This repository contains a client/server solution implementing the classic Greet service using the following technologies:
Grpc Health
Grpc Reflection
Protocol Buffers
File Generation
There are three ways to generate the Protocol Buffer and ConnectRPC files:
protoc -I proto --go_out='gen/' --go_opt=paths=source_relative --connect-go_out='gen/' --connect-go_opt=paths=source_relative $(find proto -name '*.proto')
buf generate proto
bazel build
bazel build //proto/greet/v1:greetv1_connect_go_proto
This command will generate the Protocol Buffers & Connect RPC files.
bazel build //proto/greet/v1:greetv1_connect_go_proto
bazel build //proto/greet/v1:greetv1_go_proto
The first command generates the Protocol Buffer file.
The second command generates the ConnectRPC file.
It doesn't generate the Protocol Buffer file unless it has changed.
There are two alternatives to build the solution depending on how you
generated the Protocol Buffer and ConnectRPC files:
Go Build From protoc or buf
go build ./...
Bazel Build
bazel build //...
IMPORTANT: If you want to build interchangeably using 'go build' or 'bazel build', the import paths in the generated files must be consistent. Essentially, each path in the plugin's 'out' field must be the root of the importpath & overrideimportpath in the go_proto_library blocks in proto/greet/v1/BUILD.bazel. Here is an example from this repository's code showing proper alignment between the configuration files using a path starting at 'gen'.
proto/greet/v1/greet1connect/BUILD.bazel (redacted to relevant blocks)
proto/greet/v1/BUILD.bazel (redacted to relevant blocks)