Mattermost Trac Bot

The Mattermost Trac Bot connects to a Mattermost server, listens on some
channels for ticket IDs, and replies to the messages with information about the
A typical conversation could look like:
<user1> @user2 have you fixed ticket #35 yet ?
<trac_bot> Ticket 35 (defect, new) — Panic in backend code
<user2> Not yet, going to take a look right now!
- Can connect to one or several Trac instances, using either HTTP or form based
- Can listen to an arbitrary number of channels, and be configured to allow only
certain channels to query certain Trac instances
- Easy to install, well documented: compiles to a single, static binary, and
shipped with a comprehensively documented configuration file.
Until there are binary releases, you need the Go toolchain to get and compile
the binary:
GOPATH=$(pwd) go get -u
If everything went well, you should have a mattermost-trac-bot
binary in the
directory. Download the sample config.yaml
file from this repository,
adjust it to your needs, and start the bot with
./bin/mattermost-trac-bot -config config.yaml