k8s.gcr.io Quick Fix(es)
This repo is a rather quickly thrown together set of resources to help out in case you have a cluster that still references k8s.gcr.io
for many core images.
If you are unsure whether you are affected by this, please use the community-images put together by the Kubernetes Community
Solution 1: Mutating Webhook
tl;dr: Run this command on your cluster assuming you have kubeadmin
permissions and openssl installed:
curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/abstractinfrastructure/k8s-gcr-quickfix/main/install.sh | bash
This will create a MutatingWebhook in your cluster that watches for any new pod to be created, and will automatically replace k8s.gcr.io
with registry.k8s.io
The logic behind it is in cmd/main.go. The majority of the install script is generating self-signed certificates for the Webhook to use.
Note: If you're running this in OSX, make sure you have GNU sed installed please. :)
Solution 2: Kyverno Policy
tl;dr: Run this command on your cluster, assuming you have Kyverno installed on the cluster:
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/abstractinfrastructure/k8s-gcr-quickfix/main/kyverno-policy.yaml
This will create a Kyverno Policy that will behave exactly like Option 1. Kyverno will watch for any Pod that's Created or Updated and automatically replace k8s.gcr.io
with registry.k8s.io
Relevant Links
registry.k8s.io: faster, cheaper and Generally Available (GA)
k8s.gcr.io Image Registry Will Be Frozen From the 3rd of April 2023
Help Wanted
This is a community problem, and there are likely more/better ways to solve this. Please contribute, file issues, or reach out to either @jeefy or @mrbobbytables with questions.