServer(cfg *httpserver.Config, logger log.FieldLogger) (*httpserver.HTTPServer, error) {
	const errorDomain = "MyService" // Error domain is useful for distinguishing errors from different services (e.g. proxies).

	apiRoutes := map[httpserver.APIVersion]httpserver.APIRoute{
		1: func(router chi.Router) {
			router.Get("/hello", v1HelloHandler())
		2: func(router chi.Router) {
			router.Get("/hi", v2HiHandler(errorDomain))

	opts := httpserver.Opts{
		ServiceNameInURL: "my-service",
		ErrorDomain:      errorDomain,
		APIRoutes:        apiRoutes,
		HealthCheck: func() (httpserver.HealthCheckResult, error) {
			// 503 status code will be returned if any of the components is unhealthy.
			return map[httpserver.HealthCheckComponentName]httpserver.HealthCheckStatus{
				"component-a": httpserver.HealthCheckStatusOK,
				"component-b": httpserver.HealthCheckStatusOK,
			}, nil

	httpServer, err := httpserver.New(cfg, logger, opts)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Custom routes can be added using chi.Router directly.
	httpServer.HTTPRouter.Get("/custom-route", customRouteHandler)

	return httpServer, nil

func loadConfigFromFile(filePath string) (*AppConfig, error) {
	cfg := NewAppConfig()
	err := config.NewDefaultLoader("my_service").LoadFromFile(filePath, config.DataTypeYAML, cfg)
	return cfg, err

func v1HelloHandler() func(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	return func(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		logger := middleware.GetLoggerFromContext(r.Context())
		restapi.RespondJSON(rw, map[string]string{"message": "Hello from v1"}, logger)

func v2HiHandler(errorDomain string) func(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	return func(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		logger := middleware.GetLoggerFromContext(r.Context())
		name := r.URL.Query().Get("name")
		if len(name) < 3 {
			apiErr := restapi.NewError(errorDomain, "invalidName", "Name must be at least 3 characters long")
			restapi.RespondError(rw, http.StatusBadRequest, apiErr, middleware.GetLoggerFromContext(r.Context()))
		restapi.RespondJSON(rw, map[string]string{"message": fmt.Sprintf("Hi %s from v2", name)}, logger)

func customRouteHandler(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	logger := middleware.GetLoggerFromContext(r.Context())
	if _, err := rw.Write([]byte("Content from the custom route")); err != nil {
		logger.Error("error while writing response body", log.Error(err))

type AppConfig struct {
	Server     *httpserver.Config
	ProfServer *profserver.Config
	Log        *log.Config

func NewAppConfig() *AppConfig {
	return &AppConfig{
		Server:     httpserver.NewConfig(),
		ProfServer: profserver.NewConfig(),
		Log:        log.NewConfig(),

func (c *AppConfig) SetProviderDefaults(dp config.DataProvider) {
	config.CallSetProviderDefaultsForFields(c, dp)

func (c *AppConfig) Set(dp config.DataProvider) error {
	return config.CallSetForFields(c, dp)

Configuration file config.yaml:

  address: ":8888"
    write: 1m
    read: 15s
    readHeader: 10s
    idle: 1m
    shutdown: 5s
    maxBodySize: 1M
    requestStart: true
  enabled: true
  address: ":8889"
  level: info
  format: json
  output: stdout

Run the service:

$ go run main.go

Check the service API:

$ curl -w "\nHTTP code: %{http_code}\n" localhost:8888/api/my-service/v1/hello                                                                                                                                                               [130]
HTTP code: 200

$ curl -w "\nHTTP code: %{http_code}\n" 'localhost:8888/api/my-service/v2/hi?name='
{"error":{"domain":"MyService","code":"invalidName","message":"Name must be at least 3 characters long"}}
HTTP code: 400

$ curl -w "\nHTTP code: %{http_code}\n" 'localhost:8888/api/my-service/v2/hi?name=Alice'
{"message":"Hi Alice"}
HTTP code: 200

Check the service health and metrics:

$ curl -w "\nHTTP code: %{http_code}\n" localhost:8888/healthz
HTTP code: 200

$ curl localhost:8888/metrics
# HELP http_request_duration_seconds A histogram of the HTTP request durations.
# TYPE http_request_duration_seconds histogram
http_request_duration_seconds_bucket{method="GET",route_pattern="/api/my-service/v1/hello",status_code="200",user_agent_type="http-client",le="0.01"} 1
http_request_duration_seconds_bucket{method="GET",route_pattern="/api/my-service/v1/hello",status_code="200",user_agent_type="http-client",le="600"} 1
http_request_duration_seconds_bucket{method="GET",route_pattern="/api/my-service/v1/hello",status_code="200",user_agent_type="http-client",le="+Inf"} 1
http_request_duration_seconds_sum{method="GET",route_pattern="/api/my-service/v1/hello",status_code="200",user_agent_type="http-client"} 0.000184125
http_request_duration_seconds_count{method="GET",route_pattern="/api/my-service/v1/hello",status_code="200",user_agent_type="http-client"} 1
http_request_duration_seconds_bucket{method="GET",route_pattern="/api/my-service/v2/hi",status_code="400",user_agent_type="http-client",le="0.01"} 1
http_request_duration_seconds_bucket{method="GET",route_pattern="/api/my-service/v2/hi",status_code="400",user_agent_type="http-client",le="600"} 1
http_request_duration_seconds_bucket{method="GET",route_pattern="/api/my-service/v2/hi",status_code="400",user_agent_type="http-client",le="+Inf"} 1
http_request_duration_seconds_sum{method="GET",route_pattern="/api/my-service/v2/hi",status_code="400",user_agent_type="http-client"} 0.000326041
http_request_duration_seconds_count{method="GET",route_pattern="/api/my-service/v2/hi",status_code="400",user_agent_type="http-client"} 1
# HELP http_requests_in_flight Current number of HTTP requests being served.
# TYPE http_requests_in_flight gauge
http_requests_in_flight{method="GET",route_pattern="/api/my-service/v1/hello",user_agent_type="http-client"} 0
http_requests_in_flight{method="GET",route_pattern="/api/my-service/v2/hi",user_agent_type="http-client"} 0

Service logs:

{"level":"info","time":"2024-06-04T20:22:01.862351+03:00","msg":"starting application HTTP server...","pid":8455,"address":":8888","write_timeout":"1m0s","read_timeout":"15s","read_header_timeout":"10s","idle_timeout":"1m0s","shutdown_timeout":"
{"level":"info","time":"2024-06-04T20:22:01.862516+03:00","msg":"starting profiling HTTP server...","pid":8455,"address":":8889"}
{"level":"info","time":"2024-06-04T20:22:08.075376+03:00","msg":"request started","pid":8455,"request_id":"cpfkqg3juspi21pmber0","int_request_id":"cpfkqg3juspi21pmberg","trace_id":"","method":"GET","uri":"/api/my-service/v1/hello","remote_addr":"[::1]:59994","content_length":0,"user_agent":"curl/8.6.0","remote_addr_ip":"::1","remote_addr_port":59994}
{"level":"info","time":"2024-06-04T20:22:08.075518+03:00","msg":"response completed in 0.000s","pid":8455,"request_id":"cpfkqg3juspi21pmber0","int_request_id":"cpfkqg3juspi21pmberg","trace_id":"","method":"GET","uri":"/api/my-service/v1/hello","remote_addr":"[::1]:59994","content_length":0,"user_agent":"curl/8.6.0","remote_addr_ip":"::1","remote_addr_port":59994,"duration_ms":0,"duration":184,"status":200,"bytes_sent":19}
{"level":"info","time":"2024-06-04T20:31:14.002993+03:00","msg":"service got signal","pid":8455,"signal":"interrupt"}
{"level":"info","time":"2024-06-04T20:31:14.003051+03:00","msg":"closing profiling HTTP server...","pid":8455}
{"level":"info","time":"2024-06-04T20:31:14.00321+03:00","msg":"profiling HTTP served closed","pid":8455,"address":":8889"}
{"level":"info","time":"2024-06-04T20:31:14.003254+03:00","msg":"shutting down application HTTP server...","pid":8455,"timeout":"5s"}
{"level":"info","time":"2024-06-04T20:31:14.003365+03:00","msg":"application HTTP server closed","pid":8455,"address":":8888","write_timeout":"1m0s","read_timeout":"15s","read_header_timeout":"10s","idle_timeout":"1m0s","shutdown_timeout":"5s"}
{"level":"info","time":"2024-06-04T20:31:14.003412+03:00","msg":"application HTTP server shut down","pid":8455}


Copyright © 2024 Acronis International GmbH.

Licensed under MIT License.


Path Synopsis
Package config intends to make loading configuration easier (https://github.com/spf13/viper is used under the hood).
Package config intends to make loading configuration easier (https://github.com/spf13/viper is used under the hood).
Package httpclient contains helpers for doing HTTP requests (for example, round trippers for retrying and rate limiting).
Package httpclient contains helpers for doing HTTP requests (for example, round trippers for retrying and rate limiting).
Package httpserver provides preconfigured and ready-to-use in production HTTP server.
Package httpserver provides preconfigured and ready-to-use in production HTTP server.
Package middleware contains set of middlewares for HTTP server.
Package middleware contains set of middlewares for HTTP server.
Package throttle provides configurable middleware for throttling HTTP requests on the server side.
Package throttle provides configurable middleware for throttling HTTP requests on the server side.
Package log provides interface for structured loggers and logf (https://github.com/ssgreg/logf) adapter implementation.
Package log provides interface for structured loggers and logf (https://github.com/ssgreg/logf) adapter implementation.
Package logtest provides implementation of log.FieldLogger that allows writing tests for logging functionality.
Package logtest provides implementation of log.FieldLogger that allows writing tests for logging functionality.
Package lrucache provides in-memory cache with LRU eviction policy, expiration mechanism, and Prometheus metrics.
Package lrucache provides in-memory cache with LRU eviction policy, expiration mechanism, and Prometheus metrics.
Package netutil provides utilities for working with network.
Package netutil provides utilities for working with network.
Package profserver provides HTTP server for profiling (pprof is used under the hood).
Package profserver provides HTTP server for profiling (pprof is used under the hood).
Package restapi provides a set of helpers to implement REST API following Acronis REST API Guidelines.
Package restapi provides a set of helpers to implement REST API following Acronis REST API Guidelines.
Package retry is a wrapper around github.com/cenkalti/backoff that provides do-with-retry helper functions.
Package retry is a wrapper around github.com/cenkalti/backoff that provides do-with-retry helper functions.
Package service provides ready-to-use primitives for creating services in Acronis Cyber Cloud.
Package service provides ready-to-use primitives for creating services in Acronis Cyber Cloud.
Package testutil provides useful functions and helpers for writing tests.
Package testutil provides useful functions and helpers for writing tests.

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